Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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To help ease my nerves some, I made myself another cup of peixe coffee. I'd drank about half of it before I realized that it wasn't working. I still felt that lump in the pit of my stomach growing with each passing second. It was really bothering me. My gut has never been wrong before, even when Ringtail was actually innocent even when all of the evidence pointed toward his guilt. I took another long sip, but my stomach argued with a dissatisfied growl and I had to set my mug aside.

"You alright, Skipper?" Private asked while the Lunacorns were on a commercial break.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I answered.

"You're still thinking about what happened earlier, aren't you?" Kowalski asked pulling a card from the deck in the center of the mesa, tabela in the midst of his game with Rico.

I hesitated with my answer, but luckily Marlene saved me por entering our HQ.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" She asked in her usual bright and cheery voice. It was obvious that she'd just finished a swim—her pele, peles was still slightly damp, making it look slick to the touch.

"Hi, Marlene!" Private called. Kowalski and Rico just nodded to her, too concentrated on their card game to give a proper welcome. I kinda wanted to slap them, but I held my ground.

"Oh, the usual, Marlene," I told her as I closed the distance between us to a mere foot.

"Oh, so you mean I just interrupted a top-secret meeting?" Marlene said with a playful sideways smile that I couldn't help but return.

"Okay, you got me there," I said chuckling, "we're just taking advantage of the problem-free morning." The words escaping my beak caused my stomach to lurch, as if it was scolding me for saying them.

Marlene smiled radiantly. "I wonder why it's so problem-free," she said winking at me. I felt the heat rush into my cheeks and I found myself grateful for the feathers hiding my skin.

"Just doing our job, Marlene," I said smugly.

Marlene laughed slightly. I wished it'd lasted longer. "Hey," Marlene piped up, "did that doctor give you guys any shots? I got one today, and I wasn't due for another check up for seven months."

The image of the doctor sticking a needle in Marlene caused a burning anger to begin bubbling up inside me and I had to force myself to choke it down. "We've already investigated the situation, Marlene. They're distributing a vaccination to each animal in the zoo. Haven't gotten to us yet, though. Did he hurt you? Because you know I'd be mais than happy to go knock his lights out," I told her clenching my fist in the palm of the opposite flipper.

Marlene laughed again and I relaxed my muscles. It took my mind a moment to process the fact that she'd thought I was kidding about knocking the doctor's lights out. Marlene's face fell slightly when she realized I wasn't laughing. "You were joking, right?"

I piped up with a smile. "Gotcha!" I said with laugh, feeling a little embarrassed. I hope it didn't show that I was faking it; I normally wasn't good a hiding the fact that I was ready for action.

"You sounded so serious!" Marlene said through a laugh. "I mean, I appreciate the thought, but it was just a shot."

"Right, right, I was only joking," I lied. "Care to cadastrar-se me in a game of chess?"

"I'd amor to, but I really need to get back to my habitat. I didn't get too much sleep last night and I'm beat. Sorry," Marlene explained.

I shook my head. "It's alright. I'll see you later," I told her with a smile. She returned the smile and started to walk away, but tripped through her first step and stumbled into me. Luckily I was able to obtain a grip on her shoulders, and she obtained one on my chest feathers. It kind of hurt, but I still wished the moment would have lasted. I helped her regain her balance and retained my hold on her shoulders. Her face was barely an inch from mind and I couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled in the fluorescent light of the HQ. "Are you okay?" I asked finally, coming back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry, I just tripped on something," Marlene answered. We both looked down and one of Private's Lunacorn bonecas caught our attention.

"Private, what did I tell you about putting away your moonhorses after you're done with them?" I asked sternly over my shoulder.

"Sorry, Skipper! I thought I'd gotten them all," came Private's reply. A segundo later he was at my side removing the toy from the floor and leaving to put it up.

I turned back to Marlene and realized that I still had a firm grip on her shoulders and let go. "Oh, sorry," I said trying to sound casual. But the mais I tried to sound casual, the mais like an idiot I seemed to be.

