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Oh boy, we still got some Cultober to go through, everybody. Or at the least, we’ve reached the ranking moment for these movies. I think we had a good haul this season. We had a few goodies, a few mehs, and some trash in the mix. But it was mostly a good first year. So let’s talk about the movies, talking about the worst ones and then making our way to the good ones, and what I recommend for ones viewing pleasure. Oh, and I will be rating this film on a ten outta ten scale, 5 points for how scary or spooky the film is and another 5 for how enjoyable it is. So there’s a chance I may like a 5/10 film, but that may not be very likely. But let’s stop blabbering and start talking about some damn good horror films already

Rank 31: Birdemic: Shock and Terror
Scare: 0/5
Enjoyment: 1/5
Total 1/10

Oh, wow, Birdemic is at the bottom of the list. What a total shock. This was no surprise to anyone. Birdemic sucked. It fucking sucked. I hated this film, and still do. I decided to be generous and give it a 1 on the enjoyment scale because at least the birds are so bad and so poorly made that they are funny, but you mostly get a bunch of boring characters doing stupid shit and it’s just a boring movie the whole way through. I hate it. Do not watch this movie, even if you are looking for something ironic. You can do so much better, trust me.

Rank 30: Bride of the Monster
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 1/5
Total: 2/10
My god, even though this film was known as one of the worst, it was pretty disappointing, as an ironic film. I was expecting a lot mais badly done effects, bad acting, and a stupid plot. I mean, there are elements there, but not nearly enough to keep me invested. I was hoping for mais from most infamous director ever Ed Wood. But no, instead I just get a rather drab film. It could’ve been so much better, but it was just a dull film over all

Rank 29: Night of the Lepus
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 3/10
Night of the Lepus is barely better than Birdemic and, honestly, a far mais interesting ironic film than the anterior two simply for the practical effects. The rabbit costume is awful, obviously, and the atuação is so bad with an even worse script that it gets a laugh out of me, but I can respect the use of the smaller town modelos for the rabbits to run around in. It’s genuinely impressive. Not enough to save this trash fogo of a film, but it has one good, genuinely good, thing about it and that’s better than the last two films.

Rank 28: Incubus
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 4/10
Okay, I can appreciate what this film was going for, and it definitely had a neat idea, and I will admit that it definitely had a pretty good build up. But I just found the film to be laughable at best and boring at worst. I mean, come on, that was the best design for the título character Incubus. And no, the goat form was not much better. For fucks sake, Night of the Lepus had better effects than that. Not costume design, god know, but even their effects were decent in comparison. If it wasn’t for the fact that I like the idea of this film, it would be lower. But god, what a disappointing film, honestly.

Rank 27: The Hills Have Eyes
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 4/10
Yeah, originally, I wanted to give this a five out of ten because I know how much this film is enjoyed por classic horror fãs and seen as a real classic of Wes Craven’s other films, but, no, I hate this movie, it’s boring, not interesting, and I don’t really enjoy any of the moments in this film up until the last few minutes, and even then, I found that the remake did it better. Yes, the edgy, gory remake did the last thirty minutos better, and that film is por no means a masterpiece, but I’d take a film that disgusts me over a film that bores me. It’s only higher than the rest because, again, I like the idea of the film. It’s interesting. But man, what squandered potential

Rank 26: Pandorum
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 5/10
Okay, so this is not a boring film, at least not completely, but it’s por far the most disappointing. Don’t tease me that this is inspired por Lovecraftian horror and then have the weakest kind of Lovecraftian horror. Sure, the characters go insane, but man, you could do way mais than that. That being said, this movie is just eh. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. Guess that’s what you’d expect from a movie that gained the interest of classic shlock maker, Paul W.S. Anderson himself

Rank 25: Maniac Cop
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 5/10
Okay, yeah, have I lost credibility yet? I shit all over The Hills Have Eyes and yet I’m gonna talk about why this film is pretty good. It’s por no means a classic, but it does enough to entertain the audience with a good premise, a decent slasher set up, and has Bruce Campiness Campbell. Sorry, I just really like Evil Dead. I just can’t help but be interested. Maniac Cop will never be seen in high regard as other slasher films, but it does enough to keep a slasher fã like me entertained. The sequels… Maybe not so much

Rank 24: Wicked City
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 2/5
Total: 6/10
Well, what do you know, the only animated film on the entirety of Cultober and it didn’t even crack the topo, início twenty. Just barely missing out on it. That being said, this film has animation that is both disgusting but well animated enough to entertain, if you can get passed all the brutal rape scenes, which there are a lot, all on the same character. Oh boy, if there’s one thing I can’t handle, it’s rape. Murder who you want, but no rape please. That being said, it’s a typical story, but the insanity kept me interested. I don’t know if the same will be for you, but I liked it enough to keep going.

