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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
It wasn’t a surprise when me and Kaden were almost struck por lightning AGAIN! Zeus was the god of the skies and he hated us. It wasn’t our fault our mom had a vengeful personality or that Zeus couldn’t keep his pants up. I can never decide who has mais blame but if they weren’t like this I wouldn’t be alive. I was the only one of Apollo’s kids to have the sun power which meant I warmed up faster so I easily dried after me and Kaden jumped in the lake to avoid the lightning. But Kaden was still soaked to the bone and some how his black hair and dark blue eyes seemed darker making him look even mais dangerous someday I wanted one of my kids to have eyes like his. As we walked I glared up at the gray thunder nuvem that followed us and cursed Εύχομαι ο Δίας θα σταματήσει να προσπαθεί να μας σκοτώσουν (which is greek for I wish Zeus would stop trying to kill us.) I wondered if I’d be any safer in the regular world where I spent most of the Summer, Fall, and Spring but during the Winter mom and dad made sure I stayed in Olympus which I guess it isn’t that bad when Seraphina isn’t allowed to go down almost ever because she seems to always be on fire. Kaden spends most of the Winter up here except every Sunday when he goes with Marshall to play hockey which I can’t stand. I stop looking at the nuvem when we pass the basquetebol, basquete court in Olympus. Connor and Cyrus sons of Hermes and Aphrodite are playing. Connor is about to shoot when he stops his dark hazel eyes falling on me. He gives a small smile and drops the ball and comes over and says “Hey Keaira oi Kaden.” Kaden gives a half smile that he’ll only allow at certain moments. “Where’s Ashla” Connor asks since she’s usually with me but then he stops he knows how her and Kaden don’t get along. Kaden scowls and I say “she’s with her dad raising some people from the dead or something.” He nods and says “you have the power over the sun and she has the power to raise the dead and what do I get well I get the power to travel which everyone can do, the power of being a good athelete which Kaden and Marshall both have and their not even the son of Hermes, and the power to make people fall in amor with me which you seem to have since Prince fawns over you.” Wow did every conversation me and Connor have come back to Prince. I looked down to hide that I was blushing but that doesn’t work when a light glow comes over you when ever your embarrassed. Connor looked back at his brother and then back at me and said “come on guys lets play some Μπάσκετ or as the humans would say some B-ball.” I smile he’s such a goof ball and I go onto the court with them. He guards me easy and I show him that I’m not going to be a baby and cry if he tries. We stop playing and sit on the bench and watch Johnathan walk por shyly and I laugh and Connor says “oh look its Ο φίλος του Ashla.” “Oh shut it she just has a crush on him.” “Well her crush on him rivals Prince’s crush on you.” And yet again back to Prince. “I wouldn’t say that to her she’d kill you.” “Oh you wouldn’t let her do that.” “She’d kill me too if I tried to stop her.” “No she wouldn’t you and Damon are really her only friends and if she killed you Damon would hate her.” “True.” Connor was handsome and the problem was I never knew what he was thinking but we could never be dad would kill me. Connor’s dad was Hermes and my dad was his older brother and they didn’t get along much like me and my brother Reeve got along both resentful of the other. Connor’s had barely touched me but I felt it and I looked up and he looked away. Everyone didn’t think he was that handsome but I could name about thirty things that made him beautiful. His hair was a golden brown just like his skin. His eyes were that gorgeous dark hazel and his nose was perfect. He had a perfect jaw and beautiful thick lips. He also had the darkest eye lashes and a smile that warmed your heart. Prince was like the Adonis of the gods now and Posidieon or as I called him Posy was very proud of this. My best friend Damon’s dad was Posideon but he hated his dad and I couldn’t blame him Posideon only cared about Prince, Paris, and Bryon. Then I realized the nuvem of above me and heard thunder and shouted “Έχετε να Πλάκα μου κάνεις να το ξεπεράσεις bolthead όχι υπαιτιότητα μας εσείς και η σύζυγός σας είναι ηλίθιοι.” The thunder was louder damn I’m stupid I thought why’d I have to say call him bolt head and stupid. Connor glanced at me and I said “Kaden I think we better go before we get struck por lightning.” He groans and gets up and we begin to run and I wonder where the safest place would be damn that Ashla’s not here she’d take us to the underworld. “Hey guys.” I turn and there’s Ashla tall above us her brown hair long and her blue eyes looking down on us. “Thank god you’re here we need to get to the Underworld.” “Ugh why?” “Zeus” I say knowing it’ll a good enough explination. “I’m starting to really hate the Underworld” she groans grabbing us and pulling pearls out of her pocket then we step on them.

