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I am aware I am super late when it comes to talking about this movie, but I felt like that, now that I have analysed it, anal-ized it, and pretty much picked out everything about this film, I feel like now is the perfect time to discuss this film and see what it’s worth is. So with that being said, let’s talk about Spielberg

In the recent years, Steven Spielberg has been seen as an old coot who can’t make it with the times, hides all his bad composição literária behind a ton of CGI, and just some guy who should probably retire with all of his money and cadastrar-se the ranks of washed up directors like George Lucas. But there was a time when Spielberg was the best of the best when it came to making movies. He made thrillers, adventures, sci-fi, pretty much a ton of filmes that impressed and fascinated people all over the world, like Jaws, E.T., Jurassic Park, and Schindler’s List (I don’t think that last one can just fit anywhere, but whatever). But if you were to tell me that Spielberg was going to make a movie about video games, pop culture references, and virtual reality, I would’ve said…. “Huh?”. And now here we are, with the movie Ready Player One, based on the book written por Ernest Cline, from Ohio……. Oh. Well, I’m sure Ready Player One isn’t that terrible, right-

I: Oasis, AKA VR Chat 2.0

Well flick my sack and call me Jack, what a painfully average film this was. Let’s talk about all the terrible things that are involved in this movie. So let’s talk about it. In the not so distant future, everyone is given these big VR headsets, because like Polygon, AKA the greatest and totally not-biased video game journalism site out there, virtual video gaming really was the future of gaming. Everyone has it, from kids running down the streets to evil businessmen to people living in trailer parks. They all own these virtual reality headsets, but none of them own guns, like when say a crazy businessman comes waving a gun around to kill a group of kids after blowing up a portion of the park. But I’m getting ahead of myself. So in the world of Oasis, they say that anyone can be whatever they want. As long as that someone was in the legal rights, so no nintendo characters. I guess nintendo just up and died around that time. Hell, when I think about it, música and filmes just kinda up and fucking died around the 80s in this movie. All there are is references to old música like A-Ha, Duran Duran, and Michael Jackson, and film references like estrela Wars, Back to the Future, or talking about the Iron Giant as he does a terminator-Exterminador do Futuro 2 thumbs up. Remember when Iron Giant wasn’t a gun? Well, fuck it. Iron Giant is a huge gun. Get in that business building and light the fucking place up, Giant

But hang on, cause there is a lot about the Oasis I don’t get. Like, why is it that some people can just sit around in a chair or in one room to play the game, but everyone else has to run around like fucking fools with these headsets on to be in the game. The main characters just gotta sit around in a big chair, or at the very least, are limited to one room. But in the big final battle near the end of the movie, you have people running in the streets with these headsets on, doing karate kicks and judo moves out in public, which if this was any other world, these kids would get laughed at. But in all seriousness, what is stopping these kids from running into walls, or hitting each other trying to play the game, or running into oncoming traffic. There is a scene where the businessman can see them from his car window as they are playing the game right seguinte to the street. What’s stopping these kids from running into the rua and dying? And this is mais of a nitpick, or rather, a NikPik (Fucking kill me), but are you telling me there is no one in this game that would be a meme character? No trolls or nothing. There is an item in the game that kills everyone in the game once it is activating. Fallout 76 is proof that anyone with that kind of power can do some destruction. They steal the launch codes for rockets, and launch them to the tutorial town, ruining the playthrough for newcomers. And at the least, there is not one grown man playing as an animê girl or even, god forbid, a painfully unfunny Ugandan Knuckles.

II: Can’t Make an Omelette...

