Os Pinguins de Madagascar Club
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TDH's note: I haven't written anything fã fiction-related in a looong time. And I've never written a romance before. So this is basically a first - urso with me here. Also, this is a Marski story, just a heads up. It's short and sweet. Some parts might be a little overboard for some of you. And It's very fast moving. Just a warning.

It was a sunny afternoon. Skipper was sunbathing, Private was making amor smoothies, Rico was taking a dip in the water with his doll, and Kowalski was in the lair, debating with himself.

"It has to be today, Kowalski!" The mad scientist slapped the sweat off his forehead. He was pacing back and forth across his lab, fanning himself with a test tube. Was it just him, or was it really hot in here?

"No, I can't! What would she see in me, anyway?" Kowalski bent over and huffed. He had to get some air. Thoughts were racing through his complex structure of a brain at 100 miles per hour.

"96.2 miles to per hour, to be exact," Kowalski rubbed his head as he was slowly being consumed por his overworking mind. Then he slapped himself.

"UGH, pull yourself together! I will run over right now. I should arrive at her exhibit in two minutos and twenty-seven seconds."

Kowalski heaved his chest and took a step towards the exit.
"I can do this! I am a man!" He pounded his torso as his stated this. Then he doubled over from punching himself too hard.

"I can't do this!" he shouted, "All these years I've been testing experiments and composição literária out chemical equations about everything that science-" Kowalski's eyes sparkled at the word "-can test! But love?" Kowalski pondered, "The chemical attracting between living organisms has flabbergasted me." Kowalski flung his flippers in the air and looked down at his feet.

"I'll never be able to get Doris to amor me. Not without cheating. I could probably whip up a potion to make one fall in love, but it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be real." Kowalski quivered his lip. He plopped down on the ground. Defeated por his own scientific mind.

Suddenly, the fishbowl moved aside. Kowalski quickly got up and pretended to be working on an experiment, expecting Skipper, who would hate to see Kowalski in the state he was in.

To his surprise, Marlene fell through the hatch.
She dusted herself off and looking around, noticing Kowalski staring at her.
"Oh, oi Kowalski!" Marlene smiled at her long time friend. "Private said he had some extra homemade smoothies in the fridge."
She opened the door to the refrigerator and rummaged around. She then pulled out a tall cup, undeniably filled with amor smoothie.

"Hello Marlene. Er, how are you?" He looked away and continued to pretend to write something down.

"I'm great! It's such a beautiful dia outside! Why are you cooped up in here? What are you working on, anyway?"

"Oh, er, nothing really." He chuckled nervously.

Marlene walked up to him and looked down at the paper he was scribbling on.

"Uhh," Kowalski stared at her.

Marlene frowned. "Doodles?" She bent over the mesa, tabela to get a better look.

Kowalski stared at his paper. He had drawn small sketches of Doris all over the page.

Marlene smiled when she was able to figure out who he was drawing. "You still like Doris?"

Kowalski blushed. "Umm, sort of."

Marlene tilted her head and stared at him.

Kowalski couldn't help but think she was analyzing him. Then she smiled again.
"Do you wanna talk to her? I can give you some tips." She winked.

"Um, no thank you," Kowalski backed away.

"Oh come on, Kowalski! You are a super genius, yet you still can't figure out how to talk to girls!"

"I'm talking to you."

Marlene scowled.

"Okay, fine," Kowalski gave in, "I'm a failure when it comes to winning a female's heart."

"YES! Okay, first, Kowalski, you gotta man up."

"Man up? Is there a scientific term for that?" Kowalski tapped his head with the butt of his pencil.

Marlene rolled her eyes. "No. Just, uh, try to be mais manlier.

Kowalski bent backwards and pushed out his chest.
"How's this?"

Marlene narrowed her eyes. "Uh, no. You look like a show-off. Girls don't like show-offs."

"Then how should I look?"

Marlene thought for a second.
"You know what? Scratch that. Let's forget the manliness. A girl should amor you for who you are, not how tough you look."

