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Episode 2: The Summoning

*Where we last left off*

Duncan: ugh they escaped

Trent: Yeah

Geoff: I saw we seach the city

Bridgette: or go to the tower with all the lightening!!

Trent: that works

*at the tower

Justin: I know there gonna find us

Heather: what should we do

Justin: I think we need some insurance

Justin: Ezekiel you know what to do

Ezekiel: right *leaves tower*

Heather: It wont be long now

Justin: yes till the master arrives from the shadow world and claims this place as his own

*Duncan, Trent, geoff and Bridgette teleport to the tower*

Heather: s*** there here

Ezekiel: dammit

Justin: wait

Duncan: Well I guess you guys dont travel far

Trent: hand over the shard

Justin: I dont think so

Geoff: fine *points pistol at justin*

Justin: I wouldnt do that If i were you

Geoff: why not

Justin: We have a little insurance policy

Trent: Insurance??

Justin: look over there *points to Gwen and Courtney hanging off the edge of the building*

Trent: what the hell

Ezekiel: thats right we got your girl

Duncan: Dammit

Justin: so no one does anything and no one dies yet

Justin: heather open the portal

Heather: right

*the portal from the shard opens revaling the dark nothingness of the shadow world*

Justin: ha soon our leader will be back from the darkness and will rule this world

Duncan: ahhh now!!!

Trent: right *runs to save gwen and courtney*

Justin: stop them

Heather: *runs at trent*

Bridgette: No you dont *pulls out sword*

Heather: so its a sword fight you want *pulls out sword *lets go*

*heather and bridgette start fighting*

Trent: *rescues gwen and courtney*

Justin: dammit

Geoff: *trys to attack justin*

Justin: too slow surfer boy *Blasts geoff with an energy blast*

Geoff: *flys back into a mural and falls down*

Bridgette: Geoff no!!!

Heather: Pay attention *kicks bridgette in the face*

Bridgette: ahh *falls down*

Trent: *charges at justin* Prepare to die

Justin: I dont think so

*Trent and Justin have a huge fight in the air. They trade punches and kicks. They try to destroy each other with energy blasts*

Duncan: *runs to the portal*

Ezekiel: Not so fast eh

Duncan: out of my way

Ezekiel: *trys to kick duncan*

Duncan: *blocks kick and blasts ezekiel in the chest*

Ezekiel: ahhhhhhh *falls to the floor and dissolves into the portal*

*lighting starts striking the tower*

????: *evil laugh* I have returned

Duncan: no way its...

Alejandro: Yes its me Alejandro back and better than ever

Duncan: I thought that King Owen sent you to hell

(Owen is the king of the Spirit world)

Alejandro: well losts like Im back among the living

Duncan: Im gonna send you back

Alejandro: Just try

*Duncan and Alejandro have an epic battle with explosions and brutal strikes*

Heather: Oh get up surfer chick

Bridgette: ahh you wont get away with this *barely able to stand*

Heather: what ever *runs at bridgete*

Heather: *gets blown up por energy blast and dissolves into the portal*

Geoff: Ha got her

Bridgette: *walks over to geoff and helps him up*

Geoff: thanks

Justin: *hits trent with a flash bang*

Trent: ahhh the light my eyes *covers eyes*

Justin: *kicks trent in the face*

Duncan: *tries to soco alejandro*

Alejandro: *ducks and Kicks duncan in the ribs*

Duncan: *coughs up blood* ahh my ribs

Alejandro: *looks down at geoff and bridgette* lets try a little mind trick *Mind controls Bridgette*

