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posted by Logan27
    The seguinte dia Stefan was at the house. Elena and he were watching Dracula 2000 of all things. He had the occasional chuckle and was absently rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. This place, was so comfortable. With his arm around her, she could settle into his chest and be completely at ease. Or at least she could before a week ago.
    If everything had stayed on course, she would be sitting here with Stefan, listening intently while he explained what was or wasn’t true and what the film writers had gotten wrong. He was telling her how they were actually mais accurate than any other vampire movie he’d ever seen.
    “It’s definitely one of the best. I don’t know about the whole Dracula being Judas thing but...” He kept talking but Elena couldn’t hear the rest of it.
    She should be sitting there and loving the sound of his voice. Instead she was feeling guilty and ashamed and... bored. This wasn’t how it was suppose to be. She wasn’t like Katherine. She wasn’t the kind of girl who would be with two guys at once and brothers no less! But somehow she had gotten herself into a similar situation.
    Yeah, but I didn’t mean to do this. She did. Elena thought. Katherine had been sleeping with Stefan and Damon at the same time and they knew it. Elena couldn’t fathom how she had gotten herself in almost the same situation. She had to find a way to get Damon to back off. If her encounters with him kept up like they were, she would be no better than her look-a-like. Stefan would get his coração broken and she could loose everything they had. Which, at the moment, didn’t seem as much as it once did. Why was that?
    “Elena. Elena? Elena!” Stefan was saying.
    “Huh? What?”
    “Where were you just now?” He asked, looking concerned.
    “I, uh... I’m sorry, Stefan. I’m just a little distracted. Forgive me?” His words had been completely lost on her. She had no idea what he had been saying all this time. And how much time had passed?
    “You can talk to me about anything, Elena. What’s wrong.” The worry in his eyes made her coração ache. He was so concerned.
    “It’s nothing, I just spaced out. Promise. So, what were you saying?”
    “Well, just that they got the whole living mummy thing right but the blood of a vampire- okay, now I can’t think about that. Elena, I know something’s wrong. Could you just tell me? I feel like somethings weighing on your shoulders and I’d like to help.”
    What was she suppose to tell him? Yeah, I’ve been making out with your brother and last night we almost slept together and I’m not the one who stopped it. I don’t want to hurt you but god, he makes me hot. Yeah, that would go over well. Ha!
    “Really Stefan, I’m fine. I’m just in my head too much today.”
    He let it go for now and they settled back into each other and finished the movie. He made a show, later, of leaving, for Jenna’s benefit and then met Elena up in her room. He was beijar her. The kind of kisses she melted into not so long ago. Now, they seemed dull and devoid of passion. There was a little there but it wasn’t like when Damon was beijar her. He could drive her up one mural and down the other of crazy. Make her head spin and her coração speed up.
    She tried to go for it here and now though. She kissed Stefan with everything she had and it was getting a little interesting when-
    “Knock knock amor birds” Damon said perched on Elena’s window sill.
    “Damon”, Stefan acknowledged with irritation, “What do you want?”
    “Well, just thought you should know that Mystic Falls has some new comers or should I say ‘returners’?” He faked a deep thought pose.
    Stefan wasn’t catching his meaning and neither was Elena.
    “Come on people. Tomb vamps? Sound familiar? Yeah, their out. I would just as soon leave them to their own devices but I don’t think you kiddies would be happy with that now would you?” Damon looked to both of them. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”
    Elena’s head was spinning. The vampiros from the tomb were out?! How could this happen? Why was everything happening all around the same time? It seemed like the three of them were a magnet for things to go wrong. Just when she felt safe, something else would happen to turn everything around and upside down. She should know better por now. Know to expect the worst just in case. Maybe it wouldn’t happen but with her luck it would and then some. All the darkness that constantly surrounded her life now was mais than anyone should have in a life time. And now? Now, vampiros who have been trapped for 145 years under the ground and have a grudge against Stefan and Damon are free. Who knows what could happen. A vampire had already gotten invited into her house once. What would happen if 26 of them put their heads together?
    Stefan walked over to his brother. “So, what do you propose we do?”     
    With all seriousness Damon replied, “Well, I think we should take Elena somewhere seguro like the boarding house and then one of us should go see where they are. See what they want. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m not that diplomatic.”
    Stefan nodded. Damon was suggesting that Stefan should be the one to go seek out the tomb vamps. uh-oh, Elena thought.
    “You wouldn’t mind putting up with Damon for tonight would you? You can stay in my room and he’ll be there just in case to keep you safe.”
    Elena swallowed. “No problem. I’ll just bring along a book to read or something. Do you really think you can find and talk to them in one night?”
    “Oh, he’s good at boring things like that”, Damon commented. Stefan looked to his older brother again exasperated.     
    “Yeah, I have a few ideas of where they would go. I can get Alaric to tag along. You’ll be perfectly safe, I promise.” He walked back over to her. “You’ll be alright, they won’t hurt you, not with us around. You don’t have anything to be afraid of, Elena.” He tried reassuring her. If you only knew, her mouth didn’t say, but I have to keep my mouth shut or I could ruin everything. What I have with you is a good thing. I don’t want to loose it.
    “Okay, well, let’s get a mover on.” Damon spread his arms wide as if expecting to hug her. Elena looked to Stefan with alarm.
    “It’s faster. He can get you to the house as fast as possible and it’s less detectable.” Stefan explained.
    Damon smirked. “Come on, Elena, I won’t bite... much” his eye brow twitched up and she looked with wide eyes at Stefan again.
    “He’s kidding”, the younger Salvator looked at the elder pointedly. “He wouldn’t do anything like that. He knows it’s smarter not to, right Damon?”
    Damon smiled, “Of course.” Stefan looked at him for a moment longer as if gauging whether that were really true. He trusted his brother but only so far. Could he really trust him with this? He seemed to let it pass though.
    “Alright, I’ll get going. It might take a while to track them. You two should get out of here too.”
