windwakerguy430 Club
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Song: link

Derek: Spring's almost here!
Orion: Finally, now we don't have to freeze.
Stephanie: Now we just need to decide what our show's lineup is for tonight.
Fat Pat: I got it! Three episodes of The Nut House. Pronto!

Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 20: Another Star

While having lunch in The Nut House with Liam, Kevin thought of something.

Kevin: You know, Liz is the only estrela I've seen here. I don't think there's any other stars living in Frenchtown.
Liam: You're right.
Wallace: *Walks into the restaurant*
Liam: Or, at least you were.
Kevin: *Turns around to find another green star* My goodness, another green star.
Wallace: *Walks to the front counter, and talks to David* Good morning. May I speak to Liz please?
David: She went out on break, but I'll let her know you wish to speak with her. Can I have your name?
Wallace: Wallace. I'm her cousin.
David: *Nods* Stay here while I get her for you. *Walks outside*

Kevin walked from his mesa, tabela to the counter. He was interested to learn mais about Wallace.

Kevin: Hi, I'm friends with Liz, and I overheard that you're her cousin.
Wallace: Yes. I have something for her to enjoy. Something for the holiday season.
Kevin: Your name is Wallace, right?
Wallace: Yes.
Kevin: When you're done talking to Liz, would you like to cadastrar-se me & Liam? We're sitting right over there.
Wallace: *Looks at Liam sitting at the table* Very kind of you, but I'm afraid I can't stay that long. I only came here for a brief chat with Liz.
Kevin: Perhaps another day. We come here at least a few days a week.
Wallace: The service must be very good if you come here that often.
Liz: *Arrives with David* Hi Wallace.
Wallace: Hello Liz. Let's talk outside. *Leaves with Liz*
Kevin: *Walks back to the table*
Liam: What's that about?
Kevin: Wallace, is Liz's cousin. He says he has a present for her.

Wallace & Liz were talking outside.

Liz: So, what brings you all the way here from Rhode Island?
Wallace: The natal season. I have something I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Liz: And what's that?
Wallace: Oh come now Liz. You're not supposed to know until natal day.
Liz: Oh alright. Are you staying anywhere?
Wallace: The National. Come over when you can, and we can spend time together.
Liz: *Nods* I should get back to work.
Wallace: So long cousin. *Walks away*

After lunch, Kevin was driving up the colina out of Frenchtown when he saw Wallace walking out of the general store.

Wallace: *Walks back into a Mercedes*
Kevin: *Looking through his mirror* That's a fancy car.
Wallace: *Drives out of the parking lot*
Kevin: What does Wallace have for Liz?


Liz: *In her house, looking in a mirror as she puts on eyeliner* What does Wallace have for me?
Wallace: *In his room at the National with three presents* She'll be very pleased with these.
Liz: *Walks into the National* Which room is Wallace in?
Receptionist: *Looks on the list* 5. All rooms are on the 2nd floor.
Liz: I could have sworn you had mais rooms. *Goes upstairs*
Wallace: *Opens the door, and sees Liz* Over here.
Liz: *Walks towards Wallace* Hi.
Wallace: You'll be very happy with the collection of presents I have for you.
Liz: *Looks at the seven presents, and opens one of them* What do we have here?

They were yellow glow in the dark strings for her guitar.

Liz: Never had these before, but they look amazing.
Wallace: *Grabs the smallest present* Try this next.
Liz: *Opens the present, and finds perfume with red lipstick. A big smile forms on her face*
Wallace: You've been raving about that brand on social media, so that was a high priority for me to get you.
Liz: That's great. *Opens the last present, and finds a red pair of sneakers with yellow laces* Oh wow!
Wallace: Something else you shared on social media.
Liz: Why thank you. *Hugs Wallace*
Wallace: There's one last present I have for you.
Liz: Yeah?
Wallace: Remember when I told you about the promotion I was getting last month?
Liz: *Nods*
Wallace: Well it's in Stockton, so now I'll be much closer if you ever want to visit.
Liz: I will. I also have some presents I want to give you on natal day. Thank you Wallace, these are very good.
Wallace: Anything for my cousin.

