aleatório Club
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A quick run-down should you ever find yourself trapped in a horror movie and would prefer to live to tell the tale.

1. Don’t have sex.
-Abstinence is key.
2. Don’t go out with people you’ve just met that day.
-I don’t care how good he says his weed is
-he is cuckoo bananas
-and he wants you dead.
3. Don’t go to camp. Especially one where someone was murdered.
-There are six words you should YouTube, should you get the chance
-“Kevin bacon, toucinho in Friday the 13th”
4. Find a good hiding place and… STAY. THERE.
-If the killer can’t see you or hear you WHY WOULD YOU MOVE?
-Possibly the easiest rule to follow and, ironically enough, the easiest to break.
5. Always wear sensible shoes, ‘cause you never know when you’ll need to run through the woods.
-Someone will always be barefoot
-Or in heels
-Or just plain clumsy
-And will sprain their ankles
-And die.
6. If the town looks deserted, it’s probably because everyone is dead.
-Don’t walk around looking for people
-House of Wax, anyone?
7. Don’t be a hero.
-Unless you’re name is Harry Fucking Potter, you will die.
-Hell, maybe even then.
-I mean.
8. If you hear something creepy in the distance, like a dog’s yelp cut off mid-bark, don’t investigate.
-The killer is there.
-Also your dog is dead.
9. Always check the backseat before entering your vehicle.
-The last thing you need is to be killed while trying to merge on the expressway.
10. If your car breaks down in front of a dilapidated gas station, don’t ask a sketchy-looking townie for help.
-Some part of your body will wind up in his pick-up truck
11. Don’t go into the basement.
-They are creepy enough without you dying in one.
12. If you’re trying to buy a house and the real estate agent won’t answer any direct perguntas about either the history of the início or the anterior tenants, DO NOT mover IN.
-At some point, someone in the house heard voices and cracked.
13. Turn off the televisão (and run away) if a girl crawls out of it.
-It is obviously your wisest choice.
-SEE ALSO: poltergeist, daughter trapped in tv because of.
14. If the walls of your house bleed, do not attempt an exorcism.
-Move very very far away
-Because there’s blood on your walls.
15. Don’t act like a detective.
-Some crazy Japanese kid who meows like a cat will attack you in a closet.
-If you live, awesome story to tell your friend, right?
-But if you die, it is like the opposite of awesome.
16. google the location you’ll be vacationing at.
-If mais than five reports for “Missing Persons” pops up, you know not to go there.
-Issue. Solved.
17. Don’t get drunk. Or come under the influence of any mind-altering drug.
-Running away from a killer is that much harder when you’re tipsy and giggling.
18. If you see someone in a mask, don’t assume it’s one of your friends playing a trick on you to scare you.
-It is the killer.
-ALSO: laughing while saying, “Tommy, is that you in that stupid mask? Oh, I’m so-o-o-o-o scared!” is not conducive to your surviving.
-Killers are very sensitive about their disguises.
19. Don’t take a shower.
-It’s past midnight at the campground you and your sorority sisters are staying at or
-The lock to the door doesn’t work and you hear creepy piano music
20. If the call is coming from inside the house, get out.
-Clearly the killer is not outside, now is he
posted by chowjoyi
41 ways to annoy your parents

1. Follow them everywhere.

2. When they say your name, moo loudly like a cow.

3. If you have a dog, follow the dog around on all-fours and say "Bark." over and over again really loudly.

4. Talk to a pen constantly.

5. When your friends come over, pretend to be talking in code and have your friend say 'Your-a pa smells-a like a woman-a." If they crack the code, play stupid.

6. Have a dozen of imaginary friends that you ask their opinion of everything.

7. After you have your bath, embrulho, envoltório a bath towel around you and then walk outside of the bathroom. When your parents ask...
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1. Try to start a wave

2. Gasp every time there is a swear word.

3. Wear a huge Afro wig.

4. Every 15 minutos stand up and then sit back down.

5. Yell out to the screen “Don’t Do It!”

6. If there is a amor scene, reach over in front of you and cover a aleatório person’s eyes.

7. Stand in front of the screen motionless and face the audience the entire movie.

8. Scalp tickets outside the theater.

9. If a catchy song plays in the movie stand up and dance.

10. Bring an attachable seat-belt. Strap it to your assento and then clip it on yourself. Turn to the person seguinte to you and say, “you never know”....
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Step one: enjoy/love/like the show, book, movie, and/or band.
Good job, that's it, you're a true fan.

