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childishOracle said about deviantART
Enroll at Bloodwing Academy (monster school roleplay group) on DeviantART, if you're interested! ^ ^ (it won't let me make links, sorry!) Posted over a year ago
link Anyone care to roleplay? (It won't let me post links... :c) Posted over a year ago
childishOracle said about fanpop
I've returned to fanpop after a LOOOOOOONG gigapause...where the oi did the chat go? D: Posted over a year ago
nmdis commented…
Welcome back, well Meebo (chat) went off google bought it and closed it. over a year ago
YearZero commented…
google has no right to purchase a product from another website and then close it down. over a year ago
big smile
oi people, how's it going? :) Posted over a year ago
childishOracle commented…
Yep! This is an old user on a new account. We were actually fãs before o3o Do you remember "Agent_004" or something like that? over a year ago