Bridgette: *being mind controlled* *kicks geoff in the face*

Geoff: ahh what the hell Alejandro what did you do

Alejandro: Have fun fighting your girlfriend

Duncan: Dont get distracted *punches alejandro in the stomach*

Alejandro: *evil chuckle* fool!! *blasts duncan in the face*

Geoff: *ducks a kick* bridgette snap out of it

Bridgette: *Kicks geoff in the stomach then punches him in the mouth*

Geoff: Ahhh *falls to the ground*

Alejandro: good now finish the fool

Bridgette: *grabs a sword*

Geoff: ahhh *jumps and trys to attack alejandro in the air*

Alejandro: Stupid idiot *Knees geoff in the gut and blasts him in the chest*

Geoff: *falls out of the air and is in near death condition*

Bridgette: *snaps out of mind control* geoff no

Trent: *punches justin in the face and throws him to the ground*

Justin: no please dont kill me

Trent: Too late *Kicks justin into the portal*

Duncan: Ha looks like your the only one left alejandro

Alejandro: I dont think so *teleports to gwen and courtney*

Duncan: stay away from them

Alejandro: Ha *throws gwen and courtney into the portal*

Trent: NOO!!! *charges at alejandro*

Duncan: no trent stop

Alejandro: *blasts trent*

Trent: ahh *falls but recovers and lands on ground*

Duncan: HAAAAAA!!! *Powers up to full strength*

Trent: *runs and jumps into the portal*

Duncan: what the hell

Alejandro: how stupid he just sent himself right to hell

Duncan: Dammit how many of my friends have to die today

Alejandro: aww is duncan mad

Duncan: Prepare to die!! *charges at alejandro*

Alejandro: what!?!? His power level is huge

Duncan: *tackles Alejandro into the portal and sends an energy blast right through him*

Alejandro: This is not over!! Your in my world now *teleports away*

Duncan: *lands on a floating rock* well looks like Im in hell! Huh its just never ending shadows!!

Duncan: better find trent, courtney and I guess I have to find gwen *fly off into the darkness*

*back in the normal world*

Bridgette: what the portal its closing

*the portal dissapears in a giant explosion*

Bridgette: *runs to geoff* are you okay

Geoff: I dont think im gonna live much longer

Bridgette: dont say that

Geoff: bridge I always loved you *fades into the spirit world*

Bridgette: NO!!!!!!

*in the Spirit world at king owens office*

King Owen: seguinte victim!!

*geoff appears at the end of the line*

Geoff: where am I *walks up to desk*

King Owen: you are in the spirit world

Geoff: have you seen my friends

King Owen: let me check

Ezekiel gasped. He ran to the plane, bumping into Owen. "Whoa, whoa, dude, what's wrong?!" Asked the overweight teen. The homeschooled boy began to cry. "A-A-Alejandro and S-S-Si-Sierra are..adopted!"
"I overheard Chris and Izzy talking to Esper...they're going to take them off the show!"
"I don't know! We have to do something!"
"I think I have an idea."

"Are you going to be okay, Alejandro?" Heather asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..but..there's something I want to tell you." Alejandro replied, suddenly growing nervous.
"You guys are like..the family I never had; But you're different....
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posted by Mp4girl
I've decided to start a new journal on here. Since you all know me, you'll know what I'm ranting about.

Oh, so I'm just the girl who everyone knows. Maybe it's paradise to you, but definitely not to me. I mean, how would you like it if all you experienced every dia was some dumb guys you don't even know asking you out for dates every minute? Seriously. TT