"It's alright. I didn't hurt you, did I? When I grabbed your feathers?" Marlene asked placing the palm of her paw on my chest and smoothing out the feathers she'd ruffled.

"No, Marlene, I'm fine. It was only your natural instinct to try to stop yourself from falling por grabbing whatever was closest by. No harm done," I said calmly. Marlene removed her paw and shrugged one shoulder.

"Well, I guess I'll be going, then," she said.

"G'bye, Marlene," I replied. She flashed me one mais smile and left, shutting the door behind her. I stared at the door for a moment longer, as if I could spontaneously develop X-ray vision and watch Marlene return to her habitat.

I took a deep breath to bring myself back together and turned on my heel, stopping abruptly when I noticed Kowalski and Rico staring at me strangely. Private had returned to watching the Lunacorns and wasn't paying attention.

"What?" I asked with my eyes flitting back and forth between Kowalski and Rico.

Kowalski turned back to his hand and placed a pair of Ace of Spades on the table. "Oh, nothing. I've just never seen you look at Marlene like that before," he said casually, causing Rico to smirk.

"Mmhm..." Rico cooed.

"Care to tell me what you're talking about, Kowalski?" I asked with my coração pounding so hard I was afraid the whole zoo would think we're having an earthquake.

"Do you have any fours?" Kowalski asked Rico as if I'd said nothing.

"Fish!" Rico replied. Kowalski grabbed a card from the deck.

"Hello? Kowalski? I asked you a question!" I persisted.

Kowalski smiled. "I'm just saying, you just reminded me of myself for a minuto there."

"You? I don't recall any of my inventions exploding in my face. Mainly because I don't have any inventions," I replied.

Kowalski rolled his eyes for a moment. "I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about you reminded me of when I first laid eyes on Doris."

My coração leaped a little and I tried to act natural. "Kowalski, I don't recall tripping over my feet and executing lame pick-up lines when Marlene walked in the HQ."

"No, but you have that same look in your eye," Kowalski said through a sing-song voice. "By the way, they weren't lame..." He finished under his breath.

I tried to avoid the topic about the look in my eye por focusing on the aforementioned lame pick-up lines Kowalski had used on Doris when he'd first met her. "Really? 'Hey baby, can you feel the boisterous electromagnetism between us?'" I shot back.

Kowalski sighed. "Okay, that's not the point here—"

"'Baby, every time I see you, my cardiovascular system gets all worked up?'" I added, hoping to annoy him into ending the conversation. Rico cracked up at that one.

"Alright! I get it! Okay!?" Kowalski exclaimed. "You don't have to pick on me to hide the fact that you're in amor with Marlene," he muttered setting down another pair of cards on the table.

"Excuse me? I'm not in love with Marlene. She's a wonderful friend and I enjoy her company. Nothing more," I insisted, feeling mais nervous the longer this discussion carried out.

"Whatever you say," he muttered under his breath. "Any threes?" He asked Rico.

"Fish!" Rico responded.

I rolled my eyes and decided to drop the argument there. The mais I denied it, the mais they would know that I was lying. "Yeah, whatever. por the way, Rico does have a three," I told him. Rico laughed nervously as Kowalski crossed his flippers and gave him a 'Really?' look. I took my opportunity during their distraction to migrate to the other side of the room.

I remember when I first met Marlene. After spending a couple of years with a circus—long story, don't ask—my team and I decided that we missed the zoo life. After saying our goodbyes to the hippies, we headed back to the zoo and reclaimed our habitat.

The seguinte morning she came in and welcomed us to the zoo.

I remember first laying eyes on her; I was in mixed emotions. I'd just met her, so I wasn't sure if she could be trusted. But there was something about the way she looked at me through those kind eyes and smiled that smile. It didn't take me as long to learn to trust her as it did for most people.

She stopped por frequently. At first, I was uncomfortable with it. I wasn't sure if she was just being neighborly or if she was some sort of spy. But, unexpectedly, I gradually became comfortable being around her. I found myself anticipating her visit each day. I loved the way she loved life. I loved her smile, her laugh.

