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Everyone was starting to become just a bit curious of what the vial that Kyle was given contained. However, everyone decided to hold off on investigating it just yet. Everyone was feeling just a bit tired from all of the events of the day; at least Kyle and Mancer did. While Mancer sat in one of the living room recliner chairs in Kyle's home, Kyle himself lie on the very soft and large sofá in the same room. Kyle still held the vial, and he began turning it in his hands above his face to observe it further.

"I still can't help but wonder what this vial is..." Kyle said quietly as he continued turning the vial gently in his hands. He was mais of just talking out loud than directly to someone.

"I don't have an honest idea to what that thing could be, Kyle," Mancer replied from his chair across the room. He was now wearing his black capacete again. "There could be anything inside of it... It almost makes me wonder if we should investigate it at all. It could be dangerous."

"I understand that, Mancer... But I also can't help but be curious. Virus said that you promised she would give I2 back if she saw something interesing in my memories, and from what I understand... I think she did see something, whatever she saw, and then gave me this vial. I... can't help but wonder if this vial is some how connected to I2 in some way..."

"Well, there's a possibility that it could be, but like I said, there's a possibility that it could be dangerous since you said it came from that Virus person. From what you told me about what happened to I2, it sounded fairly bad. Virus could have given you something dangerous."

"I know that she could have given me something dangerous. But, at the same time, what if she actually kept her promise? What if this vial could actually bring back I2 in some way or help bring her back? If it really can do that, I don't want to throw it away or never open it. I want I2 back where she belongs..."

"...So, you're willing to take a dangerous risk that could possibly harm you and/or anyone else por opening that vial?"

"Mancer, can I please ask you something before we continue this conversation?" Kyle asked suddenly, turning his head to look at the hybrid.

"...Yes? What is it...?" Mancer asked with confusion in his voice. He was confused because of Kyle's sudden pergunta and change of subject.

"You've told me that you have three brothers, right...?"

"Yes... What about it...?"

"Put yourself in my situation. What if one of your brothers was taken from you por a villain or someone such as that? What if you were told that you could get them back, then be given a vial thing like what I have...? Wouldn't you want to open the vial to see if it could really bring your family back? No matter what the risk?"

As soon as the part about one of his family members being taken por a villain was said, Mancer's entire body suddenly froze. Kyle couldn't tell what had happened, and he could no longer read Mancer's facial expression due to the fact that he was wearing his capacete again. Mancer's eyes were the only things that were visible through the helmet's visor, although they almost appeared to look as if they were hurt. "...Mancer...? Are you ok...?" Kyle asked quietly once Mancer didn't respond.

Mancer still stayed quiet for some time, almost as if something was on his mind and as if he was upset about it. "...Yes..." That was Mancer's only response. He then immediately stood up and walked out of the room towards one of the house's hallways, leaving Kyle in pure confusion.

"Mancer, wait!" Kyle called, attempting to see if the hybrid would stop and come back. After waiting a few moments and not seeing Mancer return, Kyle stood up and walked towards the hallway where he had seen Mancer walk. "Did I say something wrong? Did I say something to accidently offend you?" Kyle asked in confusion.

Mancer didn't respond. He was just sitting inside the hallway, sitting back against the mural with his knees pulled up to his chin. His eyes still reflected either sadness or emotional hurt. "...No... You didn't say anything wrong..."

Kyle walked into the hallway, and immediately noticed the way that Mancer was sitting and the way that his eyes looked. "...Mancer, what happened...? Are you sure I didn't say something wrong...? You seemed to get completely upset as soon as I mentioned a villain taking a family member of yours... I was only trying to give an example..."

"It's just that... when you said what you said... it brought back... It brought back..." Mancer trailed off for a bit, before releasing a quiet sigh. "It... never mind... It's nothing that concerns you in anyway..."

"Mancer, did something happen to your brothers? Is that what's wrong...?" Kyle asked quietly, trying his best to not upset the hybrid again.

Mancer stayed quiet for quite some time again before deciding to speak again. "They... They're... They're fine... They're just..." Mancer trailed off again, lowering his head just slightly.

"Mancer, did something really happen to them...?" Kyle continued to press gently on the subject.

"They... No, they're not alright! At least not one of them...!" Mancer finally admitted with a lot of sadness suddenly in his voice. "One of them is... Well, exactly what you just said a minuto ago..."

Kyle stayed quiet as well, feeling just a bit shocked por Mancer's reply. "...What do you mean...? One of them was really taken away por a villain...?"

"To be honest, yes, that really happened..." Mancer replied quietly. "...Tempus did it."

"Tempus...? That guy that you told me about when you had that bad dream? He did something to your family...?" Kyle asked quietly.

"Yes, he did," Mancer released a heavy sigh. "...or at least I think he did. Trust me, I have a lot of reasons to believe that he HYPNOTIZED my oldest brother."

Kyle just stood there and stared at Mancer for a short time with a look of shock on his face. "...He want? You think that Tempus hypnotized your oldest brother?"

"Well, I can't say that he for certain did, but I have a lot of reason to believe that he did. I know Tempus personally, to be honest. He always hated my family, even though I don't really know if I know exactly why or not. I feel like he hypnotized my brother because of the way that I've seen my older brother act. He's been talking, acting, and just behaving mais like Tempus than himself. I've even been watching my brother's powers, and his powers don't seem like they're his, either. It seems like he's not using the powers that I know he has and using ones that I've never even seen before," Mancer explained. "I have a feeling that Tempus has taken control of him and is using his body... Most likely for my brother's power. To be honest, Tempus has always been very weak physically due to a physical disorder he has. I'm afraid that he's taken over my brother to be stronger... Now, if he has other reasons, I don't know what they could be..."

Kyle stayed quiet for a short moment, processing everything in his mind that he had just been told. "...Mancer, if that's really what's happened, I give my full support to help you get your family back in order if you find out that's really what happened. I may not even know who your brothers are, but I promise that I would still help."

"...You would, Kyle...? But... What about you...? Don't you need to be focusing on I2...?" Mancer asked quietly, feeling even just a bit moved that Kyle was suddenly so determined to help.

"Well, I would like to get I2 back, Mancer... But at the same time, I'm also worried about you as well. I worry about my friends when they're not ok or are having problems," Kyle replied. "Are you going to be ok?"

"I don't know... But I hope I'll be ok at some point..." Mancer replied quietly. "Now... Before we worry about my problems, I would rather worry about your problems. We've already started on trying to get I2 back to you, so I feel like we need to finish your problem first."

"...Are you sure, Mancer...? I want to help you, too..."

"And I appreciate that. But, I still want to take care of your problem first, and then you can help me if you wish," Mancer replied, his voice and eyes now back to their normal serious look and tone. "Understand?"

Kyle wanted to argue with Mancer a bit mais about who was going to help who first, but he decided to lay it to rest for now and go with what Mancer said. "...Alright... So, does that mean that we're going to try to figure out what this vial is...?"

"Yes, if you would like to. We can investigate it if you would like... Perhaps you're right. Perhaps it is connected to I2 in a way and could help bring her back," Mancer said. "Perhaps we can look at it now if you wish."

"Would that be ok with you if we looked at it now?" Kyle asked, watching as Mancer slowly stood up off of the floor.

"Yes, I suppose so. Although, I think we might want Ruby to see... Perhaps she would know something about it," Mancer said.

"Well, she's in the cozinha right now, I think... We can go show this vial to her if you want," Kyle said.

"That would probably be a good idea... We can at least see if she knows something before we start messing with it," Mancer said. He turned and walked past Kyle, heading towards the kitchen.

"Alright." Kyle started to follow Mancer with the vial in his hand, but gasped as he suddenly tripped over his own feet and fell roughly onto the ground. The vial fell out of his hand and fell to the ground a few feet in front of him, shattering as it hit the hard floor.

The contents in the vial spilled to the floor. It was a metallic goop which slowly started to grow, with red energy, chaos energy, sparking around it. The goop formed into a figure, then formed color, then details, and became I2.

Kyle, who was still lying on the floor, just stared at I2 in shock instead of getting up off of the floor. He was so shocked that he couldn't even speak right away. "I... I... I2!"

