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I’m attacked por a demon puppy
I was sitting on the floating dock at foca, selo Harbor Beach. I came here to think. This dock usually floated at high tide but it was low tide so the dock was just sitting on the sand. The smells of low tide floated into my nose. I had grown accustom to this smell, seeing as though I came here very often. It was the smell of peixe and lobster.

Today, I had come here to wonder what was wrong with my life. My mother had died when I was 2 years old so I was too young to remember, but every night I strained all the energy out of my brain trying to remember her. I never could. Also, I had ADHD and dyslexia, and all my teachers wanted me medicated and sent to a crazy school for, well, crazy people. I was an 11-year-old girl with mais problems than most adults.

As I was contemplating life with a mother, I heard footsteps in the sand behind me. It sounded four-legged; not just two, but it could be just another stray dog. I turned my expecting to see a tourist asking "Where are the seal? This is foca, selo Harbor". But instead I saw a giant sleek black dog. No not dog, thing. Sleek black thing. That makes mais sense. It had glowing red eyes.

"Woah", I stuttered. I had never seen anything this big besides in a zoo, “calm down puppy."

I guess I shouldn't have called it puppy. It growled showing two rows of razor sharp canine teeth. I screamed for someone to help me. All the tourists on the de praia, praia looked up to see what was wrong. They would yell something like "Get a life!" and "Don't go scarring the young ones!" I wanted to yell at them that there was a giant dog with lava-eyes about to take me to the depths of who-knows-where. But I realized if they thought this thing, was nothing it would be pointless to ask them for help.

Just as I was saying my final prayers, my best friend Lauren came hobbling down the beach. Well< it looked like hobbling at least. And not galloping which I later learn that it was. I never found the fact that she was running down the de praia, praia without her crutches until after I was out of life-or-death situation.

"Lauren! Thank God! Help," I yelled hoping she was normal and could see this thing.

"Oh Gods. No! No this can't be happening!" Lauren practically yelled.

"Well are you going to do anything?" I yelled back at her. I was getting irritated.

Lauren opened her mouth to say something, but it was too late. The black dog pounced on me. It felt like the weight of two school buses filled with kids sitting on topo, início of me. I had my eyes clenched shut. I heard galloping from farther up on the beach. I don't know how I heard this, seeing as though it was 50 feet up shore. I wasn't surprised to her galloping, but on the beach? I was mais interested in tiring to get this thing off of me.

My best friend kills a beast from Hell
I pushed as hard as I could but this thing had its mind set on killing me. I heard Lauren come over.

"Lauren! What are you doing just standing there! Help get this thing off!" I screamed.

Evidently, none of the tourists on the de praia, praia were paying any attention to the little 11 ano old getting mauled por this demon creature thing.

"Chiron!" Lauren yelped.

"Who the heck are you talking about?" I screamed once again. Lauren wasn't paying any attention to me.

The galloping on the costa was coming closer. Maybe this "Chiron" was on a horse.

"Lauren. Take this. Give it Artemisia," a deep voice said. No one ever called me my real name. No one.

"No Chiron. I'm going to do this myself," Lauren said in her sad attempt at being brave.

The seguinte thing I know, Lauren has a sword in her hand and came slicing down on the thing. It turned to dust. There I was. Lying on a dock, covered in thing dust, and some complete stranger knew my real name.

"Artemisia. We need to leave now," said the man. I'm supposing that this was Chiron.

He threw me up on to his horse, along with Lauren. He galloped away. Suddenly, we were going at like a million miles an hour. The Maine scenery was rushing past us like a blur.

"We're here," Chiron said.

"Where is here?" I asked. There were trees about 70 feet tall and then there was one pine árvore that was taller than all the rest. There was a gate that had something written on the topo, início of it. I strained my eyes to try to read it, automatically supposing that is was in English. It shocked me when I realized that I could read it. The only problem was that it wasn't in English.

I was wonder what was "Camp Half-Blood". The sign said it was Camp Half-Blood.

"Artemisia, follow me." Chiron said behind me. I turned and almost screamed. He had a man's head, but a white stallion’s body.

"What are you?!" I questioned, smothering the need to scream.

"I am Chiron. I am a centaur," He said as calmly as anyone would expect someone to say that their half-horse.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Lauren interrupted me.

