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A review of the latest Disney film...
WARNING: if you haven't seen Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante and don't want to be spoiled you should probably wait until you see the movie to read the review. And this is all just my opinion, I'm not trying to force my opinions on anyone.

I will be rating this movie with an no geral, global scoring system of /10 points, there will be five aspects of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante I will be looking at, and each will be rated a score from 1 to 20. I will be looking at the marketing, the plot, the characters, the character's relationships and the soundtrack. So, with all that said, I hope you enjoy my bad composição literária and terrible sense of humour!

1. The Advertising, Marketing and Commercials of Frozen

 Sven and Olaf are front and center in this early advertisement of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante - Uma Aventura Congelante
Sven and Olaf are front and center in this early advertisement of Frozen

I decided to start this off with the marketing of Frozen, although I don't have that much to say about it. One thing I found strange about how they marketed this was that they released Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante memorabilia a while before the actual movie came out. Anna and Elsa dolls, picture books and other trinkets were available long before they should've been in my opinion. Another thing to note is that the advertisements and trailers, the early ones especially, featured Olaf and Sven a lot. That isn't too strange though, because disney filmes often put a lot of attention on the comic relief in their trailers. But despite the focus on the comic relief, I found the character designs, concept art, trailers and movie posters to be very aesthetic and well designed for the most part.

Also, one very good thing about the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante trailers is that what we see is what we get. They don't spoil everything, but they give us a good amount of
 The first released Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante - Uma Aventura Congelante concept art
The first released Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante concept art
information, and the trailers portray the movie accurately enough. This is in stark contrast to the anterior princess film, Brave, whose trailers were practically false advertising and didn't reveal enough about the film. But the Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante trailers are good, as they gave good focus on the female leads and all the other important aspects of the movie. All in all, the trailers and sneak peeks did a good job exciting the general population about the movie.

The marketing of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante gets a score of 17 out of 20, because although it was a bit early it did its job well: it got the potential audience hyped.

2. The Plot of Frozen

Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante begins around fourteen or fifteen years before the majority of the plot takes place, with some ice harvesters and a five ano old Kristoff collecting ice while cantar the song 'Frozen Heart.' I loved the beginning, as it really got me excited for the movie. Then we are shown the palace of Arendelle, where a young (I'm pretty sure she's three or something) Anna convinces her older sister to come play with her using Elsa's ice powers. There is a cute scene of the girls playing, but then an accident happens and Elsa accidentally strikes Anna with her powers, turning part of her hair platinum and causing the girls' parents to take Anna to the trolls to be healed. Young Kristoff watches this, and one of the trolls decides to take him and Sven in.

This is the first plot problem. What was Kristoff's life like before the trolls? Was he just living on the streets and people let him do whatever? Did he have a family? If so, the trolls are kidnappers! What was Kristoff doing with a bunch of grown men, none of whom were looking after him apparently?

Ahem. Moving on. The trolls heal Anna, also giving some foreshadowing to how difficult it is to heal a Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante heart, and say that Anna can no longer know about her sister's powers and must be kept from Elsa for her own safety. This part could have been explained better because I don't for the life of me know why. Then they freak Elsa out por telling her that she can bring about danger. Why?!?! You know, so far, with possible kidnapping, uncalled-for meddling with people's memories, and scaring adorable little princesses on the troll's record, they really don't got much going for them.

So Elsa is separated from Anna and through the song 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman' we see Anna beg Elsa to come out and play with her. Elsa tells her sister to go away, and the song continues.

Sometimes there are scenes from Elsa's side of the door. Her father gives her gloves, and a rather oppressive mantra. ("Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show.") And Elsa loses control at one point, but tells her parents she doesn't want them to touch her, as she doesn't want to hurt them. It's just a few seconds, but it was pretty sad and also lets us know a lot about Elsa, character-wise.

