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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World: Paris, The City of Love. There everyone, but Alejandro, had to get in a couple with someone and do 1 of 3 challenges. The first one was to ask the spouse out on a date. Cody fell asleep on Eva, and Joss had to let his IPhone do the talking to Taylor. The 2nd round was called the first date. Alejandro played the waiter and he put hot sauce in Cole's and Liza's pão because Cole votted Heather off, but it went into Jordan's and Annie's pão and Jordan's mouth was burning! The last round was called the first kiss. Just before Mike and gamo, fawn kissed, Mike turned into his only girl personality, Svetlana, and slapped gamo, fawn for beijar him or her. In the end, it was Mike who said goodbye. Well, it was really Manitoba Smith who said it. Who will win? Who will lose? Stay tuned because this is an episode you will want to bite your teeth into. On Total Drama Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-First class)
(Cody is snoring very loud, Bridgette and Geoff are making out and Alejandro is tossing and turning)
Rochelle: Alejandro, be still!
Alejandro: i can't sleep.
Annie: we all can't because of Cody, Bridgette and Geoff, and you!
Alejandro: that's not the reason I can't sleep
Jordan: I got to go to the restroom.
Fawn: You just went.
Jordan: well i have to go again. (exits)
Eva:agggg... I need to sleep!
Draven: I know. I don't know how Cody can sleep like this.
Eva: He slept on me all dia yesterday. Agghh... I am so mad he didn't leave.
Rochelle: Can everyone just Shut up so I can sleep?
Annie: well get Alejandro to stop moving, Cody to stop snoring, Geoff and Bridgette to stop making out and Jordan to stop getting up to use the restroom.
Jordan: (enters) what about me?
Annie: oh... ummm... your hot?
Jordan: thanks. you too.
Rochelle: Bridgette. Geoff!
Bridgette: what?
Rochelle: can you please stop so we can sleep?
Geoff: (sigh) fine.
Fawn: Team Germany must be sleeping like bebês in first class.
(First class)
(Izzy is crying like a baby)
Layla: Agggghhh... Owen get here to stop!
Owen: why?
Layla: Because your the one who made her cry.
Owen: how?
Liza: you broke up with her.
Owen: so?
Cole: you have to get her to stop.
Owen: how?
Lance: get back together with her.
Owen: I don't want to. I like someone else now.
Sierra: we need our sleep!
Chilly: I got something. (walks up to Izzy and slaps her) Quit it!
(Izzy cries harder)
Chilly: that didn't work.
Layla: well no da!
Chris (intercom): (plays trumpet) Okay! Everyone out of the plane! Time to start the challenge!
Liza: oh no.

