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posted by windwakerguy430
~8:45 PM
August 20th 2079
Takedown TV Arena~

Apollo: (Walking down the hall of the stadium, as he was thinking of what Sun Lee told him about his seguinte opponent)
Sun Lee: (From memory) The man you are going up against is Fahrenheit. Poor bastard was once a powerful German soldier from World War I, but after getting blown to hell, he was placed into a machine. Under all that metal and wiring, he’s nothing mais than a brain and some veins. It’s best you be careful. This guy has had plenty of fighting experience. That should be obvious, given his past.
Apollo: (Walked out of the hall and into the stadium. The crowd had started to cheer as he made it to the outside)
Mr. Biggs: (Sitting atop a balcony, he took the microphone in his hand) Ladies and Gentleman, it’s time once again for another Ranked battle. Tonight, we’ve got the man who has been making it way to the top, Ranked 6th, it’s Apollo Juichi
(The crowd begins to cheer loudly)
Mr. Biggs: And tonight, his opponent, the man of war. Or rather, the machine. It’s the Rank 5th champ, Fahrenheit.
(From the other side of the stadium, a figure that looks like a robot walks out. It is of dark green color, covered in dents and scrapes. It’s arms have multiple holes, possibly for different weapons. The legs are massive and cylinder shape. The head is round with a single visor for an eye that glows red)
Fahrenheit: (His attention is brought to Apollo as he looks at him, and begins to speak in a German accent) So, you are the boy I’ve heard so much about? Shorter than I pictured
Apollo: Are you here to talk or fight
Fahrenheit: And very short tempered. Rude, but understandable. I just want to get to know you. One of us is going to die here tonight, boy. I may be a killer, but I make it apparent to remember my challenger’s names
Apollo: How honorable
Fahrenheit: It sure is. But I see you are in no mood for chit-chat. Than let us begin the fight
Apollo: Now that’s mais like it (He aimed his sword at Fahrenheit)
Mr. Biggs: Let the match begin!
Apollo: (He made his way towards Fahrenheit, his sword prepared to strike at him)
Fahrenheit: System engaged. Begin the Blitzkrieg (Fahrenheit raised his hands into the air and began to shoot fireballs from the holes in his hands. As the fireballs hit the ground, they began to make a hissing sound)
Apollo: (Hearing the hissing, he immediately turned around and ran from the fireball. As he did, the fireball exploded, knocking him back a little)
Fahrenheit: Seems like I missed. Than we’ll just have to start again (He raised his hands into the air, ready to attack again)
Apollo: If I keep running back, I’ll never hit this guy (He rushed toward Fahrenheit a segundo time)
Fahrenheit: (He began to fogo mais fireballs into the air to strike Apollo)
Apollo: (He continued to run forward, ignoring the fireballs this time, and did what he could to get to his target)
Fahrenheit: (Seeing Apollo closing in, he lowered his arms and fired a single fireball into his direction)
Apollo: (Without thinking, he took his sword and swung it forward. Striking the fireball, it was sent back to Fahrenheit)
(The moment the fireball struck Fahrenheit, it exploded on impact. Though he was protect from the explosion por his robotic suit, he was trying to see past the smoke)
Apollo: (Making his way through the smoke, he came into Fahrenheit’s vision. With all his strength and speed, he began to slash at Fahrenheit's arms. His sword seemed to be deflecting off his arms, but he still continued to strike at them. After he finally stopped, he noticed some slashes in the arm. One por one, his left arm began to fall to pieces)
Fahrenheit: My, so you do have the strength to cut through me. But you won’t get a segundo chance (With Apollo being this close, Fahrenheit used his other arm to grab hold of his neck, in an attempt to snap it)
Apollo: (As he struggled to break free, he kicked Fahrenheit in the head)
Fahrenheit: (The force of the kick did nothing to affect him as he continued to tighten his grip)
Apollo: (With all the strength he could get together, he gave another hard kick. This time, he knocked Fahrenheit’s head around, twisting it to mover to the back)
Fahrenheit: (Unable to see, he tried to fix his head on his own. The attempt was futile, giving Apollo the chance)
Apollo: (As he kicked himself free of Fahrenheit’s grasp, he took his sword and swung it progressivo, para a frente at Fahrenheit’s head, slicing it off his body. His body stopped moving and fell to the ground 1as his head landed on the ground. Apollo made his way towards the head)
Fahrenheit: My, my. That was quite a fight, boy. I must say, I am impressed. I haven’t had a fight like that in years. Thank you, for giving me one final battle
Apollo: Sure thing
Fahrenheit: My brain should be losing the oxygen I need soon, lad, but I am glad that I am able to die a fair and honorable death. I was cheated out of a fair death once, back in the war, but now, I can finally get that chance again. Though science has made us mais capable of longer lives, humans cannot cheat fate. We all must face death eventually.
Apollo: (He stared silently at Fahrenheit as he spoke)
Fahrenheit: Best of luck to you, lad, on your way to the topo, início (He suddenly went silent as the red light from his visor slowly died, leaving an empty blackness)
Mr. Biggs: He’s done it, ladies and gentlemen! He has taken out the first five members of the topo, início ten! Only the topo, início five remain!
Apollo: (As the crowd cheers, he turns to the exit, planning to make his way out)
Mr. Biggs: But hang on! What’s this? It seems we have a last minuto entry. It looks like someone really is out for Apollo’s head. He now has a challenger who wishes to take his Rank from him. Let us introduce the challenger, Alice!
Alice: (She walks into the stadium, her eyes locked on Apollo)

