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The encontro, data and The Almost Smile

Duncan was in Courtney’s living room, flipping through the channels of her flat screen. He wasn’t invited here rather he snuck in here. Picking a lock was easy as pie for Duncan.

“Jeez, there’s nothing on today,” he mumbled to himself. “All the channels are freaking showing little kid shows and crap.”

He sighed deeply and got up, heading to her small, simple-designed kitchen. He opened her refrigerator and began looking for some decent comida to eat. He grinned when he saw a huge plate of massa, massas alimentícias in there. He was about to take it when he heard a loud gasp.

“What the hell, Duncan?!” he heard Courtney exclaim.

Duncan quickly turned around, shutting the refrigerator door with his foot. He smirked when he saw Courtney in a short towel, dripping wet. He could practically smell her delicious aroma.

“You’re giving me déjà vu, Princess,” Duncan chuckled. “Except your wetter and your towel got shorter—you’re trying to seduce me?”

Courtney’s nostrils flared out angrily. “Get out,” she hissed menacingly. “I’m giving you—”

Duncan quickly ran over to Courtney, pinning her against the wall. He smirked as he saw her eyes widen hugely. Before she was about to yell out a harsh retort, he captured her lips with his eager, hormonal-crazed ones. Courtney’s arms were holding her towel up tightly, and Duncan took this advantage to trap her within his muscular ones.

After about four minutos of making out, Duncan pulled away, gasping heavily. His eyes had this hungry look, and he saw Courtney’s eyes were a bit glazed over. He liked having this affect on his Princess.

My Princess? Duncan thought. Damn, that has a nice ring to it. All I have to do is…

Duncan bit Courtney on her lip, making her kick him where it hurts—his manly possession. He toppled over, falling on Courtney and they both slid down on the floor with an earsplitting thump!

Duncan was groaning quietly, biting his lip. Courtney whacked him on the head harshly. Now Duncan had to hold his possession and his head. He’s in amor with—

Whoa, whoa—too soon for that, dude, he thought. …I think.

“You’re too freaking heavy, Duncan! Get the hell off of me!” Courtney yelled, struggling to slip out of Duncan’s heavy body. Unfortunately, for Duncan, her towel didn’t slip off.

“Well, it’s your own damn fault! You’re the one who freaking kicked me in the precious place of every man! Then you thumped me on the head! What the hell is wrong with you, woman?!” he yelled back, face inches away from hers.

“What the hell is wrong with me?! What the hell is wrong with you?! You freaking bit my lip! That hurt, and I’m surprised it’s not bleeding por now!” She touched her lips.

Duncan rolled his eyes. “Don’t be such a baby, Princess—I was just marking my territory.”

“Well, you didn’t have to bite—” She stopped, narrowing her eyes. “‘Marking my territory’? Since when was I your territory? Duncan, will you explain that please?”

“Courtney, look at us. I’m on topo, início of you and you’re half-naked—”

“That’s because—!”

Duncan kissed her briefly. “Shut up and let me talk. Okay, what we’re doing is obviously what couples do, right? We’re even going on a encontro, data tonight! You even agreed that it was a date, babe! And what does that mean? Hmm, I think, oh, I don’t know that we’re dating?”

“But it’s not like…we like each other that way, Duncan,” Courtney protested quietly. “Sure, we make out and all, but…don’t we hate each other?”

“Princess, you’re the only one doing the hating in this relationship.”

Courtney gasped. She looked away from him, eyes downcast. He almost regretted saying that, but hey, it was the truth, wasn’t it? Duncan likes Courtney, and if he wants to be with her, he has to be honest with her. Courtney looked back up with sad eyes.

“I thought you hated me,” she said. “I didn’t know that…I was the only one doing the ‘hating in this relationship’ or whatever we have.” She sighed. “Are you…you saying that you like me?”

Duncan grinned at her widely. “Bingo, Princess.”

“I—I want to like you, but… Or maybe—maybe I do like you. I’m just confused, and this position isn’t making it any better.” She struggled again.

