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posted by malmcd
Millions of Miles Apart

From the moment your born somewhere out there you have a true love. At less that’s what they say? They say there’s one person who has the same coração strings as you and they complete you. And there’s nothing that can keep you apart from one another...But what if my one true amor isn’t here? I mean what if I never find him or her if that’s the case which I hope it’s not. I don’t know what to say but I’m different from the rest...What if there’s no one out there for me?
My name is Sunflower I was born on the first dia of spring, March 20, 1998. And was born and raised in Maine for all my life so far. I just turned 13. I was born with albinism. Albinism Congenital disorder characterized por the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of an enzyme involved in the production of melanin. At less that’s what my doctor says. In other words I’m albino. I have white skin, white hair and red eye’s. But the sad thing is that I amor the sun which isn’t good for me. That dia in the delivery room was the happiest dia my mother’s life she told me. She said that she was over joy when she saw my for the first time. She said that she didn’t care that I had albinism she loved me who I was. She loved that I was different and unique white skin in all. But my father on the other hand didn’t like that I was different. He thought I would be trouble. Something that would just empty out his wallet with all the mediation and doctors and everything else because of my disorder. My mother was the only one how thought I was truly beautiful...Until she was taken away from me...

April 16, 2004

The spring breeze flowed into Miss. L’s Kindergarten class room. A little girl with skin as white as snow sat in the corner. Her red eyes set on her coloring page. First she grabbed a red and scribbled on the paper. seguinte came laranja and then yellow. She ran up to the teacher and showed her her drawing.
“Miss. l look at my drawing!” Yelled the little girl stumbling her way to the teacher. She held up a drawing of a arco iris, arco-íris it’s as cores a little off...Well the yellow was were the blue should be and the red were the green should be.
“Every nice Sunflower...?” Said Miss. l with a fake smile when a man stormed in with dark brown hair and tan skin. His nose a little cricked. His eye’s blue and filled with shocked tears.
“Umm? Hello sir can I help you?” Asked Miss. l looking at him strange. as he walked over and grabbed Sunflower and though her over his shoulder.
“She has to leave.” He said in a strain voice trying to hold back the tears. Sunflower began to wave her legs back and forth with her arms flailing.
“I’m sir you can’t do that pick up is at 12:00 o’clock!” Said Miss. l yelling at him as he walked out the door. Miss. l was going to run after him but she had a class and she couldn’t leave. The man walked up the stairs with Sunflower still over his shoulder.
“Daddy I don’t want’a leave!” Yelled Sunflower. Her father dropped her on to the floor.
“Lesion here sweet ervilha I don’t care about what you want your mother just got in a car accident and what you care about is that you want to color! I don’t give a dam if you want to color!” Said her father anger strutting with tears running down his face. He stormed off and muttered something under his breath. “It’s because of you she’s died.” He walked out of the building as Sunflower starred back confused and scared of what just happened. Was she really the reason her mother was now died.

April 21, 2004

Rain dripped down the window. The drips connecting with one another making a game of follow the leader. The once spring dia seemed to all of a sudden get dark and grey. The field she once played in five days atrás was now filled with people in black dress and ties with tears running down there faces. Sunflower didn’t know what was going on but all she new was her mother was not coming início ever.

October 14, 2007

Sunflower sat up in her room hidden from the rest of the world...afraid and scared. All she could hear was the sounds of yelling and glass breaking. The sound rang though her ears. She put her hands up to her ears and closed her eyes hoping that it would be over soon.
Over the last couple of years her father began to favor drinking. Sometimes he would get so drunk that he would end up historically crying. He would would though bottles and even though Sunflower. He began to encontro, data this girl named Rose. Sunflower even at age eight could tell right through her Rose’s layered makeup, she could tell that she was trouble. She new she was not her mother and that she would never would be...
At this point in her live she was eight turning nine. She didn’t have any friends. She felt that her life was like a big black hole with escape. And no way out...

