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So a while back I made two artigos about my favorito villains and why I like them specifically but what about the bad guys just makes them so enticing for me? Heck I may have even typed up an artigo like this before, but with a years later with a new perspective, alongside an updated list of my topo, início 25 fictional villains, I decided that it's time to reveal why I like the bad guys so much.

Top 25

Some of them are refromed or simply played an antagonistic role but are not super evil. Won't state which ones are reformed because spoilers.

1. Azula (Avatar)
2. Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
3. Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
4. Nerissa (W.i.t.c.h)
5. Icy (Winx)
6. Isabella Gisborne (BBC's Robin Hood)
7. Kuvira (Korra)
8. Lust (Full Metal Alchemist)
9. Morgause (BBC's Merlin
10. Ming Hua (Korra)
11. Beatrice (Umineko)
12. Nehelenia (Sailor Moon)
13. Jadis (Narnia)
14. James Sawyer (Lost)
15. Zuko (Avatar)
16. Envy (Full Metal Alchemist)
17. Dracula (Van Helsing)
18. Lucius (Harry Potter)
19. Juvia (Fairy Tail)
20. Ultear (Fairy Tail)
21. Deidara (Naruto)
22. Zancrow (Fairy Tail)
23. Cora (Once Upon A Time)
24. Zelena (Once Upon a Time)
25. Phobos (W.i.t.c.h.)

The Why's

First and foremost I feel like 9/10 times, at least for me personally, the villains are always the most interesting and intriguing characters in the show/movie/book or wherever other medium you're looking at. For me they are the life blood of the show really.

But where does this allure come from? For me it comes in that fictional villains offer a look at the darkest side of human nature. They can get away with such despicable acts that people would never normally condone. Not only can they get away with it, but some people actually enjoy these heinous acts committed with in the world of fiction. For example; *Spoiler* Bellatrix killing Sirius and skipping away in song. People (who weren't fãs of Sirius) *End of spoiler* laughed at her little song.

Hell, I'd say for some people liking villains can even a release. I myself am a very quite, keeps-to-myself kind of person if you don't know me. Which is why strangers are surprised to hear me announce in class that I tend to like the antagonists. I feel as though me liking the baddies is a sort of expression of my dark side in a sense. And I feel like that's much healthier than embracing my dark side in other ways.

Going back to Bellatrix's method of killing Sirius, evil characters seem to offer so much room for a different kind of creativity. A twisted kind of creativity. Bella is a grown woman who acts like a child and practically sees murder as a game. How about the Saw movies. There are just so many ways to kill off a character and it's darkly fascinating to see what the author can come up with; how he/she molds his or her character to fit the types of crimes he/she is committing.

So then we come to motives. It's also loads of fun to see the villains' motives. What makes him or her tick? *Spoiler* Jigsaw was a man with a terminal illness, one that caused him to attempt suicide, which caused him to become fascinated with the human survival instinct. He wanted people to learn to not take life for granted. *End of Spoiler This creates for a very insanely cool motive. What about Voldemort, a man who believed that purging all muggle borns & half bloods was the way to go despite being one himself. Or the kind of villain that truly believes that he/she is in the right like Kuvira who simply didn't want her people to feel abandoned like she was. There are just so many possible motivations to work with and it's pleasurable to see how a good motivation with a terrifying execution method or the other way around, plays out. It's fun to see what kind of motivations can come into play and how the villain goes about achieving his or her desire.

This line of thought ties very easily into the sympathy aspect. Some bad guys just have/had it so rough you can't not feel a little bad. Take Regina for instance; *Spoiler* all this woman wanted was her true love. But because she saved little Snow White, her mother ripped her lover's coração out and crushed it. It was all down colina from there and she went on a vengeance spree that lasted well over 28 years. *End of Spoilers Or how about Azula and Zuko. Both of the royal siblings were royally screwed over por their parents in one way or another. Zuko was physically abused and Azula--sucked dry of all normal social functioning--was pretty much turned into a weapon/political tool for her father to use at his disposal. Or Isabella who was more spoilers sold por her brother, Guy, to a man who abused her physically and sexually. *End of Spoiler* All the woman wanted was an apology she never got. That not sympathetic enough? Morgause is an example of a villainess who thought she was in the right; in a land where her kind (the magical beings) were being persecuted *Spoiler* (she was ordered to be killed off as an infant) *is done spoiling* she wanted to kill the man doing the persecuting. Basically she just wanted to protect what remained of her kin. Frankly I thought the good guys behaved mais like the bad guys in BBC's Merlin.
Anyhow, examples aside, villains are perhaps the most sympathetic characters. And for that they really draw me in.

This kind of sympathy makes the evil guys and gals complex. And of curse is just one of many ways of creating a complex villain. But that's the seguinte point; for me the baddies are always the most complex characters. And complexity and depth are super important in a character. Because of the vast many motivations and the sympathy and the rest, there is just so much room to craft up such a well-built character.

