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Video game logic….. What even. We all know that video game logic is it’s own little piece of information that makes little to no (And mostly no) sense. However, we all usually ignore these kinds of things, and mover on with the game…. And then there are those moments. You know. Those moments where you just have to pergunta what was going on the the developers heads when they thought that this was an okay thing for their game. Now, for these to be on the list, these have to be from games that I have played, and only one game per franchise. Also, things that I find questionable may be different from things that you find questionable, so don’t be upset if a moment that you found questionable isn’t on the list. So, with all that said, let us start the list.

#10: The jantar Dance from Infinite Undiscovery

Now, for all the hate Infinite Undiscovery gets, I found it to be a pretty fun game. A bit repetitive at times, not to mention the F***ING TIMBERLANDS! But it was still a fun game… And then we get to THIS moment. Right after you cut the seguinte Chain and save the village, you are rewarded with dinner. Now, a normal person would be thankful for this, but not Capelle. How does he behave to getting dinner. por dancing like a madman who just got released from his straightjacket. And if that wasn’t weird enough, he also dances with two little kids… Why is he dancing with children at the sound of dinner, I don’t know. It’s just…. THERE! And all I can say is… Why? Why is it there? JUST WHY, SQUARE ENIX!? WHY!?

#9: Naked Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

When this game came out, NOBODY was asking for Raiden. Everyone saw him as a whiny, bratty pretty boy who was mais interested in his amor life problems rather than saving the president. But, oh, that was only the tip of what he had to offer us. Right after Raiden is kidnapped and placed on the Arsenal Gear, Raiden will wake up, strapped to a table, and he is also… naked…. Well okay, um- WHHHHHHY!!! Why would Hideo Kojima think that we needed to see a naked Raiden running around, cartwheeling enemies until they are knocked unconscious, while hever covers himself up… Who thought this was okay. I guess this is to get away from the seriousness and add some humor, but whenever Snake got kidnapped, he only lost his shirt. He didn’t lose everything attached to him that wasn’t his skin. Why does Raiden get the fã service treatment?

#8: Curly’s Underwear from Cave Story

Cave Story is a fun game. A very messed up one at that, but fun. After the fight with Curly, a female robot, if you have the map from Mimiga Village, you can go to the end of the map after fighting Curly to find a secret room. Just press the Look button and you will get… Curly’s underwear… Uuuuuuuuuhhh….. Okay. This is just weird on so many levels. First off, you're taking a girl’s underwear…. Actually, no, that’s the only reason, but it’s enough to point out how weird this is. And the craziest part is that the game points out that her underwear has no purpose. So, in other words, you’re playing as a guy who just goes around and carries girls underwear around with him….. That is both messed up and sad at the same time.

#7: Baby Ghost from Luigi’s Mansion

Luigi’s Mansion was amazing. But you know what’s creepy. The third boss in the game, Chauncey the Spoiled Baby. This infant is only one ano old, known for throwing tantrum and not being too fond of adults. Now, I could comment how it’s questionable that Luigi is beating up an infant, which is screwed up in it’s own way, but think about it. This baby is a ghost. And how do you become a ghost. Well you gotta die. And this is a baby, so in other words, you're fighting a dead baby…. JESUS, NINTENDO! And I thought Mario was supposed to be a family friendly game, but after seeing this……. Goodness

#6: Flea from Chrono Trigger

No, not his attacks, not his speech, not his appearance. Just Flea in general. Flea is a powerful dark mage who is one of the strongest minions of Magus. Flea is able to use other monsters to trick others in order to attack them. So, naturally, you’d expect someone intimidating… And then you realize that Flea is a genderless wizard…. Uuuuuuh- Anyway, I was not expecting to Flea to lack a gender. In fact, he’s so genderly confused, that even he doesn’t know his own gender. Is he just not told what genitalia is, or is he like a Ken doll, with just a stump, because honestly, that’s a scary thought.

#5: Cubone Pokedex Entry from Pokemon

I know that Pokemon is filled with a bunch of messed up Pokedex Entries, like Phantump being a the ghost of a child, or Spoink dying if he stops bouncing. But Cubone has not only the most messed up, but the most tragic. His Pokedex Entry states that the skull that Cubone wears is the skull of his dead mother, which he wears as a reminder of her. So, yeah, we have Pokemon wearing the skull of his mother. I mean what the hell Game Freak. What kind of screwed up ideas were going through your head when you thought Pokemon wearing their mother’s skulls as an accessory was an okay thing in a children’s game. I mean Dear God. And you thought Batman’s past was rough.

