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posted by windwakerguy430
Episode 2: The Mask Man

January 16th 12:39 PM Sparklin’s Jewelry Shop

The jewel comprar was closed at night, as most of the shops in Londres were. It was a calm night. The security guard, Anderson, was walking around the building. He was given night watch duty. Something that never bothered him until the murder case back a week ago. He was worried that some psychotic killer would come and drain him of his blood. He made sure to carry a fully loaded revolver with him unlike many other times. As he walked around the shop, he felt a calm breeze blow through the shop. Anderson looked up, and saw a window was open. Anderson then began to feel himself sweat. He looked around for something odd, but before he knew it, he was struck over the head and he fell unconscious. Once he fell to the ground, the attacker walked across the shop. He wore a simple suit and topo, início hat, but what stood out was his scary iron mask. The masked man walked toward a large ruby in a glass case. It was so shiny that he could see his reflection in it. The thief then broke the case open and roubou the ruby, and with that, he left the comprar the same way he came in.

January 16th 8:34 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith was still talking about the many things he did during the Stolen Amber Case to Eclaire, as she wrote down each word in her notebook. Eclaire seemed to be very interested in his work, as she wrote with a smile of inspiration. Smith found it pleasing. However, Smith could still not get over the fact that a simple novel writer from France could own a Book of Paranorm. He knew that not just anyone could get a book like that. However, Smith was still glad to help Eclaire. As he spoke about the aftermath of the case, Joseph walked in and said, “Um, Detective Smith, there seems to be a problem”.
Smith, now with a concerned look on his face, said, “What is it”?
Joseph said, “There was a robbery at Sparklin’s Jewelry Shop”.

January 16th 8:52 AM Sparklin’s Jewelry Shop

Smith and Joseph walked to the crime scene, with Eclaire following to see if this would help with her novel. Smith, Joseph, and Eclaire walked into the jewelry comprar when all of a sudden, a voice said, “HEY, YOU CAN’T JUST cruz THE YELLOW TAPE LIKE THAT”!!!
They all covered their ears as they heard a familiar loud voice. Soon, they were met with the same. Howard then came to them and said, “Oh, sorry, Smith. Guess I really need to pay close attention”.
“You think” thought Smith, but he said, “Anyway, what happened”?
Howard said, “Well, from what we got here, it seems that a robbery occurred. We have no idea how the thief got in, but he was able to knock the guard clean out. Luckily, he survived, but the rare ruby was stolen and we only have a broken case. There is no fingerprints, so, we can only believe the thief wore gloves”.
Smith said, “Well, I’ll be sure to get to work on this thing right away”.
Suddenly, Howard looked worried and said, “Well, Smith, that’s just it. You see, we already have another detective working on the case”.
Smith, concerned, said, “And who might that be”?
Suddenly, a voice said, “Oh, who else, Detective Triff”.
Smith knew instantly who it was, and he really wished it wasn’t him. Suddenly, a man in a gray suit with a red tie wearing a crooked topo, início heat, wearing a monocle on his left eye said, “Well well well. I never would have expected to see such a trifle at a crime scene. Wouldn’t you agree Detective Triff”?
Detective Smith said, “What are you doing here, Thomas”.
Thomas said, “I, Thomas Acetone, am here to show a pathetic dimwitted detective like you how to solve a crime”.
Smith said, “I’f I’m so dimwitted, how come the police asked me to solve a robbery and murder crime and I solved it under three days”? With that, Smith smiled
Thomas thought for a moment and said, “That’s beside the point. I am going to show you that I am the greatest detective in London, and you are just simple idiot. I should get to work now. So long, Detective Triff” and he walked out with his head held up high.
Howard then said quietly, “Damn, that guy gets under my skin. Smith, I know you’re the right detective for this job. I only handed him the evidence. Here is the location of the victim, who, thankfully, is alive” and he handed Smith a card with an address on it.
Smith said, “”Thank you so much, Howard” and he walked out with Joseph and Eclaire following.

