aleatório Club
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When I was ten, I played a late night game of flashlight tag with a bunch of neighborhood kids. If you don't know what flashlight tag is, it's the same as tag, but you play it in the dark, the person who's "it" gets a flashlight, and they have to yell the name of the person they see with it in order to "tag" them. It was really cloudy that night, and most people had their curtains drawn, so it was the perfect level of darkness for hiding in.

The side of the rua my house was on was skirted por a broad length of woods. That was basically the boundary for our side of the game. You could run through any yard, even go across the rua and run through their yards, but you weren't allowed to hide in the woods, because it was too difficult to find anyone in there, and it was very easy to trip over árvore limbs or end up with poison oak. Of course, this rule was frequently and flagrantly ignored when people got too close to being caught. They'd pato off into the bushes for a few seconds, or run behind a group of trees to evade capture.

I don't remember who was it at the time, but I was hiding in a backyard two houses down from my house. The family that lived there had a little playhouse for their daughter, a balanço set and a doghouse but no dog. I would periodically pato into the doghouse whenever I saw the flashlight's searching beam approaching. Those of us trying to hide from the "it" person liked to spook each other in the dark por jumping out of nowhere and making each other scream, giving away our positions.

I thought I knew where the "it" guy was, but I got comfortable hanging out on the balanço set. Suddenly, a person with a flashlight came around the corner of the house and angled it almost directly at me. I jumped and ran for the edge of the woods. When I got there, I hovered in case they saw me and were going to yell at me for cheating. The beam of light seemed to explore the balanço set where I was, then came in my direction, but there was no sense of hurry at all to it, and I wondered for a segundo if maybe I'd attracted the attention of the homeowner. Most people on the block knew we were out playing flashlight tag, but you never can be sure that someone won't get nervous if you stay in their yard too long. So I crouched down in the grama and waited to see who it was.

They shined the light right in my face and I tried to cover it with my hand to avoid identification. The creepy thing was, they never said anything, just shined that light on me.

"You got me!" I exclaimed, hoping that if it was a homeowner, they'd realize I thought they were the flashlight tagger. Then I realized that two houses down, people were yelling and there was the "it" guy's flashlight beam chasing them around.

I stood up and tried to see who was shining the light on me. They just stood there, not moving, not saying anything. I felt a little freaked out.

"If you don't want us playin' in your yard, I'll go tell them it's off limits, okay?"

The person started walking toward me. I didn't feel right, so I started walking toward the edge of the yard. The person just kept shining the light on me and coming toward me.

So I ran.

When I looked back, the person with the flashlight was running too, and they were an adult, much bigger and much faster than me. I felt scared now, not sure why this person was chasing me. I was running toward where the other kids had been, but they were gone now. It just seemed to be me and the person with the flashlight. So I turned right and ducked into the woods. I dropped to the ground, shaking bushes and stuff to try to confuse the person, then shimmied under a ring of thick bushes and curled up. I could see the flashlight in the woods with me, looking around. I could hear the person's footsteps breaking sticks and crunching on pine needles. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, and I just wanted to get back to all the other kids. Eventually, the flashlight wandered deeper into the woods and I crawled quiet as a rato back to the edge of the trees and then got up and ran toward the street.

I was immediately caught por the person who was "it", but I didn't care. He yelled loud that I was now "it" and I tried to tell him that there was someone else with a flashlight wandering around in the woods, but he took off into the dark yelling about "no tag backs".

"Don't go in the woods!" I yelled, but nobody responded. Of course, any who heard me would just assume I was talking about not cheating at the game, but I was sincerely worried about that person wandering around in them. Of course, now I had a flashlight of my own, so I thought, I should go and see if I can find out who that was, just to make myself feel better.

I went back behind the house I'd come from and a bunch of laughing shadows scampered out of sight into neighboring yards. I ignored them and headed straight for the trees. I couldn't see any other light in there, so I thought, maybe he went home. I didn't know if it was a man or a woman, but I didn't imagine any women trudging through the woods at night.