Then we see Anna and Elsa bidding their parents farewell as they leave for a voyage. Anna gives her parents a hug in what is the only scene of Anna and her parents in the movie, while Elsa merely curtsies demurely. We then see their parent's ship swallowed up por the ocean, followed por Anna at their funeral. Apparently Elsa opted to mourn in her bedroom. The last verse of 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman' is pretty heart-breaking, with Elsa and Anna crying on either side of a door, snow Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante in midair and a mess of ice in Elsa's room. We then skip to three years later.

This... is another plot hole, although a minor one. It is never mentioned who ran the kingdom for the three years from the parents' deaths to Elsa's coronation. I assume there was a regent or something, but it wouldn't have been that hard to fix this plot hole por having someone acknowledge the regent. This is a movie, not chess!

As the coronation begins, we get our first looks at Kristoff, who eats reindeer spit (I'm serious people) and the Duke of doninha Town-- ahem, Weslteton --who wants to exploit Arendelle's riches. And the stupid gullible townspeople (we'll get to that later) are extremely thrilled about getting in that palace.

But no one is mais excited than Princess Anna, who is excited that for the first time in forever she'll get to go to a party and have a chance to find love. Elsa, on the other hand, is terrified that she'll reveal her secret. Elsa is twenty-one, the oldest DP, and I'm no monarch but I'm not sure why she couldn't be queen at eighteen. I guess they figured: If you're old enough to chug a beer, you're old enough to rule a kingdom!

(DISCLAIMER: cerveja and monarchy do not mix well. Trust me.)

Anyway, a wandering Anna bumps into the charming Prince Hans, who has sideburns and twelve older brothers. Oh, so he has a bad stylist and an inferiority complex! Poor guy...

After the awkward incident with Hans (well, Anna was awkward, Hans was gorgeous) we see the coronation, with Elsa barely keeping control of her powers as her fear over whether she'll be a good queen threatens to overcome her. But she manages, and later we see her laughing and giggling with Anna, for the first time in years.

Then the Duke of doninha Town-- I mean Westleton of course --approaches to ask Elsa to dance. She doesn't want to dance, but Anna dances with the ridiculous man briefly before she runs off to sing a amor song with Hans.

Now, haven cemented their fast-acting amor with the most substantial element on earth, a duet, Hans proposes to Anna, and Anna says yes. Desperate much? The couple immediately go to Elsa to ask for her blessing, but Elsa channels the audience's feelings and tells Anna that nobody's getting married, which Anna does not take well. The two begin to argue, with Anna asking why they couldn't be like they were before and Elsa begging Anna to stop talking about the relationship they once shared.

However, Anna continues to provoke Elsa, even grabbing her glove, until finally the ice queen snaps, spikes of deadly ice shooting from her now gloveless hand. With her powers revealed to the world, Elsa has no choice but to flee, freezing the fjord as she runs across it.

The Duke of Weasel-Town and many others begin to sharpen their pitchforks and call Elsa a witch, but Anna decides she is going to go after Elsa herself and make everything right. But who will watch the kingdom with both members of the royal family gone?

Hans, durr. Who else?

OH, I DON'T KNOW, SOMEONE QUALIFIED MAYBE?!?! I mean, Anna is all like: 'I'm leaving, this near stranger I just met is in charge of everything, kthxbai!' And the townspeople are all chills with this! Nobody points out that Hans isn't qualified, they all seem to accept this aleatório dude as their new temporary ruler, without any official ceremony or anything. This is probably the worst plot hole in the movie for me, because it's so stupid!

So, having established that Anna would make a terrible queen and that the people of Arendelle are all gullible idiots, we once again get the pleasure of seeing Elsa, who sings her iconic song 'Let It Go' and builds her ice palace. This is an amazing, beautifully done scene and song, and luckily it was enough to calm me down about that stupid plot-hole. I amor everything Elsa creates, from her beautiful dress to her stunning ice palace. She's such an artist.

Then we see Anna, now horseless and freezing in her summer frock, wandering into Wandering Oaken's Trading Post (and sauna!), where she is told por Oaken that they are out of stock of winter dresses and that she is crazy. There's apparently no one crazier than this eighteen ano old girl wandering around during a July blizzard... until Kristoff enters the scene at least.

