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posted by KrystenPeres
 Dylan (Matt Dallas) and Gianna (Krysten Peres)
Dylan (Matt Dallas) and Gianna (Krysten Peres)
1. Hello Past

It's hot. I loved the weather in Arizona for that reason. Rain and cold are as scarce as an ace of spades. The windows of Carols, my mother, mini-van were rolled down. The air was slowly but surely getting colder. I inched towards Dylan, my boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around me causing my coração to race. He was looking out the window. I stared at his face lit por the sunset. The contrast shadows from the sun on his fair skin are beautiful; making him look like an angel.
"I still don't know why we're moving to Massachusetts...," my little sister Marcie announced; drawing my attention form Dylan's perfectly angelic face. He looked in from the window and half smiled.
"There is a job for me Marce, we need this, I need this. You'll like it, I promise!" my mom claimed.
We were moving to Massachusetts, a heavily forested part of Massachusetts. A place where rain, snow and cold were not strangers. I sighed at the thought.
"It will be fine..." Dylan assured me while beijar my hair.
He was moving with us, because he lived alone. His parents were gone. We'd been going out since I was in 7th grade at that point so about 6 years then. If I lived with him then we would have had common law pretty soon. He had sold his house and used that money and some of his parent’s insurance money to buy a small house down the rua from my even smaller soon-to-be home. His parents died in a car crash when he was 16. He was allowed to stay alone after he took this test. His parents were plastic surgeons, so he had money, enough to live a comfortable life alone. Sometimes I swore that his parents did work on his face at birth, that’s how perfect he is. He had refused to be that far away from me. At that point I was 18 and he was 19. He had promised me a billion and 7 times that when I turned 20 we were going to get married. Though he never asked for my answer, she knew I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I loved him that much.
"I have to go to the bathroom... can you pull over ma?" Marcie always found a way to break-up a moment between two people. That quality in her drove me insane.
"We're almost there Marce, can't you just hold it?" I asked quietly.
She turned awkwardly in her assento to face me and Dylan.
"NO! I CAN'T HOLD IT GIANNA, I NEED TO GO!" she hissed thought her teeth. She was so pissed and I didn't know why. Then I remembered that mother-nature had brought her a nice little monthly package this mês for the first time. I started to giggle. She turned bright red and turned into her assento again.
"I'll pull over in town, wait 2 segundos baby." My mom tired to molusco my 11-year-old sister. She sighed. I looked at Dylan. He was smiling at me. I wiggled myself up in his grasp to kiss him. The kiss was sweet, soft, warm and smooth, like always. I melted back down and laid my head on his chest. He kissed the topo, início of my head and laid his on mine.
"Thank god!" Marcie yelled when we pulled into a gas station. She thought that if she didn't go to the bathroom every two hours, she would bleed to death. Marcie ran into the bathroom while Dylan offered to bomba gas. My mom and I walked to the drink and snack machines.
"Thirsty?" she asked quietly.
"A little," I admitted.
I glanced at Dylan. His eyes met mine. I motioned towards the soda machine and mouthed the words, 'are you thirsty'. He nodded. I got the drinks and brought them to the car and left them in the back assento while I went to find Marcie. It was foggy and cold. I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Marcie, are you okay in there?" I teased.
"I'm fine! Leave me alone!" she growled.
I went to walk away when I heard someone behind me laughing in the woods. I spun around quickly and saw a girl about my age and a boy my age playing there. They both had chalk-white skin and rich golden eyes. The girl had a thick mop of wavy chocolate brown hair. They boy had a perfectly messy reddish-bronze style. The boy looked like he was made personally por the gods, and the girl... was just as beautiful... but something was strange about her. She reminded me of my father. Or at least the picture I had of him. My mom had had a fling with him in 1993. She ran away when she found out that he had another daughter. Charlie Swan, my father, was a player. She refused to tell me much else about Charlie except his name and that he had a daughter that would be 24 now. The only difference between Charlie and this girl was their eyes. And she looked only 18, she couldn't be Charlie's other daughter.
The boy met my gaze, grabbed the girls hand and pulled her deep into the forest. They were quickly out of sight. I froze. All my thoughts we're consuming me. Maybe she was my sister... maybe I wanted her to be my sister because it was my one true dream to find her. I didn't mover until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"What's wrong baby? G what is it?" Dylan asked me while swinging me into his arms.
"Um... Nothing... I’m fine, let’s go." I lied.
'NO! That girl looked 18, not the 24 my sister would be.' I thought to myself. Charlie hadn't told my mom much about his daughter except that she was 6 in 1993.
"Let's go baby. You better what's bugging you later." Dylan commanded. Sometimes I wondered if she could read my mind.
We walked to the car where Marcie and my mom were waiting. Marcie was composição literária a letter to her dad, Bob, who divorced Carol 4 years earlier. I read the letter through the window for a second.