The identity turned to face Kyle with a confused look on her face. Her moon-dented red eyes were now full silver ovals, and her regular protective reaction was replaced por this strange oblivious look.

Kyle turned his head to the side slightly as he slowly sat up on his knees, appearing to be quite confused. "...Are you ok...?"

“Where am I?” She asked, not noticing the question.

"You're... in my house, I2... You live here. Don't you remember that...?"

“No.” She replied bluntly. “I don’t remember much of anything… I’m assuming I knew you, but… I don’t know.”

Kyle just stared at I2 in shock and confusion. "...What happened to you..." He mumbled quietly.

“I… don’t… know.”

Ruby walked into the room behind the group, “Kyle I think I have an i-“ and promptly squealed happily “I2!!!” before tackling the sister identity in a friendly hug. I2 did nothing, but was obviously surprised por the hug.

Mancer slowly walked into the room, and stopped still as soon as he saw I2. He had no idea what to say, most likely due to pure surprise.

"Something's... different about I2, Ruby..." Kyle said quietly.

I2 waited a while then gently pushed Ruby off and got up. “I’m guessing I knew you too.”

"You knew me and Ruby..." Kyle said, pointing to Ruby. "You're her sister..."

I2 looked at herself then at Ruby, “I guess we look alike.”

“W-what happened to her?” Ruby asked in panic.

"I don't know...!" Kyle replied, also starting to feel a bit of panic. "All I know is I dropped the vial out, a goop came out then turned into I2, and now she's like this! I also know that her eyes look different for some reason..."

Ruby quickly turned to look at I2’s face, then jumped back, “She’s… she’s blank.”

“… What?” I2 asked.

“Um… I2, I need to check something, but I’ll need to… connect with you.” Ruby informed.

I2 seemed a bit upset about the idea at first but sighed and nodded. Ruby placed her hand on I2’s head and the two lit up bright red. This lasted for a minuto or so, then Ruby removed her hand, her own eyes faded dark blue. “… She doesn’t remember anything…”

"...She doesn't...? Is there any way we can help her remember...?" Kyle asked quietly in a sad voice.

“I could try something… could you all leave the room so I can concentrate?”

Mancer nodded his head quietly, then turned around and procedded to leave the room.

"Ok, Ruby..." Kyle turned and followed Mancer out of the room.

“What are you going to do?” I2 asked in a calm tone.

“Show you everything.” Ruby answered.

"...So, Mancer... Are you sure you're going to be ok...?" Kyle asked Mancer once they were in a seperate room away from Ruby and I2 so Ruby could have concentrate. He was referring back to a short while back when Mancer was upset and talking about his brothers.

"...Well, I will be ok, at least..." Mancer said quietly. "I still want to help you with I2 before we mover onto my matters."

"Alright... That's ok," Kyle said. "...What are we going to do about Vice? Are you still going to teach me about my powers?"

"Of course I am. You need to know how to use your powers to their fullest, and if we're really going to try to get my brother back, it'll be best if you can be able to use your powers to their full potential to fight Tempus," Mancer said.

"But... What about Vice and his team...? Are we just going to ignore them?"

"Well, we'll deal with them when we have to. Right now I think we need to focus on training you, and then possibly going straight for Tempus if we can," Mancer said.

"Oh... Alright then. When are we going to resume training?"

"As soon as we get this whole I2 thing fixed and sorted out."

“I… don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon…” Ruby informed as she walked into the room. She kept her head low, not looking at either of them. “I tried to show her everything, but it didn’t trigger any memories…”

Kyle's ears twitched a bit, beginning to feel quite sad and beginning to feel bad for poor Ruby. "Well... We'll... We'll do something... Surely something can help... Surely we can help I2 somehow..."

“I think we should leave her be for now… Otherwise we might mess up her head more.”

"You think we should...?"


"Ok..." Kyle lowered his head slightly, beginning to become fairly upset over the entire I2 thing. "...If only this would have never happened... If Virus would have never came around..."

Ruby kept silent. What had to be said was said. She walked to her room and closed the door. Kyle released a sad sigh, not really knowing what to say or what to do anymore.

"...Are you going to be ok, Kyle?" Mancer asked, looking at Kyle with concerned eyes.

"I don't know anymore, Mancer... I2 is back, and I'm happy about that part... But... she's... she's just not the same..." Kyle said quietly, wiping his eye just slightly.

"Well... At least you got her back..." Mancer said quietly. "It's a start... She may not remember who she is, but at least it's a start..."

"...I guess so... I guess it's at least a very small start..." Kyle said quietly.

"...Perhaps you just need to calm down a bit and take your mind off of it for at least a little while. It might make you feel just a bit better..." Mancer said, trying his best to help Kyle feel better.

"I don't know, Mancer... I just don't know how to relax right now... I'm just so upset..."

"I understand that you're upset, Kyle... I'm sure it's hard on you right now. I can understand that, but you still need to try to cheer up. I still think it will help you if you can cheer up."

"But, how, Mancer...? How can I take my mind off of it...?"

"You seemed like you wanted to get back to Rasoul training earlier. Well... Do you want to do that now? Maybe that will help calm you down and help get rid of some of your stress."

"...Do you think it would...?"

"It might... I honestly don't know. Do you want to try? It might help relieve stress, but then again I don't know. We can try a bit of training if you want."

Kyle stayed quiet for a long moment and thought for quite some time, until he decided to make a decision. "Well, I guess we can at least try a little bit of training if that's alright with you, Mancer..."

"It's perfectly fine with me," Mancer said with a nod of his head. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

"Well, I just want to do something that can relieve my stress and sadness... I could play video games, or watch TV, or go see friends... But... I feel like I want to train more..."

"Are you sure you don't want to do one of those other things? You can go see your friends or play games or something such as that before we start training if you'd like."

"...Would that really be ok with you...?"

"It would be fine with me. What are you wanting to do?" Mancer asked.

"Um... Would it be ok if I went to see some of my friends? I'm sure that Kagen is probably worried about me... Since I haven't talked to him in a dia or two because of the searching for I2 and the whole Vice thing that happened..."

"It's perfectly fine with me. Do you want me to come with you? Perhaps I can meet mais of your friends if you wish."

"Do you want to meet mais of them? I know that you got to meet SCP-000 and Cas while we were in the mall... Do you want to meet mais of my friends?"

"If you wish for me to. Maybe some of them will even offer to help you train or help us with the fight against Vice," Mancer said. "Anyway, do you want to leave now?"

"Well, first I should probably tell my mom and dad where I'm going first," Kyle said. "I'm sure they would want to know."

"I'm sure they would as well, Kyle. I'll wait for you while you go and ask them if it's alright to go see your friends," Mancer replied, walking back towards the living room door. He leaned against the mural near the door, waiting patiently for Kyle to come to the front door.

Kyle moved around the entire house for a few moments in procurar of his parents. He had checked every place other than his dad's lab, and he hadn't seen his parents yet. "Well, they must be in the lab, then..." He thought as he walked into the kitchen. He walked over to the lab door on the right side of the kitchen, and slowly walked inside. "Mom? Dad? Are you in here?"

"We're here, Kyle. Don't worry," Kyle's mother called. She was standing in front of a large mechanical workbench with Kyle's father Jacob. They both moved close to the mesa, tabela as if they were trying to hide something.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad," Kyle said, putting a smile on his face. "I wanted to ask you if I could go over to some friends' houses to see how their doing..." He said. He noticed that his parents almost seemed like they were trying to hide something. "...Is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Kyle. We're just working on a little something," Jacob replied. "Isn't that right, Kushina?"

"Yes, that's correct," Kushina added, still standing close to the bench.

"Oh, well... Ok. Um... IS it ok if I go visit some of my friends for a while?" Kyle asked.

"Of course it is, dear. I don't mind if you go play with your friends for a while," Kushina said. "Do you care Jacob?"

"No, I don't mind at all if he wants to go hang out with his friends," Jacob replied. He stayed close to the bench along with Kushina; they still both seemed like they were trying to hide something.

Kyle started to ask what they were doing, but then he decided not to say anything else. He nodded his head at both of his parents. "Thank you, I'll make sure I'm back from my friends' houses before it gets too late."