    “Ashla” says a deep voice. “Yea dad.” “Back already?” “Yea Zeus is after my friends.” “Your friends?” “Apollo and Hera’s children dad we’ve been over this.” He nods holding his chin and looking me and Kaden over. “Persaphone come here!” “Why?” “Ashla’s back.” “Ashla” said Persaphone coming out and hugging Ashla. She stared at us and smiled at me “this must be Apollo’s daughter she looks so much like him.” “Yes mother.” “And the boy’s Posideon’s or Zeus’s?” “Apollo’s.” “Really he looks like what mom said Kronus looks like.” Kaden groaned he hated being compared to Kronus he already had trouble deciding if he was good or evil and it just made it worse. “Mom shush” Ashley said. “I don’t need defending” Kaden said cruelly. I elbowed him and said “she’s being nice.” “I don’t care.” I rolled my eyes and said “I think we can go home.” “Finally Kaden” groaned. I took a pearl and went início and washed off the dirt on my arms then went to cama tired mais than I usually am.

    I woke up that morning early so I hoped into the chariot with dad to ride across the sky. He smiled and said “so how’ve you been Keaira.” “Good I guess except grandpa Zeus keeps trying to kill me.” He chuckled but he had his eye brows drawn together. “He really needs to stop I don’t even amor your mother.” “She’s not my mother.” “Technically she is.” “But in my world she is definatly not.” He gives a nervous grin and he says “so I hear Prince likes you.” “Oh yea.” “You like him” he says with his eyebrows raised. “I don’t know kinda.” “Is there someone else you like?” “Um… no …yea.” Curse me being honest. “Who?” “No one… Connor.” “Hermes son.” “Yea.” “What’s he like.” “Nothing like Hermes.” “Is he like Aphordite?” “No not really he’s kind of his own person.” This seems to calm my dad and he says “yea I guess I’ve never seen him.” “Yea.” He looked over at me and smiled and said “you like this?” “Like what?” “Us riding the chariot across the sky pulling the sun.” “Yea it’s cool and I feel at peace being so close to the sun.” “Yea I know what you mean I wish we could spend mais time together honey.” “It’s okay dad.” “I really need to be around Kaden mais I feel he needs me.” “Yea he’s going through a tough time.” “Yea he is he doesn’t talk to anyone but me, Connor, and Marshall and if he does its usually to yell at someone.” “Yea that boy is so handsome but very tempermental.” “Yea but he’s the best brother ever.” “How so?” “I don’t know for some reason I feel he’d never let any one hurt me.” “I’d never let anyone hurt you and neither would Marshall and even though he’s so small sometimes it seems like Johnny’s willing to save you just as well. “I know its just Kaden’s like always there except of Sundays.” He laughs and says “Sundays are for me.” I laugh and say “Yea I hate winter.” “I know.”

When it’s Artemis turn to drag to moon across the sky I walk into the house where Kaden and Marshall are punching each other on the couch. “Who wants to come with me to Posys house?” They stop and Kaden gets up and says “Why not?” We walk out and I see Ashla blushing as she talks to Johnathan. “Kaden stay here” I say. “I’m not a dog.” “Your gonna be if you don’t stay there.” He rolls his eyes but stays. “Hey guys” I say walking up to Ashla and Johnathan both almost a foot taller than me. A look of relief washes over Ashla’s face. “You guys want to come to Posideons house” I ask? “Na I can’t” says Johnathan “I got to get home.” I nod and Ashla says “bye Johnathan.” We walk over to Kaden and I ask “What’d you guys say?” “Hi and then bye.” “Ashla its not hard.” “Maybe not for you.” I shrug and walk towards Posideons house Kaden less than excited now that Ashla’s with us.