“I’m not getting off of you until you tell me how you feel about me, babe.” He gave her a mischievous smile. “I promise you that.”

Courtney looked at him pleadingly. “Can you give me some time? At least…when we have our date—please?” she implored. “I’m just too perplexed right now. You just attacked me, bit my lip, suffocated me right now, confessed, and asked me if I felt the same way all of a sudden. Give me time to breathe, stupid!”

Duncan laughed. “All right then, baby. I’ll give you time, and you better tell me, or else I’ll force it out of you.”

“Oh yeah? I’ll kick you in the same special place again if you don’t get off of me right now.”

He immediately got off of her, knowing she would do it.


Courtney glared at her closet as if it was irritating her—which it was. She didn’t know what to wear. Well, it’s just Duncan, the guy who confessed to her strangely, so she shouldn’t be unsure on what to wear, right?

“What if he doesn’t like what I’ll wear?” she murmured to herself, feeling insecure. She suddenly slapped herself hard. “Duncan doesn’t even criticize on what—wait…he did. He said my wardrobe is too ‘conservative.’ He even had a grimace on… Crap.”

She heard a knock on the door.

“Hey, Princess,” Duncan said from the other side exasperatedly. “The dia isn’t getting any younger and the same goes for you and me. I thought you weren’t like those girls who waste time being pretty and junk. Hurry the hell up, babe!”

Courtney scowled. “I’m already putting my pants on! You can’t rush me, Duncan, and I am not like those other girls! So, right now, shut up!” she yelled, denying the fact that Duncan was right.

She hastily put on her bottoms she randomly picked from the closet and headed out of the room. The door slammed into something hard, and she heard Duncan curse loudly.

Duncan clutched his forehead and nose while glaring at Courtney. “What the hell, Courtney?!” he screamed. “That freaking—” He broke off with a hiss.

Courtney rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Well, it’s not my fault somebody was in front of the door. Didn’t you learn in kindergarten not to stand in front of doors?”

He grinned childishly. “No, I didn’t, Miss Courtney. I had to learn it the hard way today.”

“My gosh, when are you never so incredibly infantile? It’s not even normal, but you’re—” She shook her head. “Wow, déjà vu.”

“We’ve been having it a lot today, sweetheart. Must mean something, huh?” He appraised her, smirking. “I’d amor to see you walk around like this, but not in public. There are children outside, you know.”

Courtney looked at him confusedly before looking down. She turned red with embarrassment and quickly went inside her room.

“Who knew the ‘intelligent, good-at-everything, overachiever’ Courtney would forget to put a camisa on?” she heard Duncan mutter out loud. “The world’s going crazy, and you’re responsible for taking away its sanity, Princess!”

“Duncan, seriously, I will give you the worse kick ever, that you will never walk and never have babies!” Courtney growled, coming out of the room, not topless.

“‘I wish these were brains.’ And they’re directly on your huge rack.” He leaned closer, lips near her ear. “Kinky—I never knew you’re the type to buy these kinds of shirts.”

Courtney tried to make her voice sound even. Duncan’s close proximity was making her uncomfortable—in a good way. “Gwen bought me this on my birthday as a joke. She and Bridgette made a joke about me having three brains. The brain in my cranium and…well, you know… I told them it wasn’t possible.”

“Why?” His hands started to go on her waist, thumbs lifting her camisa slightly up.

“W-Well, think about Lindsay…”

He laughed. “You’re damn funny, babe.” Then he kissed her—fiercely. It was as if he can never get tired of doing this with her.

Courtney gasped when he let go. His lips were traveling her collarbone.

“Um…Duncan, remember that encontro, data we were going to have? Yeah…I think we should get to it right now. This can…w—oh!” He nipped a skin. “What the hell?!”

Duncan pulled away, kissed her once, twice, thrice, frice—wait, that’s not a word.

Damn it, Duncan. You’re making me stupid! Stop rubbing your stupidity all over me! Courtney shouted in her mind.

Then Duncan started leaving, heading outside. He smirked at her and winked.

“Ready to go, hot stuff?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, loser. But stop biting me!”

“Can’t promise you that.”