Rank 23: Cloverfield
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 6/10
Once again, another film that I was disappointed it. Thankfully, not on the scale of The Hills Have Eyes, but still enough to keep it from the topo, início spot. Cloverfield is a movie I don’t exactly like, I’m not the biggest fã of it, but I respect it. I like the monster, I like the insane theories it builds upon, and I like the idea of a found footage film. But everything else just kinda made me lose interest over time. It’s por no means a bad film, but I still consider it to be overrated. But maybe you’ll see something in it that I don’t, hopefully.

Rank 22: I Was a Teenage Werewolf
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 6/10
Man, time sure does fly. To think it was thirty days atrás that I started this marathon, and it was all thanks to this 1950s movie. That being said, it’s a pretty basic werewolf film. por no means a bad film, because I sure as hell enjoyed my time with it, but there certainly are better werewolf filmes out there. But if you want something with the right amount of 50s B movie cheese, then this is the film for you

Rank 21: Idle Hands
Scare: 1/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 6/10
Wow, what a fucking lame movie in the fear category. That being said, this movie is fucking amazing. It’s stupid, it’s really stupid, and I will always say that it is. But it manages to revel in its own stupidity and have fun with it, and damn it, so do I. Please, it’s got everything the 90s was good at. Slasher films, lame humor, The Offspring. Oh, it’s so dated but in a good way. I implore you, check out Idle Hands. I give this a Highly Recommended film. It’s not a topo, início ranker, but this gets the Corner of Horror foca, selo of Recommendation

Rank 20: Pumpkinhead
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 6/10
Well, this was certainly a surprise. I thought Pumpkinhead would’ve been a B movie mess, but it was actually a pretty decent film. Nothing groundbreaking, but I personally enjoyed what I watched. It’s creepy enough, got enough unique slasher movie kills, and Pumpkinhead has such an amazing design to him that I just want to keep coming back for more. To this film, not the god awful made for TV movies. That’s worse than direct to DVD.

Rank 19: Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
I thought Pumpkinhead would be lame, but I thought this movie would be a hot mess. And low and behold, it’s probably one of the better modern horror comedies I’ve seen. It’s a great parody of the slasher genre with all of it’s stupid tropes without feeling forced and it manages to make the characters of Tucker and Dale a rather enjoyable duo. I can see them being in mais movies, whenever the hell that dia comes

Rank 18: Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
From one dumb duo to another and probably one of the mais well known. por no means Abbott and Costello’s greatest work, it was certainly a nice surprise to see them go up against the classic Universal monsters of the past. It’s got the classic feeling of a 1930’s Universal horror film while having the enjoyable comedy of the two. What mais could you ask for?

Rank 17: Child’s Play
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Let’s be honest, Chucky was pretty much better as a comedy film anyway. Sure, his first moments were creepy, but it could only work for so long. And the creepy doll being a killer only became mais cliche from there. So it’s nice that Chucky was a far mais interesting character when he spoke. I used to hate it, but now I can appreciate it. If you are a fã of a mais humorous slasher film, you’ll probably have some fun with Child’s Play.

Rank 16: Scream
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 7/10
Ah, now this (Aside from cabine in the Woods) is the true slasher film parody. Made por Wes Craven, he makes yet another classic slasher villain with Ghostface, before he too got fucked por Hollywood in a spiral of bad sequel after bad sequel. But this is the original Ghostface, and the original Scream, a classic in the slasher genre that brought slasher films back into the mainstream after a long period of silence. And of course, leave it to Wes Craven, creator of the Nightmare on Elm rua franchise to strike gold once again with a new slasher villain.

Rank 15: Them!
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
I was honestly not expecting to enjoy Them! As much as I did, but low and behold, it’s actually a decently made film. Sure, it’s por no means the scariest film out there, unless you have a phobia of insects, then this film is nightmare inducing, but it’s the effects, the acting, the story, and suspense, all of this mixed together with the classic B movie feeling of classic cinema, it all molds well together to create this 50s classic, and a film I recommend to anyone. Another film for the Corner of Horror foca, selo of Recommendation.

