Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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The evil golfinho with a robotic eye was standing on his segway and smiling evilly. Everybody sent him a cold glances.
"Oh, why are you so sad? Do you want to see your friends?" Blowhole asked. The lobsters showed them Ally’s and Ben's bodies laying on the floor. They can't look at them "But don't worry, soon you'll be together again, maybe somewhere there or maybe somewhere there" he said and pointed up and down. But they stayed quiet "No answer? You make me sad. It's not good for you!" he showed them his machine, it looked like a big torture machine, but in fact it was something else…
"Only one shot and bye bye" Blowhole said. They looked around, he was right. When Blowhole cuts a rope, Katherine and her team will fell into the deadly substance. Skipper and his team will fall down with the bridge.
"Ok, so let's start, my new invention; flying piranhas"
"Blowhole, you can't do it, it'll…" Skipper started.
"Kill all of you? Yes. Nobody can win with them, the most deathly destruction machine on the whole world!"
"Maybe you overdo a little" Katherine said.
"Oh really? How're your parents, Katherine? Oh wait, I killed them" Blowhole said and laughed evilly "Yes, you'll cadastrar-se to them soon, just like your sister will"
"Don't you dare to…"
"I'll dare and everybody will watch, how are dying the only persons who can defeat me!"
"That won’t work, Blowhole" Skipper said.
"Because of this" Skipper said and they freed from the rope, Blowhole clapped.
"Well, well, well, really good. But make one mover and you'll say goodbye to them" he said and pointed por the laser at Katherine and her team. But she had a plan "That's good, now stay here and don't move, if you'll dare to move, this machine will cut the rope in a second"
Blowhole left the room, with his lobsters.
"What now?" Manfredi asked.
"Only one way, you can catch Blowhole, we have to… stay here" Johnson didn't finished, they all know what will happen.
"Skipper, threw that piece of iron to me" Katherine said.
"No. If I mover it'll cut the rope…"
"Trust me, ok?"
Skipper finally decided to move, he took the deep breath and quickly jumped down. When the laser shot to Katherine's team, Skipper threw the iron to her. In the last segundo Katherine caught the iron, laser cut the rope and they should have fallen down, but it didn't happen. Iron hooked to a big magnet. Then they freed from the rope and they all were safe.
"But, how did you know…" Skipper was surprised.
"I knew that we couldn't escape holding over the deathly substance, so when we would get to that magnet, we would be save" Katherine said and looked around "Where is that dolphin?"
"Well, good work" a familiar voice said. TV on the mural switched on… Blowhole "Yes, I have to agree that I forget about that stupid magnet but do you really think, that I could leave you without any traps?"
"You're just a coward, Blowhole, why don't you go and fight?"
"Really interesting proposition but I have mais important things to do" Blowhole said and lots of lobsters entered the room. But they were different, they had red eyes… "Yes, They're not normal, they're the robotic lobsters, good luck" TV switched off. The army of robotic lobsters surrounded them.
"Any suggestions?" Johnson asked, Katherine and Skipper looked around. A rope could be useful, they looked at each other with the well-known look. Skipper jumped and kicked a few lobsters, Katherine went por this way and catch the rope, but the lobsters attacked her.
"Johnson!" Katherine said and threw the rope to him. Johnson caught it and hooked to the ceiling.
"Ok, let's go" Johnson said but they couldn't do it, the lobsters were too strong to be defeated. They didn’t have any chances. Then a red light switched on.
"What's that?"
"This place will blow up! Blowhole knew this, he made this lobsters to keep us here" Mr. Lieutenant said.
"Hurry!" Katherine yelled and threw one lagosta to other few robots.
"Destroy them" one lagosta said with a robotic voice and they started to shooting lasers por their red eyes. Skipper took a piece of iron as a shield.
"We can't defeat them or even escape from here" Manfredi said.
"There's always one way, just look around…"
"What about this" Mr. and Mrs Sargents said. As a specialist of the weapons, they quickly built a snare por the ropes. They threw it to the lobsters and kept it.
‘Twenty segundos to self-destruction’ a computer voice said.
"Go, we'll stop them!" Mr. and Mrs. Sargents said holding the snare with Mr. and Mrs. Lieutenants.
"No! We'll never leave you here!" Skipper said, Katherine nodded with Manfredie and Johnson in agreement.
"Or we all will die here. You're the last hope for the world, you can defeat Blowhole, it's our wish" Mr. Lieutenant said. But they didn't move.
ten seconds
"Now!" Mrs. Sargent said.
"W-we'll never forget you" Skipper said.
"We have only one wish"
"What's it?" Skipper asked when he, Katherine, Manfredi and Johnson were climbing up por the rope.
"Please, take care of Kowalski and Rico"
"I promise. I'll do everything to keep them safe" Skipper promised, Lieutenants and Sergants smiled.


Everything blew up. Skipper and rest got out in the last second. They were laying on the ground. They looked at each other and stayed in silence… They lost the seguinte so Valente soldiers. They'll never forget them but now, they had to stop the tears and find Blowhole… Only one hope and one deathly machine to be destroyed…
P: *spins around in the chair* "Wheeee!" XD
Os Pinguins de Madagascar
added by peacebaby7
Source: POM Trailer/Gmail
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Candycupcake
Well its on youtube so I put this up haha :) "Let me know when I should denunciar for duty. Skipper out!" XDXD
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by DorisTheDolphin
Enjoy! My fav episode! :3
added by GeorgeboyPony
added by 1kowalskilover
Source: me
added by almejaloca456
Source: Me CX
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Me
added by WolfHeart23
Source: Me ;)
added by Iroto122
added by K_Kowalski
Source: Kam Kowalski
added by B0XFISH
Source: me
added by rico_skprfan01
Source: skipper,kowalski,private,rico,penguins of madagascar
added by Sandrei
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Me
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by ruthc93
Source: Me