"So then what?" Kowalski asked, like a child pleading for help.

"Okay, I know this is gonna sound really cliche, but just... be yourself. Find a girl who will amor you for your scientific self. Someone who might actually understand half the things you say. Is Doris like that?"

"I don't know, actually." Kowalski scratched his head.

"Well, you'll find out. Just don't be a fake. And smile with confidence when you talk to her. Girls amor an outgoing, confident guy."

Kowalski took out his clipboard. "Outgoing... confident," he scribbled.
"Er..." He frowned, "How does one... uh, flirt?"

"Just compliment her looks and appearance. Get up close to her while you say these things. Smile and maybe wink a couple times."

"I'll practice," Kowalski put down his clip board and walked up to Marlene.

"Looking good today, Marlene," Kowalski smiled, got up close to her, and winked.

Marlene giggled. "Perfect!"

Kowalski remained how he was - close to her and smiling. He swayed a little. Then he fell over.

Marlene laughed. Uh, almost perfect!"

Kowalski hoisted himself up, chuckling. "There's a 97.6 percent chance I still need a lot of help."

"I think you're actually pretty good. Just clumsy. I can't help you there."

"Okay, well, what's the seguinte step then?"

"The asking out on a encontro, data part."

Kowalski scribbled on his clipboard. "Okay.. practice time?"

Marlene smiled. "Sure. Show me what you got."

Kowalski cleared his throat.
"Uh, Marlene, would you like to experiment with me in my lab?" He winked, "With test tubes?"

Marlene raised an eyebrow. "That's your idea of a date?"

"Well, uh, what do normal people do?"

"Maybe you can ask Doris to spend the evening with you in her exhibit. Uh, because she's a dolphin, you probably can't walk around the zoo with her."

"How do I ask that?" Kowalski questioned after a couple segundos of scribbling on his trusty clipboard.

"Just the usual way. 'Doris, would you like to go on a encontro, data with me?' Like that."

"I'll try it on you." Kowalski again cleared his throat.
"Marlene, would you like to go on a encontro, data with me?"

"Okay good!" Marlene grinned.

Kowalski frowned. "But you didn't answer the question."

"Haha, I'd amor to, Kowalski," Marlene giggled.

Kowalski smiled. "Okay, what comes next?" an eager look spread across his facial features, his pencil and clipboard hand in hand.

"Uh, this is the part where I'm not sure how to teach you. It's one of the things you have to learn on your own. Kissing."

Kowalski blushed and frowned. "Oh." his eagerness swept away, being replace with confusion.
"Are you sure there's no way to teach that?"

"Well, I could try.." Marlene furrowed her brow.
"Uh, come towards me."

Kowalski took a step forward, until he was about less than a foot away from her. He cocked his head at her, waiting for her instructions.

"Uh, bolsa your lips - not too much. And uh, tilt your head a bit. Good. And close your eyes. Perfect. Now, uh.." Marlene stared up at him. "Bend down a little.. good! There, you are in the beijar position, I guess."

Kowalski didn't move. Marlene figured he would've stopped now, but he stayed in the same position. "Uh.." She was at a loss for words. Kowalski, eyes still closed, moved a bit closer to her. The only thing Marlene could think to do was close her eyes, and just wait.

After what felt like forever, beak met lips. Kowalski jolted, but stayed how he was. Marlene opened her eyes in shock. Finally, they parted.

"Uhh.." Kowalski didn't know what to think. That was his first kiss, even if it meant nothing.
"Maybe one mais time?"

"Okay.." Marlene closed her eyes. Again, she felt his beak on her lips, but with a little mais force this time. She decided to get mais into it as well, because who cares? It's just practice anyway! It doesn't mean anything...
She rested her paws on his chest.
He still held onto his pencil and clipboard. After another few seconds, they parted.

Kowalski stared into Marlene's eyes. He felt an unfamiliar emotion bubbling up inside of him.
"How about one mais time?" he gave an awkward smile. "..For science?"