Rank 14: Witchfinder General
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Okay, no, THIS is por no means a scary film. It’s really disturbing at times and may be hard to watch, but it’s far from a scary film. That being said, this film is amazing, just like Them. Yeah, get ready for a lot of Seals of Recommendations from here on out, people. Witchfinder General was such a horrifying film for it’s time and it’s a film that I recommend to anyone out there. If you have the stomach for it of course. Slap the Corner of Horror foca, selo of Recommendation on this film too

Rank 13: Tremors
Scare: 2/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 7/10
Oh man, what can be said about this film that hasn’t been said already. Nothing, so I’ll just copy down everything about this film. The characters, the monsters, the setting, and just the pacing, it all makes this film a classic and a film that deserved all of it’s sequels, which I have heard are actually pretty decent, for straight to video movies, of course. This is a must watch for anyone who is not just a fã of horror films, but for monster films in general. Another Corner of Horror foca, selo of Recommendation

Rank 12: Begotten
Scare: 5/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 8/10
Okay…. I don’t know what to make of this movie. This was the first and only film this entire mês that, didn’t scare me, but disturbed and sickened me. It was actually pretty hard to sit through. The vague story telling, the disturbing visuals. I think it was mais effective because it looks like it was recorded on a fucking potato. It’s an interesting film, but I don’t know if it’s a recommended film for everyone. I’ll give it this, it scared the hell out of me, so it must’ve done something right.

Rank 11: REC
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 8/10
This is the true found footage film of this month. Yes, mais so than Cloverfield. This is a colina I am fully prepared to die on. My clearly superior opinions aside, REC is such an interesting zombie not-zombie film for how it is portrayed, how it is built up, and the fact it all takes place in one building. It was able to get four sequels, and only one being noticeably bad, so clearly, it did something right with it’s plot. And all on a found footage film, which horror fãs normally hate. Good for you, REC

Rank 10: Bad Taste
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/10
Peter Jackson can clearly do no wrong… Except when it comes to The Hobbit, but shhhh. We’re talking about simpler times. Apparently $25,000 budget levels of simple, and this film looks better and is mais well shot than most big budget films today. It’s premise is silly, but fun, and it has the right amount of gore to where it’s disgusting, but not hard to stomach. It’s a film that any gorehound will enjoy or just a horror fã in general, and it gets my Corner of Horror foca, selo of Recommendation

Rank 9: Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 8/10
The first and so far, only Japanese horror film of Cultober, but goddamn, but a great way to start looking into foreign films from the Land of the Rising Sun. This is some Cronenberg level shit here, and all on a small budget using scraps from broken TVs no less, and it was horrifying and disturbing and awesome all at the same time. Just try to ignore all the phallic imagery in this film, okay? It’s Japan, what do you expect? Another film with the foca, selo of Recommendation

Rank 8: Jacob’s Ladder
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total 8/10
This is a film that is so good that I’m sad that it didn’t get any attention when it first came out .I’m happy that it’s getting some amor now, but man, this movie was so ahead of its time with the disturbing imagery, unique plot, and just an no geral, global unsettling feeling throughout the film, making your skin crawl as you tried to piece everything together. You just can’t find this kind of horror anymore, and I find that a little depressing. With that said, this gets the foca, selo of Recommendation too

Rank 7: Dia das bruxas 2018
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/10
Again, I am completely aware of the lack of a cult following this movie has. That being said, this film is amazing if you are a fã of the original Dia das bruxas film, like me. It’s got enough to satisfy fãs of the original film, fãs of slasher films in general, and will peak the interest of those newcomers who have never seen the original film, maybe inspiring a new age of Dia das bruxas fans. Sadly, I cannot give this film a foca, selo of Recommendation. It’s a lot mais effective if you saw the first Dia das bruxas first before you watch this one. But man, do I wish I could give it that seal.

Rank 6: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Scare: 3/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 8/5
The classic German Expressionism film and por far the oldest film on Cultober, it is a true classic. So classic that it was a silent horror film, so you really need to know how old this film is. The film is so vaguely told that it gives it a creepy vibe. It also helps with the world the characters interact in, finding themselves in this bizarre world with oddly shaped buildings and over exaggerated shadows. It’s an insane fantasia world that I honestly want to see mais of in film. I’ll happily give this film a foca, selo of Recommendation.