Dear Dad,
I HATE IT! I've been here for 10 segundos and I HATE IT! Say hi to
Dorrine for me.
P.S. Save me... X-o

I laughed at her extreamly closed mind. She looked up from her letter and glared at me while flipping over the letter. Dylan was laughing too... but not as happily as I was. I think he was still trying to figure out what was bugging me.... We got into the car and Carol started driving toward an unnatural opening in the trees.
We were moving to the shadiest part of Boston... of the world in my eyes.... It made me want to puke. I amor the sun. Dylan loves the sun. We all amor the sun. Why are we moving to 'shade-valley’? I nicknamed it that when I googled out new street....
The house was small and cottage like. It was made of stone and had a small garden on the side.
"It's so....... pretty!" Marcie yelled as she jumped out of the mini-van.
"Ma... this house has Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs written all over it..." I teased.
Marcie ran to sit on the stairs of the porch. She crumpled up the old letter to her dad and began a new one. It was softer. She wasn’t digging her pencil into the paper anymore. She wrote in script. She only did that when she was really happy.

Dead Daddy,
I amor it! It's great! Say hello to everybody for me.
Marcie <3

I laughed again and helped unload the car of our things. I picked up two toasters.
"Which one is yours babe?" I asked Dylan. He laughed.
"The one with my name on it... "
I looked at the etiquetas of each toaster. One said nothing and the other said Dylan’s name. I giggled and left Dylan’s in the car.
Once everything was unloaded I went to my new room. It had a sky light, which made me super excited. I loved watching the stars as I slept. It helped me sleep.
Dylan helped me mover the cama my mom had had put in the room. It was one of the few pieces of furniture we didn't need to get new.... We moved it so that it was under the sky light. He then laid my bags seguinte to the tiny closet. He plopped down on my bed. He motioned me to cadastrar-se him on my tiny single bed. I giggled and snuggled seguinte to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the topo, início of my head. The door flung open. Carol came in.
"All right. We're done. Dylan, why don't you and Gianna go bring your things to your house. You should come on down for jantar at 6." She emphasized 'your house'. Carol didn't like Dylan too much. But she was making an effort to be nice.
"Sure thing Ms. Farber. I'll bring dessert." he said politely while smiling. Carol faked a smile. I glared at her. She snickered and walked away.
"Alright, let's go..." he said while playfully smacking my hip.
"Hey!" I giggled.
"Race you to the car!" Dylan said childishly.
"You know I'll win" I laughed. I knew I would win... because Dylan would let me.
"Pshh... Oh Please... Like that will happen!" he laughed.
I ran for the door but before I could get there Dylan had ran and grabbed me por the waist. He walked me to the cama while I laughed and tried to escape. He dropped me on the cama easily. I should have pretended to cry, but I didn't think about it then. He ran to the door and flew out of my room. I jumped off the cama and raced to the door.
"HEY! You cheat!" I yelled after him. He laughed loudly.
"I win!" he yelled.
He was at the car while I was still running down the stairs.
"But you cheated... re-match...right now!" I laughed still running at the car. He caught me before I could cause serious damage. He held me in his grasp on against his chest. He was warm. We breathed in unison to catch our breath. He pulled a hand from my back to lift my chin to his. I kissed his jaw bone and found his lips. He crushed my lips with his. We kissed until I needed to catch my breath. He kissed my forehead and stared deeply into my eyes. We stood there in each other’s arms in silence. It was broken por the sound of a passing car. I starred at the car. It was a mint condition silver Volvo. I looked at the driver. It was the boy I had seen in the woods por the gas station. The girl was seguinte to him in the passenger seat. The engine roared and the car raced into a drive-way about 6 doors down.
"Well, I guess those are my neighbors." Dylan said.
They exited the car. They were absolutely beautiful. It seemed that they were made por the gods. No, they were mais attractive than the gods.
"Wow,... is it me or are they inhumanly beautiful?" I gawked. The boy crookedly smiled as he helped the girl out of the car. She was smiling also. She caught my glare and smiled.
"They are pretty sexy...." Dylan said funnily. I broke my gaze to kiss Dylan again.
"But I think you are prettier." He added.
"Aww. Thanks babe!" I kissed him again.
When I looked back, they were gone. Dylan helped me into the car and got into the driver’s side. We pulled into the driveway of a house that was 5 doors down from mine. It wasn't much bigger. It had a sun room on the side. That made it look bigger.
"And this is a sexy house." he laughed.
"It is." I admitted.
The house was almost the same as mine. Dylan swooped me into his arms and carried me over the threshold. I laughed.
"Stop it!...." I giggled, "We're not married!"
"Not yet! and besides... practice makes perfect!" he said while easily letting me down. I took a look around. He had bought the house fully furnished. It was beautiful. He smiled and ran to the car to get something’s from the car.
"So what are you going to bring for dessert?" I asked.
"I was planning to get my car from the dealer and pick up Italian ice form the pizza place we passed on the way here..." he explained.
He had bought a car here via phone after he sold his car in Arizona. He was supposed to pick it up when he got here.
"Sound like...." I was cut off por the bell.
"I got it..." Dylan said while he pulled me to the door por the hand. He answered it. His sexy neighbors were there smiling. At least the girl was. She looked just like the picture of Charlie. But she was too young to be my sister.
"Hello!" Dylan greeted.