Marlene grinned back. "Okay."

Once again, they connected lips and beak. She again rested her paws on his chest. This time she was a little mais forceful. Eventually all thoughts left her mind, and she focused entirely on the kiss.

Kowalski didn't know what to do. During each kiss, he just rested his beak there and had Marlene do all the work. And boy, she was a pretty good kisser. Kowalski was surprised to learn this. Kowalski furrowed his brow as the kiss went on much longer than the last two. Suddenly Kowalski felt something wet enter his mouth.
"Is that.. is that her tongue!?", he thought wildly.
Marlene moaned and her paws moved up and down his chest.

Finally, Kowalski lost it. He dropped his pencil and clipboard with a loud thud, and he flung his flippers around her waist, deepening the kiss.

After what felt like forever, they again parted.
"Holy mother of Einstein!" Kowalski exclaimed, "Where did you learn to do that?!"

Marlene let out an awkward chuckle, "Oh, I've learned many, many things back at my old zoo." She winked.

Kowalski backed away. "Er, I will ask no further questions."

Marlene cracked a grin. Then, immediately the grin went away.
"So, uh you're gonna go see Doris now..?"

Kowalski coughed. Did he even like Doris? All he could think about was Marlene.

He smiled.
"It doesn't matter anymore."
posted by skipperfan5431
Lilly stood up and lept out of the habitat. Skipper tried to go after her, but Marlene,Julien and Maurice wouldn't let him through. "You don't understand! I didn't kiss Crystal, SHE kissed ME!" Skipper protested, hoping that his friends will believe him, but instead they just scowled even more. Suddenly, something in Skipper's brain clicked! He finaly realized that he could PROVE his innocence! They were in Kowalski's lab when the kiss occoured, and Kowalski had just finished installing video cameras in there! Skipper smiled and turned to run to the HQ but Maurice jumped on him, and crushed...
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posted by skipperfan5431
It's a beautiful morning in the Central Park Zoo, and the penguins are cleaning the HQ. " Skipper. Where do you want this?" Lilly asked as she held up a hula-girl bobble head doll that had it's head taped on. (get it!?) "Uh, just toss it in the trash." He replied as he dusted the stuffed fish. Just then, Private darts in to the HQ, holding Lilly's communicator. " Lilly! You have a message from some female. She claims to be your sista!" Lilly made a pissed off face, and her eye began to twitch viggerously. " Give me the communicator Private..." Lilly demanded. Private flun the device to her...
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Lets see how Skipper and the gang solve this problem that Kowalski has been struck with...

“WOO HOO! I AM AWESOMNESS!” Kowalski screamed, running around in circles in the park. Kowalski suddenly flopped into a heap, and giggled.

“Oh, that was fun,” Kowalski muttered and stuffed mais doces into his beak. He reached into his bag to grab another flipperful, and gasped.

“SOMEONE ATE ALL MY CANDY! No wait that was me. That means I have to scold myself. How could you Kowalski!? I don’t...
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Kowalski was obsessed. This fact became all too clear to Katrina after, yet again, she'd woken up to discover his cama untouched and the laboratory door locked. This was the fourth time in less than two weeks he'd done this! Even worse… she hadn't even been able to speak to him privately (or much at all) for days now - after Rico would unlock the door, he'd rush out of the lab and outside for warm-ups without so much as a 'good morning'.

Kowalski never seemed to understand why she was so upset - when Katrina would confront him during the zoo hours to talk to him about the situation, he was...
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posted by Colonelpenguin
Everyone was gone except for two of the penguins.
the others where on a vacation with Kaitlyn's sister Leah which she was very annoying.
So I didn't go but my cell phone ranged a pinguim said "Do you know I'm a dimwit?"
"I'm a dimwit?"i said and the pinguim said "You're sure are!" I hanged up angrily and said "it could be Skipper,Lily,or Rico."
Private's phone ranged seguinte a the pinguim said "Is you're refrigerator running?" "I don't know," said private. "If it is you'd better catch it!" The voice said.
Private said angrily "It could be Kowalski,Rico,or Lily" he complained. But as soon as he said it Skipper ran in. me and Private gasped like if the winkies were going out of business.
"Don't be alarmed I was here the whole entire time,and sorry if I didn't let one of you go instead," He said."But Private all the penguins you said were wrong,"

I expect to see some COMMENTS!!!!!!

