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posted by twinklestar11
~The Magical Creature Kingdom~

At the age of 15, a pony-girl had came to live with her mom and dad at their new fancy mansion. She had dirty blond hair that was to her shoulders, light green eyes that sometimes looked like they were blue, and light blue pónei, pônei ears on topo, início of her head. She also had a light blue pair of wings. This girl had also a pónei, pônei tail. It was dirty blond. Her pónei, pônei ears, wings, and tail were apart of her. She was born with them, but for years, she has hid them with her magic so no one would not see them. She was named Cameron.

Ever since Cameron was born, she was given magic powers to create magical stuff for a purpose.

When it was Cameron’s 15th birthday, something went totally wrong. Cameron was about to become the ruler of Magic, when a mean looking guy came barging in. He was riding a black horse. The man had black hair, a body as white as snow, black suit and tie, black shoes, and had a mean looking face. “I am Sir Pham. I would like to show your daughter around the world a little bit,” said the man.

“No! I would not trust a guy like you!” said Cameron’s father. “I know you, Sir Pham! Your father killed my father, with the help of you!”

“But that was years ago, Mr. I have changed now,” said Sir Pham.

“I don’t even care what you say! I’m not listening to you! You are not welcome in my house!” said Cameron’s dad.

“Fine! I will leave!” said Sir Pham, and he stormed off with his black horse.

“Sorry ‘bout that Cameron. Just hope that the rest of your birthday is not ruined por that… that…. Monster,” said Cameron’s dad.

The rest of Cameron’s dia went fine, till that night, when the dia turned bad…..

A black shadow entered the mansion home. It creeped all the way to Cameron’s bedroom. Cameron was about to fall asleep when she heard her door creaking open.

“Mom? Dad? Who is that?” asked Cameron.

“I’m your daddy. I want to show you a world,” said the shadow.

“Why are you dressed in black?” asked Cameron.

“Just come with me,” said the shadow. The shadow then grabbed Cameron with… MAGIC!!! The shadow then took Cameron away from the castle…

The shadow put a cloth over Cameron’s mouth, so she couldn’t say anything. The shadow tied her hand behind her back, and lead her off to a long way.

Cameron tried escaping, but she couldn’t. Cameron then remembered: she had magic powers to make magical stuff for a purpose! Cameron thought, If I use that magic and create a horse with a horn, it can probably save me! But how can I do it with the rope around my hands? The shadow took Cameron to a giant, black castle. The shadow took off the black capa and her eyes went wide. It was Sir Pham! Sir Pham kept the cloth around Cameron’s mouth, till the got into the castle. Sir Pham took off the cloth and untied the rope. He had no idea about Cameron’s power.

“Now, Cameron, you are going to finish up your rest here. Tomorrow, we explore to the world. The world your mom and dad won’t let you see. The world that has many people in it, and those people might want to be your friend,” said Sir Pham.

Sir Pham took Cameron por the hand and dragged her to a nice, rosa, -de-rosa room. It had horse pictures all around. He let go of her and said, “If you try to escape, there will be guards wide awake at all times. There is no way you can escape. I must show you the world tomorrow morning. Good night, and I hope you have good dreams.”

He shut the door. She began to look around what would probably be her room for a while. She looked at the exotic cavalos on the walls galloping in the fields.

“If I added a horn, a magical horn in fact, then it will help me get out of this place and back to home,” mumbled Cameron, talking to herself.

She used her magic on a painting, and suddenly a majestic white horse jumped out of it.

“Now, time for some mais magic,” said Cameron.

Cameron used her magic on the white horse. The magic hit the horse with a bright flash. The magic she had used made the horse start levitating, and it made the horse get a horn on it’s head.

“A unicorn!” she said quietly, astonished.

“Unicorn, we need to get out of here!” said Cameron, jumping onto her new unicorn’s back.

The creature she had just made charged out of the rosa, -de-rosa room, leaving the castle. Cameron just then remembered Sir Pham’s warning. The guards started shouting.

“Sir Pham! Sir Pham! The girl got out, with… with… with… a UNICORN!!!” they shouted.

Sir Pham came running out.

“Where did that unicorn come from?” he asked, enraged.

The unicorn started towards a black wire gate. Sir Pham shot a dark-ball at Cameron’s unicorn. Cameron quickly used her magic and turned the dark-ball into a strong pegasus. The pegasus quickly swooped over Sir Pham.

“What the…? How did you even do that?!” said Sir Pham, shaking his fist.

“Not telling!” Cameron yelled.

Sir Pham shot another dark-ball, this time at the pegasus.

“Pegasus! Look out!” Cameron hollered.