"Ok. Bye, Kyle. Have fun!" Both parents called as Kyle turned and walked out of the lab room.

"Bye!" Kyle called back to his parents. He then turned and walked out of the kitchen, walking back towards the front door in the living room. Mancer was still leaning back against the wall, waiting patiently for Kyle to come. "Ok, I'm ready to go, Mancer."

"You told your parents where you were going?" Mancer asked.

"Yes, I did," Kyle replied.

"Alright, then are you ready to get going?" Mancer asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready whenever you are," Kyle replied.

"Then, I say let's go, I suppose," Mancer said. He moved himself off of the wall, then turned to the front door. He opened the door and walked outside, waiting for Kyle to come outside.

Kyle walked out of the door behind Mancer and closed the door, before walking to the sidewalk with Mancer. "So, I have quite a few friends that we can go see..."

"Which ones do you want to go see? You can even go see all of them if you want. I really don't mind," Mancer said.

"You don't care if we go see all of them?"

"I just said that I didn't mind," Mancer replied. "It's perfectly fine if we go to multiple houses. I just hope it'll help you feel a little bit better."

"Alright, then... I hope I can feel better, too..." Kyle said quietly.

"All you have to do is just get what's on your mind off of you mind, and that should help at least a bit. That's what usually helps me calm down."

"I'm not you, Mancer..."

"I know you're not, but I still think it could help," Mancer said. "So, do you know who we're going to go see first?"

"Well, considering that he's probably my closest friend and the first one who came into my mind, maybe we can go see Kagen," Kyle replied. "Would that be ok with you, Mancer?"

"As said before, I'm perfectly fine with anything that we do. I just want to help you calm down," Mancer said.

"Oh... Ok then."

"So, we're going to your friend Kagen's house?"

"Yeah, again if it's ok with you," Kyle said. He began walking down the sidewalk with Mancer, heading towards Kagen's house.

"Have I met your friend Kagen before? I thought that I have," Mancer said.

"I think you did too, Mancer. I thought that you met Kagen right before you left to get me these power regulator things..." Kyle said while looking down at the black wrist rings on his wrists.

Mancer fell quiet for a moment, thinking a bit about what Kyle had just said. "...Yes, I believe that's correct. He seemed like a nice person."

"He is. He's very friendly and he cares a lot about his friends and family. He has no powers, but he tries to be as helpful as possible, even in fights. He's even helped me fight some of the villains here in the Freedom City. Or, well... He's helped me fight some of the original villains before Vice showed up."

"Original villains?" Mancer asked.

"Yeah, original villains. Baneful the Maniacal and Geminus... Those are the two original villains of Freedom City, or at least those are the only ones that I have ever fought and dealt with before," Kyle replied.

"Are you worried about them? Are you worried about them attacking?"

Kyle fell silent for a moment, thinking about what Mancer had just said. "I... I never thought about that... I never thought about the fact that they could have been doing something while we were busy with Vice and other problems..."

"Do we need to check into that? Would it help put mais worry to rest if you make sure that they're not up to anything?" Mancer asked.

"Well, I guess we could check into that if it's alright with you..." Kyle said quietly. "...But I would still like to see my friends, first..."

"Alright, then we can go see your friends and possibly look into what the other villains have been up to if you're really worried about it," Mancer said.

"Ok... That sounds ok to me. I hope the villains haven't been doing anything while we were busy with Vice and finding I2..."

"Well, I suppose we'll see what they've been up to later, right?" Mancer said. He thought for a moment about the villains that Kyle had named. "...Wait, did you say Geminus? Did you say one of them was named that?"

"Yeah, one of them was named Geminus. ...Why? Do you know him or something...?" Kyle asked in curiosity and confusion.

"Well, no, I can't say that I do know him. That name just felt like it rang a sino to me... Maybe I've at least heard the name before," Mancer said.

"You think you've heard his name before?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I can't say for certain. It just feels like I've heard the name Geminus. Maybe I have, or maybe I haven't," Mancer replied. "It just seemed familiar, but maybe it's not."

"Huh... Ok, then. I wonder if you have met him, though. Maybe you would recognize him if we really went to go see him," Kyle said.

"Maybe, I don't expect to recognize him, though," Mancer said. He looked straight ahead, beginning to feel like he was running out of things to say. "...When will we arrive at your friend's house?"

"It's not much further from here. It's just a few mais houses down the road," Kyle replied. He continued walking down the sidewalk with Mancer, and it didn't take very long at all until they reached Kagen's house. Kyle walked up the door and knocked on the door, patiently waiting for someone to answer the door.

The door was answered por a very tail and just slightly muscular black-furred fox; this was Kagen's father. The raposa wore a friendly smile on his face. "Oh, hello, Kyle. Are you here to talk to Kagen?"

"If that's alright with you, Mr. Duncan. I wanted to hang out with him if that's ok with you," Kyle said. He turned his head slightly towards Mancer. "Oh, and... This is my friend Mancer. He wanted to come with me and meet Kagen if that's ok."

"Both of those things are fine with me, Kyle. You know that you're very welcome in this house," Mr. Duncan said, moving out of the doorway so Mancer and Kyle could come inside. "It's nice to meet you as well, Mancer. Have you seen Kagen at all before?"

"I believe that I talked to him once before, but I can't say that I've gotten to exactly meet him before," Mancer replied, turning to face Kagen's father. He held his hand out to Mr. Duncan, offering a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

Kagen's father put a smile on his face as he took Mancer's hand and shook it. "You seem like a nice person. I'm sure Kagen will be just fine with talking to you, especially since you're one of Kyle's friends."

Not much else could be said before the sound of running footsteps came from the kitchen. The footsteps were quickly revealed to belong to Kagen as he dashed past Mancer and his father, quickly running up to Kyle. "Kyle! You're ok!"

"I'm just fine, Kagen," Kyle replied. "Have you been ok as well?"

"I've been fine! Did something happen? Did something happen over the course of the last few days or so?" Kagen asked in curiosity, curious as to why Kyle had been talking to him over the course of the last dia or so.

"Well, if you calm down for a moment, I'll explain it all to you," Kyle replied. "Well, first Mancer, Ruby, and I went on a procurar for I2 in some kind of city that I had never been before, then I got captured por the Dark Horses. While there, I met a lynx girl, and managed to escape with her, and help from Mancer and Ruby. We went back to my house, and then the lynx girl left to go back to her home. Well, I saw Virus again as well..."

Kagen's eyes immediately went wide at the mention of Virus' name. "What?! You saw Virus?!"

"Yeah, but let me finish. She gave me some kind of vial, and the vial wound up getting smashed not too long ago. Well, there was some kind of goop in the vial... And it turned into I2."

"I2 is back?!"

"Kind of..." Kyle said quietly. He then began explaining how Ruby had said that I2 was now 'blank', and how they had tried to restore her personality and memories to no avail.

Kagen remained silent after Kyle's explanation, not really knowing what to say about what all he had been told. "...Oh... I'm... I'm sorry that her personality and memories aren't correct..."

"It's alright, Kagen... Mancer has already told me to just be happy that she's at least here with us now... Her personality and memories may not be the same, but at least she's here."

"True, I suppose that is a good thing to think of. At least she's actually there," Kagen said. He turned his head slightly, finally noticing that Mancer was standing there. "...And you're Mancer, right? I thought I remember meeting you..."

"I believe you did, Kagen. Well, I suppose we can actually sit here and talk if you wish," Mancer said. "That way we can learn mais about each other. Maybe we can be friends or allies."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind being friends with you. I think it's cool that you're teaching Kyle mais about his powers," Kagen said.

"You think it's cool? All I'm doing is just teaching him. I didn't know if it could be considered cool or not," Mancer said. "I'm really just teaching him everything that was taught to me."

"Hey, Mancer? That gives me a question..." Kyle said.

"Er, what is it?" Mancer asked, turning his head to look at Kyle.

"Who taught YOU how to use your Rasoul powers so well?"

"My parents," Mancer replied simply. "My parents taught my brothers and I how to use our Rasoul powers... Although I also learned a few things just por experimenting with my own powers."