Kowalski, on the night of Savio's death, had made a decision to never let Adrian out of the seguro confines of his mind ever again. He'd stuck to it for two weeks now - seeing Marlene the way she was had been cause and motivation enough. He'd done other things with the experiment - watched reaction of the chemicals as he added different substances to them. He'd made little to no progress, but he was determined to stick to his decision.

But now, after two weeks, something different...
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posted by SkipperXLisa
The footsteps of webbed feet got louder as Blowhole's enemy walked

right into the trap he had laid for him. Suddenly, a black-and-white animal

flashed across the clearing. Skipper came to a stop up against the smooth

gray wall. He then stealthily slid to a small door at the end of the corner in

the desolate

room. Once he got the entry to the seguinte area, he cautiously brought his

flipper to the knob. Once he was almost touching it, he quickly grabbed it.

He then turned key to revealing a new territory. Once the wooden portal

was wide open, his foe stepped into range of his trick. The penguin's eyes

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posted by beastialmoon
Private ran back to the island, jumping into the fishbowl hole. At the same time, Skipper was doing the same thing. They each bonked on the head, bouncing off of each other and landing on opposite sides of the fishbowl.

“Ugh. Skipper? What are you doing up and about?” Private asked

“I could ask you the same question!”

“No you couldn’t, I only – well, yeah, you could.”

“So what WERE you doing, Private?” They both stood up, staring the other down.

“I asked first.”

“But I’m your commanding officer.”

“You were demoted.”

“I still outrank you.”

“Fine, I was chasing...
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Since they didn’t get the full night’s recon in, Skipper, Private, and Rico went out early the seguinte morning to check everything out. Ian replaced Kowalski, who was still berating himself in a corner. Ian saw the chance to put his seguinte step into action. So, before the new team left, Ian whispered to Kowalski:
“I just feel so terrible about what happened last night. Here, let me give you some advice: go to Marlene.”
“What?” Kowalski said. What did she have to do with any of this?
“Ask her to talk you up to Skipper. She has his ear, not to mention his heart, and he will listen. You...
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posted by Metallica1147
     My PoM fantasia World

    Well if you read my PoM fã fiction stories, that pretty much my fantasy, but if you haven’t I’ll tell you guys. Well first of all I’m an lontra just chilling at the zoo with the penguins, Marlene :3 XD! Also the lemurs (from time to time :p) and also everyone else in the zoo. And someone people do know I like Marlene, so you are maybe thinking “Okay you’re an lontra so I’m guessing Branlene happens instead of Skilene -_-” Well… nope, I let Skilene happen, so Skipper and Marlene are together and also I dedicated...
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Author’s note: Yeah don’t expect much talking in this chapter; actually I’m just typing this as I go. So yeah if this chapter sucks I’m sorry please don’t hate me.
__________________________________________________  Chapter 3

    Skipper got to the seguinte room, he entered the Alchemy Laboratory. As he made his way though and started to battle skeleton warriors yet again. Skipper still only had the short sword that he got from the last room but he still had to fight. He killed the warrior and it drops its shield. It was only a shield made of leather, but like the short...
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So war pinguim find out that macean was kidnapped por blowehole so war pinguim ran as fast as he can to the penguins HQ but when he got there kowalski was the only one there playing with his jelleton monster."kowlski do you have a teleaporter?"asked war pinguim sounded in a hurry."um...yes but why do you asked?"asked Kowalski."um...why do you have a jelleton monster?I bet it can grow and destroy the whole zoo and maby the whole city of new york."said war penguin."I asked you first."reminded kowalski."Ok I just whant to use it to teleaport to Dr.Blowehole ship to rescue all of the penguins frome...
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It was 1:00am and skipper and the whole zoo was asleep and all of a sudden aloude nosies happen at the flamingos hbbitat.When all of the animais in the centeral park zoo woke up and went to the flamingos habitat allof the flamingos aere gone."Something happen to the flamingos habitat" Kowalski said."The sky spirets must be angry at us." suggested king juilean."What no the sky spirets is not appart of this but someone is."said skipper.Then a pinguim discise as a flamingo came out."Hey skipper look one flamingo is out."Privaet shouted to skipper.The pinguim shouted "I am not a flamingo I am a...
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posted by Metallica1147
Author note: Just a warning the song in this chapter is very sad so be prepared.