"Chiron, Artemisia has had a really long day. Can I get her a place in cabine 11, and tomorrow maybe can we give her the tour?" Lauren said. It was the first time she'd ever called me "Artemisia".

"Of course," Chiron said.

"Come on Artie," Lauren said, signaling for me to come with her. Everyone called me Artie or some other form of Artemisia. Any except the full version.

My best friend is magically made smart
Lauren led me away from Chiron, and through the gates.

"What's going on? Where are your crutches?" I asked Lauren as soon as we were out of ear shot of Chiron.

"I'll let your guide tell you that. I'm not at liberty to say," Lauren muttered. I had never heard her use a phrase like "at liberty to say". I mean where did that come from?

"Wait. Guide?" I was even mais confused than before.

Lauren didn't reply for a while. She was leading me down a hill, covered in perfectly maintained grass. Right in front of me, there was a giant house. It was two stories, with probably an attic. There was a porch out front, and there was a girl about 13 and a man about 50 years old, sitting at mesa, tabela playing cards. He was dressed in a horrifying Hawaiian shirt. I swear, those things must be an insult to people from Hawaii.

Behind the house, were acres upon acres of morango fields. Maybe this was a place for weird "centaurs" that liked strawberries a lot. But, the girl didn't seem, like a horse. But looks can be deceiving. Lauren brought me up on to the porch. There I realized that the weird old man was playing cards. Not with other people, but with other floating cards. This made me even mais confused.

"Mr. D Artemisia is here," Lauren said to the weird old man. I guess his name was Mr. D.

"Well does it look like I care about this brat?" Mr.D whined. I guess he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

"She needs a guide," Lauren said. If someone had done that to her in foca, selo Harbor, she would have broken down into tears. This dia just kept getting weirder and weirder.

"Annabeth. Show Artemisia around," Mr.D said.

I was about to correct him but he shooed me away.

The girl came forward.

"Hi, my name is Annabeth," she said. She was about 5 foot 4. She had gorgeous curly blonde hair and grey eyes. Wait, grey eyes? I'd never seen that before. She was wearing an laranja t-shirt that said "CAMP HALF_BLOOD"

"Where am I?" I asked hoping that this Annabeth could answer my questions.

"You are at Camp Half-Blood. Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141 Long Island, New York 11954," Annabeth explained. She led me off the porch.

"Half-Blood." I repeated," Half what Annabeth?"

"You know the Greek Gods and Goddesses?" Annabeth asked.

"Kind of. Why?"

"You are here because you are half Greek god. So are all the other kids at this camp."

I swallowed. "No. I think you have the wrong person. I have dyslexia and ADHD. I'm not that special."

"That's what makes you special. Your half Greek blood is accustomed to leitura Ancient Greek, not English. And you’re ADHD. Those are your battle instincts. They'll keep you alive in a battle."

"Then who’s your parent?"

"Athena, the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom."

"Then whose mine?"

"We don't know yet. They'll have to claim you. But just between you and me, I can probably figure out who your parent is."


"Just tell me a little bit about yourself."

"I am a night person. I hate boys. They irritate me. I'm really good at archery."

"Oh no. No no no." Annabeth mumbled.

"What? What what what!"

"We need to go talk to Chiron. Now"

Great not that crazy horse dude again. Annabeth turned, and ran up the hill. Chiron was standing right inside the gates.

"Chiron! I think I know who Artemisia's mother is!" Annabeth cried.

Chiron took Annabeth away.

A half-horse shows me a camp for half-gods
A few minutos later Annabeth came back with Chiron. She looked like she was about to cry, while Chiron just looked extremely concerned.

"What? What did I do?" I asked. No one was answering my questions.

"Annabeth. Go get Artemisia a place in cabine 11 for now. Tell Luke that she needs a spot now." Chiron said in a very strict voice.

Annabeth ran down the colina towards a set of 12 cabins. The strange thing was that each cabine was different. There was a red one, and gold one and the one that caught my eye, was the glowing silver one.

I cringed at the thought of having to stay in a cabine with at least one boy. I just hated boys. They were always so immature and rude.

"Come on Artemisia. I'll give you the tour."

Chiron led me down the hill. He showed me the Rock mural of Death. Or that's what I call it at least. There was lava streaming down it. There was a kid that kind of looked like Annabeth. He was climbing the mural like nothing was happening and there was absolutely no risk of dying. He showed me the canoa lake and the Archery range. I felt the most at início here. All the places at this so called "camp" were really weird, but this is the one place that almost felt like it was pulling me in.