February 19, 2008

Sunflower still felt pain in her chest for the news she heard five day’s before. The thought still raddled in her brain. The thought of her dad getting Rose. She know that Rose would never be her mom nor would she ever called her...Mommy. The thought of that made her sick! Rose mommy? What a nightmare.
Although Sunflowers vision is a little off she has a great sense of hearing. She could hear strange sounds coming from the kitchen? So she decided to go look for her self. Even though Rose told her to stay in her room while her father was working the night ship Sunflower wasn’t the person who liked to follow the rules. So she tipped toed down the long hall way to the stair’s. The sound began to get louder and louder with each step she took closer to get to the kitchen. When she walks in she see’s a terrible seen. She saw Rose leaned back against the mural on topo, início of the counter and a man with his hand around her waist and the other behind her head there lips slowly kissing. The man was not her father. Sunflower let out a shrike. Rose turns around and looks surprised.
“What are you doing down here?” Her arms still around the man. Tears began to form in Sunflower’s eyes.
“I’m telling my father! Sunflower yelled as she began to dart for the door. When Rose’s long legs made it there first blocking her way out.
“No you want! Because if you do I’ll send you away far away and you’ll never see your father again!” Rose said felling pretty good in her self.
“Be happier if you did that!” She yelled tears now streaming down her face. She pushed past Rose and made a run for it in to the woods. Rose yelled from behind her.
“If you leave you will never come back!”
Sunflower just adored her and kept to running she kept on running till she couldn’t run on more. She stopped and began to breath normal then she looked up. There was no words for what she saw the beauty was nothing like she ever seen before. She felt the wind flow through her, making the the long grama and the whole field of sunflowers move. She began to walk through the maze of flores when she found a little clearing were there was a small patch of grass. She walked over to grama and ran her fingers through the grama felling each strand. She sat down and cried he life was following apart as she cried. Each tear meaning losing something she loved.
She thought she was alone but then she saw lights coming her was her father. Even though he didn’t really like Sunflower she was the only thing left of her mother when he looked at her he saw her mothers warm soft skin and not cold lifeless skin that Sunflower had. He pitted her up and hugged her. Sunflower looked over his shoulder and saw Rose in the shadows and puts her finger up to her lips saying not to tell. Sunflower has no choice but to do what she says and shakes her head saying yes.
“What happened?” He asked looking at her making costa she wasn’t hurt.
“Nothing.” Said holding her tongue between her lips. He looked at her making costa she was letting the truth.
“Are you shore?” He asked again. Sunflower shock her head up and down saying yes. Her father carried her início and tucked her into bed. Rose leaned against the door waiting for him to leave. When he did she went over to Sunflower and whispered into her ear.
“Nice show sweetie never do that again. Or you’ll get it!” She began to walk out and shut off the lights and closed the door and left Sunflower in the dark alone and scared. A single tear fell onto her travesseiro as the darkness began to andorinha her...

July 13, 2008

Sunflower new as soon as she slipped on her white and rosa, -de-rosa silk dress that today wound be the end of her life, even if she was ten her life was ending right in front of her cold red eyes. Her father’s last “I do” wound be her last breath. After the kiss there would be no mais light in her life only darkness was ahead. Rose looked back and gave to crowd of people a big cheesy smile, most people there Sunflower had not even seem. As Rose and her father walked back down the ail Sunflower looked at him, a man would was so happy then lost his lover and now he’s found another but still he’s smiling but Sunflower can see that in the inside he’s dying.
The party was all a blur to her. The people the dancing and drinks. Her mind spin and her body ached for love. She wanted to be hugged and told that it would be all right. But all she got was, “Hello you must be Jack’s little girl! And I’m so sorry about your mother.” An then they would walk away and mover on like she was just there, because she was just there. She was died to her father and the world. She was nothing but a sunflower seed in the wind...lost forever.

August 10, 2009

School was about to start and Sunflower was going through all her school supplies. She looked at the pencils and there sharp ends, and also her pens filled with different as cores of blue and rosa, -de-rosa and lima, limão green and orange. It looked like a arco iris, arco-íris exploded inside her bag. Sunflower was happy to go back to school but also sad because she didn’t meet any friends this summer. Her summer was a wast. from Rose and the wedding her life had ended up yet she was still having to live with out a propose.
Her father and Rose had came back from the vacation two weeks atrás but Sunflower still hadn’t seen her father mais them six times sense they got home. She felt like she was losing her father and she had already lost her mother she really had nothing left to loss.

