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Who is Mary Sue, you ask?

She is a pest, a scourge, a CURSE upon the world of fiction; a dull, cliche character who mostly invades the fã fiction universe (especially in fandoms like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), but can also be found in original work, TV shows, books, movies, etc. In fã fiction, she's usually the fangirl's way of inserting herself in the story and pairing herself up with the cutest/hottest character. This infamous evil can be identified por the following traits:

1: She is stunningly/unusually beautiful. Oh she may deny it, claiming to be a "plain Jane" and modestly deflecting any compliments on her looks, but everyone else in the story will be sure to drool all over her. Mary Sue is perfection incarnate - perfect hair, perfect eyes (the kind that "sparkle like jewels" or "pierce into your soul"), perfect skin, perfect figure, gorgeous gowns/snazzy leather warrior outfits, cool-looking weapons, etc...though she may urso a striking resemblance to the author of the story. And she sometimes shares the author's name (that includes middle, last, nicknames, acronyms, etc.) Mary Sue could easily be described as an "author's pet" or a self-insert.

2: She has multiple special abilities or skills (like she can somehow "wield a blade" really well without years of training and experience...unless, of course, she's been trained por the best since age four). There's nothing she can't do or excel at, everything gets handed to her on a silver platter, and her Speshulness knows no bounds. She could be a shape-shifter with Super Powerful Shiny Magic and a wow-the-crowd cantar voice, or a genius computer hacker who can play the flute and violin, has a black cinto, correia in karate AND can recite encyclopedia excerpts on a dime, or a half-angel warrior princess who sends the Bad Guys buggering off just por going all "echo-y voice and holy light" get the idea.

3: Going hand in hand with the above, she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing aleatório people and saving the day. The fate of Life, The Universe and Everything depends on her. Without her Speshulness to aid the Good Guys in the epic battle, the Bad Guys are sure to win and the world is utterly DOOMED.

4: She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind. (And no. Clumsiness and/or a feisty temper do NOT count; they're far too generic and only serve to make her look "cute".) She's usually either a "sweet angel" type, "mysterious woman" type or the "rebellious princess" type.

5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in amor with her, and vice versa (usually the hottest guy. Go figure.)

6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her (especially children and fuzzy animals). She's popular where it matters. EVERYONE likes her. Except the Bad Guys, of well as any unimportant characters who serve no other purpose in the story than to be annoying and/or jealous of her utter perfection.

7: Sometimes there is a prophecy or legend about her. Usually it says something about her Speshulness, an all-important destiny, Twoo Wuv written in the stars, blah blah blah...

8: She is portrayed as being cooler/more mature or mais important/powerful than everyone else in the story. Though on the flip side, she could also be portrayed as the poor, defenseless, yet ever courageous damsel-in-distress. Everything's always either about her or her love-interest. She doesn't know the meaning of "teamwork" and she steals the spotlight from everyone else.

9: She often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past and her amor interest has to "heal her wounded heart" or something. If she doesn't have a tragic/angsty/mysterious past, she always finds SOMETHING to angst about...and of course, her Twoo Wuv always rushes to comfort her. Oy.

10: She is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring. She's either so perfect, so weird or so lacking in personality that the readers can't relate to her or grow to truly care about her as her own character. Strip away the beauty, the magic powers, the all-important destiny and the amor interest and what do you have underneath? Virtually nothing.

Now that we've met Mary Sue, let me introduce you to her lesser-known cousins! Yeah, that's right...she has relatives.

Meet Gary Stu, the boy version of Mary Sue! He can be all of the above, as well as being the muscular, uberly-hot guy who's always saving the damsels in distress, bravely fighting the Bad Guys, hacking into computers like an expert and diffusing the bomb that's hidden in the wedding cake with the pair of pliers he just happened to have in his pocket.

Last and definitely least, there's Marty Sam. He's closely related to Gary Stu, only he's a lot mais sensitive and angsty. Usually he has a dark, super-tragic past (like his alcoholic dad beat him as a kid or something) and he's always throwing melodramatic pity parties about how miserable and wretched he is. He swoons over the beautiful girl of his dreams and goes on and on about how he's such a HORRIBLE MONSTER who's oh-so-unworthy of her. He can be every bit as hawt as Gary Stu, OR he can pull a Hunchback of Dotredame routine, i. e. so ugly that his beautiful amor interest can't help but take pity on him and fall in amor with him for his "beautiful, broken heart".