The big house or I should say Palace sits up on the largest mountain in Olympus . I knocked on the door and Paris opened it. “Hey Keaira, oi Ashla…” she stopped blushed and said “Hey Kaden.” Kaden looked away and we walked in. Prince turned around on the sofá and got up and ran and said “Hey Keaira.” “Hey” I said as he hugged me. Kaden rolled his eyes and Ashla chuckled. Prince doesn’t let got and I start to get annoyed and just as I am Prince screams out in pain “OWW..” I hold back a laugh and say “sorry.” Kaden and Ashla can’t help but snort and laugh but as soon as Kaden see’s Ashla finds this funny he stops. Can’t they just get along I think. “Prince are you okay” says a deep voice as Posideon float in his long black hair in small waves and his piercing blue eyes on us. “Yea I’m fine “ says Prince holding his wrist. “What’s she doing in here” Posideon asks looking at Ashla. “She’s Keaira’s friend.” “She’s Hade’s daughter get her out.” “Dad I…” “NOW!” “I’m sorry your going to have to leave” Prince says to Ashla. She rolls her eyes and strolls out and Posideon leaves. I grab Prince’s wrist and say “come on lets go play basketball.” He cringes at the pain of his wrist but manages a smile.” We run down the colina laughing and falling like total clumbsy dorks. That’s when we run into Ares who frowns at our pleasure. “What are you doing?” “Having fun” says Kaden with a rebellious tone. “You have a ano till its time for you guys to fight to become a god and your fooling around.” I bite my lip and think “thank god I’m not Ares daughter.” He glares at us but moves on up the hill. “Gosh I hate him” Prince says. “Me too.” Prince rolled down the colina the rest of the way and I slide down. Then Aphrodite spots us and Connors behind her looking bored. “Hey Connor “ I say as he glares at Prince and Prince glares at him. “Hey” he says meeting my eyes and smiling. “You want to come with us to my house?” He cocks a handsome half smile and says “sure.” Aphrodite looks me and Kaden over and smiles. I know she has a crush on my dad almost every goddess in Olympus loves him. We bounce to my house and watch the tv personally I prefer mortal televisão every show here has Zeus or Aphrodite its annoying. Connor is even annoyed por his moms prescence on the screen. My dad walks in and says “who are all these guys?” “This is Prince, this is Ashla, this is Paris, and this is Connor. Dad’s eyes fall on Connor and then on Ashla. “Who’s you dad Ashla?” “Hades” Kaden says and I think he’s hoping dad kicks her out. “Oh okay.” Kaden sighs disappointed and dad says “Hey Kaden how about we hang out sometime.” “Yea at night.” “No we can go during the day.” I look at him and he says “you can drive the chariot.” I give him a scared look but nod. “I’ll go with you” Connor says. “Me too” says Prince. “Sorry it only seats two” I say. Prince glares at Connor and then says “fine seguinte time.” Connor smiles happy with himself and I wonder if this will ever end. There’s a knock on the door and I go and answer it “Hey” Paloma says. “Hey what are you doing here?” “I was bored can I come in?” “Yea.” “Who’s this” dad asks. “Paloma daughter of Hestia and Ares.” “Wow I didn’t know they had a kid.” “Yea I know their not the best match are they.” “Yea” dad says. “I prefer my mom but every one says I’m like my dad though I really don’t ever see him.” “Your not like your dad Shlomo.” She laughs and jumps on the sofá and sits seguinte to Prince who looks her over. “Please fall for her” I mummer. “What” Prince asks? “Nothing” I say embarrassed.
*total drama theme song plays*
cris:Hello everyone were back in the studios.
cris:this is another exiting season of total drama.
cris:a chance to win 1 grand here comes the contestestants
max: *waves*
julie:im gonna win this thing
james:what up people im winning this thing
selena:hello losers you guys have no chance against muwah
tim:selfish little dadys girl >:(
june:hello everyone im ju- *justin shoves june* justin:woahhhhh
tim:*helps up june* oi im tim
june:hehe im june *shakes hand*
emma:oh hi peope im so happy to be here
tyler:hello *teeth shines*
Emma:wow ur hot :o
alex:hello *waves*
john: does...
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Chapter Five: "Vulnerability"

Kaname made his way swiftly to where Chairman cruz and the doctor had moved Zero. It wasn't hard to find. Kiriyu must have been badly hurt indeed; the scent of his blood was strong and completely unmistakable. cruz and the doctor were too busy working to answer the door, so Kaname let himself in, cruz wouldn't mind, he never did.

Kaname frowned as he made his way to Zero's room and saw the damage. Kiriyu hadn't just been attacked… he'd been bloody butchered. His throat had been slashed, his wrists had been slashed, and he'd been stabbed multiple times in the...
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posted by ZekiYuro
Whatever comida you're looking for-an all-you-can-eat breakfast,a quick lunch,a romantic dinner-you'll find it in San Francisco.The city is início to over 4500 restaurants and eating places.And they're not only for tourists.On average,San Franciscans eat out 267 times a year.

You can eat comida from anywhere in the world,from afegão to Argentinian,and from Vietnamese to vegetarian.With Mexican fast food,Italian bakeries,hundreds of Thai,Chinese,Vietnamese,and Korean restaurants,and in-and-out Japanese noodle shops,it's possible to eat your way round the world during a single San Francisco weekend....
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The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star.It is fueled por thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert hydrogen to helium.The Sun has existed in its present state for about for billion six hundred million years and is thousands of times larger than the Earth.