Apollo: (He looks at Alice) Alice, what the hell are you doing
Alice: Stopping you, of course! I warned you to stop, but I knew you would only be out for your own goals!
Apollo: Alice, Carlos said that there is someone out there stronger than Mr. Biggs!
Alice: And I’ve yet to see it. There cannot be anyone stronger than him. If Carlos is unable to fight him, all because of your dreams, than I will just have to stop you
Apollo: Why are you doing everything you can to stop me
Alice: Because… The thought of Carlos’ dreams being stripped from him… I can’t urso that thought, no matter what! I’ve known him longer than anyone else has, I’ve seen his kindness, I’ve seen his loyalty, and for a man like him to lose all of that because of another’s selfish dreams, I won’t let that happen, no matter what!
Apollo: Very well. Then I guess, I have no choice other than to stop you
Alice: (She took out her magnum and began to load it) Just try it
Mr. Biggs: Let the match begin
Apollo: (He rushed towards Alice with his sword)
Alice: (She began to fogo at Apollo, all of her shots missing. Though the rounds were explosive, she was unable to hit Apollo. Either por accident or because she couldn’t. Her shots would only hit around him)
Apollo: (Rushed towards Alice before he was right seguinte to her. He grabbed the gun from her hand and tossed it to the side. Once he did, he took his sword and aimed it at her)
Alice: (She fell to her knees, unable to deal with the fact that she couldn’t kill him either)
Apollo: What was that? You had every chance, a reason, even, to gun me down, and all of your shots missed. Why didn’t you even attempt to hit me
Alice: … Unlike you, I’m not willing to kill others to get to my dream.
Apollo: And just what is your dream? You never did tell me
Alice: …. To keep the man that I love, that I cherish, and keep him in happiness
Apollo: And I guess that would be Carlos then?
(Alice remained silent, not uttering another word)
Mr. Biggs: The match is over already? Well, not yet, ladies and gentlemen. All he has to do is strike her down and end the match
Apollo: (As he stared at Alice, he took his sword and put it back into his clasp) The fight’s over. I’m not gonna kill her.
Mr. Biggs: You won’t kill her, huh?
Apollo: Killing a woman isn’t my kind of thing. Sorry to disappoint you all
(The crowd begins to boo Apollo, insulting him and threatening him)
Mr. Biggs: Alright, Apollo. Then I will make you a deal. You can choose to spare her, but on the condition that, tonight, you treat the audience to another Ranked battle. Fight the Rank 5th Champion, and in return, Alice will be free to go.
Apollo: What? That’s it? Alright then. I’ll take that offer
Mr. Biggs: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. For tonight, you will get to see not one, but two Ranked battles! Tell me how that sounds?!
(The crowd begins to cheer loudly with excitement)
Alice: (As she looks at Apollo, she notices the injuries he had gotten from the last battle. It’s neck had bruises on it, and the shrapnel from the bomb cut into one of his knees. Clearly, he was in no state for another fight tonight. Regardless, he was going to fight anyway)

