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posted by nocofangirl218
It's part 10! WWWWOOOOOWWWW! I can't believe I got this far! Anyway....I hope I'm not running this into the ground. So, anyway, heres the seguinte part! Hope ya'll like it! :D


*at elimination ceromoney*

Chris: *walks onto podeum* Well, bacon, toucinho Hawks, looks like you all lose....even though there wasn't even supposed to be an elimination ceromoney to night. But, thats to Duncan, there was a challenge, and you all lost it. Ha-ha, sucks to be you right now Duncan.

Duncan: Shut it Chris!

Chris: Ooohhh, I'm so scared! *laughs* Anyway, lets get this over with. Alright, the first three seguro are: Gwen, Rayla, and.....Rae! *throws the three pipoca bags*

*everyone is called until only Heather, Duncan, and Riley are left*

Chris: Alright contestants, this is the last pipoca bag of the evening. Two of you will be going home, and not coming back.....maybe. So, the last one seguro tonight is...............

Chef: *runs onto stage* Chris man, theres something you need to see!

Chris: *in whiney little kid voice* But Chhheeeeffff, I was in the middle of the elimination ceromoney! Can't it wait till after?!

Chef: *takes out a envolope, and shoves it into Chris's face* *walks off stage*

Chris: *opens the envelope, pulls out a letter, and quickly reads. He gets a deep blush, and gulps* Well...uh, Duncan was supposed to be safe.....but, due to, um....un-seen events, the last person seguro is............Riley. *throws Riley the pipoca bag*

Gwen: What?! But...but....but thats not fair! *starts to heavily sob*

Duncan: *puts a hand on her shoulder* It's gonna be alright pasty. Your a strong, indepindent, and smoking hot person! I know you'll be fine, and I promise I'll root for you. I amor you Gwen. *kisses her*

All except Heather: Aww!

Heather: *scoffs* Please, you two are disgusting! You just lost out on money Duncan! Dosen't that seem mais inportant than making-out with gothie?! If I were you, I'd be throwing a fit. I prefer cash over amor any dia of the freaking week! I mean, whats the good in amor if you don't have any money to buy your amor things?!

Duncan and Gwen: *still kissing, and ignoring Heather*

Chris: Alright...looks like we're doing it the hard way. *presses button, and security dudes seperate Duncan and Gwen. They also pick up Heather*

Duncan: *while being dragged away* I'll be rooting for you pasty!

Gwen: *snivels* Thanks Duncan! I'll try my best, and hopefully I'll win the money for the two of us!

Heather: *while she's being dragged* Seriously, you two are gonna make me barf!

*Heather and Duncan are thrown into the cab, and it quickly drives off*

Chris: Uh....yeah, so......I need to go! *runs off stage* *everyone shrugs, and goes back to the cabins - while also trying to comfort Gwen*

-the seguinte mroning-


Gwen: *snivels* Okay....I know he just left, but.......I already miss Duncan! I...I don't know if I'll be able to go on in the competition! He was...the only thing keeping me sane! *starts to cry*

Demetry: Duncans out...thats a shock. *smirks* What, did you honestly think I'd let that atomic weddgie slid so easily? No way! Even though I made them sing horrible songs...I didn't think Dunan truly learned his lesson. So, I did a little research, came across a few emmbarising fotografias of Chris, and basically told him I'd show the world the pictures if he didn't eliminate Duncan! Easy as pie! Hey, don't give me that: 'your such a jerk' look! I may be the biggest push-over in America, but even I have my limits! Duncan just happened to catch me in a already bad mood, and crossed my limits! Although...I am feeling guilty about seperating him from Gwen. I guess.....that was a little to harsh. :'( But...he deserved it....I think.

**end of confessionals**

*in Craft Servieces*

Kate: *walks in with a happy expression* Hello contestants! I'm in a really snazzy mood, and I can just tell todays gonna be great!

Gwen: *mumbles* Not it's not, it's gonna suck. *lets face slam into tabel*

Kate: Uh....okay then. So, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that Crystal isn't hosting today, which means Demetry wil be hosting again.