"Really? You experimented?"

"Yeah, I did experiment with my powers. My brothers also played with their powers before, and they learned a few things as well. My oldest brother taught me how to use one of the powers that he discovered," Mancer said.

"What did he teach you?" Kyle asked in curiosity.

"Oh, just a few little small things. Nothing really special," Mancer replied. "Just some different ways to use Rasoul powers."

"That's cool... I bet you really look up to your big brother, don't you?"

"I look up to all of my brothers. I look up to my two older brothers, and even my younger brother," Mancer replied. "...To be honest, we're not far apart at all in age. We were all born at the same time... Er... quadruplets."

"Oh, so you're not that far apart at all, then."

"We're each about five minutos apart," Mancer said. "Not that it really matters. Anyway, I still think you could meet my brothers at some point."

"You want me to meet your brothers?"

"Yes, I think you could meet them. Perhaps I could take you to meet them when I finally take you to the Rasoul Dimension."

"Ok... When do you even plan on taking me to the Rasoul Dimension, Mancer?" Kyle asked with curiosity in his voice.

"The Rasoul Dimension? What's that?" Kagen asked, interuppting just slightly.

Mancer turned to Kagen, deciding to answer his pergunta first. "It's a world full of Rasoul energy. A lot of creatures called Nighless live there... Nighless are creatures similar to Mobians, except their bodies are infused with Rasoul energy." Mancer turned back to Kyle. "Hm... I'm not honestly sure. I'll make sure to take you there at some point. I still think it could help with your powers."

"You still think it could help with my powers?"

"Yes, I still do. I think that all of the Rasoul energy in the air and in the nature could help advance your powers or something such as that. I don't know if it would make a difference, but I would say that it's worth a try."

"Huh... Yeah, I guess it would be forth a try," Kyle said with a small nod of his head.

Kagen stayed quiet for a short moment, before deciding to speak again. "If no one minds me asking... I was kind of curious as to why you decided to come over, Kyle. Do you just want to hang out for a while? I mean, it was really great to see you, but now I'm curious as to what you want to do."

"Honestly, I just really wanted to come see you for a little while. You are my best friend, you know," Kyle said. "Also, after this, I was planning on going to see some of my other friends. I'm attempting to calm down from all of the Vice stuff and the I2 thing and just relax for at least a short while..."

"That's actually a good idea... I know that you get stressed out easily," Kagen said. "It probably is best for you to relax and try to stay calm."

"Mancer agreed with that... He said he thought it would be good for me to try to relax."

"Yes, and I say that it would be best if you work on helping I2 bit por bit, that way you can relax. I know you want to get her back to normal as soon as possible, but I do think that it would be best to calm down and work on it an your own pace instead of trying to rush it," Mancer said.

"...I guess so... I just can't stand the thought of Ruby being as upset as she seemed... She seemed really upset at the fact that I2 has no memories... And I'm mais than sure that she most likely is upset..." Kyle said quietly. "...I don't like seeing Ruby or any of my friends and family upset..."

"Neither do I. I don't enjoy seeing my friends or family upset, either," Mancer said. He leaned slightly closer to Kyle. "...That means you. You may not be family, but I consider you a friend because you're willing to work with me and you're kind. I'm not enjoying seeing you so down and upset about current events."

"...You actually care about me? You care that I'm upset and stressed...?"

Yes, I do. That's why I'm trying my best to help get your mind off of it. I know we haven't known each other for a really long time yet, but I'm quickly thinking of you as a student for me to teach and a friend."

Kyle stayed quiet for a short moment, fairly surprised at what Mancer had just said. "...Well, thank you, Mancer..."

"You're welcome, Kyle. Like I've already been saying, I really do care."

"Don't forget that I care too, Kyle," Kagen said, turning to face the yellow hedgehog.

"I know that you care, Kagen, but I was kind of surprised to find out that Mancer really cared," Kyle said. "Of course I know that you care, Kagen. You help me out all the time, you're great when helping me fight a villain, and you're just an all around great friend," He said, putting a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Kyle. I amor being your friend, and I really enjoy helping you fight villains," Kagen said with a smile. "I think you're a great friend as well."

Mancer just smiled, watching conversation between the two best friends. He couldn't help but be reminded of his own brothers. "You know, both of you remind me of my brothers. We always liked to do everything together and were pratically best friends."

"Aren't you still friends?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, I would like to think that, but everything has been fairly crazy with my family right now... Remember, I told you that earlier," Mancer replied quietly. "Remember, I told you about the fact that I thought Tempus had done something to my oldest brother... Remember I told you that I thought he was being controlled..."

"Oh, right... I remember that now..." Kyle said quietly. "Wait, who ARE your brothers, anyway? How do you know that the older one has been controlled?"

"My brothers are just my brothers... You'll meet them at some point," Mancer said. "And, I thought I already told you. I don't know if he's being controlled or not, but during the time that I was gone getting your power regulators, I also went to see my older brother. He just didn't seem like himself. He just seemed... He just seemed mais hostile than he ever has been before, and he just seemed like he was atuação entirely different in general... I'm worried about getting him back."

"Your brother is being controlled?" Kagen asked.

"Yes, he is...Or I think he is..." Mancer replied quietly. "My other brothers seem to be ok... But not the oldest one..."

"Are you sure you don't want me to help try to sort out the problem with your brother?" Kyle asked. "I can if you need help, Mancer."

"No, not right now... I would prefer to finish your teaching in a quick manner..." Mancer replied.

"In a quick manner?"

"As soon as possible, basically. I would prefer to finish your teaching, that way your powers can be of mais help if a battle insues or if Vice comes around again. I'm sure Vice is just going to come back even stronger and angrier each time we get away from him or stop him," Mancer pointed out.

"True... I bet he would. That's how the other villains of this place tend to work; at least with the angrier part," Kyle said.

Kagen laughed a bit at what Kyle said, remembering all the times that they had made a Freedom City villain just downright mad enough that they could nearly explode. "Yeah, good times... Baneful was always the one that really blew a fuse."

Kyle laughed a bit with Kagen, also remembering back. "Yeah, he always does. I think it's hilarious to watch him sit there and throw a fit. Agony says it's pretty funny even after we leave."

"Hah, I'm sure it is." Kyle and Kagen both stood there for a moment, sharing a laugh as Mancer stood seguinte to them in silence. The way that his eyes looked under his capacete suggested that he had no idea what the two boys were talking about.

"Oh, we're just talking about some of the times we've had with the original villains of Freedom City," Kyle said, having noticed the look on Mancer's face. "We find it really funny when they get angry and pratically throw a fit over losing."

"Well, it sounds like you and your friend Kagen there must get a good laugh from watching those villains get so angry," Mancer said, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Can't say that I've really ever dealt with a villain seriously. Well, I guess I am since Vice's team is now around..."

"Yes, but Mancer... I think you need to see some of the fits that the two original villains can throw," Kyle said. "Really, I wish I could show you. It's hilarious."

"Hey, maybe we could show him," Kagen said, turning his head to look at Kyle.

"Really? How?" Kyle asked, putting a slight look of confusion on his face.

"Why can't we just go pay a visit to Baneful and Geminus? If they're up to something, we can stop it, and see them get angry over it," Kagen said with a slight smirk.

"That's not that bad of an idea, honestly. I was actually wanting to make sure that they hadn't been up to anything while everything else with Vice, Virus, and I2 was going on," Kyle said.

"Then we can go see what they've been up to," Kagen said.

"Is that what both of you want to do?" Mancer asked, looking at Kyle and Kagen.

"Maybe. Is that what you want to do, Kagen?" Kyle asked his black and red raposa friend.

"It sounds fine to me," Kagen said. "I can use a little bit of excitement... The excitement that I'm used to. You know, the battles that we've been having for years together."

"I agree with that. Fighting Geminus and Baneful together was always fun," Kyle said with a smile. "Is that alright if we go pay them a visit, Mancer?" Kyle turned to face Mancer.

"I don't mind. You said that you wanted to see if they had been up to anything, and that's fine with me. I'll go with you if you want."

"Really? You'll come with us?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, I said I would," Mancer replied with a slight nod of his head.