~9:30 PM
August 20th 2079
Sangria Abandoned Projects~

(With the help of the Takedown TV helicopters, Apollo was transported to the location quickly. As the helicopter made it’s way out of the area, a loud roar of a sort of beast could be heard in the area. From down the road, a city bus painted to have a demonic creature on the front, lined with spikes on each side, massive shields on the side, a torre, torreta gun on the top, and the words that read “Slaughter Daughter” spray painted on the side began driving down the road. It immediately stopped in front of Apollo)
Sparrow: (He stuck his upper body out from the window as he looked at Apollo) So you’re gonna fight me over some chick? You’re must be a real gentlemen or the stupidest fucker ever, man!
Apollo: Maybe I’m just a little of both
Sparrow: Perhaps! Now I hope you didn’t forget what I said
Apollo: Of course not. Fight you with all my strength. The same I did for Firewater, and don’t hold back
Sparrow: (He gave a light chuckle) That’s what I like to hear. But if you think you can take on the Slaughter Daughter on your feet, you’re dead wrong. You’re gonna need some wheels, man
(As they talked, the Red Devil came from the other side of the rua and parked itself right seguinte to Apollo)
Sparrow: Mr. Biggs said to keep it, and to think of it as a reward for taking out the first five. Once you’re done cleaning your pants on that reward, come after me! I’ll be waiting (He pulled himself back into the Slaughter Daughter and drove it down the road)
Apollo: (As he watched Sparrow drive down the road, he jumped into the Red Devil, which began to drive on it’s own and drive after the Slaughter Daughter. The Red Devil took no time in catching up with Slaughter Daughter)
Sparrow: (As he drove the bus, he put it into auto control and began to try out the many mecaniques of the vehicle, starting with the side flames. He pushed one of the buttons, and send fogo from the sides of the bus out towards Apollo)
Apollo: (He swerved the Red Devil to the side, barely avoiding the the fire)
Sparrow: (He pushed another of the buttons, activating the torre, torreta gun on the top. It immediately began to open fogo on Apollo)
Red Devil: (Seeing the bullets fogo upon them, it swerved back and forth to avoid the attack)
Apollo: If this keeps up, we’ll just be here all day. I’ve gotta attack him from up close (He waited until the Red Devil was closer to the Slaughter Daughter. Once he got to the side, he jumped out from the car door and helped onto the sides)
Sparrow: (In an attempt to attack, he began to drive the Slaughter Daughter towards the abandoned skyscrapers on the side, in an attempt to crush Apollo)
Apollo: (Using all of his upper body strength, he pulled himself up and onto the roof of the Slaughter Daughter, barely avoiding being crushed)
Sparrow: (Looked out to the side to see Apollo) Huh, where did he go? Could have sworn I crushed him
Apollo: (He kicked through the roof’s door and jumped down into the bus. The moment he did, his injury from the anterior fight shot pain throughout his, causing him to kneel in pain)
Sparrow: Damn, I gotta give you some credit. People usually aren’t able to get in here. Thank God I thought this would happen (He picked up a baseball bat covered in rusted nails and rushed towards Apollo)
Apollo: (As he kneeled, he swung his sword at Sparrow, deflecting the attack from the bat)
Sparrow: (He clashed his bat with Apollo’s sword, trying to break through his block)
Apollo: (Using his strength, he sent Sparrow back, crashing into the front of the bus)
Sparrow: (He leaned against the front of the bus, before he regained his balance and ran at Apollo again)
Apollo: (Seeing Sparrow lean against the front, he knew he already had him beat. He continued to fight him off until the right time)
Sparrow: (As he swung the bat again, Sparrow kicked Apollo in the leg, right where his injury was)
Apollo: (Groaning in pain, he fell to the ground, clutching his leg)
Sparrow: Is that all you’ve got? Guess I can’t be too shocked. Three fights in one night would tire anyone out, really. But, a win’s a win, and it looks like I win
Apollo: Does it really seem that way?
Sparrow: The fuck are you talking about
Apollo: (He pointed at the controls in the front)
(Once Sparrow turned to see what it was, he saw that, when he leaned on the front, he had turned off the auto control, and the bus was moving in an indirect path. Sparrow rushed to turn off the bus, before looking up to see the bus was driving into a construction sight. Before he could stop it, the bus crashed)
Apollo: (As soon as the bus was stopped, he got up, a little dazed, to see the condition of Sparrow)
Sparrow: (He stood in the front, not seeming to dazed at all, and was standing perfectly still)
Apollo: (Keeping his sword ready, as he got closer, he saw that Sparrow was impaled por several construction pipes, and was slowly bleeding out)
Sparrow: F-Fuck! This really sucks. To think my dumbass was able to make it into the topo, início five. I didn’t have any intelligence or any of that shit the others had. I just had a big weapon with me and was lucky enough to win each time. It only took someone with the power to think to see right through it
Apollo: It doesn’t take intelligence to fight. It just takes the will to live
Sparrow: (He looked over at Apollo, his face becoming paler and losing his expression slowly) Don’t give me that sappy shit, man! It’s embarrassing! Tell me, did Firewater at least die with some dignity
Apollo: Of course. Died with nothing but honor
Sparrow: Thank fucking god for that, huh (He fell back, landing on the driver’s seat, as he finally went limp in the chair)
Apollo: (He put his sword away and made his way out of the Slaughter Daughter)
Mr. Biggs: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Apollo Juichi has just taken out the 5th Ranked opponent
(The crowd cheers wildly at the show they witnessed)