So I went about playing the game again, albeit anxious because of the lingering thought that there was someone wandering in the woods who didn't seem to be playing the game with us. I ran across the rua and chased people through the backyards there, but after a while I found the lots empty and realized that they must have gone back across the street. I ran back over and was exploring the Beeches' backyard. Mrs. Beeche had a clothesline with a bunch of drying sheets on it, and her daughter charlotte liked to hide among the linens and stay close to início in case she got too scared of the dark. She was only a ano younger than me.

I thought I heard something at the árvore line, so I went over and was waving the flashlight around into the woods.

"Stay outta the woods!" I remember yelling. I waved the flashlight back and forth a couple mais passes, then saw someone off in the distance. I held the light on whoever it was. They were about half a job into the woods, hard to make out, but it looked to me like Charlotte. charlotte had brown hair that her mother insisted on keeping shoulder length. We always dressed dark for flashlight tag, and charlotte liked to wear this deep purple sweatshirt, so it was usually easy to tell when you had found her.

"Charlotte I see you!" I yelled. She just stood there. I continued to hold the light on her and call her name, but she didn't seem to move. She stood there partially obscured por a árvore and looked at me. The distance between us was enough that I couldn't see if she was blinking or not, but she had her head propped at an angle like she was looking around the tronco, porta-malas at me with her mouth hanging slightly open. Every now and then she sorta twitched or squirmed. It was a real freaky kinda movement.

"Charlotte! Come out of there!" I yelled. "Everybody! Charlotte's it, but she won't come out of the woods!" Some kids including my friend Dustin appeared behind me and started joining in my yell for charlotte to come out.

"Do you see her?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's over behind that tree. Charlotte, get over here!" Dustin said. But she wouldn't come. "Charlotte, are you okay? Get over here, dummy!"

charlotte seemed to stand up straighter and then disappear behind the tree. We could hear movement, but it seemed to be going away rather than toward us. Dustin started shouting Charlotte's name again and trudging into the woods after her, but I grabbed him and gave him the flashlight to take with him. I was scared again, because this all seemed surreal. I went to Charlotte's house and knocked until her father answered.

"Mr. Beeche, charlotte won't come out of the woods, and I'm worried about her," I told him. I wasn't sure if he'd take me seriously, but he rolled up his newspaper and disappeared into the closet behind the door for a moment before returning with a huge flashlight strapped to a car battery.

"Show me where she is," he told me, so I lead him to the woods and pointed to where I'd seen her.

"She was right there," I said, "by a tree, but she wouldn't come out and she was atuação like she was sick or something." A bunch of the other kids kept calling "Charlotte, Charlotte" and I could see Dustin's flashlight beam moving around through the trees. Mr. Beeche went in after him.

They explored the woods for a good fifteen to twenty minutes, and Mr. Beeche started getting real angry. We could hear him yelling very loudly for Charlotte, threatening her with all sorts of punishments if she didn't get her bunda back in the backyard that instant. The game was over por now, and we kids just stood there in the Beeches' back yard among the linens and watched. Dustin came running back out of the bushes with a dead flashlight. Eventually, Mr. Beeche came back out of the woods.

"Game over, kids," he said, "Get inside. Ask your folks if they can help me and to bring flashlights."

We all ran back home. My dad went out with three different flashlights. My mother went and turned on all the lights in the back rooms and opened the curtains and shades to help illuminate the back yard. I sat on the sofá all upset and she eventually came back and hugged me and sat with me while I told her about the person with the flashlight chasing me and how I thought maybe charlotte had run into him.

Mr. Beeche had gone inside and called them to denunciar a missing child. They brought huge lights and did a march through the woods checking very thoroughly, but didn't find her. My mother told my dad what I'd told her, he told an officer and I ended up giving a statement. They went to the house three doors down and knocked, but the folks that lived there had been asleep and didn't know who would have been in their backyard. The police asked all up and down the neighborhood, but nobody claimed to know anything.