WHYYYY is it always me? Why me, when I accidentally called the wrong person (instead of calling my best friend Ojiru, I called a aleatório guy I don't even know) and was totally clueless about what the hell the guy was saying?! Well, I admit that...
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kari,taylor,natalie,andrea,jared,kevin,dannie, chante,and alyssa were trapped on a island with the dimwit blonde ditz:lindsay.
lindsay jumped up and down clapping,kari didnt look amused,she had her arms crossed.
kari:GAH!(she covered her ears)
lindsay:hi kara,nadia,tayna,audria,jason,kyle,manny,shannel, and aielsha!
none of them looked amused they all shouted:THATS NOT OUR NAMES!
kari rolled her eyes:this will be a looonnngg,an crappy island,and HER!
she looked at lindsay who ran into a wall.
lindsay saw them leaving:hey!wait!I know the way out of here!
jared raised and eyebrow:then WHERE?
lindsay:hmm...I think I forgot.
Heather was walking down an alley to get back to her house after a night out with lindsay, (she'd been forced to go) Little did she know that someone was following her stealthily. Hollow was tracking heather down por her own sound. Hollow could do this because her mum was a topo, início secret agent so she'd learnt well. She had seen what Heather was capable of on TDI. She ran towards her with a decapitated carving faca & struck her. Heather's body fell lyk a sack of potatoes. She was dead. Hollow ran off.
Warning: This is not a DxC Fanfic, this is a spoofity spoof.
Thak yewz

Courtney: Mom, dad, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, DUNCAN *pushes Duncan to parents*

Mr. Courtney: Hi there! I'm Tim, and this is Rhodna...oh.

Duncan: ...what?

Rhodna: Courtney! Why the he...I mean heck, are you dating a delenquient?

Courtney: Because he's nice and sweet!

Tim: Courtney, what did I say about delinquients?

Courtney: DADDY!

Duncan: Really, Mr. Courtney...

Tim: Mr. Buckingshire

Duncan: Sorry...Mr.Buckingshire...but really, it's fine!

Rhodna: How many times have you been to juvy, young man?

Duncan: 42, why?

Tim: That...
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posted by TOTALFan
I ran into my bedroom and slammed the door behind parents were fighting again...I body slammed onto my cama and cryed into the pillow...I couldn't take it anymore.I got out of cama and got out my back-pack, I packed my left over m&m's, water bottle that was still cold and full, my jaqueta and 1 outfit.
I have this huge window seguinte to my cama and I opened it, I jumped out of it into my backyard and I opened the gate and walked out and closed it again...
As I walked out I saw a couple boy's sitting on the was Noah and Cody.
Cody and Noah walked over to me.

Cody:"Why are you...
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trent was tuning his guitar,and he got a letter in the mail from kari:
be safe.
(he usually got hurt)
trent started bleeding,and gwen the vampire cheirado, cheirava, smelt it and attacked uncontrolably.
trent woke up after gwen nearly ate him,thinking he was dead,he was in the hospital.
trent was a pain magnet,so kari said:
kari:if your parents ask,you fell down a fleet of stairs,this will get out of hand if they find out vampiros are real they will flip.
trent:so HOW am I alive?
kari:I delt with gwen,and took you to the hostpital.
trent's mom came in:WHAT HAPPPENED?!
trent:I fell down a fleet of stairs.
trent's mom:oh.
(she walked out)
kari winked at trent.
kari was leaning against the mural and brooke called her :'hey cool chick!we need your help with smashing the principals car!
cianna heard:oooh!I am telling.
kari pinned her to a wall:NO YOU ARENT!'
cianna got down,and brushed herself off.
after they were done
the hottest guy in school:isaac winked at kari:brooke elbowed kari:you two would make a cute couple.
kari raised an eyebrow:really?you think he would encontro, data me?
brooke:oh totally your cool,hot,smart,indpendant ,coo and pretty.
kari:you said cool twice!
brooke shrugged.
karislugged her backpack over her shoulder and went to first hour:
in first hour:...
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posted by TdiFan4Everz
Oh And por Katie I Mean Sonicluver101.

Katie: "I Need A Blue Sweater So I Can Cosplay As Bridgette?"
Lindsay: "Hey! Wanna Go To The Mall To Look For The Blue Sweater?"
Katie: "Sherre."
Lindsay: *Runs To Car Place* "Let Me Get My License First!"
Katie: "Mkay."

