Sonic fã Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
We’re flying in the clouds now while sitting on our swings. Mickey told me that clouds are water in the air, but they don’t feel like water. They feel like soft pillows. They embrulho, envoltório around us and feel cozy. Chowder’s clouds are black and begin to run into our white ones. The clouds turn grey.

The clouds go away from us. “Where are they going?” I ask Mickey.

“I don’t know.” He replies. He puts me on his shoulder and increases his speed. “Let’s go after them.” I feel the wind in my face again as we fly towards the clouds. Fly… it’s a strange word. Mickey told me that it means to be able to stay in the sky, the big blue thing, in the air, and mover around in it. I amor flying.

The clouds go down, and so do we. I hold on tight to Mickey and feel a strange tickle in my stomach. We’re about to catch them then-

*PLOMPH!* I land on a white cloud. I laugh… I don’t know if that’s the right word for this, it’s a different kind of laugh, a playful one. Then I realize… this isn’t one of the clouds. It’s my blanket, on my bed. I’m in my room again.

I’m surprised… I mean I’m sad, I don’t know. That was a dream… I didn’t want it to stop. If I’m here then where are Mickey and Chowder? I have to find them! I try to get up but I’m enrolados in the blanket. I tear through it with my claws and teeth and run downstairs as fast as I can.

I don’t see anyone in the living room. “The kitchen… they- they must be hungry and-“ No… I open the doors to the kitchen. No one is there. My breathing feels strange and my throat feels weird, almost like it hurts. I yell their names. They have to be here! They have to be here!

I run around the whole house. They aren’t in the bathroom, they aren’t in the treadmill and wheel room, they aren’t anywhere. But they have to be here… I keep calling their names over and over. Eventually I can’t anymore. I’m crying too much and my words just turn into a weird breathing sound.

My nose bothers me. I keep snuffling. I lay on the ground curling up, still crying. I was with someone. I wasn’t alone. Why did it have to end? Will I see them again? How long? I don’t want to wait I just… I want to see them, again…

I keep asking myself why they had to leave. Did the arms separate us? Why did they have to be taken away then? Why did I meet them at all if I wouldn’t get to see them again? My brain hurts but I keep trying to think. I’m thinking over mais possibilities when I wonder…

Were… were they part of the dream too? I’m still crying but my eyes flash open. Were they pretend? They had to be real, I- I talked to them I touched them, they… they taught me h-how to swing…

Hours pass… I, am still, alone.

I want silence. I want to be left to be upset, but the clock’s ticking is so loud, it gets louder when I realize that it’s ticking. “LEAVE ME ALO-“ Leave me alone? W-, why would I say that? … wait, the clock? W-when did a clock… There wasn’t one before.

I sigh. Does that even matter? I get up again wiping my face off from the tears. I look up and see that there is a clock hanging on the mural above the couch, as if that is supposed to make me feel better. I have to wonder though why there is a clock now and not before.

The ticking is annoying. Why do clocks tick? Or why do they have to make sounds when they tick? It makes it hard to think. My thoughts keep getting interrupted when it makes that noise. “I didn’t need a clock before… I don’t need it now.”

I climb up onto the sofá and grab the clock. I prepare to throw it on the ground but I feel bad now. Should I break it? There has to be a reason why I’d need it. *sigh* I put the clock back on the nail it was hanging on. I don’t care about the clock right now. I just want Mickey and sopa grossa, sopa, chowder back.

I go into the Treadmill and Wheel room so that I don’t hear the clock. I don’t know if I feel hungry or not but I don’t want to eat right now. I remember how the air felt when I was where the sky was, with the playset, outdoors. It was nice. The air in here feels stuffy and makes it harder to breathe. It’s not because of the hyper-word this time, it just feels… unclean, somehow. I try not to think about it since I can’t change it.

I hear a large thump from the living room. It is a loud large thump… I think that means the same thing. I walk towards it. Maybe it’s sopa grossa, sopa, chowder and Mickey? I try not to get excited. I don’t want to be upset… mais upset.

It isn’t them… Even though I knew not to get my hopes up it still hurts to see that there was no Mickey or Chowder. Instead it’s a brown box. It’s about half my size and feels both rough and smooth at the same time, sort of like paper only thicker.