(Romanian Forest)
Izzy: (still crying)
Fawn: where are we?
Chris: Romania!
Joss: (screams)
Layla: WO! Did shy boy just make a sound?
Liza: why did you scream?
Joss: aaaaaa.... (puts 2 of his figures in front of his teeth to make Vampies teeth)
Draven: You believe in vampires?
Joss: (nods head)
Draven: wow... Chris, tell him that there's no such thing a vampires.
Chris: There's no such thing as vampires.
Draven: see...
Chris: except. Chef is one.
Joss: (screams)
Chris: Chef?
Chef: (comes out of plane in vampiros custom)
Joss: (screams)
Chris: don't worry. It's just a custom! Today's challenge is a game a vampire tag!
Annie: Vampire tag?
Chris: It's just tag but Chef is a vampire.
Annie: oh...
Chris: if you get tagged por Chef, you have to go back to the plane and your out. The team with the last person standing, wins! You got 5 minutos to find a hiding spot and then Chef will start coming.
Jordan: Chris?
Chris: Yes Jordan?
Jordan: can I go hide in the bathroom?
Chris: sure. but now Chef knows where you are going to hide.
Jordan: I'll go find a tree.
Chris: ready. Start hiding!
(Fawn, Liza, Lance, Sierra, Eva, and then Joss enter plane and everyone else goes into the woods)
(Mess hall)
(Liza in under tables when Joss enters and opens up cabinet)
Liza: (whispering) what are you doing?
Joss: (screams and turns around with garlic in hands)
Liza: Really? Garlic? His not a real vampire.
Joss: aaaa....
Liza: here. Come under here with me. We can hide together.
Joss: (goes under mesa, tabela with Liza)
Liza: do you ever talk?
Joss: (nods head)
Liza: when? Where?
Joss: (points to a door)
Liza: huh?
Joss: (makes camera with hands)
Liza: a camera? Oh... the confessional.
Joss: (nods head0
Liza: well, a least you can talk to a camera.
Chris: (intercom) Ready or not. Chef is coming!
Liza: okay, let's be quiet.
Joss: (nods head)
(Izzy is crying under a tree)
Chef: (tags Izzy) back to plane girly.
Izzy: (still is crying)
Chef: I said back to plane. (sigh) interns!
(2 interns come and carry Izzy back to plane.)
Chef: Crazy girl.
(A sound of water is herd)
Chef: huh? There's no river near here.
(Jordan sighs)
Chef: (looks behind a arbusto, bush to see Jordan's back)
Chef: hmmmm... (sneaks over and etiquetas Jordan) Back to plane!
Jordan: (screams and pees on chef) oops sorry.
Chef: back to plane!
Jordan: okay! (runs to plane)
Chef: aggg... and this was new!
(A sound of beijar is heard)
Chef: Bridgette and Geoff. IT has to be them. (looks moves over branch of árvore and see's Bridgette and Geoff making out and then etiquetas them) OUT! back to plane.
Bridgette and Geoff: okay! (goes back to plane holding hands)
Chef: at this rate, we will be done in 5 minutes. (keeps on walking and passes por a arbusto, bush with Draven and Rochelle behind it)
Draven: Good, he passed us.
Rochelle: (yawns) I'm so tired.
Draven: me too. But we can't sleep right now. When we win. We can.
Rochelle: (sigh) okay. What time it?
Draven: I don't know.
Rochelle: you have a watch.
Draven: I got it set for my início town back in Canada. It's like 12 hours behind than here.
Rochelle: (sigh then yawns again) I'm going to sleep. You keep watch.
Draven: Yeah.. that seems fare.
Rochelle: (goes to sleep)
(Farther down the woods)
(Cole is in a tree)
Cole: Chef won't see me up here.
(someone pushes him down)
Cole: Wo!
Chef: (tags Cole) Your out!
Cole: But- (see's Alejandro jumps down from árvore on the other side and starts to run) Alejandro is over there! Get him!
Chef: (starts chasing Alejandro)

Cole: That will teach you to push me out of a árvore like that Alejandro.
Jordan: (knocks on door) Can I please go to the restroom now?
Cole: (sigh) fine.

