Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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 Almost squished
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To be honest, I was really suprised to see Marlene waiting for her friends to get hurt. Being squished por an elephant? There's no way they would survive it. Hadn't it been for Private...
Dumb Kowalski's conversation with Skipper

Kowalski:  Hi, I'm a penguin.

Skipper: Okay.

Kowalski: Are you a penguin?

Skipper: Yes.

Kowalski: Yay! We're sisters!

Skipper: We'd better go outside. It's almost feeding time.

Kowalski: I like feeding things!

Skipper: We are the ones that get fed.

Kowalski: I hate feeding time. Why can't we feed ourselves?

Skipper: You can.

Kowalski: Yay! I amor lemurs!

Skipper: Fine. *goes up the ladder*

Kowalski: No, Skipper, don't leave me here alone, with all the monsters! *clings onto Skipper's foot like a toddler*

Skipper: Then you can come out with us.

Kowalski: Hooray for fish!

Skipper: *sigh* 

User: Hi! My name is Mort!! :D.

Cleverbot: So M. Was short for morgan then?

User: No. Do you like King Julien's feet??

Cleverbot: No Sorry.

User: His feet are the best-est thing the world!!

Cleverbot: I think therefore I am.

User: You are what? :D.

Cleverbot: I think therefore I exist, beyond that I can be sure of nothing.

User: Yay!!

Cleverbot: So cleverbot, tell me of your adventures!

User: I am Mort!

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Yes! I like being sure! :).

Cleverbot: Same here.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: How smart are you?

User: My tail, Rodney, says I an smart!

Cleverbot: Are we still best friends?

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Note: I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This is where it gets mais dramatic. Spoiler: (Private has a nightmare, that is pretty violent, so if you don't wanna read that part I understand.) While I was composição literária that part my electricity went out, which freaked me out and caused a delay on posting it. Sorry about that. ;)
Kowalski got his options notebook ready. "My topo, início two suspects are: Ms. Williams and the maid. I think everyone agrees with me." Kowalski assumed. "Actually, Kowalski, I thought Timothy was atuação guilty." Skipper said. "Here, all in favor of my idea raise your flipper."...
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Chapter 8

Skipper made his way into the Clock Tower, and just like the last time he was there in the normal castle, a quick flash of light came and went and the fingers on the clock both started to move. They both landed on the six, which was on the topo, início instead of the bottom due to everything in the castelo being in reverse. And just like the last time, it rang thirteen times. Dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong… dong…dong…dong. The floor opened and Skipper made his way up. When he arrived he found an elevator just like the last time, but instead of going...
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posted by peacebaby7
Underground Lair

Skipper: "Um...It's not working..."

Blowhole: "You think I don't know that!" *presses button frantically*

"I think your little contraption will be a little hard to operate without these!"

Blowhole: "Hey! Grab him! Get those wires!"

Skipper: *jumps out of chair & heads toward Kowalski & Rico to untie them* Thank you for that long flashback Blowhole! Gave me just enough time to get the ropes around my flippers untied...

Minions: *tries to stop them, but Skipper & Private take them out*

Skipper: "I was beginning to think you weren't going to follow through with that little...
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Chapter 2

As Skipper entered the castelo right before he got inside a huge lobo monster stood in his way, but he easily killed with one hit of his sword. He didn't have just any sword, it was the family sword pasted down generation to generation in his family. As he went inside two mais lobo monsters where in his way, but like the last one he killed them both with one slash from his powerful sword. The lights of the castelo then went on and right out of the ground zombies raised from the ground. One por one then came but he was still no problem for the pinguim vampire. Killing of all them he made...
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posted by peacebaby7

Private: *walking along with the migration, in the back, where he'd be unnoticed, where no one would pay attention to him* I've had slow a slow week. There hasn't been much trouble since the migration started. I guess that just makes my job easier. I--OW! What was that?" *feels a prick on the back of his neck...then reaches back & pulls a small dart from the back of his neck*

Private: "What th--whoa..." *his vision becomes blurred, the world tips back & forth & begins spinning...feeling dizzy, sleepy...he falls forward... unconscious*

1 hora Later...