''Hello... welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Edward Cullen and this is my wife Isabella." Edward said.
"I'm Dylan Chase and this is my girlfriend Gianna Farber." Dylan said.
We invited them in and they accepted.
"You can call me Bella, por the way...," Bella kindly informed us. "Wow, you smell really familiar... it must be your perfume."
"Oh... Thanks, but I'm not wearing any... you must be smelling Dylan's cologne." I said softly.
"You do smell familiar... just like Bella's father." Edward added. This was a very awkward conversation.
"Yeah!"She yelled, "Just like Charlie."
My coração sank. I stared to choke and cough.
"Haha... That's your dads name G... Isn't that funny... Are you okay?" Dylan said.
"Yeah.... I'm fine babe." I said while coughing one last time. Edward's eyes widened as he stared at me.
"So when did you guys mover here?" Edward asked quickly changing the subject.
"Actually, we just got here today." Dylan explained.
"How long have you two lived together?" Bella asked quietly.
"Oh..." I giggled a little bit, "we don't. I live down the rua with my mom and half-sister. Dylan and I have been dating for 6 years, so when I told him we were moving... he sold his house and moved with us...." I explained.
"Oh... You lived alone Dylan?" Edward asked.
"Yes... for 3 years; since I was 16. Since my parents passed." Dylan explained.
"Wow... I'm so sorry...." Bella said while looking at the floor.
"It's okay... I didn't really ever see them... they were always at the office or on a romantic getaway. It really feels like I've been alone my whole life...." Dylan explained.
"That's so sad...." Bella sighed.
"Yeah... a little," Dylan admitted, "But it got better when I met Gianna. She is all I will ever need. She's my life."
I snuggled seguinte to him on the couch. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the topo, início of my head.
"That's so sweet." Bella said. I smiled at her.
"So where did you guys mover from?" Edward asked.
"Arizona. I've lived there since birth. My mom moved there when she was pregnant for me. Dylan moved there 7 years ago?" I said and asked.
"Yeah... I met Gianna at a fair in town." he smiled. I remembered the night we met. We were so little then. I laughed at little. Edward was still staring at me like he was going to pounce on me. I felt Dylan's grip on my waist tighten.
"So... Bella... will you come get some drinks with me?" I asked motioning to the kitchen. She nodded and smiled.
"Thirsty baby?" She asked Edward who was broke his gaze and sighed as Bella stared at him.
"No..." he said quietly.
I started to the kitchen. She followed me.
"Did Dylan or I offend Edward in anyway?" I asked, "He looks like he is really mad at us... or thinking of a good way to hide our bodies..."
"No..." she laughed.”He is occupied por something...." she explained.
"Oh.... So.... we have water, Coke, and Sprite... any favorites?" I asked.
"Oh... no... I'm fine."
"Oh... Okay." I smiled. I poured a glass of coca-cola for both me and Dylan. We walked out of the kitchen. Dylan turned around.
"Wow... you too could pass for sisters." Dylan said. His mouth fell open.
"Really?" Bella asked. She sounded confused.
I gasped. 'Wow... they see it too! Her dad's name is Charlie. My dad's name is Charlie. Could she really be my sister, the one I've always wanted to meet? But she seems so young. She looks my age. She can't be a dia over 19. Maybe she just ages well... maybe...' I thought to myself. Edward's eyes widened as I went to sit down seguinte to Dylan. Bella stared at him and he sighed. It was like they were communicating por thought, like they were on a different station then the rest of us... It was strange. I realized that Whenever Bella focused on us, Edward sighed and calmed down. Almost like she was controlling him.... It was weird.
Edward changed the subject again.
"So, Gianna, if you don't mind me asking, why did you mover down here?" Edward asked.
"No... I don't mind. Car- my mom is a single mother and she got a good job down here. It's been hard for her ever since she moved from Forks. That's what she claims." I answered.
Bella and Edward both choked when I said 'Forks'. I smiled inside.
After a few awkward seconds, Bella added:
"What was she doing in Forks?"
I planned to say Charlie's full name to see their reaction.
"She lived there. She had a boyfriend, Charlie. Charlie's wife had left him two years earlier. When Charlie found out that my mom was pregnant with me, Charlie told my mom about his 6 year-old daughter. She would be 24 now. But anyway, Charlie stopped speaking to her, saying that he was protecting his reputation and his daughter, my sister. My mom got really sad and left. She still says till this day... ‘That Charlie cisne was such a player... and so concerned to what people think of him. Good thing you didn't inherit that from him. It's no wonder he became chief of police....'" I laughed and so did Dylan. When I saw Edward and Bella's reaction I knew that she was my sister. Edward kept switching his eyes from me to Bella, who was focused on me. Dylan tightened his arm around. He acted like he was about to launch me away from an attack. I knew why he felt that way but I knew that they wouldn't do anything, they were in shock... I think.
"Ch... Ch.... Charlie who....?" Bella stuttered.
"Swan... why?" I asked maliciously. I knew she was MY sister. I wanted to run to her and hug her and ask her about what Charlie was like, even know he didn't want me.
"D... d.... Do you have a picture?" Edward said composing himself.
"Yes... um... wait here." I said while pulling myself from Dylan's tight grip. I ran to the front door and grabbed my bag and pulled my wallet out of it. I opened my wallet to my little fotografia section. I flipped to the picture I had of Charlie; one my mom had given me when I asked her about my dad for the first time. I calmly walked back into the room and handed Edward the wallet open to the photo. Dylan looked confused.
"Impossible...." Edward said while he showed the picture to Bella.