Chiron was showing me a few mais places, but I really wasn't paying attention. The ADHD part of my mind was off wondering somewhere, while the other part of my brain was trying to embrulho, envoltório itself around that my mother wasn't dead and that she was a goddess.

"Here we are at the cabins. You'll be staying in that cabine over there," Chiron said as he pointed to the only normal looking on. It was made out of logs. I looked for the glowing silver cabin.

"Whose cabine is that?" I asked. Hopefully I could get a different cabin.

"Uh, that is Artemis's cabin."

Artemis. It sounded like my name. Maybe she was my mother.

"Can I stay there?"

"No. No not at all."

Chiron led me into cabine 11. There were tons of kids sitting on sleeping bags. Including boys. EW. I don't think I can do this.

I have to spend the night with a boy- EW
I took a death breath. Chiron led me through the door.

When my adjusted, I saw at last 20 kids sitting on their sleeping bags. They had sad expressions on their faces like than were so unloved. A boy (ew) about 17 stepped forward.

"Hi. My name is Luke," he said. He had sandy blonde hair. He smiled. I loathed it when boys tried to get me to like them because it was never going to happen. And I mean never. I would be content if I never got married.

"Hi," I forced myself to say.

"You must be Artemisia. Annabeth told me about you," Luke said. Great. I thought I could maybe trust Annabeth. Well not any more. She actually tells things to boys.

'Luke. You can probably take it from here," Chiron said to Luke. I realized that Chiron wasn't inside the cabine with me. He was right outside of the cabine door. He was too tall to get in the door. That was actually kind of funny.

"Bye Chiron," I said.

"OK let's find you a spot on the floor," Luke said as he led me farther into the cabin.

I had to step over people and step on the ends of sleeping bags in order to get the back of the cabin. There were bunks but each one was filled.

"Here you are. You can take this spot," Luke said.

I sat down. No one was talking to me. Maybe ten minutos later, Luke came over.

"So. Who’s your parent," I asked trying to be a sociable like my teachers always told me to be. 'Go be sociable Artie. Why don't you go be with your friends?’ I'm the only one in my whole school that actually understands how stupid boys are.

"Hermes. God of thieves and messenger to the gods," Luke muttered as if he wasn't happy about his father being the god of thieves.

"Who is my parent?" I asked. I have to know sooner or later. I would preferably NOT learn it from a boy, but I would take it.

"Annabeth told me had her suspicions," he muttered. He keeps muttering. I don't know why, but he needed to talk louder.

There was a horn in the background.

"It’s jantar time. Come on. Fallow me," Luke said as he stuck out his hand. I guess it was to help me up. I just looked at it with disgust. "Well OK then."

The whole cabine walked outside to an outdoor pavilion. There were 12 tables, just like the cabins.

I sat down where the Hermes cabine was sitting. I barely had enough room for my hand. There were too many people at this table, yet there were empty tables.

We got through dinner, which was very uneventful. We went to cabin. Luke got me a sleeping bag and a few Camp Half-Blood T shirts. I spread my sleeping bag out on the floor.
I learn that I am a forbidden-baby
I bunched up my t-shirts and placed them at the head of my sleeping bag. Great, I thought this is going to be a great night.
I couldn’t fall asleep. My brain was going a million miles an hour. I tried to get off the topic of y mother never claiming but I couldn’t. The one time I want my ADHD to do something, it abandoned me.

I finally fell asleep. I had a horrifying nightmare.

I was in a forest at night. A woman came out of the trees in front of me. She was absolutely beautiful. She had her hair pulled back and she had a silver braided head band. No, not head band, hippie band. It wrapped around the topo, início of her head. She had gorgeous brown hair that shimmered in the moon light. She had a silver dress on that came flowing down to her knees. She had a bow and arrows strapped on her back.

Then it hit me. She was my mother. I tried to speak but my mouth wouldn’t let me. I raised my hands to see if I was really there. My hands faded in and out. They were shimmering.

From behind her, a voice sounded.

“You broke the oath, Artemis. You will pay.”

The woman looked surprise and fell to her knees.

“No father! Please forgive,” she cried.

I tried to help her, but I couldn’t’ move. I was paralyzed.

I woke with a start. I was the last one awake. Luke walked over to me.

