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 Surviver of The Thing prequel that is till the end that was the beginning of The Thing 1984
Surviver of The Thing prequel that is till the end that was the beginning of The Thing 1984
How to survive a horror movie apocalypse. por L.R.Talbot
This is a list of things to keep in mind in order to survive a horror movie. Note most of these can be used in a daily life as well.
1.If there's someone at the door never say whose there
2.never put your back against a door. You never know if someone has enough strength to put a faca through the door plus there's the mail slot to consider.
3.Try to be as quiet as possible especially if they(your attacker or possible attacker) are near by
4.Find a weapon as soon as possible. In my opinion preferably something that could be used and both close and remotely long range. Be sure you already know how to use it! If you've ever seen YouTube vídeos person gets hit in the head por gun I think it explains it very well. Plus as an add to that note you don't need to fogo a gun and it knock you on your butt as a zombie or worse is coming near you. Plus aiming and making your shots count and reloading is important too. My personal favoritos are a .357 magnum, bow and arrow, crossbow, shot gun, assault rifle, samurai sword(sharp blade).
Be careful with the armas and the crossbow or even the bow and arrow. They go further than you think. A crossbow was designed to penetrate armor back in the Middle Ages. If you fogo it at a zombies head unless there are issues with the Arqueiro or the tension is loose on the string of the crossbow then it won't just stay rooted in its head at close range. It will go straight through it and possibly through two or more.
As for armas a bullet can travel up to six miles uninterrupted and it can go through a human being and into someone else unless the body stops it or your using the kind of bullets the cops use. Hollow-points can travel even further and can go through anything.
"are you a good shot?"
"No, that's why I use a shot gun"- Hansel and Gretel: Witch hunters

