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As the temperatures drop and winter embraces us in its chilly arms, it’s time to hit the slopes in the exhilarating world of link! Buckle up for an unforgettable gaming experience that allows you to conquer snowy mountains, showcase your snowboard skills, and enjoy heart-pounding races—all in the comfort of your own home. Get ready to break records and ride the winter waves like a pro!

What is Snow Rider 3D?
Snow Rider 3D is an exciting racing game that transports players to stunning snowy landscapes where the thrill of high-speed racing meets the beauty of winter wonder. The game combines...
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I do think that you probably should avoid the following sites I am going to list. I will add mais to the list when I find mais sites I think you should probably avoid. So if anyone sends you links to the following sites, you have been warned that they could be tricking you. Some of these are obviously bad por the name of the url but some of them are very sneaky to trick you.

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I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated por you.
I was so encantada por your beauty that I ran into that mural over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
If beauty were time, you'd be eternity.
If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.
Babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the moon.
You'd better direct that beauty somewhere else, you'll set the carpet on fire.
If I received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.
For a moment I thought I...
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Who do you have a crush on?

If you had to encontro, data anyone here right now, who would it be?

Name one celebrity you would want to make out with

Name five people you hate and why you hate them

Name all the people you've had a crush on before

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in school? If you did, what did you do?

What embarrassing thing has a parent done to you?

Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have you had your first kiss, if you have, were was it and who was it with?

Have you ever seen a parent naked?

Have you ever seen animais reproducing?

Have you stalked anyone,...
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My love
Sweetie Pie
Baby Doll
My Little Cabbage (French)
Love of my Life
Dear one
Heart’s Desire
Honey Bun
My Sweet
True Love
Light of my Life
Object of my Affection
Angel Face
Little Angel
Little Darling
Little Doll
Number One
Doll Face
My Idol
My Everything
My Life
Object of My Affection
True Love
One and Only
My Passion
Honey Bunny
Dream Girl
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1)"Why, do you find me irresistible?"

2)"No, I just dress better than you"

3)"You're a double gay. No returnsies!"

4)"I amor the segundo grade insults, *insert name here*. Honestly, isn't it strange how "gay" has come to replace "stupid"? And so what if I was gay? Insulting my sexual orientation is pointless.

NOW...if a girl says you're gay, and you actually are, I find the best burn is: "At least I can get a boyfriend."

5)Look them in the face with a deadpan expression. Simply say, "Yes. I'm gay," and walk away. Take their thunder away. It's such a juvenile thing to say in the first place.
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44 Ways to Make a Girl Happy

Ladies, this will make you tear up :)

Fellas, read all of it:)

1-Touch her waist.

2-Talk to her.

3-Share secrets.

4-Give her your jacket.

5-Kiss her slowly.

Are you remembering this?

6-Hug her.

7-Hold her.

8-Laugh with her.

9-Invite her somewhere.

10-Let her be with you when you're with your friends.

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11-Smile with her.

12-Take pics with her.

13-Pull her onto your lap.

14-When she says she loves you more, deny it. fight back.

15-When her friends say i amor her mais than you, deny it; fight back and hug her tight so she can't get...
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I never thought I would be doing a list like this because when I do lists based on looks it's on women. As a straight guy, it's easier for me to rank women than men. However, when I put my mind to something I try my best to come through. I had already done this list with women and I remember being asked if I would ever do it with men, so here it is. Keep in mind this is all just my personal opinion as a straight guy and it wasn't easy to figure out AT ALL! Please comment but be polite. Also, always comment because I worked HARD on this and during a time I had just had laser eye surgery and...
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I'm a girl pervert!I say guys are crazy cuz they think I touch their butts!I blame it on their hormones even though I touched their butts alot!

1.Be a real pervert

2.You don't have to look like one but just act like one

3.Always when you're walking behind a guy always look at their butt!And say"say veiw" then touch it nice and gently! :)

4.They look back and ask you say'what?no way especially not your flat ass!!!!"when they turn around find another butt to look at!

5.Look at their muscles when they're wearing camisa sleeve shirts and they're doing heavy lifting

6.Take pictures as well

7.Always comment...
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posted by Lady10358
Found this on google
1. If you're lucky enough and find someone with the shirt: FREE HUGS or If you find a camisa store selling it, hug the shirt/person and if they/someone notices you, say "It says free hugs!"
2. go to the comida court and go to a fast comida place and take tons of straws and put as many possible in your mouth and stand on a mesa, tabela cantar elmo's world theme.
3. Go to one of those toddler toy/clothing stores and hold up a baby outfit/toy and yell as loud as you can "I amor THIS TOY! I'D PLAY WITH IT dia AND NIGHT!"
4. Go to the bathroom and hide in a stall until you see an old lady/guy...
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posted by xxXsk8trXxx
1. Ask your teacher "Is mayonaise an instrument?"