On December 26th, Kevin walked into The Nut House to see a happy Liz.

Kevin: How was Christmas?
Liz: Great. Remember my cousin Wallace?
Kevin: Yeah. Nice guy.
Liz: He's living closer to me now, so we can hang out mais often.
Kevin: Good. Liam & I are always happy to have new friends.

Ending Theme: link

Wallace: *Walks into the restaurant* Good morning.
Kevin: Hi Wallace. Nice to see you again.

End Credits

Mr. Nut: *Turns on the closed sign* Closing time.
Parker: Just one mais minute!
Mr. Nut: No Parker, it's time to go.
Kevin: *Helps Parker to the door* Come on Parker.
Parker: No!!!!
David: *Shakes his head no*
Mr. Nut: See you later fellas.
Kevin: *Jumps, and his name appears below him*
David: *Confused, he also jumps, but his name does not appear* Huh, weird. *His name falls on the ground seguinte to him* Oh cool. *Grabs his name, but it goes up very quickly, taking him along the way*
Liam: *Looks up at David* Where's he going? *His name appears from the bottom, and gets under Liam's feet, also taking him up to the sky* Whoa. Cool!!
Liz: *Looking up at Liam* Have fun not being able to breath. *Gets hit in the head por her name*
Wallace: Where did that come from?! *Gets hit in the head por his name*
Wayne: *Looks at Wallace, and laughs, but he gets hit from the front por his name*
Miss. Heart: Uh oh. *Also gets hit por her name*
Mack: Cool! *Gets hit por his name*
Parker: Everyone's either gone, or beaten up por floating names. I can go in. *Sees his name on the door* When did that get there?.. Maybe I can wait until tomorrow to come back. *Leaves*
Mr. Nut: *Goes upstairs to his room, and gets into his bed. He turns off the lights*

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog Production from January 9th, 2020


Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 21: Take Out

Kevin is driving his truck with Liam riding shotgun. They are going to The Nut House to pick up an order they made on the phone.

Liam: Did you hear that parks are being reopened?
Kevin: That's good. We're making some progress.
Liam: A lot of people think we can permanently remove the virus.
Kevin: It's an airborne virus. You wanna get rid of it? Take all the sanitation equipment up in the sky.
Liam: If they do give that a try, everything would probably get back to normal in minutes.
Kevin: *Arrives at The Nut House*
Parker: *Arrives in his Packard*
Kevin: Uh oh. *Puts on his mask*
Liam: Good thinking. *Puts on his mask*

As they walked into The Nut House, Parker followed them. He didn't put on a mask.

Kevin: Hello Mr. Nut.
Mr. Nut: Hello Kevin. Hello Liam.
Parker: *Arrives* Good morning everyone!! Why is it so quiet in here?
Kevin: Do you pay attention to anything?
Liam: The coronavirus is still keeping a majority of places closed.
Parker: That's their problem. Get Dave, or Liz to take my order, I'm starving.
Mr. Nut: There's two problems with that Parker. One, we're only allowed to do take-out, and two, you're not wearing a mask.
Parker: So? If you really want to keep your customers safe, you'd make them wear gloves.
Kevin: *Pulls out a bottle of hand sanitizer* Ever heard of this stuff Parker? *Sprays his hands, and cleans them*
Mr. Nut: May I have some?
Kevin: Sure. *Sprays Mr. Nut's hands with hand sanitizer*
Mr. Nut: Thanks. *Rubs his hands together*
Parker: I'm going to Burger King. At least they provide good service. *Walks away*
Kevin: When will that idiot learn?
Liam: Never. *Chuckles*
Mr. Nut: I hope you're wrong Liam, otherwise we'll be up a creek without a paddle. If mais shapes followed in his footsteps, the death toll in this country would immediately be doubled.

Parker drove 11 miles from Frenchtown to Flemington to reach Burger King. When he arrived however, the line of cars in front of him was big.