5.Never go into a strange house. Your just asking for trouble. If you go in one at least have a weapon ready and don't put your back to any open spaces and if you can take someone with you.
6.Never go out the front door. You never know who might be watching you or be ready at the door
7. Never go into an empty room. Empty half the time is a bad sign but, this one is something to take with discretion.
8.Always listen to your dog if it barks at something uncontrollably or runs away and you don't see a immediate probable cause run. cachorros can sense something amiss whether it be Michael Myers or someone posessed. Which this rule goes for most animals. For instance lets take titanic all the rats started migrating to a different location on the ship why? Cause they knew it was sinking before the humans even knew.
9. Never say i'll be right back. It's quite rare in a horror movie for someone to return after uttering this phrase.
10.Trust no one completely. The world is full of backstabbers. Don't assume cause you've known this person forever or that your all in the same situation that they won't sell you out.
11. Keep plenty of first aid supplies at your reach at all times. This should be self explanatory
12.Avoid dark places. Things amor to hide in the dark. Not to mention its easy for someone to get the drops on you. Then there are also vampires.
13.Never go off alone. Safety in numbers folks. A team of two can fight off someone better than one person por themself
14.Don't drink. Alcohol equals death most of the time in horror. Your defenses are lowered, your reactions are slowed. People do stupid things. Not to mention driving away from a killer is a lot easier if your alert.Save the alcohol for fire, first aid and I don't mean snow, it only helps steralize and if your lucky it can be burned in a car but that's mostly the old modelos but dont use cerveja for gas its got too much water and negotiating with other survivors
15.Always keep plenty of stakes, crucifixes, silver, wolfsbane, garlic, holy water and fogo around. Preferably blessed. Never know when you might run into vampires, werewolves, or even bad witches.They all work on all of them some stronger than others. Wolfsbane is hard to come por though so seguinte full moon gather as much as possible and plant some in a garden.
16.Finding hallowed ground could help. Churches, cemeteries, places like that keep most evil away. Providing there hasn't been any dark magic or black mass ceremonies on the land.
17.Wear a capacete you never when Alfred Hichcock's The Birds will come to life.Great for collisions as well as keeping your brains from being plucked out and if you've got the right shield it can save you from becoming a zombie.
18.If you can find a sleep monitor, that could work if Freddy Krueger is around. A nice sleep monitor with defibrillator and alarm works to save you from those demons of your nightmares.
19.Keep the doors and windows locked at all times, but always have an escape route accessible. Prepare for the worst. In I am Legend (2003) Will Smith's character had a fortress but, the vampiros still got in at the end.
20.Never kill each other cause one way or another what goes around comes around. Can't beat carma
21.always have plenty of spare batteries. Especially AAs and 9Vs those are the one's I've been at a loss for the quickest.
22. Always have extra ammo around and a way to make more. Ammo goes faster than you think. You never want to be totally without it. Which reminds me pick up your shells or use a classic 357 though its got less shots it keeps all the shells and has a lot of power. There is a reason why Loomis's went up against Michael in Halloween(1978) and 2 with one. They've got a kick that can't be matched por much.
23. Have a radio. Hand-cranks are good cause you don't have to worry too much about batteries
24.stay away from uigii boards and sayonses unless you know for sure what your doing and have an idea of the consequences. They open doors and whether you believe in them or not the creatures behind those doors believe in you
25.if you walk to a house and it's got a broken window, broken light, broken flor pot or the doors ajar or anything else like that don't go in or proceed with caution and if its reality and this is your house call the police and don't go in till they check it out. Just a neighbor won't cut it unless they are thuro and know what they are doing
26. ALWAYS look in the back assento of your car before getting in. It could save your life.
27.Stay away from Camp Crystal Lake especially if you want to do the lateral tango in the woods or lake or in a cabin
28. Be careful of the motels and hotels you stop at. If there is one that has plenty of vacancies be careful you might have walked into Psycho. Don't go anywhere you might have to stay till the spring thaw either cabine fever kills.
29.don't go to a life sized gingerbread house and whatever you do DON'T eat the candy
30.Don't hitchhike and don't pick up hitchhikers. You never know what kind of weirdos you might come across careful what you wish for and stay away from djinns-a type of genie that steals your soul or someone else's for every wish he grants
32. Stay away from railroad tracks and tunnels(you never know when the trains coming till its there
33.understand there are things in this world we are not supposed to understand and it isn't seguro to try and 'be god'
34.Avoid trying urban legends like Bloody Mary or candyman you never know you might learn its true
35.Learn and know wilderness survival techniques and having a few books as well as a book of WWII traps can't hurt. Look at how well that military book worked for Nancy in A Nightmare on Elm street. She survived!
36.don't hurt someone, call them names, bully them, etc. they just might be another Carrie and can kill or hurt you with their mind if you push them too far
37.always lock the door before you take a shower
38.stay out of lynch mobs. They come back and bite you in the butt years later wary if you inherit something from someone you've never met. It might come with something you didn't bargain for
40.if you have a moguei, don't get it wet, don't get it around bright light and DON'T feed it after midnight or you get Gremlins
41.Keep an eye on your kids. Anyone from It to a Freddy Krueger before he died can get them if your not careful
42.Stay away from the Fog. This mostly applies to Oregon area but still important especially if the fog moves against the wind
43. Be careful of what toys you can buy on the streets polite especially to cannibals like Hannibal Lector
45. Take cover somewhere with no windows if birds suddenly start attacking, There actually was a real life case that happened not long before Hitchcock shot the birds
46.Stock up on food. Good idea for any type of apocalypse
47.Stay away from Volcanos
48.stay out of the basement or cellar unless there is a tornado
49.Befriend Chuck Norris. He's a valuable allie
50.Be aware of your surroundings
51.Be careful of where you go and what you do during the full moon. It is the only time the wolfsbane blooms but, lobisomens among other strange things happen.
52.Be careful about old friends that return to town. You never no how much things have changed with them.
53.Be careful of plants. You don't want a man eating plant that feeds off humans.
54.Be careful in the Arctic. You've got cabine fever, white out, frostbite among other threats, like The Thing to worry about.

mais may come soon.
 Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky
Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky
added by Jinx_Strangeman
added by Jinx_Strangeman
added by axemnas
added by irena83
Writer corner:) hi everybody! i hope you'll like the plot. let me know!! thank you!!!
In the ano 4125 the Earth was still turning on itself. Apparently everything was the same as it was two thausand years ago. But it wasn't so. The democracy we got fighting was distroied por a man. After 15 years of wars, in 4025 Cyrus defeated free people and he established the tyranny. The whole world was controlled and the freedom dind't exist anymore. Everyone lost trust in everything, in love, in courage, in God. Most of people didn't know that there was a prophecy. It said that the humanity had to pass through a century of pain and fear to realize how important freedom was. But then in the 101st ano four guys, with the Gift, could overthrow the government...
posted by para-scence
just FYI, I noticed there's another story on fanpop called "Speechless." I just wanted readers to know that this is all my ideas, and the other one is completely its author's ideas. :)

Seven kids were killed that day.