#4: Police Brutality from Earthbound

Earthbound is a really fun game, let me tell you. It’s no Chrono Trigger, but I still have fun picking it up and playing it on my SNES… And then all the fun is lost and replaced with disturbed when this one part comes on. After seeing a cult, I thought I saw everything that Earthbound had to offer. Than this scene came up. Once you are called into the Onett Police Station por Captain Strong, he then leads you into a room, where Ness is then beaten up por four police officers. You then have to fight the four police officers and Captain Strong one at a time. I know that this game is supposed to talk about the problems in society, but Jesus, this is a bit much, don’t you think. Police brutality aside, this is assault on a minor. I mead dear lord.

#3: Withered Deku from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Yeah, we all know that Majora’s Mask is a depressing game. Everyone is going to die, there are dead people everywhere, and some kid with a mask is a complete prick. But, what is easily the most questionable thing to have ever occurred was literally in the first segundos of the game. Once you are trying out the new Deku form, you come across a withered and dead Deku Sprout. However, once you reach the Deku Palace and race with the Deku Butler, he will apologize for going so fast, as it reminded him of when he used to race with his son, who went missing. And, later, at the game's credits, you see the Deku Butler crying seguinte to the dead Deku Sprout… This is one of the darkest things I have seen in my life, and I’ve played Outlast, and that was dark… And I mean literally, I couldn’t see a damn thing. I mean, after Luigi’s Mansion, I was kinda used to child death, but Majora’s Mask flat out says a child was killed. Man, nintendo sometimes doesn’t give a f*** if their family friendly or not

#2: Elise and Sonic kiss from Sonic 06


#1: Ending from Drakengard

Oh my god, if my mind has been bent over a mesa, tabela and f***ed. Is this really questionable. It’s mais of a great big what the hell. That is all this is. So…. Spoilers, I guess. So, your character's goal in the game is to go and kill the dragon that killed his family, I think. I don’t know. So, after getting 100% completion and doing all the work you can, what do you get? Well, first off, you finally kill the dragon you have been hunting for this entire game with your own friendly dragon. But once you do, you get to meet the game's real enemies. What is it? Giant floating demonic bebês from the sky…… Why? Also, why am I talking about bebês a lot on this list? Anyway, after that, you then meet Mother, leader of the evil demon babies, who throws you into a portal, taking you to, and I am not kidding her, modern dia Japan, on topo, início of Tokyo Tower…. This is not a joke. After you defeat Mother, you are then attacked por the Japanese air force, who then shoot you, making the dragon fall and impale both you and the dragon on the tower, killing you both. And yes, this is what you get with 100% completion of the game. You get attacked por giant babies, you fight an even bigger baby in Tokyo, and all that you get is impaled. And the worst part is that this is the canon ending. This is the ending that continues the story into the game Nier… If it wasn’t so messed up, this would be one of the worst endings of all time. This ending just raises so many questions. Why is the main villain a giant baby? Why were they never mentioned? Why can they travel through time? Why is the baby fought on topo, início of Tokyo Tower? Why do you get impaled for saving the world? Why is this ending cannon? WHY EVERYTHING? With all those questions, this easily makes the most questionable moment in a video game.

So, there you have it. Did you enjoy the list? Tell me what you thought of it. With that said, I will see you all seguinte time.
added by windwakerguy430
added by windwakerguy430
added by windwakerguy430
added by windwakerguy430
added by windwakerguy430
Now, here is a story I was thinking was going to really suck, but, it turned out to be an okay sort of creepypasta. That story is known as ANTRAN.
It starts with this guy throwing away some...tables? Um, okay.... But, when he gets to the dump, he finds this weird android that has words on the back that says ANTRAN. So, he takes him início and shows his son. So, while they are looking at his inside parts, ANTRAN comes to life and he starts interacting with them. Soon, he becomes a family member.
So, after a few months past, they are playing, but suddenly, the man's son gets a bruise on his arm caused...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Oh look, it's Jade.
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by windwakerguy430
added by windwakerguy430
added by Canada24
added by Canada24