So there is an actual plot in this movie. It’s not very good, but it’s better than nothing. The game designer, this autistic cuckling of a man, has set up a challenge in his game. He has three easter eggs hidden in his game world, and the first person who can collect them will be given the rights to his game and can run it however they please, as long as they don’t make the same mistakes he did, because game design is bad. And the challenges are a fucking plague on everything. The first challenge is the biggest joke in the world. The riddle is that, at the race for the egg, you aren’t actually supposed to race through a race track that is stopped por King Kong with his Expanding Dong. No, you are supposed to back up and go in reverse. A riddle that can be found in the games hall of records in one scene. In the years that people have been searching for this thing, the answer was in this single hall, and the main character found it so damn fast. It would’ve taken the community not even a fucking ano before they cracked the code and found that first egg. So, that’s one egg that is a real annoyance to me. How about that segundo one. I hear in the book that they had to repeat an entire 20 minuto song por the band Rush, which would sound fun, but for the sake of not having the rights to use that music, they had to go with the seguinte best thing. Use the hotel from The Shining without Jack Nicholson. And now Nikpiks Nik is gonna shut up for a second, cause now it is time for Corner of Horror Nik to come out of his coffin to talk about what this scene is an insult the haunting beauty that is the film The Shining. Now I like what they were trying to do. I liked how they gave the scene a mais film grain look to it and I like how they replicated the hotel, but my god do I just hate this scene. I hate how it has to force these characters into the area when they could’ve used something else. I hate how they spoil every great scare in the movie from the two twin girls to the woman in the bathtub to the elevator of blood to Jack Nicholson who isn’t really Jack Nicholson chasing them through the hedge maze. Any kid who looks at this film today isn’t going to be scared por this scene like the originally film intended. It’s just gonna be a bunch of dumb points that are brushed on so damn fast. I wouldn’t even have a complaint if it was just one of these but they go through the entire fucking movie that I can’t help but feel insulted as to how they rush and still spoil one of the greatest horror filmes out there. Also that part where the girl is jumping around on zombies in a ballroom like it’s Mario makes me ill. But hey, let me sidetrack for a segundo and talk about said girl for a brief period, cause boy does this irritate me.

III: DeFormed, DeSgusting

So the girl in the movie is played por one Olivia Cooke. This is her in real life.

I’m not the kind of person who drools and goes to town to photographs of celebrities, but it’s clear that she is a relatively attractive young woman. But in the movie, she is said to be a hideous girl, going on about how the main character could never amor her because she is nothing like she is in the game. And when we meet her in real life in the movie, this is what she looks like

So as you can see por the look of this fucking Quasimodo creature, clearly I wouldn’t stick my dick in that. Absolutely foul and disgusting. But no, seriously, what? The movie makes her out to be this really ugly character, and all they can do is slap a birthmark on her eye which she hides with her hair and they make her kinda socially awkward. It’s such an 80s trope to just use a scar or a birthmark or something to make a character look ugly so the main character can be all, “Looks aren’t everything, it’s what’s on the inside that counts”. What sort of fucking old coot that can’t get with the times made this movie… Oh right, Spielberg.

IV: ...Without Cracking a Few Eggs

So after two eggs were a bust, the last one, the very last one, where all the characters have to get to it. The businessman is on them, they are down one teammate, and they are now nearing the last egg. This is their all or nothing gambit. All the chips are on the mesa, tabela now. How do they do it. Well, they gotta go and discover the first easter egg. But what could that be. Oh, it’s just Adventure on Atari…… Of course. Fucking…. Fucking goddammit Spielberg. I know you aren’t exactly a writer and mais a director, but could you be anymore predictable? And this is dumb too, cause not only does the main character bring a suit that comes with the VR headset that allows him to feel everything, from pleasure to pain to the final fight, which is really dumb, kinda lik how Oro from rua Fighter uses one arm in a fight to give his opponents a fair fight but even mais retarded, but the way the main character deals with getting to it so no one else, say the businessman, can blow his brains clean all over that Atari 2600 is that he uses the fucking Killer Queen’s Bites the Dust cube on everyone, which sends them all back por an hour. So how does that work? It doesn’t erase people’s memory of the events. And the girl doesn’t get sent back either, just the villains. Unless that really was a Bites the Dust thing.

V: Wasted Potential in Mirroring

But here’s something that I feel like the movie really had going for it, something that could really make it work, and that was the mirroring between the two characters, the main character and the game designer for the Oasis. The game designer is seen as this brilliant genius who is worshipped like a god, kinda like real world celebrities. But in reality, he is a socially awkward dork who likes pop cutlure from his time and had his funeral flores arranged to look like the estrela Trek logo. Honestly, this character was the most interesting part of the movie. Because despite being hailed as a genius, he has a ton of mistakes in his life from his game ruining his chances with a girl he liked to ruining his friendship in the real world all over this game. And as I saw that the main character was heading down something similar, I thought that this could be something really interesting. Allow me to suck my own dick as a writer for a bit, but the idea of this idea of failure being imminent was interesting to me. But the problem is that, despite the main character doing exactly the same thing, he works it out because he doesn’t become the worst thing you can be: A sell out

So yeah, the hole dynamic fails, and the main character manages to succeed in every aspect where the game designer failed. Call me a cynical asshole, but I would’ve loved it a lot mais if the main character at least succeeded in some regard but still had to make sacrifices. But he makes no sacrifices. Oh, he lost his aunt- No, sorry, he lost his mom’s sister. He wasn’t even sad. He was mais surprised than anything, kinda tired, but that’s it. You didn’t react to nothing. But oi at least he’s a good kid with a good head on his shoulders- Oh wait, no, he’s an idiot and a dick, and I will explain right now