January 16th 9:13 AM segundo Chance Hospital

Detective Smith was making his way to speak to the victim himself, who was still in the hospital, to see if he had any serious injuries. Smith was walking down the hall when Eclaire said, “So, Detective Smith, who was the man that called you Triff”?
Smith answered, “That was Thomas Acetone. He calls himself the Ace Detective. He has been able to solve dozens of cases. But, ever since I solved the White luva Case, he saw me as a threat to his reputation and has always been doing his best to prove himself better than me”.
Joseph thought for a moment and said, “Smith, what is the White luva Case”.
Suddenly, memories of that dreadful case flew back into Smith’s head quickly. The terrible events that occurred to him still haunt him to this day. Smith then said, “Its best that I don’t speak about it”.
Joseph remained quiet.
They continued walking down the hall in silence. Finally, they came to the victims room. There, they saw Anderson, who was lying in cama with a pair of bandages across his head. Anderson looked over at Smith and said, “Oh, hello… may I help you”.
Smith said, “Yes. I believe you were the victim of a robbery at Sparkiln’s Jewelry Shop, correct”?
Anderson thought for moment, as his memory was a little dazed and said, “Ah yes. I remember. I was supposed to take up the night shift, watching the comprar at night. But, all of a sudden, I was hit por a man”.
Smith thought for a moment and said, “Did you get a good look at the man”.
Anderson said, “Well, I didn’t get a good look at him… but one thing greatly stood out….. He wore an iron mask over his head. The mask was just a iron circle. All I could see were two eye slots for him to see out of. Other then that, the mask had no mouth, no nose, no nothing. Just a pale grey iron color with two holes. Quite scary if you were in my shoes. After that, he hit me in the head and I blacked out”.
Smith then said, “I see… Any idea who would have stolen the ruby”.
Anderson said, “Not that I know of. But, maybe the dia guard might have seen someone”.
Smith said, “The dia guard? Any idea who he might be”?
Anderson said, “Yep, he’s the oldest guard there. He may be a little crazy, but he always does a great job. Maybe its because of his pet, Sally”.
Smith said, “I see. I suppose he is working right now”.
Anderson said, “Oh, yeah. Always working the dia shift”.
Smith said, “Well, thank you, Anderson. We will be going now”.
Anderson said, “No problem”.

January 16th 9:38 AM Sparklin’s Jewelry Shop

Smith, still being followed por Joseph and Eclaire, had walked into the shop, when they saw an old man sitting in a chair. Smith walked up to the old man and said, “Excuse me, sir”.
No answer. Smith said, “Sir, may I please speak with you”?
Still no answer. Smith said a little louder, “Sir, may I please have a moment of-”.
Suddenly, a abutre appeared above the man and started pecking at Smith. Smith jumped and kept brushing the abutre who began to peck violently. Suddenly, the old man woke up. He saw the abutre attacking Smith and said, “Now, Sally, calm down, girl”.
The abutre then calmed down and rested itself on the old man’s shaky shoulders. Smith said, “Excuse me sir, but may I have your name”.
The old man said, “Sure thing. It’s Benny Scaviange. Sorry about Sally, she gets angry when someone wakes her up”.
“Why in gods name do you even have that flying parasite anyway” Thought Smith, while he said to Benny, “Did you notice anyone who came in here yesterday looking at the ruby that was stolen”.
Benny coughed a little before saying, “....No”.
Smith then said, “What… No one looked at the ruby”?
Benny replied, “Yeah, odd, ain’t it. Even I would give it at least one look. No one even acknowledged it. Then again, it was stolen last night, so I guess that means something, right”?
Smith sighed and said, “Well thank you anyway”.
Suddenly, Benny said, “But, I did find this”. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small scrap of paper. Eclaire said, “What is it”?
Smith looked at it and said, “It’s a receipt”.
Benny said, Yeah, I found it near the broken glass case”.
Smith then thought, “This could be evidence”. Smith then said, “Mr. Scaviange. Do you mind if I take this receipt”?
Benny said, “Oh, not at all. Here you are”. He handed the receipt to Smith and Smith said, “Well, thank you sir. I guess we will be-”.
Suddenly, a voice said, “Leaving so soon”.
Smith then thought, “Oh no. Not him again”.
Thomas then walked in front of Smith to show himself. He said, “What are you doing back here, Detective Triff”?
Joseph, a little angry, said, “What’s it to you”?
Thomas said, “My, and who are these two following you”.
Joseph said, “I’m Joseph Miller”.
Thomas said, “Ah, well, pleasure to see you Blow-seph”. He snickered to himself.
HE then turned to Eclaire and said, “And who may this young women be”.
Eclaire, hoping he wouldn’t talk to her, said, “I’m Eclaire Brown”.
Thomas then took her hand and said, “Well, pleasure to meet you, Miss Brown”. He then kissed her hand. Eclaire felt like she was going to be ill.
Thomas then said, “Now, Triff, what are you doing here”?
Smith, a quick thinker, said, “I came to buy a present for Mr. Osborne. She does amor jewelry”.
Thomas said, “Oh, your mother. What a caring son”. His expression quickly changed to annoyance, “How dumb do you think I am”?
Smith thought to himself, “You really want me to answer that question”?
Thomas said, “Os-Bore’s been dead for five years. No doubt because of Anthony White, am I correct”.
Smit then looked at the ground and said, “I thought I told you never to speak of that incident”.
Thomas said, “Oh, well, my apologies you weren’t able to save your mentor”.
Smith was about ready to soco him very hard, but he knew that it wouldn’t do any good, so he calmed down.
Thomas said, “Well, I suggest you get going. This is a crime scene after all. And, if I’m correct, I am involved in this case. Not you. I suggest you get going, Detective Triff. Like I said, this case is mine, not yours. Ta ta”. And he walked off.
Eclaire looked at Smith’s face, filled with depression, and said, “Detective Smith… are you okay”?
Smith raised his head and said, “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking. Come on, we need to get going” and they walked out