He must have heard Oaken talking about Anna's lunacy, and rushed to defend his título as the craziest character in Frozen, I guess. Well, actually he's here to buy carrots and other supplies, but Oaken has a supply and demand problem so he's raised the price to a ridiculous amount.

After he is kicked out for calling Oaken a crook, Anna finds him using Sven as a ventriloquist dummy in a celeiro and recruits his help por bribing him with supplies and telling him that she knows how to stop the winter-- consequentially saving his ice business.

So they set out, and after a mishap with lobos that costs Kristoff his sled, the two meet Olaf, a talking snowman created por Elsa.

Let's talk a bit about this, 'kay? We see Elsa create Olaf in the 'Let It Go' sequence, in what I guess is just her letting out the inner child in her. But then what happened? Elsa later shows shock at his consciousness, so obviously she didn't bring him to life on purpose. Did Olaf just come to life for shits and giggles and then decide to wander around meaninglessly? It really could've been explained better is all.

Anyway, Olaf sings his adorable 'In Summer' song, and then the ditz, the misanthrope, the snowman and the reindeer continue on their way to the ice palace. When they finally reach it Kristoff is in awe of it, but Anna tells him and the others to wait while she talks to Elsa.

And she does talk to Elsa. The sisters are happy to see each other, although Elsa is still fearful that she will hurt her sister, and Anna explains what has happened to Arendelle through 'For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)' in which Elsa says that her place is in the ice castle, where she can't hurt anyone. Anna continues to assure her sister that they can get through this, but Elsa, who grows mais and mais agitated as the song goes on, finally snaps and, with a scream of "I CAN'T!" she lets of a blast of magic, striking her sister.

Kristoff and Olaf choose this moment to burst in, and Elsa, realizing with horror that she has hurt her sister again, wants them gone. She creates a large ice monster, nicknamed Marshmallow, who chases them away from the ice palace.

After they escape the ice monster, Kristoff realizes that Anna's hair is turning white, and tells her that she needs to be healed por his 'family'. Or should I say... his kidnappers? Seriously, I don't buy his thing about being an orphan, I bet the trolls messed with his memories too!

Well, whether or not my head-canon about the trolls being evil kidnapping brainwashers is correct, Anna meets them again, conscious this time, and the trolls believe she's Kristoff's girlfriend and ask her a bunch of adorably inappropriate perguntas and plan to... get rid of Hans. SEE! TOLD YOU THEY WERE EVIL!

But before the trolls can marry Anna and Kristoff, Anna collapses and Pabbie the Troll King arrives on the scene. He tells Anna that Elsa has Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante her heart, but that only an act of true amor can thaw a Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante heart. And, like Anna said about Hans during the lobo chase: "It's TRUE LOVE!" So she and Kristoff race back to Arendelle to find Hans.

But Hans isn't in Arendelle, he's at Elsa's ice castle, where Elsa defends herself against those Stabbington brother clones. (Seriously, was I the only one who noticed how similar they are?) She goes so far that she nearly kills them with her powers, but Hans tells her not to be the monster everyone thinks she is, so she relents. The Stabbington brother doesn't relent however (and for good reason, he was nearly killed por her) and attempts to shoot her, but Hans deflects the crossbow so that it hits a chandelier that crashes to the floor, knocking her out.

Later we see Elsa awakening in a cell, her hands manacled to keep her from using her powers. Hans enters and begs her to stop the winter, but Elsa tells him she doesn't know how. This would've been a good place to throw in some hints to his villain status, but there's nothing. He's the perfect gentleman.

Now Anna and Kristoff arrive in Arendelle, with a deteriorating Anna. She is whisked away to a room with a warm fogo and Kristoff leaves. Anna begs Hans to kiss her (like I said, desperate much?) but he refuses, revealing the OH SO OBVIOUS villain 'plot-twist'.

