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composição literária Pergunta

Would anybody read this...?

Here's the intro.:

"Hi. You know the saying 'The night of your life is when you die.'? Yeah. I've already had the 'night of my life', I've already died; on the inside, at least. When I was 14, I was raped. This is my story."

Hhm? The story will differ from her living it, and her telling about it.
Thank you! :)
 POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
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composição literária Respostas

2dolphn97 said:
I didn't like it. It was very blant and straightforward. It's kinda like saying oi what's up? How's the weather, I got raped!!! Not a good intro
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posted over a year ago 
Well, it was written for introducing the plotline, and the first chapter was done as her both living it, and her telling about it. Thank you for answering.
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
Moonlight_Kitty said:
Sorry, I don't like it.
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posted over a year ago 
It's okay. Is there a certain thing you don't like, or the plot in general? Just wondering. :)
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
Personally, I don't like the plot. You have a good idea, it's just the 'rape' part that gets me. I don't like hearing, or reading, about those types of things. Sorry
Moonlight_Kitty posted over a year ago
No, it's completely fine. Thank you for answering!
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
writer67 said:
;-[yes id read, hoping someone has become stronger, as the one had been caught and was facing punishement, knowing one dia God will have revenge,for those that have escaped mans judgement. it takes guts n balls to allow te story out, so the heal can start, before it eats away on the insides to get out into the open.;-]
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posted over a year ago 
Um, okay...? Thank you. And, what do you mean por all the talk about becoming stronger, God's revenge, and allowing the story out?
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
if what u write about has happened to u. a story of fact not fiction, many suffer and take it upon themselves to seek revenge. many keep what has happened bottled up as they feel dishonor, hope it makes sense now.;-]
writer67 posted over a year ago
crazywolf23 said:
its ok, but kinda boring
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posted over a year ago 
darkling_menace said:
'The night of your life is when you die'? Who says that?
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posted over a year ago 
I got it from a song title. And, I realize, the intro sucks eggs. But, the real story's better written than this, in my opinion. Thank you for answering.
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
saramanusson said:
i like it, i think you should write it, would amor to read it.
If you cut out the "hi" part it would make an awesome intro for a movie.
But most important....if you like it, you should write it. It dosen´t matter what others think! ;-D
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you! :) And, I do actually have this posted up on here, it's called A Choice.z Here's a link:link
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
Taismo4ever97 said:
I don't read about those type of things and so I probably wouldn't read it, but thats just me.
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posted over a year ago 
It's okay. Each is to their own. Thank you for answering!
POPclogger216 posted over a year ago
no prob.
Taismo4ever97 posted over a year ago
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