2. Take a drummer's drumstick (or if you're a drummer, than your own!) and poke people with it

3. Ask if you can try the harmomonica or the recorder

4. Play Sweet Victory (in the Spondgebob episode Band Geeks) as a surprise duiring a concert. Plan it with others in advance before, though.

5.Purpously forget your instrument. If your teacher asks why, say "My pet alien ate it, than a viking killed him, than it swam in a pool and drowned, than I recovered his body and Chuck Noris beat it up and ate it, than he threw it up and made it into shampoo,...
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1997 a girl named Lauren was walking in a forest and suddenly
disappeared; she hadn't been discovered untill 2000 when a young girl
named Mary found Lauren's body which had chest markings that said, "I
wasn't pretty enough." Lauren's ghost will appear in your mirror,
telling you that you're not pretty enough and ................................. See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See...
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posted by thatguywashot
1.Pull aside an unruly child in a preschool Sunday School class and say: "If you're bad in here, you'll go to Hell."

2.A week beforehand, find a member of ACT-UP. Tell him the scheduled sermon is entitled "Why God Sent AIDS to Punish Homosexuals".

3.Put stray cachorros in casaco closets.

4.Un-tune the piano.

5.Replace the pianist's sheet música with "Stairway to Heaven".

6.Going through all the hymnals, mark song 666.

7.Find an empty seat, and ask the person seguinte to it: "Is this assento SAVED?"

8.Toss around a giant de praia, praia ball before service, like at Grateful Dead concerts.

9.Ten minutos before it starts, find...
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How is it going, everyone. Welcome back to Watching Outside Your Xbox Window While You Rant at Night. I’m your host, TatsMojo, and today, we’ll be taking a look at the strangest video games that you have never heard of. Number 10: Katamari Damacy. This strange little gem was made on the weird side of the world, Japan. You’ve probably never heard of this (What the fuck am I doing?)
In all seriousness, when I hear about these weird games and the whole, “What were these developers doing? Snorting LSD and drinking PSP and doing funny weed?” is a mindset that just screams that you really...
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posted by deathding
MUSIC! Again, for the MENTALLY RETAR- I mean, people who don't know what música is, it's basically....


And no, immature 7th graders, armpit farts don't count as music. -___-

Seriously though, there's just something I amor so much about music. Maybe it's the way songs get stuck in your head, maybe it's the great melody, but there's just SOMETHING about música that just sounds so extravagant and attracts me like a traça, mariposa to a flame!

Because fact is, música is majestic. It can be unambiguously incredible, and is an extremely unique part of media. It destroys the grotesque evil in this pathetically...
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posted by Bluekait
Your butt is wide, well mine is too
Just watch your mouth or I'll sit on you
The word is out, better treat me right
'Cause I'm the king of cellulite
Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right

My zippers bust, my buckles break
I'm too much man for you to take
The pavement cracks when I fall down
I've got mais chins than Chinatown

Well, I've never used a phone booth
And I've never seen my toes
When I'm goin' to the movies
I take up seven rows

Because I'm fat, I'm fat, come on
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, you know it
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, come...
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posted by IloveMyLord
The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith.
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
Mark Twain
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
Elbert Green Hubbard

Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its coração the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.
Woodrow T. Wilson
Loyalty ... is a realization that America was born of revolt, flourished in dissent, became great through experimentation.
Henry S. Commager
Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from...
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posted by selenagomezfan7
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a show, concerto in L.A., and immediately left to go home.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.

A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she lost the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.

Sel found out the awful news while she attending a show, concerto in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.

Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I amor you." Selena's going to need friends like Demi to get her through this tough time.

Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.

Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
Dear Noah, We could've sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving until 5. Sincerely, the Unicorns.


Airlines have banned passengers from taking tweezers on board... Anybody who can hijack a plane using a set of tweezers deserves the freakin plane.


The guy who puts down cachorros at animal shelters must not get alot of women. "And what do you do for a living?" "...I kill puppies."


Do you know what happens to 100% of people who eat carrots? THEY DIE.


The worst time to have a coração attack is during a game of charades.


You cannot bring sexy back without a receipt.


"Want to play the rape game?"...
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posted by ShiningsTar542
Oily skin is the hardest to take care of, especially when you are teen and prone to breakouts.

Today we are going to share with you how to treat oily skin with a cheap and easy product: cucumber.

Many people don't know it, but cucumber calms, cleans and gives valuable nutrients to skin.

If you have red skin patches, acne, oily skin or blackheads, cucumber can help.

How? Write down this cucumber wash recipe and use it alongside your regular facial cleansers.
Liquify a cucumber in a blender or comida processor along with one glass of non-fat milk. Blend with the peel and all because the peel has the most vitamins. Then, with a cotton ball, apply the mix to your face, especially in problems areas. Let the mix do its magic for 15 minutos and then remove it with warm water.

Always remember that after a treatment such as this you need to wash your face with facial soap and apply your moisturizer.
hope u like!