south park Club
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New starting...
As the morning sino rang at South Park elementary - Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman dragged themselves to class.
“Urrrg! Another long bunda day!” Complained Kyle.
“Dude! Tell me about it, lately these days have been getting longer and longer!” Agreed Stan.
There was a slight noise and a head nod from the boys to show they all felt the same.
The boys got to class and slumped down into their seats. Last ones in, as always.
“Okay students settle down please.....(the talking continued) I said shut up!” Mr. Garrison shouted!
The students hushed down, though a remaining whisper continued from the girls.
“ We have two new students here today, and I know you’re all very excited to see them! “ Mr. Garrison said- without much enthusiasm. “Please welcome, Thea and Mica...”
The class droned a slight hello whist the two girls walked into the room. One was wearing a deep purple jacket, with a fuchsia scarf, and jeans. Her hair was straight but quite messy, and was a dark shade of brown. Her sweepy fringe fell into her slightly blushing face. She flashed a quick smile and began to talk...
“Hello! I-“
Before she could say anymore Cartman burst out with a huge sigh....
“Ur, another frenchie, seriously! We just got rid of the last one!” Cartman sighed, whist crossing his arms and looking away.
“Err... Hello, I’m Thea.Im from England... stupid fat bunda . I’m here with my friend Mica!.....And I like my friends and such.... I guess I’m just happy to be here.” Thea said.
“Very nice Thea, do you want to go take your seat?” Mr. Garrison suggested.
Without a fuss Thea went to take her seat, which was right seguinte to the window- just where she wanted to be. Here she could just stare out of the window and watch the world go by- Perfect!
Mica was the other girl, one of Thea’s friends. She wore a lima, limão green jacket, dark blue jeans, black gloves and a matching black and grey pom pom hat, which she never took off. Her hair was straight and light brown colour, with a side fringe that covered up part of her left eye.
“Hey, I’m Mica!”She proclaimed. “I’ve just moved her with my family, and of course my friend and her family.Umm.. I like cookies, and stuff...”
“Great Mica, go take your assento over there seguinte to Thea, and we can get the class started...” Mr. Garrison said.
Giggling uncontrollably, she walked over to her seat, right seguinte to Thea’s.
“Good seats huh?” Thea whispered.
“Yeah there great! Window seats are always the best”Mica replied.
The rest of the class Mica and Thea sat looking out of the window, thinking. The brand new adventures they could have in the snow baffled and excited them.
Before everyone knew it, it was início time. Thea and Mica had spent the whole dia talking and laughing about things they’ll do, and the people they liked. They might of been new, but they were already settling into their new surroundings.
Dear diary...
Today was my first dia at the new school, and well to be honest... I loved it! Well loved is a strong word, I’ll say liked it!
I mean, everyone seems really friendly (for now anyways), there are a few cute boys there... (; , and the lessons are easy enough! And there’s snow! Like everywhere- its soooo fun to play in!
Although the comida isn't so brilliant, and me and Mica haven’t made and proper friends but I’m sure we will!
...I thought it was a bad idea moving over here and starting afresh (like i had a choice anyways, but) but I’ve got some great expectations for this place...
I think I’m going to be alright here...
~~ Thea ~~