Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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I tried to scream her name, but all that escaped my throat was a croaking sound due to my coração clogging my airways. It was as if I’d found Marlene and then lost her all over again. When I turned to go to her, I found a group of lobsters blocking my path.

“Oops,” one of the five said to me, though he obviously couldn’t care less. Rage churned in my stomach and simmered into my cheeks and I started forward.

“You son of a—!”

Let’s just say that the last part of that sentence was censored when all he was able to hear was the sound of my fist making friends with his jaw. I don’t think I need to explain that it wasn’t difficult to take out the other four lobsters. When you have the determination that I had at the moment, the Devil himself wouldn’t stand in your way.

After fighting the lobsters out of my way, I sprinted to the staircase that lead to the floor below and slid to her so fast that I honestly hardly remember doing it.

When I reached her, I dropped to my knees at her side. Yeah, I know, cliché much? But who said I cared? Marlene was unconscious and lying motionless on her side, but she was still alive. Seeing the rise and fall of her chest indicating that she was still breathing was a relief, but it still didn’t tell me if she was okay or if she was going to be. I gently shook her shoulder in hopes of receiving a response, but Marlene was out cold.

“You’re pathetic, Skipper.”

I turned around at the sound of Blowhole’s voice and found him standing behind me on his segway.

“Blowhole, I swear, you do not want to be in my peripheral vision right now,” I warned with the muscles in my body tensing with agitation as I got to my feet.

“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Blowhole sneered. “I’m actually very surprised at you, Skipper. I can’t believe you’re actually in love,” he said teasingly.

“And you know the meaning of the word?” I shot back.

“We villains only know of a different kind of love. It’s called power,” Blowhole answered. His smile widened so much that all I wanted to do was rip it off his face and cram it down his throat. Trust me, if you were in my situation and seeing the sadistic glee on his face, you would’ve felt the same way. Before I could say anything, he hit a button on his segway and a moment later, I was surrounded.

There was Mason, Phil, Ringtail, Maurice, Sad Eyes, Becky, and Stacy all standing around me, awaiting the order to rip my guts out. But just when I thought that was it…My team trailed in behind them.

They were wearing the same expression that the others were.

I don’t know how he managed to inject my men with that Serum, but I didn’t really care. All that mattered was that he did it in the first place.

“I’d like to see you amor your way out of this one, Skipper. Oh, how marvelous it will be to see you finally meet your doom. And por your own friends, of all things,” Blowhole taunted.

“You’re a coward! Why don’t you fight me yourself instead of sending someone to do it for you?!” I retorted.

“As much as I would absolutely adore pummelling you into the ground, Skipper, I’m afraid I have a show to watch. But don’t worry, I will be the one with the pleasure of finishing you off once and for all. Look on the bright side, you’ll get to say goodbye to your friends before you die. mais or less, that is,” Blowhole said moving to the other side of the lair.

I desperately clawed at different solutions in my mind, but my adrenaline was so high that I could barely make sense of what I was trying to find a solution to. Each segundo that ticked por was another segundo wasted. Was this really how it was going to end for me? Being pounded into dust por my own friends? The thought made me sick to my stomach. I heard Blowhole laugh from across the room.

“It’s so amusing to see you indefinitely helpless, Skipper. But, I’m afraid I’ve grown quite bored of just watching you fidget. Minions, bring Skipper to me on his knees,” he ordered them.

Becky and Stacy both lunged at me simultaneously and I pomba to the side, sliding away from Marlene. I didn’t want her to accidentally get hurt in the middle of my fight. Or one-sided fight, rather.

I didn’t get far before someone else was on topo, início of me. I drove my elbow into a ribcage and was able to grab a precious segundo to get to my feet just as Mason’s fist crashed down where my head had been just a segundo ago. Had he always been that strong?

I’ve battled the strongest of foes before, been surrounded por far worse, and never have I been so frightened. Yes, you heard me. I was frightened. Not of losing, not of my friends, but the fact that if I did lose, who knows what Blowhole would do to them? That, and the fact that I didn’t know how to win this without harming any of them. Blowhole was right, I couldn’t amor my way out of this one.

