Sonic fã Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter Four

Dave was restless that Monday natal Night. He tried to think of anything but the encounter with Dia, and mais importantly, with Ira. He had apparently angered the demon of this town, and now he could only imagine what she would do.

But would she really be that bad? Maybe this was all nothing. Maybe Ira did not care, or Dia shrugged it off. Dave hoped that this was the case, but he could not shake the feeling that it was not.

So Dave began to think of a topic that had not been on his mind for a few days, school. He was thinking of how he would fit in, who he might get classes with, how much harder it might be, and he would have gone on longer if a chilling thought had not gone through his mind. “Today was Christmas… on a Monday… tomorrow I go to school.”

Dave was flabbergasted. No longer was he sleepy at all, which only stressed him mais due to the fact that he would be getting up early the seguinte morning. And for once Dave prayed… for a snow-day that is. He made some other desperate cries for help, but the only one that would actually aid him was talking to his parents, and they were asleep.

He had not prepared his binders, or his back-pack, or his books; Dave planned to check the school out a dia before to see what it would be like, but now he would be seeing it as he entered the endless void of High School once again.

There was only one upside to this, though Dave did not notice it himself; he was no longer worrying about Ira.

Dave was awoken por his mother the seguinte morning at six. “Get up!” She scolded. “You have school today!”

“No…” Dave whined as he pulled the covers over his face. “This is all a dream! I’ll wake up and then-“

“You’ll go to school. Your breakfast is already made downstairs. Now hurry up!” Dave was still in cama five minutos later, but groggily got out at some point, and slumped to the kitchen. The aroma of fresh panquecas made his eye-lids flutter a bit with their delicious smell.

The panquecas were slightly crispy on the outside, very smooth and very doughy and warm on the inside, with a tangy taste from parts that were slightly raw from still being hot. They were perfect, sadly the only perfect part of that day. After three of the lip-smacking flat-jacks, Dave got on his already-prepared backpack, and walked off towards the direction that his new school would be.

As Dave walked, he saw quite a bit of other teenagers walking casually around, with a lot of them without backpacks. He thought little of it, because he was too busy stressing over the schoolwork of that day.

The school was labeled “Mob Suez High” Original name right? It was fairly large, with a wide L-shaped parking lot that curved around a voleibol field on one side of the school, which was connected to two sets of buildings that connected in the middle por a very bridge-shaped three-story hallway. The building looked just like an H; a three story H.

The establishment looked surprisingly empty. Dave had guessed what had happened the segundo he saw this. “THERE IS NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!” He yelled, kicking his foot very hard on a statue base. He screamed in pain from the unintelligent attack, before yanking off his shoe and checking for wounds. His foot was fine, but stung as if it were on fire.

Dave slowly made his way back down the road, grumbling angrily to himself as he went. Asher noticed him as the ticked teen made his way back to his house, and jogged over to him. “Dude, you fine?”

Dave slowly turned to meet Asher’s stare with tired annoyed eyes. “My parents thought today was a school day. They got me up at six. I got ready. Then I HEADED out the door! DAH!” Dave kicked the air angrily, thankfully not damaging himself this time.

Asher held back a fit of laughter, and tried to sound calm over his aleatório explosions of “HA!” “Sorry to hear that, man. You got ready and all that?”

“Yes…” Dave sighed. “When IS school starting, anyway?”

“Er… not for another week. Don’t ya just hate it when they change the dates on ya?”

“Well I would assume my parents would be able to know whether or not school was on this week!”

Asher shrugged. “Well you gonna talk to ‘em when ya get início ‘n all?”

“No point.”

“… Why? They don’t list’n to ya ‘r something?”

“No, they both work; my Dad for eleven hours of the day, and my mom for four, starting at seven.”

“Wow… that stinks, man. oi at least you get to raid the fridge ‘n all that.”

“Woo… hoo…” Dave could tell that Asher was trying to cheer him up, but he was too ticked to care at the moment.