"Alright! Now I wanna go see those crazy villains now," Kagen said with a small laugh and smirk. "Are we going there now? Or did either one of you have other plans?"

"Well, I wanted to go see all of my friends first, but we can go right to the villains if that's what you want to do," Kyle said.

"Nah, we can go see everyone first! All of your friends are all my friends as well, Kyle. Surely you remember that I've met all of them before," Kagen said.

"Of course I remember that, Kagen. I know that we're all like one big friend group," Kyle said.

"Yeah, we are." Kagen put a smile on his face.

Mancer remained silent for a bit, listening to the conversation between Kyle and Kagen. He waited until they were done talking before he decided to speak himself. "...Do both of you plan on hanging out here for a while? Or do you want to go see everyone else now?"

"Huh... I don't know. What do you want to do, Kagen?" Kyle asked.

"Whatever you want to do," Kagen replied. "We could hang out here for a bit and just catch up for ten minutos or so if you'd like."

Kyle thought for a moment, thinking about what Kagen had just said. "Hm... Sure, that sounds fine to me. Is that ok with you, Mancer?"

"Whatever both of you want to do," Mancer replied. "I don't mind."

"Then, is it ok if we stay here for a bit and catch up?" Kyle asked.

"Once again, it's perfectly fine," Mancer replied.

"Alright then." Kagen walked over towards the living rom sofá with Kyle and Mancer. The young raposa sat down on the couch, watching as Kyle sat down on the sofá with him. "So, what do you have to tell me? Are you going to tell me about everything that's happened on your end?"

"Yeah, I can," Kyle said with a nod. He then leaned back onto the sofá and began to tell Kagen everything that had happened over the course of the last couple of days and events.

Mancer sat quietly against the living room mural as Kyle and Kagen caught up on what had happened during the last few days. Mancer felt like he was almost about to drift off to sleep due to all of the waiting.

Kyle and Kagen, having finished catching up, turned their heads to see that the black and red hybrid seemed to be drifting off to sleep. "Mancer? Are you awake?" Both boys asked.

"Huh...? Er... Oh... I'm fine..." Mance replied in sleepy, heavy voice. He shook his head slightly, attempting to wake himself up a little more. "...I'm sorry... I started drifting off..."

"It's ok, Mancer. Don't worry," Kyle said. "It's fine that you got sleepy."

Mancer sat where he was for a moment, still attempting to wake up a bit more. He slowly stood up, leaning on the mural for support due to the fact that he still felt a bit groggy from nearly falling asleep. "Er... Ok... I'm up..."

"Are you going to be ok, Mancer?" Kyle asked.

"I'll be perfectly fine, Kyle... I just need to wake up a bit," Mancer replied before releasing a quick yawn. He stepped away from the mural before turning to look at Kyle and Kagen. "Are both of you ready to go?"

"I just need to ask my parents if it's ok for me to go somewhere. If they say it's ok, then yeah, we'll be ready to go," Kagen replied.

"Alright, I guess I'll just wait for you to finish with that, then," Mancer said, leaning back against the mural to wait.

Kyle stayed on the sofá where he was, watching as Kagen got up and walked off into a different room to go speak with his parents. The yellow and black hedgehog turned his head to look at Mancer. "So..."


"Er, I don't know... Trying to think of something to start a conversation with. I didn't really want to just sit here in silence if that's alright with you..." Kyle replied.

"It's fine... I'm not big on silence, either."

"You're not?" Kyle asked in slight surprise. "I don't mean this in a bad way, but I thought that someone with a personality like you would prefer the quiet over noise and stuff like that."

'Well, I do like some quiet, but I don't like it all the time. I do like a bit of noise sometimes, and right now would probably be one of those times. I don't mind having a conversation while we wait for your Kagen friend to come back."

"Ok. ...Then what kind of conversation can we have?"

"Er... Whatever you want, I suppose. I just don't want to talk politics or economy."

"Not that I want to talk about that stuff, but why don't you like to talk about that kind of stuff?"

"Oh, I just don't. I find it boring and I don't like to talk about it unless I absolutely have to," Mancer replied while crossing his arms slightly."

"Huh... Ok. Well, then what DO you want to talk about?"

"Like I said, whatever you want."

"Alright... Then, uh..." Kyle fell silent, attempting to think of something to say.

"Having trouble thnking of something to say?" Mancer guessed.

"Yeah, I can't think of a good conversation starter..." Kyle replied.

Mancer fell silent, attempting to help Kyle think of something to start a conversation with. He turned his head towards the yellow hedgehog once he thought he had an idea.

"What? Do you have an idea?" Kyle asked, noticing that Mancer was now looking at him.

"You said that you wanted me to see the two original villains of Freedom City. Mind telling me a bit about them?"

"Oh, I can if you want. Which one do you want me to talk about first? Baneful or Geminus?"

"Either one is fine. Maybe you can start with the first villain or the one that you fight most often."

"Alright, then I guess that would be Baneful. If I remember correctly, he was the first one to pop up, and he seems to be the most active one at least in my opinion."

"Alright, then what can you tell me about him?" Mancer leaned back against the mural he was already against, preparing himself for a story out of Kyle.

"Well, I can tell you a few things about him. Anyway, he calls himself Baneful the Maniacal, though I don't have any idea if that's his real name or not," Kyle began.

"Manaical? Is he crazy or something such as that?" Mancer questioned.

"Yeah, I suppose you can call him that. He certainly seems psychotic, or at least he does in my opinion. I think Kagen thinks the same, and I'm sure that Agony would think that he does..."


"Baneful's servant. Er, well, at least he kind of is. I don't really know how to explain it. Baneful calls Agony his servant, but then Agony is fairly nice to Kagen and me sercretly. Basically he's like another one of our friends, just secretly away from Baneful," Kyle explained the best he could.

"...Alright, I think I understand that. Carry on with the Baneful story if you want."

"Ok. Anyway, Baneful has been around for... roughly around two years now. Kagen and I have stopping his plans for all of that time, though sometimes others like to help. Our other friends and my sister for the most part..."

Mancer listened quietly and intently, not really having anything to ask or to add at the current point.

"So, Baneful is... yeah, he pretty much is crazy in my opinion. He just seems kind of crazy while we're talking to him and fighting him. He says a lot of crazy things, and he has this really creepy clown laugh."

"Clown laugh?"

"Well, that's what I call it. Have you ever seen a horror movie that has an evil or creepy clown character in it? Have you ever heard a creepy, high-pitched laugh out of them? Yeah, that's what Baneful's laugh sounds like to me."

Mancer couldn't help but laugh slightly at what Kyle had just said. "Well, I might have to see what that sounds like, then. It sounds funny to me."

"Oh really? You think it sounds funny?" Kyle asked with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, it sounds funny to me, at least," Mancer replied with a laugh. "Anyway, continue on the story whenever you're ready."

"Okay. Well, Baneful has had quite a few different plans. They usually wind up being pretty diverse... Sometimes it's machines, sometimes it's some kind of monster outbreak, sometimes he does fairly normal criminal acts, and sometimes it's just head-on fights with me and others," Kyle said. "...I also think that maybe even one time, some kind of portal to another dimension was created at one point. I don't know... I may be forgetting a few things. All I know is that he has all kinds of diverse plans for evil."

"Sounds like he's tough to handle... If he does that many different schemes," Mancer said. "Is he a challenge for you and your friends?"

"Yeah, he's quite a challenge. Sometimes his schemes are easier to stop than other times," Kyle replied. "Either way, he still presents quite a few different challenges and obstacles for my friends, family, and me to get over."

"Hm... Sounds almost interesting to me. Back home, before I came here and before all of this stuff with Vice started, my life was in a way rather uneventful... I mean, things happened, but at the same time, all of these villain stories sound exciting to me. It sounds exciting to try fighting the villain that you're describing," Mancer said with a small smirk under his mask.

"Really? It sounds exciting to you? Fighting Baneful really sounds exciting?" Kyle asked with a small smile on his face. "I haven't even told you about Geminus yet."