One thing that just never fails to annoy me is when someone tells me (or another person honestly) that they aren't a true fã of whatever it is they are a fã of for having a certain opinion.

One of the most common things I get is 'you're not a true fã because you like the villains more'. Okay no let's talk about this for a second; the villains are a crucial part of the story. Villains are what essentially gives the show/book/movie its plot. Without villains there is no conflict and without...
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added by SarBear1579
Source: google
added by edwardcarlisle
Source: fuck-yeahpickuplines
added by BiteMeCullen107
added by Helen-Lover
posted by flippy_fan210
Some of you might have heard of the game Facade. those of you who have, you probably wonder why they hate Melons so much. well, this is my theory.
Trip and Grace used to live in a normal home, no fancy apartment. they had a child, Phoebe. she...really liked melons.

she bought one when she was 5 and never let anyone eat it. they let her keep it. one day, she said "i want a cat". it was totally out of the blue, but they said yes, she got a little black cat and named him Ivan. she really loved him. one day, she took Ivan up to her room. she came down,...
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posted by Bluekait
French Fries are deep fried in horse oil in France.

Kittens are born with blue eyes, but change when they get older.

People born in November are mais likely to become serial killers.

Everything you see is actually upside down and your brain just flips it around.

You can't actually multi-task.

Easily distracted people are the ones who are the most creative.

When a person appears in your dreams, that person misses you.

Music can lead teens to depression.

You are mais likely to dream when you are depressed.

Your odor is as unique as your fingerprint.

If you tear off paper from bottles, you are sexually...
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As many of you know I made a list of 20 favorito animated heroes, which fanpop actually advertised on the fanpop page in the pop culture section. I'm so happy about it and feel as if I was famous or something. Anyway just like with my favorito animated heroines list I'm going to be making a list of the worst animated heroes. I just amor to do these hate artigos just as much as my favorito ones, sometimes a little bit more. Doing hates are just mais fun because you get to make mais jokes and make fun of that character. Please leave a comment and keep in mind this is just my personal opinion,...
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posted by invadercalliope
Hi i'm Invader Calliope!
1.I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories i've left behind,I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new,i cry for the times i thought i had you.
2.Not all scars show, not all wounds heal sometimes you can't always see the pain someone feels
3.One dia you'll ask me, "which is mais important to you, me or your life" i'll say "My Life" and you'll go and leave me without knowing you are my life.
4.A breakup is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.
5.if your amor does NOT work for that person,...
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Canada is finally getting footage on youtube so can I do this way better than from last time I put this article..


(live audience scene):
Peele: What I often do.. I take note of things my girl dose wrong, and call her on it at the right times.
Key: (pretending to be the girl) Jordon, why'd you leave the toilet assento up?

(live audience scene):
Girl in audience: (laughing too hard)
Key: Ma'am... Breath.

Key: (texting angrily) do you even WANT to hang out!?...
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posted by Canada24
Debbie: RPG's aren't that bad.
(Jon throws "BASICALLY A FACT IN BROAD TERMS" onto screen)
Debbie's Teacher: Spells, poison, battles, maiming, killing?
Debbie: Yeah, but it's all imagination
Debbie's Teacher: IS IT?!
Jon: Is it, Debbie? Well I suggest you read a totally real book that has absolutely no poisoning, maiming or killing and it called the Holy Bible an- (pauses, staring blankly as he raises up the Bible) (whispery).. Oh no... that book-that book done got that.

Jon: We're here to watch, Howling ll, your sisters a werewolf.
Sister: JON! How could you say that about me?!
Jon: Whatever,...
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added by ShadowFan100
Source: Idk
added by SilentForce
added by Hanii-shi
added by legend_of_roxas
Item #: SCP-465
Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-465 is secured in containment locker 8423 at Site-19. Under no circumstances is SCP-465 to be opened por any personnel ranking above class D, and then only in a o espaço at least 15 square meters in area. No other special attention or care is required.

Description: SCP-465-01 is a large two-piece cardboard box decorated with a faded confetti pattern popular in the 1970s. Other than a large printed label on the topo, início of the lid marked "Party in a Box", no indication of contents or manufacturer are found on any portion of the object....
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