The other end of the woods came to a back road mainly used por logging trucks. They found charlotte two days later, on the other side of the logging road, down an embankment that ended at a stream, stuffed into a drain pipe. Her neck had been broken and she was apparently stabbed multiple times afterward. My parents wouldn't tell me about it, they thought it would upset me, but Dustin told me all the details at school the seguinte day.

It was the most awful thing our town had ever had happen. The police blocked off the logging road and spent months tracking down loggers and truckers who frequently used it. There was a curfew for months and we were told not to play flashlight tag anymore. We didn't argue.

What leaves me shaking to this dia is the memory of Charlotte's face, hanging out from behind the tree, looking at me. Sometimes I wonder if at that moment, I had been witnessing her death. And I wonder if that had almost been me.
Every dia it’s getting worse
Do the same things and it hurts
I don’t know if I should cry
All I know is that I’m trying
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
But you make it so hard to do
What’s the point of making plans
You break all the ones we have
I don’t know where we went wrong
‘Cause we used to be so strong
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
So why can’t you be
Be good to me
I don’t ask for much, all I want is love
Someone to see, that’s all I need
Somebody to be, (Somebody to be) somebody to be
Good to me, good to me, can you be good to me
Good to me, please
I used...
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Harry Potter author JK Rowling, admitted that Dumbledore is gay. He was in amor with a wizard named Grindelwald whom he later defeated in a duel.

"I had always seen Dumbledore as gay, but in a sense that's not a big deal. The book wasn't about Dumbledore being gay. It was just that from the outset obviously I knew that he had this big, hidden secret and that he flirted with the idea of exactly what Voldemort goes on to do, he flirted with the idea of racial domination, that he was going to subjugate Muggles. So that was Dumbledore's big secret.

He's an innately good man, what would make him...
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posted by E-Scope90
The mind is typically defined as the organized totality or system of all mental processes or psychic activities of an individual.c
Many philosophers hold that the brain is a detector of the mind and that the mind is an inner, subjective state of consciousness.h
Philosophers have used a variety of metaphors to describe the mind, including a blank sheet, a hydraulic device with different forces operating in it, or a televisão switchboard.h
Attempts to understand the mind go back at least to the ancient Greeks. Plato, for example, believed that the mind acquired knowledge through virtue, independently...
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posted by selenagomezfan7
found this on the net:

50 Fun Things To Do At Wal-Mart

1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

2. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minuto intervals throughout the day.

4. Start playing Calvinball; see how many people you can get to cadastrar-se in.

5. Contaminate the entire auto department por sampling all the spray air fresheners.

6. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

7. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

8. Re-dress the mannequins...
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OK, this artigo is going to be in the point of view of many different characters. Before it begins in their point of view it will have their names.
Edward wasn't a school today, too sunny, I'm guessing. The Cullens are probably out hunting. Charlie had said that where the Cullens "hike" is filled with bears. I'm pretty sure that they are hunting somewhere else today, so I would like to see how it looks up there. I pulled on some hiking boots and got in my truck.
Eventually I reached the place. I was standing on the side of a small cliff. I found a few urso prints, and started to wander...
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posted by lupichkata
Sorry, if it's too short, but that's all i could think of.
1. Go to him and say "I know what you did last summer and i'll tell Ron." and see what his reaction is.
2. Poke him with a wand or a stick and when he turns around, pretend it wasn't you.
3. Tell him he has his mother's eyes and his father's package.
4. Laugh hysterically every time he walks in front of you and when he asks why whisper "I've read your diary." then run away. Still laughing hysterically.
5. Ask him how his parents are.
6. Ask him if Dumbledore has proposed yet.
7. Write an erotic story about Snape and Harry's mom and read it...
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posted by percylover19
Percylover19 3

(this whole story is in Kerry's POV)
Chapter 1
     I picked up the phone and called Sam. Sam has been my best friend since third grade. He has dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He also lives right up my street. "Hello?" he answered.
     "Hey it's me, Kerry. Has the new kids moved in yet?"
     "I have seen the moving furgão, van a couple of times but no sign of our new neighbors."
     "I really hope one of them is a girl. No offense but I really want somebody I can talk to about girly stuff, that's not my mom."
     "None taken. I don't want to know about your girl troubles...
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posted by karpach_14
A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women Only." Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in.