Boxes have things in them usually so I use my claws to rip it open. Something makes a weird squeak from inside. This startles me and I yank my hand back. It could be a mean person so I give the box a good shake, then I kick it, then I soco it. I hear a crunching and breaking sound.

Instantly my half-rage-half-fear is turned into sadness. I just broke what was inside. I carefully pull it out. There is a large white squishy thing surrounding what probably looked like a rectangle at one point. It has buttons on it, and a glass rectangle in the middle but it’s cracked and parts of it is completely broken off.

“I have to fix it…” I rub the pieces together. Why did I have to break it? This… was this for me? What was it supposed to do? I feel sadder now. I don’t know why but I feel… bad, like I betrayed someone. This was for me and I broke it. It was… a gift.

I push the buttons, maybe it will turn on still. It doesn’t. I don’t want to cry again, my eyes are hurting from it. I feel too tired to cry. I wish I could fall asleep and this would be changed. Maybe if I do I’ll wake up back with Mickey and Chowder. It took… three sleeps last time I think. I would have to sleep three times.

I walk over to the sofá and lay down on it. Nothing is going right today but maybe tomorrow it would be different. But… I feel like I’m forgetting some- the arms. I’v- I’ve never slept without the arms… I think. Would I be able to sleep? Mickey and sopa grossa, sopa, chowder didn’t remember sleeping without eating the pills.

I feel less tired now, and instead nervous. Do I have to wait until the arms come out? How long will that be? It hasn’t been very long in the day, and they usually came later. Maybe I could fall asleep on my own? How does that work? Being tired has to have a part in it, maybe when I become really tired I can fall asleep.

When had I been tired before though? Is there something I can use to make myself tired? There was the wheel I guess, but that just hurt me over and over. Maybe I should try using the treadmill.

I get up from the sofá and try to not look at the thing I broke. I go to the Wheel and Treadmill room and step onto the Treadmill seat. There are strange legs on it, peddles, that’s what they are called. I need to push them.

I don’t think they’re for my hands because there are handles at my side, so I push them with my feet. The peddles and the handles both begin moving. I’ve pushed it hard enough that they begin going in a círculo pattern. I almost though they were supposed to just keep going straight.

I push them now in the círculo pattern. It’s hard and puts… pressure, on my feet and hands. I find that when I push and pull with my hands on the handles they help make the círculo pattern go faster. There’s a rectangle on the top-middle of the treadmill in front of me, like on the… thing I broke…

It shows numbers. Ten, eleven, thirteen, it skips numbers sometimes. What is it doing? I slow down a little so I can concentrate, and the numbers go down… hold on. I speed up, and the numbers get higher. That… that is the speed. It’s telling me how fast I am going.

I decide to try to get to the highest number I can. My arms and legs hurt, they feel sore, but if this will help me get tired enough to sleep it’ll be worth it. I end up going so fast that the number eventually becomes a eighty-three. I keep going still.

I don’t know how long I’ve been doing this now but I feel dizzy so I slowly stop myself. It’s hard to do with my feet feeling very weak, but I don’t want them to get enrolados in the peddles and broken. Once I’ve stopped I step off of the treadmill my legs shake uncontrollably. I sit down quickly while I pant quickly. My throat feels sore from breathing like this for so long. I feel the need to get water but when I start moving I feel mais exhausted so I wait until I’ve stopped breathing so hard. It hurts to wait so long. I feel briefly scared about my throat being hurt forever, but I think I’ll be fine por the seguinte time I wake up. That’s what happened every other time.

I crawl using mostly my hands to get to the kitchen, and barely stand up long enough to get a drink of water. My legs were not supposed to run for mais than two hours. Was it two hours? I don’t know. My head feels mais dizzy but I don’t feel the right kind of tired. “Maybe I need to be on the couch.” I think.

I lay down on the living room sofá and close my eyes, waiting to fall asleep. I do start to feel sleepy at one point. I yawn, that’s a sign of sleep I remember… I don’t remember where I remember it from but I do remember none the less.

My mind begins to think about different things. My thoughts are about the kitchen, the treadmill, the wheel, or anything else that would not remind me about sopa grossa, sopa, chowder and Mickey. Every time I try to think of something else my mind goes back to the swings with the cold breeze, the structures around us, or the sky… the beautiful sky.