~11:45 PM
August 20th 2079
Takedown TV Stadium - Janitor’s Hall~

Alice: (She sat in her room, looking at her magnum. As Apollo made his way into the hall, he passed por Alice’s room. He looked at her, his face filled with exhaustion, but not an ounce of disrespect or hate was shown in it as he looked at Alice. As he looked at her, she couldn’t help but face away from him. He just shrugged it off and continued down to his room, as Alice sat in silence. She began to tear up as she continued looking at the magnum) What the hell is wrong with me!?
You know, one of these days, Adventure Time, and Regular Show, the only desenhos animados on cartoon network I can stand, will be run out of ideas and be cancelled one day. However, one show that will never ever get cancelled, and will be there to laugh in our faces when those shows are cancelled, is the Cartoon Network abomination, Johnny Test.
Now, this show started out on the WB Kids channel, but, then, after it shut down, all of there shows went into some sort of televisão limbo. And, guess what, Johnny Test was the only show saved por Cartoon Network, even though there were , I don't know, MUCH...
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Now, people have been talking about the creepypasta called the Tails Doll, which is a doll of Tails from the game Sonic R, and if you play the game, Tails Doll will come and kill you. Now, I think its time I tell you all that this story sucks. Or, mais importantly, the story in which it came from, titles Tails Doll: My Story.
So, the story starts where a kid badly wants to play Sonic R, and we reach our first problem. Someone wants to play Sonic R, one of the worst Sonic games ever made, if not the worst. Hell, Screwattack said it was worse then Sonic Free Riders, Sonic Labyrinth, and even Sonic...
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posted by FrostyBlazer
Henry: so... what are you working on?