“Well c’mon.” Asher waved his arm to Dave as he ran forward, gesturing for him to follow. Dave groggily complied, and por the time they were at Dave’s house, Asher was panting, and Dave was gasping for air.

Dave’s hands shook a bit as he slowly fit his key into the front door lock. But the door was already unlocked. “Well at least they made it so ya didn’t have ta use da key.” Noted Asher, still trying to boost Dave’s spirits.

“Oh SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS!” Dave groaned. He threw the door open and felt a stinging pain in his foot as soon as he landed a step. He instantly jerked back, flying into Asher and causing them both to thud hard on the pavement behind them. Headaches followed soon after.

“DUDE!” Yelled Asher. “THE DOOR ISN’T GONNA KILL YA!” Dave ignored Asher’s remark and slowly got up. He looked at the floor and saw a trail of water that went into the kitchen.

“Er… deadly water.” Asher joked. They walked inside, being careful not to step in the liquid, and once they got to the cozinha noticed that there was a wire hanging inside the water. When they got closer it turned out to be at least five wires. They were hooked up to a power-socket in the floor.

“WHAT IS THIS!?” Dave yelled. He opened the cupboard below the sink and pulled out a pair of rubber gloves, which he used to disconnect the wires. Asher walked up with a mop and swept the water outside.

“Someone tryin’ ta kill ya?” Asher asked.

“I think it was… Ira.” Dave guessed. It would make sense. Attacking Dave was what the others said would happen. But this looked like it would kill someone. She could not have meant to kill him, could she? What if it was not Ira? No… who else could it be?

“I need to call my parents.” Dave informed as he dashed to the phone. He began to dial, but the phone was not working. He looked over and saw that the cord was cut off.

“I’ll use my cell phone.” Dave substituted. In a few segundos he had whipped out his cell and was waiting for his Dad to pick up the phone. He did not pick up. “Probably busy.” Dave sighed. He called his Mom. She did not pick up either.

“This is getting kind of freaky.” Dave noted, though he was much mais angry than scared. How could Ira know all of this? The time that he would call, the time that his parents would leave, the way to electrify water so easily…

He tried to think of anything else she might have done. Then he remembered what Kyle had said, “Ira attacks the leader… then the person who actually did the thing.” Casey.

Dave darted out the front door, with Asher asking what was going on as he ran after him. Dave quickly explained as they darted towards Casey’s house. As they went, Dave decided that Kyle might want to try and help, so they made a quick stop at his house.

When Kyle opened the door he had a large amount of wire in his hand. This surprised Dave a bit. “Where’d you get that?” He asked.

“Found it on my door-step.” Kyle answered. “There was a huge ball of it, a-“

“Get rid of it!” Dave yanked the wire away. Kyle looked a bit cross. “Why’d you do that?” He asked.

“Dave’s house was booby-trapped, man.” Asher informed. “Watah and wire. Would’ve blew ‘im up like a potato.”

“… Do you think I did that?” Kyle asked.

“No… Ira probably planted it here to make you look suspicious.” Dave informed.

“Did she plant these too?” Asher gestured to the many buckets of water on Dave’s front lawn.

“… I was moving snow off the porch.” Kyle explained. “My mom wanted me to get the snow into buckets once it turned to water. Don’t really know why. She left a note telling me so.”

“Kyle, can you show us the note?” Dave asked.

Kyle ran back into the house, and came back with a piece of lined-paper, saying “move the sludge off the lawn, and put it into buckets to water the plants. amor Mom.”

Dave sighed. “This is bad.”

“Dude, aren’t we s’possed to be goin ta Casey’s now?” Asher reminded.

“Yeah… wanna come, Kyle?”

“Okay… but why are we going?” Kyle asked, confused por the request.

“We need to make sure she’s okay. You know how you said Ira attacks the leader, then the person who-“

“Let’s go!!” Kyle darted out and rushed towards Casey’s house. He obviously knew what Dave meant. Asher and Dave followed closely behind, and the trio cane just in time to see an unconscious Casey with her face in the snow.