By studying other stars,astronomers can predict what the rest of the Sun's life will be like.About 5 billion years from now,the core of the Sun will shrink and become hotter.The surface temperature will fall.The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate of thermonuclear reactions.The outer regions of the Sun will expand...
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posted by ZekiYuro
Imagine,John Lennon's most famous song,was recently voted"Britain's favourite song of all time".It's an idealistic song about peace and hope for a better world.
"Imagine all the people living life in peace."The song was a big hit in 1971,and again in 1980 when Lennon was murdered in New York.It became a hit for a third time after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001.

But who really wrote the song?Until recently the answer to this pergunta was always John Lennon.But on a TV programme this week Lennon's wife,Yoko Ono,spoke for the first time about how she,in fact,helped to write the song....
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posted by Rae-Ash
Have you felt this before?
How I feel so desperate?
Do you know what it’s like?
To be surrounded
By those who hate you
Did you know so long ago?
That it would end that way
Did you see my amor for you?
Did you know you killed my dreams?
I trusted you
As any girl does her daddy
But you broke it
You looked into my eyes
And told me those lies
Did you know I would figure it out?
Or do you still see me as that little girl?
You used to be my hero
But not anymore
I always thought that you loved me
But all you do is use me
I was still a babe
When you figured it out
That you could use me for your gain
It only took me 11...
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Watch Fairly Legal Season 2 Episode 4 : Shine a Light Online Streaming
Airing: April 6, 2012. 10:00 PM on USA Network

click to watch==>> [url]link[/url]

Short descrição : Fairly Legal Season 2 Episode 4 : A case to determine an aeronautics worker’s severance package leads Kate to uncover the real circumstances surrounding the man’s dismissal.

click to watch==>> [url]link[/url]

Elsewhere, Lauren clashes with Ben over his handling of a settlement offer.

click to watch==>> [url]link[/url]

Season 2 part 4 (S02E04) of aviation employment, severance pay, she can find the cause of...
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They once knew a girl who was the lead in the musical, and was a cheerleader, and was beautiful.
Some of the kids didn't like how amazing she was, so they told a few kids a terrible rumor.
After that, none of her friends went near her, and the others would snicker when she passed.
She wasn't told why she was being a scape goat, because it was funnier if she didn't know.

She didn't tell her parents, or the counslers, or her teachers, because she was so afraid.
She didn't want to be avoided longer than nessacary. She didn't want to feel bad longer.
But it kept going and going, and por the end...
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 Suspect 3: Mystery Woman (ya aleatório pic none would upload except this)
Suspect 3: Mystery Woman (ya random pic none would upload except this)

lilás pedaled her way to town. She thought really hard about which Pokemon would be right for her. Well, Cyndaquil evolves into Quilave which evolves into Typhlosion. Imagine what i could do with it's power!. She then thought about having a water type. Well, Totodile is a very popular Pokemon. Lots of people amor water types, and if I chose it, I would be a really popular trainer! But then she remembered Chikorita. If I get a Chikorita, then I would be able to explore faraway places. I could climb up it's vine whip and explore many high up places! Plus, it's really cute!
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The sun rose brightly on that Saturday morning. Young lilás Petal was already awake packing her backpack for the day. She was to begin her Pokemon journey and couldn't wait to get to Professor Elm's laboratory! In went her notebooks, which she couldn't wait to fill with her latest news on Pokemon.
Ever since she was a little kid she would go into the forest outside her house and patiently wait for a Pokemon to pass her by. When one did happen to cruz her path, she would whip out her notebook and start sketching the Pokemon. She would couldn't wait to write facts about those Pokemon she drew...
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It was a golden summer evening. The last rays of the setting sun reflected off the surface of the water whilst reeds swayed lazily at the banks of the pond. I closed my eyes, feeling content for a moment.
The old jetty creaked as a small boy walked along it, stopping seguinte to me. He sat down with a thud, and turned, grinning, to face me.
“Not long now,” Jacob said happily, “another tester.”
I smiled in return. The excitement of summer had worn off quickly for us, and our small town didn’t offer much in the way of entertainment for children of our age. So, we spent our days playing mindlessly...
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"Good morning," I hear the principal say as she does every day. Normally, I would politely respond to that with a "Thank you Mrs. Monrale, you too," but today I'm just pissed.

How can she say that?! It was awful of her to say such a thing! "It is most definitely not a good morning," I mutter to myself. But she is all the way down the hallway now.