I don’t know what sleep is like, but I feel a sudden jolt at one point and get up. I don’t know if I actually slept so I turn about, looking for something that will tell me if enough time had passed. I don’t have to look long because the rectangle with the buttons is fixed and not in its box any more.

I walk over and pick it up. It might do something now. I push the buttons but they do nothing. I notice that it has a strange cross-button on it. There are arrows on the ends… pointing… directi- directions? These point with directions, to move… mover what? I don’t see or hear anything happening so I keep looking around it.

At the topo, início I see a strange small black rectangle. It has a jagged top, and is seguinte to a rectangular hole. I try to push it down but nothing happens. I push it again, which hurts my hands, but instead of going down it slides to the right, covering the rectangular hole it was seguinte to, and making a new one on the left of it.

Loud sounds come out from the large rectangle, and the rectangle inside of it light ups brightly. I instantly drop the item and jump back. It falls to the ground, making a strange jitter sound. I hurt it. I grab the item, checking around it to make sure it is not harmed. It seems okay.

The rectangle in the center, the one lit up, has a picture on it. There is a person on it. The person is a man wearing a yellow suit. He has a large head. The rest of the area in the rectangle look… hilly. A colina is… it’s a mound of dirt right?. There is a colina and a set of words on the… rectangle. There is a word for this I suppose. Maybe Mic-… I start leitura the words so I don’t start thinking about that again.

“S…sl- si… Side. Side scraller… scrall?” Is scrall a word? I don’t think it is. Did I say the word wrong? Oh well. Below these is the word “start”. I know that one. seguinte to it is a red circle. One of the buttons is a red circle. I push it, and the screen changes. The person and the hills are still there but the words disappear.

I press the red button again. The person jumps. This is interesting. I press a different button, a green one this time. Nothing happens. I press the yellow button and the person punches the air. What are the directions for?

I push the one at the right and the person moves to the right. I push the left, and he moves back. I push up and the scre-… SCREEN! The screen goes up, looking at the sky. I do down and it looks down, with the person crouching.

“There is a goal, and the goal is what you want to get to, the end of the game. And por winning it means that you reach the goal” I remember Mickey saying. So the goal is further on the path of this game. Okay.

I make the person walk forward. He walks along grass, and the grama makes a sound when he steps on it. This is fun. I keep making him go forward. At one point there is a square in the path. He walks up to it but not past it. It’s in his way so I push the jump button. He only jumps up.

I need to make him go over the square while jumping. I push the right button and the jump button at the same time and he does that. What happens if I push the down button and the jump button?

I do this and all that happens is the person crouches then jumps. Maybe I have to do it a different way. I push jump and then down. He just jumps, nothing else. Oh well. Maybe I will learn mais later.

I pass mais obstacles, and come across a crab. When I touch it with the man, he turns red. The person also makes an “oof!” sound. It seems funny how he says it so I make him touch the caranguejo again. I do it a couple mais times after this and the person collapses with X’s on his eyes.

I can’t mover him. I realize now that he was dead. The caranguejo hurt him somehow, and I was supposed to keep that from happening. I don’t know how to restart this game though. I turn it off and on again.

It gives me the screen, and so I start from the beginning again. When I reach the caranguejo I attempt to jump over it, but the caranguejo jumps with me, and hurts the person. Maybe if I soco the caranguejo it will die instead… should I do that though? It seems mean. But it killed me first… I soco the crab. It turns red, making a screech sound. This doesn’t feel right, but I do it again, it screeches again. I want to stop but I force myself to push the button one mais time.

The caranguejo hisses as it collapses instead of my person, with X’s on its eyes. It flashes for a moment then vanishes. A glowing ball appears where it was. I walk to the ball and the person lights up blue. I push the hit button por accident and his hand turns into a claw, hitting forward. I got to have the Crab’s claw, its power, por killing it.

I still feel bad about killing the crab, but I want to find out if there are other powers to get. I walk forward. There are a few falls in front of me that I jump over, mais crabs that I kill, none of which will give me new powers, and eventually a set of posts. I reach the post and a song plays. It’s short and cheerful. Numbers seguinte to letters appear on the screen.