Now, don't you go on thinking that just because I'm saying all of this, it means I've gone soft. I'm still the same leader of a quadrant of pinguim commandos that will slap you into shape if I see fit. Just because I have on a steel overcoat, doesn't mean I don't have a soft and warm inside. That's not really a side of me that I like to admit that I have, though.

The bottom line, there was something about Marlene that I couldn't quite describe. She'd changed a small part of me that could never be unchanged. She helped me see a part of life that I could really enjoy, despite how crazy and twisted the world really is. It wasn't until much later when I discovered exactly what was going on inside me. And that feeling exists to this day, and is stronger than it was in the beginning.

I'm in amor with Marlene.
posted by Skiparah
He was just a pinguim with a growing depression. Not a word in the world could take the weight of the infliction off his shoulders. He was a pinguim who just needed to run away and have a good cry. But he wouldn't let that happen. He knew he couldn't. I'm a man.I'm a man. He told himself that so many times. Now he walked, head hanging, shoulders drooped. Here could be found no glory, no spirit of freedom, no lack of affliction. Only the mark of an outcast, the weight of regection and hate were seen. Rain clouds were drawn to him overhead. Slowly raindrops began to fall. Not after long rain...
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posted by sowem
Sorry you, always have to wait so long, I keep struggling to decide what happens seguinte and the it's power outages, exams, etc. All of the sudden my computer won't let me on fanpop and I have to use my dad's computer.

Skipper: Hey, the hatch finally opened!
Marlene: There's the braniac!

They all went for him, but as they jumped 1 por 1 Kowalski paralyzed them. And once the king froze Mort jumped onto his (Skipper's) feet, knowing that Julien can't kick him away now, then he got Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante too.

Julien: Show's you for touching the feet!

Kowalski: That's everyone! Wait! I'm missing one!

Skipper: Over here!...
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por request of link. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Romantic Guitar: Take 1

Skipper: Somewhere inside that abomination burns some ember of our Marlene. And I know just how to reach it. Rico! violão, guitarra me! Por favor!

Rico: *hacks up guitar*

Skipper: (not realizing that its an electric guitar) *plucks string* *LOUD violão, guitarra SOUND*

Private/Kowalski/Skipper: Aaah! My ears!!!!


Director: Rico! Spanish guitar! Not electric!

Kowalski: What about Danish metrics?

Private: No! I think he said Famous sitar tactics!

Kowalski: Oh yeah Private! That makes sense!

Skipper: What are we...
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posted by peacebaby7
“Sorry about that compadre. Not too much I can do about him. Anyway, we are going to help you get over this.” Skipper told Kowalski after Julien’s attempted interference. “But how?” Kowalski asked. “Ugh! Enough Kowalski! I’ve had enough of your ‘buts’!” Private suppressed a giggle. “Private! Do you have to giggle at every ‘but’ reference?” Skipper asked the young cadet angrily. “Sorry sir.” Private replied. “What do you want to do Kowalski?” Skipper asked his lieutenant. “Wallow in self-pity…” Kowalski muttered. Skipper slapped him. “Kowalski! There’s...
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posted by legendary7
The pengins began to proceed their journey before the sun came up to spare themselves from the blistering sun for awhile. That morning the heat was untoleratentable. por eleven Rico couldn't take walking anymore, so he slid on his belly.

As they inclined up a colina Private's eyes randomly began to light up. He daydreamed off into the distance. It wasn't long before Rico and Kowalski joined him in his gaze.

"What are you boys looking at? I don't see anything." Skipper questioned.

"Don't you see the H.Q.?" Kowalski said pointing to nothing.

"No, what are you talking about Kowalski? It's a...
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Note: This is not the final chapter. There's going to be one or maybe a couple more. I hope I get mais comments this time, because last time I didn't get as many comments as anticiapated. Please, comment, if you wish, you don't have to, though.

The seguinte dia Skipper went fishing again, and Private was alone. Private took the diary and tried to take off from where he had left off.
Dear Diary,
It is the dia before the wedding.

No that wasn't it. He finally reached it.
Dear Diary,
.......................... we decided to name him Private.