And this is probably my least favorito scene in the movie, because of how stupid the plot-twist is done. Going into the movie it was obvious Hans would be the villain, however I wouldn't have minded the cliche if they'd thrown in a few hints here in there. Instead he's got Rapunzel-like mood swings-- one minuto he's all "Love is an open door!" the seguinte he's all "If only someone could amor you..."

But badly handled villain aside, he then douses the fogo (THAT BASTARD WHAT A VILLAIN) and leaves her to die.

He then proceeds to give a sob story to the people of Arendelle about how Anna is dead from her sister's magic, having died in his arms after they exchanged their marital vows. I wondered momentarily why people would allow this dude to be king based on an unwitnessed unofficial marriage with a dying princess, but then I realized-- these are the citizens of Arendelle, AKA stupidest people ever. So they smile and nod as he tells them Elsa will be executed for Anna's death.

But Elsa obviously isn't taking that, as she breaks out of prison. And Kristoff is convinced por Sven to return to Arendelle and to Anna.

But while all this drama is going down, Anna is dying. But it's Olaf to the rescue! He finds Anna, which doesn't take him long at all surprisingly, and helps her relight the fire... and sees Sven racing to Arendelle, giving her the idea that Kristoff might be her true love, not Hans.

So everyone has come to the fjord, Kristoff running to protect Anna, Anna needing a dose of true love, Elsa once mais trying to escape, as well as accidentally causing an emotional blizzard, and Hans looking for Elsa to jail her again. Elsa sees Hans and tells him to go away and take care of Anna, and when he tells her of Anna's apparent death she collapses.

When a loved one of Elsa's dies any snow in the air seems to still, and that's what happens then. Anna and Kristoff catch sight of one another, and Kristoff begins to run towards Anna, but then she sees Hans about to stab the grief-stricken Elsa.

Even though her hands are turning to ice, she still runs to protect her sister, turning to an ice sculpture the moment Hans strikes a blow and breaking his sword. (But seriously, he just held his sword there like a fool for way too long.)

With horror, the snow queen realizes her sister is now dead. After half a segundo of hesitation, still nervous about touching people, she wraps her arms around her sister. This of course is the act of true amor and like everyone else on earth I thought it was so cool how it was sisterly amor for a change.

Anna turns back to normal, and Elsa realizes that amor is the key to controlling her powers. So with that in mind, she manages to thaw Arendelle, as well as giving Olaf his own personal blizzard so he can enjoy summer. Kristoff gets a new sleigh, and he and Anna finally relieve the goddamn sexual tension.

So happy endings are happy, and the movie ends with the the two sisters ice skating in a scene nicely similar to the movie's beginning of young Elsa and Anna ice skating.

In the end Frozen's plot gets a score of 15 out of 20, because while there were a ton of plot-holes and the movie should have been longer, I still really enjoyed it.

 My favorito moments from Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante - Uma Aventura Congelante
My favorito moments from Frozen

3. The Characters of Frozen

Princess Anna ~ The Protagonist
 Princess Anna
Princess Anna

Anna, like her sister, has a very complex personality, but it's a different kind of complex. Anna is very reliant on others for attention and self-realization, yet she is also adventurous, longing to see mais of the world. She has a very innocent world-view, probably because she rarely left the palace.

Princess Anna is extremely spontaneous and bouncy, sometimes to the point of being annoying. Anna is also somewhat naive and trustful, instantly assuming that her sister Elsa will do her no harm. She's also very playful and happy-go-lucky, and no geral, global a really enjoyable character to watch. One other thing I notice about Anna is that she's very dependent: she's always needing to be helped or saved por someone, and seems to be starved for affection, judging por how quickly she fell for Hans. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing -- it's never wrong to need help. All in all, I found Anna to be a lighthearted but realistic character. And baby Anna was real cute, too. That never hurts.