When I turned back around I barely had time to react before Kowalski made a jab for my jaw, but I did manage to block the attack and push him back a few feet. In the seguinte second, I was somersaulting between Phil and Mason’s grasp and backflipping over Sad Eyes. Unfortunately, the attacks were just coming too fast and I couldn’t dodge the fierce blow that Rico delivered to my temple and I was thrown on my backside with stars exploding in my vision.

Before I could regain my footing, Kowalski had me pinned to the ground por my shoulders. I struggled against his grip, but I underestimated Kowalski’s strength and he reared his fist back and brought it down into my jaw, causing me to black out for a second. As I tried to regain my sight, I heard something, along with the tickle of air brushing past my ear hole.

“Sorry, Skipper, but I had to do that.”

It took me a moment to realize that it was Kowalski. I turned my numb head around to see him and through my groggy vision, I could see him shaking his head at me before he lurched back when a pair of hands pushed him off of me.

Finally, my vision cleared enough to see what was going on and I rolled out of the way before Rico caught my gut with a lead hammer. When I pushed myself to my feet, my eyes found Kowalski, who was poising himself for another attack.

Of course what’d I’d heard was just the fuzziness of my mind getting to me. How convenient would it be for Kowalski to not be affected por the Serum? It was too good to be true. Then again, there was something about his expression that separated himself from the others…

It wasn’t blank.

In fact, it looked concentrated. His eyes flitted back and forth between my opponents and I. I had to avert my curiosity when Mort pounced on my back and pulled at the feathers on my head…And I think he was biting me…

I cried out in frustration and thrashed back and forth, trying to shake him off, but the little guy had a death grip onto me. I felt a few of my feathers pluck free and an extremely annoying itchy sensation replaced them. I was so frustrated that I wasn’t watching where I was going and stumbled right into Ringtail’s fist.

And I thought Mort was bothering me. Now I was being beaten up por Ringtail? That was not going to fly. Finally, I managed to wrench Sad Eyes off of me and before I could react, Becky and Stacy got their chance to take me to the ground.

I was too outnumbered. One against ten. And I was the one covered in lacerations and running out of breath. Me thinking that I had a chance at winning without hurting them was like thinking that Alice would be elected President of the United States: unlikely.

After a couple mais minutes, I realized that they were just toying with me because the chimps grabbed my flippers and restrained me. They could’ve done that before now, but I suppose they were getting bored. As I pulled and thrashed to free myself, Kowalski strided up to me and drove his fist into my gut, knocking the wind out of me. With his fist still digging into my abdomen, he leaned into the side of my face.

“Hang in there, Skipper,” he whispered, “once we get close enough to Blowhole, this will all be over.” He pulled back and turned to follow the others, who were making their way to Blowhole’s position. Phil and Mason yanked at my flippers and dragged me along. I was too weak to object.

When we reached Blowhole, the simians threw me forward, causing me to land on my knees in front of him. Just like he wanted. I kept myself propped up por my flippers and took deep breaths. Blowhole’s satisfaction was so great that I could feel it por just being near him, as if he was crawling inside my head.

“This was much simpler that I thought it’d be,” I heard Blowhole say. I lifted my head slowly, first seeing the wheel of his segway, then his body, then his face. I didn’t know it was possible to smile that wide…Or that demonically. My anger was so vehement that I swear I could feel heat radiating off of my body like a demon with a fever. I jerked progressivo, para a frente slightly with intention of barrelling into him, but stopped abruptly when Blowhole waved his flipper side to side and said, “Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

At first I was confused, but a sound caught my attention from my left. A couple of lobsters were holding Marlene—still unconscious—and had a blade to her jugular. My breath caught in my throat and I glanced at Kowalski, who was doing his best to keep his eyes blank and emotionless. When I turned back to Blowhole, his expression was unchanged. I felt like a small child being bullied por a kid four times my own size—powerless. I could only think to do one thing, something that I’d never imagined that I’d be forced to do for any enemy of mine. I pleaded.

