Sonic fã Characters :::For Your início Planet:::

NoctusLynx posted on Nov 23, 2013 at 10:07PM


Abnormalities: (Distinguishing visual or behavioral characteristics.)

Skills: (Sports, writing, running, exoskeleton, etc, etc; normal or otherwise minorly abnormal abilities):

Abilities: (Super strength, Heat vision, acid spit, etc, etc; very abnormal abilities or otherwise physically impossible abilities.)

Strength level (1 being frail scrawny mortal, 20 being able to lift a sky-scraper, anything above that will be noticed for who you can fight against):

Speed Level (1 being snail’s pace, 20 being 700 MPH):

Endurance level(1 being as strong as wet paper, and 20 being able to not feel bullets):

Reason for Entry:

Summary of Biography:


~No Cussing

~No sexuality

~You cannot use any abilities (or skills) that are not listed when signing up, or it will not count. If you continue to do this you will be warned, and if you continue after that you will be removed, or at least that character will be.

~You are allowed to leave the forum, but only if

1. You are not in the middle of a match

2. Have not interacted with characters and/or are in the middle of interacting with other characters (other user’s characters)

3. Anyone you are interacting with agrees to you leaving.

4. You cancel out your part in the forum’s plot completely OR accept to having your characters beaten and your character’s Mobius destroyed for them failing.


~If your character is considered too/extremely powerful, they will not be allowed to fight against characters considered to be weaker than they are lower than two levels on both strength and endurance.

~When using a fighting move you are not allowed to use more than one attack motion and one normal motion, such as *runs and punches at*. You cannot say *runs and punches then kicks then blasts*. Only when using an overdrive (that must be given permission for) are you allowed to use overdrives.

~While it is not completely mandatory, we advise that you word your attacks as attacking AT not ATTACKING. Example: *punches at you* instead of *punches you*. When you shoot at the person and say it hit them they can’t try to dodge, and it becomes unfair.

If you have any questions about anything, contact Noctuslynx or myself.

Any new players are still welcome. If you join while you still can, you will also be a part of the tournament. Hurry on up before the forum moves on too far, and you can no longer join the TOURNAMENT. I know it may seem slightly confusing, but for you new guys, there's a tournament going on in here. If the tournament progresses too far, you can still join the forum and run around in the world and do whatever, only that you will not be aprt of the tournament. You can still interact with players which participate in the tournament if they are not in a tournament fight. Otherwise, no interaction, unless if by some non-face-to-face means (I.E.: telepathic communication), can occur. Also, take into note that NPCs and players will be provided for your entertainment as the tournament progresses and players either lose the tournament or players join once the tournament has been locked. Mind, this only applies for when you enter late and the tournament has been already locked. If you join now, you can still be a part of the tournament. Wait to long, and you might not be so lucky

Current Status: Beginnings; Open.

(Picture: Courtesy of TakTheFox)

 Competitor: Age: Abnormalities: (Distinguishing visual or behavioral characteristic
last edited on Dec 11, 2013 at 01:10AM

Sonic fã Characters 827 replies

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Showing Replies 651-700 of 827

over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rin: You know who these peoples are? Wait a second... GLADIATOR PEOPLE! IS THIS A HOLOGRAAAAM?!
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
The shield hits the ship, knocking it's polarity off balance. The ship slowly begins to come to a halt, confused and "defeated".
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: *teleports inside the ship*
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
Nothing there but cybernetics.
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rin: *teleports on to Grey's head* Soooooooooo if I make a huge light will you start melting and say "You vile little girl"?
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
(Sonic logic: can breathe in space, can't survive 30 seconds under water. Hue hue hue...) Suspension of disbelief powers: activate!


Yeah, it worked. ^-^
last edited over a year ago
unknown99 commented…
Sonic X? over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
ANY Sonic game or TV show that shows Sonic going into outer o espaço shows this blaring contradiction. over a year ago
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
(Inconsistency since Shadow the hedgehog and the moon)
NoctusLynx commented…
False. Since Sonic 2, When Sonic fell from space, and that's presuming Starlight Zone from Sonic 1 was not set on outer space. over a year ago
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: Get off me.
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
(IM BACK BABY!!!!!! XDDD I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! *hugs all around* miss anything special?)
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
Nope. We've had a very extensive fight that... will not let up, and continues to roll on and on. It's actually pretty interesting to read, however.