So how can you avoid turning your characters into Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Marty Sams?

Well, one thing I've found that leads to a Mary-Sue is getting too attached to your heroine. You might have a brilliant back story for your girl, but does the audience really need to know every detail? You might have designed every ounce of her clothing and styled her hair just right, but is it integral to the plot? Probably not. A lot of the time what makes a Mary-Sue so awful is that so much of the focus is on this character that no one leitura the story really cares all that much about her.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid having the character be too flawed. If you have a character that has a terminal illness, a bad back, is blind, can't hear, and is wielding a sword in battle and totally kicking butt and saving the day, you've got a problem. It's fine to have a character with one of those "flaws" or traits, but not all of them, and make them act accordingly. Make sure the flaws have something to do with the story and aren't just things you stick in to make her appear less perfect. Too flawed is just as bad as too perfect.

AFTERTHOUGHT: It should be noted that there IS such a thing as a "good" Mary Sue, and that there are a few exceptions where characters can have a lot of the symptoms above and NOT be a Mary Sue (like the elves in Lord of the Rings, for instance). There are many examples of "good" Mary Sues out there, such as Nancy Drew, Sarah Crew from A Little Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters. What makes them different from other Mary Sues is that they are all believable, vibrant, well-rounded, likable characters that people can root for.

Having said that, DON'T get cocky. These kinds of exceptions are rare. Most likely, if you have written a main character into one of your stories who possesses many or all of these qualities, you have created a Mary Sue (or one of her cousins). So get someone to look over your work, lest this infamous pest overtake you!

If you would like to test your character for Mary Sue symptoms, I highly suggest visiting these sites:

The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test

The Writer's Mary Sue Test:
posted by minniemeg
Authors note: Hi, this is my first time publishing something that wasn't fã fiction but its what I've been passionate about forever. So please forgive the inconsistent rhyming.

If I never saw you again.

How happy my life would be!

I'd be jumping up and down the walls so full of glee!

No mais nagging!

No mais griping!

No mais constant whining!

No mais rants about how dreadful your life is!

I could be free from the locks that is your torn up mind, no longer a prisoner in my own home.

Aw the very thought of never hearing your voice again fills me with so much joy!

No mais yelling!

No mais shrieking!

No more...
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posted by EmilyMJFan910
The fiction story I wrote EXCLUSIVELY for Fanpop. Read chapters 1 and 2 first. Thanks.

The girl living just around the corner.
Her name was Summer. She was eight years old and lived on a farm with her parents and often visited the animais on the farm. She had blond hair and blue eyes; she was very beautiful as well. She was a softhearted, adventurous girl who always found a way to brighten things.
That dia Summer rode her bike down the path. She planned to ride to the pond and back, but once she got to the pond, she couldn't help but notice the two small cachorros laying in a heap por the pond. She...
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Dear diary.
Wow what a cheesy start to a diary entry! I don't understand how a diary is supposed to work, there doesn't seem to be much point. I guess it is best to begin as to why I have to write here anyway.

I have been having many so called, misunderstandings at school. And after a lot of parent teacher meetings they have decided to send me to a counsellor.
There I met this man named Dr Fey (weird name I know).

He said that I needed to find a way of expressing my feelings. That is where this diary comes in. He explained that in-order to get rid of my socialophobia (afraid of social confrontation)...
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posted by MissMuffin38
From within the coração of the forsaken village, the sleepy sun creeps out from the silent clouds it had been hiding behind for the past few days. Skies are blue, but only just, as the rain only fell yesterday, pouring onto the pavements below. The sun's shining streaks plaster the stony ground, creating light, dusty shadows of the villagers; their never-ending work continuing throughout the day. Children from the village play on the cobbles, darting and weaving in and out of the few passers-by on the quiet streets, chasing after each other without a worry in the world. The smiles on their faces...
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III The Library
The seguinte room Ember visited was to her a Heaven on Earth. An enormous room just for holding books! The ceiling was so high it would have taken ten of her standing on topo, início of one another the reach it. The shelves and shelves of books were piled right up to the topo, início and there were several ladders placed conveniently so that she could reach the topmost books.
Ember walked round the room as though she were in a dream. She loved leitura and devoured every book she found but she had never had a whole biblioteca full of them to herself. She barely knew where to start. Every square inch of...
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II The Kitchen.