All: *groans*

Kate: I know, I know, it sucks. Although, the good news is that the reason Crystal isn't hosting today is because she wants to be sure the flu isn't gonna come back. So, tommorow, she'll be back on her feet, and hosting again.

All: *cheer*

Kate: So, Demetry will be here in a bit to give you all your seguinte challenge. So...I guess I'll see you guys later. *starts to leave*

Destery: *clears throat* Aren't you forgetting something Kate?

Kate: *stops and comes back in* Oh yeah...the re-cap. So, last time on Total Drama Rama, our faithful host, Crystal, got sick with the flu, and she had to have her friend, Demetry, fill in for her. he had a free dia in mind for the contestants, but, thanks to Duncan giving him a wedggie, he made them sing the worst songs in the history of music! In the end, Team Exploion was able to face the music, and bring início victory for their team. So, did I do a snazzier job this time Destery?

Destery: I gotta say, even though I had to remind you, you did an epic job on the re-cap this time Kate! :D

Kate: *smiles, and walks out*

-with Team Explosion-

Gladys: You were awesome in the last challenge Alex! I SO would've craked if I was fourced to sing Canibal.

Alex: *blushes and smiles* Thanks Gladys. I bet you would've done better though. :)

Gladys: Thanks! ^w^ *hugs Alex*


Gladys: Okay, it's official, Alex is the sweetest guy I've ever meet! :)

**end of confessionals**

Star: *looking around nervously for Heather, but can't find her. She realize she got voted off, and gets a even mais worried look*

Alex: *sees Star's nervous-ness* Whats the matter Star? I didn't think anyone would be nervous right after their team just won a challenge. Maybe your nervous about what Demetry has planned next, or....maybe your scared because your protection - aka: Heather - is gone. *narrows his eyes*

Star: W-what?! I-I have no idea what your talking about Alex!

Alex: Oh really? Are you sure about that Star? Cause, if I find out your lying, I personally garuntee you you'll be voted off seguinte time we lose.

Star: *gulps* Y-yes I'm sure.

Alex: *gives her a distrusting look , but soon nods his head* *he then goes back to what he was doing before he talked to Star*

Star: *sighs silently in relief*


Star: Okay...that was close! Alex is onto me, and if he finds out I had an alliance with Heather, I'm dead! *groans* Why did I ever consider taking Heather's conselhos in the first place?! All she ever does is complicate things! If course, the worst of all is....I'm back to square one with Noah!

**end of confessional**

-with Team bacon, toucinho Hawks-

All of Team BH: *watch as Team Explosion gets served fresh pie*

Rayla: *starts drooling* Me.....want........pie. *her stomach rumbles* I guess my stomach wants pie too. o3o

Destery: *looks at her blankley for a moment, but then stands up* I'll be right back. *goes off somewhere* *quickly comes back with something behind hs back* oi Rayla, I roubou something for you. *gives Rayla the piece pie he was hiding behind his back*

Rayla: *gasps, and takes the piece of pie* Oh my glob ths looks good! Destery....did you steal this for me?

Destery: *nods his head*

Rayla: OuO Thank you very much Destery! *takes the pie, and shoves the pie into her mouth* Nummy. -u-


Rayla: That was so super nice of Destery to do that for me! :D If he didn't bring me pie...I probably would've snapper. O.o

Destery: So I stple a peice of pie for Rayla. So what? She wanted some pie, and I got it for her. Nothing to complicated. And don't think I'm going soft! Cause if you do....I'll hunt you down and mess you up! *waves fist threatingly at camera*

**end of confessionals**

-1 hora later-

Demetry: *walks into Craft Serveices* oi there all you party people!

All but Katie and DJ: *glares at Demetry*

Demetry: *gets a scared look* So....uh, since Crystal still isn't feeling the greatest....I was thinking....maybe todays challenge could be to sing her a parody of a song. Laughter is the best medicen you know.

Katie: *smiles* Thats really sweet of you to do that Demetry.

Demetry: *blushes, and smiles back* Thanks Katie. :) So, Crystal's favorito parody people are: the Key of Awesome, and Weird Al" Yankovic. So, pick one of their parodies, maybe get a couple of costumes, and get ready to preform. Also, Crystal isn't a big fã of country music, so a country song parody would probably work the best....or least......I don't really know. :P Anyway, you have a half-hour. *waves goodbye to Katie befor leaving*

Katie: *smiles, and waves back*

-with Team Explosion-

Alex: Uh....does anyone know any good parodies?

