Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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posted by Aquade
"It's that it?"

"No, there's still a few left, sir."

"Well? What are they? Give us a list. Rico and I will gather them as soon as he comes back from gathering the last list you gave him."

"Sure! Just give me a few moments."

"This had better work, Private. I still say it's a waste of time."

"Don't worry! It will! I just hope that Kowalski is all right with it."

Kowalski paused on his way to the HQ's slightly covered entrance. Bits of conversation had seeped out, and they were not making any sense to the scientist. What were Private and Skipper talking about? That was not the thing what worried Kowalski, though. No, there was nothing weird or out of the ordinary with a leader and his youngest soldier having a conversation. What was strange was that they seemed to be planning something for him.

He climbed down the ladder as casually as possible. "Skipper, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary in the zoo and the surrounding area," he reported.

With a muffled gasp, Private threw a cloth over an object on a table. The cloth revealed a square shaped item. Skipper smiled nervously at Kowalski. "That's, uh, good work, Kowalski."

The lieutenant raised a brow and indicated to the unknown piece behind his commander. "What's that?"

Private's eyes widened. "That's just, um, Rico's unfinished sculpture!" he uttered.

Skipper gave him an appraising look. "He doesn't want any dust to gather on it."

Kowalski nodded unbelievingly. "And where exactly is Rico?"

"Out," replied Private simply.

Kowalski narrowed his eyes at the unhelpful answer the youngster provided but did not push. "I'm off to Marlene's," he informed, hoping that the lontra would have mais knowledge on the strange behavior of his teammates.

Skipper showed his approval with a nod. "You go do that."

Kowalski walked over to the door leading to Marlene's habitat. After the numerous times she had entered their HQ, the penguins simply dug a tunnel leading from her house to theirs. It proved to be a useful decision repeatedly.

As soon as the door closed behind Kowalski, he pressed his ear on it. A loud slap soon followed.

"What was that for?" asked Private, rubbing his cheek.

"For almost giving us away!" exclaimed Skipper.

"Well, it's not like he's going to find out about the-"

Muffling could be heard as Skipper slapped a flipper over Private's beak, preventing him from finishing his sentence. "Shh," whispered Skipper. "Not here. For all we know, he could be listening behind the door."

Kowalski frowned and eased away from the cold surface. He was not shining any light on the mystery por continuing to eavesdrop on their conversation. Instead, he was even mais confused! He waddled over to Marlene's habitat, deep in thought. What was going on?


Marlene had just dried off when Kowalski entered her cave. "Oh! Hi, Kowalski!" she greeted. "What's up?"

Kowalski sat on her cama and placed his head between his flippers. "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

Marlene frowned slightly and turned to him with concern. "Not as far as I know. Why?"

The pinguim groaned and began pacing the room. "Have I done anything wrong?"

Marlene lifted a brow. "Wrong?"

"Something out of place."

"I don't think so. What's this all about?"

"What are they up to?" muttered Kowalski.

"They?" Marlene's brows furrowed together. "You mean the guys?" She turned thoughtful. "You know, now that I think of it: Where are they?"

Kowalski looked up. "That's the thing!" he complained. "They're atuação suspicious, and I know that they're planning something. But what is it?"

Marlene finally cleared up some of the confusing words uttered from Kowalski. "Wait a minute-"

"I don't have a minute!"

Marlene gave him a pointed look. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I've had a perplexing day. Please go on."

"As I was saying-" She paused a while to look meaningfully at Kowalski again. "They're planning something, and you don't know about it?"


"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. How can you not know about it? I thought you guys were like four peas in a pod or something."

He gave her a blank look. Marlene chuckled faintly. "Ignore that last bit."

"Um, okay." He seemed to be put off slightly before continuing. "But for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what!"

Marlene adopted a thoughtful gaze on her features. "Maybe you should just let it run its course," she suggested. "If I know the guys, they'll never do anything to hurt you."

He stared at her. Marlene corrected herself. "Well, anything intentionally and irrational at least. They have good intentions, usually."

Quickly knowing that she would not sway from her opinion, Kowalski sighed and nodded to please the otter. "Yeah. Perhaps you're right, Marlene."

She brightened up and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "Glad to help."