    Damon opened his arms a little wider reminding Elena that he as still standing there waiting for her. She took a deep breath and walked over to Damon as Stefan leapt out the window. “No funny business”, she warned. “Of course not” Damon chuckled as his arms wrapped around her and he grabbed a hand full of her butt. Before she could say anything though, they were speeding through space.
    She had never gone so fast. Stefan always wanted to do things the human way. He wanted to make sure that her life stayed as normal as possible. When it could be done the “regular” way, and most of the time, it could, that’s how it was done. She had to tuck in her face to Damon’s chest just so she could such in air. They were going so fast. Elena knew they couldn’t fly but with how fast he was moving, it felt like they were. The only thing in her world for a good two minutos was a Dark haired, crystal eyed, gorgeous man who had her intimately holding on to him. He was the only solid thing in the blurred world around them.
    Just as quickly as it began, it ended and she was standing in Stefan’s room at the boarding house with Damon standing chest to chest with her, slowly running his non-ass grabbing hand down her check.
    “Oh not you don’t! Not in Stefan’s room!” She was trying to push him off.
    “No, I wouldn’t dare. That would excite you too much.” Damon said not letting her go. “There is something intoxicating about it isn’t there? The thought of me touching you where he has. The thought of me pushing you onto his bed. Tying you to the head board.” He had her gripped to him. “The thought of me running my hand up your leg just a few feet from his journals. tasting skin on your neck where he’s wanted to bite you.”
    Elena was breathless as Damon gently kissed her neck and lightly flicked his tongue out. “I wouldn’t want to do anything to you in here. It would be too... overwhelming. Let’s say if I ripped up all his precious books and made amor to you on topo, início of the pages? Is there such a thing as paper burn?”
    “St-stop” Elena gulped.
    Damon pushed her back on Stefan’s bed, like he said he wouldn’t and began to mover his hand, massaging right where the seams met between her legs, using her own clothes to make her forget herself and where she was.
    Just then, Elena sat up and gasped. It was dark. She was on Stefan’s cama but she couldn’t see Damon. It was all a dream? phew, she sighed.
    Laughter drew her attention to the corner where Damon sat on a chair. “You know, that little magic colar is able to keep me from compelling you but your dreams are still very much up for grabs. It’s even easier with such a willing mind.” his mouth crooked up at one side with a devilish smile.
    “Have a good night, Elena.” He got up and was about to walk out when he said, “And if you need me for anything, anything at all, I’m just across the hall.”
    Elena threw a book at him that she knew wouldn’t hit. He was out of the room before she could even release it and it smacked into the closed door. God damn him! I don’t know which is worse: this game he’s playing with me or actually sneaking around with him. I seriously need to get mais self control. And when had the dream started? Are the Tomb vamps really out?
    “Yes you do, about 5 minutos atrás and yes they are” Damon spoke loudly from a mural away. “And yes, you did say all that out loud.”
    “That too”, He laughed.
Caroline was walking on school ground, when she heard footsteps. She could hear they didn’t belong to Tyler and so she turned around and waited for Elena to catch up with her.
“What’s going on?” she asked when Elena was standing with her.
“Why are you asking?” Elena asked, trying to be casual.
“Because you have the look” Caroline said accusatory.
“What look?” Elena frowned.
“The look that says: there’s something I have to tell you, but there are too many ears around here” Caroline clarified.
“I didn’t even know I had a look like that” Elena commented.
“Well, you...
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Katherine was standing por the soco bowl. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, before she conjured a small bottle and poured some of its content in the bowl. She stirred with the ladle to mingle the alcohol with the punch.
“I saw that”
Katherine smirked and turned around. Stefan was standing behind her, his hands in his pockets.
“And what is that, Mr. Salvatore?” she asked. She took a cup and poured some soco in it.”Can I seduce you to a sip?” she whispered while she held the cup against his lips.
Stefan accepted the cup and drank. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you...
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One mês later.
Damon was making breakfast when Elena came into the kitchen.
“Morning” she mumbled. Ever since Rebekah had forced her to drink blood she had been very distant towards Damon. This was his fault. If he hadn’t been so damn stubborn she wouldn’t have had to go help Stefan and she wouldn’t have been in that position. What if Rebekah had killed her? Then Elena would be a vampire now, all because of Damon’s brother issues.
“So, eh, what are your plans today?” Damon asked, trying to be casual. He knew he had a lot to make up for.
Elena shrugged. “Going to school, obviously....
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Elena was eating pudim when the door opened and Katherine appeared.
“Katherine!” Elena exclaimed shocked. “You can’t just barge in here. I could’ve been naked for all I know”
Katherine raised her eyebrows and smirked. “Nothing I haven’t seen before” Elena thought about that. “Eww, gross” she commented.
“So” Katherine said, sitting down on the bed. “How’s my doppelganger doing?”
“Why do you care?” Elena asked curious.
“I don’t” Katherine said bluntly. “I’m just trying to get in your good grades so you’d give me the rest of your pudding”
Elena gave...
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Damon raced inside the hospital, Elena tightly in his arms. A female doctor walked their way while she signed at a nurse. The nurse pushed a stretcher in their direction. While Damon lay her down, the doctor started asking some question.
“What happened?” was her most urgent question.
“She…she’s sick” Damon said trembling. “She has cancer. I took her home, but I shouldn’t have. She should’ve stayed here”
The doctor shone with a small flash light in Elena’s eyes. “Don’t worry, sir. She’s just sleeping” She looked up. “Who’s treating her?”
“I don’t know”...
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The late September sun warmed Elena’s face and she opened her eyes. She saw Damon sitting in what looked like a very uncomfortable chair.
Perhaps Damon felt Elena’s eyes on him because he opened his. When he saw Elena was awake he quickly sat up.
“How are you feeling?” he asked hoarse. “Can’t believe I actually fell asleep”
“Can’t believe you actually fell asleep in that chair” Elena said with raised eyebrows. “Why didn’t you cadastrar-se me? There’s plenty of room”
“I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep” Damon said obvious. Elena wanted to comment on that when someone knocked...
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posted by Soul-Reaper
The Vampire Diaries, Season 4, Episode 1, “Growing Pains” starts off with a gasp and ends — how else? — in tragedy. The CW released the synopsis.