The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor por floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside."

So they start going up and on the first floor the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation mover on to...
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posted by ciaraluvsjustin
1.Stand por one of the doors or elevators and recite Shakespeare.
2.Leave handwritten horoscopes on everyones windshield.
3.Sit on topo, início of your car with a picnic blanket and have lunch.
4.When someone walks por say to your invisible friend,"That wasn't nice,They cant help it."
5.Wear a sanduíche sign that reads,"Ran out of deodorant.Keep your distance."
6.While holding a spray bottle and a toothbrush, offer to wash peoples cars for $50.
7.Stand in a central location with a sign stating,"I forgot to take my pill today.Stay far away."
8.Wearing a party hat and frequently blowing a small party horn,wish everyone a Happy New Year.
9.While chewing on long blades of grass,walk around mooing.
10.Sit in a lawn chair seguinte to your car,in a Hawaiian outfit,with a sign saying,"Cheap vacation."
posted by invadercalliope
They say, don't trust,
You, me, we, us,
So we'll fall if we must,
Cause it's you, me,
And it's all about,
It's all about
It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
And that's the thing that they can't touch
'Cause you know (ah-ah)
It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
We'll Run away if we must
'Cause you know (ah-ah)
It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about us (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us
If they hurt you,
They hurt me too,
So we'll rise up,
Won't stop,
And it's all...
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posted by invadercalliope
Now todays topic is....MUSIC!
Today i will be talking about MUSIC!
Well gir and the doom song is a big hit its on the topo, início 100's isn't that amazing!
Another person i like is Marilyn Manson!
I like is Skillet!
Now lets talk about a thing i wrote!
Pokemon Pick Peaches!
Well thats it with todays episode of the calliope channel and enjoy the aleatório picture i posted!
The End
posted by invadercalliope
Ok time to start!
1."Bart,with $10,000,we'd be millionaires!We could buy all kinds of useful things!
2."I'm an excellent house keeper.Every time I get a divorce,I keep the house."
3."He dreamed he was eating shreadded wheat and woke up and found his mattress half gone."
4."The way taxes are,you might as well marry for love."
5."I hope life isn't a big joke because i don't get it."
6."Half of the people inthe world are below average."
1.Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
2.I've tried yoga,but i find stress less boring.
3."Cheese...milk's leap toward immortality."
4."Love is grand;divorce is a hundred grand."
5."Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day."
6."Procrastination gives you something to look progressivo, para a frente to."
The End
(1)We don't like to be used as a show-off pele, peles ur friends:we know we r cute but we r meant to be only shown of pele, peles our man. (2)We hate names like babes,hot thang,or chick. (3)We r sensible and some boys r ignorant to our FEELINGS-CARE MORE!!!!! (4)Love us;don't toy with Us! (5)Don't rush into serious actions,it makes us Uncomfortable! (6)Don't ask ur friends to do it,do it yourself. (7)When u ask us we'll believe;if y'all text it,we'll eliminar it. (8)Don't be suctiony,we luv Space! (9)Don't pretend ya somethin ya not,we can smell fakeness. (10)Last,if ur older say 15 or OLDER———DONT GET...
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posted by 7things
Shimmy - System Of A Down link