Courtney gave him a hard glare before running after Duncan, who didn’t even wait for her, secretly giddy about the encontro, data they were going to have.


Duncan was currently carrying Courtney on his back. He had this annoyed face on, and Courtney’s ranting wasn’t helping it; it just made him mais annoyed.

“…you couldn’t even catch me?! And you call yourself ‘Mr. Big and Strong.’ Whatever! Now, I sprained my ankle, and you practically threw me on your back casually like I was a bag of crap! I don’t need your—”

“Ugh, Princess, you’re getting on my freaking nerves,” Duncan interjected. “Look, I’m only doing this, because I don’t want to hear you complaining, ‘Why aren’t you helping me?!’ I’m being chivalrous for you, so suck it up and shut up. Gosh, I’m becoming deaf now…”

Courtney was silent for a while, and that surprised Duncan. “You’re too exaggerating,” she finally said. “And my vocal chords aren’t low.”


What happened was Courtney was walking ahead of Duncan, scolding at him irritatingly about whatever. He wasn’t really listening. Courtney failed to see the huge rock—don’t ask him why there’s a huge rock in the middle of the street—and she fell. It was kind of unexpected, because Courtney was a graceful, martial-arts bad-ass.

And now he’s carrying her so she won’t nag about him not being a gentleman—which bit him in the bunda or his ear.

Courtney put her cheek near Duncan’s. “Why are you so quiet? It’s so…not you,” she finished lamely. “I mean, you mostly say something idiotic out of the blue, and then we start arguing.”

Duncan tried to not show the pain on his face. Was their relationship just full of arguments and jokes? Where they really into each other?

But wait—I don’t even know that Courtney likes me back even though I know it already. Damn it, Princess…

“You know, you should already know that I like you,” Duncan said casually. “It’s pretty obvious, though I show it in a different way. I’m not all sappy, so you shouldn’t expect me to say, ‘I like you, Courtney, and I want to be your boyfriend. I think you’re pretty, smart, uptight, yadda, yadda’ straight up. That’s not me, all right? Some people like to show their affection in a different way sometimes.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Courtney exclaimed. “I thought you were joking! Because…well—”

“Like I said, Courtney, I show my affection in a different way. You’re smart, aren’t you? It isn’t that hard to figure it out. Normally, when I want to get with another girl—I’m sure you know what I mean por that—I flirt like how I do with you. Ever since I found out that I really like you”—not ‘love’—“I didn’t know how to react around you. I was afraid I might make a complete idiot out of myself.”

“Duncan,” she whispered sadly. “Let’s…go sit down on that dilapidated bench over there.” She pointed seguinte to the huge, shady tree. “It’s difficult to talk like this.”

Duncan chuckled. “There you go again with your advanced speech. Are you a living dictionary or what?”

“What,” was all she said. From the corner of his eye, he saw her smiling goofily.

“You look high, babe.”

She tightened her arms around his neck, choking him until he said “Uncle.”

Which he did when he almost turned fully blue.

After a couple of teasing and pecks, they arrived in front of the broken-down bench. It was a hot day, but the árvore was helping them. Duncan dumped her on the bench, and then took a assento seguinte to her.

Courtney punched him on the forearm. “Ogre, the bench might have collapsed! You’re lucky it didn’t,” she chastised, punching him again.

Duncan snorted. “It’s not my fault you’re so damn heavy.” He put his arms behind his head, leaning back, the bench creaking a little.

Courtney pushed his back up roughly. “Don’t you hear the bench creaking?! That means that putting all your weight on the most sensitive part of the bench might make it disintegrate, and we’ll fall on our asses!”

Duncan took this time to contemplate while Courtney nagged again. Sure, it irritated him to death, but it was amusing at the same time. Irritation and anger make Courtney look hotter and just her. It wouldn’t be right if there wasn’t a dia Courtney would get mad or start her “You are so stupid, I’m better than you” agenda.

