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New Story!!!! I will start writting tommorow. But as a special treat, I will give you guys the preface. This should make you think about what the story will be about. BTW: I'm not telling you who's POV this is in. But, some things in the preface will give it away. ^_^


I never thought this would be the end. As the bretrayal I made to my family. They are now about to meet the shadows and and darkness of death. I regret everything I did. But now I don't have the freedom to apologize, it's too late. My powers from the potions are no longer a help. The god of immortality is right in front...
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added by patrisha727
I will make as many as I can. :)

Jasper's POV

When Bella spoke the nearly impossible words, I can feel that all of us feel pain, anger, and mostly confusion. But Bella's feelings, are cold, hard, and some-what robotic....

I looked at Edward. He had emotions of terror and sadness.
" Bella? What are you thinking!?!?!?" he demanded.
" I'm saying I will cadastrar-se the volturi, if it's a problem to you, come and cadastrar-se me. Then we will always be together."
" But what about your family? Your own daughter?"
" Those things are less than I can think about. Of cource I will let you and my daughter join. That...
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Last artigo for today! ^_^

Bella's POV

I was surprised that anastasia stayed with the Volturi. I was also upset. What did the Volturi have that we didn't? My are narrowed, feeling betrayed. So that was why Edward was atuação so wierd before. I couldn't blame him.

"So, this is the end for this human?" Aro asked to no one intentionally. He sighed.
Then I saw Jane glaring at Tom.
Tom made a loud scream. I flinched and made the shield so it wouldn't affect him. Though, I knew it would last long.
"Anastasia." Jane commanded.
Anastasia stared at me for a long minute, with an agonized expression. But...
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 The new mark on Bella's hand.
The new mark on Bella's hand.
Another one. :D

Bella's POV

Staring at the necklace, I'm deep in thought. Can I be cursed wearing this? I haven't done anything against the god of immortality nor I'm a mortal. I guess I'm safe. Suddenly, involuntary, I transfered my energy towards the necklace, but it's not heat energy, so it can't make me turn invisible; I seemed be tranfering some of my life force into it. It didn't make me feel weaker thought, in fact, it made me feel stronger.

Then, Edward yelled," BELLA! STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!"
" I'm not controlling this." I whispered.
The colar in my hand opened the tiny bottle...
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Sorry this took so long. I got so caught up with Bella's Life! ^_^

I can see a look across her face, seeing that she wanted to argue with me. I was ready to defend my arguements, but Bella's didn't speak. But I will only change her under one condition... if she marry me. It makes me feel humored looking at her thinking and thinking about it. I was getting the impression that Bella wanted immortality mais than me. This thought saddened me. But I held back the thought, hoping that she loved me as much as I did. Did she amor me less because I left her?

Bella's face turned mais distressed. So I...
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added by _Kristina_
 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
I spent the whole night thinking about the note warning me about the Volturi and who could have sent it. And who was in my room. But I came up with nothing. I read the note again to see if I recognized the handwriting but I didn't. One thing was for sure that who ever it was knew me way to well. Specially now that they had all my stuff from the future. "What are you thinking about?" I jumped off my cama ready to run if it was the Volturi and gasped.

Out of no where Aunt Alice shows up in my room. "Sorry. Did I scare you Taylor? she asked "Ya you did. But it's fine. I thought you were Edward...
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Wow, I was surprised por how many of you guys casted your votes for what story to cancel. I will close down the voting on August 9 at 10:00 PM Central USA time. This is the votes total to what story to cancelar so far:
Amore: 1
Bella's Life: 1
The fantasia Doesn't End, But It Might: 5
Evening estrela (This Story): 2

Hmm... I garantee that The fantasia Doesn't End, but it Might, will be the story being canceled. I'll see the Final Calls of Votes tommorrow. If you didn't vote yet, plz check out linkThanks! Oh, and BTW: this will be EXTRA longer for this awesome parking lot scene! Enjoy!