"Dad...." She said quietly while she stroked the picture with the finger.
I began to cry.
"My mom told me that I had a sister. When I saw you and Edward in the woods, I saw the resemblance... I felt the connection...," I sobbed and added, "I've never met him, what is he like?"
Bella smiled and said quietly...
"He's great, can I have a hug? I've always wanted a sister..." She asked while standing up.
I smiled and wiped my face on my shirt. Dylan was just flickering his eyes between us. Edward seemed like he was expecting this to happen now. I stood up and hugged my long lost SISTER. My sister.
"God... you're freezing!... sis...." I said like a child. She was hard and cold. Her skin had the softness of marble. But she was my sister... no matter what.
"Yeah... it is a bit chilly...sis...." She said while giggling a little bit. She spun around with me still in her arms to Edward. "So... sweetheart, have you met my little sister?"
He smiled and stood up to hug me. He was just as cold and just as hard.
"Baby, have you met my big sister Bella, and my brother-in-law, Edward?" I teased. Dylan closed his jaw and stood up.
"No... I don't believe we've been properly introduced.”
Our dia seemed like pure fantasy, like it was sugar-coated por the gods. Like it wasn't real.
"How would you two like to meet my family...? They live just down the street." Edward asked. His and Bella's voices we like velvet. Whenever they spoke... I imagined a musical. They were inhumanly perfect... it wasn't fair.
"All of them?!" Bella asked with concern in her musical voice.
"Um... sure... let me just call my mom and tell her that we can't make dinner." I giggled and excused myself.
I dialed my cell phone.
"Hello...?" Carol asked.
"Hey! Ma... it's me." I answered.
"Where are you guys? Marce and I are about to eat dinner...."
"We can't make dinner... but guess who I just met!!"
"Gandhi.... I don't know who?"
"Uh... no.... Bella and Edward!"
"Who and who?" she asked.
"Bella... and Edward Cullen... our neighbors, and guess why I'm making a big deal about meeting them..." I said enthusiastically.
She's my sister! She's Charlie's other daughter! Mom... she is like the perfect big sister... and we just met! She says that Charlie would have liked me...."
There was a brief silence.
"Mom...?" I asked nervously.
"I'm here..." She finally said, "Um... tell her I say hello... I guess."
"Uh... okay."
"Wait... when is the last time she's seen him?" she asked.
"Hold on..." I said while pitting my hand on the mic..
I turned to Bella.
"Bella...." I asked.
"Yeah?" she said while she put on her coat.
"When is the last time you seen or heard from Charlie?" I asked.
"Um... we were planning to visit him seguinte week... but besides that... I haven't talked to him in about 3 months." she said while sighing.
"Kay... thanks." I said.
I pulled the phone back to my ear.
"Ca- mom... she said she hasn't talked to him on like 3 months but she is planning to see him seguinte week... can I go with them!" I begged.
"Sure... thanks.... I actually need you to come início first... for a few minutes." She added.
"Is everything okay?" I asked. She seemed worried.
"Yeah.... See you in a few."
I hung up.
"Guys... I will be right back. Carol needs me for something." I said while turning to everybody.
"We'll come with you!" Bella said happily, "If you are going to meet my family... I want to meet yours." she added.
"Sure." I smiled.
We walked to my house and I instructed everybody to wait outside while I got Carol and Marcie. I walked inside. I heard sobs coming the family room.
"Mom... where are you?" I called while I navigated through the dark house. I found my mom on the floor crying with an envelope and small velvet box in her hand.
I ran to her and kneeled besides her.
"Mommy... what happened? Why are you crying?"
"I should have told you!" she sobbed. "These are yours from your father." she added while handing me the package and letter.
I was confused while I opened the letter. It wasn't very long but it was old. It looked like it had been read a million times and it had warped círculo in it; like it was cried on and dried in that manner. I began to read it.
'Dear Sweet heart,
I want you to know that I’ll amor you always, even know we'll never meet. I can guess that por the time you read this, knowing your mother, I'll be gone. I loved her. I wanted to keep you and her here with me and Bella (whenever she is here...) in Forks, but she didn't want to be here anymore. I asked her to marry me and she said yes... but then abruptly left with you. She was maybe 3 months pregnant. A mês after she left, she sent me back the ring. It destroyed me. That's when I realized that she would never let me meet you. You are mine too... never forget that. I made her promise to give you this letter when you we're old enough to understand. You're not even born yet... but when you are... I know you will be perfect. I will always amor you. Don't forget that. If Carol gives you this before I am gone, come find me in Forks, I won't be hard to find. I'll be waiting for you! Bella will amor you too. She has always wanted a little sister.
I amor you baby. You are my Gianna.
With all my amor darling,
I was crying at this point. I noticed that the letter had new warped spots from my tears. He wanted me and she kept me away! How dare her!
"That's not all...,"Carol sobbed, "I told him I miscarried two months later. I'm sorry Gianna, I should have told you! I should have told him! I was trying to protect you!"
I was full of rage.
"You ran away from him after he asked to marry you and then you told him that I DIED! How dare you! How dare you keep me from him!" I screamed while standing up. I was still crying.
"Gianna! I did it for you!" she cried.
"No! Carol... You can't stand being segundo best! You have never loved or liked anything that wasn't yours first!" I screamed. I wanted to slap her.
"I deserve that... but there is more... 3 days atrás I got a call from a friend of mine who still lives in Forks. Ch... Charlie got shot yesterday... He's gone baby..." she whispered in a breath.