August 20, 2009

Sunflower spin around once more, making the flor design look as if it was a moving picture like the ones she’d seen on the box in her living room one or twice when her father fell asleep. She put her white silky hair back in a pónei, pônei tail with ribbon. She wore her black shinny shoes with buckles. But the one thing she wore most that morning was a smile that let up the room, she thought she would make friends for shore. And they would all amor her and hang out with her and have sleepovers and party’s and finally have someone to set with. But that’s not what happened this is what happened.
As soon as she got to school she saw a group of girls giggling and talking so she walked right up to them and said, “Hi I’m Sunflower!” The girls just looked at her in shock, they didn’t even need to say any thing there faces said all. Sunflower ran away and went over in to the bushes and started to cried as she heard the girls laugh behind her, but her dia would get worse. She lost her way to her class and she ate lunch alone and she cried in the bathroom stale finally she ran way.
She lived a mile away from the school but still a mile a long way for a 10 ano old, but she would give up. She made it início but she new Rose was also início so she went into the field near her house. It was filled with wild flores like the ones on her dress, but mostly it was filled with sunflowers. She ran into the field with joy because she was getting away from that mean school and her dark house of hate, she was now free. She found her way to a little colina in the middle of the field where she could see every thing and she sat right down on the wild uncut grass. Around her were a couple of flores and some small bushes but other then that she was alone. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds a nature around her, but then she heard a crackle sound coming from behind her. She opened to scarlet red eyes and looked around but no one was there, she let out a small, “Hello” That’s when she heard a voice answer back...
added by sadiebugz00
Source: Me
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
posted by alicia386
Chapter Two- Romantic Night with the Wrong Guy

Every Tuesday, right after school, the gang and I head over to the movies. Tonight was originally my night to choose the movie. I was going to pick that new Lindsay Lohan movie. I wanted to see the parts where she messed up her lines. Rumor has it that she was drunk while filming the movie. How delicious!

I had to lie to them and say that I have some family thing to take care of. In actuality, Zeke is coming over tonight. How could I tell my friends that our enemy was infiltrating my house? They would think I'm crossing over to the dark side. They...
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When I reach into the stars
And all I find is pain
I remember that in the darkest nights
There is still hope

I've been through the deepest waters
The darkest nights
Even when I couldn't see
I fought through it all....and survived

You know it isn't easy
Just fighting through it all
Trying to survive when you know there's barely any hope
And it was clear to me what a difficult world this is

People never said it would be an easy life
All they said was that it'd be worth the time
So I came into this world one dark night
And saw for myself how amazing it could be

Through the nights, through the days
Through the triumphs, through the pain,
We saw through it all
And believed

Through the nights, through the days
Through the triumphs, through the pain,
We saw through it all....
And survived.
posted by sadiebugz00
Realistic Fiction

Chapter 2
The Text

Samuel's Point of View

Heh heh. These girls are such suckers... he thought as he typed out the text telling about the losers.

The text read: U guys wna know bout sme lsrs? Chck out the nmes Kelli Rush, Samantha Gonzalez, Lizzy Strickland, Anne Finley Riley, n Autumn Konrad. Ya, she my sis. I dnt like tht fact. Txt me l8er-Sam

Thank God, he thought, around 150 characters. Not 200. Surprised that didn't go over the limit.... Huh.

As he clicked, "Send to all contacts" He stopped. Something was bugging at him. Was it his conscience telling him to not send it? Nope....
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Seven
Book Three- Zoe


      I stayed início all dia today. I observed Shane as he inspected the forest. It was like he created work from himself so that he could stay here longer. I could just stroll out here and demand why he was still here but Emma came or appeared. I was up in the basement and she stood right alongside of me. I had gotten use to her just materializing whenever she pleased. "Hey Emma," I greeted without removing my gaze from Shane, "What brings you by?"
      "I need you,...
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added by alicia386
posted by alicia386
I wrote this before Christmas. Hope you like!!!