The three boys picked her up at the same time. When they turned her around, her head showed bruise-marks, and the snow stuck to them a bit. “She’s been like this for a while. Thank goodness she’s still breathing.” Kyle sighed in relief.

Kyle pounded on the front door. No one answered. So he decided to jimmy the knob, which was unlocked. Asher and Dave carried Casey inside, while Kyle got a hot wet-cloth for her head. Kyle slowly wiped her head with it, which caused her to groan a bit from the bruise pain.

Eventually she woke up, and promptly screamed before punching Asher in the face, and kicking Dave in the jaw. Kyle was warming the wash cloth again and therefore was not struck.

Dave knelt over to a trash can and spit out some blood from his poor tongue. “WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN MY HOUSE!?!” Casey yelled.

“WE SAVED YO’R LIFE, YA WACK-JOB!” Asher yelled back, holding his damaged nose.

“What do you mean?” Casey asked, slightly calmed down, yet still angry.

“We found you unconscious in the snow.” Kyle explained. “So we brought you inside and tried to help with your bruises.”

“How’d you get inside?” Casey narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

“Flyin carpet.” Asher scoffed, rolling his eyes. “All the rage ‘n what-not. The door was unlocked!”

“Highly unlikely.” Casey retorted.

“Fine! Don’t believe us!” Dave spoke up, finished with the trash can. “We only saved your life is all!”

“… Okay, fair enough, but why was I unconscious!? Where did the bruises come from!?”

“The snow.” Stated Kyle, with the obvious answer.

“Who knocked me out?!” She asked.

“Ira we think. Or Dia.” Dave informed. “She set an electric trap in my house, cut off my phone, and I think she’s trying to frame Kyle.”

“Oh really…” Casey gave Kyle a very suspicious look. This hurt the poor boy, who had done nothing but help her so far. As soon as she saw his saddened face however lightened her stare a bit and said “Nah not you. You’re too nice.”

“… Thank you?” Kyle could not decide if that was a good or bad thing in the way she said it, but he would take it either way.

“What now?” Asher asked.

“Well we could go storm Ira’s house and pay her back.” Casey suggested with a battle-ready growl.

“That’s probably what she wants…” Dave thought. “All of us trying to attack her… then she can tell the police, and one thing leads to another; we end up in trouble.”

“Then what do YOU think we should do, Sherlock?” Casey snapped.

Dave ignored the hostility in her tone and answered “We could tell the police I guess.”

“You think they’ll believe us?” Kyle asked.

“The cops? I dunno.” Asher answered blankly, adding nothing to the subject.

“Well do we call them or go to the station?” Casey asked.

“… Station.” Dave decided. “If we call, it might be too hard to explain. Where is the police station anyway?”

“On the east side of the town. Little bit farther then the mall.” Asher informed.

“Then let’s go there.” Dave suggested as he started to get up.

“Um, hello. Injured here.” Casey said, gesturing as if lame.

“Your face was hurt. Not your legs.” Dave said with a look of annoyance.

“Aw, c’mon! I was hoping you’d fall for that!” Casey chuckled. Dave rolled his eyes a bit, though he was actually a little impressed with how calm and positive she had gotten in such a short amount of time.

The small group began their walk to the station, but as they did, they were caught off-guard por police… at Dave’s house. “What now?” Dave groaned as they walked over.

“Excuse me!” Dave called to one of the officers as they jogged up. “What are you doing?”

“Someone reported an attack here.” The officer answered. “Is this your house?” Dave wanted to say no but his conscience made him say “Yeah. No one was attacked though. My parents are gone, and I’ve been with my friends for the past half hour.”

“Then can you explain the power-socket being damaged and black, the wire, the wet floor?”

Dave sighed. “I came início with a friend after thinking it was the first dia of school for me, and the door was unlocked. We walked inside and almost got killed por the electrified water. Me and Asher took it apart and went to see if our friend Casey was attacked, which she was.”

“And was anyone else with you when you entered the house?”

Dave shook his head no.

