harry potter contra crepúsculo 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

harry potter contra crepúsculo 2632 replies

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over a year ago phlegm said…
big smile
ummm ive never read twilight but im pretty sure edward cullen is a 107 year old virgin link wheres his 'handsomeness' gone now huh
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Being a virgin doesn't mean you're ugly. He values his virtue
over a year ago Incendi0 said…
I think Twilight is awesome to encourage young readers to read more. It relates really well to how school is today and what type of social cliques you see at school. I work, I see so many kids reading right now who didn't read before. All around the school, I see kids reading books that they aren't reading for a class. Teachers get asked so many times if the kids can go into the library to read and its awesome! Ever since I got into Twilight, I have lent out my books to at least three kids who have gone through the books like it was water. They even ask me for recommendations for other books to read once they are through with the Twilight series. I have recommended Harry Potter to a few kids to read after Twilight. They don't seem to get into it as much. The one thing I have seen though with the two series, is that Twilight has kept the kids hooked to read more, no matter what it usually is. Harry Potter doesn't seem to keep them as hooked as before.
over a year ago Incendi0 said…
Unlike Harry, nobody’s thoughts are actually that deep or intellectual. I bet if any of us published our thoughts into a book, none would be great English lit; Bella’s thoughts are more realistic
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
^^Well, for me, I think Harry Potter has kept more people hooked on readin. I used to HATE reading. Then I found HArry Potter, and found a whole new genre of books that I loved.
Most people I know either read twilight when they already read things anyway, or didn't like, so it did nothing for them. Even the football lads have ALL read Harry Potter, and three of them are proper fanatics.

And I think Harry Potter relates to schools too. The teacher who hates you no matter what. The rich kids that look down on everyone. For most of the character in the books, I can find someone who fits the same basic persona.
over a year ago Gred_and_Forge said…
^^ Nobody's thoughts are that deep or intellectual? What do you mean by that? How are Bella's thoughts more realistic? She talks throughout most of the first book about Edward.


Not only does she go on about Edward, but she puts him above everyone else, even herself. She puts herself down constantly and talks bad about mostly everyone in Forks. She doesn't even have the courtesy to refer to her father as 'dad', but Charlie.

I don't want to get into New Moon after he leaves her and she turns comatose for months. How is that realistic? Yes, it's okay to feel sad after a break up. When did she decide to move on? After another (hot) guy comes in, although she wasn't totally moved on from Edward or else she wouldn't have done those things to see his face or hear his voice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Nobody has a specific time frame where they have to move on, nobody has to move of for any specific reason or way. People cope in different ways
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Coping by jumping off a cliff isn't a great way...
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Harry's thoughts are deep and intellectual? Bella's are more realistic?

He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare.
-Bella Swan

Yea, because everyone thinks like that.

And the thing is, Bella didn't cope. Jumping off of a cliff isn't coping. Shunning your loved ones isn't coping.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
wotcher-tonks Ha thats what i was thinking through out the book
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Take out the magical elements from Harry Potter and you get an easily relatable tale about children growing up through their different years at boarding school.

Take the magic out of Twilight, you get a boring love triangle.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
^Exactly. Not many people can relate to a love triangle.

And Harry's thoughts are obviously english lit, the books were written in third person. He wasn't thinking the exact words in the book. Meanwhile, Twilight was written in first person and Bella had perfect english. She thinks like Einstein. I mean, siriusly, when have we ever used the word incandescent or scintillating in our thoughts?
over a year ago AllyAM said…
^ I've never used 'incandescent' in my thoughts even unless I was talking or thinking about a type of lighting.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
I had to look up its meaning...and I still don't know what scintillating means. I don't even think I can pronounce it...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
It is ridiculous the words she use no teenage talks or thinks like that!
over a year ago Gred_and_Forge said…
I know, why does Bella talk that way? She's a teenager living in the 2000's. Who the heck uses incandescent or scintillating?

Bella's thoughts: He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare.

Average teenage girl: Oh my gosh, he's so hot! Look at that chest and those arms. He is so fiiiiiine!

over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Really! if it was thrid person i think it would be different but no 17 year old girl thinks like that unless they are from the 1600 or w.e
i;m sure most girls would be option B
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Wait, Incendi0, did you just take that reason about Harry's thoughts from the first page?
over a year ago emilyroxx said…
Siriusly, I don't even think a teenager from the 1600s would think like that. The word choice SM uses just makes Bella even less realistic.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
This is my letter to Stehenie Meyer:

Dear Stephenie Meyer,
Using big words where smaller word would work better doesn't make you sould smart. It just irritates the reader because they have to open a dictionary every two seconds.

Love and hugs,
An extremely irritated Twilight reader

P.S.: Please stop writing books. You'd do this world a big favor.

I know, that last part is mean, but thats just me(:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
hey want to know something on the second page of twilight she wrote
"My mom looks like me except with short hair and smile lines" Something like that but she says this before we know wht bella looks like. Thats decent writing???
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Sorry to break it to you, but not all teenagers are stupid and use only simple words. I often used large words in everyday conversation as a teenager, and I'm pretty sure I lived in this century. I had friends who did the exact same thing. They were raisid in this centure too.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Many books state something about their looks before any physical feature is described. That's very far from indescent.

"Hi, my name is Bella and I have brown hair and brown eyes. I look like my mother."
That's a little elementary, don't you think?

Compare Twilight to books other than Harry Potter and all these little mistakes you keep finding aren't mistakes at all.
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
many books state something about their looks before any physical feature is described. Thats far from indecent

Just because other books do that does not make it decent and keep in mind she was writing to teenagers and if you have not noticed that the teenage vocabulary had gone done in the last 20 years. She was just trying to sound smart. And some of the ways she used them made her sound just the opposite. And no i don't think people should use simple words in there writing like "i have brown hair" but keep in mind who you are writing.