“You were screaming in your sleep,” Luke said as he felt=t my forehead with the back of his hand. “Are you sure you’re OK?” Luke asked. Although I never trusted boys, he did look genuinely concerned.

“Yeah. I’m fine,” I said. I pulled my legs out of my sleeping bag. I still had my clothes on from yesterday, which was a gray camisa that said ‘Yes I’m a girl, yes I’m an athlete, yes I’ll kick your butt’ and jean shorts.

Luke walked away but I still went to the bathroom to change. I walked into the grey concrete building and into the “demi-goddesses” bathroom.

There were maybe 5 girls that were applying makeup and gossiping. They looked at me with disgust. I had never felt the need to wear makeup.

As I walked into the stall I heard one of them say “Oh my Gods! When I was at sword practice with Luke he said that he really liked me!” This was followed por blood-curdling screams and the sound of jumping.

I pulled on my clean camisa and unlocked the stall door.

There was a sound of a horn, and the girls exited the bathroom. I walked out of the stall. I looked in the mirror. My brown hair was all messy. I pulled it back into a low ponytail and pulled a hair tie off my wrist.

I ran out of the bathroom. I saw that the Hermes cabine was lining up. We lined up in order of Authority so I was dead last.

Breakfast was very uneventful again, but when Luke said we were going to the Archery range later, it mad my whole daylight up.

Annabeth found me after breakfast.

“OK I’m here to take you on the official tour of camp,” She said. She was wearing an laranja t-shirt just like mine except she had a black colar that had 6 beads on it.

Annabeth took me to some new places that Chiron didn’t show me. She took me back to the canoa lake.

“Any questions, comments or concerns?” She asked.

I was fighting the urge to tell her about my dream. It got the best of me. I blurted it out. I just couldn’t stop.

“Oh no. That’s not good,” Annabeth said as she started walking towards the Big House.

Once we got there, Annabeth found Chiron and they had a quick argument. Chiron finally gave in.
Annabeth came out.

“Come on Artie. You don’t mind if I call you that right?” she said.

“No. No I don’t mind.”

Annabeth lead me to the Archery range. There were borboletas in my stomach. I wanted to prove myself with my archery. It seemed like it was the only thing I was good at.

Annabeth handed me a bow and arrows.

“Go ahead. Take a shot,” she said with a slight smirk on her face.

I grasped the bow. I pulled back my arm, and I lined up the scopes. I took a deep breath and released my hand. A perfect bull’s eye. There were cease fires all over the clearing. Campers gathered around me. I did it again, but this time I aimed a little to the right so I didn’t hit the other arrow.

“Archer, cease fire!” Chiron’s voice rang through the silent crowd.

Instinctively I stopped.

“Artemisia, your mother has claimed you,” he said.

I looked around for a sign. I looked up and saw a spinning hologram of a bow and arrows.

“All welcome Artemisia, daughter of Artemis.”

I finally get away from all those dumb boys
I stood shocked for a few moments. I couldn't believe it. I was claimed.

"Wait what?" I stammered.

"You are the daughter of Artemis," he said with proud look on his face, like the look my father never gave me.

Wait. Why did he say "the" like I was the only one. I looked around at the rest of the crowd. They all had looks of shock on their faces. Luke and the rest of the Hermes cabine had come to the range. Luke had the same expression as the rest of the crowd. They all looked at me like I was some forbidden child.

Chiron walked forward. The hologram had faded por now.

"Come one. We need to get you into your cabin," he said. He led me out of the range. It seemed like he was almost sheltering me, like what body guards do.

"Why were they looked at me so queerly?" I said.

"Well, Artemis made an oath to her father when she was young. She said that she would forever be a virgin goddess. We haven't had any children of Artemis here for a few millennia," Chiron said in a very serious tone.

I finally knew what my dream meant. Wow this is kind of scary. My father was a hunter. He always blamed me for my mother’s death, yet she never died. She's an all powerful being.

"Where is she then?" I asked. I desperately wanted to meet her. She was my mother I had always dreamed of having. She was alive. I was still getting over the fact that my father had never told me.

"She has a group of girls called the Hunter's of Artemis. They travel the world killing monsters of the world. The girls are granted immortality, if they promise never to have any interaction with boys. That is probably why you hate boys so much," he explained.