I didn't know any of them, but that made no difference. I'd seen two of them shot. I couldn't bring myself to go back to school the seguinte day. Apparently Mrs. Stueck had heard my breakdown yesterday, because she didn't wake me up for school. I stayed in cama for the rest of the day, despite my stomach growling menacingly at me.

Later that day, there was a small knock at the door....
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posted by para-scence
"What?" I squeaked. My whole world felt like it was tumbling down. This could not be happening. Heidi patted me reassuringly on the shoulder.

"Sorry, but it's true. I saw him hanging out with this one girl. Her name's Claire... You can ask Mateo; he saw him," she said sadly. I shook my head, but she just nodded. "I heard him say that he was only going out with you because he pitied you." I frowned and left, not wanting to hear more. I wasn't sure it was because of how ridiculous it was, or if I was afraid she was right.

Finally later in the day, I saw Blake. He was talking to Mateo again. I...
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posted by para-scence
The seguinte morning, I unlocked the three deadbolts on my door, and sneaked downstairs. I could hear Dad snoring from his room, and if that didn't wake him I don't know what could. Still, I walked around on my tip toes and ate breakfast super quick. I was out of the house over an hora earlier than I usually leave. Since school didn't start for about an hora and a half, I decided to just walk around. The air was cool and crisp, and I saw my breath as I exhaled. There was cold dew on the grama and the birds began to sing quietly. It was a perfect spring morning.

I ended up at the park, the one Aubrey...
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Where Does The Creation Of A Great Story Begin? por Scott Myers via
composição literária
independent filmmaking
added by gloater
added by ZekiYuro
added by ZekiYuro
added by miissiiee
posted by DxCFan123
We decided to camp out por a near forest with a small waterfall por it. My burnt hair from the fogo was irritating me so I decided to wash my hair in the waterfall. The water was cold, but I didn't care. Bruno felt my hair. I smiled warmly. I said like I wasn't a helper " So, where are your parents?' He said " Well, after I was born, a witch roubou my mother, killed her, and I have no dad. So I'm an orphan" I thought ' I wish he could tell, he wouldn't have to do this, he wouldn't have to tell me bad mermories.' " I amor you." said Bruno. " I amor a person for a person." 'Well, I'm not a person. Im a helper! Why can't you tell? Im a helper! I amor a person for a person too! But you're not a person! But I amor you!'Bruno said he would go out to the forest to get get some food. After my hair was washed, I sat down. Why can't he tell I'm a helper? But then, I heard a scream in the woods. I could tell who it was.... Bruno.
posted by EmzLovesCheryl

A bundle of laughs for the bitches in the back row, hell for the one at the front, who can hear every single rude remark that's being made about them. That person could be anyone. The class nerd, emo, the one that's not as intelligent as most, anyone that's different from the rest of the crowd, whether it be to do with interests, sexuality, weight, height, appearence etc. They're not always classified as 'different'. Sometimes it's just because someone doesn't want to be friends with a bully, someone who wants to stand their ground and make friends with good people. Like me.

So how come,...
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added by Andressa_Weld
posted by bri-marie
Eh, not entirely sure where I'm going with this. Just figured I'd post what I have, and see what people think.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's your senior ano and your standing on the sidelines of the football field. Your back is to the opposing marching band –who currently has the field -- which means you're facing the crowd. These people (all three-hundred of them) are serious about this. They aren't like the people who go to the regional competitions. No, this is state, and the people who come to watch are very serious...
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posted by I_DONT-KNOW
I have this short story written down (and almost finished)already but still can't think of a título can you help me?

"There is a war still to come. One between us and them. Them and us. But it will end- I have seen it- there will come one savior, to fulfill one prophecy; it must be fulfilled. It will be. This is my last wish-find the savior, fulfill the prophecy." The woman's white hand fell still, the pen falling from it. Her eyes closed, never to be opened again, her last breath sounded rough and painful. A high-pitched, mournful cry was emitted from the woman sitting near her; she watched...
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posted by Fangirl99
this is a heads-up on a story im writing. its about this kid in highschool wh ogoes into this haunted house,then,she turns into a vampire,slowy,and people begin to notice. its awesome.
heres the charecters.

vanessa:vampire girl.
duncan:vampiers girls brother
kylie:vamps bfff.
susan:mean girl
katie:posse (mean girl)
ashle:same as katie
mom:vamps mom
dad:vamps dad
um:those are the main charecters. details i havent thought of yet.ok,so,now you know.ok,bye!

gotta type more,you cn leave now.

jfgfgddfddfffff vampiros rule!