Rank 5: Dia das bruxas 1978
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
Now this is a film that I can happily give a foca, selo of Recommendation onto. Yeah, not even gonna discuss why I should. Just slapping that foca, selo on right away. You know the jist. You know how much of a classic for any marathon John Carpenter’s Dia das bruxas is. Michael Myers is a classic slasher villain, and Dia das bruxas is the perfect film to watch during the October season. Go watch Halloween. Right now. It should be on TV. It’s the natal Story of Halloween

Rank 4: 1984’s The Fly
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
I may not have found the movie to be too scary at the start, but boy did it pick up really damn fast. Even still, it’s not scary, but it’s an amazing film, watching the deteriorating sanity of the main character, and seeing the amazing effects that are to be expected in any Cronenberg film. This is a film that any horror fã should check out, at least once. But I doubt they can get enough from just one sitting. Another film to slap the foca, selo on. From here on out, just expect this foca, selo to be on everything.

Rank 3: Return of the Living Dead
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: This and the seguinte film were real damn close to getting a 10/10 ranking, but I decided that only one film should have that right, and Return of the Living Dead barely missed it. But man, what an amazing zombie film. It’s up there as one of the greatest in my opinion, and almost as good as the classic Romero films. If you are a fã of zombie films, all two of you, then this is a classic you must watch. An obvious foca, selo of Recommendation

Rank 2: Young Frankenstein
Scare: 4/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 9/10
This was the film that almost broke the Rank 1 spot. But I just like the Rank 1 film a little bit more. With that said, Young Frankenstein is the perfect horror comedy, probably the best horror comedy I’ve ever seen. Classic horror elements for fãs of the genre, a good sense of humor, Gene Wilder playing probably a better role than Willy Wonka, something I never thought I’d say. This is a must watch for fãs of the original Universal monster films and anyone who is looking for a good laugh. foca, selo of Recommendation, because of course

Rank 1: Monster Squad
Scare: 5/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 10/10
Is this film better than Young Frankenstein, Return of the Living Dead or The Fly? Probably not. In fact, it’s probably a goddamn fact that it isn’t even close. But this film captures the spirit of what horror fãs amor about the horror genre, and captures the entire idea of Cultober so well, as well as the Dia das bruxas season in general. Sure, there’s no pumpkins and such, but it’s still such an amazing cult classic and a must watch for any horror enthusiast. I can’t recommend this movie enough. Please, I beg anyone leitura this, watch Monster Squad. It’s amazing.

Well, that was certainly a fun month. It wasn’t perfect. We still had some garbage films in the pile, but I was perfectly satisfied with what we were able to watch. And as for a recap on what films you should check out, those would be
Idle Hands
Witchfinder General
Bad Taste
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Jacob’s Ladder
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Dia das bruxas 1978
1984’s The Fly
Return of the Living Dead
Young Frankenstein
Monster Squad
And with that, Cultober finally, for real this time, comes to a close. And will I do this again seguinte year? Heh heh heh. Maybe. And with that, I wish you all a Happy Dia das bruxas and a happy… I don’t know, Veterans Day? Take care.
Everyone, I have good news and bad news. Good news is that we are at the last of the Sonic.EXE series......... The bad news, is that this one is the worst of the bunch..... IT's Sally.EXE.... ugh.
So, it starts with this guy saying he never watches Sonic televisão shows, however his favorito character is Sally, a character who only appears in the television. Wow, not even ten segundos in and I hate this story already.
Also, I like to point out that this story takes notes from Sonic.EXE, in other words, its the same fucking thing as Sonic.EXE, just with Sally. It is literally the same fucking...
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King of Red Lions: We did it Link. We collected all eight pieces
Link: ABOUT TI- (Ahem) I mean, about time. So now what
King of Red Lions: Now we head back down to the sacred realm
Link: Now wait, before you do this, you should warn me when your going to go into- (Boat goes under water)

King of Red Lions: Anyway, you should check on Zelda
Link: Oh, right. How long has it been exactly
King of Red Lions: Um............. about a week
Link: ............... oh shit