Well, Duncan just plain likes Courtney ever since. At first, he thought it was physical attraction—she was a hot creature with pointless clothing on. She was almost good at everything, and Duncan likes a girl who wasn’t all weak and too dependent. To narrow it down, Duncan’s type is: uptight, strong, hot, smart, hot-tempered, stubborn, and…hot—all of that fitted Courtney’s personality.

Love? Could be, Duncan decided mentally. He was tired of ignoring his heart. He finally figured out that his coração was a good consultant—though sometimes it irked him.

“Babe, the encontro, data isn’t over, but tell me—I wanna know,” Duncan said firmly. “I’m not a patient person, and I can’t wait forever. I mean, it’s just one answer you have to give me: ‘Yes’ or ‘No’?” I already know what the answer’s going to be, though.

Courtney’s eyes widened. She looked away, and her fists clenched tightly. The tan skin on her knuckles started to turn white. What was so hard? Why couldn’t Courtney just admit that she likes him, so they can make out furiously and get it over with, happily together?

“I…” She bit her lip hard, tempting Duncan again.

Not yet, Duncan.

She looked at him with large, sad eyes. “I’m con—,” she started saying.

Duncan growled, “Don’t give me that ‘I’m confused’ bullshit, Courtney. I’m being serious now, and I’m not like those guys who wait forever just to—”

“I know that!” she snapped. “Stop saying that! I know you’re not like other guys, Duncan. I’m not an idiot.” She sighed. “I just don’t know what to say! I do feel attracted to you…but I…just don’t know.”

“Is that your way of saying ‘no’?” His voice was expressionless. “Is it?”

“Duncan, please give me—”

“Is that your way of saying ‘no’?” he repeated coldly. “Just say it already, Courtney.”

She gulped. “Y-Yes…”

Duncan stared at her long and hard before sighing and standing up quickly. He put his hands inside his pockets. He was about to leave her but then stopped.

“I was so sure that you liked me back,” he chuckled without emotion. “So sure that…I was so happy, and I was finally going to say these cheesy words, you know.”

“Which are?” she asked quietly, heartbroken.

Duncan stared up at the sky, almost smiling at how beautiful the dia was—but the feelings right now weren’t for him. He looked down on the ground, and then looked at Courtney.

“I’m in amor with you.”
 Kaycee....set free
Kaycee....set free
Kaycee's POV: Kaycee walked on the soft, lush green grama of the small meadow seperating the vamps from the bar. She was determined to see Duncan, no matter what, if it meant sacrificing being a vampire, if it meant suicide, anything. Suddenly, she heard crisp footsteps behind her.


Kaycee quickly looked back and saw Bridgette, Courtney, and Gwen running toward her. She turned back around and started running- one boot on, one boot off. She ran all demented like and slow because her one-not shoe pattern was slowing her down. She stopped, reached down, and unzipped her boot, taking it...
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 zoe at the de praia, praia
zoe at the beach
I was at the de praia, praia ,then a wold came and started attacking me. "AHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS A lobo DOING AT THE BEACH!!!"
"Ill save you!" yelled a voice, it was duncan.
"duncan" he took me to the woods, and we lost the wolf.
"i think we lost it, zoe."
"i hope so. Hows you find me?"
"i was walking and saw you get attacked por a wolf."
"okay, you know who to play gutiar, right?
"i need a new gutiar player, want the job?"
"sure, whats the band?"
"skulls and sticks"
"okay, so..."
"wannna go out?"
"what? 0_o"
"want to go out? with me?dunkie?"
"well, i e, o, um. *goosebumps theme plays*
"what the heck is that? zpe?"
"do you konw?"
"no AHH!"
"a mummy!"
"what? OMG AHHH!"
Both:RUN! AHH!