The pegasus quickly shot a magical fireball at the fireball Sir Pham shot at them. The magical fireball hit Sir Pham’s fireball, and the fireball went back to Sir Pham. BAM! It hit him. Sir Pham was knocked out.

“Good job, Unicorn. Pegasus! Unicorn! We must get out of here, and fast!” Cameron said.

Unicorn quickly opened the lock gate with her horn. Pegasus swooped up Unicorn and Cameron. Off they went. But they were not seguro yet. The long path way was filled with guards coming from inside the gate. They chased after Cameron, Pegasus, and Unicorn, while the others tried to help Sir Pham. The guards along the pathway saw Cameron escaping and ran after her. Pegasus quickly flew into the air. Cameron forgot all about her ears, tail, and wings for all these years! She was hiding them, so her friends would not know she was a magical pónei, pônei person. Cameron used her magic, and a pair of blue ears, blue wings, and a dirty blond tail appeared. Cameron flew off Pegasus’s back. Unicorn was still on Pegasus.

“Pegasus, we need to find home!” Cameron said.

Down below, Cameron searched, looking for home. She saw a black dog. Not a regular black dog though; it was an EVIL SPIRIT DOG!!!

“I never created one of those,” said Cameron, wondering who did.

Cameron then remembered what her father said when she was 13.

Never trust a guy named ‘Sir Pham’. He has magic. He is evil. He can only create mean spirited magical creatures. You can make good, magical creatures.

Cameron then knew who made that evil spirit dog. SIR PHAM! That was bad. Cameron then knew that Sir Pham made that spirit dog so that he could go after Cameron, and her team of magical creatures.

Cameron flew with Pegasus and Unicorn. Cameron knew she had to make another magical creature if she wanted to get início and past the guards.

Cameron took a horse, gave it a horn, then a pair of wings. It was a very mysterious creature that no one knew about, except Cameron. She called it an Alicorn. Right after the Alicorn was made, all four heard evil laughter.

“Cameron! You will not escape from me! I will get you, put you in your bed, and you will stay there for the night! And tomorrow I'm going to…”

The voice stopped, and Sir Pham appeared.

“What do you want?” Cameron asked. “I need home.”

The night turned into day, and Sir Pham disappeared. But the guards did not. They turned into hungry hawks, and they chased after Cameron, with their mighty wings.

Cameron and her team raced down to the ground as fast as the could. The guard, or hawks you could say, chased after. This dia was going to be a chase day, then a get-home day.

Cameron tried using her magic to make a Phoenix. The Phoenix burst into flames, and became a new Phoenix. Cameron then got an idea.

When Phoenix bursts into flames to become a new Phoenix, then maybe I could aim the fogo at Sir Pham and the guards!

Cameron flew higher and higher. The hawks were right at her tail.
“Pegasus! Can you go faster?” Cameron asked.

Pegasus nodded her head, and flew faster. Cameron tried flying faster, too. But Cameron needed a break. She had a plan up her sleeve.

Time to put my plan in action! thought Cameron.

Cameron turned to a big fluffy cloud, and flew into it. She was now in the cloud. Pegasus, Unicorn, Alicorn, and Phoenix followed. The hawks did not come into the cloud.

Cameron started to look around the cloud. It did not look like a regular cloud. It looked mais like The Sky Kingdom! Cameron then saw a girl; a beautiful girl. Someone she never saw ever before.

“Hello,” Sam said, smiling. Amit ran up to the girl and sniffed her. “Amit! Get back here.” She looked at the girl and apologized, “Sorry. He’s just curious. I haven’t seen you before. I’m Sam, Ruler of the Sky Kingdom. What’s your name?”

“I’m Cameron. I am trying to hide from Sir Pham. Heard of him?” asked Cameron.

“No, I don’t think so. Is he from around here?” Sam replied, bending down to pet Amit. Cameron shook her head. “Well, you’re welcome to stay here and hide.”

“Thanks, Sam. Sir Pham is from the Kingdom of All Bad. He wants to show me the world tomorrow, but my dad don’t trust him,” said Cameron.

Sam was confused. “What do you mean, ‘He wants to show me the world’?”

“It is a trick he pulled to kidnap me. He kidnapped me last night, tied my hands behind my back, and stuffed a cloth in my mouth. He is dangerous,” said Cameron.

Sam replied, “Oh, that does sound bad. How did you get away?”

“I got away por my magical powers. They create magical creatures. I only can use it for purposes only. These are the creatures I made.” Cameron said, pointing to her magical friends.

“That is so cool!” Sam said, “But… what’s that one?” She pointed to the Unicorn/Pegasus creature.

“Oh. That is called an Alicorn. It is part unicorn and part Pegasus.” Said Cameron.