VI: We Sold Out

So the movie ends with the main character getting tested por the game designer to sign the contract to own the company, but he realises that it’s not worth it, cause all he wants is to be with his friends and his slimebeast of a girlfriend. So the businessman comes to the trailer park of fun, whiping out from his pocket a fucking gun, ready to blow the kids brains out all over the back of the van. And again, none of these trailer parks have any firearms, or are doing anything to stop him from walking towards these kids. I know for a fact they have guns. I live in Ohio. I go to Columbus. I’ve seen trailer parks, with fucking crazy amounts of shotguns. Don’t bullshit me movie. Don’t bullshit me with this movie. But hey, the businessman is taken away por the cops who were probably too busy dealing with the kung-fu generation going around, and the gang are able to get the ability to run the Oasis. So what do they do? Oh, nothing much. They close down the Oasis on Tuesdays and Thrusdays- Wait, pardon me, cuckling!? Hold the fuck up, my dude. You close down the entire thing, on Tuesdays and Thursdays!? Are you fucking me with this!? He says that his reason for this is because it’s nice to not play games all your life and that you should experience things in the real world, he says as he sits in his high rise building with a fuck ton of cash in a nice suit as he makes out with his hot girlfriend. Oh, you can suck a wet fart from my fucking ass, movie. That is so stupid in so many ways? If you want to have people experience things in real life, that’s fine, but don’t force them to do it por closing them out of the game completely. Give them an option to quit. What if there are people who work a shit job on the weekend (Like me) and only get days off on Tuesdays and Thursdays (LIKE ME), and have nothing else better to do in their lives (This is getting too real now). What is stopping these people from filling their mouths with the cold barrel of a shotgun. I really hope to see the suicide rates increase because of this decision. What a terrible decision.

VII: Judgement

So what do I make of this movie, aside from the fact that it is just bad in every way regarding it’s ideas. Well, I can say this for sure, I wasn’t disappointed, cause that would assume I was even remotely interested in watching this movie, but I swear to god, so many people in school and in my group of friends told me how good it was and yet here we are, a bland, uninteresting film that gets the most generic storytelling across. Honestly, and I can’t believe I have to say this, but The Room is a mais fun movie to watch. Now, is it a better movie, in terms of writing, acting, camera work, sound design, all that stuff. Fuck no, The Room is a mess. But it is so much of a mess that it is a fun movie. Ready Player One is just average. So average that it comes off as boring that it just isn’t a fun movie to watch. Spielberg, listen, you have talent (Most of the time), and despite the fact that I have been giving you a hard time in this article, I want you to make good movies, cause I know you can. But dear god, Ready Player One is not one of them. Please just stick to mais sci-fi and adventure films. Never make something like this again. Ready Player One, an average, nothing movie, and that is the worst thing you can be to me. So in short, yes, Ready Player One is the segundo worst movie ever. Still right behind Divergent.

Sarah couldn't make a noise.Ariana ran to the little girl.Sarah got a grip on the sticks.When she stopped the little girl.Sarah stabbed Ariana in the back."OOOOWWWW!!WHAT THE HECK YOU LITTLE IDIOT!"She yelled.She dropped to her knees.I picked up the little girl,which was crying."It's okay.Let's get you to your mommy."Her mom was crying too."Here's your daughter."Sarah said."THANK YOU!THANK YOU!"The mom said and cheered.
Sarah walked back.
"SARAH!Oh my gosh!"Alicia said and she hugged her.
"That was amazing."Maybelle said.
"Guys!Focus!The stone."Sarah said.They got out and ran."Oh no!The Rights!That's...
continue reading...
It was The night of Scarlett's sleepover,The guests arrived quickly.
S:Hey!Chloe and Nancy are already here,Penny.
P:Okay,Um...Where do I put my sleeping bag?
M:Bye Honey!I gotta go to work!
S:Bye mom!
N:Can we play 'Truth or Dare'?
S:Don't see why not.
Scarlett got a travesseiro and put it in her lap.
N:Okay,Chloe!Truth or dare?
C:Grrr.Okay.Penny,Truth or dare?
C:Alright,I dare you to...Name ONE Scary movie you've watched!
P:Oh...Well....lets see...(gulp)...HARRY POTTER!
S:As much as we hate him....Doesn't...
continue reading...
1. Relate everything they say to the Harry Potter books and/or movies.