Link: Tetra, are you still alive
Tetra: It's about time. I've been stuck in this goddamn place for weeks. I'm cold, hungry, and...
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Oh, Pokemon. It was one of the things I loved so much in my childhood other then Zelda. IT has its own games, toys, trading cards, TV shows, manga, and, in this case, fã fictions. This show had lost of fanfictions. Some good like No Antidote, the Pokemon Rebellion, and The Midsummer Knight's Dream. Then there was the bad ones like Pokemon Ultiment (Yes the spelling of Ultimate was messed up on purpose. That's how its spelled) Forever Mine, and Darkest Night........ Then..... There's The Pokemon Story.
This has to be, without a doubt, the worst fanfic I have ever read. Worse then Trixie's Funhouse....
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I'm just going to say it, I hate Saints Row: The Third. Now, there may be some people who know this game, unless you play Grand Theft Auto. Now, Saints Row used to be good. Saint Row 1 was a fun game, and then came Saint's Row 2 which was even better. But, then came this abomination, known only as Saint's Row: The Third. Why do I hate this crappy game. I'll give you ten reasons. (They will not go in order of how I hate them. They'll just be random)

10: Activities: In the Saints Row games, there are activities you can do to earn you respect and cash. In Saint's Row 2, we had lots of fun ones....
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The ano is 2013. Fresh off of the threat of the end of the world in 2012, the political climate is getting pretty hot, and Adam Sandler graced the world with Grown Ups 2. Truly a horrible time to be alive. But hey, at least we got Pacific Rim. That was a good movie. But worst of all, desenhos animados on TV were fucking lame. Nothing of interest was on, and it didn’t help that Adventure Time was on Season 6 and Gumball on Season 3, which were both just… ugh, a mess. Hell man, even Regular Show had it’s issues. But then comes a new challenger, Rebecca Sugar, with her own cartoon. A cartoon that...
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So remember back when I reviewed Fable II that I liked both of the first Fable games and how I am not a true L337 Gamer as a result? Well, this is the other of the two Fable games, Fable the first, or Fable: The lost Chapters, as I have never played the original Fable, or Anniversary for that matter.
Fable: The lost Chapters has a story as unoriginal as the sequel. A young boy’s village is burned down and he goes to train and become a hero in a world where people need heroes to do things. As he goes about these tasks, he later gets involved with a quest that involves immortal deities,...
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Back when I was going around to different movie rental places and libraries, I would always rent video games, and one of my most frequently rented games was the original Max Payne. I never played Max Payne 3 and only a few parts of Max Payne 2, so I don’t know what they are like, but after playing so much of the original Max Payne, I’m actually kind of curious to play those games.
Max Payne follows the character… Max Payne, a hard boiled New York detective with the most noir thing ever, dead family. As he investigates the new drug Valkyrie, he is framed for the murder of a fellow...
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You know, though I have been reviewing horror games for a while now, it’s been awhile since I reviewed a horror, or at least, a horror-themed rail shooter. The last one being a ano ago, and that was… Rock of the Dead. Kind of regretting my look on that game, to be honest. Which is weird, because there are a few good horror rail shooters out there. Hell, House of the Dead was made on that premise. That and bad voice acting. But hey, speaking of bad voice acting, Resident Evil is a pretty good horror game franchise. (What a shitty segway). So, when you put the two together, what do you get?...
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What about The Hunger Games?
Hey, it’s Sonic…….. (Cough, cough). Yeah, if I were to shout Sonic back in the 90s, I’m sure everyone would have cheered like crazy. Nowadays, Sonic is just a shell of it’s former self, being the talk of worst games ever or cringe worthy fã art. Blame it on the video game industry wanting to make a quick buck. Sonic has made so many terrible mistakes and lied so much, he might as well be a politician. Now, do I hate Sonic. No… well, not as much as most people. He had some good games back in his golden days, but those days are in the past now, and Sonic is making mais mistakes than...
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Three guards were watching over the tired up Maggie and Glenn.

"Your ganna pay for this!" Maggie cried angrily.

"Hahaha.. What. Am gonna get my throat slide or something!?" guard one cried, laughing st his own joke.

Suddenly appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the laughing guard from behind, and ironically slitting the guards throat with a large knife.

Before the segundo guard could react Rick body slammed the guard onto a mural and stabbed guard deep into to his hyoid area, killing him almost instantly.