Before any further action could take place, Dave’s parents drove up. They looked angry, and seemed to be glaring at Dave. This hurt Dave, but more-so made him mais angry then he already was. Did they really think he was a reckless teen, that got in trouble with police or something?

Well Dave was not that type of person. In fact he was rarely reckless at all. He had always been a bit cautious, and did not care for much risk-taking. He also followed rules quite obediently. Granted he was rebellious at times in his pre-teen years, but in general Dave was a very respecting and obedient son, and student.

“David! What happened?” His mother demanded sternly as she flew open the door and stormed over to her son. The others scooted away slightly.

“Someone set up a trap in the house!” Dave replied.

“The police called us and said that a girl called them, saying that she saw a boy putting together this trap about the time that you were supposedly going to school!”

“Dad, back me up here!” He called to the grumbling father.

Dave’s dad gave a rather surprised look at his son asking him to help. He expected something like “You’re both wrong!” or being hostile towards his father, but apparently not. “If it wasn’t you, Dave, then who would it be?” The Dad replied eventually.

“Ira Idens!” Dave announced.

“The girl who called us WAS Ira Idens.” The cop informed. “And she said she saw a boy with black hair setting up the trap.”

“It wasn’t me!” Dave yelled. “Asher was with me when I walked back home, AFTER I found out there wasn’t school toda-…” Then an idea struck Dave, “Who told you that it was a school day, Mom?”

“The school Principal sent me the E-mail two days ago.” Dave’s mother replied.

“I can vouch for my man, Dave.” Asher defended, stepping out a bit. “He walked straight in da trap when he gotz there. Then after we tried ta fix it all up, we tried ta call you peeps, but the phone was cut. Doubt he could’ve done all that in like… ten minutes.”

“Actually I think he could do that in ten minutes.” The police man noted

“Well then fine! Blame me!” Dave whined. “Because for some reason I tend to make death traps and cut phone lines for a hobby all of the sudden!” Dave was furious. His parents were actually assuming he had done this? It was moments like this that made respecting your elders difficult for Dave.

Dave’s parents, both, did look a little sorry now, but only a little. The dad turned to the police officer and asked “Why not ask this Ira girl if she saw Dave or some other boy?”

{“She’ll say it’s Kyle} Dave thought.

“I was thinking about doing that.” The cop replied. “Well we’ll probably be out of your hair in about five minutos anyway, but I do need to ask your both some questions.” The officer thankfully meant Dave’s parents, and not him, so this meant he was free… hopefully.

After Twenty-four minutos the police left, doughnut breath and all. Dave’s feeling of hatred for his parent’s lack of faith in him threw the teenager into a grumbling state as he sat on the front-yard bench while the others sat around on the bench and grass.

“What should we do now?” Kyle asked. “Should we go talk with Ira?”

“Why? It’s not like we’ll convince her.” Dave mumbled.

“Then what?” Casey asked, particularly annoyed that they were not going to see Ira, the reason being that she wanted to land her fist in Ira’s nose.

“I don’t know!” Dave snapped angrily. “What am I supposed to do!? I’m not a big leader, who goes right up gives everybody orders!”

“We… we didn’t mean that…” Kyle trailed off weakly.

Dave kept his fury for a moment then let it go with a large sigh. He rubbed his head a bit and said “Just… I just need to be left alone for now.”

Reluctantly the others left, with Asher leaving last. He was going to say something else, but Casey dragged him with them. Dave was alone. He sat down on his front bench. The situation was not dire yet, but it seemed as if it was about to escalate.

“Ira must have extremely messed up parents.” Dave grumbled under his breath.

“Messed up family is mais like it.” A feminine voice said these words. But it was not Casey, or Rynk. Dave looked up and saw Rin.

“Chose some time to come and see me again.” Dave quipped.

Rin shrugged unaffected por the slight insult. “I’ve been here a while but I thought I’d wait till the cops left.”


“The cops don’t like me.”

“… And you’re not going to tell me are you?”


Dave sighed, “What do you want then?”

“Well to help… if you want me to.”