(1st class)
Lance: I think Chef is still in the woods. So we got some time in here.
Sierra: okay.
Lance: So why did you make out with me yesterday?
Sierra: Because i amor you.
Lance: you do?
Sierra: yeah. and you amor me.
Lance: No i don't.
Sierra: isn't that the reason you agreed to be in an alliance with me?
Lance: what? No. I wanted to be in an alliance because i thought we were friends.
Sierra: oh...
Lance: yeah.
(Alejandro is running and Chef is chasing him)
Taylor: (In tree) I can stay up here. (branch starts to break.) Oh no. (falls down) Ouch!
(Alejandro jumps over here and then chef etiquetas her and keep on running)
Taylor: I guess I'm out. (walks to plane)
(Non-first class)
(Cole enters)
Cole: I'm hungry. I got to get something to eat in the mess hall.
Fawn: (sneezes)
Cole: huh? (looks under benches and finds Fawn)
Fawn: hello.
Cole: what are you doing under there?
Fawn: I'm hiding from chef. Don't tell him.
Cole: I won't.
Fawn: thanks.
Cole: I'll tell the vampire. (exits)
Fawn: WHAT?! (bangs head on the bench) OUCH!
(Annie is snoring in tree)
Cody: Why are you asleep?
Annie: (screams and falls out of tree) Ouch! Huh? Cody?
Cody: (hops down from tree) yeah. Why were you asleep?
Annie: Because I'm tired.
Cody: how could you be tired?
Cody: I was? wow. Sorry.
Annie: I'm sorry too. I'm just cranky.
Cody: well, you can go back to sleep. I'll keep watch for you.
Annie: thanks. (goes back up in tree)
(some where else in the woods)
(Alejandro is still running but Chef stops to take a breath)
Cole: (runs up) Chef! There you are!
Chef: Cole? Shouldn't you be in the plane?
Cole: well, you should too.
Chef: why?
Cole: I just saw gamo, fawn in there.
Chef: where?
Cole: Follow me.
(They both walk to plane)
Alejandro: (stops) Wow. Took him long enough to get tired. What is he doing with Cole? Hmmmm....
(Some where else in the woods)
Owen: It's so quiet.
Layla: That's because cry baby Izzy must have been found por Chef and taken back to the plane.
Chilly: Thank god. Now I can sleep.
Layla: not yet.
Chilly: why not?
Layla: You need to keep moving.
Chilly: why?
Layla: For one it will keep you awake and 2 chef will find you if you keep moving.
Chilly: (sigh) fine.
Layla: why am i even with you 2?
Owen: Because you amor us.
Layla: yeah.... sure....
Owen: oh come on you do. Don't lie.
Layla: sure...
Chilly: I think I hear something. Hide!
(Layla, Owen, and Chilly hide)
(Cole and Chef walk by)
Chilly: What is Cole doing with Chef?
Layla: Maybe he his helping him find all of Team Italy?
Chilly: maybe...
(Non-first class)
Cole: there she is.
Fawn: (screams then get tagged por Chef) Aw man!
Chef: You can go back to first class Cole. I'm going to go look around for anyone else in the plane.
Cole: Okay.
(Cole and Chef exits in opposite directions)
(1st class)
Cole: (enters) Lance? Sierra? What are you doing in here?
Lance: Hiding from Chef...
Cole: Well hide somewhere else.
Sierra: why?
Cole: Chef is here.
Lance: what?
Cole: yes! GO!
(Lance and Sierra exit)
(Mess hall)
Chef: hmmmm...
Joss: (sneezes)
Chef: Hmmm... (looks under tables and etiquetas Joss and Liza) OUT!
Liza: agggh... The dia you make sound is the dia you get us out.
Joss: (quietly) sorry.
Liza: wow you talked.
Joss: (quietly) That's because i trust you.
Liza: wow. Thanks.
(Pilot room)
Chef: (enters and looks around) hmmmm... (closes door and see's Eva.) Aha!
Eva: oh no!
(Chef etiquetas Eva)
Eva: aw man!
(Chef looks out side of plane and sees Lance and Sierra running into the woods)
Chef: Got cha! (exits)
(Woods near the arbusto, bush where Draven and Rochelle are hiding)
Lance: I think his on to us.
Sierra: let's go! (Trips and falls on Lance and the fall onto arbusto, bush and onto Draven and Rochelle)
Draven and Rochelle: (screams)
Lance and Sierra: (screams)
Chef: (come up behind them)
Draven, Rochelle, Lance, and Sierra: (screams)
(Chef etiquetas them)
Chef: your out! back to plane!
(about 25 yards away)
Annie: (wakes up) what was all that screaming?
Cody: Maybe someone found chef and is screaming and got out.
Annie: it sounded like it was close. Do you think he is almost here?
Cody: don't worry.
Annie: I think we should go.
Cody: Why?
Annie: in case he see's us.
Cody: okay...
(Annie and Cody hop down from árvore but then Chef etiquetas them)
Chef: out!
Annie: i don't think we should have gotten down.
Cody: ya think.
Chef: back to plane you 2.
Cody and Annie: we know.
Chef: hmmm...
(Layla, Owen, and Chilly enter)
Layla: oh no.
Chef: (starts to chase them and they start running away) Get back here!
Chilly: I think we're the only ones left.
Owen: (slows down and falls over) I can't breath!
Chilly: Owen!
Layla: just keep running!
Chilly: okay!
(Chef etiquetas Owen)
Chef: back to plane son.
Owen: okay... (walks back to plane)
Layla: we need to win this!
Chilly: yeah.
Chris: (intercom) All we have left is Layla, Chilly, and Alejandro!
Layla: yes! all we need to do is let Chef tag Alejandro and we win!
Chilly: okay.
(Alejandro enters about 50 yards away)
Layla: there he is! pass him!
Alejandro: oh no you don't! Keeps on running.
Layla: oh no.
(Chilly trips)
Chilly: oh stupid shoe lase!
(Chef etiquetas Chilly)
Chef: back to plane.
Chilly: aw man!
Layla: I got to pass Alejandro.
Alejandro: oh no you don't! (runs faster)
Layla: I need to win! (runs faster and caches up to Alejandro)
Alejandro: (pushes Layla into a tree) oh no you don't!
Layla: OW! My arm!
(Chef etiquetas Layla)
Chef: you lose,
Layla: aw man!
Chris: (intercom) And the winner is Alejandro! Team Italy wins!
Alejandro: yes!
Chris: (intercom) As for Team Germany. See you guys tonight!
Layla: aggghh....


Okay so Team Germany needs to vote someone off. You can IM me, caixa de entrada me, or comment below. You can ether tell me the name of who you want to be voted off or put it in a confessional form.

Here's who is on team Germany:

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Source: justin prom
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added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
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added by wetts2
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Source: Me
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