The first says “Time: 3:10”
The segundo says “Health “8/10”
The third says “Enemies killed “5”
At the bottom it reads “Total score: 4000”

The numbers above turn into the Total Score. I get this total score with those numbers. The time is how long it takes. I want to be quick. I also don’t want to get hurt. The mais enemies I kill the mais points I get also. But was that the only part of this game?

I push one of the buttons and the numbers and letters go away. The person walks forward, and I see mais enemies, this time they look like snails. I kill these using my caranguejo powers, and even though I feel bad, I’m happy to get a new power.

I can now use the caracol power to stretch my attack. Also when I hold down the attack button I can switch between the types of powers. I’m getting excited, happy… but… I still feel like I’ve done something wrong. Would Mickey like seeing me hurt people? I never asked him. Maybe I should wait to ask him if this was okay. Was it? I was rewarded so maybe it was. You get stronger from killing?

All that I know is that I feel ill now. I feel confused and alone again. I don’t want to play the game anymore, it… frightens me. I put it down, I don’t break it, but I leave. I’m hungry so I get something to eat. I don’t know if the game wants me to kill people, but I know that I wouldn’t want to die, and if other people don’t either am I supposed to kill them anyway? Mickey will know… or Chowder… they have to… if I see them again.
1.) Draw a circle
2.) Draw upside down triângulo under the circle
3.) Round the triângulo out
4.) Erase the Straight triângulo if it is still there
5/6.) Draw thin cylinders for arms/legs
7.) Erase the lines between the body and the arms/legs
8.) Add gloves, socks and shoes
9.) seguinte part is all you add the features of your FC and tada!
Expect mais of these so anyways, have fun!

mais stuff: About the Friz game its coming along well but the level is 9 so the final boss will actually be a whole other game
posted by ShadowWolf337
Welcome Everybody to my Chatroom, for those who are just finding this im making a Video of me playing Slender with Commentary. Okay let me Explain all the other details. im going to be talking to you all before the "Action" and that will be at 12:00 A.M. Central Time.I will be recording a my best friend's house so you will be hearing him in the background. So untill i make the Video or vídeos (it depends on my nerves after the first video) Please don't freak me out because if i get scared i will scream, and im guessing thats what you want(XD) OH I almost forgot to mention this if you want to thank someone for (in a way) starting this Thank TakTheFox, when he made the Slender RP he encouraged me to watch vídeos of other people playing the acursed game which led to this whole thing!
Oh here is my youtube account name so you can know where to go: Uberko2424
anyways feel free to talk to me and to each other.
posted by TakTheFox
Anatomy difference

So this is another rant about Deviantart stuff. Sorry if you don’t want to hear this, I just had to post it.

I posted two pictures to a SONICFANCHARACTER group of Rynk. The Acid-monster one, and the big-ears one. Both were declined. They stated that it was because of poor sonic-anatomy, blatant colors, and other things that would suggest they weren’t sonic-type.

Why wouldn’t it be mobian? I can understand the confusion about the acid-monster pic, but the big-ears pic was plain and simple, easy to see, mobian. There wasn’t anything abnormal about it.

The only conclusions...
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two mais days until the rain had finally stopped. Because of this a fair amount of the school got soaked when one student, whose name was Chad, opened the door to the inside courtyard, and allowed all the built-up water to not only rush into him and soak his clothes, but also a bit of the inside-hallways.

Grace had walked por and found herself surprised not at all to find Rynk sliding in it without a care in the world, or dimension in this case. The janitor’s blue pele, peles changed red that day, and it wasn’t going to go back any time soon.

Thankfully it was...
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Chapter three
(Sept 15th Monday)

A particularly rainy dia at the school, The Inner-School courtyard was almost pool-like with how much water it contained. Its lack of drainage-ways caused the intake to be at least three-inches and slowly climbing. It started like this a dia prior, and hadn’t shown any sign of stopping.

Most of the students had decided to stay in bed, pretending to be under the weather, as they did not want to attend the few classes available. However around thirty-percent of the rest of the students were huddled in the biblioteca that was not attached to the main school, and was...
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oi new fc's character creators! If you are on a part of making amor interests.