Star: Well....I know the parody "Winter Girls" por The Key of Awesome pretty well. Maybe we should just do that one.

Noah: But it's not a country parody. What if Crystal dosen't like it?

Star: *gets a sad look* Well....thats the only parody I really know. I mean, if anyone else has any sugestions, I'm willing to here them. *no one speaks* Really? Well....I guess that means will be using my song idea.

Noah: *rolls eyes a bit*

Alex: So, since you claim to know the song, who should we have sing? Do we need any back-ups? And what about the costumes?

Star: *gets a nervous look* Well....uh.......we need two boy's for singers, we don't really need back-ups, and the cosumes will just be winter coats. Also, we need two girls for actresses. So...who's doing what?

Noah: Well, since you seem to know what your doing, you pick who does what.

Star: *gets suprised look* Oh...thanks Noah. So...I guess you and Alex seem to be okay with eachother, so can be the male singer's if you want.

Noah and Alex: *shrug*

Star: *smiles a bit* Okay, I can be one of the girl actresses, so all we need is one more. Any valunteers?

Gladys: I guess I could try and do it.

Star: Thats the spirit! Okay, lets get to work on this parody people! *runs off to the stage - her team following close behind*


Star: Wow! I never knew I could take control like that! It was just! I think I'm finally starting to re-gain some of the shattered trust of my team-mates! *squeals in delight*

Noah: Why did I let estrela take charge? Easy, so I know who to vote off if we lose. *smirks*

Alex: Do I trust estrela again? Heck no! I'm just letting some of the tension die down. Besides, if she truly had anything to feel bad about, she'll come clean on her own. *smirks a bit*

**end of confessionals**

-with Team bacon, toucinho Hawks-

Rayla: Okay, I think we should sing a song from the great....Weird Al" Yankovic! All his songs are classic, and they always make people feel better!

Destery: Great idea Rayla! :D

Rayla: *smiles realy big* Thanks Des! Anyway, since Crystal isn't that big on country, how about we do...TMZ? (A/N: parody of "You belong with me" por Taylor Swift)

Destery: Thats genious Rayla!

Rayla: Thanks! ^.^ The costumes can be normal clothes, and we can just get the back-up singers to dould as paparazzi when needed. all we have to do is find a guy to sing. Anyone want to valunteer?

Destery: Well...I would.

Rayla: Epic! :D *the two then run off to the stage to plan*

Alejandro: -.- Uh....I thought this was supposed to be a team effort. *shrugs and heads to the stage - everyone from BH slowly following his lead*

-30 minutos later-

*intercom clicks on*

Demetry: *through intercom* Alright everyone, I hope your ready, because it's showtime! So, make any last minuto changes now, because I'm gonna go get Crystal, and we'll both be there in a few!

*intercom clicks off*

*Both teams do a quick check, and wait pationtaly for Demetry and Crystal* *Soon, Demetry and Crystal - who is wrapped in a blankey - come walking up, and taking front-row seats por the stage*

Crystal: *tugs at blanket* Demetry....why do I have to wear this again?

Demetry: Because, it'll prevent the risk of you getting sick again. Besides, it gets kinda chille around this time of day.

Crystal: -.- It's around three-o-clock Demetry.

Demetry: o//o Uh....I knew that. So....anyway, first team up is....Team Explosion! So come on the stage, and make us laugh!

*the curtin goes up, and it reveals the stage covered in fake snow with Noah and Alex in winter coats standing por estrela and Gladys - who are also in winter coats*

Noah: Aww yeah lay down that sensual massage geléia, geleia cus its wintertime.
Alex: Ohh its cold, but I like it
Noah: You slip you gloves on *Star puts a pair of gloves on*
Alex: Slip your gloves on *Gladys also puts on a pair of golves*
Noah: You embrulho, envoltório a scarf around your neck and face *both girls put on scarfs*
Alex: Like a sexy Russian peasant if there is such a thing
Noah: Then you get one of them things that’s not a hat or a headband. It’s kinda both *both girls then put on the head-band things*
Alex: What the hell do you call that head muff hatband?
Noah: I don’t know but it’s sexy as heeeeeell.
Alex: And I’m willing to bet it was on sale.