Parker: Screw this, I'm going to McDonald's. *Turns around, and gets hit por a Nissan*
Yellow Triangle: *Gets out of his car*
Parker: *Walks out of his car* Look what you've done to my Packard!
Yellow Triangle: That wouldn't have happened if you didn't make that U-turn!
Parker: Shut up! It's your fault because I said so!
Yellow Triangle: You wanna repeat that buddy?
Parker: It's your fault.
Yellow Triangle: *Spits in his left hand, then rubs his hands together*
Parker: You won't win this fight.
Yellow Triangle: *Punches Parker*
Parker: *Falls down* You got some of that spit on my face!
Yellow Triangle: You just lay there while I get your insurance info.
Parker: That's just great. *Stands up, and has a headache* My head feels warm. *Puts his hand on his forehead*

A police officer arrived to check on Parker, and the yellow triangle.

Blue Square: What's going on over here?
Parker: I was making a U-turn to leave when this windbag hit me!
Blue Square: You're not even supposed to make a U-turn here, and why aren't you two wearing masks?
Parker: I don't need a mask.
Yellow Triangle: Neither do I. *Sneezes*
Blue Square: I'm gonna call a paramedic. They'll check your temperature, and see whether or not you have Covid-19.
Parker: It'll be a waste of time!
Yellow Triangle: We're clean!
Parker: *Looks at the triangle* You know, I think we finally agree on something.
Yellow Triangle: I'm sorry for punching you.
Parker: I'm sorry for blocking you.
Blue Square: Stay por your cars, and stay 6 feet apart. You'll be tested in a few minutes, then we'll see if you're really safe.

When the paramedic checked both Parker, and the yellow triangle, they were both tested positive.

Yellow Triangle: This is all my fault. I spit in my hands, then punched him.
Parker: Ugh, how could you?!
Yellow Triangle: Well you were the idiot that blocked me!
Blue Square: Get in the ambulance. You will stay in the hospital for 2 weeks, then you'll be in jail for ignoring the stay at início order.

15 days later.

Parker: *Standing in his cell, staring at the bars in front of him*
Kevin: *Arrives with Liam* Good morning Parker.
Parker: What do you losers want?!
Liam: We were going to pay for your bail, but if that's how you're going to show your gratitude, then you can stay in here until the pandemic is over.
Parker: No! I want you to pay for my bail! I want you to pay for my bail! I want you to pay for my bail! I want you to pay for my bail!
Kevin: A tantrum won't help you Parker, goodbye.
Parker: No!! *Crying while rolling on the floor*

Ending Theme: link

Liam: *Walks out of the jail with Kevin* Do you ever feel sorry for him?
Kevin: Yeah, but sometimes, he has to learn that atuação like a child won't help him get what he wants.

End Credits

Mr. Nut: *Turns on the closed sign* Closing time.
Parker: Just one mais minute!
Mr. Nut: No Parker, it's time to go.
Kevin: *Helps Parker to the door* Come on Parker.
Parker: No!!!!
David: *Shakes his head no*
Mr. Nut: See you later fellas.
Kevin: *Jumps, and his name appears below him*
David: *Confused, he also jumps, but his name does not appear* Huh, weird. *His name falls on the ground seguinte to him* Oh cool. *Grabs his name, but it goes up very quickly, taking him along the way*
Liam: *Looks up at David* Where's he going? *His name appears from the bottom, and gets under Liam's feet, also taking him up to the sky* Whoa. Cool!!
Liz: *Looking up at Liam* Have fun not being able to breath. *Gets hit in the head por her name*
Wallace: Where did that come from?! *Gets hit in the head por his name*
Wayne: *Looks at Wallace, and laughs, but he gets hit from the front por his name*
Miss. Heart: Uh oh. *Also gets hit por her name*
Mack: Cool! *Gets hit por his name*
Parker: Everyone's either gone, or beaten up por floating names. I can go in. *Sees his name on the door* When did that get there?.. Maybe I can wait until tomorrow to come back. *Leaves*
Mr. Nut: *Goes upstairs to his room, and gets into his bed. He turns off the lights*

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog Production from May 13th, 2020


Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 22: Wayne's Invention

Wayne was sitting on his front porch when he saw Parker arrive in his Packard, followed por Kevin in his truck, and Liam in a Buick.