Education, fornication, in you are go
Education subjugation, now you're out go
Education fornication, in you are go
Don't be late for school again boy
I think me, I want life
I think me, I want a house and a wife
I want to shimmy-shimmy-shimmy
through the break of dawn yeah
Education, fornication, in you are go
Education subjugation, now you're out go
Education fornication, in you are go
Don't be late for school again girl
I think me, I want life
I think me, I want a house and a wife
I want to shimmy-shimmy-shimmy
through the break of dawn yeah
I think me, I...
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Perfect life?? Think again
Ok so lets start off like this. I’m evelina McCartney, and I’m 17. My brother Jesse is 23 and he’s famous. But people rarely know who I am. And sometimes I like it. Because I get to be treated like a normal person, not a celebrity……….. I came downstairs because my parents told me that Jesse is coming from his tour and im so happy because I haven’t seen him for so long which seems like a life time.
“mom can I go and get Jesse with Erin” I asked my mom. Erin was our limo driver. But of course she said no. they never let me. My brother wasn’t dating...
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-if you amor animê and Twilight,
then you are going to amor this!

-They are making an animê series of the saga!

mais and mais the rumor of an animê Twilight show is getting stronger.
The word is that is will come out after the last part of the saga comes out in the cinema!

So, we have some time,
because the last part of the movie does not come out until 2012. So, we probably won't have Twilight animê until 2013!

Sent in por (Wambie),By -Shiningstar542-,girls V.

source: europapress
1 Round & Round Selena Gomez
2 Lady GAGA Bad Romance
3 Jonas Brothers BB Good
4 Taylor rápido, swift Mine
5 Ashley Tisdale Be Good To Me
6 Miley Cyrus 7 Things
7 Jonas Brothers L.A Baby
8 marreco, drake sino Our amor
9 Selena Gomez A ano Without Rain
10 Demi Lovato Remember December
11 Miranda Cosgrove Party
12 Demi Lovato Here We Go AGAIN
13 justin BIEBER BABY
14 marreco, drake sino Shades Of Gray
15 Miley Cyrus Can't Be Tamed
16 marreco, drake sino I Know
17 Selly Gomez Naturally
18 Taylor rápido, swift amor Story
19 Justin Bieber U Smile
20 My Friend Antis Song Called Just Me
21 Camp Rock We Rock
22 marreco, drake sino I Found A Way
23 Demi Lovato Catch Me
24 Demi Lovato Got Dynamite
25 Jonas Brothers Lovebug
posted by darkkhorn19

Darkhorn: Grandpa, we're at the movies... -_-"

Grandpa: Oh...well, you kids these days with your movies, and your 3-D, and your sodie-pop, and your rap music, and your Ipods, and your Playstaions, and your Nintendo, and your gótico clothing, and your Xbox, and your Gamecubes, and your Internet, and your air conditioning, and your Starbucks, and your emo hair, and your leather pants, and your pony's, and your Bible's, and your modern art, and your penis's, and your tools, and your jaguar skin leopards, and your endarngered species and your spears and your evolution,...
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posted by dramaqueen00
 eat it now!
eat it now!
How come you're always such a fussy young man?
Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no uva passa, passas Bran
Well, don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan
So eat it, just eat it (prrr)

Don't wanna argue, I don't wanna debate
Don't want to hear about what kind of comida you hate ooh
You won't get no sobremesa 'till you clean off your plate
So eat it, don't you tell me you're full

Just eat it, eat it , eat it
Get yourself an egg and beat it
Have some mais chicken, have some mais pie
It doesn't matter , it's broiled or fried
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, ooh

Your table...
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posted by Mephadowfangirl
Let's imagine. You, a regular fanpopper, decides to go and hang out at your favorito spot, hoping to post some vídeos and pictures, answer perguntas and discuss in the forums, maybe even write an artigo or two. You get to the spot, and found that some idiot has completely bombarded everything on the spot with insults, flames, bashes, and content that goes against the topic of the spot.

You are outraged and frustrated, desperately trying to hurl every thing you've got at this person, but only getting replies such as "you suck for liking this" or "I can say whatever I like because I'm entitled...
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