*the two then start fake-walking like they were going down a real street*

Noah: It’s wintertime and the livin’ is freezy
Women are like dwarfs, grumpy and sneezy
Angry faces and chilly cheeks
Wind blows so hard that your eyeballs leak
Well let me tell you bout my particular fetish
See I like a girl’s nose when it’s runny and reddish
The colder it is the mais I get hot

Alex: I’ll make out with your nose, I don’t mind the snot
When it’s cold as a witches you know what
You can call me a esquilo cus I’m bustin’ nuts
Walkin’ out of the starbucks with a grande chá *Gladys fake walks while carrying a starbucks coffee cup*
Puffy casaco makes you look like a Manatee
You hit a patch of ice trip slip and fall *Gladys does the most fake fall ever*
Right now you don’t feel too sexy at all
But that’s where you’re wrong girl, you’re lookin’ fine. *Alex runs over, and help Gladys up*
Slidin’ down the colina on your behind

Noah: I don’t care if your classy I don’t mind if you’re trashy
Just as long as your skin feels dry and ashy *takes one of Star's hands, and rubs it against his cheek*
I’ll take you início and heat you up cus you’re my Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante dinner
Put your hands in the air for the girls of winter *throws his hands in the air*

Noah: Wintertime girls you know you really rock my world
Alex: Snug as a bug in a rug
Noah: Wearin’ nothing but gloves and Uggs
Alex: Wintertime ladies c’mon lets make some Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante babies
Noah: That don’t make no sense.
Alex: Shut up.

*the sceen then changes to an apartment, and Noah, Alex, Star, and Gladys walk in*

Noah: Now we’re back in the pad with two Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante chicks
I put on some jams, a cool wintry mix. *put a fake cassette tap into a fake boom-box*
There’s no need to rush things lets just chill
Can I interest you in a vodka, vodca Nyquil? *pours to aleatório liquids together in a shot glass*

*the sceen then changes to the bedroom*

Alex: I got her in the room; she said “my hands are Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante *Gladys rubs her hands together*
Can you turn up the heat?” I said nah it’s broken.
I’ll suck your Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante toes while you blow your nose
Lets put on mais clothes girl I don’t need to see those. *Gladys tries to take off her coat, but Alex dosen't let her*
Most dudes just wanna see your breasts,
I wanna turn up the AC and see your breath

*Noah and estrela are also seen in a bedroom the seguinte sceen*

Noah: Some like the lights on and some like it dark
I wanna cover you up like Kenny from South Park
She said that’s cool I understand the rules
Let me go slip into something less comfortable. *Star leaves*
She went out then came back covered head to toe *someone comes in wearing a bulky coat*
She was moving kinda slow but she was ready to go.

Alex: We fooled around for a while till we needed some air
Noah: I uncovered her face and it was covered in hair *in the background, you can see estrela and Gladys sneaking out*
Wintertime hoes just made me make out with my bro

Alex: Ewwwwww that was disgusting man EWWW.
Noah: Yeah that was gross, but like if we’re all covered up what’s the difference really?
Alex: That’s a good point *both slowly turn their heads to look at the audience*

*the curtin then drops, and all of Team Explosion comes onto the stage*

Demetry: So, did you like it Crystal?

Crystal: *has a sad expression* Not really. I was expecting something....less wintery. I mean, now I want to go play in the snow. :P

Demetry: -.- Even if it was snowing, you couldn't play in it. Your sick, remember?

