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I tossed and turned all night, thinking about what Janice said. Who is Violet? What did Janice mean about her,"injured as a victim, went insane as a victim and died as a victim"? I have this odd feeling that she may have been trouble. I mean, c'mon she was a friend of Janice. Innocent to her is probably Vincent Price from House of Wax. I don't know, and Shannon seemed really upset when Janice brought her up. I wanted to ask someone that I didn't know very well, so it wouldn't be as hard. I knocked on the door of a girl that lives two doors down from me that afternoon. She said,"F-k off!" At first, I wanted to walk away, but I said,"I need to ask you something." "If it's for pills, then I'm not givin' any of them to you." "Please, let me in, or I'll knock the door down, invading your privacy and everything." I heard the bolts unlock, as I heard the girl say,"You may enter now." I walked in, as I saw a blond girl in rosa, -de-rosa with yellow flor pajamas and a dark haired Asian girl wearing purple pajamas with rainbows on them. I could tell they weren't roommates because of the one bed. The room was a light periwinkle blue, with a white ceiling. The comforter and cama was a baby blue with borboletas on them, and the drawers and nightstand were white, with little porcelana figures and dolls. Little brown and white jewelery and keepsake boxes, two wicker borboletas on each side of the wall, with the window between, and her bed, right against the window. The girls both had barbie bonecas on their beds, brushing their hair and everything. They looked at me, as the blond girl said,"What did you come for?" "I have to ask you something. Do you know a girl named Violet?" She looked at me oddly, and said,"I don't know a Violet." "Of course you do," Janice said walking into her room. "Tell Kira here, about her. I bet Sammie here is dying to know." The dark haired girl said,"Samantha! I'm Samantha! Only my mom can call me Sammie or Sam-Sam, okay?" "C'mon Vickie, you gotta spill it. I'm not protecting you any longer." "No! I don't know Violet! Both of you get the f-k out!" I left, as Janice shut the door behind her, terrorizing the girls. Shannon was in the t.v room and said,"Don't tell me you were in Vickie's room." "It was either her or Samantha's." "Did the room have wicker borboletas and a wicker chair with blue on it?" "Yeah?" "Vickie only allows Samantha and Norma-Rae in her room. Those are her two best friends. Samantha plays with bonecas all the time, and Norma-Rae has a nail and finger biting problem." "What about Vickie?" "Addicted to sleeping pills and is a vegetarian. No, take that back, she eats peixe too. Any kind of fish. Did she have a little homemade brownish white looking house with specks of gray?" "Yeah, like a doll house." "She uses peixe bones and dressing to made doll houses. I asked her why she didn't use popsickle sticks one time, so she slapped me across the face and yelled a lot of obscenities at me. I don't repeat them because I don't really curse. I hate it, it makes me feel like I'm lowering my maturity and I.Q. Anyway, don't go into Vickie's room. Samantha's not too bad, but she tries to be like Vickie." "I was just in there to ask her about Violet." "Don't ask her about Violet. You can ask me. Why didn't you ask me in the first place?" "Because you were so sad and almost crying last night when Janice brought her up." "It's okay, I get like that. Let's go sit down and I'll tell you what I know." We sat down on the couches, as Shannon started her story:

'Two years ago, a young 21 ano old woman named tolet, violet came here to Gateway. According to Mary-Jane and Ursala, when tolet, violet was six, she had neighbors that were high school girls. Both twin sisters in their sophmore year. tolet, violet was an only child, and she was the youngest girl on her street, so she wanted someone to play with. She kept bothering them and bothering them, until one day, they got so sick of it that one night, they told her parents that they were taking her to the movies. Instead of that, they went into the forest, poured gas on her, and set her on fire. After they drove away, she jumped into a lake, but lucky for her, a convent was near por and some nuns found her and took her in. They found a phone near por and called the hospital. They two girls were sentenced prison for thirty years, even though they were minors, they were transported far away and would go to prison as soon as they turned 18. Since Violet's parents were wealthy, they spent loads of money on medical care, surgery, and início schooling. They even had her go through plastic surgery at ten or eleven, so she wouldn't have all of those scars. They treated her like a little girl all her life, but because of her social and self esteem skills, she had to go to Gateway. When I first saw her, she had a few scars, but looked beautiful , like model beautiful. She had long shiny red hair, big turquoise-blue eyes, and a beautiful frame. Yet, at the same time, Vickie came to Gateway, hoping to get attention, but she was jealous that tolet, violet got all the attention. tolet, violet was quiet, shy, scared, and Janice never picked on her or anything. She took tolet, violet under her wing and treated her so kindly. Vickie was mean and yelled at people all the time. One day, tolet, violet and Janice were sitting on the sofá talking, and...Violet died.'

I looked at her shocked and asked,"How?" "The nurses said that she died of fright. Some people think Janice did it. Maybe it was her time to go. I don't know. I don't even know if the burning story is right. You can't trust everything that Mary-Jane and Ursala say, they're major gossipers." "Poor Violet. She didn't deserve that at all." "No she didn't. She was just a nice girl that life took advantage of." "Maybe it wasn't life itself. It was probably the people around her. Yet, what would scare her so badly to the point of death?" "She lived in fear constantly. At night, she asked orderlies if they could go to the bathroom with her, as long as she had a flashlight and teddy bear. She even hated going outside or going out for ice cream or another trip. She feared meeting people. She feared the world. She feared everything." "No one should go through that. No one." We sat in silence, until Iah hugged us goodbye, until tomorrow. I knew Vickie was atuação funny after I asked that. Did she have something to do with Violet's death....?
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