2. Say they look like a Harry Potter character of the opposite gender.

3. Quote Dobby.

4. Hog the computer 24/7 while logged onto MuggleNet.

5. Read out loud to them whenever they can't get away from you (Example: When in a car or an elevator). If you don't have a book with you, recite from memory.

6. Give them Harry Potter merchandise for their birthday and natal and demand that they keep it and treasure it forever.

7. Rewrite their favorito song with Harry Potter lyrics and sing it constantly.

8. Crowd their inbox...
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What women should tell men...but don't

1. The reason why our bras don't always match our underwear is because WE actually change our underwear.

2. The seguinte time you and your buddies make jokes about armed women in combat, take a pesquisa to see which of you successfully aim at the toilet rim.

3. If we're watching football with you - it's not bonding - it's their butts.

4. Whenever possible, please try to say whatever you have to say after the movie.

5. Lay off the beans several hours before bedtime.

6. Please don't drive when you're not driving.

7. If you were really looking for an honest answer, you...
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posted by karpach_14
Jack and Betty are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

"Betty, I was wondering -- have you ever cheated on me?"

"Oh Jack, why would you ask such a pergunta now? You don't want to ask that question..."

"Yes, Betty, I really want to know. Please."

"Well, all right. Yes, 3 times."

"Three? When were they?"

"Well, Jack, remember when you were 35 years old and you really wanted to start the business on your own and no bank would give you a loan? Remember how one dia the bank president himself came over to the house and signed the loan papers, no perguntas asked?"

"Oh, Betty, you did that for me!...
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posted by karpach_14
is for Arteries.
You know, the things that your ex-girlfriend ripped out because she really didn't care for you you twit she was only after your money and could have given a shit about you.

is for Bitter. Who, me?? No way. I really hope things between them do work out. I hope they get married and have 2 children that are little devils and her hips get huge and his eyebrows finally grow completely together and they get fat and old together and then DIE!!

is for Call ya later.She won't. She never has before.

is for Dumped. Does D need to be explained?

is for Eating like a pig. Remember when...
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posted by smileypop9
I found this on, and it's kinda hilarious!! Can you guess whose and what job it is?

You think your job sucks? Let me tell you about the people I work with.
First, there's this supermodel wanna-be chick. Ok, I'll admit, she's pretty hot, but damn she is completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on her makeup. She is extremely self centered and never considers the needs of anyone other than herself. She is dumber than a box of rocks and I find it surprising that she has enough brain power to breathe.
The seguinte chick is exactly the opposite- she might even...
continue reading...
posted by coolkatstar
I found this on the internet :P

part I
Everybody who has a dog calls it "Rover" or "Boy"; I called mine "Sex". Now Sex has been very embarrassing to me. When I went to the city hall to renew his license, I told the clerk I wanted to have a license for Sex. He said "I'd like to have one too." Then I said "But this is a dog". He said he didn't care want she looked like. Then I said, "You don't understand, I've had Sex since I was 9 years old." He said I must have been quite a kid.

Then when I got married and went on my honeymoon, I took the dog with me. I told the hotel clerk I wanted a room for...
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posted by invadercalliope
It's me your host Invader Calliope ^^
Can you believe were already on our ninth episode!
TIME SURE FLIES!Welcome to another happy episode of Calliope Channel! Well today were gonna bring another character out! And it's.....Lardnard!
Invader Calliope:SO COME OUT!
Lardnard:Oh *falls*
Invader Calliope:You sound like some nerdy turtle.
Lardnard:Well umm i'm here.
Invader Calliope:Yeah.That's how you respond.
Lardnard:Umm is there a problem.
Invader Calliope:Ohhh nothing! Oh NO WERE OUTTA TIME BYE ME!
The End!
posted by invadercalliope


Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Sweet little bumble bee mais than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da

My coração skips a beat
When you walk in the room
I go boom boom boom
You go zoom zoom zoom
You're my playboy, playtoy
Love and my friend
I wanna be with you until the end

I give my coração and my soul to you
To make you see its true
Im so confused, baby, cant you see
Please come rescue me

Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Sweet little bumble...
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posted by invadercalliope
I hope you are getting use to this show cuz I am!
Well todays specail guest is......Angry monkey!
Angry Monkey:Gir
Invader Calliope:Did you say something!
Angry Monkey:Uh nothing s-sorry.
Invader Calliope:Well it looks like the Angry Monkey is'nt use to interviews!He must be nervous because of all the people watching!
Angry Monkey:*scared*
Invader Calliope:So anyway wait we are all outta time well BYE EVERYONE!I hope you enjoy the picture!
The End!
posted by invadercalliope
Invader Calliope:HEY!
Dib:I'm sorry! I'm really very sorry!
Invader Calliope:Ok because Dib was so horrible I will end the show earlyer!Bye!
The End
posted by invadercalliope
Today i am going to make up a crazy story about me going to the beach!
InvaderGore: *my sister*
Mom: *my mother*
Dad: *My dad*
Brother: *my brother*
Gus: *my ferret*
Time to start!
*At home*
InvaderCalliope:*reading manga*
InvaderGore:*watching tv*
Dad:what about me
Mom:Sorry but your staying início and watching the fish!
InvaderCalliope:Well this will be intresting.
InvaderGore:What are we riding?
Everyone elese:O_O
InvaderCalliope:Why don't we just go por car.
InvaderCalliope: Ok,Ok
On Train
Now at the beach!
InvaderGore:Were finally here!
InvaderCalliope:Let's have some fun!
The End!
posted by trentgwenfan1
i amor cereal yes i do

i amor cereal how bout you

coco pufe


cookie crisp

wasting cerial is a risk

i amor cerial yes i do i amor cerial you better to

it is breakfast

most important meal

if you can't have crealeal

do not steal

i amor creal yes we do i amor ceral you should to

it is healfy

for your brain

for test math and englesh

even frech and science

i amor ccerale yes i do

i amor crealy how about you

me and my firend made this up what are some aleatório songs you made up plz commet
1.where you keep yOUR diary!!
2.if u r on your peroid or nawt!!
3.Who you talk 2 on the phone
4.THat you are super jelous or other girls (or boys)
5.That you hate most of his family.
6.THat when a crisi comes up you will run to him
7.What yuor style is!!
8.That like to watch scary movies(LOL)
9.That you have an internet profile.
10.AND the last your cell number!! OMG they practliy break the phone!!!
11.How smart you are at fixing things.

GIRLS STAY KEWL,BEAUTYFUL, and if any guys try to break tht BREAK THEYRE FACe!!!!
 I cartooned myself and this is wat i got!!!
I cartooned myself and this is wat i got!!!
1.    Kobalt Tools taught me that you can’t kill a Kobalt.
2.    Home Depot taught me that the power of the início Depot is mais saving and mais doing.
3.    Burger King taught me to have it my way.
4.    Tony the Tiger taught me that Frosted Flakes are mais than good, they’re great!
5.    Nike taught me to just do it.
6.    Disneyland taught me that it’s the happiest place on Earth.
7.    McDonald’s taught me that I’m loving it.
8.    Sprite...
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because he's a stupid perverted boy. I was having a normal conversation with him then he out of the blue accused me of "wanting to be with him" of not being a virgin. Repeatedly insulted me(i wont repeat what he said) and tried to "seduce" me. And now hes trying to flirt with me

Yes K5-HOWL has lost her mind because of the sick bitches in this world,

This is just a simple warning thing. This is not to be cruel just to warn fellow fanpoppers of who to stay away from.

-___- He just gave his phone number, that ticks me off. I will post atualizações if you want :)
me-i ran as fast as a could i forgot there was stairs so i fall so hard i went right threw the floor and in to the basement i cant get out HELP sence i cant get out i had to explore the basement and girl/or boy you do not want to be down there *slap fingers*

only for mais hours and my friends will come and get me i hope so :( i kept walking till i saw it there behind the certin as the wind was blowing it a cat that poor cat must of died of hunger i had to something so i went up to it and i could hear in a low voice but still freaky get away from MY body
there was no way i could have yelled i...
continue reading...
posted by outsidersfan_14
i hope you like it..s not my best work but its pretty good. exspecially when i play it on gutair.its the first artigo i put on here so plz comment , honestly, and say if i should put more??thanks!sorry about the bad format

YOur lvoe is suicide(title)

I know you amy not understand
but if you can
please understand
I see you underestimate me
all i can be
please try to see

If i turn around just for a minute
what would you say? take this away
If i told you how i feel, would it be real or is this all fake??

Chourus: your amor is suicide, all trapped inside-inside my mind. It trys to escape , to...
continue reading...
i was sad one day
i was walking in the street
feeling sad and alone
the boy i have a crush on is my first best friend
and my other best friend
who's also a boy
to wich i say everything to
has a crush on me and just admited it
i was walking in the rua
feeling sad and alone
my house is a little farther
and i'm actually enjoying the nice breeze
i take my ipod out of my jeans pocket
and put john mayer's your body is a wonderland
and i buy some licerish
and i turn the volume up
and start dancing in the street
i get farther from home
to a little hill
and i sleep on the ground lookin up
there's no one seguinte to me
continue reading...