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posted by lovedeath26

Words of Hope
One night on graveyard of the angels, I was walking,
that night I saw an angel, saw her crying,
her wings broken, torn, hurt, she was dying...

Angel, such an beauty, fallen from the heavens garden,
I watched her soul escape in the little tears,
to see her there, so deadly wounded, it was burden,
she was lost, fallen, dying, filled with fears...

She was lying on the cold white marble plate,
to help her I tried, but I was too late,
in the pool of blood, to die, was her fate...

Angel stared me, I heard her silent cries,
pale little form on pool of so red blood,
angel, so fragile thing...
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posted by emmyliz11
pain fills my coração and brings me to the darkside where I reside for awhile. Until I'm grabbed por the hand and pulled out por a so-called friend who just pushes me back in and leaves me to cry in the darkest corner of my heart. I feel like I'm being ripped apart, limb por limb, every string of my coração played por the devil's hand. I feel like I'm not whole, like I'm nothing without him. The one one who killed his best friend, the one who left me alone, I didn't know how to swim. All I want is him to come back and hurt me again. He was my only friend, or so I thought, but when he slapped me across my face, that's emotion you can't replace and I faced it everyday or so for a ano and a half. Don't try to sympathize because I know with my coração and soul that you will leave and let me go with crappy bittersweet goodbyes...
posted by HaleyDewit
Close your eyes and try to sleep
Don’t let these words disturb your dreams
Don’t think about the pain you have caused
For there is nothing you ever did wrong

Make a wish and pray it will come true
Because what you did will come back to you
Let these words sink into your brain
For this is for everything you ever did wrong

Are you happy
To make people run away from you
Are you satisfied
When you make a girl feel blue
Are you proud of yourself
When you make a girl crawl back in her shell
Now, all you bitches, you gotta tell me
Are you happy

Open your eyes and look inside yourself
How would you feel if someone...
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posted by Bond_Of_Fury
- prologue -

“Hello, everyone. My name is Seth. I spend my dia climbing the Rocky Mountains in North America. Why? Hmph. Let’s just continue, shall we? I’m going to tell you a story about a heroine. One day, I looked up to Mt. Elbert; the biggest baddie of all. During the heavy climb in the fresh, loose snow, I heard a thud, like something fell from a great heigth in a big pile of powder snow. I went over and searched for whatever I might’ve heard. Guess what? It was a girl. She had beautiful silver hair, which sparkled in the sunlight. Lying motionless in the cold snow, she looked at...
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posted by BeB
 Love, amor Spin Us Round, Love, Love, Kicks Us When Were Down
Love, Love Spin Us Round, Love, Love, Kicks Us When Were Down
You Hear My coração Beat,
I lift Your Head- Our Eyes Meet
I Stare Into Those Auburn Eyes,
The Auburn Eyes Know What Comes Next...
And That Is The Long Awaited Good Bye

But With My Hands Shaking,
Anxious Auburn Eyes Awaiting
Every Part Of This Is What I've Been Dreading,
Yet Everything Up To This Moment Is Where We've Been Heading,

I Want To Tell You These Things,
I Wish To Sing To You About These Things!
These Things I Feel When You Are Near,
And Then Right Then- Right There I Realize My Greatest Fear...

That Is If Those Auburn Eyes Leave,
Leave Me Here.
posted by Edward901
nobody understands love,
nobody really believes.
you can't put a price on the way people make you feel,
but you can always say:
i amor you
but what does it really mean?
those three small words?
to many people it's just
i care about you
isn't that easier to say
than make someone believe
you'll always be there for them
that they are the sun, the moon, the stars
that they will be the person that you want to be the last person to see before you die?
is it so hard to NOT make someone believe
that you will always be there for them
that you will be the one that they need
for life
for eternity
seguinte time you say
i amor you
mean it
because if you don't
your just hurting yourself
and the person that you say it to
posted by sophiahs
The Two Sides of Me
Nobody knows it but there is a canyon in me
It splits me in two
Across the gap stretches a rope that is starting to unwind
And separates the sides of me
On one side there is the child me
She created a world where pain never existed
She is perfect
Time has never touched her
Shes sweet and innocent
She will never grow up
She will always remain a child
She will never learn that the world is a harsh place
She wears a tiara and a pretty rosa, -de-rosa party dress
She will always be playing chá party with her Babies
She sits in the middle of a friendly forest
She is surrounded por her family and friends...
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posted by appleco
Scarlet and her husband finally finished unpacking there stuff well they werent exactly wed because they couldn't afford a ceromony . Hershel didn't have a job but he founded a company called maçã, apple i didn't need to get a job because of my wealthy husband finally we got married at the age of 21 we went to the doctors to see if we could get pregnant we ended up being able to have a baby

Scarlet was three months pregnant her and hershel they went to get a ultrasound the baby was doing great they actually found out that they had TWINS!!!!!!! scarlet had a boy and a girl! what are the odds.

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posted by DreamDaze45
I look out my window the rains pouring down
I can't seem to turn this frown upside down
You moved far out of town
Now I have no one around

I used to amor you
Sadly you don't amor me too
Pain and agony runs through me
So much you can see

But not you, you only look for my happiness
but I'm out and in distress
You want the green fresh from the press
I just want to be better than the rest

Attention is what I want
But all you give is a load of taunt
Are you ready for love
Not really, so I'll get a dove

A dove's the bird of passion and feelings
But you left me to rot like a banana's peelings
Sweet lover, I miss you
Do you miss me too?