I pace around, taking a long route to my locker where, as always, the two cheerleaders on either side of my locker are cheerfully chatting. Normally I would say "Excuse me," but today I'm not normal. I can't bring myself to say why I'm so abnormal...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Again--I'm not the greatest writer nor do I aspire to be a great writer, this story is mainly for my entertainment so be kind with comments if you read it.

1st Chapter link

Chapter 2

Koda arrived at his uncle’s shop, parking his dirt bike behind the building and chaining it to the radiator. The sun was already high in the sky; beating down its unforgiving rays of heat down on him but the extreme heat never bothered him as it seemed his body was never affected por the sun.
His skin would repel the rays like a duck’s feathers would repel the water.
Inside he could hear his uncle yelling something...
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A sharp siring pain struck my stomach; I froze tight as stone grasping at my stomach. The pain was unbelievably unbearable. I wasn’t able to breathe it just made the pain ten times worse. My eyes were pinched tight, tighter then when I jumped off the bleachers in the high school gym a few years back.
The thought about that whole night made me cringe making the pain worst. That night was one of the worst nights of my life; something I hope will never have to be brought up ever again.
Patch and I were sitting on the sofá watching TV after our one o’clock lunch. My legs had been flung on top...
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 He shoved crayons up my nose!-Lulu
He shoved crayons up my nose!-Lulu
Jamming to Lady Gaga's Telephone on my CD player I repeated the words over Beyonce' and Gaga's singing.
link (lyrics with song)
I pulled into Knightfield High School and parked seguinte to Andria(or bug)."Hey Buggie!"I called as I shut the car off.She was listening to her i usual.She was bopping her head as she sang..."Don't trust me!Never trust me!"
I ripped her headphones off.She asumed it was our enemy...cody so she yelled."Hey you whore!"I slapped her on the leg."Hey!Andria!"she looked over at me and smiled."That...Cody thing...just busted up my earphones."Ummm...No."I said and jumped...
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Lulu Terence
Likes:Neon colors,converse,piercings,kinda Lucas Wriht(sound it out as write)
Hates:Cody Dacars,Preps,cheerleaders,the school slut Molly
-feels happy whenever she's around her best friend,Andria
-Likes to party
-good at history,math,and writing
Doing right now:writing a story(under work)
Parents:Rich,movie stars,her mom's name is Emmalia Drake,and her father's is Joseph Terence,they are working on a Lulu is alone.

Cody Dacars
Likes:piercings,neon,converse,kinda Andria LaFeiar
Hates:Lulu Terence,preps,jocks,Molly,cheerleaders
-every girl wants...
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X : Chapter 10


I’m so excited for my encontro, data with Carl. My hair is curled (Matthew said it looked pretty that way at the wedding.), I’m wearing a silver tank topo, início that sparkles with all the sequins, and a pair of dark colored skinny jeans. Normally I don’t go for the whole sparkly look, but I thought it would be fun for rock and bowl.

Everything is going great, when all of sudden the lights go off and rock and bowl begins. Carl gets up and asks me to come with him to get something to eat. The seguinte thing I know he’s shoved me into a small storage closet and there’s a faca pointed...
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Hope you enjoy! :)
Annabeth Chase and the Olympians

We Find Two Idiots

Ok, let’s get to the point. My name is Annabeth Chase and I’m a half-blood…Or…..A demigod. I know, I know you think there’s no such thing. Most mortals do. Anyway, I’m a daughter of Athena-goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts.
I was sitting in the Big House talking with Chiron, Camp Half-Blood‘s activities director. “ I really think we should have a temple, Chiron. And I should design it. I mean the kids here are the children of the gods! And we don’t even have a monument for them!”
He gave me a tired...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand

I have always hated how we never seem to change. Our town has been the same size since, well, since forever. Never changing, just remaining quaint and familiar. Some people don’t like to come here because they say we make our selves sound too innocent. To me, innocence is that last thing that is Sleepy Hollow. If we were innocence, then my story would have no meaning. And without meaning, there would be no story. I will admit that you may find it to be sad or empty, so I don’t blame you if you want to set it down, and never look at it again. Believe me, if only I could set it off...
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 The Book/Story Logo
The Book/Story Logo
*Note; This is a variation of RachelGal97’s Endless Pain. Same names; just a different plot. Please comment and tell me if you like*

Endless Pain: Chapter One

Selena slowly walked down her street. The fall air was crisp on her cheeks and red leaves scattered themselves across the yards and streets of her neighborhood. But she didn’t notice. She was too deep into thought; wondering if he’ll ever come back. Her pace slowed as she thought harder. She soon came to a thought and stopped.

“He’s not coming back!” She yelled. Selena ripped down the street; tears coming down her cheek as fast...
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