Before she could finish I was out the door running into the cool night. I tripped on a part of the uneven ground. I fell to my knees. Dylan, Bella and Edward ran to me. I dug at the ground trying to breathe. Dylan had me in his arms before I could take a breath. The father I had loved and cared for even though I thought he didn't want me was gone. He loved me. He wanted me. I had always had a place in his heart, even when he thought I was dead. Now he was gone. I screamed loudly. It was the only thing I could do. The only way I could react. Edward fell to his knees. I gained enough energy to and Bella the letter. She read it as I opened the velvet box. Inside was a small locket. I opened the locket. Inside it was a small picture of Charlie with Bella on his shoulders. On the other side was a small delicate inscription.

'We'll amor you forever'

It was beautiful. I struggled to get it out of the box. I slipped it over my head and let it drop. I still couldn't breathe. Once in a while I would take a much needed deep breath. Dylan just kept asking me what had happened. I couldn't talk. I focused on Bella. She kneeled down beside me.
"I'm so sorry Gianna! You have to come see him with us!" she said.
"No... Bella...." Edward said while wincing.
"B... Be....Bella.... he died. He... He.... he got shot...."I chocked out.
She collapsed. She clawed at the ground pulling large chunks out with each swipe. Edward grabbed her hands and wrapped her around him. She screamed 4 times as loud as I had. She wasn't crying, but she also wasn't breathing, blinking or speaking either. She broke Edward's grasp to grab me. She pulled me out of Dylan's hold easily. She pulled me into her arms and held me tight, I cried into her shirt. She was all I had left of Charlie. I was all she had left of him too.
Carol ran outside to us. She tried to pull me from Bella's arms. Bella growled at her. Carol flinched back. She kept saying she was sorry. Bella stood up with me still in her arms. She handed me to Dylan.
"Take her home, come por tomorrow to talk. I amor you Gianna." Bella said quietly, "My little sister." she added while beijar my head. She started walking away.
I gathered my last bit of energy and called out:
"I amor you too Bella."
She smiled as she walked towards her and Edward's house.
"I'm taking you início Gianna." Dylan said softly. I was half asleep. I kept trying to catch my breath. I was still crying in my sleep.
"She is home... just bring her upstairs...." Carol called.
"NO! To our início Carol. She doesn't live here anymore. Consider her gone. I won't let you near her anymore!" Dylan growled.
"How dare you! She's my baby!" She screamed.
"No! She's mine. She'll agree with me." Dylan said coldly.
I woke myself up. I nodded my head.
"I'm his, I hate you Carol." I said in a whisper. She heard me. I knew because she flinched and her jaw fell open. She started screaming at me and telling me how she won't be there for me seguinte time I need her. I was half asleep again.
I dreamt about myself as a child. I dreamt memories that never happened, but should have. Like my first father-daughter dance, my dad teaching me to ride my bike, dancing on my dad’s toes when I was small, getting pushed in a balanço por my father, playing dress-up with Bella, falling asleep in my daddy's arms. They were perfect. Carol free. I was happy in the dream till Carol came in the house and pulled me away. All of the memories flashed before me again, just this time, I wasn't in them. The last thing I dreamt was Charlie's funeral. Me and Bella were crying. That was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up in Dylan's bed, our bed. Dylan had me in his arms. He looked like he just got to sleep, so I didn't want to wake him. Instead, I snuggled closer to him. He flinched a little but then tightened his grasp. I slept a little while longer in his arms. I woke up to the door sino ringing. Dylan jumped.
"I got it babe, you sleep." I told him. His eyes were still closed. He smiled softly and snuggled himself deeper into the blankets. I grabbed a suéter, camisola and put it over a pair of Dylan's pajamas that I was wearing. Dylan must of changed me. He definitely enjoyed that. I ran down the stairs to the front door. I pulled the door open.
"He.... go away!" I yelled.
Carol stood at the door with Marcie. Marcie looked down.
"Not you Marce, just your mom..." I said softly.
"I'm your mother also...." Carol added.
"Get away from here Carol, before I call the police!" I screamed.
"You'll need me one dia Gianna, and I won't be here for you!" She said coldly.
"I'd rather rot in pain then ever ask you for help. Marcie, you are mais than welcome to stay..." I said coldly.
Marcie smiled and began to walk into the house. Carol grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out.
"No, she is going to school... you should too..." Carol sneered.
"There has been a death in the family, I'm calling today, now... go away Carol." I said while slamming the door. Carol started screaming.
"Come collect your shit! It will be in the front yard!" she screamed.
I turned around and Dylan was behind me.
"God, you scared me!" I gasped.
"Sorry, I'll get your stuff later; I don't want you around her anymore." Dylan said while wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Okay. Did I wake you?" I asked while beijar his jaw.
"No, Carol's screeching did. Wanna go see Bella?" He said.
"Yeah, oh... um... don't bring up Charlie please... I don't want to think about it... It's better." I asked.
His grip tightened.
"I won't baby. I promise." He said softly. I found his lips. I kissed them and broke from his hold.
"Let's go see Bella now." I said quietly.
