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posted by robinfanforever
It was just another typical dia at Mount Justice. M'gann was in the cozinha making cookies, Conner was watching the static on the TV, Kaldur and Robin were sparring, and Wally and Artemis were arguing.

"I did not!" Wally yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

"Oh you so did. Baywatch, I can't believe you!" Artemis yelled back then turned and walked away.

"Hey, don't walk away when I'm yelling at you!" Wally said as he ran after her.

"Oh so mature," she said turning her head to the side but not really looking back at Wally. As she turned her head back around to face ahead of her, she yelped a little when she saw Wally right in front of her. She grunted and pushed him out of her way. "Move it, Baywatch!"

Wally glared at her as she stepped up to one of the zeta tubes and programmed it to take her to the out-of-order phone booth back in Gotham then stepped in.

"Recognize, Artemis, B07."

Wally grunted loudly then walked back to the sofá and sat back down seguinte to Conner, who didn't even look at him. "Me steal from a baby. Huh, what does she know?" he said quietly, but still aggravated. Conner turned to look at Wally, a confused look on his face. Wally somehow felt his stare and looked up at the clone. "What? I didn't steal from any baby," he told Conner then looked down. "He was ten," he said much quieter. Conner just shook his head and turned his attention back to the snowy TV.

Robin and Kaldur walked past the sofá and saw Wally pouting. "What is wrong with Kid?" Kaldur asked Robin trying not to let Wally hear his question.

Robin smiled. "Oh he probably got in a fight with Artemis and lost, again," he said not afraid to let Wally hear their conversation. He laughed when he saw Wally look back at them, a bit of a hurt expression on his face.

Robin and Kaldur just walked to the zeta tubes. "Are you sure you can't stay? I mean, Arty's already left and M'gann said something about her and Conner going on a date, so that just leaves me and Wally here por ourselves," Robin asked as Kaldur programmed the zeta tube take him to Atlantis.

"I am sorry, but my king and queen are having a jantar to celebrate the rebuilding of Atlantis after Black Manta's attack and I promised that I would be there," Kaldur replied looking back to his friend.

Robin smiled. "Ok, well, have fun." Kaldur nodded then stepped into the zeta tube.

"Recognize, Aqualad, B02."

Robin went back to the sofá and saw Wally still pouting. "So, what was the fight this time," he asked smiling as he sat down in the chair.

"He roubou something from a baby," Conner said emotionless and without looking away from the TV.

Robin's eyes went a bit wide and stared at Wally. Wally jerked his head up at Conner. "I did not! He was ten, not… two."

Robin smiled. "Stealing from kids? Come on KF, what would a kid have that you would want so much that you would steal from them?"

Wally turned toward Robin blushing a bit from embarrassment. "Uhhhh… a doces bar," he said shyly. Robin laughed. Wally just turned mais red. "It was the last one at the store," he tried to defend himself.

Robin shook his head still chuckling. "And what, there were no other doces bars around?"

Wally just put his head down and slid down further into the couch. Robin was getting a great laugh out of his expense.

M'gann then walked into the room smiling. "You ready to go Conner?" She then looked toward Robin. "What's so funny," she asked.

"KF roubou a doces bar from a ten ano old 'cause it was the last one of its kind," Robin said looking up at the Martian.

M'gann gasped and covered her mouth. Wally turned and looked at her. "It's not like the kid couldn't find another one."

"Yeah, same goes for you," Robin said still smiling.

"Wally, you shouldn't steal no matter what the reason, well, unless batman sends us on a mission to steal something from bad guys," M'gann said seriously.

Conner just stood up and walked around 'til he was beside M'gann. "Yeah, I'm ready," he said as if the conversation between them didn't happen.

M'gann looked at Conner and smiled then took his hand and pulled him toward the hanger where Conner's bike was.

"See ya. Have fun," Robin yelled as he watched the two leave. He then turned toward Wally. "So, what now?"

"Don't you have to go back to Gotham and help batman patrol the city?" Wally asked as he looked at him.

"Batman's on a mission with the League and won't be back 'til tomorrow sometime, so I have to stay here tonight," Robin replied.

"Oh." Wally thought for a moment then got an idea. "Hey how 'bout we play some Kick Butt Ninja and eat…" Wally ran out of the room and came back a minuto later with all kinds of sweets. "…these?"

"Uhhh, I don't normally eat sweets KF," Robin said looking down at the box of candy, the three bags of Oreo cookies, and the sugar coated snowcaps.

"Ahhh, come on. Sugar's good for you," he said setting all the sweets on the coffee mesa, tabela in front of the couch. "Well, maybe not good for you, but you know what I mean."