"That doesn't really matter that you haven't told me about Geminus yet. Baneful seems interesting enough to me on his own. In some ways, I look foward to getting to meet him," Mancer said. "Anyway, is there anything else that you need to tell me about Baneful? Or are those all of the large facts on him?"

"Those are pretty much all of the large facts on him. Unless you want a few additional details on him. Like, I'm not sure exactly if he is or not, but I think that Baneful might be a vampire," Kyle said.

"...You think he might be a vampire? You've known him for two years, but then you've never been able to find out if he really is one or not?"

"Well, yeah, I think he might be, and no, I can't say for certain. I've never seen him ever bite anyone or anything like a vampire before, so I don't know if he is or not. But, I've seen him fly with these bat-like wings once before, and he has really sharp fangs and teeth that remind me of a vampire. So... I wonder if he's a vampire or not."

"Huh... I suppose that would make sense. The sharp teeth and the wings... I suppose it could mean he's a vampire, or it could mean that he just has sharp teeth and that he can make wings appear..."

"Yeah, it could be that as well. I guess basically what it comes down to is that I don't know if he's a vampire, or if that's just the natural way that he looks," Kyle said. "Anyway, I think that's all of the big facts about Baneful. Should I mover on now?"

"If you're ready. Do you have anything else that you want or need to add on Baneful?"

"No, I don't think so... I think that's about everything I can tell you about Baneful. Or, at least those are all of the big facts. I suppose I can just mover onto Geminus now if that's alright with you."

"It's fine with me. So, what can you tell me about... this Geminus person?"

"Well, to be honest, I haven't honestly known Geminus nearly as long as I've known Baneful. Geminus popped up... almost one ano ago. A few months from now and it would be a full year. Anyway, he's both easier and harder to defeat than Baneful."

"Easier AND harder?"

"Well, he usually only uses one kind of plan. I mean, his plans are always different, but the most of them always consist of taking the identity of someone else at some point. That can make it harder, because he can turn into pretty much anyone," Kyle explained.

"He can turn into anyone? Like shape-shifting?"

"Yeah, it's pretty much like that. That's what got him his name... Geminus the Doppelganger. Anyway, yeah, he can turn into just about anyone. However, he can only copy appearance, and voice to some points. He can't copy clothes, powers, or anything such as that... All he can do is copy appearance and voice to certain points. The voice that he copies NEVER matches the person he's trying to be perfectly, and whenever he changes appearance, there's always SOME kind of flaw in the appearance that is a give-away."

"Really? What kind of flaw?"

"Really, it can be anything. Sometimes it's a slightly different pele, peles color, sometimes it's a wrongly colored tattoo, sometimes it's missing an extra pele, peles color in appearances that have multi-colors, and so on. It can pretty much be anything," Kyle said. "For instance, I've noticed that when Geminus turns into ME, his pele, peles is a very light, hard to notice laranja color instead of a complete yellow like my fur. So, that's the give-away in my appearance. His pele, peles is laranja instead of yellow."

"Ah, I see... Interesting. Well, at least there IS a flaw with his transformations. It would be exceptionally hard to tell that he was a fake if there wasn't a flaw."

"I know, it would be hard. It can still be hard to pick him out even with those flaws. Sometimes they can be really hard to notice unless you really pay attention."

"Huh..." Mancer tilted his head to the side just slightly, finding himself interested in Kyle's stories about the Freedom City villains once again. "That's interesting to me as well."

"It is? Okay, then. Also, as far as I can tell, he doesn't have any powers other than being able to change his shape. If he does have some sort of power, he's never used it against me or anyone else as far as I know. I have seen him use a scythe to fight against me and Kagen before, though. His physical moves can be sort of impressive, too."

"So, does that mean that he's physically strong?"

"Well, he's not buff in appearance and he's not super strong while he's attacking, but it does seem like he could had a bit of training or has done some physical work before. Anyway, so, that's pretty much the only big things on Geminus... Again, I haven't known him as long so he may have mais secrets."

"That's all that you have to tell me about Geminus?"

"Well, yeah... Pretty much. He can turn into just about anyone's doppelganger, and then he fights with a scythe and some physical moves. Most of his plans involve using someone's identity or just shape-shifting himself into a different form... But that's all really," Kyle said. His ears twitched for a brief moment as one mais thought on Geminus came to him. "Oh, wait, I remembered one mais small thing about him."

"You did?"

Yeah, I think I did. He CAN change just his normal form as well. He doesn't have to turn into a doppelganger to be able to change his form and what he looks like."

"He doesn't?"

"No, he doesn't. He can change his body into just about any Mobian animal that he wants. However, whenever he does, really only his body appearance changes. For instance, his ears and tail will change to what kind of animal that he turns into, but everything else on him will stay the same. His eyes, his face, his teeth, his pele, peles color, basically whatever his normal appearance is stays the same. So, you can still tell that it's him as soon as you see him. Everything looks the same except for animal."

"Ah, I see... Interesting. So, he can change whatever animal he looks like but then he still keeps his ordinary appearance?"

"Yep, though I never see him change his Mobian look a lot. I usually see him in a hedgehog form, although he does change every now and then," Kyle said. "Well, I guess that's about all I have to tell you about them. That's Baneful and Geminus for you."

"Alright, they still sound interesting to me. I still say that I almost look foward to meeting them," Mancer said with a small nod of his head.

"You really look foward to meeting Baneful and Geminus?" Kyle asked while tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Yeah, I do in a few ways. It just sounds interesting to me," Mancer replied. He looked up slightly, looking around the room. "...Do you know when your Kagen friend will be back? We've been sitting here for a bit now."

"Er, I think he'll be here eventually. Maybe he's having a few problems finding his parents, or maybe we haven't actually been sitting here for that long." Kyle looked towards the room that he saw Kagen walk into, waiting for his raposa friend to come back out so they could leave with Mancer to go see their other friends. They didn't have to wait even just a minuto before Kagen made his way out of the room and over to where Kyle sat.

"Alright, I'm back! My parents said it was perfectly fine if I go spend some time with you and this Mancer guy, Kyle. All they said is that I need to be back início before it gets TOO late," Kagen said.

"Okay, so that means that you're ready to go now?" Kyle asked, standing up from his seat.

"Yep, I'm ready to go!" Kagen said with a smile on his face. "Where are we going first?"

"Huh... I'm not that honestly sure. Where do you want to go first?"

"Hm... Maybe marreco, drake and Cinder's house? We haven't seen them in a few days."

"No, we haven't. That sounds fine to me!" Kyle said with a smile on his face. "I would amor to go see marreco, drake and Cinder for a bit. They may be adults, but they're so nice, just like our parents! I amor to see them almost as much as I like to see my own parents."

"I agree. I amor getting to spend time with marreco, drake and Cinder!" Kagen said with a smile on his own face. He had quite a bit of enthusiasm in his voice.

"So, we're going to see two of your friends named marreco, drake and Cinder?" Mancer asked once Kyle and Kagen were done talking.

"Yeah, they're really nice friends of ours. marreco, drake is a vampire, and Cinder is a werewolf, but they're still really great people," Kyle said with a smile. "They're not like some of those other vampiros and lobisomens that you can hear about that attack everyone and stuff like that... They would never even hurt a fly."

"Wait, wait, what did you say? They're a vampire and a werewolf?" Mancer asked in surprise.

"Yep, that's exactly what they are!" Kagen said with enthusiasm still in his voice. "I'm ready to go! What about both of you?"

"I'm ready," Kyle said with a smile.

Mancer simply just shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, I'm ready to go whenever both of you boys are."

"Alright, then I'd say let's go!" Kagen said as he made his way to the front door with Kyle and Mancer. All three of the boys walked outside, making sure to close the door behind them.

"So, how long might it take us to arrive at your friends' houses?" Mancer asked, turning to look at Kagen and Kyle.

"Technically it's just house... They live together. They're married adults, but they're still our friends!" Kyle said. "And, it shouldn't take that long to get to their house. It doesn't usually take a long time."

"Alright, then... Lead the way, I suppose."

