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I know what are you thinking who the hell is aravi velez???? well is a girl from there's a lot of dxc storys and some of them are really good and I think this is really good so here it is and I don't wanna still credit so I have to say that I don't write it aravi velez write it

now that thesse is clear

the story


It was another dia on the set of Total Drama Action, where the final five remained: Courtney; Duncan; Lindsay; Harold; and Beth. Justin was voted off the dia before, due to Courtney pretending to like him, JUST to get him to throw the final part of the challenge to get invincibility. We now take our scene to the Crafts Service Tent, where four of the final five eat. Wait a minute: FOUR of the final five? Yes. One of them was missing. And another noticed it.

I was looking around the Crafts Service Tent and noticed only Lindsay, Beth, and Harold sitting down. Where was Courtney? I was about to stand up and look for her, when the room went black. Then the lights came back on, and there was Chris McClean, dressed up as Sherlock Holmes. Of course, today’s challenge would be related to the detective flicks.

“Good morning, campers,” Chris began. “Or should I say SUSPECTS!” he finished, pointing at all of the campers. Duncan then asked, “Hey! Where’s Courtney?!” After that, he grabbed Chris por the colarinho, colar and yelled out, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO PRINCESS?!”

“Yea, where is she anyway?” asked Harold, who—apparently—was looking worse than he usually did. He had bruises on his face and arms. How’d he get them in the first place? Chris then continued, “Oh yes. Duncan, I did not do anything to… ‘Princess’. Courtney was taken last night.

“In front of you are your meals—no surprise there—but if you clear your plates, only one of you should see an X, the rest an O. The one with the X-Marked plate is going to be our detective. The rest, suspects of the crime.”

Soon the campers cleared their plates—without eating the food. Duncan’s plate had a big, fat, X written in it. Chris stated that since Justin—who won "Princess Courtney" in the anterior challenge—wasn't here anymore. Everyone else looked a little scared, since they were suspects—especially Harold, for some reason. Maybe because he was a suspect, maybe he’s the culprit as well…either way, this hot boy was NOT feeling good.

At the Scene of the Crime

Chris showed me to where it happened. It appears that Courtney was dragged over, looking at the marks in the dirt. Then her head was banged into the trailer, noticing the dent and the blood on the trailer wall. Additional dents must’ve shown she put up a good fight, but failed. If Princess had screamed for help, he must’ve silenced her with the bloody cloth seguinte to the marks. I analyzed the blood. Now I wasn’t a scientist, but I assumed it was Courtney’s. Whoever took her away was PAYING! BIG time!

I was about to look further when Chris took me back to the tent where the suspects were supposed to be. First, Lindsay came in, and she was all dressed up in a Victorian dress. I wondered where she got it from, or WHY she got it in the first place. But I already have one BIG mystery on my hands.

I was asleep last night. I woke up to a loud BANG! seguinte thing I knew, there was a bulge in the wall, right over my head. I decided to look outside, but all I saw was a shadow dragging a body away. After that, I shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I didn’t notice Cornelia was missing until this morning. And that’s the truth.

Lindsay’s interview made a lot of sense. A lot like Lindsay. She saw a shadow. I asked her to describe it. She said it was a little bulky. Then I sent her off, waiting for the seguinte suspect.

Where Courtney is being held hostage

Meanwhile, we go to where Courtney is being held captive. She wakes up, and finds herself lying down on a couch, hands tied behind her back. Her legs and mouth, however, are free. She takes this opportunity to stand up and walk around. As soon as she finds a door, she tries to open it, despite her bound hands. Soon enough, she began to hear footsteps. Hoping it was someone coming to rescue her, and not her captor, she waits eagerly por the door.

Her hopes were then crushed when she saw…HIM. “Courtney,” he began. “Not off to a good start, are we?” he asked her. Courtney responded with trying to get pass him. He replied por pushing her back into the sofa. “What do you want with me?!” she demanded. Her captor just shook his head, and took out some mais rope. “I’ll probably tell you if you promise not to run away again.” He told her as he began to tie her legs together. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF ME!” Courtney yelled as she tried to kick him.

He just shook his head and forced her to lie back down. He then met her face with his, but not too much to make her recognize him. “I could gag you. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about losing the challenge, today.” ‘So THAT’S what this is about?!’ she thought. She was about to speak again when he stuffed a cloth in her mouth.

“Well now, don’t you look so cute?” he asked, taunting her. Courtney tried all she could to cough the gag out, but he placed his hand over it so she wouldn’t. “Chris asked me—personally—to kidnap you and take you here. If Duncan doesn’t figure out who I am, or finds you, por the end of the day, I win.” Her eyes widened. DUNCAN! She then tries to scream and bit his hand, but her shouts were muffled and—because of the cloth—she couldn’t bite his hand. He then got off of her to get something else, during this; Courtney had the cloth out of her mouth. She screamed at her highest and loudest,

“DUNCAN! HELP ME!” But that was all she said until the cloth was stuffed back in and her captor placed a strip of duct tape over her mouth. “Now then, I have to leave for an interview.” He told her as he pinched her cheek—making her whine—and left, leaving her in the darkness.

Back at the Tent

Well, here are the clues I have so far. Lindsay saw a bulky shadow drag her off, but only for a short while. seguinte up, I have Beth. This is the story SHE comes up with.

I was in the restroom when this happened, brushing my teeth and cleaning my glasses. Suddenly, I heard a scream. I tried looking outside to see what it was but someone locked me inside. I tried screaming for help when I remembered I couldn’t. As luck would have it, I found a way to unlock the door from the outside. I looked out, and saw someone who looked like he was choking someone. He then threw her into the trailer and dragged her off. I was too scared to do anything.