"KF, you don't know what happened the last time I had to much sugar. batman threatened to tie me up to the Batwing and send me to Europe."

Wally looked up to him surprised. "Really?" Robin nodded. Wally just shrugged and turned to put in the game. "Well Batman's not here, so you don't have to worry 'bout it," he said like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Robin smiled then picked up one of the packages of Oreos. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Wally turned around and smiled when he saw Robin rip open the Oreos then walked over to the couch, sat down, and handed Robin one of the controllers.


About three hours later, Robin and Wally were still playing Kick Butt Ninja. All of the Oreos were gone and KF dumped the last few pieces of M&M's into his mouth. "Oh I am so gonna beat you," he said with a mouth full of M&M's in his mouth.

"Don't count on it," Robin said.

They were fighting each other on the game, Robin being the ninja and Wally being the monkey. Robin was standing on the sofá jumping up and down as he rapidly pushed buttons on his controller. He finally made his character make the final blow to Wally's monkey. "Ha!"

"Oh man," Wally said disappointed that he lost, again. "I want a rematch," he said looking up at Robin.

What he saw he couldn't believe. Robin was jumping up and down on the sofá and when he stopped and looked toward Wally, he could see that Robin was shaking. "Any time, any where," Robin said then did a back flip off the back of the couch.

"Uhhh, dude, are you ok?" Wally asked a bit worried at the way Robin was acting.

Robin just smiled at him. "You bet." He then ran toward the mural and ran up it and did a flip then doing at least six back flips across the room.

Wally stared at him completely shocked. After the back flips, Robin then ran back to the sofá and vaulted over the couch, over Wally's head. "Hey!" Wally yelled ducking so Robin didn't beijoca, smack him in the head.

Robin laughed and ran back to the mural and ran up it again doing yet another flip. He then did ten back flips, five front flips, a dozen cartwheels, and then a full out run. "Ooookaayyyyy, no mais swe… uh-oh." He noticed that all the sweets were gone, but he didn't remember eating a lot, he was mais focused on beating Robin at the game. "Uhhhh, Rob, how much of this did you eat?"


Wally looked up and over to where Robin was, but saw that he was gone. He then looked all around the room and saw that Robin was nowhere in sight. "Rob?"

Now he was starting to get nervous. Suddenly he heard a laugh, and not just any laugh, but Robin's creepy laugh, the one that he always did when he disappeared and was warning anyone around that they should watch out.

Wally jumped off the sofá and sped to the cozinha area. He didn't know why he ran in there, but knew that any place was better than in the common room with an invisible ninja just waiting for the right moment to strike. Sadly, he made the wrong choice.

Three small marbles landed in front of him. "Oh crap." Smoke shot out filling the entire cozinha with smoke. Wally then heard another laugh. Wally ran out of the cozinha coughing from all the smoke. When he finally calmed his coughing, he looked around to try and find his best friend. "Ok, dude, you when, come out," he called out spinning around.

"Awwww, I was just starting to have fun."

Wally jumped. He turned around quickly and saw Robin walking out of the cozinha with a big grin on his face. "Dude, what happened to you?" he asked as he came up to him.

"I was just doing what you asked," Robin said grin getting bigger.

"Dude, I meant on the game," he said pointing to the TV that still had the screen of their results from the fight.

"Aw come on. That game's getting boring. I say we should play a real game."

"Like what?" Wally was almost too afraid to ask.

Robin smiled what looked like an evil smile. "Like Ninja Hunter."

Wally gulped and took a few steps back. "H-how do you play that?" What was he doing? Did he want to get killed?

"It's simple," Robin said his usual smile coming back on his face. "All you have to do is run and try to hide from the ninja. You can mover around and try to find new hiding places if you think the ninjas getting to close. If you get caught, the ninja gets to make the huntees do whatever he want them to do."

"So it's like hide and seek?"

"Sort of, but it's mais complicated. You have to be stealthy and careful and you can mover around so the ninja won't find you."

"And who's gonna be the ninja?" Wait, why was he agreeing to this?

Robin's smile got darker again. "Me." He then ran off.

"Wait!" Wally was getting nervous again. Why did he just agree to do something that he knew was a bad idea? Maybe he shouldn't have let Robin eat all those sweets.

"You get five minutos to hide. I'll stay in here, but as soon as five minutos is up…" Robin stopped talking and somehow his voice went from one side of the room to the other. "…the hunt begins."

Wally was scared now. He was in a mountain alone with a hyper ninja that was so high on sugar it was really scary. "Four minutes." Wally gulped and ran out of the room.