The seguinte morning...
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Ok, I'm planning to write one mais artigo today. Hope you enjoy this! ^_^

In Alice's vision, I see Victoria in the forest right near Forks. Alice's face was completely blank, and I controlled my expression so Angela and Ben won't be wondering what's going on. We still have a secret to protect, the only exception was Bella.
"Alice? Alice!" Angela yelled while moving her hands back and forth in front of Alice's face. I stopped looking at the horror-strucked vision and pretended that it was not a big deal. I didn't need Bella to get worried. I won't let anything happen to her.

I made a casual...
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The seguinte one will be in a couple of hours.^_^

Bella's POV

I turned around to see what Renesmee was talking about. Then I saw another ghost.... The ghost of Charlie? My eyes were wide. I took a few steps back, with shock. Edward looked confused.
"Why are you scared? That's just another ghost!" I heard Edward say.

"Charlie....." I whispered.
" Bella, you never told me you were a vampire why did you keep this away from me? Why? Why did you keep this away from me all of these years? Why did you do this to me? " the ghost said and it disapeared.
"WAIT! CHARLIE! DON'T LEAVE!!!!" I screamed. But it...
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I didn't go on fanpop for a LONG time.... so here's the seguinte chapters as an apology :)

3rd Person's POV

It's a journal. Edward thought in his head.

I saw that you are holding something, Edward. What is it?

Alice came over to Edward. He was still looking at the book cover itself. "What is it?" Alice asked.

"It's Bella's journal." Edward replied softly.

Alice's eyes widened. "I never knew that Bella had a journal." Alice proclaimed. "I never saw Bella composição literária in it."

"Maybe it's because she started composição literária in it after we left." Edward concluded.

"Let's open it." Alice said.

"Wait, we should have the...
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The composição literária marathon continues! Let's see how many artigos I'll put up today. ^_^

Chapter 8: Target

Alice dropped Bella at início in the morning, as I was still “camping” as far as her father knew. I had to wait at least an hora or so before showing up at her house, so Charlie would think I had just arrived home. It was hard for Bella to constantly lie to her father, even if it was for his own good. She hated lying to anyone about anything, and she was terrible at it when she tried. I was surprised Charlie believed as much as he did, but that was mais Alice’s doing than Bella’s.

I was anxious...
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Whew! I did alot of writting. This might be my last one or second-to-last for today.

Edward's POV

"Ugh! Just when I was about to do something, I get interrupted! Anyway, Rosalie, you're free to go, I can see that Royce is too pre-occupied to hang out with a low-life like you! I can see that's he's mais interrested in someone else. ME! HA!" Bella said.
That gave me pain and now I was determined to change Bella back. Royce got up from his chair and was seguinte to Bella's side.
"Aww, Edward, you don't need to be jealous." she said with a grin.

That crossed the line, I jumped at Bella, and she was...
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posted by patrisha727
This chapter is inspired por Timbaland's song, Apologize. ^_^

Bella's POV

Charlie looks like he's about to faint. I honestly couldn't blame him. I sighed.
"Dad?" I asked, nervous.
All of us jumped at his sudden outburst.
"Why not dad? I amor Edward mais than my own being and I want to be with him for the rest of my life!" exhistence I edited in my mind.
Edward rubbed my arm, trying to calm me down.
I sighed and moved towards Charlie.
"Why not, dad?" I asked, in a soft tone.

"It's hard enough to think that you were dead, Bella. I don't know if I'm strong...
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posted by VampRose
Bella's P.O.V

Currently I am sitting in my room wondering how much longer it will take the press to figure out that I am here sitting in a peaceful house in Forks, Washington. I have grown to amor this town. All the tiny little shops, one restaurant, and of course my Uncle Charlie. My name actually isn't Isabella Swan.
My real name is actually Cassandra Porter, and I am the famous actress, model, and singer. My boyfriend Edward Cullen who is also a vampire doesn't know one thing about this. Which I guess I could tell him, but he really didn't tell me he was a vampire now did he. I had to find...
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added by ESME_LIBRA17
Source: esme_libra17
added by patrisha727