“Blowhole, leave her out of this. Leave them all out of this! Just take me instead!”

Blowhole’s eyes twinkled with cruel glee and he threw his head back laughing. When he regained his composure, he looked back to me with a sigh.

“First, I get to watch you get beaten into a pulp and now you’re begging? Oh, this is certainly one of the greatest dia of my life por far.”

I shook my head. “Nobody deserves to die because of me. Blowhole, please let them go.”

I fought back the tears that were pooling in my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat. The seguinte words that I allowed to leave my beak felt like I was barfing up hot coals and I couldn’t bring myself to say it to his face. So, I looked down and said to the floor instead.

“I’ll do anything.”

And I meant it. I know it was taking a risk, considering Blowhole was never one to keep his word, but I didn’t have many options. I would do anything to keep my friends safe. I would sell my soul to Satan himself if it were the only way to keep them from harm.

“Anything, you say?” Blowhole purred. “How noble of you. But I already told you that I don’t negotiate with my enemies.”

“Then do it! Kill me! What are you waiting for!?” I screamed. I really don’t know why I was rushing it. I think I was just so exhausted—and possibly suffering from a concussion—to realize what I was saying.

“And make it so quick? Where’s the fun in that? The longer I make you suffer, the mais satisfying my revenge will be,” Blowhole cooed.

I looked back to Marlene, who was still resting in a lobster’s claws and a blade poised to lacerate her throat. My eyes found the lemurs, who were standing a few feet away. Then I turned to my right, where the badgers and chimps were. Finally, I let my eyes find Rico and Private, who were awaiting their orders from behind me. When I looked back to Blowhole, I got to my feet.

“Let me tell you something, Blowhole. There’s something you’ll never understand. It’s called sacrifice. It’s new, you should look it up sometime. And when you truly care about someone, you’ll do anything to protect them. No matter what it takes,” I said.

“Is there supposed to be some kind of point in telling me this? Because I’m starting to get a little bored,” Blowhole said with a fake yawn.

“No real point. I just wanted you to make a little mais sense on what’s gonna happen next,” I answered, unable to hold back the grin forming on my face. Blowhole’s expression went from mock fatigue to confusion just as Kowalski—who’d snuck away from the group and made his way to the upper platform about four minutos ago—pounced down onto him.

Without seeing how it played out, I charged for the lagosta threatening Marlene’s life and took him and his friend out in the midst of their shock. I whipped around and kicked Rico in the gut as he advanced, causing him to regurgitate a smoke bomb. It was unintentional, but I was glad it happened. Unable to see a thing, I picked Marlene up and took off in a direction seeking clean air and light. When I got clear of the smoke, I laid Marlene down and turned back. The smoke was starting to fã out and I could make out figures stumbling into each other.

This was going to end now.

I turned and saw a lagosta minion retreating to bring back reinforcements. I charged after him and took him to the ground.

“Tell me how to stop it!” I ordered into his ear.

“Stop what?!” he asked struggling against my grip.

“The Serum! How do you counteract it?!” I answered.

“You think I know?!”

“Don’t give me that! Why wouldn’t you?!” I asked pressing his face harder into the cold, concrete floor.

“Only Dr. Blowhole knows! I just work for him! Why would he give valuable information like that to me!?”

I leaned in closer to his face and hissed, “Look, crustacean, I happen to know what Blowhole threatens you with when you pergunta him. Don’t think I don’t know about that pot of boiling water he keeps in the back. So, unless you want to go for a quick swim, you’d better talk.”

For a moment, he looked at me out of the corner of his eye, surveying the seriousness of my expression. He cursed under his breath.

“The trigger word is ‘mastermind’. But it only works if it comes from Blowhole’s voice pattern,” he told me. I nodded.

“Much obliged,” I said before I knocked his lights out.

I turned around and saw that the smoke had cleared and my friends were just now realizing that Kowalski was attacking Blowhole and were advancing to help him—Blowhole, I mean. I charged forward, knowing that I only had a few precious segundos to stop them before it was over. As much as I hated doing what I had to do, I had no other alternative. At least, not one that I could fulfill before it was too late. I had to take out all nine of Blowhole’s minions.