The pinguim slid away from her habitat. I'm a scientist for goodness sakes! He thought. It's against my nature to just let it 'run its course'! Every fiber and DNA in my body is begging me to answer this problem, and I'm not going to rest until I find a solution!

With this newfound determination, Kowalski left the otter's habitat.


The thought had never crossed Skipper's mind. In fact, he didn't even want to do it! But then his youngest teammate had flashed those big blue eyes at him. How was he supposed to counter that? The pinguim leader wasn't sure what Mother Nature had done to put him in this position: Getting ingredients for Private like some delivery penguin. He was a leader for Pete's sake!

Perhaps this was the reason he didn't see Kowalski until it was too late. Of course, it was partly Rico's fault as well. The pinguim walking seguinte to him had been sonhar acordado about explosions, fish, and snow cones that he nearly ran into Skipper when the commander had stopped.

"Skipper! Rico!" Kowalski was surprised. He hadn't expected to meet them here. Mentally, he slapped himself. How many times had Skipper lectured him to expect the unexpected? "What are you doing here?"

"Snack run," answered Rico, licking his beak in anticipation of the comida they were going to pick up.

"Oh! May I tag along?" asked Kowalski in hopes of uncovering mais of the mystery.

"No." Rico shook his head. He had always been a direct penguin.

Kowalski frowned. "Why not?"

"Classified." With that, Rico slid away. Skipper hurried after him, thankful that the frankness of Rico's nature had shielded him from answering awkward questions. Times like these were when he uncovered another new appreciation of Rico's character.


"Howdy, neighbor!"

"Not now, Julien." The mysterious behavior of his teammates were affecting Kowalski's mood. "I'm in no mood for games. Don't you have anything better to do?"

Nevertheless, Julien continued walking alongside the penguin. "Nah, Maurice is preparing the royal pool, and Mort is nowhere to be seen after a kicked him off the royal jumpy thing."

Resisting the urge to growl at the lemur, Kowalski took a few deep breaths. "Julien, please leave me alone for a day."

"I see that you are troubled por the other fishy birds."

This paused Kowalski in his tracks. "You saw that?" he asked incredulously.

"The king sees all."

"Right." Kowalski rolled his eyes. "If you see everything, can you see into their minds and tell me what's going on?"

"You mean you don't see it?"

Kowalski threw up his flippers. "Why does it seem like the whole zoo –with the exception of Marlene –knows what is going on? Even you?"

"Pff, it's so obvious."

"What? What is it?" Kowalski looked like a child on natal Eve, begging to stay up and catch Santa.

"They are clearly replacing you!" Julien said smugly.


The idea was so preposterous that Kowalski wanted to scoff. Yet, at the same time, his mind was busy connecting it with the recent events. The unknown object on the mesa, tabela must have been a communications device. The fact that no one wanted to tell Kowalski what was going on, and that they had clearly been avoiding him were because they were afraid to tell him.

But, he had known them for years now! They would never do such a thing, right? Even if they were going to replace him, they would tell him. Right? Doubts started to form. A small part of his mind urged him to take Marlene's conselhos and let everything just work out naturally. That part was quickly extinguished por his growing distress though.

"Egad! They are replacing me!"

"Told you." Julien nodded once, seemingly satisfied that the scientist had believed him. The lémure, lemur vaulted over the wall, done with his role.

Kowalski paid no mind to him, instead quickly making his way back the habitat.


"Are you replacing me?" The words left Kowalski's beak before his feet even touched the ground.

"What in the name of mint sorvete are you talking about, Kowalski?" said Skipper in bewilderment as he and the other penguins moved to block something out of Kowalski's view.

He scrambled over to them. "If you are replacing me," the scientist pleaded. "At least just say it to my face!"

"We're not replacing you, Kowalski!" reassured Private. "Don't worry!"

"Wait." Kowalski stopped. "If you're not replacing me, then why were you avoiding me?"

Private smiled sheepishly as he moved to allow Kowalski view of the hidden object. It was a plate of brócolis and cheese. "You see, we were planning on surprising you with this to see if you liked it!" he explained. "After you said that you've never tried it with cheese, I wanted to give you a try of it to see if you did."

Kowalski's mind pieced together everything as Private was explaining. Relief filled his body, and joy lit up his face. All that worrying was for nothing! Marlene had been right! Unable to help it, Kowalski began laughing to release the tension. Soon, he was on the ground, shaking.