So he was choking Princess as well? I was SO going to kill him! I asked Beth for anymore information, but she just shook her head. Then I asked her how she got locked in the restroom in the first place. She answered she probably did it por accident and then I sent her off. Now all who’s left is Harold—he looked even dweebier with the black n’ blues.

I asked him to sit down and practically THREATENED him to tell me the truth. I didn’t have to attach lie-detectors to Lindsay and Beth, but for Harold. I thought it necessary. If he was lying I had permission to beat the living HELL out of him...OKAY! I didn’t. But still, I would if I did.

I was in the trailer and I heard someone scream. I ran out and attacked the attacker. But the downside is, he was powerful than my wicked skills. He elbowed me in the face, ribs, and kicked me in my num-yo’s. After that I fell over. I saw a piece of glass and stabbed him in the arm with it. It didn’t make a big cut so he was able to get away, and he pushed ME into the door after I stabbed him.

Funny, nothing on the detectors was atuação up. He HAD to be telling the truth. I asked him if he saw the face, he said no. But before I asked him to leave, I asked him if he ever crap himself. He yelled out no. And just like that, the lie detectors were going crazy. I KNEW I was going to get something out of him.

I sent him off, out of suspects, and out of t—wait a second! I didn’t cover everyone…Chris and Chef had to be suspects as well. Either that or they knew who the culprit is.

Meanwhile, with Courtney

Courtney lay helplessly on the sofa, bound and gagged. The first thing she was going to do as soon she was freed, she thought, was to sue whoever kidnapped her! She was also going to sue Chris for letting him kidnap her. She heard the door open again, and there he stood, wearing a white hockey mask to cover his face. (AN: See “Hook Line and Screamer” and “The Sand-Witch Project” for mais info)

“Hello again, Courtney.” He said, smiling under the mask. She sat herself up and glared at him, yelling at him. “Oh I’m sorry,” he mocked. “Want me to take your gag off for you, Princess?” Courtney was surprised when he asked this, but nodded. And with that, her captor painfully RIPPED the strip of duct tape off of her mouth, making her scream in pain. “OWW!” she cried. If her hands were freed, she would’ve rubber her mouth, and also slap him in the face.

“Now, what’d you say?” he asked as he pinched her cheek. Courtney nearly bit his finger off. “I DEMAND YOU TO LET ME GO THIS INSTANT! Or I promise you I’ll sue you for everything y—” She didn’t finish, because he gagged her again. “I’m tired of your pretty mouth. I’d rather have a pretty mouth shut than a dirty one open.” Courtney glared at him once more. He only grinned in response. “Still…I always DID want to kiss those pretty lips of yours…” And then she knew!

In front of the studio

I was searching EVERYWHERE for the host that had practically “tortured” us ever since we came to Camp Wawanawk-weird. I was going to find him whether he liked it or not! Speaking of torture, I then heard something that made me change my mind: Courtney! I ran to the fonte of her scream, and stepped in front of Studio 16 (AN: If you played “Total Drama Action: Best Game Ever” you would understand what I was talking about.) I stepped inside, and I didn’t find anything, YET! I kept walking, further and further, until I faced the most horrifying image in my life! SO horrifying, I just had to tear up. I saw the culprit with his lips on those of my Princess. I had to break it up, and so I did, and in the process, discovering the culprit: JUSTIN!

“Hello, Duncan. Nice to see you again.” He said as he pushed me off of him. I couldn’t believe my eyes! We had voted Justin off yesterday. WHY WAS HE BACK?! WHY WAS HE LIP-LOCKING WITH COURTNEY?! I was so mad that I could KILL him!

“All of your perguntas will be answered shortly.” Justin said as if he practically read my mind. He placed Courtney on his lap and held her there, despite her attempts at escape. “The lame-o-sine took me to this studio, where Chris asked me to take this opportunity to get back in the competition. But my prize was no longer on the million bucks,” Justin began. Courtney kicked him, but he reacted as if he didn’t feel a thing. And with that, he held her face in one of his hands. “That’s right. My new goal was winning…‘Princess’”

He’s using my petname for her now?! And with that, he kissed her again, she screaming with terror. I kicked him where it hurts, and he let go, making Courtney drop. Luckily, I was able to catch her before she hit the ground. “Duncan, you saved my life” she told me. I smiled at her. And I wanted to kiss her but I already saw Justin planning to attack. I gently placed Princess down and violently punched Justin in the face.

He screamed like a girl, and attempted to soco me back. Thanks to taking those Martial Arts classes, I pinned him to the mural and twisted his arm behind his back. “You lose again, Justin” I said before I threw him to the floor, right in front of Chris and the rest of the contestants, who gasped in shock.

“It looks like the culprit has been revealed. Justin, I’m very disappointed in you.” Chris said, as if he never plotted this. Justin looked up at him, and tried to explain to Chris that he ASKED him to be here. But the host would hear none of it. He asked Chef to personally carry Justin away. “I WILL BE BACK! YOU WILL SEE ME AT THE FINALE!” Justin vowed. “COURTNEY, YOU WILL BE MINE!” Duncan went and untied Courtney, who hugged him. She was tearing up again.

“Duncan, thank you…a million times thank you…” she thanked. Duncan replied with a kiss, and said “You’re welcome” He then kissed her again, until Chris interrupted them with an “ahem”. They broke the kiss and turned to Chris.

“Duncan, since you won the challenge, your prize is…well…you’re holding her and beijar her.” Chris stated. So Duncan’s prize as Courtney. Courtney, earlier in the season upset that Chris made her 2nd place, was now pleased that Duncan won her. “Duncan, you’ll always be an ogre.” She said. “And you’ll always be a princess, Princess” Duncan responded. Then they kissed once more.
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added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
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