A Bela e a Fera Club
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added by glelsey
Source: disneyscreencaps / editar por me
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
 Belle (the girl who loves stories and imagination)
Belle (the girl who loves stories and imagination)
Beauty and the beast is an oscar award nominned film which won an oscar in 1991. The story is set in a french village and a young woman named Belle who loves imagination and books lives with her father Maurice who is an inventor. Meanwhile a borish man named Gaston wants to marry Belle but she refuses because he is a rude and conceited man. As Belle's father is gonig to the fair with his invention ,he stumbles across an encantada castelo where a monstrously creature lives The Beast who is in fact a young prince that got transformed por a beast when he was rather young.

From the música to the plot this movie is a very inspiring tale about accepting who you are and romance perhaps. I personally loved Bele and the Beast's relationship e.g he liked her and she liked him too for who he was and she didn't care if he was ugly or not ,she liked his personailty and isn't that what we want to see in a man kindness.

 Belle and her prince aka the beast in human form
Belle and her prince aka the beast in human form
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://credencesbarebone.tumblr.com/post/163505834171/disney-animation-a-z-belle
added by glelsey
Source: lovelydisneys @ tumblr
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by BraBrief
added by kristenfan10109
added by chel1395
Source: chel1395.livejournal.com
added by LightningRed
 Belle's introduction
Belle's introduction
This was one of the filmes that I wanted to get (but I am getting it seguinte mês on DVD thank god)as it was so romantic yet very sad as it was one of the best disney filmes I have seen in years. So sit back and enjoy my countdown of the best scenes and why I like them.

#1 Belle’s introduction

Firstly I loved this song and this scene as she is the only one in blue and she likes to read books and sing along. I know pretty much the whole song off por coração as its so nice and it reflects on who Belle is as a person.

#2 Gaston song

I absolutely found this scene hilarious as there was a couple of drunken...
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added by glelsey
Source: disneyscreencaps / editar por me
added by glelsey
Source: disneyscreencaps / editar por me
added by Blacklillium
Made by:: Me. :)
A Bela e a Fera
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007