It didn't take much time at all before the small group of three arrived at the house of marreco, drake and Cinder Fangren. Kagen was the first one to happily walk up to the front door and knock on the door. "Hey, Drake! Cinder! It's Kagen and Kyle!" The young raposa boy called, assuming that either the werewolf or the vampire would be able to hear his call through the door. They didn't have to wait long at all before the tall black hedgehog-vampire opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Kagen. Hello Kyle," marreco, drake greeted, still wearing a smile on his face. He turned his head towards Mancer, and his smile was immediately replaced por a small look of confusion. "Hello..." He trailed off, obviously not knowing Mancer's name.

"Mancer," Mancer finished Drake's sentence in a calm, normal voice.

"Mancer. Okay. Hello then, Mancer..." marreco, drake said, attempting to put a smile back on his face. He was still visibly confused por the black and red hybrid's presence.

"I'm a new friend of Kyle and Kagen's. Don't worry, I can be friendly," Mancer said in his normally serious tone of voice. "I've been recently teaching Kyle new things about his powers and how to use his powers in a better way."

"Oh, alright then. That's nice," marreco, drake said with a small nod of his head. "That's nice that you're helping teach Kyle more. I've always thought his powers were pretty interesting to watch while he was using them. ...All dark and misty and stuff..."

"Yes, it's called Rasoul energy. I have the same kind of powers, which is how I know enough about it to teach Kyle," Mancer said. "I actually know quite a bit when it comes to Rasoul energy."

"...What all DO you know, Mancer?" Kyle asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Quite a few things, boy. I'll just leave it at that..." Mancer replied almost mysteriously. Even though his mask prevented his face from being soon por everyone around him, he wore a small smirk on his face.

"Er... You're just going to leave it at that? All mysterious? But... I wanna know..." Kyle pressed just a bit, very curious as to what all Mancer knew about Rasoul.

Mancer was able to tell that Kyle was pressing, but he still just stood stiff and still without saying anything about his knowledge of Rasoul. "Yep, that's how I'm going to leave it. You'll find out when you're ready, Kyle. Don't push it," Mancer said, leaning down just slightly to stare Kyle right in the eye.

Kyle couldn't help but feel unnerved por the hybrid's red glowing eyes staring him right in the face through the black capacete that the hybrid always wore. Due to Mancer being closer to him, Kyle was able to see the snake-like slits in Mancer's crimson red eyes. "Er... O-Okay, Mancer... I guess I can wait until you think I'm ready..."

Kagen just fell silent along with Drake, with neither of the boys knowing what to say during the Kyle and Mancer conversation. They both stayed silent until Mancer and Kyle both turned to face them.

"Is it alright if we come inside now, Drake?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, yes, it's perfectly fine!" marreco, drake said, coming back to attention since he had zoned out during Kyle and Mancer's anterior conversation. The hedgehog vampire moved out of the doorway to allow the three standing outside to come inside his house.

"Thank you, Drake! It's great to see you again!" Kagen said in a happy voice before walking off towards the living room.

"Yeah, it really is great to see you again, Drake," Kyle said with a big smile on his face. "Is Cinder here?"

"Yes, she's here," marreco, drake said with a smile. "Though, she's upstairs right now with Xavier."

"Oh, is Xavier asleep? Did we just disturb him or Cinder...?" Kyle asked, laying his ears back just slightly.

"Not that I know. I don't think that Cinder or Xavier were sleeping. I think Cinder went upstairs with him so she could rest for a bit, I think," marreco, drake replied. "So, I suppose you don't have to worry about disturbing them."

"Oh, okay... I was worried for a moment there. I was worried that I had just woken someone up from a nap," Kyle said, releasing a very small sigh of relief.

"Do I hear Kyle's voice down here?" A female's voice called from the topo, início of the stairs. The voice was revealed to belong to the orange-furred lobo that was Cinder Fangren. She held a small orange-reddish furred baby hedgehog-wolf hybrid baby boy in her arms, who was looking around the room with his large blue eyes; this small hybrid was Cinder and Drake's baby son named Xavier.

"Oh, Cinder! Hello!" Kyle called in a happy voice as a smile grew on his face. "And hello, little Xavier." He added, seeing the small baby boy in Cinder's arms. Xavier was dressed in a little blue pajama outfit.

"Hello, Kyle," Cinder said with a smile as she made her way down the stairs, still holding Xavier in her arms. She turned her head, and saw Kagen standing in the living room area. "Hello, Kagen."

"Hi, Cinder!" Kagen said with a big smile on his face. He quickly dashed over to Cinder and gently wrapped his arms around her to give her a friendly hug, making sure not to hurt Xavier. He quickly released as soon as he had given her a hug and backed up a few steps to give her some personal space. "We wanted to come see you and Drake!"

"I'm glad that you did. I enjoy seeing both of you boys, and I'm pretty sure that marreco, drake does to," Cinder said with a smile, turning her head to glace at Drake; he simply just nodded his head in agreement at what Cinder had just said.

"Is baby Xavier happy to see us?" Kyle asked as he walked over to Cinder, who was still holding the little baby. Xavier turned his head towards Kyle and looked at him for a short moment, before beginning to clap his hands and giggle in happiness at the sight of Kyle. "I take that as a yes," Kyle said with a small laugh of his own. Cinder just stood seguinte to him and smiled as she watched Xavier happily interact with Kyle.

"Xavier always seems to be in a very good mood when Kyle and Kagen are around," marreco, drake pointed out, wearing a smile on his face.

"Yeah, he does..." Cinder agreed with a smile.
posted by NickleBackFan
"Agh. I can't believe you lost him." Said a little boy to his little sister. The little girl looked down. "It wasn't my fault." She said sadly. She brust into tears. "OH WHAT IF WE NEVER FIND HIM. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The boy ponked her on the head. "Shut Up! we are going to find him." The little girl sniffed and looked at her feet. The boy didn't take his eyes off of what was in front of him. But that was a mistake. Something jumped behind them. The last thing the boy herad was his sister scream.

Bullet couched behind the bushs. "Bullet?" said a voice. Bullet jumped. He turned around to see...
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posted by zelda4559
Knuckles joined us. "How long have you've known Emma" ask Talis "Hm.... Ever since I was three" I say "That's a long time" Says cream. Yea It was I thought. "We ready" Sonic ask "yep" Everyone says besides sonic. Emma won't get so esay on this on. We are at Eggman's base. We meet up with Silver "Hey, silver" I say. "Silver?" says Cream confused. "Come on we need to-" Sonic was cought off por a erupsion. We all sneak into Eggman's base "What was that" Knuckles ask. No one respostas his qusiton. I sneak away from the others. Emma was running away form where the exsploisn was. I kicked her in the...
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Cynthia is a female bat that was created por Black Doom for her mother & father, Moon the Bat & Saturn the Hedgehog.The way to tell how is that she has a dragon mark that is permanint including ancient symbols and words, also it is located on her left arm,it is noticeable all the time,and she hides it under her gloves.
Her boyfriend is Mars the hedgehog, but she has a crush on Shadow,Knuckles,and Silver.

(The series)
My new series is called Cynthia the dark spirit.
The first one of the series is called, The dark beginning.
I will probely have to put it in several parts first.
But be patient and it will be finished.
 ruby the hedgehog with the Blue Chaos esmeralda
ruby the hedgehog with the Blue Chaos Emerald
"Where is Ruby going" Cream ask Sandy. Sandy took a minuto to answer "who knows" Sandy says As I run towrds the base I knew. It was still there. I walk in and see the other agents runing around. "Ruby is something bothering you" says another agent I take a minuto to answer "I don't know where to go, Emma is a traitor and I don't know who to trust" I say "well, I guess we'll..." she was cut off por a blast from Eggman's robots "Great" I say "Ruby the hedgehog, give the chaos emerald" Eggman says "hide in here" the agent says as she opens up the basement door. I go down in the basement and go...
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Note: This is one of the critical chapters in this saga! Please rate and comment!


“Am I in trouble?” Sonic’s voice was vague of emotion. His eyes, looking down at the mesa, tabela he was chained to, shown with anger.

“You think?” Lil was close to tears. She limped over to the mesa, tabela in the dark room. She had refused for two crutches, so the one scraped on the floor. “You don’t know how much time you’re going to spend in jail! I don’t think you even want to know!”