Wayne: Perfect. Right on time.
Kevin: *Walks with Liam, and Parker towards Wayne*
Liam: Good morning.
Parker: What did you want to see us for?
Wayne: I called you here to help me with an important task. Follow me inside please.
Kevin: *Follows Wayne, Parker, and Liam*
Parker: *Closes the door*
Wayne: This, is what you will help me with. *Removes a tarp, and shows off a fancy silver box* There's enough room for all of us.
Kevin: What exactly is this?
Wayne: A time machine. Just like everyone on this planet, I want this covid-19 pandemic to come to an end. My solution is to travel to the past, find the one that started spreading the awful disease, and make sure that he doesn't start the pandemic.
Liam: So that's why you're in an unusually good mood.
Wayne: I know I've argued with you in the past, but we must work together, if we are going to protect out future.
Kevin: Your coração is in the right place Wayne, but I'm not sure if this will work. Did you test it?
Wayne: No, but I'm certain everything will work out fine. Follow me inside.

The four shapes stood inside the box together.

Wayne: I will set the coordinates to January, 2020.We will then travel to the início of the shape who started spreading the coronavirus, and show him what happens.
Kevin: Is that what the backpack is for?
Wayne: *Looks down at his backpack in a corner* Yes. *Types in the coordinates* Our time is set. Are you ready?
Kevin: Yes.
Liam: Yeah.
Parker: Can I use the bathroom before we go?
Wayne: *Sighs* It's only gonna take 2 seconds.
Parker: Okay. I'll wait.
Wayne: *Hits a green button* Here we go!

With a blast of electricity, the box disappeared from Wayne's home.

The time machine took Kevin, Liam, Wayne, and Parker to Broad rua in Flemington, New Jersey.

Kevin: Hm, we're in Flemington.
Liam: Did you set this town as our destination?
Wayne: There is no destination setting. This is odd.

Suddenly, a song started playing out of nowhere.

Theme Song: link

Master Sword: Come on Tom, let's go meet the others.
Tom: Right behind you.
Wayne: Whoa, where did these guys come from?
Kevin: They're talking ponies.
Aina: *Runs out of her house*
Sunny: Hey, wait for me. *Flying in the middle of the street*
Pleiades: *Arrives at corner*
Snow Wonder: *Arrives in a brand new Corvette*
Cosmic Rainbow: *Flies from the clouds*
Heartsong: *Climbs out of a manhole*
Annie: *Arrives on a bicycle*
Blaze: *Flies out of a house window, and lands seguinte to Tom*
Sophie Shimmer: *Gets off of a slow moving bus*
Astrel Sky: *Appears out of nowhere with magic*
Kevin: Get us out of here Wayne!
Wayne: Alright! *Hits the green button*

They ended up in an empty field with nothing, but grass.

Parker: Can I please use the bathroom now?!
Wayne: Well there's no one here.
Parker: *Runs to a bush*
Kevin: Where are we now?
Liam: This doesn't look familiar.
Wayne: I'm not sure.

Song: link

A o espaço ship with a big red swastika on the bottom soon appeared.

Eggman: *Talking through a loud loudspeaker* Attention mobians! This is your glorious dictator, Doctor Eggman! I am taking over this city, and you will do nothing about it!!
Sonic: *Rushes past*
Kevin: *Spinning fast, and lands on topo, início of Liam*
Liam: Oof! You okay?
Kevin: If I don't vomit, yes.
Parker: *Arrives* What did I miss?!
Wayne: Nothing, back inside!!

They rushed into the time machine, and left Mobius. Then, another song began: link

Kevin: *Travelling down a train track in the form of a blue F40PH* Wait. What happened to me?!
Liam: *Appears in the form of a green ES44AC* I don't know man, but I feel weird.
Parker: *Appears in the form of a red steam engine* I bet it's nothing compared to how I feel.
Wayne: *Has turned into an laranja megaphone sticking out of the window of a white Chevrolet Malibu* We need to get out of here!