Everything was making sense now. I hated boys. My mother hated boys. Except for my dad apparently. I loved archery and hunting. So did my mother. In fact she was the goddess of the hunt. While my brain was figuring things out, Chiron had leaded me back to the Hermes cabin.

"Go in and get your stuff. You'll be going to cabine 8,"

I went inside. I stepped over people’s sleeping bags to get to mine. I wadded up my t-shirts and shoved them to the bottom of my sleeping bag. I gathered my sleeping bag in my arms and ran towards the door.

Chiron led me across the clearing towards the glowing silver cabin. I was excited that I was getting to stay in the cool cabin. I was thinking this until I remember what Chiron said. `We haven't had any children of Artemis in a few millennia`. Great. I was going to be alone. Well, at least I wasn't with any boys.

The front of the cabine looked just like a regular little house that you could find anywhere in foca, selo Harbor. Well, except for the fact that it was silver.

I walked in the door. It had 4 bunks on either side of the room. There it smelled like the lab in my school house. It looked like some people stayed here sometimes but it hasn't been a few years since they'd been here because there were cobwebs all over the bunks.

"Um? Chiron could I possibly have something to wipe this off these webs," I asked. I don't have any problem with spiders, it's just I don't like them crawling in my hair.

He took a duster out of his pouch that he had on his back. I took it. I turned and picked a bunk. I started sweeping, but when I turned around, Chiron was no longer there. I set up my sleeping bag and lay down. I starred at the ceiling. This was my cabin. No one else's. Just mine.

My best friend explains why she’s half goat
I laid there for a few minutes. I saw dusty cobwebs coating the roof. On one of the walls, someone had written “PERCY JACKSON LOVES ANNABETH CHASE” in big red letters. Well, I thought, I’m going to need to paint over that. My mind trailed off. My dad had been lying to me my whole life. Then my mind trailed off, and somehow I got on the topic of Lauren. I thought about how I hadn’t seen her in the crowd when I got claimed. My coração sank. Whenever I had an archery tournament just at my archery range, she would be there, cheering me on. Here I was; claimed por some immortal goddess and my best friend wasn’t por my side. Just as I was thinking that, I heard a knock on the door.

I threw my legs over the topo, início bunk ledge. I leaped down and ran to the door. I found a familiar face standing at the door.

“LAUREN!” I cried. I tackled her with a hug.

“ARTIE!!” She cried back. This is the Lauren I knew.

After a couple of tackle-hugs, Lauren brought me into the cabin. She sat down on the cama across from the one I was sitting on.

“You’re hoping that I’ll just tell you that this is all some sort of cruel joke,” she said, starring down at the ground.

“Wait, I was?” I guess that I was, but I didn’t know that I was thinking that.

“Never mind...” she muttered.

“What is this whole thing about Artemis being virgin goddess and such?”

“Well, let’s just say, that when she was born, she asked for multiple things from her father, Zeus. She asked for mais names than her twin, Apollo, and to be able to be a virgin goddess forever. She had kept this promise for eons. Until about 11 years ago. We knew something horrible had happened when we got a chilling prophecy. You’ll fallow the footsteps and run in the woods; you’ll defy civilization and hunt what no mortal could. We were hoping that it was a child of Apollo that fulfilled this prophecy, because Apollo’s children also have impeccable aim. It’s just that with the fallow in the footsteps thing, we couldn’t help but think it could be Artemis. Chiron sent out all of the best satyrs out to find the child. He gave up after about 7 years. About a year-and-a-half ago, Chiron sent me up to foca, selo harbor. He said it was either going to be one of the big three, or he didn’t say what. I hoped and prayed that it would just end up being like Aphrodite, or Ares. When I first saw you, I knew you weren’t Aphrodite, or Athena. Once I got to know you, all of the others went out the window. I had chilling suspicions that you were a daughter of Artemis; I just hoped and prayed that it was Apollo.”

“Wait. A satyr? Care to explain?”

“Well, satyr’s are half-goat. We work here at Camp Half-Blood finding new demi-gods.”

Lauren explained some mais stuff, but I was spacing out. Lauren was the only 5th grader with a few pimples. She had her long, wavy brown hair in a messy bun. Every once and a while, she would run her fingers through the topo, início of her hair, then she would adjust her bun. She did this a lot. She would rarely have her hair down. She would have her hair up for sleeping. Then she would bring it down in the morning to brush it, then immediately put it back up.