To be counitnued
Phil: * looked in room* last time on total drama the haunting, Chase went chicken and left on the scardy car, the zombies won a great dinner, and one of our ghost interns quit for being insulted, what will happen, who will leave, and will we get a new intern find out and mais on this episode of total-drama-the haunting
Summer: wheres Phil
ghost: he told me to tell you that the challenge is to find Phil
Alex: whats the reward
ghost: *talks on phone then hangs up* Phil says to hurry cause he didn't have break fast
death: do we get hints
ghost: you get these cool walkytalkies...
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*Andrea stands up*"OW!MY HEAD!"yelled a unfilimailar voice from down the dark tunnel."Huh?Who's There?"yelled Lisa.Some people came walking toward them."Sorry did we scare you?""Don't apoligize.I'm Vanessa.And this is my freind,Ronnie."said Vanessa."I hit my head against the doces cane wall."explained Ronnie."It's ok,you didn't scare us THAT much..."lied Sumer as she grabbed onto Geoff.

"Uh,guys."said Bridgette and Alex toegther."Wat?"asked Brooke."What are we gonna do?"said Bridgette."She has a point."said Cody."We are stuck in this freaking cave.""Ugh.... so...hungry...."said Vanessa."ME too."agreed...
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posted by coolthingsfan14
this episode of total drama restaurant was made por two fanpoper coolthingsfan14
and aleatório 9747649

cris : (is 4:00 of the morning) wake up every body is time to make the breakfast

chrissy: but is 4:00 in the morning the breakfast is serve at 6 :00 we still got two hours

cris:i know

crissy:i hate you cris

everyone: me too.

(every one mets at the cozinha very tire)

summer:you suck cris

alexander:good for me that i bring a bag of coffee .(wile drinking)
(everyone atacks him)
brigette :give me the coffee
alexander:ok *gasps with love*

chrissy:what are we going to do gaffers
heather:we should make...
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did you see what she looks like-Cops
oh dont worry she has always been ugly-Brittani
HAHAHAHAHAHA OH thats funny-Duncan
so what i kicked her bunda what now i go to juvie-Jacki
whatever you suck you freakin bacon, toucinho bits are the the enemy THE LAW IS THE ENIMY-Jacki
yeah yeah ok get in the car-Cops
i cant believe it her 7th time in juvie-Brittani
she will be fine i promise-Duncan
thats not what im worried about its the fact that how many people she's gonna put in the hospital-Brittani
well... now that she's gone...-Duncan

(At night)

ok you know what to do right-Brittani
yeah i have broken...
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posted by 7thGradeGenius
 "How DARE you cheer on Brittanya!!!!"
"How DARE you cheer on Brittanya!!!!"
Finally, the competition was over, and it was down to me and Heather. Big shocker. But I was also sad that Duncan wasn't there por my side.

Chris lead Heather and I to a theatre-like arena thingy. Two sets of bleachers were set facing each other, one with a picture of Heather and the other with a picture of me. There was a white finish line near the bleachers, so I knew this had to be a race of some sort. But that would be a piece of cake. I'm the fastest female runner at this camp. This was gonna be way too easy.

"OK," Chris said. "We have the contenders Heather and Brittanya. And please welcome,...
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posted by Courtney370
Hey! everybody just to let you kown that in this fã fiction Courtney finish high school and go,s to law school to become lawyer and duncan is still a Criminal. Chr.1 It was 5:00 pm and It was a Saturday. Courtney was studying for her LSAT,s. Courtney took a little break from studying in her guide book for the LSAT,s and got on her laptop. she went on super fun place where you can meet friends and do much more. she was chating to and bridgette and leshawna. leshawna girl: what,s up girl. Snow girl: my mom and dad went to the super market will not be back to 8:00 pm. leshawna girl: so courtney how,s law school. courtney in the real flash: It really awful they make every thing seen so boing. Snow girl: they do. courtney in the real flash: yes they do and i have to take LSAT. leshawna girl: sorry i got to go and meet my katie at starbucks. snow girl: well courtney bye i got to get off here before my dad see. courtney got off since all firends did. chr.2
Welcome to the TDIG. Our studnets this ano have been working very hard to accomplish there goals for there grad and now it is it. ``I shall now call you all up for your diplomas`` said Mrs.Anderson (teacher). Noah Anger, woo hoo I already new I was graduating`. Izzy Bale,Izzy Bale, Izzy are you here, just then swingin in on a streamer IZZY, here! Cody Barnes, alright getin my dilpoma! Courtney Diamond, just then every DxC fã stood up in the Audience and yelled yeah Courtney. As time when on every one was enticpating Duncans turn`. Ezekiel, Eva, Sadie, Tyler, Justin, Bridegtte, Geoff. Katie,...
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posted by dxarmy423
1. Fatal four-way for the vacant divas title