“… How?”

“I… don’t know yet.” The hooded girl winced.

“Lovely.” Dave grumbled.

“Well at least I’m trying to help!” Rin snapped, feeling slightly hurt por the hostility.

“Sorry… I don’t even know why I’m so upset. She hasn’t done anything major yet.”

“SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU!” Rin yelled. “How is that not major!?”

Dave blinked a bit at this. She had tried to kill him! So why was he just sitting there? He had to do something! Sadly his mind thought this, while his body did not. He eventually replied “The police will take care of it.”

“Cheah.” Rin scoffed. “Cause they do SUCH great THINGS!”

“You got something against the law enforcement?”

“You have no idea. But this isn’t about me. I’ll go talk to Ira myself. You just… not get hurt.”

“… Be careful.”

Rin chuckled a bit at this warning, “I’m never careful, but thanks anyway.” Then ran off.

Dave walked back into his house. He did not speak to his parents. He just went to his room and began to play mais Resident Evil. During the time spent playing he noticed a bit of resemblance in Ira to the character “Ada Wong”… making Ira a creepy, semi-attractive, evil, Ada Wong.

He only came out when his parents called him for Dinner. Meatloaf was the meal, and while it was very satisfying, his thoughts were on what to do with Ira. He sat in his chair pondering, starring out the window, barely touching his food. Then… he noticed that someone was outside, sitting on his bench.

“Uh… ex-excuse me for a minute!” Dave stammered. Quickly jumping from his assento and making it for the door, Dave hit his face to the floor, and barely stopped himself from landing his jaw on the wooden below. His father looked over and asked “Doing push-ups?”

“No, I fell.” Dave replied. He got up and opened the door, intent on walking out, but was stopped por “Where are you going?!” from his mother.

“Just out for a second!”

“No you’re not! You’re going to finish your Dinner, then maybe go outside! And no wolfing down your food!”

Dave got a glimpse of the person before he groggily made his way into the Dining Room again. It was Rin again, only she looked… injured. Dave wanted to go back outside so badly, but if he did, his parents would follow, and Rin would be gone in the blink of an eye.

So the girl waited in the cold for another twenty minutes. Her capuz, capa was torn, her red hair messed up, some road-rashes on her arms and face, a good scratch on her neck, her jeans torn, and her feet covered in dry blood. She shivered slightly as she waited, but stopped, or tried to, when Dave finally came outside.

“Wh-what happened to you!? Are you okay?!” Dave exclaimed in concern. Rin looked down without meeting his eyes, and answered with a small smile “Ira’s going to leave you alone this time.”

“… What did you do?”

Rin looked back at Dave, allowing him to notice mais of her war wounds. “I fought her. She said if I beat her, she’d leave you alone, and I beat her.”

“Is anything broken?”

“My nose…” Rin sighed, turning her head down again, slightly embarrassed and not wanting Dave to see any nose-injuries (though they were not very visable).

“C-come inside! I’ve got bandages, and a sink, and-“

“It’s…” Rin bit her tongue, but continued shortly after, “It’s better I not get too close, Dave. I’ll be fine, I just-“

Before Rin could continue, Dave actually picked her up, and carried her inside the house, then sat her down on the couch. She could walk of course, but Dave was hoping she would be too shocked to do anything, and she obviously was not going to follow on her own.

Without waiting for the red-haired girl to say anything, Dave darted through the hallway and came back shortly after with a wet towel, some band-aids, and a dry towel. His parents saw it all.

“Dave what’s going on? Who is thi-“ Then Mrs. Hyatt noticed the blood on Rin’s feet. “I-is she alright???” From suspicion to concern in one second.

Dave did not reply. He was too busy trying to clean off Rin’s feet. Rin was flushed, not entirely with flattery, but more-so embarrassment. Having anyone clean her feet seemed extremely weird, let alone a guy, after she had been in a fight, and in front of his parents no less.