 Princess Anna: The Valente and devoted heroine
Princess Anna: The Valente and devoted heroine

Elsa the Snow Queen~ The Deuteragonist
 Elsa the Snow queen
Elsa the Snow Queen

Elsa the Snow queen is probably the most complex disney Princess, if not the most complex disney character ever. She's certainly very tragic for Disney. Elsa is very genuinely artistic and playful, at least under all the fear that cloaks her for most of the movie. She's also very noble in that she'd rather let herself be cut off from everyone rather than hurt anyone.

queen Elsa has less screen-time than I'd been hoping she'd have, although what I did see of her I loved. Elsa has a lot of character growth in the movie as well, going from an unstable introvert to someone who could live her life without constant fear of hurting everyone around her. They showed Elsa's sense of constant insecurity and instability very well, some of my favorito moments of that are when she tells her parents not to touch her ("I don't want to hurt you...") and when her ice palace starts to turn against her. I also loved how confident Elsa looked in her ice palace outfit as opposed to how small and scared she looks in her Arendelle outfits. In my opinion the real antagonist in this film was not Hans, it was Elsa: mais specifically Elsa's lack of control over her powers. I really loved practically everything about Elsa, and I actually can relate to her a lot.

 queen Elsa: The tragic and compelling queen of the ice and snow
Queen Elsa: The tragic and compelling queen of the ice and snow

Kristoff the Ice Harvester~ The Tritagonist
 Kristoff the Mountain Man
Kristoff the Mountain Man

Kristoff is probably one of my favorito disney princes, and although I was leery about him joining at first, I'm now ecstatic that he's in the lineup. Although his backstory and motivations are under explained and his character suffers from that, he was still much mais engaging and complex than I expected him to be.

This so called 'mountain man' (stupidest título ever) is a somewhat gruff loner, with a good sense of humor. He seems to prefer the company of reindeer and trolls over people, and comes of as a bit obsessive compulsive (freaking out over Anna dirtying his 'lacquer') and crazy. He's also a bit selfish, not in an evil way or anything, it's just that all his motivations for helping Anna up until she's hit with Elsa's powers are because helping her would benefit himself. This sort of reinforces what an introverted, unsocialised guy he is. Basically I loved how disney tried to make his character different from all their anterior princes, and he is one of my favorito princes now.

 Kristoff: The gruff but humorous crazy guy
Kristoff: The gruff but humorous crazy guy

Prince Hans~ The Antagonist
 Prince Hans
Prince Hans

To be honest, Hans is probably the character in Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante I liked the least. For the entire beginning of the movie, he is totally like a good guy, if they had maybe thrown in a few hints instead I'd like him better. Hans' whole 'plot twist' is obvious in a bad way: I could just tell, it was just so so obvious, that he was going to be a bad guy, but disney didn't do it with any subtlety at all. But there are some things I like about him. I do like how he acts after he leaves Anna to die, I actually think he's a villain pretending to be a bad guy in this scene, instead of just a bad plot twist. And I do like the voice actor, he did a great job with Hans.

All in all, Hans isn't the worst villain, but he's light years away from being the best. And por the way, Elsa's lack of control is the real antagonist, Hans is mais of a secondary antagonist.

 Prince Hans: The deceptive and heartless prince
Prince Hans: The deceptive and heartless prince

Olaf~ The Comic Relief
I liked Olaf, I think he was the best comic relief/sidekick character since the Genie, maybe even better because he didn't rely on outdated references. I liked how he was a remnant of Elsa and Anna's friendship as children, and I think Josh Gad did a great job with his voice.

This snowman was certainly a lot better than everyone expected him to be, as he lightened the mood when the mood needed it, and had some touching scenes too.