Private: "Oooooh...Where...
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Private was stranded in Hawaii. A coconut fell from the árvore and landed on Private's head. "Ow..."he whispered softly. He realized that he was hungry but an old man with nothing to eat almost fainted near the sunlight. Private just gave the coconut to him. The man ran to his shack excitedly. Private saw annother coconut. He opened it and drank it. He sighed when he remembered about the incident. He just sighed. "I just wish Skipper was here."he said.

Skipper walked alone thinking of options on how to get his Private back. Kowalski got a pad and drew suggestions but he tears the paper and threw...
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OK, so I'm really bored, so I decided to just do something random. So I started rhyming. My poem is probably lame, I know. Whattaya gonna do? Well, here goes...

PoM is so rockin' & cool
It makes me laugh so hard I look like a fool
I think about it all the time
To not like the show would be a crime

I think about it while I'm sleeping
I think about it while I'm awake
When a new show doesn't come on I start weeping
How long do I have to wait?

Skipper, the leader, is really hard core
But he still has a soft spot
To him there's so much more
When he's in cognito he's never caught

Kowalski is the genius of...
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Chrrosdefishinatizer: Take 1

Skipper: "...Yep! Won't be long till he comes bursting out of that room with a screwball device, with an unpronounceable name."

Private: "Then blows up."

Skipper: "That's a given."

Kowalski: *bursts out of lab* "I've done it! I have invented the Churrosdefishoeaofdl...UUGGH! You know this really is unpronounceable right!?"

Director: "Kowalski...We talked about this."

Kowalski: "Yeah, yeah. I know. Just suck it up & do the line."

Churrosdefishinatizer: Take 2

Skipper: "...Yep! Won't be long till he comes bursting out of that room with a screwball device, with an unpronounceable...
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Rico climbed up the assento and luggage, that was in his way to the brief false comfort of land. Kowalski wasn't far behind him. For them at that moment it was every pinguim for himself. Skipper soon made his way out, not realizing that one of his men was still in the death trap.
A frightened voice called out from the descending car. It was Skipper's worst nightmare. "Help, Skippah, don't let me fall!" Private yelped helplessly from the backseat, holding his lunacorn with his foot jammed and stuck under the crushing weight of all the luggage. "I'm stuck!" He cried.
Skipper lunged at the back of...
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New Leonard: Take 1

Rat King: "...Awwww! C'mon! There's no fun in beating up a sleeping guy!
Not that I won't or anything..."

Private: "Skipper! Look!"

Leonard: *snores*

RK: *shakes Leonard*

Director: "He really went to sleep this time didn't he..."

New Leonard: Take 2

Private: "Skipper! Look!"

Leonard: *jumps out of RK's arms*

Leonard's Dream: Gosh, Princess SelfRespectra! You'll be my best friend forever & ever!!

*RK struggles to keep Leonard from hugging him*

Leonard: "It's better to be friends than to own friends..."

RK: "What are you doing?!"

Leonard: "Hugs are happiness circles! We mate with...
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The Bus Called Graveyard 8: Take 1

Kowalski: "Pull up a assento and set a spell while this spooky tale I relate. 'Bout the meanest mess of steel and wheels man never did create. The bus called Graveyard Eight."

Rico: ...

Kowalski: "Rico?"

Rico: ...

Kowalski: "Has anyone seen Rico?"

Rico: *snores*

Kowalski: "Uuuugh. He's sleeping behind the dumpsters again. Rico! Wake up!"

Rico: "WHAT! HIIIIIYAA!" *kicks Kowalski in the face*

Kowalski: "Oww!"

Rico: "Oh, sorry 'bout that."

The Bus Called Graveyard 8: Take 2

Kowalski: "Pull up a assento and set a spell while this spooky tale I relate. 'Bout the meanest mess of...
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@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ -3-

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange >=D

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Merp.

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Huh?

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Hey. oi KOWALSKI!! HEY!!!

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange I will ignore that..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Knife.