I went up stairs to change. I realized that I had no clothes. I walked to Dylan's suite case and found a new pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I put them on. I had to pull the draw-string on the pants very tight. I put back on the sweat camisa and slipped on the Uggs I was wearing yesterday.
"Ready?" I asked. Dylan nodded.
We walked seguinte door. I looked back at Carol's house. She was, as she promised, was throwing my things into the front yard. We walked up the porch steps and rang the door bell.
"I got it, I got it..." A loud husky voice called from inside the house. Dylan and I looked at each other. He shrugged. The door opened suddenly. A tall russet-colored man answered the door. He had long black hair and he was huge. He looked about 6'9'' and he was very muscular.
"May I help you?" He said deeply. He was scary. But not in a weird way....
"Are Bella and Edward here?" I asked quietly.
"What do you need them for?" he asked rudely.
Dylan took a step forward. The man laughed. Dylan clearly had no chance, he was 6'4'' and strong... but this man seemed invincible.
"Bella is my sister; I came to talk to her." I said rudely back. The man kept laughing.
"I'm Bella's best friend, if she had a sister, I'd know about it. She can't talk right now. But let me get the leach... I mean Edward for you..." he said. He turned into the house. "Hey, sucker, door." he said. Still laughing.
Edward appeared at the door. He pushed the man out of the way with a growl.
"How dare you talk to Bella's sister that way! Sorry Gianna, Dylan, come in. She's been asking for you." he said with his musical voice. His voice was sad. I could hear the change clearly.
"No way that's Bella's sister! No way! She would have told me!" The man yelled.
"She's my big sister! Now if you don't mind, I need to talk to her about our father." I said while wincing. Dylan took my hand a squeezed it.
"Yeah, she's Bella's sister, same temper." The man said.
"Move dog... I mean Jacob." Edward growled. Jacob moved at once sensing Edward's seriousness.
Edward led us inside. Bella was waiting for us on a sofá in their living room. She jumped when I went in.
"Gianna!" she said quietly. She ran to me and hugged me. Jacob and Edward entered the room. She let go. She pulled me and Dylan to the couch. Bella sat back down seguinte to a girl who looked impossibly similar to Edward. She was just as beautiful as Edward and Bella. She had Edward's reddish-bronze hair. It was curly. He wet eyes glowed. She had clearly been crying. She had chocolate brown eyes. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Jacob fell seguinte to her. He wrapped his arms around her. She wiggled closer into his chest and continued to cry. He kissed the topo, início of his head.
"That is my niece Renesmee, Nessie for short, and Bella's best friend and Nessie's boyfriend, Jacob." Edward said quietly. Jacob half smiled and refocused on Nessie.
"Nice to meet you." I said quietly.
"No talk of Charlie, It hurts us all far too much, okay. If you want to ask me about him, do so in private." Bella said quietly. I shook my head.
"Good. I was about to say the same thing." I said quietly. Nessie took a deep breath. She grabbed Jacob's face. He jumped a little.
"Yeah Ness. That's her." he said quietly.
Nessie looked up and smiled. I gasped when I looked her in the eyes. Dylan did too. They were Charlie's eyes, my eyes! I shook my head. She wasn't my sister and there was no way she was sino and Edward's daughter. She was about 15, 14 the youngest. There was no way! I decided that she just has the same color eyes and that I was exaggerating. I started a 'Charlie-free' conversation.
"So... Nessie, how old are you?" I asked quietly. She dried her face on her sleeve and looked up.
"15, almost 16." She said quietly.
"Oh, so when is your birthday? When is everybody's birthday's?" I asked trying to make it so awkward than nobody could think about Charlie. It was working for me. "I like to know birthdays, it's a peeve I have." I added. Dylan laughed.
"That's true. She does. It was the first thing she asked me when we met." Dylan laughed. I remembered the dia we met. We were so little. I laughed a little too.
"September 10th," Nessie said.
"September 13th," Bella added.
"June 20th," Edward said.
"December 29th," Jacob finished.
"Wow, Nessie, Bella! You're birthday's are coming up! Mine is
February 19th, por the way and Dylan's is August 14th." I added.
"Yeah! I wanted to have a party, but I don't know now." Nessie said.
"I think a party is a great idea... it's just what we all need... us GIRLS anyway.... how would you like to have a sleep-over at my house with Bella and your friends?" I asked Nessie.
"Yeah! That'd be great! With me, you, Bella, Rosalie, Alice, and Esme! It will be great!" She squealed.
"Are they your friends?" I asked.
"No... Esme is my mother, and Alice and Rosalie are my sisters." Edward explained.
"Oh... okay... great! Maybe we'll have it on the 9th, so you can share your actual birthday with your family." I said kindly. Nessie had stopped crying at this point. She was sitting upright on Jacob's lap. She was intrigued por the party idea. That much was clear.
"Kay..." Nessie smiled.
"So... uh... Edward... can we pick up where we left off last night?" I asked.
"They live just down the street, not a long walk." He answered. Bella jumped up. She clearly wasn't thinking about Charlie. My plan to make an awkward conversation had worked.
"Let's go meet the in-laws!" Bella said happily.
 the cover
the cover
posted by LexisFaith
Edward pov.

I was standing down stairs when Alicen came bounding down the stairs chanting. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

"What, what, what?" I laughed.

"Mommy looks so pretty." She smiled wide. "Just wait and see."