Unsure where to go Ember dithered in the corridor outside the nursery for almost ten minutos the seguinte morning. But soon the delicious smell of apples and cinnamon reached her nose.
She followed the scent until she reached a large old fashioned kitchen. An old, wooden table, worn and scrubbed filled the middle of the room. It was the biggest cozinha Ember had ever saw. One side of the room was simply all cupboards and drawers of all different shapes and coloured. Ember’s curiosity burned but she was distracted por a large woman wearing an apron. She was taking a steaming apple...
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posted by pugglelover2000
Jake looked at her for a moment,as if he longed for her.His eyes were lit up with desire,they sparkled as he looked at her.Rachel must have sensed this feeling because she came over and said,"Well you two better get going to wherever you were heading because Jake and I are supposed to be going roller skating.Right Jake?""ummm....Oh yeah um yes."Jake answered."I thought so,now you two better get going.Ta ta!"she said as she dismissed them.

The whole way to the pond Laura drooped her head.Josie knew Laura wished it could have been HER and Jake going roller skating.Josie tried not to say any...
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posted by dragonwriter
It was a dark night and there wasn't a single person around. The sounds of the ocean hitting the rocks below and the gusts of winds blowing through the empty black sky above. No stars and no moon. A man standing on the edge of the cliff looking over at the crashing waves below with only one thought. "Why not jump? What's left for me?" All the sounds vanished in his head. He took a step a little closer to the edge. A car pulls up with a girl in it. She gets out and starts screaming the mans name with tears in her eyes. "James! Please don't jump! I amor you!" He couldn't hear her as he looked...
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posted by Seastar4374
I remember running down a long corridor...I knew soon that I would have no where left to run and 'they' would get me. I tried not to think about that part though.

"Get her!" I heard them yell and I just got even mais nervous. I picked up my speed and ended up tripping, falling, and sliding on the floor on my stomach. I wince as I hit the mural and I turn over to find one of them standing right infront of me. Truth be told I had no reason why they were chasing me. I had never done anything wrong and my parents from what I knew didn't want me so I lived in foster care.

"Tsk tsk." He says yanking...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Authors note: okay what's this story mostly is about is. That who ever gets bitten por a vampire. Leaves a scar of a estrela on the palm of their hand. You might be thinking what? These are different vampires. With different gifts.

Scarlet's P.O.V

I woke up. The sun filling half the room.i lived In a small town. With little shops here ad their. It is always dark and gloomy. Rarely sun. I woke up getting dressed in my out-fit link. I walked out the door sighing. Gosh I was exhausted. I was. Looking at the estrela on my hand. Why why did I get bitten. Why me. Anyways I got my things and headed to school.
posted by stellamusa101
"I am.." Caitlin paused. She just go to cama and sleep.

-tomorrow at school-

"Nina, believe me. I think I am chosen," says Caitlin begging Nina to believe her story. "Well I think this all is crazy," says Nina. "Trust me. I.. I'll show you the--" "Caitlin, you, crazy," cuts Nina and walks away. Caitlin sighs. She hopes to 'see' Jake in the mirror.

In the girls bathroom, Caitlin locked the door. She want this to private and doesn't want to be called crazy por some other girls. She looked at the mirror. Jake was not there. "Jake.." she called out. Jake appeared.

