harry potter contra crepúsculo 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

harry potter contra crepúsculo 2632 replies

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over a year ago annaustin said…
Girls everywhere have heard this question before, “What’s so great about vampires?” The question is usually asked by a guy and accompanied by a roll of the eyes or an impatient sigh. Well guys, here are a few reasons why girls are so obsessed with the Twilight series written by Stephanie Meyer.

Bella and Edward - The Average Girl Gets the Hot Guy
Bella Swan, the main character, (played by Kristen Stewart) drives an ugly truck and doesn’t dress with any style. She loves to read and is an introvert, not a cheerleader. Her friends are few and her home life is less than stellar. However, it is she who Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson) is attracted to.

If Edward loves Bella just as she is, than the average girls can feel satisfied with being just who she is. Few girls consider themselves the popular girl, the prom queen or the life of every party. Therefore, they can relate to Bella’s plainness. The hottest, most mysterious guy in school can appreciate the unspectacular normal girl, and that is a welcome relief from the pressure to be popular and perfect.

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Twilight is a Love Story

Edward loves Bella to the exclusion of all else. He protects her, worries about her and takes care of her. He is devoted to her and considers her needs far above his own. In Twilight, Edward tells Bella, “You are my life.” In New Moon (the second book in the series) he says, “You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world.” And in Eclipse (the third book) Edward declares, “You are my first priority.”

The fact that Edward is sincere in what he says to Bella makes the Twilight series especially gratifying to readers. These books are not merely fantasies, but love stories. Girls are swept off their feet by Edward’s maturity and thoughtfulness. They appreciate his compassionate nature and loving concern for Bella.

Read on
Twilight Movie Filmed in Portland, Oregon
Review: Twilight the Movie
What Teens Are Reading: Breaking Dawn
Bella is a True Friend
Although many people in the community of Forks, Washington find Edward scary and dangerous, Bella only sees the good in him. She sticks by him even after learning the secret he harbors; Edward is a vampire. In the same way, she is also fiercely loyal to Jacob (her best friend). Upon discovering that Jacob is a werewolf, Bella is unphased. She asserts that their friendship will prevail.

Bella is the type of friend that girls want. She is accepting and trustworthy. Her values are not skewed by society. She remains faithful, reliable and devoted to her friends.

Edward is a Gentleman
Edward is Bella’s knight in shining armor. He treats Bella with respect in all situations. He refuses to have sex outside of marriage because he wants everything to be perfect when it comes to her. He drives when they go out, takes care of her every need and is polite and courteous to her father. He even holds her and sings to her.

Edward is so popular because girls love the way he treats Bella. Girls want to be treated like a lady, they want the guy to take charge, make plans for dates and be respectful. So what makes Edward so appealing? He isn’t pushy or boorish, but classy and sophisticated. He is smart and well read, mannered and considerate. Edward truly loves Bella and wants whatever is best for her.

The Twilight Mystery is Solved
Alright guys, now the mystery is solved. It is clear why girls adore the Twilight books. Like “chic flicks,” these books are going to be around for a while. They appeal to women of all ages and don’t seem to be waning in popularity anytime soon. Instead of being annoyed, win some points by accompanying that special girl to see Eclipse.