Sweet Lover, give me your all
Don't let it fall
Give me a call
I get nothing at all

Sweet love, Goodbye
I will amor you always *sigh*


Your Sweet Lover
posted by Edward901
I look at the ride that I'm supposed to be on, all the twisting, winding loops that Kasey wants me to go on. I don't want to, but she pulls me. Knowing full well that she's stronger than I am por a million to one. So I go, ready for the ride of my life.
It's not that scary, I'd been on worse. Still, to look at the monster that is called Chang, I can't believe it is really going to happen, that I am going to ride it.
We step on the ride, buckle up, the people walk down the rows making sure that everyone's safe. We are, so the man presses the button and the ride starts.
Kasey looks at me as we...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Think you got me good
Throwing rotten eggs
And trying to make me fall
But I got news for you
Your limited vocabulary
Won’t damage me at all

So keep doing what you’re doing if it gets you through the night
But deep downs inside you know I’m right

Get your head out the clouds
Keep your feet on the ground
Your words mean nothing to me
I don’t care what you have to say
Save it for another prey
You’re the master of moronity

Can’t reason with you
Any argument I give
You simply blow away
But that won’t change the truth
You better grow some brain
‘Cause you’re giving stupid a bad name

I’d say open...
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posted by funnyshawna
It’s sweet, the way you think.
The way you dream, the way you look into my eyes, asking me
To be everything you’re dreaming up.
You want me to be who I don’t trust myself to be.
I don’t trust myself
With you.
it’s mais than I can give;
mais than I can take.
you’re everything I wish I was
And that’s what you don’t see.
I don’t want to crush
Your ideas.
Don’t want to nuvem your perfect vision
Of what amor is.
I don’t want to make a mess of you,
The way I have with myself.
You want me to make you
But it’s not that easy

I just discovered this spot. Here's my first shot - a little poem I wrote a few days ago. If you like this I have mais in store.

...why do I rhyme when I don't mean to? Haha.

Inspired por Erin McCarley's "It's Not That Easy"
posted by HaleyDewit
I’ve got something to say
But it’s best to keep it away
Pretending to be made of concrete
But you caused the cracks to show
Now I can’t hide them anymore
And I need you to feel how I feel

I’m tiptoeing around the subject
‘Cause I’m too afraid to be rejected

And you don’t see
What it’s like for me
Wanted this for so long
And now I can’t have it
And you don’t know
How it’s to feel so small
I’ve waited for so long
But I still can’t have it

I’ve got something on my mind
But it’s best to keep it inside
Pretending my eyes aren’t shedding tears
But you caused the tears to flow
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posted by HaleyDewit
I’ll be a good girl
I’ll do anything you ask of me
But don’t say those words
Because I won’t be listening

Be careful, that’s my coração you’re holding in your hands
But if it isn’t yours, it doesn’t make a difference
And you’re asking me to me keep my distance
So, now the suffering begins

And it feels like the moon crashing on the earth
What have I done to ever deserve
You, leaving me
Taking everything that I need
Now I’m left with the pain
No guarantees I’ll see you again
How can you just mover on
When I can barely keep myself together
And I feel my coração shatter
It makes no sense at all...
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posted by Edward901
this will be the last chapter i post... the rest you'll have to read in the published book when it's done being written and comes out

Music was playing when I could feel again. Abigail was lying on my cama with me, playing with my hair.
    “Bobby will be início in two hours. I called him when you stopped responding to me.” I recognized the song, it was Bobby's favorite. He had told me that I was who it reminded him of.
    I looked away from Abby, ashamed. “I can't believe how selfish I am. He was finally where he wanted to be and I dragged him away...
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posted by animelove30
Chapter 1- The Bar

    In the small quiet town of Saint Vincent, Oklahoma, Jade Neal sat in her bedroom as the rain hit her window. She smiled at the somewhat silent pitter patter and thought about her late father and how he loved the rain. She almost lost herself in old memories until she heard a hard knock on her door. “Who is it?” She asked with a sad tone for voice. “Hotel room service” a girl said through the cracks. “Come in” Jade replied. Amanda walked in with the biggest smile on her face ever and sat beside Jade. “Guess what?” Amanda asked with anticipation....
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Sorry for the delay I have had some sever mental block and I couldnt think of anything to write LOL! Enjoy chapter 12 and remember to feedback and keep looking for chapter 13! Amber/Twilightsauce.

I smiled as my eyelids fluttered open. The sun was streaming in through the window making my skin glitter in a mysterious way but not sparkling like the rest of my vampire family. I knew that Jacob was awake because everything was silent- Jake was the LOUDEST snorer ever. I propped myself up on two of the fluffy pillows to get a better view of his face. Jacobs’s eyes were closed but he had...
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posted by HaleyDewit
When you read this
I’ll be gone
Though I never said I amor you
I wrote it in many amor songs
All I ever wanted was to be with you
But I guess it was asked too much
Now all I want to do is run away
‘Cause I’ve had enough

I wanna let go
But my hands are tied on you
I wanna walk away
But my feet refuse to move
I’m amor struck, you got me completely
And now we’ll never know what might have been

Don’t feel sorry
I’m the one to blame
I shouldn’t have been so damn gutless
And told you straight away
But I guess it’s not very convenient
When you’re living miles apart
Though I know physical distance
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posted by LucyDougan
My coração has been punctured
It has never been broken
I’ve been filled with heartache
But that was unspoken
I’m always lonely
But I’m never alone
I live in a house
But my mind is my home
I’m not dead
But I’m not always alive
You’ve never been me
So you think I’ll survive
I’m always so happy
Yet I’m always so sad
I’m always so calm
Yet I always feel mad
Maybe I’m normal
And maybe I’m sane
But I’m not feeling right
I don’t feel the same... <3 <3 <3