Sel found out the awful news while she attending a show, concerto in L.A., and immediately left to go home.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she lost the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a show, concerto in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.
Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I amor you." Selena's going to need friends like Demi to get her through this tough time.
Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.
A miscarriage means something went wrong with Mandy's pregnancy and she lost the baby. Selena had officially announced she was going to be a big sister just three weeks earlier.
Sel found out the awful news while she attending a show, concerto in L.A., and immediately left to go home. She canceled some of her upcoming concerts too.
Demi immediately sent a tweet to Selena saying "I amor you." Selena's going to need friends like Demi to get her through this tough time.
Let's hope Selena and her family make it through this difficult time.
Selena Gomez's mom Mandy had a miscarriage this weekend. It's really sad news.

Today we are going to share with you how to treat oily skin with a cheap and easy product: cucumber.
Many people don't know it, but cucumber calms, cleans and gives valuable nutrients to skin.
If you have red skin patches, acne, oily skin or blackheads, cucumber can help.
How? Write down this cucumber wash recipe and use it alongside your regular facial cleansers.
Liquify a cucumber in a blender or comida processor along with one glass of non-fat milk. Blend with the peel and all because the peel has the most vitamins. Then, with a cotton ball, apply the mix to your face, especially in problems areas. Let the mix do its magic for 15 minutos and then remove it with warm water.
Always remember that after a treatment such as this you need to wash your face with facial soap and apply your moisturizer.
hope u like!