All four of them crashed into the time machine. The song stopped as they moved to their seguinte location.

Wayne's teleporter took the group to a desert.

Kevin: *Falls on the ground with Liam, Parker, and Wayne*
Liam: *Stands up with the others* Okay Wayne, I don't know what's going on anymore, but I want to go home!
Parker: It's great that you want to get rid of the virus, but I'll happily live in that pandemic instead of dealing with....whatever that was we just got out from!
Wayne: Look! I'm doing the best I can! These controls are very simple. I don't have a whole lot of options to work with right now.
Kevin: That's not good.
Wayne: I know, and I'm sorry. Please urso with me. We're going to keep using this thing until it gets us back to Frenchtown.

With that, the four shapes got into the faulty time machine, and continued their journey. They went from a desert, to another desert, with small spots of grama sticking out of various parts of the sand.

Kevin: Hang on, I'm noticing a pattern.
Liam: What?
Kevin: We're going through other televisão shows. Look.

Theme song: link

Taxi Ponies: *Driving taxi cabs to the station*

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From SeanTheHedgehog

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Parker: Oh my god, this place is just like The Nut House at closing time!
Liam: Hm. You're right.
Kevin: I told you, we're going through other televisão shows.
Wayne: But if that's true, does that mean we live in a televisão show?
Kevin: I guess so. Let's see what else happens.

Also starring Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Percy, Jeff, Mike, Nicole, Stephanie, and Pete from SeanTheHedgehog

Dan from Someonebutnoone

The song fades away at the end of the opening credits.

Kevin: Wayne, I think I know what we need to do now. Let's get back to the time machine. *Walks with his friends to the machine*
Wayne: What do we do?
Kevin: Go home. *Hits the button*

Just as Kevin predicted, they were at Wayne's house in Frenchtown.

Liam: Yes, we're back!
Kevin: That was a good thing you tried to do Wayne, but promise me that you'll never do anything like that again unless you actually test it, and make sure it works properly.

Ending Theme: link

Wayne: I promise.
Kevin: Good.
Liam: What do you say the four of us go to the park?
Parker: Sounds good to me.

The End For Season 1 (2016-2020)

Mr. Nut: *Turns on the closed sign* Closing time.
Parker: Just one mais minute!
Mr. Nut: No Parker, it's time to go.
Kevin: *Helps Parker to the door* Come on Parker.
Parker: No!!!!
David: *Shakes his head no*
Mr. Nut: See you later fellas.
Kevin: *Jumps, and his name appears below him*
David: *Confused, he also jumps, but his name does not appear* Huh, weird. *His name falls on the ground seguinte to him* Oh cool. *Grabs his name, but it goes up very quickly, taking him along the way*
Liam: *Looks up at David* Where's he going? *His name appears from the bottom, and gets under Liam's feet, also taking him up to the sky* Whoa. Cool!!
Liz: *Looking up at Liam* Have fun not being able to breath. *Gets hit in the head por her name*
Wallace: Where did that come from?! *Gets hit in the head por his name*
Wayne: *Looks at Wallace, and laughs, but he gets hit from the front por his name*
Miss. Heart: Uh oh. *Also gets hit por her name*
Mack: Cool! *Gets hit por his name*
Parker: Everyone's either gone, or beaten up por floating names. I can go in. *Sees his name on the door* When did that get there?.. Maybe I can wait until tomorrow to come back. *Leaves*
Mr. Nut: *Goes upstairs to his room, and gets into his bed. He turns off the lights*

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog Production from August 8th, 2020

Season 2 will arrive in 2021

Shirtless Shane: Well done boss.
Fat Pat: We'll see you guys again on March 20. We're busy celebrating St. Patrick's Day, and recreating The Godfather!
Shirtless Shane: My favorito movie!!
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Speaker: Hey, I’m the lovable McCharles, and I got a great deal for you all. The new burger, the Sheer coração Attack. This burger is made of so much meat, it could feed an entire starving African family. So, come on down while supplies last. Only at McCharles
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