Chapter 6: Nothing Else Matters

    The seguinte morning Marlene woke up, and she looked over at Brandon’s cama to see if he was there. He was but he was still asleep with his travesseiro over his head. Marlene wanted to talk to him about last night, but for now she just let him sleep. So she deiced to go out side for a swim. After a half an hora of swimming she got out, but then she stared to hear a sound. It sounded like a guitar, and it was coming...
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posted by Annacrombie
A new start chapter 4

The seguinte dia Val had to go to the vet she now has to stay there till she gets better, but things dont look that good, I also found somthing out, I learned that Lily and Val are sisters ~no wonder there so close ~

I also recived a message from my Sargent who wants me to go on a secret mission its three days long ~ three days long... ive been for longer missions but not a three dia long mission ~. I had to the the others that I had to go somewhere for three days, they asked me perguntas but i told them i would be alright they just had to trust me.

Lily was crying that night she missed Val so much, I tried to make her calm down and she ended up falling asleep on my lap.

Im leaving for my mission this morning at 5 AM ~ thats early ~.

I hope things get better soon,

mabye with a new start
Skipper is taken ill and Rico, Kowalski and Private must take care of themselves up until their leader gets back to health. But there are some troubles with keeping up the discipline among the group.. they have to deal with all sorts of allurements waiting for them behind each corner...

Well... I hope you'll like it:) Cheers.

CHAPTER ONE: Our Leader is Sick

"All right, boys, line up here and get ready" commanded Skipper, walking up towards the middle of the platform.

Marlene had spent two hours tidying up her habitat and was now enjoying the sunny afternoon, sipping water through the straw and...
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The newly created pinguim stared blankly at his fish. Having tears forming at his eyes, soaking his feathers on contact with the salty liquid. He couldn't stop thinking about his past life as a human. He missed his family, his friends. Everything is going to hell. And no matter how much he wished, he was stuck like like this, a flightless bird.

The short pinguim in fount of him had a concerned expression stuck on his face. He felt like he needed to say something, something to comfort him.

"A-are you alright?" He said in a British voice.

He didn't respond. Before the British bird could speak up,...
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posted by littlebirdy05
New York City, in the middle of summer. Hot por anyone's standards, sweltering por a penguin's. Needless to say, the four penguins now standing on the artificial ice floe, to their habitat, were not pleased. Of course, they would not have been willing to put up with such heat, but after the FURNACE incident, they were not willing to take any chances with turning up the a/c.

Kowalski glared up at the sun, behind one shielding flipper. The sun did not suit him, and he was sure he did not look well in it. The others they were used to it, but long hours, shut away in his lab, had left him unaccustomed...
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posted by KowalskiTheLich
Kowalski quickly hopped down various branches and out of the árvore as quickly as possible; he was sure that some animals, almost certainly the other penguins, would be scaling the árvore in minutos in order to see what had caused the ‘disturbance’. As Skipper tried to calm the crowd, Kowalski waited behind the árvore for a bit to make sure he was telling them of his demise. When he was satisfied, Kowalski slipped away from the árvore as silently as possible and dashed behind a bench, waited until he was positive none of the animais were looking in his direction, then ran until he reached the nearest...
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added by LillyPenguin94
Source: A visit of Uncle Nigel, Nelewy