"Yes?" asks Jake. "I need your help,"...
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posted by peppergirl30
I've decided that I'm composição literária a guide first to my fanfiction. Because if people read the guide and like the storyline, then I'll write it. If they think it isn't good and nobody would read it, then I won't. I don't want to waste energy composição literária this if nobody wants to read it.
First, a little insight on the ''idea'' for this: Honestly, I don't know how it happened. I was just sitting down, reading, and it hit me. Like a beijoca, smack in the face. What if, somebody came início one day, all bruised? Bruises on their arms, legs, face, everywhere. And the family shows concern, and wants to know who did it-...
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posted by tigerseye43
After crying for a bit, Flair fell asleep on Lane's shoulder. Lane looked at the sleeping girl and sighed.
"I wish it didn't have to happen, Flair. We all wished that. But what as happened cannot be taken back." he said quietly. He knew she was asleep but he just felt like he needed to say it. "We couldn't save them."
Flair woke up the seguinte day, her head laying on Lane's chest. She closed her eyes at the thought of last nights events.
"So much much death." she whispered to herself, a single tear falling from her eye. She quickly wiped is away and sat up. She poked Lane. "Wake...
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posted by Insight357
Ciel Parker walked down the dark, gray hallway on the topo, início floor of the mental institution he worked at. His brown hair fell over his deep green eyes; the white light hanging above was too harsh for his sensitive vision. He glanced up as he walked further down the hallway, trying to see how long it was until he reached his office.

He passed cells B and C, slightly nodding as acknowledgement to the security guards standing in front of the doors. The topo, início floor of Virginia’s Mental Institution held the worst patients the state had to offer. People with severe schizophrenia, extreme depression,...
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posted by NekoTheif
Splitch splotch let's add some color
On this old white dollar
Paint it green
paint it red
Add some color on the threads

Add some yellows
Add some reds
Add some blues
Oops! Try again

Let the green twine up like a vine
And the reds com bust in to the sky
And in the sky the blues stand proudly
Woven with purples and the greys make it cloudy
The yellows and oranges make pretty petals

And the gold shines like all types of metals
Paint it wide, paint it fast
Paint the picture with your brain
Add some flare add some blacks to make a lines
Like a train

Add some yellows
Add some reds
Add some blues
If I can do it...
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Chapter Four: "Sacrificial Lamb"

The sun was riding low in the sky, but the dia students had not yet finished their classes. Ichiru had gotten himself excused from the last class, claiming a severe stomach ache. After fooling the nurse and being sent back to his room to rest, he'd promptly slipped back out of the dorm again and made his way out here. In a few hours, Zero would get out of class; he always got out ahead of the others in order to have time for his guardian duties, so he could pretend to protect the dia Students from the Night Students… ironic and despicable, considering he himself...
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posted by ZekiYuro
The art of composição literária a letter takes practice, knowledge about proper form and the ability to put into words your feelings, thoughts, and/or ideas. If you learn the basic parts of a letter, it will help you to create letters for a variety of occasions.
Parts of the Letter:

Your address
At the topo, início of your letter, you will put your address, so the reader will know where to send their reply to.

Put the encontro, data on which the letter was written in the format mês dia ano i.e. June, 15, 2009.

Inside Address
The inside address is only required for a business letter and will include the address of the person...
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Some students have trouble composição literária essays in the traditional sense, moving from topo, início to bottom. They struggle to get words on the pages this way, which causes them to take significantly longer to write whatever they need to write. If you’re going to school at one of the topo, início online universities, you need to know how to write well and efficiently at the same time. This is crucial in a fast-paced degree program like the ones available on the web.

When I was in college, I actually wrote all of my essays in reverse, starting from the conclusion and working my way to the introduction. This may be...
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f I had to identify the most important step in composição literária an essay, I would probably say it was the organization. Coming up with a thesis is a big part of essay writing, but it doesn’t mean anything if you do not have the proper support for it. That is where organization comes into play. If you can put your thoughts in the right order, you can get people to feel a certain way as they read your work. It’s like taking them on a journey through your mind.

Here are some tips to help you effectively organize your essays in the future.

The Pyramid Method
This is my favorito way to write essays, and...
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Some times ago,scientists began experiments to find out whether it would be possible to set up a 'village' under the sea.A special room was built and lowered into the water of Port Sudan in the Red Sea.For 29 days,5 men lived at a depth of 40 feet.At a much lower level,another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller 'house'.On returning to the surface,the men said that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had made many interesting scientific observations.The captain of the party,Commander Cousteau,spoke of the possibility of cultivating the seabed.He said that some permanent...
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