Rico tilted his head and nudged the lieutenant with a foot. "'Waski?"

"If our cooking is so horrible, just say so!" said Skipper, a smiled breaking across his features. "No need to tease."

"What's so funny?" asked Private.

Kowalski grinned. "It's a long story, Private. A long story."


How was that? Hoped you liked it!
Indescribable, that's all Marlene could think when she saw what lied beneath Lilly's ribbon, it was so grotesque that Marlene had almost screamed in disgust, but she couldn't, she had to let the team rest. That was a night ago. Now they had to go find Herelde, the woman with the mirrors. When Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico woke up, Marlene was curled up in a fetal position, shaking and sweating. "Marlene, what happened to you?" asked Kowalski. Before Marlene could speak, Lilly started to talk, tightening her ribbon. "She merely had a nightmare, she should be fine," said Lilly, giving Marlene a...
continue reading...
The monster charged at Skipper, with full intent on killing him. Skipper ran between the monster's legs and panted. "Rico!! Gimme all the weapons you have!!" yelled Skipper. Rico nodded his head and threw up all of their guns, knives, and chainsaws, but before Skipper could grab a hold on any of them, the monster slurped up all the weapons, except for a small knife. "Skippah!! We're gonna die!!" yelled Private, screaming and crying. Then, Skipper grabbed Private and smacked him as hard as he could. "Listen Private!! We can do this!! All we need to do is stick together!!" yelled Skipper. "Guys!!...
continue reading...
They felt disappointed when I told them about the commercial incident. So, I went straight to the manager that told me that and bailed out of the agreement. He went furious with me and decided to close my kiosk.

"It was the right thing to do, Private," Skipper explained.

We decided to post some banners about new recruits applying for the war for Dr. Blowhole. We were all astonished on what we saw. It was some of Blowhole's old Crustacean Warriors. They quitted a long time ago, just after we exited through our recent victory when we stopped him in our last battle.

So, we headed to his headquarters...
continue reading...
Me:but who why when
Skipper:we don't know who and don't know why but it happen right now
Harry:I know why a gryffindory did this because some how they want to go the chamber
Hermonie:we'll ask Hagrid
Ron:oh sure we can go like: " oh hello Hagrid do u know anything about the chamber"
Hagrid:no talking about are you
All of us:no
Me:some how he knows
Wood:today we'll show hufflepuff we'll bet them
Fred(or greoge) : Harry will stop them with his starting thing that can freeze them
Me:Harry the games called off you have to see this
At the hoptil wing
Me:hermonie been...
Harry and Ron:hermonie
Me:she was in the biblioteca
End of part 9 well hermonie live *dramcie music*
Me:soooooo that's wasn't so hard was it
Harry: oh really then was
Skipper:it's really great to be here Alex because you look.....like......a.......angel
Me and the wizard:...........?
Skipper: I mean you know
At defans art and dark magic
Proffeser:today you'll learn how to make sure a vampire doesn't bite you
*bells ring* ringgggggggg
At lunch
Me:well what do we have in the-
Ron:we don't have anything
Precy:are you leaving Alex with the penguins?
Me:yeah! Harry,Ron,Hermiome you can come
The three of them:really!
Me:yeah my parents think it's okay
Harry:well now we know who you-
Me:should we go to cama
Harry:right penguins following me and Ron
Hermione:good night private *blows a kiss*
Me:night skipper
Skipper:night Alex
Harry:night Alex
seguinte moring
At dark defense and dark magic
Professor q:a-a-and remaeber that I-I-f you ever find a v-v-v-aprime use garlic *bells ring*
at lunch
Me:I am telling you mayfol is going to get you in trouble
Harry:don't worry
Skipper:who mayfol
Me:someone you don't want to me
Mayfol:why not Alex
Me:no reason jerk
Mayfol:I'll see you griffdory at flying lesson
Me:ahggggggg again
Harry:don't worry it won't happen like on the 1year
Private:what happen?
Hermoien:you don't want to know
Part 3 ends
Part 4 coming soon to a fanpop near you
posted by Marika_1996
You may like to read it as an introduction to my stories (yes, there will be mais of them!).