He had to find someplace to hide, if only to get away from him. Oh he was so dead.

He ran to the gym, looked around, and noticed that there was nowhere to hide, so he ran to the locker rooms. There were lockers and stalls in there, but that would be too easy. He then ran out and to the bedrooms. He ran in his room and literally pomba under his bed.

His five minutos were up and he could hear Robin's laugh. "The hunt begins," Robin shouted from the common room.

Wally prayed that Robin didn't come in here, but then he realized something, he was trapped if Robin came in here. And sure enough, Robin stepped through the door. Wally stayed as quiet as he could, watching Robin's feet as he made his way to the closet.

He then closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, crawled out from underneath the bed, and sped out of the room. Robin turned around and smiled an evil smile. "Run, run, as fast as you can. I will catch you gingerbread man." He then ran out and continued his hunt.

Wally ran all the way back to the common room. He had to do something. Call the team, no, the League, no, Batman! "I need help."

Robin's laugh came from everywhere. "Hiding in the open? Not very smart."

"Rob, stop. I don't want to play anymore." He was spinning around trying to locate his friend, but failed.

Suddenly, he saw four pellets coming at him. All he could do was stand there in shock. 'Rob's using his gadgets?' But that was a mistake. Two of the pellets hit him, one in the stomach and one in the face covering him with blue paint. "Hey!" Another laugh. The other two pellets landed right in front of him and beside him, causing the floor and the mural to turn blue as well.

"I'd run if I were you," Robin said.

Wally ran to the other side of the room. "Rob, I said I don't want to play anymore!" He heard something coming toward him and saw a bird-a-rang flying toward his head. He pomba out of the way before the bird-a-rang hit him and went into the wall. "Rob, this is getting too dangerous!"

Robin dropped down from the ceiling and crossed his arms. "You're no fun," he said pouting a bit.

Wait, Robin pouting? Ok he really wasn't atuação like himself. Wally smiled and cautiously walked up to Robin and put a hand on Robin's shoulder. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

Robin smiled. Wally smiled thinking that Robin liked the idea, but lost the smile when he heard Robin's reply. "No, I got a better idea. Let's spar." He then threw his fist toward Wally's face.

Wally's eyes went wide, but wasn't fast enough. The soco threw him into the mural behind him. He then had to speed away from another bird-a-rang coming at him.

Wally ran as fast as he could to dodge the incoming bird-a-rangs. "Dude, stop!" But it didn't work.

Wally stopped so that the sofá was in between him and Robin. Robin laughed and ran toward him. Robin jumped over the couch, sending his foot toward Wally's gut, but Wally moved to the other side of the sofá and Robin landed right on topo, início of the coffee table, breaking it.

Robin stood up and Wally noticed that Robin cut himself. He had a cut on his shoulder to his elbow, but Wally didn't have enough time to think about that as Robin was already running toward him again.

Robin threw punches and kicks one right after the other and Wally just blocked them. "Rob, you're hurt."

"It's just a scratch," he said then crouched down and threw his leg out knocking Wally's feet right out from underneath him and making him fall. "Yeah! One for me," Robin said smiling.

Robin stood there waiting for Wally to get back up, which, stupidly, he did. Robin charged at him again, but this time Wally decided to change his strategy and start fighting back, knowing that if he could just ware him out, he would be fine.

Boy was it going to be a long night.


"Recognize, Batman, 02."

batman walked out of the zeta tube and froze when he saw the scene before him. The place was trashed. Dents in the walls, blue paint everywhere, the coffee mesa, tabela broke, the chair and TV knocked over, glass all over the floor, and dozens of bird-a-rangs in the walls all around him. This sight made batman worry. "Robin!"

Wally soon came speeding in and stopped right in front of Batman. "Batman! Thank God you're here!" he said as he tried to catch his breath.

batman looked at him surprised. Wally was covered in blue paint, his uniform was tore all over, he had glass in his hair and he could see a few pieces in his arms, and he saw a few bruises forming around his eyes and face. "Wally, what happened? Where's Robin?"

"Robin happened!"

Wally never thought he'd see the dia when batman was surprised. Batman's eyes went even wider than they already were when he heard Wally's statement. Then they both heard a laugh then saw a pellet coming toward them.

batman pushed Wally out of the way then pomba out of the way himself. When they looked back at the place where they were standing, they saw a mountain of ice sticking straight up. batman then saw Wally speed away, a bird-a-rang in his place.

batman stood up and Wally ran behind Batman. "You have to save me," he said peeking around Batman. Normally Wally would never willingly be this close to Batman, but he couldn't see any other way of protecting himself.