And por Blowhole’s minions, I mean my friends.
posted by Bluepenguin
Writen By: Bluepenguin
Idea and Credit: skipperfan5431

Ester: Soooo... what do you want to do today, sweety?
Rico: o_o

Ester scoots closer to Rico on the park bench with the most overly-fangirled face.

Ester: I know! We can go watch a romantic movie in the Zoovenier shop! How about, "Animal Romance"?
Rico: O_O
Rico's Thoughts: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!
Ester: Hmm, you're right. Maybe we'll go see it later. I'll get some snow cones, while you stay here!

Ester leaves the bench and Rico tries hysterically to escape, but his new "E + R" T-shirt is caught on one of the loose nails of the bench....
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j:forget about that guy forget the way you fell into his eyes forget about his charms forget about the way he held you in his arms...walking on air's obnankchens the trills the chills will make you noashehs and you'll never get eneth just forget about love...forget about romance forget about the way your coração begins to dance..then you feel the blash when he's spouting out some santamentel mosh amor relly is revolting it's even worse then when your molting eneth of this floff just forget about love
m:I had almost forgeten the way it felt when he held out his hand for mine my coração all a-flatter...
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posted by CoolNala
Part 2 - lontra Duties

When we last left the story, Leah, who was revealed to be 005, Dr. Blowhole's Apprentice, was about to have a conversation with her boss. Leah was just a costume, and she revealed her true form.
It was a lot like the disguise, but she had a purple scar going across your left eye, and had some weaponry around the utility cinto, correia that was on her waist.
Blowhole: "What kept you so long, 005? I was worried that those four pen-gu-ins had gotten you already."
005: "You didn't need to worry about me, Blowhole."
Blowhole: "So, what's this all important intel you have?"
005: "Well, you...
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posted by JediPenguin16
I had this idea...it festered, it made characters, it implanted itself into my subconscience, and now, I bring it to you.
Skilene, but not too much. Has Oc's.
Prolouge:The Mystery
The sky was blue reds and browns and yellows began to commandeer the green of the leaves, yet summer was fighting back with it's greatest weapon; heat.
Too much heat, in fact, than even the madagascar and Africa faring penguins could take. Standin on thier "iceburg" they waved to the few visitors, exhausted. Even taking a dip in the pool wasn't helping, the cooling units had broken in the heat, and all the "cool" had...
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A Skilene-Filled September
Scenario 2: “Dating Practice”
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just shy of nine months since she had gone on that infamous encontro, data with Fred, Marlene chuckled to herself as she recalled the whole escapade. She found it funny that she had found him funny, only to learn too soon that her “Bobo” was just a run-of-the-mill buffoon. In fact, she had all but sworn off dating ever again the very seguinte day.

But could she truly hold out on dating again forever? Marlene soon pondered such a question.

Forever certainly is an awfully long time,” she then thought to herself. “Maybe...
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After watching Driven to the Brink, I NEEDED to write this. Enjoy!

Skipper walked through the dark zoo alone. It was well after midnight. He was tired after a long dia of training, but he had to make sure the rest of the team was asleep. Especially Kowalski.

"Doris!" He whispered, "I'm here!" A head poked out of the golfinho tank. Doris looked around, clearly nervous. "Are you alone?" she asked. Skipper nodded.
Doris looked relieved. "Remember, we can't let ANYONE know about this. They could tell Kowalski!"

"No one will know," Skipper promised.

"Are you sure we're doing the right thing here?...
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Kowalski’s beak hurt.

He was afraid of the dentist, and had been putting it off for some time now. He saw a zoo ad for “Painless Dentistry” and decided to give it a go. After all, if it was painless, it might help him get over his fear of dentists. He walked into the waiting room. The sign read that the dentist was out at twelve o’clock. It was eleven fifty now.

In the back, Skipper is putting away his instruments. His secretary, Marlene, buzzed in.

“There’s one mais customer to see you, Skipper. Kowalski Houseman. He says its an emergency.”