Elena wakes up on the morning after the dia of accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true – she died with vampire blood in her system and now must go through the terrible transition to become a vampire…or face certain death. She probably wishes she’d stayed asleep.

Stefan promises Elena that he and Bonnie will exhaust every possible way out of the situation.

Damon is furious with his brother for letting Elena die in the first...
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The door of the Boarding House went open, but Damon didn’t bother to go see who it was. He was washing up all glasses he had used to drink. He heard footsteps, soft, it was a female. But again he didn’t bother. He didn’t expect Elena to come back.
The glass in his hand shattered into little pieces. He felt how Bonnie came closer to him and she lay her hand on his shoulder. He shivered, but didn’t turn around.
“There’s glass in your hand” Bonnie noted. “Let me help you” She wanted to take his hand to pick out the fragments, but Damon pulled his hand away. “Okay,...
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Damon was standing in front of the hospital. He didn’t want to do this, but he had to. Katherine was right, Bonnie would try it again when she woke up. And so he opened the door and entered the hospital.
His eyes went through the building. A young, male intern walked passed him with a clipboard, taking notes.
Damon grabbed his arm. The boy didn’t see him and Damon whispered in his ear: “I need you to take me to Bonnie Bennett”
“I can’t do that” the boy said scared. “I’m just an intern, I don’t have that authority”
“Then bring me to someone who does have that authority”...
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“Damon, I feel sick” Elena moaned. The racing had made her feel nauseous. And her neck beat painful. Damon braked, but kept Elena in his arms. He examined Elena’s wound. “That looks awful”
“It hurts” she complained. Her face was withdrawn and she gagged, but didn’t throw up. Damon pulled her up and held her with one arm. His other arm he brought to his mouth and bit. He held the wound against Elena’s lips. “No” Elena groaned. “I don’t want that. It’s disgusting”
“You have no choice. I’m not letting you die” Damon said. “Come on, drink”
Elena averted her...
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Fair warring this artigo states FATCS that are REAL but people make excuse for it or simply deny it, this the real Stefan Salvatore so brace yourselves.