“Would you like to stay at my house? Or would you like to stay at the Sky Building? How long will you be staying?” Sam asked, petting the Alicorn.

“I really need to get home, but I can’t. Sir Pham could be around anywhere, steal me back, and maybe even hurt me!” Cameron sad, sadly.

“Oh. Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as needed,” Sam offered.

“Thanks, Sam.” said Cameron, as she lifted up her wings, and flew up a couple of inches.

“You still didn’t answer my pergunta about where you would like to stay. But I’m sure there’s plenty of room in the Sky Building,” said Sam.

“Oops. Sorry, I did not answer. I would like to stay at the Sky Building. Just hope Sir Pham don’t appear there.” said Cameron.

“Okay,” Sam replied, “Follow me.” The two girls flew to the Sky Building. “There are a few other people that live here, too, but they shouldn’t get in your way.” Sam introduced Cameron to Ambreen, Alizeh, and their grandmother.

“Hello,” said Cameron, “I don’t know how long I’m going to stay, but I’m going to be here for a while. Maybe a mês or more.” Cameron’s magical creatures had followed Cameron, the Unicorn, Pegasus, Alicorn, and Phoenix.

“Oh, that’s alright,” Ambreen said. “Follow me. I’ll show you where your room is.”

Sam waved, “Bye, Cameron! I’ll be around to visit you soon! Make yourself at home, and let Ambreen know if you need anything!”

“Thanks, Sam and Ambreen!” said Cameron.

Cameron followed Ambreen to her room. Cameron’s magical friends followed.

The seguinte day, Ambreen gave Cameron a map to explore. Cameron was flying with her magical friends. Cameron flew a mile away from the nuvem Kingdom, when she heard a loud SWOOP! “What… what was that?” Cameron asked. Unicorn and Alicorn looked around. SWOOP! The noise came back.

“Gotcha!” said a mean voice.

Cameron gave a loud SCREECH!

“You be quiet, you little brat!”

Cameron looked. IT WAS SIR PHAM! Cameron was thinking fast. Alicorn and Unicorn shot magic at Sir Pham, but Sir Pham shot bad magic back.

“Unicorn! Alicorn! Watch out!” cried Cameron.

But it was too late. The black magic hit Alicorn and Unicorn.
“Now that I defeated your two friends, I need to defeat the other two and defeat you for escaping me!” Sir Pham said.

Cameron went to Alicorn and Unicorn, who were laying on the cloud, not moving. “Alicorn! Unicorn!” said Cameron, starting to cry.

“You killed Alicorn and Unicorn!” yelled Cameron, madly to Sir Pham.

“So what? Soon you will be dead too!” said Sir Pham, followed with evil laughter.

“No! I won’t!” Cameron said, still crying.

Cameron used her magic, pulled up a scroll, quickly put words on it, and quickly, in the speed of lightning, sent it back to the Sky Kingdom. It said:
“Dear Sky Kingdom,
Please get this to Sam as fast as you can. I need help! Sir Pham has found me! He killed Alicorn and Unicorn, and he wants to kill Pegasus, Phoenix, AND me! Quick! I’m a like mile away from Sky Kingdom! Please, I need help, as fast as lighting!

“What was that you sent?” asked Sir Pham.

“Nothing,” said Cameron. “I just did this.”

Cameron shot magic. It looked just like the letter she sent to Sky Kingdom.

“Whatever,” said Sir Pham. “But it is now time for Pegasus to die! And Phoenix!”

“NO! NO! NO!!!” cried Cameron, in mais tears.

“Cry baby! Cry baby!” Sir Pham chanted.

“You just don’t touch my friends! You already killed two, I don’t need the rest killed!” cried Cameron.

“You will die soon enough!” laughed Sir Pham.

Sir Pham then shot bad magic at Pegasus and Phoenix.


The magic hit the two magical animals. Cameron flew over to them.

“Pegasus? Please! Please answer me!” Cameron cried. “Phoenix?”

Cameron cried harder. Now all her magical animais she had created were killed; killed por Sir Pham.

“Your next, cry baby!” said Sir Pham.

“Please, no!” cried Cameron.

Cameron looked at her dead friends. “This is all your fault!” she yelled.

Inside Cameron’s mind she was talking to herself:
Sir Pham needs to die!

Cameron then, unexpectedly, shot magic at Sir Pham. Sir Pham saw it coming his way. He then pulled his magic to Cameron! They were pushing each other’s magic for minutes! But then, Cameron grew weak. She lost her magic, and Sir Pham knocked her down. Cameron’s eyes closed. And they did not open.

“Yes!” cheered Sir Pham.

Sir Pham was dancing around. Cameron knocked down, almost dead, and the magical creatures all dead.

to be continued...
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