"Robin!" batman yelled determined to find out why Robin was attacking Wally.

"Batman, you're back!" Robin yelled then dropped down from the ceiling with a wide grin on his face. Robin was still shaking even after all the energy he put out chasing Wally around the mountain. "Why are you back so early? Did the mission go ok? What bad guy did you take down? Was he hard to beat? Will I get to go up against him someday? What did Super…"

"What happened?" batman asked cutting off Robin's questions, that were coming out of his mouth so fast he was surprised he understood any of his questions.

"Well, first Wally and I were left alone in the mountain when M'gann and Conner went on their date. Then me and Wally played Kick Butt Ninja and ate Oreos and doces and we even found a few sodas in the fridge. Then when I beat Wally's butt in the game, we decided to play Ninja Hunt, but Wally got bored of it too quick, so then we started sparring. You should have seen how fast he was going. I threw everything I had at him and…" Robin surprised both Wally and batman with how fast he was talking.

"You gave him sugar!" batman yelled at Wally as he turned to look at the speedster.

Wally gulped and took a few steps back laughing nervously. "I-I d-didn't th-th-think i-it w-w-would be th-that bad."

batman narrowed his eyes then looked back at Robin. Robin was still rambling on as if they were both still listening to him. batman then turned back to Wally, walking toward him, and making him run into the mural behind him. "Robin can't have sweets. Too much sugar makes him do this," he pointed at Robin then at the room. "The last time he had too much sugar and behaved like this, is when I first took him in. I let Alfred fix all kinds of sugary snacks and afterwards he was literally bouncing off the walls, along with the ceiling and me. I had to tie him down and put him to sleep just so he didn't burn down the house. You're lucky this room is the only room trashed."

Again Wally laughed nervously. "Yeah, about that…" batman narrowed his eyes. "He almost did set fogo to the cave, the bedrooms, look like a tornado went through them, the gyms destroyed, and the library, well, let's just say that we're gonna need some new books."

batman clenched his fists then turned away from Wally, who then slid down the mural and onto the floor. "I'll deal with you later."

Robin was turned around facing the mural away from batman and Wally still going on about how he chased Wally. "Then he went in the biblioteca and…" Robin swayed for a segundo then fell to the ground unconscious.

batman had used a sleeping gas pellet from his cinto, correia to put Robin to sleep. He then picked Robin up and turned back toward Wally, glared at him, then went over to the zeta tubes and programmed one of them to take him back to the Batcave.

Just before he stepped into the tube, he heard a startled gasp come from behind him. He turned around and saw M'gann and Conner wide eyed staring at the mess.

M'gann saw batman and Wally and ran over to them. "What happened?" She then saw Robin unconscious in Batman's arms. "Is Robin ok?"

"He's fine. Wally can explain what happened, after he cleans every last room of this mountain," batman said narrowing his eyes at Wally.

M'gann and Conner looked at batman confused. "What!" Wally gasped, mouth hanging open. "I can't clean this whole mountain por myself! That would take months!"

"Then you better start working," batman said darkly then turned and entered the zeta tubes.

"Recognize, Batman, 02. Robin, B01."

Wally just stood there staring at the zeta tubes. Clean this whole place por himself! Was he crazy? He then turned to a still confused M'gann and Conner.

"What happened?" Conner asked.

"It's a long story," Wally sighed then ran off to start cleaning.