January 16th 9:52 Magic Merlin’s Masks

After leitura the receipt, it showed that a costume was bought at a store named Magic Merlin’s Masks. What stood out as evidence was that it said an Iron Mask was bought from the store. With that, Smith, Joseph, and Eclaire headed to the shop. Once there, they saw a large building that was shaped like a giant topo, início hat. Inside, laid rows and rows of masks in a room that was duly light due to there being no light bulbs and no windows. The only thing lighting the comprar were glass stars from the ceiling filled with light bugs. Suddenly, a man dressed as a magician who had the left side of his face hidden por a white mask appeared and said in a slow voice, “Welcome, to Magic Merlin’s Mask shop. I am Magic Merlin. How may I help you”?
Smith said, “Excuse me, Mr. Merlin, but-”.
Merlin then said, “No no no. It is MAGIC Merlin. I wish to be called por my true name”.
Smith rolled his eyes and said, “Anyway, Magic Merlin, we believe that someone came por and bought an Iron Mask from this shop, correct”.
Merlin thought for a moment and said, “Oh, please, I can’t be expected to remember every customer that walks through those doors”.
Smith thought, “Hmm…. what should I do”?
Suddenly, Smith got the answer. He took out the receipt and showed it to Merlin and said, “I believe this may help. This receipt said that someone came in here to buy an Iron Mask, and it says the receipt was sold yesterday”.
Merlin looked at it and said, “Well… I think I remember… It’s quite hard to, though. All I remember was that he wore a crooked topo, início hat”.
Smith then heard what he needed to hear. “A crooked topo, início hat, huh” Smith said.
Merlin replied, “Yes. It was the thing that stood out the most”.
Smith thought to himself, “Then… The only one who could have stolen it was…..”.
Smith then said, “Thank you, Merlin”.
“MAGIC Merlin”. Said Merlin, annoyed.
Smith, also annoyed himself, said, “Yes, Magic Merlin. Thank you. We shall be leaving now” and they walked out.

January 16th 10:09 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith was looking thinking of anyone else in Londres who wore a crooked hat other than the man he was thinking of. Joseph said, “Smith, do you think that maybe he could have done it”.
Eclaire said, “Joseph makes a point. We don’t know anyone else in Londres who has a crooked hat”.
Smith said, “It’s best not to make false accusations, which is why I am trying to think of anyone else who could have done it”.
Suddenly, the phone rang. Smith walked over to pick it up. He took hold of the phone and said, “Hello”?
Suddenly, a familiar voice said, “Hello, Detective Triff. Glad to hear your still in your office where you should be”.
Smith, mais annoyed now, said, “What did you call me for, Thomas”?
Thomas said, “Well, you see, I have found the best way to find this robber and prove that I am the best detective of them all, and you are just some runt who had luck on your side throughout your cases. You see, I have caused a large spectrum of people to come to see a rare diamond that was just put on display today in the Londres Ancient Jewel Exhibit. Many people have already seen it, and I am sure one of them is the thief. So, once night falls, he will strike. Once he does, I will stop him and take my place as London’s greatest detective. However, I need a witness, even one as pathetic as yourself, Detective Triff. Why don’t you come and be the witness to my success”?
Smith really didn’t want to be near Thomas no matter what. However, if he could prove that Thomas was not the thief, perhaps he could figure out just who this man is. Smith then said, “Very well”. This shocked Joseph and Eclaire greatly.
Thomas said, “Ah, glad to hear. Perhaps you’re not as big of a dunce as I thought you were, Detective Triff. However, maybe not the biggest dunce, you are still, indeed, a dunce. Anyway, I shall see you tonight, Detective Triff” and he hung up.