*1 hora Later*

Lindsay: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I Failed Because I Didn't Have The Paperstuff To Take The Test?"
Katie: "Then Why'd Ya Take An Hour?"
Lindsay: "I Kept Argueing With The Guy!"
Katie: O.O
Lindsay: "Tyson Can You Take Me And Kaylee To The Mall?"
Tyler: "Um..........No."
Lindsay: "Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?"
Tyler: "Alright. You...
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posted by amylina123
nelly:hey it's your host nelly cardonna and heres your favorito show total drama weddings here comes isabella welcome isabella

isabella:hi hi hi i am so happy to be here yay

nelly:k here comes andrea

andrea:[screams] it's so awsome to be here yayzez

nelly:akward comes dylan

dylan:it's so awsome to be here nice place we got here

nelly:thanx here comes jared

jared:collio is where were staying

nelly:k raynie is here

raynie wood:yayzeeeeeeeeeeeeeez were staying here woho

nelly:and natilie is here

natalie:hi it's an honor to be here

nelly:thanx again last but not least sumer

sumer:hi evertone

the end
Courtney turned around and the smile fell from her face. It wasn’t Duncan, like she hoped. It was Damien. But he was still a Log cabine gangster, which was hope that maybe, just maybe, there would be hopes of her returning to Log cabine too.

“What are you doing here? And how’d you find out where I live?” Courtney demands. The mais she could learn about what Damien was up to, the mais she could know about what his best friend, Duncan, was doing also.

“It wasn’t hard to find your address. Duncan keeps all his important papers under his mattress,” Damien answers. This made Courtney think...
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posted by megaDUNCANfan
Haley:Well, Duncan.How's Terrian?
Duncan:He's great.
Trent:Who is Terrian?
Haley:Duncan's new born son.
Trent: REALLY?
Haley: yep, and my new name is Michie.
Duncan and Trent: k.
Chris: Wow, first Trent has a son then Duncan and now Izzy's pregnant witrh mine!
Michie: I'm pregnant too!
TrenT: WHAT??
Michie: No, not really!
Dunacn: whew!
Courtney: Hi!
Michie: OMG! Terrian is sooo cute! my I hold him?
Courtney: sure.
Michie: awsome!
Chris: Well this has been a short episode. Michie sing 3!
Michie: k,Here is Terrian court. 1,2,3 I don't need you with me....(by brittney spears)'

*fade out*
 Kaycee....set free
Kaycee....set free
Kaycee's POV: Kaycee walked on the soft, lush green grama of the small meadow seperating the vamps from the bar. She was determined to see Duncan, no matter what, if it meant sacrificing being a vampire, if it meant suicide, anything. Suddenly, she heard crisp footsteps behind her.


Kaycee quickly looked back and saw Bridgette, Courtney, and Gwen running toward her. She turned back around and started running- one boot on, one boot off. She ran all demented like and slow because her one-not shoe pattern was slowing her down. She stopped, reached down, and unzipped her boot, taking it...
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 zoe at the de praia, praia
zoe at the beach
I was at the de praia, praia ,then a wold came and started attacking me. "AHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS A lobo DOING AT THE BEACH!!!"
"Ill save you!" yelled a voice, it was duncan.
"duncan" he took me to the woods, and we lost the wolf.
"i think we lost it, zoe."
"i hope so. Hows you find me?"
"i was walking and saw you get attacked por a wolf."
"okay, you know who to play gutiar, right?
"i need a new gutiar player, want the job?"
"sure, whats the band?"
"skulls and sticks"
"okay, so..."
"wannna go out?"
"what? 0_o"
"want to go out? with me?dunkie?"
"well, i e, o, um. *goosebumps theme plays*
"what the heck is that? zpe?"
"do you konw?"
"no AHH!"
"a mummy!"
"what? OMG AHHH!"
Both:RUN! AHH!