Team Explosion: *glares at estrela before they all walk off stage*

Demetry: *calls out* Thanks for trying you guys! Anyway, it's time for the other teams performence - which will hopefully be better than the last. So, anyway, lets get started*

*the curtin, and reavels a pretty bland looking stage - excpet for a couple of fake bushes - with Destery in his regular clothes*

Destery: You’re sort of famous
A minor celebrity
And so it only makes sense
The world would be
Obsessed with every
Single thing you do
They’re running ’round
With their camcorders in the night
They lurk impatienly
In hope that they just might
See something really embarrassing
You do
The bad hair dia and sweat-stained t-shirts
That’s the story that
They are gonna feature
With exclusive pics
Of your flabby behind
You think you’re all alone
But that’s right when you’ll find

All of Team BH: A bunch of paparazzi
Popping out of nowhere *tons of people pop out of the bushes*
Cameras in your face *puts cameras in Destery's face*
And then suddenly
You’re on TMZ (x2)

Destery: Following you
When you’re walking down the street
And asking stupid questions
While you’re trying to eat
So you cover your face
Thinking to yourself
“Hey, isn’t this creepy?”
And they are there praying
You’ll have a big meltdown
And take a mono-lethal car chase
Through this whole town
They’ll be there with you
When you’re going to jail
First on the scene
For every wardrobe fail
You just picked up some transvestite
segundos later
It’s up on the website
Get a vegas wedding
A quickie divorce
And they’ll be
Sneaking in
Snapping pictures, of course

All of Team BH: And if they ever catch you
Picking your nose
Or storming down the street
In a drunken spree
You’re on TMZ
Stalking you, just waiting por a frontal
Trailing you through
Airport security
They were TMZ (x2)

*a news escrivaninha, mesa is quickly wheeled onto the stage, and Alejandro - who is wearing a suit - sits in it*

Alejandro: *speaking* We caught this oscar nominee picking up DOG POOP!
Is that a baby bump?
I pronounce you guilty, of leaving the house while FAT!
Look Who’s drinking COFFEE!
Everything celebrities do is FASCINATING!

*Alejandro quickly gets up, and the escrivaninha, mesa is quickly wheeled out* *Destery then comes back onto the stage*

Destery: Oh, let me tell you
It’s getting to the point
Where a famous person can’t
Even get a D.U.I
Or go on a racist rant
Those guys are all around
So you really shouldn’t dare
Go to every club in town
If you just lost your underwear
Seems that every single time
A estrela decides to shave her hair
Or ram their car into a tree
They’re on TMZ

All of Team BH: If they catch you peeing in the bushes
Later on, that night
Well, I guarantee
You’re on TMZ (x3)
Every single celebrity
Knows they’re gonna be
They’re on TMZ

*the curin then closes, and all of Team bacon, toucinho Hawks come to the front*

Demetry: *laughing his butt off* *through laughter* did you like it Crystal?

Crystal: Also laughing her butt off* I...I loved it! Team bacon, toucinho Hawks are definantly the winners! That means, Team Explosion will be sending someone home! *continues to laugh*

Team bacon, toucinho Hawks: *cheers*

Star: But...but....I don't understand! I...I had everything under control! How ould it all go so wrong so fast?! I mean...Heather wouldn't have let that happen!

Noah: Wait, now your comparing us to Heather's team?!

Star: o//o

Alex: Whats wrong Star? Afraid if you spill the truth you'll get into a bunch of trouble? *narrows his eyes*

Star: *starts to shake with fear* Oh...I can't take it! I was in an alliance with Heather! I threw the tug-of-war challenge for it!

Team Explosion: *gasp*

Alex: I knew it! You lied to me Star, and, mais inportantly, you lied to the whole team! Better back your bags Star, because your gonna be leaving - tonight!

Star: *hangs head in shame*

Demetry: Wow, looks like Star's got herself into a bit of a jam.

Crystal: Demetry, can I.....please do the questions? It seems like forever since I got to do much of anything........

Demetry: *smiles* Of course Crystal!

Crystal: *smies* Thanks. *turns to camera* So, will estrela survive tonights elimination? Do Noah and Alex really like winter girls? And what was with Demetry's friendly-ness toward Katie? All of these things and more, will be out in our inbox, and will try to be answered seguinte time on.....Total Drama Rama!


So, I hope you liked this musical little episode!