“Houseman, you say? Kowalski?” he...
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posted by beastialmoon
Master of Puppets

Hey, its time for a new chapter! Hope you all like it! It’s one of my longest yet, seeing as this is one of the Longest (and best) rock songs of all time.

Lulu told them why she was here. “My habitat in Hoboken is damaged, and I’m staying here for a spell.”
“We’re happy to have you back, Lulu. It seems Phil is rather excited.” Skipper said. Eyes turned on Phil, who was busy beijar Lulus feet. He stopped, blushed, and backed into the crowd.

I’m your fonte of self destruction

The penguins rolled away, giving the chimps some alone time. Truth be told, she was doing...
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posted by theWOLFPACK15
 run as fast as you can and don't stop for any reason.
run as fast as you can and don't stop for any reason.
Dark clouds romed the winter night sky of New York. a cold rainy night was coming. Down below in Central Park a mother raposa was watching her pup playing up ahead as she walked behind.

"Ok little one, i think its time to head back to the den." The mother said in amuzment as she got close to her kit.

" Aww, but mama its not that late" The kit protested.

"No, but it will rain soon and i don't want to get wet when its this cold out." She pointed out. "now come on." she turned and started to walk the way where their antro, den was.

" Okay!" the kit said as she pranced her way beside her mom.

There was silence...
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(These are the first comments I have gotten)
-First comment ever made when I joined myspace, was like a fun greeting-
Col. Skipper
(Apr. 21,2010 6:55PM):
"1Ah...Blowhole! My arch nemesis!
Finally made an account I see...It's obvious that weare NOT friends!"
-That was a wounderful welcoming was it not? Ahahaha...anyways,
Yet that was not such a bother this was-
Lyn Cassady
(Apr. 22,2010 7:55PM):
*Cassady smirks* "Well....never thought I'd see you here."
-I got suspisous knowing I did not know...
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posted by krazy4kowalski
Skipper: Well, boys, Private’s out having chá with the chimps. Let’s say have a little fun. Rico! I’m gonna need some explosives! (No answer, Rico’s not there) Kowalski, where’s Rico?
Kowalski: I don’t know! He was here a segundo ago!
Rico (off screen): Imiheeah!
Skipper: What are you doing in here?
Rico: Mumbahaho!
Kowalski: What is that you’re holding? (Gasp) Marijuana? Where on earth did you find it?
Rico: (points in general direction)
Skipper: Rico, you know we agreed not to use drugs!
Kowalski: Yes, give us one good reason for its use.
Rico: Floombago.
Skipper: Hmmm, that does make...
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It was a warm morning in the New York zoo.
three out of four penguins were asleep, Kowalski, Rico, and Private.

The leader of the group Skipper, planned on not wakeing them up yet.

And was too busy trying to fix the coffee maker.

And por all notes, the boys knew Skipper was not a morning person without coffee.


"HUH?" Kowalski banged his head on the topo, início bunk.

"CUPIT??" Private said and woke up and noticed he was beijar his pillow.

"zzzz" Rico snored.

"Oh hello boys, why are you guys up this early?" Skipper asked with a secret smile.

"Hrmm. I'm sure you know.." Kowalski mumbled.

"Well, since you soldiers are up, how about helping me fix the coffee maker?"

Private pretended to sleep again.

Kowalski had no chance to pretend to sleep again, and he dreaded to help Skipper with the coffee maker.
the last time he had to help him.. he almost lost a flipper...
~ Of Thursday and the Times ~

“All right, men, none of us want to see Marlene shipped out of here, so we need to come up with the right plan to block it,” Skipper declared as he took his assento at the mesa, tabela with the other penguins. “I want to hear every possible option.”

Rico grinned at the thought of every possible option, and promptly regurgitated a stick of dynamite.

“Kaboom! Kaboom!” he mumbled as he pulled the stick from his mouth. “Ha, ha, ha!”

Skipper shook his head.

