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Riselle(Robert/Giselle) encantada Pergunta

I’ve got an idea for the sequel(Read here)

Ok so we’ve got 2 years until the sequel is out but here is my idea on the sequel. Three years have passed and Giselle and Robert finally decide to tie the knot. Some evil warlock comes to NYC and kidnaps Giselle back to her cartoon world so that he can marry her. Robert & morgan go into the magic manhole situated in Times Square NYC and they try to save her. Robert & Giselle sing a song called Enchanted(I’ll make it up later on in the artigo page) while Edward & Nancy are parents to Eliza and Henry. Later on in the movie Giselle discovers she is pregnant with a baby boy but its until the end of the movie that we see her & Robert getting married and having a child in the end. The child will look like Robert (dark hair and blue eyes). morgan btw is now 14 years old and she keeps Pip as a pet. As for that evil warlock dude it turns out its Narissa’s ex boyfriend who dumped her for some other woman.

Agree or Disagree.

 LisaForde posted over a year ago
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