Bounus question: which song was funnier? I like The Key of Awesome, but....I found TMZ to be a lot funnier than Winter Girls. :P's whoever you want to vote off. >3 Also, you don't have to answer the bonus question. o3o

Till seguinte time!
added by gothgirl19
Source: i lub it
added by leshawnafan
added by 1boomer50
added by TDImaster55
Source: O_o
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by rh1ana11
Source: d
NOTE: Before you comment (in an angry way), I am only bringing this up one last time. It constantly bugs me that Trent went crazy to get Gwen back when she was bonding with Duncan. If Trent and Courtney have the same problems, Duncan and Gwen, then they will agree to fight back.

STORY: This is my first, and hopefully only, rant about my problems with "Total Drama". If you can't stand my words, the back button, or the X for exit are both available. It's been bothering me for the past three years (2009-2012). It focuses on Trent's conflict on Duncan and Gwen. It's mainly because of their dating,...
continue reading...
Bridgette's POV

Heartbeats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I amor when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

My coração is racing just por the sight of you. I've never felt this way before. Ever. How can I do this? Falling in amor is something I've never experienced. You all alone. Washes away all my doubts. Before I know it, I'm already taking a step...

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I amor you for a thousand more

I've never told, I've been waiting for someone....
continue reading...
posted by nocofangirl218
So, episode 6! YAHOO! I'm kinda sad I didn't get further at this point, but....hey, at least I'm still updating this, right? :P Anyway, I hope you enjoy this epidoes! ^u^


*at elimination ceromony*

Chris: Well, well, well, looks like you guys lose again!

Noah: Just shut up, and get on with it Chris.


Noah: o.o *gets quiet*

Chris: Thats better! Anyway, lets get the elimination...
continue reading...
posted by nocofangirl218
Wow, I'm finally updating this. -.- I should've had this done about four or five days ago, but I kinda got enrolados up in another project I was working on.... Anyway, I hope you all enjoy episode four of, Total Drama Rama. :D ______________________________________________________________________________

*at elimantion ceromony*

Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Hello bacon, toucinho Hawk's! I will be you host for all the elimination ceromonies!


Chris: Yep. :) Now, as you all know, it's time to say good-bye to two of your members tonight.

Melody: Well, we wouldn't be here if someone...
continue reading...
posted by Gwentrend24
Camile: Tension, Drama, Romance, Insanity, these are just a few words to describe this BRUTAL season of Total Drama. We're taking some of the old suckers that you know and love, and throwing them together with a group of NEW suckers. Ha, it's gonna be awesome! And just wait till you see what we have in store for these guys! This is, TOTAL... DRAMA... OC'S!

*Theme song plays*

Camile: Alright let's get this over with so I can get my brownies, and go to sleep! Before we introduce the contestants, let's first get to the important people! Joining me to host this swanky season, is everybody's favorite...
continue reading...
Since I think this is mais of an opinion article, that's what it will be. I don't even know why I picked fã fiction in the first place.

Anyways, I know my first part was kinda suckish, so hopefully this one is better. Plus, I'll write this in past tense since present tense is too hard. Infact, however many parts there will be will be in past tense. I probably worded that incorrectly. Well, you know what I mean..right? Enjoy! :)
Courtney said, "Where should we go?" m
Duncan said, "I'm suprised...
continue reading...
(I chose Gwen to interview Bridgh b cuz Courtney just got interviewed. Ya..... Just thought I should tell y'all that....ENJOY!!!!)

Bridgette waits in her seat. Her interviewer seemed to be late. She laughs to herself a little. Predictable Geoff.

Someone then runs into the room. Bridgette frowns seeing that it's not Geoff. Instead it was Gwen.

"I'm So sorry I'm late! I had to go get-" Gwen was cut off por Bridgette. "Where's my Geoffy-poo?" she asks. Gwen rolled her eyes. "Nice to see you to." Gwen says sarcastically. 