Andre Louis sat quietly in the library. His butler, James, was standing seguinte to him with a phone on a silver platter. It have been half and hora since his mom called him and explained that they were not coming início in time for Christmas.

His parents have been in Italy for 3 months. They only called about twice a month.

"James," said Andre, "We may need to make other arrangements for natal this year. cancelar all of the decorations and jantar parties. Tonight, i will take a walk. Make sure Katy is in cama on time."

Andre did not want toshow his misery...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter One

Mason Montgomery auditioned 480 girls this week alone to play the part as charlotte in his new movie, Hourglass. Hourglass was all about a woman who could stop time just to be with her love. Each girl he auditioned wasn't giving him what he wanted. All he wanted was a fair-looking girl with pretty eyes and a sensitive coração but the girls he auditioned were anything but that. He tried being nice and say encouraging things but after the 248th girl he gave that a rest. Now he just said what came to mind like "You stink," or "And you call yourself an actress? Get it outta here." He had...
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posted by para-scence
I'm drowning in dark waters. I'm in a dark, empty room, filled with nothing bit black water. I see a white light hanging above me, but I can't reach it. It feels like my feet are bricks, dragging me down into the charcoal ocean. No matter how much I struggle, my efforts are useless. I'm just wearing myself out. I finally let go, and stop fighting. I drift away under the waters.

I could feel myself floating around for a long time, yet I could still breathe. It didn't feel like I was breathing, but I didn't feel any shortage of oxygen in my lungs. I felt numb.

Then after what seemed like forever,...
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added by h3rmioneg
added by alicia386
Source: google i guess
added by h3rmioneg
posted by BlondLionEzel
Issue #1

*Japanese Countryside School*

Teacher: Everyone, we have a new student here all the way from America.

Yuki: *Looks at her friend* I wonder who it is?

Yuki’s Friend: *Shrugs*

Teacher: Welcome our new student, his name is Nick.

Nick: *Walks in nervously, has black hair, a red baseball boné, cap pale-ish skin, dazzling brown eyes, and a slim but muscular figure* Hello...

Yuki’s Friend: *Whispers to Young Yuki* Wow...this guy is cute...

Yuki: *Blushes* I kind of agree...

Teacher: Would any of you like to ask perguntas about Nick?

Yuki’s Friend: What is America like?

Nick:’s big...very...
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posted by kyranww
I cant believe that he gave me a detention. All i was doing was sketching my teacher on my textbook. I personally thought that it was pretty life like, but i guess he disagreed. My art teacher said I should work at my talent but then again i suppose she didn't mean during math.
Well i guess i should probably start to head to his room then, it is on the other side of the school and i have only twelve minutos to get there. As i walk along these old fashioned corridors i realize that the classrooms on either side of me are empty. But wait, that's not right its only fourth period there should be...
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added by h3rmioneg
It wasn't the beaming rays of the sun that work nor was Izzy and Gary wanting breakfast, but a nightmare instead.

Sitting up I felt sweat tripping from my forehead my breathing raspy and my throat dry, I blinked moving hair from my eyes I swolled some spit hoping my throat would clear, and it did.

I sighed as a flash of the dream accured.

A dark figure loomed over me looking closer I saw that it was a male wearing all black he wore a hoodie and held a silver dagger in his hand. He began to bring it down and I screamed of fear.

I brought my knees to my chest and lay my head on my knees. I finally...
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posted by flabaloobalah
I was overwhelmed with how happy and excited all our cousins were to spend the summer with us.
Tim was the oldest of them, and was my age. His face was a bit frightening, with glaring hazel eyes, runaway red hair, freckles, and his height. Plus, he had a bit of an underbite.
Jess was the seguinte oldest, maybe a ano or two below me. She always reminded me of an angel, with her soft blonde curls, big blue eyes, dimples, and optimisitc outlook.
Joey was Jess's twin brother. He looked barely anything like her, with his dark hair falling in his equally dark eyes. He even acted differently from her....
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