So from S1 until S3 the writers and the fãs have portrayed/ seen Stefan as the “good” brother as the “saint” the selfless brother and all that crap. But if you really open your eyes for one segundo of this picture perfect you will see the truth. That Stefan from dia one LIED and kept secrets, hides his past and made his brother out to be the “big bad wolf” and him as the scared little boy who has done nothing wrong.

But facts proves...
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The 1864 Years
Katherine says she loves Stefan and never loved Damon, but if you look at her actions with both brothers that doesn't really seem to be true.

1864 -- Stefan

She met Stefan, first, and in most of the flashbacks featuring Damon and Stefan, she appeared to have eyes only for Stefan, while ignoring Damon. However, the first time Stefan kissed her, she pushed him away and didn't seem pleased, even though you'd think that was what she wanted most. Especially, since she claims she always loved Stefan. She even tried to tell there are things he doesn't know about her. Their first time having...
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Damon carried Elena over the doorstep, like a bride and kicked the door with his foot, in an attempt to shut Bonnie outside. However, she just in time stopped the door from locking and she entered the Gilbert house.
“I’ll take her to bed” Bonnie said authoritative. But Elena groaned sleepy and clung on Damon’s neck. Damon ignored Bonnie and carried Elena upstairs to her bedroom. He opened her door, walked her to her cama and gently lay her down.
Bonnie stood in the doorway, looking sharp at the bed. Damon sat at the end, taking off Elena’s shoes. He felt Bonnies stare piercing on him...
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Bonnie was in the guest room of her house. A suitcase was lying open on her cama and she threw clothes in it. Damon’s clothes. She had unpacked them, because she believed she could keep him longer in prison. But that vampire cadela, puta Katherine had ruined her malicious plan. Damon was as good as free, he would drink human blood again, so he’d be stronger again. It would be just a matter of time before he came back for her to kill her.
When she was done she put her hand above the suitcase and let it float out of the room, downstairs. She opened the front door and unlocked her car. She opened...
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Caroline was in her mom’s study room she used to do some paperwork, searching Amber Lindy’s file. After what Matt told her it was easy to put the pieces together. A girl she had never seen before and who could hear everything? A girl who could drink without having to show her id? It was close to obvious who this chick was, but Caroline wanted proof before she informed Damon and Elena… and Katherine.
“What are you doing here?” Caroline turned around. Her mother was in the doorway, an austerely expression on her face. “Nothing” Caroline said fast, too fast. She raced to her mom...
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There is something so special about Stefan and Elena that it's hard to imagine another couple like them in existence. Some of us were immediately taken with the loner vampire guy and the popular girl tinged with sadness as soon as they popped up on our screens. Others of us needed a little time to see their relationship hit a few road blocks but still flourish. I'd say, for most of us, we amor the fact that Stefan is a good guy with a caring coração even if his lust for blood turns him into a monster once in a while. Elena is the girl that understands him, that stands por him, that loves him no...
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posted by Logan27
There’s a part in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries (2x13- Daddy issues) that if I could correct, I would... there are several of these per episode since I am a MAJOR Delena fã but I’ll only waste a little of your time with this one-
    “Why am I just finding out about this NOW?” Damon demanded
    “Stefan was worried that you-” Elena got cut off
    “That I would what? That I would kill him?” Elena nodded. “Well, of course! That’s what needs to happen.”
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posted by Logan27
    Seven days. That’s how many have past since Elena last saw Stefan. He was a mystery to her now when before she felt like there was nothing they could keep from one another. She knew that she had betrayed him, stayed away when the best thing might have been to stay constant. But being with Damon was mais fulfilling. She has wronged Stefan but she had done right por herself.
    So, now that Stefan was against her she wasn’t worried that not seeing him meant he didn’t care and wasn’t paying attention. She was now afraid that his absence meant...
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posted by uniquezandy
This is just a story. I had this idea, please don't hate me for it.I amor all the characters, and I don't hate anyone. Remember , it is just a story.

Stefans POV
"I never compelled your love. It was real and so was mine." The words Katherine told me, are still ringing my head. It is going through me like a stake through my heart. I amor Elena with all my heart, but now... NOO! I can't think that way with Katherine. I fell in amor with her once, in a way was a big mistake. She...
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posted by Logan27
Sorry for the delay. I had to speed events up a little to match the show time line. Thanks for waiting!
Stefan kept getting worse as the days went by. They began to seem like weeks and months. It was an eternity. The couple upstairs were constantly getting closer and inseparable as far as Stefan could hear but soon his hearing went. He was getting to be as he had once tried to get Damon to be: a living mummy.
    His skin was drying up and cracking. His lungs felt like paper and everything felt like if he moved too much or too quickly,...
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