“I like your attitude, Rico,” he said, “but what would we blow...
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posted by skipperluvs
Well, it is 1:52 AM and I am so freaking bored. What does an author like myself do? She writes a story. So, I was drawing something for Deviant Art, and for some reason, I just got that idea stuck in my head…so…Here ya go! Please Review, and give me ideas for future chats you'd like me to post on here, thanks! -^_^-

So here are the chat names!

Skipper: Classified

Kowalski: Einstein2

Rico: Kablamoo

Private: LittleWinky

Julien: RingtailRocks

Maurice: MauriceYO

Mort: IheartFeet

Marlene: Marlene3

Chat Number UNO!

Classified is Online

LittleWinky is Online

LittleWinky: Hey, Skippah!

Classified: -_-!

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posted by ThatDamnLlama
Skipper jolted up in fright. He looked around. At first his vision was blurry and he was unfamiliar with his surroundings. After a few seconds, his vision cleared and reconized the comfort of his bunk. It was dark. It must have still been early in the morning.

His coração was still racing. What a nightmare! He was relieved it was all just a dream, and he relaxed. His dream felt so real, like it actually happened. Much mais real then any of his other dreams. He could've swore it really happened. He was even surprised that he was asleep in his cama instead of actually running from Marlene.

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posted by Icicle1penguin
(Have no idea if I should make this a one-shot or not)

"It's Valentine's day!" Private yelled cheerfully. "...well tomorrow."

At the middle of the room, Skipper just rolled his eyes. "Private, what's so great about that?"

"It's a dia about ♥'s, and love, and...♥'s! I can't wait!" he said, "Who knows, maybe [1]you'll[/1] find a encontro, data Skippa'!"

"Private, No. I'm not ever, ever, EVER! going to encontro, data again!" he yelled. "I'm not even sure amor exist anymore."

"Skipper, amor does exist," said Kowalski, "It's inside our bodies. Which is located somewhere in the circulatory system."

"You too Kowalski?"...
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posted by Tripenguinman
Here is part two. It features Julene (JulienxMarlene), Prilene (PrivatexMarlene), and Martino (MarlenexAntino). The last one we have never seen these two together but who cares. We might as well analyize the facts on it.

Julene- I'm sorry to all the fãs of this but no way. It will crash and burn. Julien obiviously has feelings for Marlene but there are too many holes in it. One, Julien is mais important to himself than Marlene is. Marlene needs full and utter attention which also explains a problem with skilene and marski. Not enough time for Marlene. Plus Marlene has made it clear that she...
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posted by ggreen7295
Blazing Love

-NYFD, 2300 Hours

An alarm rang, the fogo men sprang to the pole and slid down to the 1st floor. And most immediately went to the fogo trucks. One ran to another.

“What's the diagnoses?” One fireman asked

“A fogo at the Central Park Zoo.” The other said.

The first fireman lowered his head, closed his eyes, and sighed in disappointment. “Jesus, people trying to kill animais these days?”

“I don't know if that was the cause of the problem.” Then he started to run towards a firetruck. Then he turned and put his arms out towards the fireman. “But there's only one way to...
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posted by Icicle1penguin

Septenber 3, 2019.

It was peaceful...too peaceful. Normaly I'd hear Julien dancing to música as usual. But then again, I was gone for 9 years. Maybe he'd changed...well, you never know.

The zoo was the same as when I left it. Exactly the same. Except there is no one crying and begging me to stay. And yes, that was my team who was crying and begging.

I wonder if they missed me. Do they still remember me?...I thought to myself. Maybe I'm just a distant memory to them. I sent them letters, but they never send any back. Don't they know that I'm comming? Maybe they're angry at me for leaving....
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posted by knocktimerico
Skipper barged into the pinguim HQ, Kowalski still close behind, his head hung low with dejection. The first thing he noticed was Private lying on the table, bandaged, bruised, and unconscious, with Rico hovering around him.

He made a B-line to where the young pinguim lay and visually assessed his injuries. After deciding that his wounds although serious, weren’t life threatening, Skipper demanded to know what happened.

Kowalski began to explain how Private had climbed the árvore to rescue the kitten, how he was so close to saving said kitten, and how the branch gave out under his weight. His...
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