“You don’t have to-“

“I know, but you’re bleeding, you’re stubborn, my parents are watching; chivalry.” Dave trailed as he finished wiping off the blood. There were three deep cuts on the sides of her feet. He quickly put a few band-aids on them, then asked “What do we have for a broken nose?!”

“Broken-“ While Dave’s mother acted in surprise, his father was already getting the supplies.

“Could you take off your hoodie?” Dave asked.

“What? Why?!” Rin protested.

“To check for wounds on your arm.” He replied.

“But- yo-… fine.” Rin slowly took her hoodie off, which showed the rest of her slightly poofy (slightly) red, short hair, and at her arms… from her elbow to her wrist her skin was faded to red, on both arms.

“Did Ira do that?” Dave asked.

“No…” Rin replied softly.

“Where do you live?” Mr. Hyatt asked. Rin made no reply.

“You don’t li-“

“Of course I do! … Sorry…” Rin covered her face in her hand, cringing a bit at how mean she just sounded. “I’m… I don’t like going home.” She informed.

“Well we can’t keep her h-“ Mrs. Hyatt was interrupted por her husband who decided “Of course we can! Just for the night!”

The elders went into the cozinha to discuss this, though Dave and Rin could hear them perfectly.

“She’s a teenage girl! We can’t just have her in the same hou-“

“We can’t do anything else! It’s already seven! And she won’t say where she lives.”

“I’ll just leave.” Rin announced as she appeared in front of them with her capuz, capa back on, covering her face once again. She started towards the door, but then-

“Stay!” Dave yelled out.

Rin’s hand curled into a stressed fist, and she looked to the ground. “It’s not your problem. You shouldn’t have to-“

“You can stay.” Mrs. Hyatt informed, forcing the words out.

Rin seemed a bit happier and sadder por this decision. “… Alright.” She went over to one of the couches and laid down. The others were a bit surprised. It WAS seven, but seven was not THAT late. They could at least do something before that.

“Erm… Rin?” Dave called, cringing immediately after saying her name again.

“Yes?” She replied back in a non-hostile tone.

“Do you… want to do something before it gets late?”

It took a while but Rin finally replied “Such as…?”

“Er… I’ve got… Resident Evil on my X-Box?”

“Resi- which one?”

“Um… Six?”

“Oh.” Rin sighed. “So you like that kind of thin-“ Rin stopped herself at the end. She felt bad to judge Dave like this so quickly. He was being nice, and she was angry because of the game’s maturity level (or lack there of.)

“I-I’ve got Portal too… and two.” Dave substituted.

After a few mais seconds, “Alright.” Rin got up and started to follow Dave to the family room, but stopped, turned to the parents and said “Thanks. I’m sorry for intruding.” Before continuing on.

During the time of playing, Dave noticed something change. At the beginning, Rin seemed nervous and quiet, but as they got mais into it, he found that she was actually quite energetic and funny, making lines like “NO! NOT MY CAKE! THE CANDLES ARE LONELY!” in single-player, and in multi-player she went ecstatic. The two teens found themselves laughing so much their stomachs hurt. Then they noticed it was now Ten.

“It’s late.” Dave informed.

Rin looked over at the clock, turned to Dave, said “Goodnight, cool game.” Perkily, then dashed into the Living Room.

Dave was still chuckling a bit when he finally got up from his lazy rear. He put away the game, and walked to his bedroom. He spent the night, or most of it, thinking about quite a few things; ironically not that much of them were about romance. He mostly thought about what must have happened between Rin when Ira and she fought. They must have been clawing at each other or something. A devious smile crept onto Dave’s face as he imagined what Ira would look like if he saw her the seguinte day, with a black-eye perhaps.

Dave’s thoughts turned into words, which eventually gave him a dry mouth, so he went to get a glass of water, at three in the morning. He crept into the kitchen, putting the light at minimum, and slowly got a glass. He went to the sink, turned on the water, and winced as the noise slowly emerged from it.

He turned around and walked through the Living Room on his way to the hallway. Rin was not on the couch. Dave’s eyes darted to the door, assuming she had ran out, but in the cold? At night?