 Olaf: The kind-hearted and summer-loving comic relief
Olaf: The kind-hearted and summer-loving comic relief

Other Characters
 The supporting characters
The supporting characters

•Sven: Sven is probably one of my favorito disney animals, I thought he was charming and I liked his friendships with Kristoff and with Olaf. I don't see why he's OMG IDENTICAL to Maximus from Tangled.
•The Duke of Westleton: I liked the Duke as a comic character, he was really funny in the ballroom scene and with his running gag of 'Weasel Town.' But I didn't like how disney tried to make him some sort of secondary antagonist just so they could market him as the bad guy instead of Hans.
•Anna and Elsa's parents: The King and queen of Arendelle are okay parents as far as disney parents go, although they were a bit harsh with making sure Elsa kept her powers hidden and controlled and keeping the girls locked up in the castle. But they still obviously did it out of love, not for selfish reasons a la Gothel.
•The Trolls: I thought the trolls were cute, it was pretty creative that they could turn into rocks, and I liked their song and their familial relationship with Kristoff. However they kidnapped Kristoff (maybe) and scared Elsa, so I don't know...
•Oaken: He only has one scene, but I found him really funny. And he sort of acts as a catalyst for Anna and Kristoff teaming up.

The characters of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante get a 19 out of 20, because although there were one or two problems I found the cast of characters to be one of Disney's best.

4. The Relationships of Frozen

Anna and Elsa
Although I do wish we'd seen mais of them together, the sister-relationship in this movie is one of my favorito parts. People say that there was hardly any interaction between them and that their relationship was inorganic, but I couldn't disagree more. While there should have been mais scenes with them together, what I did see I loved. Especially the scene at the very beginning, when little Anna clambers into Elsa's bed. It reminded me so much of what my baby sister does with me. And the arguments between Elsa and Anna also sounded real, like things I would say to my own sister while arguing. Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante was probably Disney's first attempt at a animated movie with any focus on a sisterly relationship, and I loved it.

 Life's too short, to miss out on a sister like you...
Life's too short, to miss out on a sister like you...

Anna and Kristoff
Even though the whole setup is kind of like Rapunzel and Flynn, the fact that Anna and Kristoff aren't Rapunzel and Flynn makes their relationship different. It's probably my new favorito couple, because of Anna's whole 'true love' thing and Kristoff's grumpiness. And I amor the mais subtle bits, like how Anna smiles faintly when Kristoff gives her his hat, or Kristoff's mouthed 'Wow' when the trolls dress up Anna.

 Is it the clumpy way he walks? Or the grumpy way he talks?
Is it the clumpy way he walks? Or the grumpy way he talks?

Anna and Hans
Before the whole Hans-being-evil thing, I thought these two were so cute! Anna was very trusting and gleeful, and Hans (acted) very sweet and kind, with his whole 'my lady' business.

 Say goodbye to the pain of the past, we don't have to feel it anymore!
Say goodbye to the pain of the past, we don't have to feel it anymore!

Kristoff and Sven
It's a little outside nature's laws of course, but Kristoff pretending to talk for Sven is so cute and crazy and kind of ironic, considering it's disney where animais are known for talking on their own. And I thought it was quirky and somewhat disgusting that he shares carrots with his reindeer.

 Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you, every one of them's bad except you!
Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you, every one of them's bad except you!

The King, the queen and the Princesses
We don't see much of the girls and their parents, but they were both quite upset when they died so they can't have been that bad. I thought they were a bit suppressive to Elsa, and I don't like how they separated Anna and her sister, but I guess I can see how they thought they were doing the right thing.

 Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show.
Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show.

The character relationships of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante get a 19 out of 20, as I thought they were very genuine.

5. The Soundtrack of Frozen

The Songs
I'm basically obsessed with the songs, and I also amor a lot of the deleted songs! One thing I didn't like about the soundtrack was the extreme lack of songs in the segundo half, but I loved the songs in the first half! Let's go through them one at a time:

Vuelie~ I thought that this chant/song was super pretty, and a good opener. But there isn't that much to say about it really.
Frozen Heart~ I loved this song, and it began the movie so epically! It has a lot of foreshadowing for the story, and the lyrics are so cool! I like the Italian version even mais though.
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?~ This one is so cute, at least at the beginning. But I loved it mais before I saw the movie, because I never realized that their parents died during the música bit, and that part made me cry. So I'd like it mais if it didn't go from happy to heartbreaking so abruptly.
For the First Time in Forever~ I like the reprise a lot better. At first it seems too much like Anna is just narrating what she's seeing, but the song is still pretty enjoyable, with the contrast between Anna's giddiness and Elsa's nervousness.
Love Is an Open Door~ I like this as a amor song for Anna, as its mais childish than normal amor songs and that fits her personality, but I don't really like it so much because of Hans secret villainy. Their amor song really should have had hints of his evilness.
Let It Go~ This song is really beautiful, and I especially amor the visuals that accompany it, but it's a bit overrated. It isn't my favorito song in the soundtrack, but it's one of my favorites.
Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People~ Even though it's short, I amor this song. It really lets you know what a misanthrope Kristoff is, and it makes you wonder if he's just goofing off or if he is actually crazy. Also, the fact that this song isn't just a musical-moment-- they actually acknowledge that he's cantar --makes it so adorable.
In Summer~ It isn't my favorito song, but it's really good for a disney comic relief song. It shows you what a sweetheart and a dreamer Olaf is, and it's really funny how he's so oblivious to what happens to snow in summer.
For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)~ I amor this song so much, the cantar is great and the lyrics are great, and I really amor how Anna tells her about what happened to Arendelle.
Fixer Upper~ These trolls sing a damn good matchmaker song! I find it pretty amusing how the trolls, who are basically Kristoff's family, are trying to set him up with Anna and accidentally dissing him while doing it. And how embarrassed Kristoff is about it.

And here are my thoughts on the deleted songs, as I loved them to much to leave out. They're actually sung por the songwriters and their children, but still:

We Know Better~ A song about Elsa and Anna as children. It shows the less dainty, demure side of Elsa, and it can sort of apply to the disney Princesses too.
Spring Pageant~ A song in the form of a school play. It's about how awesome spring is and how terrible winter is, and there is this really funny little Elsa fangirl. And the snooty play director is also hilarious.
More Than Just The Spare~ A song about how Anna is the spare and she feels overshadowed por Elsa, the heir to the throne. It's full of her bad metaphors, and although I like FtFTiF better than this, I still like this song.
You're You~ Originally going to be Hans and Anna's amor song. I like it, maybe a little bit mais than amor Is an Open Door, because it's sort of foreshadowing the villainy and accidentally insulting Anna, so it would be a bit better for Hans. But it also would have been a good amor song for Kristoff and Anna.
Life's Too Short~ A sort of argument song that eventually became FtFTiF (Reprise). I really really like this one, I like the confrontational aspect and the sort of bouncy tune, and the fact that it has a reprise would let there be at least one song in the segundo half.
Life's Too Short (Reprise)~ My favorito of the outtakes, it's a less confrontational version of it's predecessor and it's positively heartbreaking.

The Score
I'm not really sure how to judge a score, I never notice it when watching a movie because in my opinion if you're focusing mais on the score than on the action you aren't watching a good movie. However I listened to most of the score from the soundtrack, and I thought it was really, really amazing!

For me, the soundtrack of Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante deserves (and receives) a 20 out of 20, because I found the whole thing amazing!

 The Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante - Uma Aventura Congelante Soundtrack
The Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante Soundtrack

In the end, Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante gets a score of 90/100, or a 9/10, and for me that 9/10 is very much deserved. It's an awesome movie, and a total disney Classic, at least in my opinion. It has a few problems, but no mais than any other DP movie. The animation, characters, and soundtrack are all great, and the plot isn't bad, and over all I loved this movie.

Now, before I bid you adieu, here are my Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante head-canons:

•The trolls are evil kidnappers who like to force people to wed for their own amusement
•The Stabbington brothers and the Duke's henchmen are brothers
•ALTERNATIVELY, the Stabbingtons and Hans are brothers
•Elsa was born with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, but her coloring changed in the days of her infancy as her ice powers made themselves known
•Corona and Arendelle are old-timey equivalents of sister cities

Yeah, anyway, this artigo is way too long (6000 words people), took way longer than it should've to write (5 days people), and it still is one of the worst Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante reviews on this spot (the best can be found link. But I hope you enjoyed, it was my first movie review actually. I doubt you even made it this far though, if you managed to read this far without dying of boredom, it's TRUE LOVE!