this is a sister story that i put on the robin the boy wonder fã club. that story is called little terror
posted by Candy77019
 "The first Robin, Dick Grayson"
"The first Robin, Dick Grayson"
I was wondering why I was awake this late at night, and sitting on the lounge's couch, staring at the black TV screen.
Maybe the seawater got to my head, I thought with a groan.
I lay down and closed my eyes tightly. I really hate it when it takes a long time for me to fall asleep.
My first Robin quit to become his own hero, repeated Batman's voice.
The first Robin.
I looked at the clock on the other side of the room. Surely, batman would be in his other persona right now, right?
I got up and walked to the Mission Room with the big computer.
I tapped a keyboard button, and the screen lit up....
continue reading...
posted by Candy77019
 "Ohhhh yeah..."
"Ohhhh yeah..."
"I'm almost 18, Mom, I could handle living alone", I remembered saying to my mother before she left for her segundo honeymoon.
"Riiight. Remember when you almost burned the house down?"
"Ohhhh yeah..."
Which was why I was compelled to live in Mount Justice until she got back.
Which would be in a year.
I took a deep breath. How bad could it be? I see Megan and Superboy almost everyday, it's not like they're going to bite me or anything.
I stepped into the lounge for dinner, with my bag of belongings slung over my shoulder.
"Megan? Superboy?"
"In here!" Megan answered from the kitchen.
I walked...
continue reading...
posted by Skittles98
’Much better’ I thought ‘nobody here to ask pergunta about my life, nobody to laugh at me, nobody to accuse me of witch craft, just me and the ocean’
’and me’ somebody said, intruding my thoughts. I opened my eyes to see the faces of kid flash and M’gann looking though my water dome. I stood up and walked to them the water feeling like ground under my feet.
’How did you do that?’ I thought angrily
’ Kid Flash told me to link us up so we could plan what we were going to say without saying it out loud’ M’gann explained
’ And you thought it would be right to intrude my...
continue reading...
"So Erica," Megan was saying, "Christopher Columbus traveled across the ocean in what year?" She closed the history book in front of me so I couldn't look for the answer.
"Hmm..." I squinted my eyes and searched for the answer across her face. "I got it!" I snapped my fingers. "In 1492, Columbus sailed..."
"The ocean blue!" Megan finished. We broke off in giggles at the little rhyme we memorized. "Good job, Erica! Now I'm POSITIVE you'll ace tomorrow's test."
I gathered my books and stuffed them in my bookbag. "Thanks a lot, Megan. I don't how I could pass high school without you. I mean it."...
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: krosi deviantart
added by MissRandomKing
Source: ok
added by robinfanforever
Source: AlejaS from deviantart.com
1: Bart has a bunch of scars from being a slave. Arms, legs, back, basically everywhere, which is why he only wears jeans and long sleeved shirts.

2: Bart has nightmares of the future every night. He often wakes up at night sweating, sometimes screaming, and on the verge of crying.

3: Bart had siblings (I like the sound of 2 or 3), but they either died from sickness, exhaustion, or were killed por Blue Beetle. Thad Thawne being his older step-brother, and he doesn't know what happened to him, but hasn't seen him since he was 9 or 10.

4: (This one relates to Headcannon #3) Bart's little sister was...
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posted by Candy77019
 "Batman's symbol shone in the night sky, able to see anywhere in Gotham."
"Batman's symbol shone in the night sky, able to see anywhere in Gotham."
por 8:30, Nightwing had already handed the tips for the waiter.
"Umm, thanks for the...dinner," I thanked him awkwardly.
He smiled. "No problem."
Our mesa, tabela was por a large window, where we had a nice view of Gotham City at night.
"So...you used to work in a circus?" I asked the crusader sitting across from me.
He nodded. "Yep. The Flying Graysons."
Suddenly, a bright light caught my eye. Batman's symbol shone in the night sky, able to see anywhere in Gotham.
"That's the Bat signal!" I exclaimed, pointing at it.
Nightwing stood. "Yeah, I have to go. See ya."
He was almost out the door when I grabbed...
continue reading...
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: Tumblr
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: krosi deviantart
added by purplevampire
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: found in tumblr
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: guardianwolf216 tumblr
added by 66Dragons
added by SSTitanic
Source: Tumblr
Just a little heads up, this story takes place between season one and season two.

The dia started out the same as all the others. Connor was sitting on the sofá watching TV, although for once it wasn’t static, M’gann was trying out a new cookie recipe, Kaldur was curled up on the recliner with a book, Wally and Artemis were snuggling on the opposite side of the sofá and Dick and I were sitting on the other side of the sofá watching the news. All the sudden the words “Breaking News” flashed on the televisão screen. Everyone leant progressivo, para a frente as if it would help them hear the news to...
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posted by ecoelo
Wally and Artemis were going on vacation because they haven't seen each other ever since the fake death to make Artemis cadastrar-se Kaldur spy on the light's plans. But Artemis was doing some business with Kaldur. So with her away he went to the destination first and Artemis would meet him the seguinte day.

When he reached his hotel, Wally decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing Artemis's address, he mistyped a letter and the note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the dia before.

When the grieving widow checked her email, she...
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Wally stared hard at the chess pieces on the chess board. Robin polished his batarangs and groaned. "Geez Wally make your pick already!" Wally signaled his finger to stop talking.
"B 1 to-" He paused for a second. "C 3!" He started to lift up the knight piece when Artemis approached the two heros.
"Wally your pawn is in its way. You can't put the knight there!" she snapped. Wally crossed his arm the chess piece in his hand.
"Why does every one call this chess piece-" He opened his hand. "A knight when it's a horse!"
"It's a horse!" Artemis squealed in a Wally voice. It was very convincing!...
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