over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I disagree. I'm a girl, and I don't like Twilight.
over a year ago annaustin said…
big smile
guys am a hp fan but seeing the way these twilighters are suffering,i had to lend them a helping hand
for me its
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Oh! Gods, I feel like an idiot. :D
over a year ago TimelordPhoenix said…
I know I'm really late but Harry Potter doesn't have romance? Since when? Harry/Ginny thank you (eventhough I don't agree with the pairing.) Not one person you see in the movies die (Twilight) whereas in the movies (Harry Potter) and books they say who died and you see it so :).
over a year ago hsmgirl14a said…
I dont agree with you. you see the security gaurd in twilight die and james you can actually see some of it. In eclispe Victoria dies and in new moon Laurent dies. so you know the characters die you here and see them being mentioned at points after their deaths.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
Cause she's so unimportant to the plot, besides being a character SMeyer just put there to tattletale.
The deaths in twilight are nothing. No one feels any loss for those deaths, while in harry Potter you grieve and you can also feel the characters' grief.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Well, only the "bad" people died who were hardly in the story, except to serve the purpose of a plot. In real life, good people die and make sacrifices. Just think: when you watch the news, there are so many reports about car accidents, murders, house invasions and most people have died, not only the people considered bad. In Twilight, all the bad people died, while the good people got a happy ending without actually giving anything up, which is highly unrealistic.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^Not only highly unrealistic but terribly gag-worthy, mushy, cringe-worthy, boring....you get the point.
Siriusly, the oh-so-happy ending killed me. Maybe, just maybe, SMeyer could have redeemed herself a little if she had had a good ending, but.....*shudder*
Come on, even you Twilight fans have to admit that ending of BD was bad.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Actually, Breaking Dawn would be a pretty good book for sex Ed teachers. "Don't have sex, or you'll get pregnant and die!" which is what happened to Bella.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
That would be awesome, GD. xD

I wanted the story to be:

Bella has always been an outcast in Phoenix. She thinks differently and is conservative. She only has her mom to help her around. Her mom, though, gets killed [which the police suspects is a murder.] The murderer leaves a note saying Bella is next, so for her safety she gets sent to live with her dad in Forks. Her first day there, many people at school talk to her [only because she's a mini-celeb because of her mum] which angers her because she feels like they don't know how hurtful it is to lose a loved one. She gets drawn to Edward because he's the only one who looks like he has a calm demeanor. Anyway, in Biology she sits next to him, but then realizing how rude he is, she lashes out on him. The next day she finds out how she has to do a school project with him and considering she loves doing school work and wants good grades, she accepts. Anyway, at Edward's house, his family is acting weirdly and she keeps hearing them say, "Alice, are you sure what you saw was real?" Anyway, 'guests' come over and the whole family looks angry. Bella then comes downstairs to see what's happening when James gets excited and is about to kill her. He is with the Volturi, who say they need to kill Bella because her mother knew too much and they know she knows just as much. Edward attempts to save her and a huge fight breaks out. Almost all the Cullens die [except Esme and Rosalie.] Anyway, Bella and Edward die too and then the Volturi go away saying, "the job is complete."

Hehe, that is my version of Twilight.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
I like it much better than the other version! Finally someone dies! But I reckon you should just make them all die. It'll be much better.
Where are all the Twihards?!
Ooooooh Twihards, come ouuuuuut!!!
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I think they've gone.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
We scared them off. They have no reasons why Twilight is better than Harry Potter so they've given up. I think it's official. Harry Potter wins.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
No.. Posts such as the ones above this one are annoying.
It has nothing to do with fear or "victory".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
I was never aware that there was really a competition...
To be fair, we can never say which one is better in terms of quality, because their basic demographic is different (Harry Potter's being generally larger).
There's stuff that Harry Potter has that is better than Twilight, but the opposite can also be said. For example, Smeyer is better at wrting romance, but JK Rowling is better at telling an actual story. I guess it just depends what your personal likes are...

And yes, I know this is totally against what I've said before, but a kid can change. Not the anti I once was. :D x
over a year ago pinklover123 said…
I like a devil, I have a reason why twilight is better than HP Its more easy to understand
over a year ago pinklover123 said…
wow I did no understand a word u just said Italktosnakes
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Okay, pinklover. But easy stuff is not always good.
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
I'll say it simply