After a few minutes, Lauren stopped talking. I was watching the dust in the cabin, as sunlight ran through it, leaving little speckles of dust everywhere.

“Were you even listening to me?” she asked after a few moments.

“No,” I admitted quietly.

Lauren laughed.

“So, now what?” I asked. I wanted to go back to the range but, I didn’t think I was going to be allowed back.

“Well, do you want to go to the range?” she asked as a smile slide across her face.


I jumped and smacked my head against of the bed. I rubbed my head. I ran to my stuff, instinctively. Then, I remembered I didn’t have my bow. My shoulders sagged.

“I thought you would do that,” Lauren said with a smile on her face,” So I brought you this.”

She held out a brand new bow. It was the one I had wanted for years. And it came with a back-strap and the kind of arrows I had been using my whole life. My coração sank, when I realized that I didn’t have the ones all my friends signed from archery camp. I picked up the arrows. I looked closely. There were little tiny signatures of my friends’ sayings things like I amor you Artie!

“Thank you so much!” I cried.

This was like Christmas, in the middle of June!

I win an unexpected title
Lauren led me out of the cabin. We walked in silence to the Archery range. I walked in, fallowing Lauren. There were CEASE FIRES throughout the range. I walked with proud to an empty lane. Everyone's eyes were on me. I pulled my arm back, and lined up the scopes. I breathed in. As I exhaled, I let go of the arrow. I heard it soar through the air. There was a thunk when it hit the target. Before I even pulled my bow down, there were gasps across the quiet range. I looked down range, as my eyes adjusted.

"Woah! The new girl just got a bull’s-eye!" some kid down range from me said. I looked through my scopes to get a better look. A little to the left. It wasn't perfect. So I pulled back, lined up my scopes, breathed in, exhaled, and released.

"Another one?" the same kind yelled.

I had been doing this since I was 3. I now understand why my father started me so early.

I popped a few mais bull’s-eyes, purposely putting them in different spots.

A crowd had gathered around me. A kid stepped forward.

He was short and had a scrunched up face. He scowled at me.

"My name is Michael teixo and I challenge you to a duel," he said.

We replaced the target with a clean one.

"Ladies first," he said as he gestured.

I stepped forward. I pulled, lined, breathed, exhaled, and released.


"Good luck," I said as I walked proudly towards the stunned crowd, and over to Lauren.

"Michael teixo is the best archer at camp. His father is Apollo, Artemis' twin," Lauren whispered in my ear, as Michael took his first shot.

His shot was just a tad shy of hitting mine. Pretty good I thought, but he's going to have to do better than that to beat me.

I stepped forward. I usually panicked under pressure, but today I felt cool, calm, and collected.

I popped another bull’s-eye, splitting my anterior Arqueiro in half.

"Once again, good luck," I said, as I took my place seguinte to Lauren.

She had a smile on her face. I could tell that Michael was nervous. I mean who wouldn't be. A new girl just got claimed por a virgin goddess, and she was on her way to beating the best shot in camp. He released at the wrong time. He released as he was breathing in. His shot flew out of the bull’s-eye, and into the surrounding area.

I could see Michael's face start to bead up with sweat. He brought his bow down. His hands were shaking.

I walked up. I knew that this shot was one I had made at least a hundred times, but I had never had this many kids with their eyes glued to me. I pulled back, and released. I opened my eyes. I had dividido, dividir my segundo Arqueiro in half.

There was a moment of complete shock. Luke stepped forward. I had forgotten that the Hermes cabine was here.

"Everyone! We have a new camp-best-shot!" Luke yelled.
posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Jacob!” I was yelling from the bath room. I was in mais pain than I ever thought was possible. It felt like something was clawing its way out of my stomach. This couldn’t be possible I’d been pregnant for only a couple of months. “JACOB BLACK GET YOU bunda UP HERE!” I was screaming so loud I thought Jacob would go def. He ran into the bath room and kneeled down beside me. “What’s wrong?” “I need to get to grandpa.” He picked me up and drove me to the house and carried me in.