The third guard reached for a faca and attempted to stab Rick from behind but suddenly an axe was...
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Narrator: Once, in the land of the Great Sea, there was a young, brave, and courageous boy named Link. He was a dumb little shit, and he was kind of an asshole, really, but, he went through many hardships, fought countless monsters, and was a total dick to everyone. He met a young female pirate named Tetra, who he tried to hit on a dozen times, because, like I said, he was a real asshole. However, Spoiler Alert, Link was able to find that tetra was actually the Princess Zelda. But, After this, she was kidnapped por the evil green skinned man, Ganondorf. So, Link used every ounce of his doucheness...
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Chuck: (Sits in chair)
TK: Hey, Chuck, guess what. I have your daughter and Stacey
Chuck: Ha, jokes on you, she's invisible
Katey: Dad, seriously, help us
Chuck: You'll never find her
Katey: Dad, please help us
Chuck: She will never fall for your tricks
Katey: .................. I'm invisible
Chuck: Oh my god, there in trouble. I gotta save them (Runs off)
(Later, in Arena)
Chuck: Now, where are the-
TK: (Tazzes him) Now how does that feel
TK: Hm (Tazzes him some more)
Chuck: (Wakes up, hanging from rope) Oh, man, all the blood is rushing to my head
Katey: Dad, help
Stacey: Please,...
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Today, I will be reviewing Sonic.EXE 2. Well, how is it. Well, lets just say segundo verse same as the first.... In other words, IT SUCKS.
So, it is about these two detectives, Derek and Chelsea who, oddly, are brother and sister. So, they are investigating this crime about this killer who rips open peoples mouth and carves a number into there chest. The only evidence is a busted computer with the Sonic.EXE game downloaded on it... and let me remind you, they were able to find this on a fucking broken computer.
Anyway, Chelsea starts atuação weird and Derek comes to the conclusion that Chelsea...
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Oh look, its Jeff the Killer. Jeff the Killer. Jeff the motherfucking Killer. Yeah, well fuc you you overrated prick. You suck.
Incase no one noticed, I fucking hate the Jeff the Killer story. I do. I really do. And why. Well, its a fucking disaster, that's why. It is poorly written, and there was no effort put into it at all. Lets start with that Jeff's brother gets arrested for defending himself. And the court instantly finds him guilty. What kind of fucking trial is that. The court system in Phoenix Wright are better then this fucking place.
Also, when Jeff gets set on fire, I'd like to point...
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???: get in the car Dex

Dex: *gets in car* this is what the hell you do!

???: yep *starts driving*

Dex: I almost got killed 3 times!


Both: holy shi*!

Dex: make that 4 times!

???: hold on!


Dex: why the hell did you bring me along!?

???: you figured out!

Dex: that does not mean that you have to bring me with you!

???: in the filmes people usually want to tag

Dex: why would you think I would want to tag along on a dangerous mission!?

???: I thought it would be a quick diplomat thing!

Dex: there are 10 guys chasing after us in sport cars!

Court Lobby

Swift: Dear lord, that was too close
Lilly: Don't worry. It could have been worse
Swift: Worse?! I don't have much evidence and were bringing in a witness who saw you commit the crime. If I can't get any actual proof, were going to lose this case
Lilly: Don't worry. I know you can do it
Swift: !! W-what
Lilly: Here, I have this
Swift: What's this? A letter... I would like to see you tonight. I only want you to help me bring back the good old days. Please don't refuse. Come to my house at 10:00 on April 1st. Come alone. Signed... MARIAH
Lilly: Yeah, I was a little surprised too
Swift: Why...
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Steel Ball Run is said por many to be the greatest Jojo part in all of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series. And I agree. It is definitely my most favorito part. It has some of the best story-telling of any of the parts, some great interactions between Johnny and Gyro, one of the most understandable villains in the entire series, some of the best Jojo side characters, and, of course, the topic of today’s article, some of the best Stands in the series. Are they all good, sadly no, but thankfully, the good definitely outweighs the bad when it comes to Stands of the Steel Ball Run universe....
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Hello, everyone, and today on this artigo of Jojo-nuary, we will be ranking my own list of all of the Jojo’s. All eight of them. Now, before I start this off, I want to say right now that I enjoy all of the Jojo’s. Even the bad ones that you probably don’t like. They are all great in their own ways and they are all as wonderful as the last. So, today, I am going to rank the eight Jojo’s from my least favorito to my most favorite. Some of them may be different. Some of you may have a different Jojo that you see as your favorite, or maybe you may not like a Jojo as much as I do. Just...
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Hello, everyone. Now, Dia das bruxas is only a few days away…. Like, ten weeks away… Well, I want to get an early start, so, for all of you, I am going to make ten different topo, início tens for the seguinte following Saturdays. And what better way than to start with the topo, início ten demons. Now, demons are the little red creatures that you find lurking the in the depths of hell, or in some part of the media. Now, first some rules. Only one demon per franchise, and only from what I have seen, or played. Also, I am including ANYTHING! Be it movies, games, TV shows, whatever. It’s so that way, I can make these...
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