But what about the villains that don't have elaborate back stories or motivations? Can they still be cool? I'd say of course. Bellatrix doesn't really have much of a backstory but her dark humor and quirky personality makes her a villain that is still just as enjoyable as the well-rounded characters like Regina and Azula.
With characters like, Icy it's fun to make up stories and fanfictions explaining why she does the evil she does since the creator doesn't really give her any back story or motivations. But if you're not a fã of doing that can a character like Icy be enjoyable? Again, I'd say yes. Sometimes it's just fun to watch a character who is an asshole (and let's face it, Icy's an is Sawyer but that's getting off topic) just to be an asshole. Which for me plays back into the release of one's inner darkness.

So again, referencing back to Bellatrix and her dark humor; that's another reason why I tend to prefer the evil characters. They own the gallows humor. Minus Deadpool (if you can even call him one), heroes can't work that dark humor in quite the way that villains do. I mean we wouldn't laugh if Harry dropped a 'dead Sirius' joke (we'd probably think he's heartless), but Bellatrix could get away with it because she's Bellatrix. Sweeny Todd & Nellie Lovett are two mais villains offer some dark humor. I mean we have a woman cantar about cooking people into pies and a man calling his razors 'my friends'. And musically so. Only in theater does murder get musical. Only in fiction are we allowed to laugh at it. This dark humor can also help viewers cope with unpleasant situations por helping them poke fun at the situation itself.

On the other end you can have humor villains like Kronk from the Emperor's New Groove or Team Rocket from Pokemon. The kind of bad guys that make you laugh but not necessarily with gallows humor. Like when Kronk begins to speak squirrel. That's genuinely fun and light-hearted humor. Except it's from a villain, which makes it all the funnier. These kinds of villains prove that an author doesn't have to go full on 100% dark to create a likable villain.

How about the good guys who turn bad or the bad guys who turn good. It's simply interesting to watch them evolve and transform. Spoiler Take Isabella for example, she went from good to bad then to a mais neutral postion and then bad again. End of spoilers That was a real adventure IMO. What about characters like Nerissa who turned bad before her series began. That's also a fun one because you get to try to figure out the why's before they are answered in canon. Any time you get to see a character develop is neat.

And finally the villains hold the plot together. Even if you are an avid villain hater you gotta give kudos to them for allowing the series to happen. I mean what's the point of Harry Potter if Voldemort isn't trying to murder him? Sure a view of his wizarding world is fun for a while but I wouldn't read 7 books on just a boy attending a magical school with no problems. What's the point of watching The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe if the witch is missing? Then it's just a lion and a wardrobe and a lamp. The villains give the plot action, amor them or hate them, they keep the plot moving and the shows/books you amor alive.

So there ya have it people a list of terrible people, like actual trash, that I happen to amor and the reasons why I tend to obsess over those assholes. :D
posted by youknowit101
(I felt this needed to be done publicly. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, well that sucks for you, doesn’t it? :p )

As some of you probably know, I went a little overboard when I learned that Cassie doesn’t like Green Day. I thought it was sheer ignorance and a blinded, snap judgment. I went off. I’m sorry.

Green dia is one of my favorito bands. The Killers are too. They’re both tied for first place, as a matter of fact. When Brandon said what he said about Green Day, it pissed me off, but I didn’t hold it against them. What really got to me was how the fãs on both sides...
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 ano Of The Dragon: 1904 * 1916 * 1928 * 1940 * 1952 * 1964 * 1976 * 1988 * 2000
Year Of The Dragon: 1904 * 1916 * 1928 * 1940 * 1952 * 1964 * 1976 * 1988 * 2000
ano of the Rat-(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)
Occupying the 1st and most prominent position on the Chinese Zodiac, the rato symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming but they have a tendency to become aggressive.
Rats are full of good conselhos but they will never share their troubles with others. They are honest individuals and they enjoy living for the moment. They’re...
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1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up por cantar de praia, praia Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.

6. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

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posted by heavenly13 sounds beter with the rythem and all that( ive recorded it with drums, piano , gutair...ext) and the forms probily bad.,,,,....but plzz read it and comment!!!!and be honest

WHo's dating who

walkin' down the hallway talking with my fiends
the gossip never ends
who like's who
who hate's you
who has the cutest new shoes

then i turn around and see you
and relize

Chourus: All i want is you...I dont wanna be cool. Who cares about all of this. lets get together and froget who's "in" and whos "out" , you know what its all about. I dont care about who's dating who...unless its me and you......
continue reading...
posted by boomerlover
Impossible to Please

A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women Only." Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in.

The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor por floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside."

So they start going up and on the first floor the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation...
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posted by brooki
Well ... yea. Just thought these were cool. Like applesauce.