(I have read worse writing then twilight The Wake series was awful! )
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
If certain teenagers aren't smart enough to understand words used in a book, they should pick up a different book. Not every single book is meant to be accessable for every single person in it's apparent demographic.

I'm reading a book right now that said something along the lines of "I was grateful to have the same hair as my mother. I was afraid my father would have sent me back if I didn't, for it was also the same hair as my late sister." (i don't have the exact quote with me right now) This was said some time before the shade, texture, or length of her hair was mentioned. It was dome to form a comparison, not to describer her apperance to her. You need to think more abstractly when reading some books. Twilight is one of them, but many don't believe it because they get caught up in all the "anti" hype and underestimate everything about it.

I don't get your logic, where it's okay for other authors to do this, but not Stephenie Meyer... Could you please elaborate?
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Like i said just because other book do this does not make it proper. Its not the best writing technique.
And sure twilight might be a good book but it is far from a classic

Have you read any of the classics? Pride and Prejudice,Wuthering heights, Jane Eyre? That is classic writing, classic literature. I'm sorry that now a days we don't have as wonderful books as though and this includes harry potter.

The thing that makes me mad is smyers compared her writing to these book (plus Romeo and Juliet) And her writing is no where near these classics.

[ Edited ]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thebigfanofcala said…
um dont u mean twilight is to haed to read
over a year ago emilyroxx said…
^I have no idea what you just said.

Cassie, I get your point. I'm fourteen and I use large words in everyday conversation all the time. However, a teenager her age wouldn't have thoughts that would be that complex. The way Stephanie Meyer writes her thoughts makes it seem like every thought that she has is like poetry. What we were saying was that normal teenagers' thoughts don't sound at all like that. Like I said before, it just makes her sound less realistic.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Of course I've read the classics. I've enjoyed reading Twilight alongside the classics. I've tried comparing Harry Potter to them, and strangely enough, got nowhere. I've had more intellactual success with Twilight.
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Yea Harry Potter is not like the classics either.
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
I never read the classics :/ I should...But really, when you see some hot guy without a shirt on, what do you think? I'd probably think "Ooooo niceee X)", and so would every other girl I know.

And no, not all teenagers are stupid and only use simple words. But sometimes, I'll use a word like nowadays, and my friends would be like "Did you really just say nowadays?" Nowadays isn't even close to a big word. My friends are not stupid. We're all in the advanced class at school, we've got to have some brain. We don't talk like our brains are made of lip gloss. It's just that teenagers find it weird to use big words (most of them).
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
I know what you mean, i love to write and when i'm in my writing mode i use a lot of biggish words (on this site tho i could care less )
And i sometimes use words that may not be big but are not common

but the way Bella thinks is really not normal for a 17 year old girl

Wotcher-tonks you should read the classics very good book. I'm finding it is harder for me to find book i can stand the writing to how nowadays (Like the wake series i said it once and i will say it again awful book awful writing sadly)
over a year ago ladywyze said…
Until NOW?? *sigh*
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
^....What are you talking about...?
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Me? sorry if i was confusing back then, i was kind of half awake :P
But i was just saying that if smyers wanted her character to be relate able she should have sounded more like a 17 year old girl form nowadays
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Maybe she wanted all the "abnormal" teenagers you guys are talking about to relate to Bella, since you think they're so weird
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
No, not you Harrypotter148 :D I was talking about ladywyze. I have no idea who she (I'm guessing) was replying to.

I never said those teeagers were abnormal. I don't think they're weird. I'm just saying not many teenage girls use big words like that. It's just not realistic. Do you use scintillating in everyday conversation? Even if people do use scintillating in a casual conversation, nobody's thoughts are that complex. My Twilight-loving friend even agreed it wasn't realistic.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
^^ how would you know how most teenage girls think anyway, YKI?
Arn't you a grown man and therefor not a teenage girl?
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…

It's not realistic i know loads of twilight-freaks (my friends) who agree that it was a little over the top. Hell some of the words did not make sense in the contact the were in.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Why are you calling real girls with complex thoughts unreal? You think they don"t exist? I don't need to be a teenage girl to know how brains work. Men and women aren't that different.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Yes, I find Bella and her thoughts very unrealistic. I have never met a teenage girl with thoughts so crazily flowery and complex.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
That's unfortunate. Maybe that's why Smeyer wrote Bella like that. The real girls who really think like that need a character to relate to so they won't feel so bad when other girls like you think they don't exist
over a year ago AllyAM said…
SMeyer wrote Twilight 'for herself' not for any teenagers of elite thoughts
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
That's right. For herself, not typical teenage girls. It doesn't have to be whatever you consider realistic
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Her writing it for herself doesn't mean it's any better.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Doesn't mean Bella should be an idiot either. It'akes her writing respectable.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
I don't respect people who fill pages with Purple Prose and metaphors dragged out way longer than they should be.
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
This is probably a dumb question but what is purple prose??

Sorry this may have already been posted but i just found it and i <3 love it :p
 This is probably a dumb pergunta but what is purple prose?? Sorry this may have already been posted
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
I respect that she wrote for herself. She didn't have to write for someone else to become successful. She wrote for herself and so many people loved it
over a year ago AllyAM said…
"Purple prose is a term of literary criticism used to describe passages, or sometimes entire literary works, written in prose so overly extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw attention to itself."

here's an excerpt from an article I was reading the other day"

"His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal.

Now, here's the same passage, without all her "sparkle" synonyms:

His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, sparkling chest, his sparkling arms bare. His sparkling, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, sparkling like crystal. "