LeShawna vs. Eva vs. Heather vs. Bridgette

2. Harold vs. Justin

3. Cage match for the vacant Wawanaka title

Cody vs. Tyler

4. Beth vs. Izzy

5. 2 on 3 handicap match

Gwen/Lindsay vs. Courtney/Katie/Sadie

6. First blood match. Winner dates Bridgette!!!!

Geoff vs. Ezekiel

7. Elimination tag match for vacant tag titles

DJ/Duncan vs. Trent/Noah

8. Triple threat ladder match for control of TDIW and the world title.

Chris Mclean vs. Chef machadinha, machado vs. Owen

posted by biancatdifan
It was wednesday there were just 2 days away before court leaves Toronto and go to Vancouver
courtney:*packs some stuff into a suitcase and it falls*oh crap! now i have to start packing again*picks some stuff up*what the heck-*shows picture of duncan and there was a note in the back of the picture*
I know we have known eachother for like a ano but now that your'e going far away from me i just wanted to say that i liked spending time with you and calling you my princess,so like i said last week don't find another boyfiend in Vancouver when you find this pic and this note...
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posted by TDIlover226
Name: Sophie
Age: 12
Possy:JG's possy
friends: JG, Vanita, Julie, Cody, Blake.
Phrase:uh, yeah like I said, you SO owe me, dude.

Sophie is the youngest person on TDA, but not the shortest (Blake is). Sophie has never had a boring dia in her life, she lives to party but also has a dark personality (just like JG). Some say that she dresses like Julie, and looks like Tonya, but she is not a mixture of both of them. Sophie is picked on alot por Justin. Sophie had to stop it so she put him on a bus (telling him that it was to the emmies) and it was actually a bus to Norway. Sophie hates Trent, Heather, and Bryana's possy, just like the rest of JG's possy. Sophie (like everyone else) gets a costume change in the half mark point. Her clothes turn to a mais 70's hippy apperence. When Sophie 's the new outfit, it is when she has turned 13.
 Sophie 12
Sophie 12
 Sophie 13
Sophie 13
He had to move
Jason's início camp crystal lake, had been abandoned for years, he longed to kill some one. so he desided to lead some one to his spot

he did what he did
"then all of a sudden the door closed" said JG, "and he never got out". "he went crazy" said Duncan. they were telling thoughs scary stories again, but with the combinded scary story telling of both JG and Duncan the story scared the hell out of everyone. Then some one wispered something in Vanita's ear, he thought it was his mind. "why not go back to camp wawankwa, it would be alot mais scary then this dumb old set". Vanita listened...
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posted by TDIlover226
Blake was tired of everyone calling him short. The only ones that he was OK with calling him short was JG and vanita. JG's nickname for Blake was munchfriend. at first, Blake hated it. but he admitted that it grew on him. bryana was always calling im short and making puns. finnaly Blake snaped big time! he went and told off everyone who called him short, or a midget, or shorty, or wee man (off of jackass). he told off everyone that was outside of JG's possy. the people that he REALLY took his time telling off was chris and bryana. he was now like a midget gangsta! he was mad but then as soon as he wasn't mad he turned back into himself again.
JG called a possy meeting in the lodge room, After everyone was sitting on the l shaped couch, JG turned on the flat screen TV. A tape of all the pranks they had pulled on Heather, Bryana and calvin. It made everyone in the possy laugh. "do you know whats wrong with all of these pranks?" she asked. Everyone looked at each other, "I don't see anything wrong with them" said Julie, All those pranks worked out perfectly". Everyone had to think of all the possy rules, and until they thought of what might be wrong with all the pranks, they would stay there. JG and Vanita sat in front of the couch...
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added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: VanillaDream34
added by BridgetteFan
Source: SIMGart
added by BridgetteFan
Source: SIMGart