Private dropped the book in shock. Then it hit him: his mother's...
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As the figure got closer Private shut his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Skipper emerged out of the fog and rushed to Private's side.
S: "Private! Private, wake up! Please speak to me!"
Skipper put his head to Private's ice cold chest. A faint heartbeat caught his attention. His raced through the treacherous blizzard. He concluded his sprint when they reached a cave. Skipper held Private tight in his trembling flippers. He strode deeper into the cave with Private in his grasp firmly. Even though the immense cave seemed dank and mysterious, Skipper felt comfortable in it. After all, this was...
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posted by legendary7
They tired and hungry, especially the lemurs who weren't used to walking so long.
Ma: "I'm beat. Can we stop for the night."
K: "Negative,"
The whole team was yawning. It was apparent they all needed rest.

It was dead silent for awhile.
P: "Help! Please some one!"
N: "I don't think anyone can hear you from in here, Private."
Private noticed Skipper groaning.
P: "Skipper, are you sure you're okay?"
S: "I have a major headache,"
N: "Wait, Skipper, did you say you were tired and dizzy before?"
S: "Yes, but why does that matter?"
N: "Did you get hit on your head?"
S: "Yeah, matter of fact I lost...
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posted by chaos-ice
“Ah huh, Bingo!” Kowalski said proudly.

“What is it Kowalski?” Skipper asked as he moves near Kowalski.

“I have completed my energy converter and it’s now ready for action” Kowalski said.

“So what does it do? I hope this gotta be good” Skipper crossed his flippers

“It will convert negative energy to positive energy and vice versa” Kowalski replied.

“Okay, now explain it in English, less brainiac” Skipper said sarcastically.

“This thing can convert evil things to goodness” Kowalski explained.

“And?” Skipper asked thinking that this device might also have a negative...
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Skipper couldn't really describe it, the car crashing into him, he didn't feel much, all he could describe the feeling as being: "Like a cork popping out of a wine bottle". He looked around and all he saw were cars zooming across the road, then realized his team was gone, he walked around endlessly. "Well it seems we got separated por that bump," said Skipper. "Gotta get back to the HQ, they're probably worried to death about me," said Skipper. Skipper then looked around and saw a map on the ground, he picked it up and looked at the rua he was at. "Ah, just 2 miles away, not very far at all,"...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Kowalski unlocked the doors and Lilly jumped into the front seat. "Hey. Ready to go?" Lilly asked, waving goodbye to her mother. Kowalski nodded his head and drove off to their destination.
encontro, data LOCATION!!!!!!
"Kowalski. When can I take this blindfold off?" Lilly asked, touching the blue cloth on her eyes. "Now." Kowalski replied. Parking the car. Lilly removed the blindfold from her eyes and saw a large gray building with a big blue model earth on top. "Is this the.." "Yeah! The science center!" Kowalski exclaimed, bouncing with excitment....
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I'm leitura some of the synopsises of the PoM comic books on Madagascar Wikia, and some are better than the real episodes!

Issue 1: Synopsis - "Join the Penguins of Madagascar on an all-new mission! When the Penguins discover that the zoo's new platypus Mia has been separated from her eggs, they put their military minds together to hatch a plan for a Great Escape - back to her native Australia! Goodbye New York, Hello adventure!"

Issue 2: Synopsis - "Stranded in Brazil, Skipper enlists the help of some unusual locales, including a snake named Jose who is anything but, in order to reunite his...
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posted by Katie_Kat200
You know that Phineas and Ferb episode where they find that alien that only says "Meep!" (HEY I CAN BE A fã OF OTHER SHOWS!) Well, I think our boys should meet Meep now. Don't ask, I just came up with this at the topo, início of my head.