January 16th 11:55 PM Londres Ancient Jewel Exhibit

Smith was standing near the large jewel, still listening to Thomas’s non-stop rambling of how he was better than Smith.
“And, once I become the greatest detective in London, I may just try the greatest detective in the world. I can see myself just solving any crime in existence, as well as any mystery. How does that sound, Detective Triff? Quite a fulfilling life, I must say”. Smith was not even listening.
Smith was far too busy keeping his eyes open to see the thief, as he could come anywhere. Suddenly, something odd happened that Smith never thought would. Thomas had stopped speaking. Suddenly, Thomas fell over, unconscious. Smith then turned to see a man in a black suit and topo, início hat, but worse a grey iron mask. No doubt, the Mask Man. He was holding a black club in his hand. He swung, only to have Smith dodge it before it made impact with his head. Smith then dodged the segundo one, making sure to grab the Mask Man’s arm. He then swung him around and onto the floor. The Mask Man didn’t even grunt as he hit the ground. He just got back up and began to fight again. The Mask Man swung again, but Smith dodged again. This time, Smith was able to knock the club out of his and as he swung him down again. Amith then grabbed the Mask Man’s arm and held it over his back.
The Mask Man said in a creepy accent, “You did well to stop me. I am impressed”.
Smith said, angrily, “Who are you”?
The Mask Man laughed for a moment and said, “I have no name. I am just a simple minded criminal. Hell, I’m not even human”.
Smith, a little surprised por that word, said, “What do you mean”?
Suddenly, the Mask Man disappeared and Smith was left grasping the air in front of him. Suddenly, he looked up to see the Mask Man right in front of him. The Mask Man said, “I know who you are, Montgomery Smith. There’s mais to your past then you no. There is no need to hide it anymore”.
The Mask Man then handed Smith a picture of a silhouette of a man who was hard to see, due to the lack of light. However, what stood out was his pure white gloves on each hand, as they were lying on a table. Smith looked at this and said, “Is this….. Him”?
The Mask Man said, “Yes, and he is indeed still alive. He says he would want to speak to you on the encontro, data on the back. He said it is the only way to speak to him, as that’s when the time is right”.
Smith turned the picture around to reveal a date. December 28th 10:30 AM. Smith then said, “Why are you telling me this”?
The Mask Man said, “Every man deserves the right to hear the truth. Why should you be denied that right”.
Smith then said, “You do still know I have to discover the truth of who you are. You are a thief, and I can’t have someone like that running around free”.
The Mask Man laughed and said, “I understand… And I’ll be waiting. You may catch me. Another time, another place, maybe. But, today, at this moment, is not the time”.
The Mask Man then disappeared again out of thin air. Suddenly, Thomas got back up and walked over to Smith and said, “Damn it, Triff, where did you go. Where is the thief”?
Smith said, “He got away”.
Thomas the sighed in annoyance and said, “Leave it to you to screw up my plans, Detective Triff. I had the thief right in the palm of my hands, then you scared him off. I’ll have to continue this case later. Don’t think your going to be involved seguinte time, Smith”.
Thomas then walked out of the exhibit, leaving Smith deep in his thought of what he was told por the Mask Man. He knew the Mask Man would strike again, but at the same time, he knew that the Mask Man was a helpful person. And Smith knew that there was mais to his past then he thought, and the Mask Man knows all about it.

Episode 2: The Mask Man
The End
posted by windwakerguy430
(Over the town of Sangria, a lighting bolts crashes through a building) (A large human-like creature emerges from the lightning bolt and begins to run through the city)
Alarm: Attention all civilians. A large monster is attacking the city. Evacuate immediately
(Crowds of people run away from the giant monster)
Police Chief: This is the City of Sangria Police Chief. Can any heroes hear me. We need help
(The radio is answered)
Crimson Salvation: Don’t worry, I’ve got this
Police Chief: C-Crimson Salvation? Is that you
Crimson Salvation: That’s right. I’ll take care of this problem
Police Chief:...
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(Please be advised that there's some mais mature humor in this, thanks in advance!)