But you didn't miss anything in regards to our fight. It's your turn. I'll go ahead and try to repost my response from last time.
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…


Noctus rushes over to confront them, ready, and standing in a defensive stance, sword in hand.
"Are you friend or woe?" Noctus demanded.
"Foe, I mean?" he corrected after Sanae had corrected him.

NoctusLynx commented…
Yeah, didn't think that code would work... over a year ago
Rachel_Savaya commented…
We did this already. we left off with Ferron getting ticked and saying "You want me to knock your head off your shoulders now?!?" and Noctus came back with "is my head...i thought it was on my neck. is it?" over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
Oh... then my bad... over a year ago
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Ferron: *glares at him, still being held back by Rachel and snarling at Noctus*
Rachel: Ferron..!!
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
(o.o is this rp getting inactive...? o0o *le gasp!*)
solarsonic11 commented…
(LE DOUBLE GASP) over a year ago
TakTheFox commented…
I literally can't do ANYTHING right now >__<) over a year ago
solarsonic11 commented…
I dont think any of us can over a year ago
Rachel_Savaya commented…
;-; I can't until Noctus replies... over a year ago
over a year ago unknown99 said…
That's a shame...
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Hello? Ding dong.
Rachel_Savaya commented…
._. nobody's home... over a year ago
TakTheFox commented…
I could port all of them into one arena to fight maybe. over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
I actually feel that the imminent death of this form was partly my fault, given that I would constantly forget that this RPG existed at all... (sigh) And I think we should do what Tak had suggested. Again, sorry about my inactivity on this forum... to whoever I was managing, which would be Ray, and.... I forgot who else I was managing, if anyone else. over a year ago
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"What, is it something I said?" Noctus asked, genuinely confused more than what the academy had confused him with mathematics...
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
*All the contestants are ported to the Gladiator Colosseum Arena
over a year ago solarsonic11 said…
Bloody: What in the world? *stands straight up* someone is getting impatient
NoctusLynx commented…
Yeah, well... derp. over a year ago
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"Damnit, why does this keep happening?" he questioned. He tried to stand up, but, being disoriented, had trouble doing so.
TakTheFox commented…
So sorry to censor but censor please over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
Yeah, my bad. OOC, that's all. over a year ago
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: *standing idly on the Gladiator Colosseum Arena*
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rin: ... Uh kay... what?

Rynk: *looks around at the others*
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: Is this a havoc?
over a year ago solarsonic11 said…
Bloody: Interesting it seems the idea here is a free for all i presume?
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"It seems so," Noctus answered Bloody. Cada converted himself into a Christian... wait what? Oh, never mind, I wrote that wrong. He converted himself into the Kasarigami Staff (pretty much a scythe or sickle with Jap origin.) He then took a deep breath, preparing himself.

"Sanae, this isn't something I like doing anymore, but if it's unavoidable I'll do this."
"Glad to know you understand."
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rynk: ... *activates banshee DNA phasing into the ground*

Rin: ... We could all just play tag instead.
over a year ago solarsonic11 said…
Bloody: *smirks* I like that last idea
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"I agree with the... whatever he is..." Noctus replied.
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: ... *idle*
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
(herp-derp. sorry guys, i stopped checking up on this cause of how inactive it was getting >.>" uhh....lesse...
okay, i got, what is this? gonna be a free-for-all fight...? or maybe not...3:D)
Ferron: ._.' what the heck just happend...???
Rachel: we were transported to this arena...
Ferron: *sees everyone preparing to fight*.....
Rachel: *looks around at everyone too*...oh my....
Ferron: looks like we got a pretty big fight on our hands here...or rather- I do....alright then....let's do it!
Scooter: *flies out of his vest pocket* skree!!
Ferron: *eyes glow brown briefly, thrusts his hand in the air* Alcayziah!!
Scooter: *enlarges again*
Rachel: -!!? Ferron- don't!!! we're not here to fight them, remember??
Ferron: *scooter lands beside him, eyes glowing red, hostile at some of the others* we don't exactly have a choice anymore. i doubt most of these guys are listen to us. *draws his nunchuck from under his vest and holds it ready*
NoctusLynx commented…
"The pen is mightier than the sword, " but "actions speak louder than words." Which statement is true? over a year ago
Rachel_Savaya commented…
actually, "the pen is mightier than the sword" refers to "knowledge is your greatest weapon", henceforth, they're both true. X$3 over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
... ... over a year ago
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"Him again?" Noctus asked himself, referring to Ferron and his enormous bat. He prepared himself for fight, facing Ferron and facing away from the others.
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Ferron: *smirks at Noctus*
Rachel: STOP IT!!! *shouts above all the chatter and clamour*
Ferron: o.o"
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rynk: Louder. *sound energy blasts shoot up from the ground at them all*
NoctusLynx commented…
IT'S GONNA GET LOUDER!!! link over a year ago
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Rachel: -!!! *they're both knocked upwards* AH!!
Ferron: AGH!!
Scooter: *recovers from the force of the momentum, flying under Ferrona and catching him, then to under Rachel*
Ferron: *catches her* watch where you're aiming that thing!!! She's not even a contestant!!
Rachel: o//.//o ugh, i don't need you to catch me! i CAN fly you know! *flies out of his arms*
Ferron: *looks to the side, a bit red in the cheeks* fine, I'm sor-ry....
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"What the-" he began but was cut off by the sound wave. Noctus' ears are ringing, and his mind is rattled. Sanae, which was the only person who could talk some sense and civility to Noctus.