To be counitnued
Phil: * looked in room* last time on total drama the haunting, Chase went chicken and left on the scardy car, the zombies won a great dinner, and one of our ghost interns quit for being insulted, what will happen, who will leave, and will we get a new intern find out and mais on this episode of total-drama-the haunting
Summer: wheres Phil
ghost: he told me to tell you that the challenge is to find Phil
Alex: whats the reward
ghost: *talks on phone then hangs up* Phil says to hurry cause he didn't have break fast
death: do we get hints
ghost: you get these cool walkytalkies...
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*Andrea stands up*"OW!MY HEAD!"yelled a unfilimailar voice from down the dark tunnel."Huh?Who's There?"yelled Lisa.Some people came walking toward them."Sorry did we scare you?""Don't apoligize.I'm Vanessa.And this is my freind,Ronnie."said Vanessa."I hit my head against the doces cane wall."explained Ronnie."It's ok,you didn't scare us THAT much..."lied Sumer as she grabbed onto Geoff.

"Uh,guys."said Bridgette and Alex toegther."Wat?"asked Brooke."What are we gonna do?"said Bridgette."She has a point."said Cody."We are stuck in this freaking cave.""Ugh.... so...hungry...."said Vanessa."ME too."agreed...
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posted by coolthingsfan14
this episode of total drama restaurant was made por two fanpoper coolthingsfan14
and aleatório 9747649

cris : (is 4:00 of the morning) wake up every body is time to make the breakfast

chrissy: but is 4:00 in the morning the breakfast is serve at 6 :00 we still got two hours

cris:i know

crissy:i hate you cris

everyone: me too.

(every one mets at the cozinha very tire)

summer:you suck cris

alexander:good for me that i bring a bag of coffee .(wile drinking)
(everyone atacks him)
brigette :give me the coffee
alexander:ok *gasps with love*

chrissy:what are we going to do gaffers
heather:we should make...
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did you see what she looks like-Cops
oh dont worry she has always been ugly-Brittani
HAHAHAHAHAHA OH thats funny-Duncan
so what i kicked her bunda what now i go to juvie-Jacki
whatever you suck you freakin bacon, toucinho bits are the the enemy THE LAW IS THE ENIMY-Jacki
yeah yeah ok get in the car-Cops
i cant believe it her 7th time in juvie-Brittani
she will be fine i promise-Duncan
thats not what im worried about its the fact that how many people she's gonna put in the hospital-Brittani
well... now that she's gone...-Duncan

(At night)

ok you know what to do right-Brittani
yeah i have broken...
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posted by 7thGradeGenius
 "How DARE you cheer on Brittanya!!!!"
"How DARE you cheer on Brittanya!!!!"
Finally, the competition was over, and it was down to me and Heather. Big shocker. But I was also sad that Duncan wasn't there por my side.

Chris lead Heather and I to a theatre-like arena thingy. Two sets of bleachers were set facing each other, one with a picture of Heather and the other with a picture of me. There was a white finish line near the bleachers, so I knew this had to be a race of some sort. But that would be a piece of cake. I'm the fastest female runner at this camp. This was gonna be way too easy.

"OK," Chris said. "We have the contenders Heather and Brittanya. And please welcome,...
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posted by Courtney370
Hey! everybody just to let you kown that in this fã fiction Courtney finish high school and go,s to law school to become lawyer and duncan is still a Criminal. Chr.1 It was 5:00 pm and It was a Saturday. Courtney was studying for her LSAT,s. Courtney took a little break from studying in her guide book for the LSAT,s and got on her laptop. she went on super fun place where you can meet friends and do much more. she was chating to and bridgette and leshawna. leshawna girl: what,s up girl. Snow girl: my mom and dad went to the super market will not be back to 8:00 pm. leshawna girl: so courtney how,s law school. courtney in the real flash: It really awful they make every thing seen so boing. Snow girl: they do. courtney in the real flash: yes they do and i have to take LSAT. leshawna girl: sorry i got to go and meet my katie at starbucks. snow girl: well courtney bye i got to get off here before my dad see. courtney got off since all firends did. chr.2