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange I have a cup and a juicer por my side.. Want a round?

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Naaaaa. I'm good bro :3

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Then mover back a bit because I have a lemon..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Whut....

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Nothing..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Ms.Gomez shall get you.~

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Who the hell is that?


@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Uhh... That didn't make sense.. Why don't you crawl into a #pantry and die already..

Joey's Pen: Take 1

Julien: "...Ha! Into your face penguin!"

Skipper: "Sh-sh-ssssh! Don't make a sound, we're in James's pen!
Blast! That's not right!"

Joey's Pen: Take 2

Skipper: "Sh-sh-ssssh! Don't make a sound, we're in Joey's pen!"

Julien: "Who's Joey?"

*Joey awakens & approaches them*

Skipper: "That's Joey."

Julien: "A kangaroo! Oooh! How cute!"

*Joey kicks Julien*

Joey: "Joey don't rightly appreciate trespassers mates, makes me mad!"

Skipper: "Now look, marsupal, we don't--"

Director: "Cut!"

Skipper: "What?! What did I say?"

Director: "MarsuPIAL, not marsupal."

Skipper: "Blast!"...
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posted by peacebaby7
Last scene of It's About Time: Take 1

Kowalski: "...Eventually it will andorinha the whole universe!"

Rico: *gets angry & throws chronotron into black hole*

*black hole closes*

Kowalski: "But...but that shouldn't have worked, it breaks all...it breaks all...uh, LINE PLEASE!"

Last scene of It's About Time: Take 2

*black hole closes*

Kowalski: "But...but that shouldn't have worked, it breaks all known rules of the universe!"

Skipper: "That's why we call Rico a maverick. He makes his own rules."

Rico: "K-k...Yea!"

Kowalski: "But...But...The uni...uni...ACHOO! Aw, crud."

Last scene of It's About...
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Chapter 2- Sailing to Antarctica

Private just ignored. He put up the flag and wore his life vest. "Wait! We will go with you."Skipper said. Private hesitated but sighed. "Fine but we are not eating peixe or any thing. We'll only eat pastas, chocolate balls and for drinks: milk."Private said. "Fine!"Marlene said. They wore their life vests. "But Julien has to stay here because the barco might sink."Private smiled. "No!"Julien exclaimed. They left Julien and the barco moved. At first, it was such a fine weather. The waves moved smoothly. The sun was shining and it was a perfect dia for sailing. Just...
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posted by queenpalm
(I made this all up myself)

What is Rico's favorito song?
Private: Mmm! This is good hering!
Kowalski: That isn't hering, that's wild goldfish!
Private: Blah! I didn't even know those existed!
Kowalski: They don't.
Kowalski: Trick question, Skipper. Why is the Sun red?
Skipper: Is this about Rico?
What is black, white, and orange, black, white, and orange, black, white, and orange, black, white, and orange?
The Penguins of Madagascar.
Why did the bomb cruz the road?
It was in Rico's stomach....
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posted by RockOnPenguin
Quick message: I wrote a prologue for this a while back, and now i'm finally gonna continue it! ^^ Enjoy!

Skipper and Marlene strolled por until they found a sign in front of the entrance of a forest.
Skipper: "Here lies the forest of Earth's End. A temple to you it will send."
Marlene: What the heck could that mean?
Skipper: I don't know, but I know a cheesy riddle when I see one. Let's see what we can find in the forest.
Marlene and Skipper entered the dark Forest. They followed a path and suddenly it ended.
Marlene: Where should we go now?
Skipper: Hmm.....
Skipper looked around and found a lever...
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Private rushed through the dark murderous forest for his life. Leaping over dead árvore roots, croutching under branches, and yelping for some one's, anyone's help, he raced farther and farther away from the inferno mansion. For all he knew, the maniac that killed his friends was on his trail. No time, did he waste, to glance back to found where his attacker was.
Soon he was almost at the threshold, where they had almost wrecked coming. Just then in front of him Skipper's shadowy figure jumped from a árvore with an ax in one flipper, blocking the trembling Private from escaping. "Sorry, I have...
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