"Was that Rynk!?" He demanded from himself, since Sanae could no longer communicate with Sanae.

Noctus waited for the sound waves to go down before he would make his move.

(Volunteering right now... No way to charge my phone currently (pardon the pun) and I have 8% right now...
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rin: This isn't tag.

Rynk: *ghosts upward spin kicking at Bloody at the back of his head*
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
Noctus nearly lost his balance, having resisted the blast with his back. Enfuriated, Noctus turned to Rin, giving his back to Ferron.
TakTheFox commented…
Re-read the comment please over a year ago
TakTheFox commented…
... Actually then again I might change it to hitting Noctus is Solar doesn't comment soon over a year ago
solarsonic11 commented…
Sorry about the wait over a year ago
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: *still idle*
NoctusLynx commented…
I think Rynk's sound blast should have affected Grey as well. Block if you have to, or if you want to. over a year ago
over a year ago solarsonic11 said…
Bloody: *holds his head to keep from any tearing as a crackling can be heard * Stop attacking everyone this is getting us no where

(sorry for the wait i was a bit tied up with things)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Rachel: I agree! we're only going to destroy ourselves like this!! this is exactly what the Glatorian WANT!!
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"Shut up! Unless you want to be a merteer," Noctus scoffed at Rach. (And yes, I purposefully wrote that misspelled word. It's supposed to be "martyr", but Noctus is still... not very educated. He's very much more educated than before he stated school, but... baby steps, you know?)
Rachel_Savaya commented…
yup. XD baby setps. over a year ago
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Talia: *tackles Rynk pinning her down*

Rin: ... um does anyone know why she won't... not attack?

Rynk: *ghosts into the ground*

Talia: ... ugh... Wait a second
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Rachel: Listen to me!! if we all pull our strength together, then maybe we can all team up against the Glatorian and save ALL of our worlds!
Ferron: *hesitating to make a move until he has to to see if Rach can get through to them*
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Talia: I think only one of us is having trouble with that plan.
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Rachel: what are you talking about?
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
"The person trying to push it," Noctus added. "You are really getting annoying. I told you to keep quiet, but decided to just... keep... talking!"

Angered, he made a dash towards Rach, swinging at her.
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
Rin: ! *teleports between them*

*Darts shoot out from the arena at them*
over a year ago NoctusLynx said…
Noctus remains indiscriminant towards who he attacks. He proceeds to attempt to attack Rin.
However, one of the darts stuck him in the arm. Unfortunately, t stuck his left arm: his non-dominant arm.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TakTheFox said…
(Comments don't like to comment here. Oy)

*Rin doesn't seem to respond to the attack much aside from an annoyed stare* *the dart sends an aggression amplifier into all who it hit*
NoctusLynx commented…
OH HO! This'll be fun... Gonna have to revise the maps though... gimme a second... over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
ALso, gonna wait for the others... over a year ago
NoctusLynx commented…
If you want to... over a year ago
TakTheFox commented…
Revise the maps? over a year ago
over a year ago unknown99 said…
Grey: *turns translucent and sinks into the ground until his eyes that is only the remaining part of his head above the ground*
NoctusLynx commented…
Creepy... over a year ago
over a year ago Rachel_Savaya said…
Ferron: *jumps off of Scooter's back and tackles Noctus for trying to hit Rachel* DONT YOU TOUCH HER!!!