Simon: none of your concern

Henry: can I help?

Simon: why should I let a insecure 19 ano old with no experiences with science help me?

Henry: point taken

Simon: why are you in here?

Henry: I just want to know what you are making!

Simon: a cure for cancer

Henry: how will that help the war?

Simon: not every thing has to be about war... it will help the lives of millions! and some might see the dia this chaos ends...

Henry: ok then... whats the progress?

Simon: dead-fuc*ing-end

Henry: welcome to my world
added by windwakerguy430
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - arco iris, arco-íris Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - aguardente de maçã

Now, let's begin. Spike was helping Twilight train with her magic.

Spike: Come on Twilight, you can do it.
Twilight: Man, shut the fuck up, and stand still. *Uses magic to give Spike a mustache*
Spike: *Looks at himself in a mirror* This is awesome. Now I can ask Applebloom out.
Twilight: Wait, I thought you liked Rarity....
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added by DisneyPrince88
Song: link

Rainbow Dash: Ooh, listen to that guitar.
Sean & Grayback: *Racing each other while pulling their trains*
Orion: Who knew trains could race?
Hawkeye: I did. I raced with Gordon a few times.
Mily: *Passes Thomas*
Screwball: *Pops up from nowhere* Hello, I'm Screwball. I'm your hostess for this week's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Tonight's schedule is down below.

Trainz: Rated TV-G
Ponies On The Rails: Rated TV-MA
The Adventures of arco iris, arco-íris Dash: Rated TV-G
The Adventures of arco iris, arco-íris Dash: Rated TV-G

Screwball: That sounds about right. Trains on one half, and no trains...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Stand: One Vision
Appearance: A dark green phantom with a single eye on the center of it’s face. It wears a black cloak, and can use it to hide the hundreds of arms that make up it’s body.
Abilities: One Vision is able to drag anything from one piece of paper to another. It does not matter what the paper may be, it can drag it through the it. It is also able to send itself and it’s user through a piece of paper like a sort of teleportation. This can be done with anything, such as newspapers, napkins, posters, etc. As long as its paper. One Vision can also spy on anyone through a piece of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Alan, and Stuart were running towards a dealership.

Stuart: I'm not certain if we have the money to buy a new car.
Alan: Who said we were buying it? I happen to know how to hot wire cars.
Stuart: No. We are not hot wiring a car.
Alan: Not even that one? *Points at a red 1967 Oldsmobile 442 convertible*
Stuart: You have to be fucking kidding.
Alan: I'm not, now let's go before those bad guys show up. *Runs to the Oldsmobile*
Stuart: I think it's seguro to wait for my Packard to be repaired.
Alan: Fuck that. We need to get out of here. It's now or never. *Gets in the car* A good thing someone decided...
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Oh boy, now it’s time to get to a real treasure. Today is the fourth dia of Christmas, and today’s movie is a… real mess. Back in the good old days of the 90s when being a homosexual was the worse than being a murderer, Hollywood needed to create a horror movie, because the most popular horror movie out around that time was Aliens: Resurrection… Yeah. So, I guess that this movie would easily dominate the horror filmes that year, and it shows, because this movie was made on a small budget, and didn’t even get that back. Is this movie a lost gem and should get mais attention- No…….....
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(This is a redo on a review that I was not satisfied with. Please urso with me)

When I was a young, stupid little 13-year-old who was new to animê and hormones, I was looking through some popular animê that people are fond of. I then came across this one anime, and finally, my hormones and my lust for horror were catered to all at once. Now, as a young, stupid 17-year-old who is experienced with both animê and hormones, I am not mais able to talk about this animê PROPERLY! Seriously, I reviewed this animê about three times, and I hated all of them. But hopefully, I can be a little satisfied....
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 Art por Deathding
Art by Deathding
Some time ago, when I played Saints Row IV, there was a scene where Roddy Piper and Keith David were fighting in an alley in a pretty humorous way. I had no idea what the scene was, until I watched this movie. Now it all makes perfect sense. Another John Carpenter movie, as if three this ano weren’t enough. Thankfully, it’s a good one. Probably one of his most loved of all time. And that movie is the satirical sci-fi horror classic, They Live.