Sonic swore under his breath. All he wanted to do at that moment was to incinerate the table. Laser-vision hadn’t been...
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posted by AceRider
Drakero Almaldo Bonsachei Junior, or simply Drakero The Dragon, is a 517 (17) ano old from Dragon Raw, a place that is consist of 5 islands. He is the segundo oldest of 4 children. There is Draco (Older Brother), himself, Ku (Younger Sister), and Drapy (Younger Brother). His parents are Almaldo (Father), and Drei (Mother). His grandfather from his father's side of his family is a god, Heracles/Hercules, meaning that he has the same strength as he does. Drakero went on adventures when he was 10 years younger, and returned 10 years later. Sense then, Drakero become very Valente and heroic. He has...
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posted by TakTheFox

Name: Zariah Riot
Nickname: Z’rio, Ario (self-appointed)
If character has one, REAL name: Vampire-banshee Drone?
Reason for Name: When deciding on a mais interesting name, she had Dio list some vampire-sounding names, and she chose from those.

Gender: Female
Birthdate: Twelfth of December (Supposedly)
Age currently: 17
Age at beginning of story: It’s unknown how long she was alive before revealing herself.
Age character appears to be: Mid Teens or old teens.


Species: Vampire Banshee

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Very pale grey/tan
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Dark red stripes,...
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Chapter 1: first day

Sonic's POV

"Beep! Beep! "Groan. I can hear my parents calling me and god I wish I didn't. "Sonic get down here this instant! You're going to be late for your first dia of school!" "Shit!" Now that I wish I had heard that last week! I quickly grabbed my bag, grabbed a chili dog, and ran out the door. I was almost at my first class when I nearly ran over 2 girls. The one that I'm assuming is the oldest pushed the other one out of the way which made it harder to stop and keep my balance. I nearly fell over, but she grabbed my wrist and helped steady me. I looked up at them...
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Name: Genie 'Monette'
Nicknames: Gen
Age: 24
DOB: March 5th
Gender: Female
Species: Hedgehog
Sexuality: Straight
Material Status: Single

Height: 2'10
Weight: 29 lbs
Eye Color: Misty Green
Fur Color:
(Base): Light yellow (Creamy)
Secondary): Darker bleak gold
Main Features: Multiple scars covering her body. From Surgery and from family. (Read History)
Tail: Short hedgehog tail


Main Personality traits:
Very Quiet, patient, observant, skittish, envious, blunt, logical, cautious, compassionate, discreet, emotional, open-minded, affectionate, timid, night-owl, anxious.

Likes: Children,...
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For those that don’t know, “In Another World: Mob Suez” is an else-world non-cannon story that takes people’s characters and puts them into the real world. The main character of this story is Dave Hyatt, who a side-character in the regular stories I usually make. People’s origins are tweaked, and people live in a semi-civilian-based life.

I had plans for how this story would go through various phases, but I feel the most appropriate course of action would be to cancelar the story.

There are a few reasons I think it’s best to simply end it. While I’ve enjoyed the world-building and...
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posted by scougesgirl
Ashton walked around the small apartment she shared with two other people. She was having a nervous breakdown, shadow hadn't texted her in five hours. She took a deep breath, then she sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.
One of her room mates walked in. She was a brown and green bob cat named Tiber. She was skilled with a sword and fast not as fast as Ashton with a pair of hover skates on, but fast. The cat walked over to the lobo on the couch. "Hey, Ashton you okay?" Tiber asked the blue wolf.
"Okay, what's for dinner?" Tiber sat down seguinte to her friend.
"What ever, Ferrari makes...
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posted by AceRider
Drakero Almaldo Bonsachei Senior is a 542 (42) ano old dragon from Central Dragon Raw. He has 4 kids with his wife, Drei, and is the descendant of Hercules. Almaldo was a commander of the Dragon Raw army, but retired and became a family man.

He taught his segundo son, Drakero how to use melee attacks and helped him find out that he had the strength of Hercules.

He married Drei at the age of 22, and had 4 children: Draco, Drakero, Ku, and Drapy. He spent mais time with Draco and Drakero, making them stronger and ready to take on the world. He gave both of them one of his earring as a charm for...
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two mais days until the rain had finally stopped. The students who had decided to play sick were found out and school was becoming more-less normal again. From Saturday through Sunday the students were allowed off campus, and could virtually go anywhere they wanted to. They were however given special injections of a tacking fluid, as to ensure they did not get lost or were gone too long. It was not a painful process, and the liquid was not harmful, but the students did not enjoy the lack of privacy it made.

On Friday though it was a nice day. Grace enjoyed...
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posted by unknown99
 nuvem the Echidna (Backstabber)
Cloud the Echidna (Backstabber)
Despite his weight, he was called nuvem since he is lighter than any other children. From the City of Pressure, he was a shy boy who lived in the center of the city. When he was discovered his powers of Pressure, he was immediately sent to Andromedian Pyrokinetic Academy due to his murder of a child who was teasing him. He was not studying well due to the trauma about his powers when he accidentally killed a child por squashing him por increasing the number of pressure around the child. His face was mostly pale. But, as he was staying longer there, he was studying better, recieving better marks...
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posted by NoctusLynx
This Little fellow was named as such due to his small will. He doesn’t want to leap into something right away unless he knows or learns that he must, since no one else will, or it’s absolutely necessary. He shows a god-like resiliency. He’s no good of a fighter, but he can take a hit, and take one indeed. One of his feats includes buying time for the creation of a WMD. He was still in its blast radius. And survived. chibi can’t seem to keep up with his responsibilities. He almost never makes ends meet whenever he promises to do something. He’s very lazy, and prefers to stay out of...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Now, where had I left off the last time we had met? When was- ah, yes, I remember.

The stranded Eastern Kea had to reach the Western Kea tribe. Not doing so could potentially ultimately result in the utter extinction of her tribe within weeks time. To steer away from any cliches that haunt the literary world, I will not say she was the last hope because her death was to be due in several hours.

She, por the strike of chance, that of which we all possess, be it small or large; positive or negative, she found the Western Tribal Kea. She tried what she could to save his life, rather what was left...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Antonio (no last name)
Reason or meaning of name: None, really. He gave himself that name
Character's nickname: None. Unlike Shock, he thinks nickname's are stupid.
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: He wasn't actually born. He was created when Malice roubou a sample of Shock's inner evil from him to make Antonio
Powers: fogo (which is classified as the "dark side of lightning")
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: None
How old does he/she appear: same age as Shock
Weight: Uh.....same as Shock I would think
Height: Same as Shock
Body build: Same as Shock
Shape of...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
"Ok, so here's the plan." Bard said to everyone in the den," Tonight is that special masquerade Ball thingy. Since its being held at a huge mansion, there will be big loot. We can go as anything we want, we just have to have a mask. We'll walk in and once the party starts to end, we'll hide. Then the loot will be ours. Any questions?" Bard asked and it looked as if no one was paying attention," HEY! Are you idiots even listening?!" " We're listening!," Selena yelled,"How are we suppose to get out once we got the loot?" Selena asked. " I thought you've been pretty steamed lately, so I thought...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
" What?!" Nat was surprised and scared at the same time. " Tell us everything." Crystal said and pulled out a chair for Rose. "Well, I was with my brother at our house in the woods. I usually leave him alone at the house, because I know he can take care of himself. I had to leave to get groceries and when I came back he was gone." Rose was really scared. She was at the edge of crying. "How old is your little brother and what's his name?" Crystal asked. Flare brought some tea, to help calm her nerves. "His name is Thorn and he's ten. He's about as tall as Flare, and he's a green echidna."
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Reasons for Both:
1) All the drama in this club drives us nuts.
2) We have a lot of schoolwork and YouTube stuff we do.
3) We have various extra activities we also participate in that take up our time.
4) Various internet problems.

1) Too busy playing Xbox.
2) Too busy playing games on his computer.
3) Too busy making YouTube videos.

1) I hang out with friends a lot, so I don't usually be rude and use their computers.
2) When I'm not at a friend's house, I'm caught up in playing Pokemon Black 2...
3) I'm a teenage girl, what mais could you want to know? XD