I could hear Bella's heels click on the stairs and I looked up, my breath catching in my throat.
Her dress...don't even get me started. It showed just enought skin for me but I wasn't so sure I wanted any other man seeing her like this.

Alicen tugged on my hand, breaking my train of thought. "Can we go now?" She asked.

"Let's go." I smiled.

Alicen was wiggling in her assento and wouldn't be still....
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posted by LexisFaith
I opened my eyes and forgot where I was for a moment. I was home. I smiled and sat up, listening to the rain hit my window with little plinks, and looking around my room. My bag and boots were sitting infront of my closet door.

I chuckled as I pictured Bella and Alicen bringing them up. Bella would be carrying my beg and a boot and Alicen would have the other boot, giggled. Bella would be giggling at her and sushing her so, Alicen would place her little hand over her mouth. Oh how I missed being home.

I climbed out of cama and ran my hands through my hair. I brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs....
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01 - Team Emmett, because Jacob is not as cold, Edward is not as strong, Carlisle is not as crazy and Jasper is not as funny as him!

02 - He’s funny. He’s sweet. He has great smile and because he’s muscular. Big bunda muscles…

03 - He may have pale skin but looks good with it.

04 - His abs are real.

05 - Because I would arm wrestle him any dia just to see his victory smile when he wins!

06 - Not only because he’s hot, but Emmett is strong, has amazing eyes and cares for others.

07 - He makes you amor him.

08 - He will never let us down, he’ll be there for us no matter what.

09 - Because...
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posted by moolah
Chapter Three:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
“Tell Seth what?” I heard someone ask. I turned my head to see my mother standing in front of the back door. “Mom! What are you doing?” I screamed. “I was getting Renesmee. We need to pick out the cake.” She said. “But, I’d actually like to know what my Lexy and Edward are keeping from me-and now it involves my Renesmee.” I sniffled back the tears that were ready to slip under my controlling clutch. She stalked over to Ren and I. Renesmee turned toward me and put her comforting hand on my tearing cheek. She showed me her telling mom through this....
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posted by LexisFaith
There are two songs in this one, the first one is when im with you por faber driver and the segundo one is i like it por enrique iglesias. I suggest listening to them while leitura the lyrics to get the full affect. :)

"I don't think I'm sick." She finally got out.

Without warning and clap of thunder shook the house causing Bella and I to both jump. My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Hello?"

"Edward. Hey, it's Mike. The storm is supposed to get pretty bad. Straight line winds, heavy rain and maybe even some hail so I decided to cancle today....
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While Twilight has many fans, that doesn't mean it's immune to haters.It seems that everywhere you go online, there is something Anti-Twilight.Even por just going to a homepage you usually see something negitive.Like, you can't like or enjoy something without all of these hating things.

People refer to Twilight as being gay.Which I believe is completely immature.Do they know what gay means?It either means happy or attracted to the same sex, how does that fit into Twilight?I don't really find it "happy", and there are no gays or lésbicas in it.People also rant on the sparkling.And calling them...
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Okay, so this is part two of my fã fiction. The first part was posted yesterday, so if you haven't read it, read that first before you read this, because if you dont you will be confused. Enjoy! And look for my other fã fiction that was also posted today called California Girls.Enjoy!

    We just got every thing packed up and put in the U-Haul. I climb in to the front assento of my brothers’ Mercedes, which he got from our parents when we found out we were moving. My parents are driving the U - Haul, and I sure as hell don’t want to ride with them. Nick starts the car,...
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posted by LexisFaith
Bella's pov

Sitting in detention listening to the clock tick with five other people. We shouldn't be like this. We should have never fought. One stupid fight eighthgrade summer, and your scared. The silence was to much to bare.

"Get your escrivaninha, mesa and make a circle." I turned my escrivaninha, mesa with my hand. "Come on. I can't take this anymore."
With five funny looks, they all made a círculo with their desks. Me, Rosalie,Jasper,Edward-infront of me-Emmett, Alice, and back to me.

"Alice." I turned to my right. "My 13th birthday, you took my shopping."
"Our best friend bracelets." She whispered and looked up at me....
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I woke up with Edward staring at me. Kammie was in between us laying there,still sleep.
"Morning." He said and smiled. I smiled back.
"What time is it?" I asked him.He looked behind him.
"It's 10:30" He said. My eyes got wide. I grabbed my phone.Edward reached over and took my phone.
"Don't worry, they called and I told them you were sick." I sighed. I was happy I didn't have t go to work.
"So what are you're plans for today?" I asked Edward.
"Well I wanted to take you and Kammie to Seattle for the day." He said. I shook my head. I layed back down and wanted to go back to sleep. We heard someone...
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posted by groovychicklisa
The Sleepover

I managed to successfully repress the thought of the camping trip Edward was going on – and the subsequent shopping spree and sleepover – the whole week. When I was reminded por Alice that she and Rose were picking me up at seven thirty the following morning – the drive to Seattle would take three and a half hours – it was already Friday afternoon, and I still hadn't told Charlie about our plans.