The movie follows a drifter por the name of John Nada, who comes to a town finding work, but instead, he manages to find something even bigger....
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 Art por AquaMarine
Art by AquaMarine
Back in the 1950’s, there was a movie por the name of The Thing from Another World. It was really cheesy and kinda silly, but it was a decent movie. Probably outdated today. I wouldn’t know. I haven’t watched it in years. So, in the 80s, John Carpenter, who worked on the Dia das bruxas movie, had started working on a remake, and thank god that we get to talk about a good remake on here. Probably my personal favorito remake out of all of them. That remake is The Thing, and it definitely is a thing alright. A good thing… Did I Really write that?

So the movie takes place in the Antarctic,...
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 Art por SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
In 1977, Stephen King, famous horror story writer, released his book titled The Shining. It was a pretty disturbing book that a lot of people enjoyed. So much, that it even got a movie made, directed por the legendary Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick had not worked on horror filmes before, so he wanted to give The Shining a shot. That sort of work ended up leading to one of the most influential and most iconic and greatest horror filmes of all time… In my opinion anyway.

The Shining follows Jack Torrance, a writer suffering from writer's block, who takes the job watching over the Overlook Hotel...
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a true classic in the horror movie genre. It challenged it’s viewers with scenes of violence, a very dark sense of humor, and one of the most disturbing horror movie antagonists ever. So naturally, the best way to represent it is to make a remake of it, and give the directing job to Michael Bay….. Oh boy. This is 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Are you excited? Because I’m not.

So, where the first movie followed a brother and sister and their friends heading out to find out why their grandfather's grave was being vandalised, this movie follows pot smoking,...
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 Art por Deathding
Art by Deathding
About some time atrás back in the ano 2010, I remember walking into this one store, that sold Xbox 360 games for ten bucks. Clearly we were dealing with bargain bin games. From what I’ve learned, bargain bin games are the worst games you can get. However, from what I’ve been told, that is a load of crap. Bargain bin games are kinda like a mine. Sometimes, you’ll find useless crap, but other times, you may just strike gold at the bottom. Seriously, they were selling Brutal Legend in those bins. That’s how underrated that game is. But, we’re not here to talk about that. We’re here...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Cody: (Watching movie with James)
Announcer: Hey, dumbass! Have you ever wanted to yell at people older than you por calling them little faggots? Well, now you can. CrackVision presents War Fighter 13! Play through the maps consisting of forest, destroyed building, a grey building 1, grey building 3, grey building 64, and the same over-used town that has been in every game since. And, if you buy the DLC, you get fight those pussies IN FUCKING SPACE! Also, there’s a story………………. GIVE US MONEY SO YOU CAN PAINT FUCKING FLAMES ON YOUR RIFLE! War Fighter 13! It’s just like the last...
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added by windwakerguy430
posted by windwakerguy430
Teacher: Okay kids, so today, we will be heading to the amusement park
Cody: GAY!.... Sorry, I just needed a reason to shout that
Teacher: …. Anyway, after our successful fundraiser, we managed to make a bit too much money. Instead of giving this to charity, the board of education remembered that having a soul isn’t cheap, so instead, they decided to use the money for a field trip to the amusement park, which was much cheaper than giving all the money away for charity
Wind: Glad to know I go to a school run por assholes
Teacher: Me too. Now, I want everyone to line up in a single file line-
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: erhedfggh