“What’s wrong with her?” My mother came rushing to my side. “Mom stop just get grandpa.”...
continue reading...
Parvulo clapped his hands together, the cage closed in on the Karkadann, and then it just vanished, Parvulo then returned to Grito’s shoulder. “You did well; you lasted the full 10 minutes” Said Grito. They understood that this was their first case, so really it was a test and they passed. “It is time for us to go” Said Grito. Parvulo summoned the portal over them all, most likely that Alec was unable to walk properly. This time it was not cold, they saw each other and could talk freely. “How you doing over there, man?” Marley Asked. Alec gave him the thumbs up (Which still meant...
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The four of them started walking straight ahead, if this was a large creature you’d think you could spot the thing. Grito said they can be quite the handful and we can’t kill it, just capture it. “See anything yet?” Opal Asked. “Grass, lots and lots of grass” Marley Answered. After giving Marley an evil look, they continued through the field. Little did they know, this field, was no normal flied. “It’s about time, right?” Parvulo Asked. As Grito washed his face, he answered “Yeah, the field will break apart soon”. Just after Grito spoke the ground shook. “What was that?...
continue reading...
posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 18
I opened my eyes I was not were I was before I fainted I was somewhere dark I could recognize the scents I was in italy!how did I get here
-oh dear Bella you finally are awake!we didn’t know if we will see you vampire alive again!
He came closer looking at my shocked and confused face then alec came in
-oh Bella your awake!
He came closer and hugged me like he was my best friend or something I didn’t want to offend him so I hugged him back
-what's going on?
I asked as I was pushing alec away
-oh Bella you were sleeping here for 100 years!and now you finally woke!
-i fainted for a 100...
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Okay, so this might sound boring, but its been on my nerves for a long time and this is the only place to spill it out so here it goes.

So at my middle school whose name shall remain secret (La vila, vivenda, villa Middle School), theres this kid whose name shall also be kept secret (jose guerro) and is real jackass. he smells horrible, he gets into fight with guys AND girls, says stuff that make us want to crack his neck, and he sent lots of people to the office for something he did, and the teachers dont do anything but tell him niclely tobehave and get after the people who he made pissed. the other day...
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My first class was chemistry and I sat in the segundo row seguinte to a skinny girl with short blond hair talking to another girl behind us. From their conversation I learned her name was Stacey and the other was Beonca and they were both cheerleaders.
The teacher started to talk about the rules and objectives for this ano but no one was paying attention,they were much mais interested in texting on their cell phones or passing notes to the person seguinte to them. I wasn't that interested in what the teacher said ether so my mind wondered off....
The sino woke me out of my dia dreams. As Stacey...
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posted by ashesandwine
Sorry for just posting it in this spot now:( If you want you can cadastrar-se my spot and leitura it as soon as it's ready:D

"Daniel POV"

We wrote so much letters to each other, even if we were just a few blocs away... I still remmember our first letter; I had so much to say, so much that I wanted her to know, how could I put all of my amor into one letter? So I said the only thing I could say:

"I only know that I belong where you are!"

Her response was something that I will never forget:

"You're my fragement of light in the end of the tunnel, you're my reason to fight when everything is getting dark..."...
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The early morning sun casts light into my dark room, i hate the light, just reminds me of what i wake up to every morning. The yelling from across the hallway, the creaking sound of my siblings bedroom doors opening and closing as they continue to refuse to exit their rooms.

Its not such a good life really, My family has so many issues that its hard to even sort out one without starting another,we never stop arguing, its like the essence of our life as a family. I don't particularly mind the main family issues, i guess its just that brother of mine.

He has a major issue with who i am, and what...
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Ximena knelt down besides the majestic bed. She could no longer hold back her tears. Her hands were wrapped around the lifeless form of the Cid. The cruel wound had finally extinguished the light which had burned bright and guided the people of Valencia through the dark times. Their beloved Cid was no more.

Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar, El Cid had commanded the Spanish conquistadors against the invasion of Yusuf‘s Berber armies. A mighty leader he was, who fought with sobrenatural vigour and whose energy was transmitted to all who fought beside him. Many legendary battles he had waged and won. Undefeated...
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Narrator: Macbeth slowly entered the crept room were Duncan was sleeping soundly. Macbeth quietly began to reach for his sharpened dagger. Macbeth pondered many thoughts regarding the demise of Duncan, but never to this degree. Now, the time had come to fulfill the quest to be crowned king. Duncan suddenly returns to reality. Visualizing Macbeth por his bedside withholding a dagger pointed at his wretched chest. Would this mean the end of Macbeth’s planned tragedy or the end of Duncan’s existence?
Duncan: Cousin, why hast thou forsaken me?
Macbeth: Forsaken you? Thou hast forsaken me. Thou...
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posted by dragonrider
I pull into the parking lot of the country council men office and get out. Hmm what should I do with Elliot? I can't leave him in the car he'll die of heat. I could leave the air on. Nah I'll just put him behind stage when I talk to the councilmen.
I pull out Elliot and put him over my shoulder. Everybody is strong in the future.
Elliot murmurs something like "Oh I amor you too Starr!"
Aww how sweet. I take out duct tape and tape his mouth shut. Ahh that's much better
I carry Elliot towards the building and when I get inside I don't see Whitney. Hmm that's strange she works here shouldn't...
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Hayley Williams
Taylor York
Zac Farro
Jeremy Davis
Josh Farro
Lacey Mosely
Lady GaGa
Kanye West
Soulja Boy
Joe Jonas
Zac Efron
Dallas Winston(Dally)
Ponyboy Curtis
Alice Cullen

Lady GaGa: Why don't we go out tonight?

Kanye: Can't show, concerto tonight.

Lady GaGa: Hayley?

Hayley: Ummmm depends.

Zac: Cum awn GaGa I'll go wit cha.

This is all I'm posting. I want to see if I get any responses first. : )
A sirens call…

Chapter 1: Purple Eyes?

First dia back never expected any class to be fun except maybe drama or music, I played the keyboard and my best friends hated música and as always they tried to avoid any conversation involving the shy girl who apparently has a beautiful cantar voice but some reason the girls flinch away from the sound of her voice even when talking yet all the guys – straight and bi – seem to be mesmerised like there was nothing else that mattered like there was a different entity involved. I have only heard her sing once when we were in eighth grade everyone either...
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My segundo super hero story. There are five characters and they meet the same person on different days. It takes five days for everybody to meet everybody. Keep in mind some of the powers the kids have are stupid but I tried to get powers that kids wouldn't have. Enjoy or not.

Preface (Very stupid now that I reread it)
In the ano 3112 a few adults had children that had super powers. I tracked them all down and they joined me in the battle of keeping the world alive. I tracked down the five children and they all have different powers. How do I know? I'm Physic and my name is Scott Bering.

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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
I woke up in Ethan’s arms, which was mais comfortable than it should have been. I didn’t want to mover or wake him, he looked peaceful and it was better when he was quite. I sighed and then saw his eye flutter. ‘Crap!’ I thought to myself, is eyes fully opened and turned to me. “Morning” he yawned, I smiled. “Morning, sleepy head” I giggled. He then signed. “Come on we have to get ready for school” he said, I moaned and got out of bed. I looked back and saw Ethan getting up. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off por Gloria barging in. “Morning sleepy beauties’”...
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"Mother what's happening? I don't want to leave father." ciara said getting dragged por her wrist por her mother.

"It will be all explained later, but I need you to hide in the tunnels for now."

"Mother. NO! I want to stay with father."

"And then what? Be killed! You see if father dies you need to be safe. Now go." Her mother said as she gave her to the maid of the house.

"Make sure you take good care of her." Her mother said as she turned to leave

I will protect her with my life. Your grace." The maid said taking ciara down the staircase which lead to the hidden tunnels

As the maid and ciara leave...
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posted by mermaidgirl1010
Crack! Snap! Crack!
Running through the woods barefoot is sooooo not fun. Because one minuto you are in the pool and the seguinte you are running for your life from who knows what. Let me start from the beginning.
One late summer dia I was getting the mail. There was a letter for me.

You have been accepted at Burkly Spy School for boys and girls.
That was all the letter said. I didn't apply for a school, did I ?
I went to our pool to think it over and when I hopped in the pool
I saw a figure in the shadows. ''Who are you?" I screamed. When the person leaped at me I took off into the woods. I heard someone yell code red and then the person threw a punch. I recovered quickly and threw a punch. He fell to the ground a I took off again. Then I stopped when I thought no one was following me. Every thing went dark.
Theme: What 99 Percent Of Writers Get Wrong - Alan Watt [Founder of L.A. Writers' Lab] via
composição literária
into the wild
Don't Listen To Anyone Who Says You Can't Be A Pro Screenwriter - gaio, jay Fingers via
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new york city
Worst Ways To Start A Story And Other Screenwriting Mistakes - Steve Douglas-Craig [FULL INTERVIEW] via
composição literária