1. Why do people start it?
A. Because beginners think that it would be interesting to have their male or female fcs to go out with SEGA characters. Im not trying to be mean but please step it up guys! Try to make A great relationship between 2 fã Characters. It would be nice to see that instead of seeing a girl fã character dating shadow or is Sonic or Silvers Girlfriend.

2. What about Kids?
A. Seriously. A kid. Why would some fangirls (no offense) do that? It's not official that SEGA would say so, So just please...
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posted by silverstream101
 Ember the Cat Now (16)
Ember the Cat Now (16)
*sigh* im just gonna try it like a story its going 2 b VERY long....once again im doing 1st person

I have had enough of this...not the spy work and stuff like that but the things that people DO....right now im on my way to seperate a father and daughter...sorces have showed that the father, RIder, has been abusive to both his daughter, whos name is unknown, and to other innocents. I find it really sad on how some people r...

I stop running looking around at the barren area and i sigh. I keep moving. After awhile i spot a single building in the distance. this...
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Frostbite and Scarlet lived their normal lives when one night, a man named Grey experimented on a body swap potion gone wrong. The blast hit Scarlet and Frostbite in their sleep, causing them to switch bodies. After making a conclusion in the morning, they tried to continue with each other's lives until they found a cure. Frostbite did just fine, but Scarlet was having trouble with Frostbite's relationship. Will Scarlet be able to push through, or will Frostbite's relationship with Aqua come to an end?
posted by GoldenBaramundi
My FC is called Sandy the Cat and I'm gonna tell all you fãs a bit about her. Let's get started!

Name: Sandy
Species: Cat
Gender: Female
pele, peles Colour: Ginger with Tangelo laranja stripes
Eye Colour: Electric Blue
Attire: laranja Bracelets and Anklets, White Cami, Pale blue denim cut-offs with red belt, bare feet or when she goes swimming she wears a red and white striped bikini, her bracelets and anklets, bare feet.
Hair Style: Long Pigtail that's ginger with tangelo laranja rings. Her tail is done in the same pattern.
Personality: Loud, Outgoing, Annoying, Happy, Bouncy, Beachy, Bright, Playful, Goofy, Humorous.
Age: 12 and a half.
Quotes: "HELP!!! I broke my leg!" "Hey Guys! Let's go to the beach!" "Why do you hate me? Sorry if I'm annoying..." "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!"

So that's Sandy. She's all across the fanclub so see if you can spit her in RP's, perguntas and quizzes.
sorry I can't give mais than 1 lesson because I'm too busy ^^' but I may be able to give another , but I don't promise!

I'll give you a live lesson ( I have 90 minuts can take 30 of them to give a lesson that will at least make you able to tryout making your sonic character in 3D )

1.first off download the 3D program :
it's 590 megabits

holy shit this is too big! alright you can download the prev version but it wont open everything
it can work but it will be a little trouble to interact with me sometimes

2.anyway , after downloading this download joinme , it's a program that shows me your...
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posted by dragongirlkatie
Name : Cynder the night fury.
age : 9
birthday : 10 of july
eye colour: in between blue mint and purple.

her past: Cynder is the last of her kind, her family were killed por The Blacknightmare, and soon wiped out, but Cynder somehow escaped the Blacknightmare and longs to seek revenge. Her best friend Tristin the phoenix was her only friend when she was yonger, they got caught por the Blacknightmare when they exscaped they got dividido, dividir up por a Cynder has found Tristin again and Tristin had made friends with Kate por then since then the Blacknightmare has'nt found her but is still trying....
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“What is it u r in this whole ur eyes...? close ur eyes and think about it 4 a bit...” 1 of the 1st perguntas he asked me...because I was nameless...both me and my twin sister. Should I start bak a bit farther...? Fine...let's...we'll come bak 2 that....
    We'll start from the begining then...we basicly grew up in WWIII. Mom and Dad fought constantly. We grew up in du capuz, capa in the Big Apple. That's NYC 4 those who don't kno. Some1 said the only thing that can save us all now is sencitivity and compastion....they keep pushing freedom at us but didn't leave...
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 Boots with Asylum Straps
Boots with Asylum Straps
this is all the info on my characters that maybe isn't clear from the pictures i i'll list it here (Note: this does NOT include any background info. that's a compleatly different story)
Dark Blade (Hedgehog)
Fashion Sense: Pt. 1; Clothes
he has a punk style and always wares leather combat boots, usually with Asylum Straps and some sort of metal in places (like studs or a metal skull) his pants usually have visible stitches and multiple colors, some call them patch pants. he never wares a camisa but always has a jaqueta on. from time 2 time he wares different gloves depending on how he...
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posted by TakTheFox
The Scenario: Escape

“Where were we?”