I'm kind of obessed with you. I hope you realize how inconvient that is.

Don't be jealous cause I'm a ninja!

Good friends don't let you do stupid things ... alone.

Don't make me call my flying monkeys!

Math illeteracy effects 8 out of every 5 people.

Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.

Do not make me throw a possum at your face.

Automatic doors make me feel like a JEDI.

AWW! THAT IS SO CUTE! You actually think I care :)


If you met my family, you'd understand.

HAHA. Wait, what?

We're so cool ice cubes are jealous.

"Hey, guess what?" "No."

Comments DISPARSE! did I use that right ... ? :/
1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'
2. Laugh at him.
3. Wake him up por cantar de praia, praia Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'
4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.
5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.
6. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.
7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.
8. Dance the Funky Chicken.
9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.
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posted by Shelly_McShelly
20 Things To Do In A Drive Through Lane

1. Stand close to the speaker and yell your order, using colorful expletives in ways which would embarrass the patrons inside.

2. Drive through backwards.

3. Belch your order.

4. After ordering, cover the speaker and mic with transparent tape. Watch as customers and order-takers are unable to hear each other and, thus, each raises his/her volume.

5. Barter. Offer a Whopper for a Big Mac.

6. Walk through.

7. Speak a foreign language (make one up if you have to). When the manager comes to the mic, speak English and inquire as to why the order taker had such difficulty...
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"ATTENTION TDI AND TDA FANS!!!! GUESS WAT... FOR TOTAL DRAMA ACTION EPISODE 14 IS COMING OUT IN 3WEEKS!!!!!!! I REPEAT 3 WEEKS!!!! OMIGOSH THIS IS BIG NEWS THE EXACT encontro, data IS: September 1, 2009 in both canada and the usa every1 should watch!!!!!!"
added by Mollymolata
posted by invadercalliope
Hi i'm Invader Calliope!
1.I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories i've left behind,I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new,i cry for the times i thought i had you.
2.Not all scars show, not all wounds heal sometimes you can't always see the pain someone feels
3.One dia you'll ask me, "which is mais important to you, me or your life" i'll say "My Life" and you'll go and leave me without knowing you are my life.
4.A breakup is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.
5.if your amor does NOT work for that person,...
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added by liridonarama96

Yes I know what your gonna say

“Connor Breaking Bad is SOOO 2008, stop living the past you pathetic piece of Canadian dog shit.”

Well firstly, fuck you.. No but seriously Breaking Bad has gone down as one of the greatest shows of the recent decade, it has won many awards and skyrocketed Bryan Cranston’s career as mais as just the bumbling idiot in sitcoms.

But why am I talking about it so late in the game.. cause I’m mature now, at least I like to think I am. Mature enough to finally ‘really’ get this show.. Its the sins of Greed and Pride.. How having too much of both can turn...
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teenage mutant ninja turtles
mutant mayhem
BionicPIG 1 (wearing wig) Hello everyone welcome to my vide-
BionicPIG 2, (no wig): (walks in)
PIG 1: Who are you!?
PIG 2: Really? Really, stop the act, you know EXACTLY who I am!
PIG 1: How did you find me!?
PIG 2: It was simple, I just traced your IP address, idiot!
PIG 1: You don't deserve this.. You don't deserve this site! EVERYONE LOVES THE WIG!!
PIG 2: Shut up! (pulls out gun) They want ME dammit!
Pig 1: What you gonna do!? Shoot me!? I AM you! If I'm gone, your gone two!
Pig 2: (chuckles) I'm not gonna kill you.. I just wanted to tell you (add voice) you should probably be...
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added by Jet-Black
So believe it or not, I don’t go out of my way to look for bad games. Unless there’s some weird natal event, I never look at a PS2 game and think, “This looks like a fucking piece of shit. I wanna play that”. No, I usually want to give the games I talk about on here the benefit of the doubt and show them some sort of respect. Be it something that pulls me in or something that intrigues me. Like I didn’t buy Marc Ecko’s Getting Up with the intent of hating it. I bought it because it looked like a fun game and I like the urban setting. It only happened to be a pile of trash. But...
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posted by TimberHumphrey
No, no, no, no, no-no
No, no, no, no, no-no

Light a blunt up with the flame
Put that cocaine on a plate
Molly with the purple rain
'Cause I lost my faith
So I cut away the pain, uh
Got it swimming in my veins
Now my mind is outta place, yeah, uh
'Cause I lost my faith

And I feel everything
I feel everything from my body to my soul
No, no
Well, I feel everything
When I'm coming down is the most I feel alone
No, no

I've been sober for a year, now it's time for me
To go back to my old ways, don't you cry for me
Thought I'd be a better man, but I lied to me and to you

I take half a Xan' and I still stay awake...
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