harry potter contra crepúsculo 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

harry potter contra crepúsculo 2632 replies

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over a year ago youknowit101 said…
I live too.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Nobody is fighting or arguing.

Twilight and Harry Potter are for adults too, correct? Why should people over 15/16 not be permitted to debate as well?
over a year ago AllyAM said…
Gah! I just realized that sounded waaaaaay meaner than I meant it to be! >.< Sorrysorrysorrysorry

Anyway, as I was saying before, those children would probably have been mean anyway. Just because they use references to Harry Potter does not mean it's the series's fault. Children will be brats, it all depends on how they were raised.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
The kids that don't like it or aren't obsessed with it are alright. coincidence? I think Harry Potter appeals to these kinds of kids
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
Kids who like it are alright too. Your point?

Honestly, book tastes don't determine your personality.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
That's odd, where I live the people obsessed with it are the ones picked on.
A few years ago in one of my middle school classes, we had to create our personal idea of a utopia. Mine description was really detailed, when I go to the part about the schools, I mentioned that Harry Potter was required reading. Almost the entire class booed and made fun of me. In my town, those are the people who don't read Harry Potter.

The girls who liked Twilight, they were the ones who would try to make me cry. In the locker room they'd try to get their body spray on my skin (they knew it made me break out in hives) and would make snide comments about me for not liking what they did.

I have rarely met a Harry Potter fan who was not nice. But that's only in my experience.

Our lives seem to be almost backwarsds xD weird

There were still plenty of nice and not nice people who didn't read either, these are just the majority expressed here.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Opposite worlds in the same state. Strange planet we live on
over a year ago AllyAM said…
I lived there when I was really little. I'm too paranoid to put where I really live online :P
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
So, you still reckon Twilight is better than Harry Potter?

random 'cause I'm bored. Reckon is a word. Every single American and Canadian I've met thinks it's not. Here in Australia we always say it, like 'I reckon that's great' and they say it in England too.
If you're American do you know the word 'reckon'?

^Sorry i'm bored and nothing much has been happening on this forum.
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
I'm Australian and I hate the word reckon. It sounds too... *lack of adjectives* bleh.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^Too right, you beut sheila.
That was sarcasm, by the way. Australian slang is so sad, but I must admit it's funny.
Oh, Gemonk, I thought you were American...
"Strewth, put the prawns on the barbie!" NOT SHRIMPS.
. .
Off topic. o
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
No :O I wish lol.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
In my eyes, Twilight, as a whole, is better than Harry Potter, as a whole.
Sorry if you have an issue with that.
Good thing you don't have to be me.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
I respectfully disagree with you,
That's it.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
@cassie, have you read Harry Potter 7? I'm just curious.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^What do you mean, wtf?
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
It means what the fuck
over a year ago GemonkDruid said…
She meant why you said wtf.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^yes, I did. Are you wtfing how cassie said she read HP 7 or something else?
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
.... whats the matter with a twilight fan reading a Hp Book?
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
no, i don't remember why i said it
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
okay. lmao!
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
He didn't like that the question was asked in the first place.
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
I haven't posted on this thing in 20,000,000 years. Soo I decided to drop in and say hi! How are you people?? Good, good...Soo I'm pretty hyper! I got my hair cut and colored today...and I had a soda...which would explain my hyperness! Soo this is a pretty pointless post but I decided to post it anyway!!:D
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
maybe thats why
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Hyperness is always fun!!
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
That's what you told me last night.
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
Hyperness is the best! (for me at least...not the people around me) Soo...I'm not hyper anymore...It is now safe to be within 10 feet of me :D Yes...Thats how crazy I get when I'm hyper!
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
I like being hyper it makes everything fun, my parents think otherwise lmao!
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
Haha my cousin and I got super phsyco one time and we were skipping around his living room screaming "Kuku Bananas" because we heard it on a Degrassi commercial (I hate that show...we make parodys of it) and we practically died laughing! We were yelling so loud that we woke up his twin brother (He was all the way upstairs) XD This was ironically after we watched Harry Potter... Being hyper is one of my many joys in life!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
hahahaha! My sister and i are freaks and have HP marathons and LOTR marathons and w/ever we do we always have loads of candy and loads of pop. Lets just say my mom makes sure she is not home for thous nights
GOOD times
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
Aw I want a sister! All I have are two older brother (which I am grateful for, don't get me wrong) and the one who loves Harry Potter is away at college. But one time when he was watching LOTR when I was in first grade, I was watching it with him, and I asked him if the guy with the long white hair was God XD Does that count lol
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Ha thats funny. Yea both my sisters are at collage so i'm alne with my mother. which is hell becuase we fight to much. but when they come home *evil smirk*
lmao LOTR is good if you like movies like that :)
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
My other older brother is going to college next year soo I'm kind of an only child but not really because they still exist lol
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
youknowit, if you are wtfing at the question 'has cassie read HP', it is a perfectly reasonable question. It also seems you haven't read one Harry Potter book, which in that case you shouldn't even be on this club or this forum.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Who says I haven't read them?
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Have you? jw?
I mean i am sure a lot of HP fans read Twilight
over a year ago alexthedog said…
It's fun checking here every once in a while to see how much progress you guys haven't made.
over a year ago Harrypotter148 said…
Ha i now. its pretty much just debating w/o reasons
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
I just like to come her and post random stuff. Soo...Who likes tacos? I do! Tacos are yummy. I also enjoy soda. How 'bout you? I like Spongebob. He is very square. Chocolate is tasty. So...I hope you guys come up with actual reasons soon...
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
There's a theme of redemption in Breaking Dawn.
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
Dear two Twilight fans on this forum,

Do you like soda?


Extremely Hyper lovemarauders :)
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Stephenie Meyer has given vampires a new sense of morality.
over a year ago AllyAM said…
I still like the Cirque du Freak vampires better, they had morality also, and could drink blood without killing people.
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
^^Those vampires sound better than the fairies in Twilight.

And HELLOOOOO?? Cassie, you're a Twilight fan! You ignored my friendly letter! Do you like soda or not??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
She's busy in the Brandon Flowers spot and doesn't care about your question
over a year ago lovemarauders said…
Shush youknowit. You didn't answer my question either. So...Do you like soda? And thats kind of rude saying she doesn't care about my question. I answer everyones questions, no matter how ridiculous. You two probably don't care about my question because I'm only 13. You're like what, 20? Do you think you're better then me or something? Because I've got news for ya, you're not.