 Bye everyone, don't let the frostbite bite!
Bye everyone, don't let the frostbite bite!
posted by moulan
Grimm's Fairy Tale version - translated por Margaret Hunt - language modernized a bit por Leanne Guenther

Long atrás there lived a King and queen who said every day, "If only we had a child!" But for a long time they had none.

One day, as the queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled. Before a ano has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world."

And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a ano had passed the queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: SorceressDream/deviantart
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney
posted by madisonsavanna
Yeah, it has been switched around a lot, again lol. Sorry this artigo isn't that good, and it's short.

 What I amor most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice
What I amor most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice

She's stayed the same, IDK, there's nothing wrong with her really except she kind of bores me

 People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care
People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care

No where else to put her, really

7)Snow White
 Life flows along with a smile and a song
Life flows along with a smile and a song


Now I'm not gonna write anything, sorry, I'm tired :P

 Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried
Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried

 I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it mais than I can tell
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it mais than I can tell

 I can't go back to where I used to be
I can't go back to where I used to be

 Have faith in your dreams and someday, your arco iris, arco-íris will come shining through
Have faith in your dreams and someday, your arco iris, arco-íris will come shining through

 I'm ready to stand
I'm ready to stand

 I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
added by kelseyjayne25
added by disneyprince
Source: disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney
added by purplevampire
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://sotiris2006.tumblr.com/post/66345561901
added by TigerRanma
tangled, grounded for life, tower, rapunzel, flynn rider, mother gothel, pub thugs, disney princess
Source: por davidkawena
I've been thinking to do this artigo for a long time. Please excuse if my artigo is poorly written but i'm french and english isn't my native language. Enjoy!


I don't dislike Rapunzel as much I used to but i don't like her either. First of all,It really annoys me that everybody loves her when they meet her. Secondly,I just feel that disney tried too hard to make her funny (for example the scene when she from happy to sad again and again, it was nnoying). In therm of personality,sometimes she's sweet,creative and very cute but most of the time she's irritating,annoying and...
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posted by princesslullaby

10. Snow White
Jane wouldn't dislike Snow White, but she wouldn't care for her because Snow has no ambitions, interests, or hobbies like Jane does. Her personality is too-housewiveish and she's too young and naive, and she wouldn't like that she sits around and waits for her prince.

She wouldn't amor Aurora that much mais than Snow White, and she would have the same issues with her. But she would like that Aurora is mais proper and mais lady-like.

Jane would respect Mulan's bravery & wanting to save her father. She'd amor her quirkiness and intelligence. She...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: facebook
Hi, everyone! As promised, I made an artigo of my favourite Princesses after seeing Frozen. Although they are not technically disney Princesses yet. This is completely spoiler free, since I'm just going to talk about their personality and not the movie. So, please enjoy and remember that this is my own opinion, so it's totally cool to disagree, as long as you're not rude.

#13: mulan (Previously 5)

OMGOMGOMG!! I feel like I just blew everyone's mind por putting Fanpop's most popular Princess... last. Maybe I didn't, and you expected this because I have said before that all mulan has ever...
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posted by MacytheStrange
 I'm just going to go read a book in a quiet corner now...
I'm just going to go read a book in a quiet corner now...
Hello, fellow fã poppers! I've been lurking on fanpop for awhile, and now that I finally made an account, I've already been here a few days and made a few articles, but I decided to introduce myself. I'm terrible at introductions in real life and online, so this probably won't be my best article.
But anyway, here are a few things about MacytheStrange.

My Name: I have a name, and it's a girl's name, too! But I prefer to go por my pen name, Macy. I call myself Macy the Strange because I'm a fã of Emily the Strange, a slightly obscure 90s counterculture icon.

My Life: Gonna keep this...
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