Authors Note: This is like a transcript, so you can act it out with your friends

Scene 1: pinguim Habitat, on topo, início of the floe
Kowalski: Alright, Rico, ready to test my new invention?
Rico: Uh-huh!
Kowalski: Alright! (holds up a complicated looking machine) ready?
Rico: Yeah! (puts on baseball glove)
Kowalski: Playball! (he hold up the machine and shoots a baseball up in the...
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Part 1 - The lost Otter
Setting: A castelo near the ocean on the Western U.S. Coast.
A King lontra continues to procurar for his wife, who suddenly disappeared years atrás one night.
Unbeknownst to him, she would later bore a pup.
So, our story begins with him talking with his squire.
King Otter: "Oh squire, I have searched for years now, but still my wife... She is yet to be found."
Squire: "Don't give up your highness. There's still hope."
Before the King could answer, a messenger appeared.
Messenger: "Your majesty. I just received some wonderful news."
King Otter: "What is it, Leah (messenger's name)?"...
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posted by ThatDarnHippo
Yup. I have officially lost interest of POM. I can't really explain it - I've outgrown it.

My favorito shows have always been adult FBI action shows. Such as Fringe, Bones, and Criminal Minds. If you like POM and other child friendly shows, then I suggest you don't check these out.

I also amor comedy. But adult comedy. I've liked it since the 5th grade when I barely understood most of the jokes (I didn't get most of the jokes until the 6th grade). Its always appealed to me and I've outgrown desenhos animados at around the age of 11. I would probably still amor them if they replaced the lixo we see on...
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This is one looong chapter. XD
And it has me in it! :3
Seriously. Long chapter. Find time to read it. XD


Chapter 1: For starters

Monday. 10:03 a.m.

It was a warm breezy dia in the mês of May (Hey, that rhymed!). The penguins were lying around the HQ, bored. Their training was done for the day, sooner then Skipper expected.

Kowalski was mixing different chemicals at one corner of the room, hoping to discover something out of the blue. Rico was just brushing his doll girlfriend's plastic hair...for 52 minutos straight. Private was watching TV, changing the channels...
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posted by beastialmoon
Skipper sighed. Another mission, another day. This time, Marlene needed help getting popcorn. He sipped his coffee. If only she knew, knew how much he cared. But it could never be. She didn’t feel the same way. At least, as far as he could tell.
Speak of the devil. Marlene burst in the door.
“Guys! Guys!” she shouted, running around with her arms flailing about.
“Guys, my diary – it’s gone!” Private gasped in horror. “Maybe you misplaced it somewhere.”
“Don’t worry Marlene; we’ll help you find it.” Skipper smiled. He glanced at his boys. Already they were set off into...
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posted by krazy4kowalski
The Final Battle

Ok, so this is pretty much the climax of the story. I realize that the chapters have been getting shorter and shorter, but this is the longest one since the first. Anyway, this chapter gets a little violent so if you don’t like your favorito characters getting hurt, send me a message, and I’ll tell you what happened. por the way, I think one of the Narnia books has the same título as this chapter so if you happen to be the author….. PLEASE DON’T SUE! All right, back to the story.

Skipper surfaced, greedily gulping air. The stink made him retch, but he was too worried...
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posted by skipper321
Not alot of people know what happend in Denmark with Skipper. So, heres my idea.

Skipper jumped off the plane silently as it headed over Denmark. He was on a mission for the pinguim strike force. They located Blowhole in Denmark and they sent their best spy to go and spy on him.

Skipper landed and headed to a secret HQ to get mais information. Unlike the US, they had puffins. There organazation was called The Danes.

Skipper entered the Danes HQ and went to the comando,Hans. Hans told skipper where Blowhole was and he headed for it. Halfway there,he saw a strange man in colorful clothing and long...
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1.) I amor Kowalski waaaaaaaaaaaaay more!
2.) Kowalski isn't gay!
3.) I want to be with him more!
4.) Our relationship would be waaay mais sweet than Kico!
5.) I loved him WAAAAAY longer than before kico was thought of!
6.) Rico is violent. I amor science. Who has mais in common with Kowalski? Me!
7.) I make all 100's in science, amor it, and I amor candy!
8.) I'm making a list about how much I amor him!
9.) I'll cry if you don't!
10.)Rico has a doll girlfriend! He can't be with kowalski!
11.) If you vote Kico, you will be hated por me AND homophobes!
12.) I has anger issues. If u don't, I...
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