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posted by canal
(Sollux’s POV)

I woke up to Mituna composição literária around like a child in hell. “Mituna” I moaned shaking him. Nothing worked no matter how many times I shouted his name or how hard I shook him. I just sighed and turned on the light. He sat upright in cama breathing deeply. Sure that wakes him up. “I’th time to go to thcool” I said pulling off my pj shirt. “-god” I heard Mituna mutter under his breath. “What?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Nothing!” He said rather loudly. I shook my head and finished getting dressed. “Tholluxth, can I thtay início today?” He asked wrapped his arms around me. No, he’s not playing the cuteness game with me, I will beat him. “But if you thtay…then I’ll be alone” I said with a fake sniffle. “Hey, don’t cry, you’ll have…Kar..KarKitten..Karkitty..karpu-“ KarKat” I cut him off knowing where the seguinte one was going. “Yeah that douche” He said. I nuzzled his chest, “But I won’t have you.” “Tholluxth…fine” He sighed. I smiled and went to kiss his cheek, but he accidently turned his head and our lips met. We both pulled away quickly, me trying to hide my blush. I ran out of the room. “Tholluxth? I’m thorry” I heard Mituna. I ran out the front door all the way to school. I sat on the steps outside the school. Did I actually like that one sweet moment..? No, I couldn’t, I wasn’t allowed to.

“Hey motherfucker, what are you all up and sitting alone out here for” Gamzee said sitting beside me. “I..i accidently kithed Mituna” I said blushing again. “Bro if it were an accident, you wouldn’t be getting’ you motherfucking blush on that god damn much, honk” Gamzee said. “Thut up” I said lightly punching at his arm. “Look, there’s your catch of the dia now” He said pointing at Mituna walking towards the school. por the time I looked back at him he was gone. “Fucker” I muttered. “Tholluxth?” I hear Mituna. I looked back at Mituna, damn he walks fast, both those assholes do. “Hey..Mituna..” I said trying to be casual. “I’m thorry” He said with a frown, using one of his canines to bite his lip. “For?” You asked. “You know what I’m talking about!” He squealed grabbing the sides of his helmet. “Woah calm down Mituna, I was kidding, haha..thee?” I said trying to calm him down. “It wath one thitty joke” He said still losing himself. “God damn it Mituna do I need to do it again jutht to thut you up?!” I said pulling his hands away from his helmet. “Sollux?!” I heard Karkat shout. Their they were, Karkat, Kankri, Kurloz, and Gamzee, all staring at me and my older brother.

“I’m going to kill you Makara..” I muttered under my breath, “And then im going to kill you Mituna.” “What did I do grumpy?” He asked. Karkat was gone, Gamzee snickering at something. “I want to go with Kurlozth” Mituna said quietly. Kankri and Kurloz were still staring at us with wide eyes. “I’m so going to kill him” I said quietly so Mituna didn’t hear. “You can’t go with Kurlozth” I said to Mituna. “Why not?” Mituna asked sadly. “Gamzee told them, all of them, what happened between us as if it were on purpose” I said. “He did?!” Mituna asked rather loudly. “Yes Mituna, He did” I said. “Then…what are we going to do?” He asked looking back at Kurloz. “Go home..” I sighed walking off. Mituna didn’t follow. He looked between me and our friends, after a minuto of thought, he walked towards me after shaking his head.

(Gamzee’s POV)

I will admit I do feel kind of bad for telling the motherfuckers what happened, Solbro had it coming, fucker knew I wasn’t good at keeping secrets, ‘specially none that good. I was on my fuckin’ tiptoes in excitement to tell everyone. “Yo, bro” I said shutting Kurloz’s locker in front of him. “What now Gamzee?” He signed. It took me a second, but I soon figured out what he said.”Sol al up and said he kissed Mituna” I said. He stared at me with dead eyes, if it could his jaw would’ve been on the damn floor. The moment he ran away with Mituna, my coração dropped on the floor. “I didn’t mean to scare a motherfucker off” I said furrowing my eyebrows. Kurloz shook his head and walked into the building. “Sorry, bitchtits” I said watching Sollux running off, Mituna behind him. I walked in the school and saw Tavros at his locker. “Hey best bro” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. “Hey are you?” He asked with a smile tripping over his words. “I’m..good..just feel a little guilty bro..y’know?” I said. “No Gamzee, I don’t know” He said turning around to face me. “I kind of told on Sollux” I said rubbing the back of my head. “Was it..uh..serious?” He asked. “A lil” I replied. “ uh..could’ve really hurt him!” Tavros spoke loudly. “Well fucker knows I’m not good at keeping secrets!” I said defending myself. “Yes Gamzee..everyone uh..knows that I um..guess” Tavros said, his voice today, it sounded less confident. “Is somethin’ wrong?” I asked resting my head in the nape of Tavros’s neck.