Edward and I had decided to stay in Forks that night, going to the Smoke House Restaurant, since he was leaving for the camping trip early in the morning. When I had finished getting...
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posted by rose2001
hi guys my name is renesmee cullen and i guess i should tell you a bit about myself. well first before i tell you anything else i am a vampire well kind of my mother Bella was a human when she had me but my father Edward was a vampire. it sounds like nonsense but its well cool. my aunties are called Alice and rosalie. my uncles are called jasper and Emmet. my mum and dad are called Bella and Edward. my grandma is called Esme and my grandad is called Carlisle.tommorow im having my first dia at school but not at primary school like normal human children,but at highschool like my mum and dad which...
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Bella excused herself from rest of the family and dragged Jacob por the arm to the back of the house. Edward was following them at the heels. “Jake, what are you thinking?!” Bella raged, “You can’t imprint on her!” Jacob’s eyebrows furrowed, “What the heck do you mean, Bella? What, you think I can control this or something? Sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t.” Edward put his arm around Bella, “Calm down, love.” She shook her head at him in disbelief, “Calm down? Summer’s situation was bad enough already! Now she has a ton mais to deal with!” Jacob narrowed his eyes...
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posted by rubytuesday101
 Charlies's Shotgun
Charlies's Shotgun
"What!....How could you cheat on me!"he nearly shouted at me in an angry and hurt voice.
"Of corse you would think that,i would never do that,your the dad!"i shouted back at him,he looked angry,shocked and unsure.
"Bella i am a vampire i'm not able to do that"he said to me.
"No-one ever said that male vampiros couldnt make someone pregnant"i said to him.
"Bella--"he said but i cut him off.
"Even ask Carlisle he is the one that said i was preganat and that youre the dad"i shouted at him,now he looked shocked.
"Were having a baby"he whispered.
"No i am having a baby you were leaving"i said to him.
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posted by Renesmee_XD
bella swan
Bella Swan
Credit goes to vampiros Revenge for helping :)

We have all been sick to the death of Team Edward or Team Jacob,the endless rants but their bodies and looks. There has never been an actual proper "argument" to why each is better than the other.So let's leave at that. Now it's time for Bella vs Tanya so here is a debate on which one is better. Would amor responses.:)


Tanya is your average blond, perfect vampire.

It has been said that she should be Edward's soul-mate for they are the same being. (Vamp&Vamp)
She can understand if Edward needs to go hunting and will defintely not have nightmares...
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posted by decullen
"What is happing."I asked.Is victoria back?Has Alice seen Victoria?Lots of thourghts were going my head.I started to have a panic attack.

"Charlie`s coming home."He said.Alice walked out.Edward was still on topo, início of me and started beijar me.I cant doing this.I'm so angry with him.But I want him.

"What Im I doing I cant do this.Go please."I said to him.He looked at me and nodded.He went over to Renesmee and kissed her little head.He didnt conplane or anything he just walked out.When I heard the front door shut,I looked at Renesmee she was fast a sleep in her cot.I got her a blanket then rappet...
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The wait

I looked at the cold body of the unmoving body that was Jacob, waist deep in thought. What if he didn’t make it? What would happen then? I would have no life. Nothing to live for but my family. My family. They would take care of me and comfort me. It seemed like forever to get to the hospital. We were going to be to be late. My body shook and my eyes filled with tears. They fell down my cheeks like tear drops upon them. I already missed the heat of Jacob’s body that radiated all around him, surrounding warmth around everyone near. The silver Volvo came to a sudden halt. I lifted...
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posted by decullen
11 months ago.
He left me,they all left me. But in a way I guessed I still have him, well part of him. It all had started when I realised that my period was late and I had been getting morning sickness for almost a week. por five weeks I could see the bump getting bigger.
The baby was half vampire because I couldn't eat. All she wanted was blood, blood and even mais BLOOD!
I had an unexpected shock, Carlisle came.Alice must have knew that I was pregnant. 4 weeks later Carlisle done my C-section, if I had left it any later the baby would of killed me.Carlisle told Charlie about vampiros and werewolf's...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
oi guys, this is my first fã fic, i don't think i'm a good writer but i just thought i would try. Also thank you to Keppie who without her i wouldn't have made half of this story.

Bella's POV

I pulled into my driveway in my old, red Chevy truck, i had, had a very long dia and i was tired and exhausted, all i wanted to do was go too sleep.


Edward and his family were all on a hunting trip, leaving me behind with nothing to do all dia except go to school. Atleast if they all went this was a short trip, so Edward would be início tomorrow morning when i wake up. I still remember the last...
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posted by BellaCullenHale
I stepped out of the car. I could feel the sun on my legs from my rolled up jean shorts with my solid rosa, -de-rosa tank top. I stared up at our new house.
A 4 bedroom,2 bath,1 pool home. And for a teenager...All of that equals one thing and one thing only...Paradise. And with this sun I could go swimming everyday. My mom came around the car with a her bags.
''Your not just gonna stand there are you?'' She said with a smile.
''Just uh...takin' it all in.'' I said casualy.
''Hahaha'' She said walking away.She opened the door, put her bags down and ran through the new house. I rolled my eyes and...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 24 - AN IMPASSE

"Charlie?" he asked curtly "Renee?"
minutos passed in silence as I struggled to answer his question. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I closed it again. He waited, and his expression became triumphant because he knew I had no true answer.
"Look, that's not the issue either," I finally muttered; my voice was as unconvincing as it always was when I lied. "Renee has always made the choices that work for her - she'd want me to do the same. And Charlie's resilient, he's used to being on his own. i can't take care of them forever. I...
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