I said it about 124th time today, though. But I still, still can't believe it. I've been here for three months, and I still say 'Wow' every day. Why?
I'm living in the middle on New York ina secret HQ with a command, including 4 guys and 4 girls. You know, the Penguins.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Before you leave, just let me tell you that it isn't a Mary Sue story. I'm not a Super Cool And Wonderful Girl Who Saves The World And Finds Her True Love. No. I'm just a fifteen years old nerd, who isn't sure...
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posted by Bluepenguin
 "I can't believe Ester, a girl I've known for a third of my entire life, would decide to just flirt with Rico, and in front of my very eyes!"
"I can't believe Ester, a girl I've known for a third of my entire life, would decide to just flirt with Rico, and in front of my very eyes!"
Writer: Bluepenguin
Idea and Credit: skipperfan5431

Kowalski stares at Ester skipping away gleefully, dragging the completely baffled and perplexed Rico with her.

Skipper: Well, I guess that settles that.
Private stares sincerely up at Kowalski.
Private: Kowalski? Are you alright?

Kowalski does not respond for a moment, what with this being the segundo woman that has rejected him, Doris being the first and now Ester. He does not look down at Private, and keeps gazing into the distance.

Private: ....Kowalski?
Kowalski: I'm... I'm fine Private. I'll be in my lab...

Kowalski leaves, still stunned por the...
continue reading...
posted by Colonelpenguin
Everyone was gone except for two of the penguins.
the others where on a vacation with Kaitlyn's sister Leah which she was very annoying.
So I didn't go but my cell phone ranged a pinguim said "Do you know I'm a dimwit?"
"I'm a dimwit?"i said and the pinguim said "You're sure are!" I hanged up angrily and said "it could be Skipper,Lily,or Rico."
Private's phone ranged seguinte a the pinguim said "Is you're refrigerator running?" "I don't know," said private. "If it is you'd better catch it!" The voice said.
Private said angrily "It could be Kowalski,Rico,or Lily" he complained. But as soon as he said it Skipper ran in. me and Private gasped like if the winkies were going out of business.
"Don't be alarmed I was here the whole entire time,and sorry if I didn't let one of you go instead," He said."But Private all the penguins you said were wrong,"

Kowalski managed to get back to the HQ, crawl into cama and pretend to sleep for a while, all before warm-ups began. He participated as normally as possible - until Alice showed up. She was shocked to find one enclosure of the Reptile House had been burned horribly - as was the inhabitant of the enclosure.

Skipper was equally shocked upon overhearing this, and had his team investigate while Alice called the police.

One of the first things Skipper noticed was that the secret flipper-scanner had been opened. He had Rico cough up a flipper-print duster, and had Kowalski dust the scanner.

"No prints,...
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Julien is not the kind of lemur,
Who should be speeding on a stolen news furgão, van towing a pine tree,
And Skipper is not the kind of penguin,
Who should be stalking a bunch of Santas…

Marlene would rather make some peace,
When there’s a conflict between Charles Dickens vs rock and roll,
In the decorations committee,
Instead of getting involved in a snowball fight,
Something that Burt definitely started,
Thanks a lot for squishing the snowmen guitarists,
We all lose ourselves in a flashback,
Where Santa comes and says:

"Don't give up, pick yourselves off the floor,
Ya-You can save Kidsmas,
By cleaning...
continue reading...
posted by anna447
But the king still fearful for his girls life decred that all spining weels shall be burned.and so it was done.the 3 good sorsoris know a bonfire was not going to stop jane so they made a plan. the plan was to raice the child themselfs without magic.and so the king and qween wacthed as there only child disappered into the night.