Bridgette's eyes widen when she realises what she said. She then gives Gwen...
continue reading...
before you read, i have something to say. if you don't like my opinion, DON'T SAY ANYTHING! people are entitled to thier opinions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Characters I LOVE!~~~~~~~~~~~
1.Courtney :D
2.Bridgette ;D
3.Lindsay :)
4.Cody <3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Characters i like!~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Characters i HATE!~~~~~~~
24.Alejandro >:(
posted by iloveduncan6
Mason: come on out my kings!
*Brady and Boomer come out*
Brady: what is it Mason?
Boomer: yeah, we were about to get drenched in laranja juice.
Mason: i know my kings but i have something to tell you.
Brady: what?
Mason: you will have some new people joining you.
Brady and Boomer: what?!
*hot air balloon comes out of nowhere and lands*
Mason: and there they are now.
All 3: (walks over to it*
Mason: lets welcome, TJ.
TJ: *steps out* oi was up?
Brady: ok i like you.
Mason: seguinte is Lexxi.
Lexxi: *steps out* hey.
Boomer: ok i like her.
Mason: Alex!
Alex: *comes out* hi!
Brady: sup.
Mason: Charlette.
Charlette: *comes...
continue reading...
natitle:i,m so glad i survived my 1st elemantion... the drama starts now seems as in anterior seasons...

mike:so trent is still here... really & courtney ouhhhhh... i mean yuck

danny:okay being happy is something new to me... but eva is gone eva is gone wwwwwweeeeeee!!!

*la reloaded,france*
chris:arg me hardys who is ready to sait sail
danny:any time without eva
chris:r... right
kirby:so who did you pick
duncan:i need to tell you & scout
ilana:maybe we should find scout
gwen:yea where is she
every body but gwen:hmmm
izzy:maybe she had to...
camille:please don't say that
izzy:you mean...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Katie:She is married to Noah and has one little baby girl names Maxine. She works with Lindsay as her assistant fshion designer. She makes a lot of money and is famous for her and Lindsay's designs.

Beth:She is married to her boyfriend from TDA Brady and they dont have a child yet. She is still friends with Lindsay and she gets discounts for all of Lindsay's designs. She works as a girls scout leader and gets payed por the school board for the work she does.

Lindsay:She works with Katie. She runs her own world wide fashion company that is doing GREAT! She is married to Tyler and has a baby boy named Jordan. She is famous all through out the world.

Izzy:She is married to Owen and they have a little girl named Sally. She works as a movie estrela and gota little therapy for her craziness. She sometimes helps Owen run his meat shack which is the best place to get quality meat even he has vegetarian meat he sells for the vegetarians.
Welcome back to Total Drama High School, Season 2!
Let's pick up where we left off.
*Outside of School*
Annie: Um, wow. That was really weird last night.
Sammy: I wanted to cadastrar-se that pool party. :(
Nikita: Aren't you going to get eliminated, though?
Sammy: It's a risk worth to take.
Scout: Omg hahaha xD
Corabella: Sh, guys! Ilana's coming!
Ilana: Well guys, no challenge today. We still have to clean up the school
thanks to you-know-who.
All girls: YAY!!!!!!!
Corabella: Like, OMG! Nikita, want to do our nails!
Nikita: I'm not some type of girly girl, thank you.
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*Theme música Plays*
(Cut To Host)
Me:Hello, I'm soxfan89 And Welcome To Total Drama Wonderland. This Is Our 1st Episode. So Let's Meet These People Shall We? First, We Have Holly.
Holly:Hey Colin, I Like This Place.
Me:You'll Like It Even More!
Me:And Now We Have Twin Sisters, Rikki And Mellisa, Hello Ladies.
Rikki:Hi Colin.
Mellisa:Wonderland? This is It.
Me:It Is.
Kiara:Hey Everybody, I'm Happy To Be Here.
Me:So Am I Kiara, So Am I. seguinte We Have, Chey!
Chey:Bonjour, This Is Great To Be Here!
Anissa:I'm So Glad I Came.
Me:No Problem!
AJ:Hi Kiara! I amor This Place.
Airlia:Wow, You're...
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Chris: last time on total drama aroudn the world: Ramayana! the início of vanpires! and somethings you never want to see. Noah gets kid nap por one. and wally and Jared scream for help por one. and so diid Tyler and Abby........ alittle. Heather and Alekjandro just keep kissing. Team Mexico won! so they got scary movies. what will happend in this episode of....... total drama around the world!

*first class*

*Scary movie is playing is DJ is sreaming*
DJ: make it stop.
Jordan: oh don't be a wouse.
Owen: Owen likes scary movies............... only because Izzy likes scary movies.
Ray: yeah.............
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