“You’re..uh..failing your class” He said. “Which? I’m failing in a lot of wicked shit, my wicked bro” I said nipping at his skin. “History Gamzee, you’re um.. failing horribly at it” He managed. “I know that brother, I just ain’t up and ready for that teacher bro, ‘Mr. Makara, what is blah blah blah’ ‘Mr. Makara, please calm down your language’ ‘Mr. Makra please put some clothes on’” I said impersonating my teacher. “Wait what was the last one?” Tavros asked looking at me quickly. “Look I was drunk and showed up to school naked, it’s all good my wicked best bro” I said slinging my arm around his shoulders. “Gamzee..” He whined, “You can’t just do that!” “Look bro…I’m sorry I didn’t mean to freak the fuck out my matesprite” I apologized. “Oh oi um…Karkat” Tavros smiled. “Shut up” Karkat said rather sadly walking away. “Don’t worry, cadela, puta is kidding, I’ll so see what’s wrong with him” I said half walking, half running to catch up with my moirail. “Dude,” I said placing a hand on his shoulder, “what all up in your shit?” I asked. “Nothing at all Gamzee! It’s not like I found out my matesprite is in amor with his brother or anything. I’m just perfectly fine! Look at me woohoo just fine!” He said irritated. “Bro look, don’t go flippin’ your shit, it’ll be fine bro” I said with a grin.

The sound of skin on skin contact echoed through the halls, Karkat’s eyes were wide with fear, anger, and pain, his teeth clenched shut. My face stung like hell, the little one hit me and it hurt that bad? “Go to hell Gamzee Makara, go to hell!” He shouted the last part. “That’s where I plan on going” I glared at him. por this point, doces red tears fell from his eyes. He turned and ran the other way, dropping his things. “That wasn’t a good thing to do” A voice sounded in my head. I looked over to see Kurloz, his arms crossed, shaking his head. “He deserved it” I spat out. The pie, it must’ve worn off. There’s two mais people i can’t stand to look at, my moirail, and my brother. por the time school ended, i made mais enemies. I was two different people, on the inside my normal self, on the outside? I didn’t want to know what was on the outside of this prison. I had gone to the bathroom, to clear my head, I was feeling bad, why the fuck would i feel bad for pounding on low bloods? I looked into the mirror. I could see sane (to an extent) me, and sane me could see the insane me. Both different worlds, somehow only one person. “Oh how I amor this feeling” I coul feel myself, “Oh how I hate this feeling.”

(Rose’s POV)

She kissed the tip of my nose lightly. “I’m sure they’ll find him” Kanaya said running her thumb over my knuckles. “Of course they will, but it is still slightly discouraging that he’s out there alone and they told us to stay here” I huffed leaning my head on her shoulder. With her I never felt anything bad, I felt comfortable, loved. “Well what if he comes back, and no one is here to greet him? Or we don’t know he is here and we keep searching?” He said. I hated when she was right, but I also loved when she was right, because when I’m not, I’m glad she is. “I know, that is a possibility.” I smiled. She smiled back, with loving eyes. A knock soon struck the door.

“John?” I asked. He was wet, covered in mud, and shaking. “Hello Rose” He sniffled from the coldness he’d been enduring. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. “Oh John, it’s good to see you’re okay” Kanaya smiled. “Thank you” He said looking at her, a smile spread on his face. “Go upstairs and take a warm shower, I’ll tell the others you’re here” I said. “Okay” He said walking up the stairs. “Shall we tell Jade first?” Kanaya asked. “Yes, we should” I said grabbing my phone.




“Jade, John is here”

“He is?!”

“Yes, he is”

“We’re coming”


“Yes we’re Dave is with me”

“Oh, very well then, come início quick, and be careful”

I hung up. “It’s a good feeling” Kanaya said wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me close. “What is?” I asked resting my head on her shoulder. “Knowing he is home, and okay” She hummed into my ear. “Yeah, it is to be honest” I said dragging my fingers through some loose locks of her hair. “Shall I make some chá for him?” Kanaya asked. “I don’t know if he likes tea” I said, my voice full of curiosity. “Well he hasn’t had my chá yet” Kanaya smiled and walked off to the kitchen. John walked through the hall and into the bathroom. “I wonder what got into that boy..” I thought out loud walking into the cozinha with Kanaya. “You’ll have to ask him” She said not taking her eyes off the substance she had in front of her. “Oh, I didn’t mean to say the out loud” I said a small blush creeping onto my cheeks. “Don’t worry, if you don’t want anyone to know I’ll keep it between us, I’m not like Gamzee” She said looking over to me and smiled.