Shadow the Hedgehog. A huge gaming ícone and certainly one of the most popular anti-heroes of all time. He's made many appearances throughout the Sonic series, and will always be loved in the hearts of many.

....Which brings me to the conclusion that he is EVIL! Yeah, a hedgehog named Shadow is evil, WHO WOULD'VE FUCKING GUESSED IT!?

So without further ado, I'm your host Ethan Bradberry and let's get RIGHT into the fucking news.

1. His name is Shadow for God's sake. And we're original. Trust me. ;)

2. It doesn't matter...
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 Art por SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
Wow, a horror animê review. It only took a while, with the last one being Parasyte. I know it’s been awhile since my review on a horror anime, which I will try to do a lot mais of if I have the time. Because having to watch episode after episode is a bit of a challenge. So, today, we’ll be watching a special horror anime. One that I amor oh so much. And it doesn’t even have creative disturbing monsters, which you know will instantly interesat me. Instead, we got an animê about human. But I assure you, people can be just as much of monsters as any creature. And this animê just so happens...
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I always enjoyed the horror genre. Sure, I may amor those family friendly nintendo games, and all of those bright as cores in it. But, whenever I get the feeling, I just want to play a game that’s grim, dark, and terrifying. And thankfully, there is no short supply of terrifying video games. There are so many, like Dead Space, now turned into a non-survival horror game in the 3rd game thanks to EA’s co-op decision, Fatal Frame, which is now being highly censored due to angry mobs of femi-nazis, and Five Nights at Freddy’s…….. And that’s all I gotta say. But if there are two wonderful...
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Wind: Sheesh, you’d think they could handle a couple cachorros (Walks to the door)
Wesker: No! You don’t want to go back out there
Wind: …. Why? This mansion is probably filled with god knows what, and you’re scared of a couple of dogs? Fuck it, whatever. What do we do now?
Barry: We should dividido, dividir up and look around
Wind: Oh, yeah. That’s a great idea

Barry: Hey, look at this? It’s blood. I hope it’s not Chris’s blood
Wind: I have absolutely no idea who that is.

Wind: (Walks down a hallway, and meets a zombie)
Zombie: (Eats Kenneth, before getting up and looking at Wind)
Wind: ……. Well...
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Actually, it has been historically proven that this is a fact. In the Midget/Elf wars of 991 BC, Midgets used their superior vision to lead night time archer attacks and take out hoardes of elves each night. Unfortunately, these tactics led to the extinction of the Elves and that is the reason midgets are the only tiny humanoids alive today. Private contractors for the U.S. military are now trying to deploy Midgets into combat today to increase accuracy on late night bombing runs and ground assaults. They are also trying to develop Midget sized planes that would be undetectable por radar....
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Boy, do I amor video games. I still have a ton I want to play, but until I do, I just want to list the ones that I myself have played. No, rules as usual. Only one game per franchise, and only ones that I have played. And, after I buy a million mais games, I may make another list in the future. I don’t know, we’ll see. Well, with all that said, let us start this long, yet short list

#100: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

A very fun and kinda hard game. The controls may be a lot different from how they are today, but after you get used to it, the game is still really fun. And it is a real blast...
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#10: início SWEET PINEAPPLE:
Cheers for SpongeBob moving away along with Gary, paying no attention to Patrick's sadness. But this is understandable, he always hated Spongebob.. But the pineapple início grows back to normal and squashes Squidward..

When SpongeBob and Patrick believe they have killed Squidward and that he is now a ghost, he takes advantage of this por making them his slaves..

Squidward steals What Zit Tooya's wallet and ran a red light in front of a police officer and gets arrested and was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

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When SpongeBob didn't give him a present for Valentine's dia (He did but the present didn't come at first) Patrick was upset when he thought Spongebob lied to him. But eventually Patrick went insane over this; nearly destroying the amusement park and threatening the citizens. This is also widely considered to be Patrick's straightest villain role (alongside Rule of Dumb).