marlene keeped her name and grow up to be the most bueatifulist lontra in the land.she was loved por all she know.at the forbiddin pcik jane had not yet found marlene.it was marlene's 28th bday.the dia jane's corese was to come true.meanwile tamon was takeing his horse for a storel when he heard marlene's cantar he sing along.
posted by skipperfan5431
The clone hung Lilly and Marlene upside-down from the monument. To make matters worse, Lilly is afraid of HEIGHTS! (go figure huh?) " Lilly,Lilly,Lilly.You had the chance to be mine forever, but instead you wanted to hit." The clone turns his head to reveal an eye-patch covering his other eye! *lol! She poked his eye out!* Lilly smiled proudly. " Yeah, seguinte i'll go for the other one and make it even!" She mocked. " Oohhh, BURRRN!" Marlene teased. Then, he lost his temper, he cut the rope that was teathering Lilly to the ground, and down she fell.
The clone moved to...
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posted by skipperfan5431
The boys are in the HQ doin'n their own thing, when suddenly, another Skipper (real) springs in. " What the?!" Asked the clone, trying to play it off. " Got ya now CLONE! Get him boys!" Skipper commands, pointing his flipper to the imposter. None of his teammates obeyed. " How are we so sure YOURE not the clone?" Kowalski asked skeptically. " Yeah! Get them BOTH boys!" Lilly adds. On her command, everyone jumped onto a Skipper,and tied them each to a chair. "Come on boys, you know it's me!" The clone Skipper pleaded, but all of a sudden,one of his contacts fell out! He was...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Kowalski ran into the room as soon as he heard Lilly's voice. " You're on the plane. Skipper saved your life outhere. A-few mais minutos and those fumes would have killed you!" Lilly smiled. " Aww. How sweet." she said to Kowakski. " When X took me off the ride, what did you guys say?" Lilly asked suspiciously. " Uh nothing! Nothing at all." Kowalski replied in a nerveous way. " Really? Because I could hear you boys giggling like little school girls from outside the door." Lilly said. " Well...." Skipper walked in. "Here he is, MR.HERO!!!" yelled Kowalski as he pushed Skipper twoard's Lilly's...
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posted by skipperfan5431
As soon as the animais aproach the terminator-Exterminador do Futuro ride, Officer X jumps out holding a giant vacume with a strange black liquid inside. As soon as Kowalski sees the strange substence, he seems to recognize it and he slides away. " Kowalski! where are you going!?" Screamed Private, hoping his friend would answer. " Do you little birdies know whats in this vacume?" Asks Officer X in an evil tone. He finds a rato and sprays it with the strange black mist. It seems to be dead. " AHHHHH!!" Screamed all the remaining penguins. (and Julien.) " This is somethi'n Ilike to call CHEMICAL X!" Explains Officer...
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posted by EppofangirlXD
Skipper stood at Marlene’s cave entrance, right between the inside and outside of her cave, where Marlene couldn’t see him. Maybe she doesn’t remember, he thought, but who could forget when someone was being mean and rude to you? He felt like he had this big burden resting on his shoulders.

Still wondering whether to go in and apologize or whether to chicken out and go home, Skipper’s foot accidentally protruded into Marlene’s cave light.

“Skipper?” Marlene asked curiously, wondering if the foot she saw sticking into her room was his. She was sitting on her bed, ready to go to...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Skipper wakes up later that night in a cold sweat. " That dream proved what I must do! Up and adam boys! Kowalski fogo up the plane! Were goi'n to Antarctica! NOW!!!! Kowalski is the first to get out of bed. He really wanted to see Lilly, even though she was only gone for six hours. He got the keys to the plane and they were off!
Lilly was lying in bed, thinking. Just then she heard a loud ' BUZZ!!' She searched her room an found the wrist communicator Kowalski made for her lying on the chest at the end of her bed. She was so upset, she forgot she even...
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posted by skipperfan5431
With that the boys set off to find the secret admirer, but first, they had to find Lilly. "Rico! procurar the east half of the zoo with me. Kowalski and Private procurar the west. Leave no rock unturned men. We have to find Lilly! mover out!" The penguins then got into their teams and searched for their teammate. Meanwhile, Julien is talking to Maurice in the bouncy- house. " Maurice! Give to me the royal comforting device!" " Right away your majesty!" Replied Maurice as he obeyed the king's order. When he came back, he was holding a large blue throw -blanket with Julien's face on the front. " Ah!...
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         Chapter 2
        How to explain this

    The seguinte morning Private and Rico were on topo, início of the HQ talking and trying to overcome of what happen last night with them and the badgers.

“Rico, I kissed a texugo last night!”

“Stop saying,” he grunted.

“Sorry, but what are we going to do about this?”


“Love, are you saying you’re actually in amor with Becky?”

“Hmmm… yup!”

“Well what about your doll?”

Rico then got his doll, took one last look at it, but then he...
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