(KarKat’s POV)

I sat in front of my locker, looking own at my phone furiously. The theme song for Sollux, sweet little bumblebee, was playing, It was annoying now, now that Sollux has crushed every being of me. I sighed lightly and picked up. “Hello?” I asked trying to hide the sadness in my voice. “KK, I’m thorry, what you were told wath true, but you haven’t heard the whole thtory” He said. “And I don’t fucking want to know” I said gripping my phone tightly. “KK pleathe…lithten to m, I amor you if I’m not with you I’m thinking about you, tho pleathe hear me out..” He trailed off. I was silent. “KK?” He asked. “I don’t wanna hear it” I said gripping my phone tighter, tight enough it should’ve broken. “Then I’m thorry, I’m thorry I thtill amor you, I’m thorry you lotht trutht in me, ‘I’m thorry that I can’t make it up…’I’m thorry..i’m thorry…” He said. “Stop with the sorry you not Mituna!” I shouted. “I’m thorry, Karkat” He said hanging up. He said Karkat…not KK. “Fuuuck! Fuck fuck fuck!” I yelled slamming my fist into my locker.

That dia I walked home, alone. When I passed the Captor’s hive Mituna was on the front step, playing with the wheel of his skateboard. “Lucky bastard” I muttered starting to walk again. “Thank you!” I heard Mituna shout. I saw sollux walk out, his laptop in hand, sitting por his brother. I felt of twinge of pain in my heart. Why did I have to live just a block down from him? I could hear it ‘Karkat..’ him saying my name..just felt perfect. I sat on the concrete leading to my house and grabbed my phone.

‘I’m ready’. I sent a text.

About a minuto later.

‘Ready for what? I thought you hated me’

I replied

‘I don’t hate you, and I’m ready for the story. The full story’

Another few minutos passed.

‘I’ll come over and tell you’

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?” I asked sitting in Sollux’s lap. “You wouldn’t let me until now!” He replied. I leaned my head back on his shoulder, beijar just under his chin. “But you still amor me” I smiled. “Of course I do” I said craning his neck beijar my upper lip nipping at it with his teeth. “Sollux..” I let out a moan. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. “I amor you KK” He smiled. “I amor you to Sollux” I said in reply.
added by KatiiCullen94
added by Manicliker123

i could barely read this and again this is from the internet<33
posted by EllentheStrange
Feel free to use them
1.Your mom
3.Eat it bitch
4.That's what she said
5. The future is bulletproof and the aftermath is secondary
7.Holy cannibal cupcake!
9.Hey ho,let's go!
10.In Soviet Russia,the urso wrestles you
11.Chuck Norris was here
12.Apple cake
13.Bloody bastards!
14.Ya know,I was welcomed to the black parade
15.Take my fucking hand and suck my thumb
16.Eat the children raw
17.RAWR means I amor you in Italian
18.I will carry on with the black parade
19.So long and goodnight
20.Ya know,I live life on the murder scene
Things Guys Should Know About Girls

1. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out.
2. We don’t enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you
enjoy listening.
3. Don’t say you understand when you don’t.
4. Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!
5. You don’t have PMS; don’t act like you know what it’s
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook;
doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big dick; we know you don’t.
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that
want relationships.
9. We don’t like it when you act like Mr....
continue reading...
posted by jessicamc26
The Engineer

An engineer dies and reports to hell.

Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements.

After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.

One dia God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, "So, how's it going down there in hell?"

Satan replies, "Hey things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next."

God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake -- he should never have gotten down there; send him up here."

Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him."

God says, "Send him back up here or I'll sue."

Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?"
posted by Jeffersonian
A teacher forwarded this list of comments from test papers, essays, etc., enviado to science and health teachers por elementary, junior high, high school, and college students. As she noted, It is truly astonishing what weird science our young scholars can create under the pressures of time and grades.

The body consists of three parts - the branium, the borax, and the abominable cavity. The branium contains the brain, the borax contains the coração and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u.
Nitrogen is not found in Ireland because it...
continue reading...
1 when they ask u what your name is, make a name up (like hello kitty or santino marella. or even better, if youre a girl make up a guys vice versa for da guys)

2 when they ask u what insturment u play, make up a name for your insturment

3 when u have to introduce that person, mess up, like say a stupid name and a wierd insturment they play. then explain that's what you heard when they explained it 2 you

4 wear a camisa over your uniform that makes the other teams band members offended.

5 hug them, and place a beetle INSIDE their uniform

6 bring along your little Brother/sister (if u dont hav one...
continue reading...
posted by cheeeese
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justin timberlake
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