There...better? :) x
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
And the meaning of the word some can vary, depending on your opinion.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
How can you say JK Rowling isn't good at writing romance if she hasn't written romance, Harry Potter isn't about romance (although still about love) and the main theme of Twilight is romance. Saying this, JK Rowling is much better at conveying actual LOVE than SMeyer.
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
^ Exactly!
Though I do agree that their two completely different writers and book, and JKR might be better in some things, same thing can be said about SM
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
The slight attempts to add romance to Harry Potter weren't that great.
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Cassie, you just took the words right out of my mouth...well, screen.
As a Harry Potter fan, I can say that the way she wrote Romance was not the best. The way she showed love in general was great, but Romance was not her forte. :) x
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I must admit, I HATE all the canon couples. Except for Romione.
over a year ago hsmgirl14a said…
I don`t like DracoLuver`s version of twilight. It`s very dark even for my taste. Although two of my favorite characters live and I wanted Alice, Emmett, and Carlisle to live as well.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
^ hm, yeah, but well, people die everyday. Bella and Eddy should have died then it would be like Romeo and Juliet. But I guess everyone has different tastes :)
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Rom and Jule is a satire. Just sayin'.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
What is Smeyer better at than JK Rowling? I can't think of anything....
over a year ago emilyroxx said…
Well, JK Rowling could never fail as bad as SM did even if she tried.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I would write down the plot of my version of Twilight... but meh, can't be bothered.
over a year ago PotterForever said…
I'm not a huge fan of the way Rowling wrote the romace either so I guess I'd agree there. I wouldn't say Smeyer was better though.
over a year ago ladywyze said…
I can't relate to whatever you are saying.
I haven't been on line for so long... and I got tired of listening to these quarrels.
I don't know why they/you quarreled about these two awesome movies.
I don't know why, but I thought the more I researched about Twilight, the more I'm beginning to hate it.
But, also I thought that Harry Potter might be too magical that it was so exaggerated.
And, Twilight's not so good because I think that Bella Swan CARES more about her Edward Cullen than his father or his friends and I think also that she loves Edward more than GOD. I prefer that way because I look into every angle I could judge a thing and that was why I do not like it much.
And well, for Harry Potter... yeah it was good, but I can't relate to any character there. To what they are for, why they are there. I can't seek what Harry is into, or what Hermione... and the others. It seemed like Rowling missed that one.
Twilight's creator SMeyer have that one but her point was very bad(for me).
But I'll say they are both awesome. I'm tryin' to say, why would they become famous if they are not good(for some people)?

Well, that is all I've got. Thanks.
Also... Before, I'm with Twilight. Then I'm with Harry Potter. But now... When someone would ask me, "Which are you in? Harry Potter or Twilight?" I'll answer 'or' or the 'space' between them.
over a year ago ladywyze said…
So will you please STOP?
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^Huh? Stop what?
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Twilight teaches us that people aren't ugly.
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
No, it teaches us that ugly people aren't important. x
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Nobody was described as ugly
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Because they're not important enough to be in the book. Saying that nobody is ugly, AT ALL, is unrealistic
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
I agree with Accio. Making everyone beautiful and perfect makes teens want those type of people around them, when in fact, they do not exist!
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
everyone wasn't perfect. nobody was ugly, just like in the real world.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Eric was described as ugly. Lawyered.
over a year ago stevie_fan98 said…
i do not intend to be mean when i say this. i just severely dislike the twilight Obsession.

can i just say that the reason there isnt 1000 reasons yet is because TWILIGHT ISN'T BETTER
there are nearly 900 pages of response on that page
how many are there on this question?




harry potter is better for kids. e.g. THERE IS NO SEX!!!

twitards who think twilight is better for children are WRONG.

EVERYTHING in twilight is about how HOT Bella thinks Edward is and how much he wants to kill her.
Harry Potter has characters that, although we may not have magic powers, we can still relate to. They actually HAVE PERSONALITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i apoligise
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
900 pages of reasons? no. 900 pages of spam
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Erik wasn't ugly. he looked like a chess club guy. it never said ugly
over a year ago stevie_fan98 said…
twilight is an insult to literacy
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
900 pages of spam? Did you even read the first 400 pages? The thing said 1000 and we got over 2000, so we fufilled the purpose, and now the forum is used for talking.