“In a bad place?”

The Place: Room-444-X-9 of Base X.

“What happened?”

“You were captured”

The Date: January 2nd, 5500, 4th-world

“Who are you?”

“… a friend.”

Chapter two

*beep* went the intercom button.

“What is it?” The commander asked through his com-link to the Unit in the capsule-room.

“There is a green button here. Do you know what it does?” The Unit-girl asked in an accent that sounded Russian now.

“Yes… but you should not touch it.”

“*sigh* Very well. Not that it’s any of my business, but why is the… being in this...
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Mobius Academy idea

So I was thinking that since Mobius Academy (restart) has been so successful, we could make a fã fic about it.
What would happen would be that one or two people would write it, while the others supply info about the fórum (this would include actually composição literária about what happened in the forum, and not just starting from scratch). We would have to rewrite some things, but I think that most of it would probably be very usable.

If nominations are open, I would like to be one of the writers. I think there should be two for one reason in particular; There are multiple happenings...
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posted by blazecat713
It was a dark and scary night four little girls were in a dark dungeon where a witch had put a curse on the girls.

After the girls have been cursed they've been orphans their names were : flare,jewl,frostene,and sharmaine. They were quiet little girls and they have unique powers flare has fogo power jewl has spy power frostene has ice power and sharmaine has speed power. So every dia and night nobody would want to adopt the girls because of their curse so 10 years later the orphanage was out of business and the girls left and took care of themselves.

Flare was just walking down the rua and...
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posted by TakTheFox
Sequence Two

One mês later…

Melik had finally given up on Reesa, or at least she thought he had. The occasional wave was the only acknowledgement that the two of them had. Had he really ended his mad quest, or was he simply taking a break? Either way, Reesa was very relieved.

The white mobian decided to reward this dia por taking a nice walk down the park, in the mist Thursday morning, when the air was nice and refreshing. She enjoyed the sounds of the chirping, the fountains, and the grama swaying in the slight breezes. It was peaceful.

She munched on a frosty maçã, apple as she took her stroll,...
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posted by night-vamphog
Few hours later Typhon and Ravage come início from school. ''Mom! Dad! We're home!'' Ravage yells once they walk in. He gets no reply.
    Typhon sets to bag down on the floor and walks into the living room. ''Anyone home?'' once again. No reply. ''Think their outside?''
    ''I'll go check,'' Ravage walks to the back of the house and opens the back door. ''No one is back here,'' he looks around. Still no one. Walks back in.
    ''Where could they be,'' walks into the cozinha and see's the helmet. Picks it up and gasps. ''Ravage. I think...
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posted by numnumyellow67
Stranded in open o espaço inside an escape pod, Serios is thinking. Where could Mugen be?
"I haven't seen her in six years" she said to herself.
"Where in this huge galaxy could she be? You know, considering she is still in this dimension".
Serios and Mugen only met one time when they we're little. Serios was only six, and Mugen was four. They liked each other enough, but haven't seen each other since. Because she was buried in her own thoughts, she almost had a coração attack when the alarm went off.
"Mobius? I remember that...
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posted by TakTheFox
Guardian Angel

“So much has happened. Such… terrible things. First Commander St. John… betrayed the Freedom Fighters, and helped Ixis Naugus take control, AS KING! How could everyone be so gullible? Did they forget all the terrible things that Naugus had done before? I haven’t. I just came back from seeing Commander D’coolette. He’s… very hurt. I only got a glimpse, because the nurse said that she didn’t want any mais people crashing their heads into his bed… which was kind of weird. The time-traveling hedgehog was here a little bit ago. Silver is what I think they called him....
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