When Spongebob pretends to be dumb to make Patrick look smarter in front of his parents, Patrick takes it too far and begins treating Spongebob like he really is dumb. Not only that, but...
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Well, we’re finally at the topo, início ten. We’ve come quite a long way, haven’t we. But now, it is time to talk about the shows that impressed me beyond all expectations. So, here we go

#10: Elfen Lied

Now, if there is anything a horror animê must do best, it’s keep suspense and also scare the viewer throughout the entire show. Elfen Lied does just that. The show is about two cousins, Kouta and Yuka, who find a girl on the de praia, praia named Nyu. However, what they are not aware of is that this girl is actually named Lucy, and she is actually a Diclonius, which are a race of humans with psychic...
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 Islet of Steel
Islet of Steel

#10: Islet of Steel - Now, this is a very strange choice, since this...
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Now, video game have a LOT of weapons in them. Some of them are overpowered, some of them are funny, and some are really cool… And then there are THOSE weapons. You know, the ones that make you want to avoid them as much as possible. Yeah, THOSE weapons. Now, before I start this, some rules. One, these are only weapons from games that I have played, and only one per franchise. Also, these are not based off design. They are based off the weapons damage and how effective it is. Also, no powerups. So, nothing from Super Mario Bros, Kirby, Sonic, or any platformer. Oh, and the Klobb from Goldeneye...
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Now, I amor Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It’s one of my favorito games of all time. And, I REALLY amor the rare items. Probably because they are based off other nintendo Games. So, today, I am going to talk about my favorito items from the game. Why… because no one else has done it and I want to do it before it’s too late. Now, lets start

 fogo Bar
Fire Bar

#10: fogo Bar - Now, this is the fogo Bar from Super Mario Bros… Even though everyone just called it that thing that spins around fogo balls. This is a cool item because it is ALWAYS spinning. Not to mention that it also plays the NES theme...
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Now, I already talked about the dungeons in Zelda that I amor so much… Sadly though, not all dungeons are fun. Now, all these dungeons are either tedious, boring, or were just plain awful. Now, remember, these are the dungeons I hate. If there is a dungeon that you didn’t want to see on here, then I either like it, or it didn’t make the cut. Now, with that said, lets start the list

 Savage Labyrinth
Savage Labyrinth

#10: Savage Labyrinth from Wind Waker - Now, this a dungeons that goes on FAR too long. You have to fight enemy after enemy after enemy. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you actually have...
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#10: Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie - Now, this has to be one of the mais nostalgic characters on this list. Kazooie is Banjo’s sidekick who is always making fun of every character you meet. And, hell, she’ll even break the 4th mural mais times...
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Hello Everyone, and, today, I want to compare the two biggest stars in gaming. That would be, Mr. Video Game, Mario “Jumpman” Mario and The Blue Dude with and Attitude, Sonic the Hedgehog. Now, these two have been fighting since the 90’s, even when Sega moved to nintendo consoles, they still find a way to challenge each other, even if it is in Olympic sports. So, now, I want to compare what one does better than the other. Lets Start with The 5 Things Mario Does Better than Sonic

#5: Mario Was The Original Platformer - Now, when the NES came out, one of the first games to grace it was Super...
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................................ Okay................... What the hell is this............ I think that something like this, finally got to me............. Why............ Because, unlike most things I reviewed is actually 100% true.
Now, this thing, is known as Hot Skitty on Wailord Action..... What's so hot about it. Now, Skitty is a very small Pokemon, where as Wailord is a very large Pokemon. Now, the reason this is true, is because that there is a Pokemon dia Care Center. Here, you can leave two Pokemon. When you leave them, and if one is male and the other is female, they can have an egg....
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Hello everyone, and I was thinking. I did a topo, início Ten Hated MLP characters, and a topo, início Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, so now, I am thinking of doing a topo, início Ten Hated Cartoon Characters list. Now, if you like a character that is on this list, remember, this is my list, so my opinion. With that, lets start

10: Eddy's Brother from Ed Edd n Eddy - Now, this show knew how to end the series very well. Sadly, this character is just a jerk. Eddy's Brother was also depicted as being a legend who everyone feared and worshipped. However, what he really is is a total jerk who finds joy in torturing his...
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Today we'll be reviewing the Total Drama Island Fanfic known as The Death of Nick.... And I feel ashamed to share the same name as a character from this fanfiction.
Now, before we start, I have to say that I enjoyed Total Drama Island. It was a very good show with a great plot, a wonderful cast of characters, and had most of the time spot on humor. But the fanfiction..... Oh boy. So, this story starts off on a positive note. We see the OC character, Nick, get murdered por Trent...... Wait, what? Yeah, this is how the fanfic starts. Not even a segundo in this story and already were getting a murder...
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