Dave grabbed the knob and was turning it quickly when he heard “What are you doing?” He flipped to the side and saw that Rin was sitting on the opposite couch, seguinte to the window he had seen her in when she sat on the bench, and she was fully awake.

“I-I” Dave did not answer. It would be insulting to say he thought she had run off, but it was too late. She figured it out.

“I’m not going to run off.” She added, giving him a small hostile stare.

“Did I wake you up?” The startled tired boy asked, trying to mover the conversation in a different direction.

“No… I don’t… sleep.” She replied reluctantly.

“You… how can you not sleep?”

Rin simply shrugged. “I haven’t slept in years. No dreams, nothing.”

“It sounds… stressful.”

“It can be. But I’ve learned to deal with it.”

“How do you get energized?”

“I just stay still for a while, energy drinks, food,” Followed por another shrug. “but I really don’t know how I stay awake. Anyway, you should go back to bed.”

“… Alright.” Dave slowly went down the hall, tripped, fell, had his water fall on his face, got up, picked up the cup that fell, then grumbled as he went into his room. He could hear a small giggle from Rin, but chose to ignored it as he dried his hair in the sheets of his bed.

The seguinte morning, Dave woke up to find that Rin was no longer there, though he was not surprised. She did however leave a note saying “Had to get going. Sorry. I didn’t steal anything. ~Rin.”

His parents saw this before he did, and before he could have any of the panquecas made fresh and warm for him, he was forced into telling his parents everything he knew about Rin, and why she was hurt. Dave thankfully was able to leave out the part about Ira, simply saying that she would not tell him, which they believed.

Finally after breakfast, Dave decided to go to the música store. He thought a bit about Rin’s secrecy. What big secret did she have? As he parked he saw Grace outside, and walked up to her. “Hi, Grace!” He greeted with a wave.

Grace spun her head around with an air of hostility, but settled when she noticed it was Dave, though she seemed a bit stressed. “Hey Dave.” She replied.

“I wanted to ask you something.”

“Which is…?”

“Uh… Do you know… what happened with Rin?”

“Uh…” Grace was a bit startled por this question, but answered to Dave’s disappointment “No.”

Dave sighed. Great. Well he could ask someone else la- “But Rynk does.”

“… Where is she?” He asked, coming back to happy land.

Grace pointed to the arcade that she was now walking towards. Dave followed and when they walked in, they quickly found Rynk on one of the dance-step games, twisting and flipping around beyond what the normal stepping would be.

“Rynk!” When Rynk heard Grace’s voice she spun around to see them, and waved happily before continuing.

They walked over and Grace continued “Dave had something to ask you!” trying to speak over the noise and música and other, the other being a high-pitched girl cantar in some oriental language. Dave assumed this was Miko Hastume.

“What is it?” Rynk asked between small pants as she continued the game, trying to beat her high-score.

“I wanted to know what happened to Rin!!” Dave yelled over the noise.

*ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!* Rynk stomped both feet firmly on the middle of the dancing-set; no mais high-score. She turned to face Dave with a rather surprised look and said “No you don’t.”

“Just talk to him, okay?!” Grace suggested.

Rynk was a bit reluctant, but with a groaning sigh, she led Dave out of the arcade and continued from there. “Rin was almost arrested for something, and that’s all I can tell you.” She informed. “I’d like to tell you more, but I don’t give away secrets like that.”

“Is there ANYTHING aside from that you can tell me?” Dave pressed.

“… Well she didn’t always be like she is now, I’ll tell you that. It involved… I can’t say. Sorry.”

Dave frowned. “Alright.” {I guess I’ll have to ask Rin herself.} he thought. Then he remembered Kyle and Casey. “Um… are Kyle and Casey alright?”

“You talking about how you saved Casey, and Kyle was framed?” Rynk guessed.

“… Yeah.” Dave was getting a little irritated por these psychic females.

“Well yeah, they’re fine. Anyway, you wanna cadastrar-se me and Grace in the arcade? They got a rock-climbing wall, and I amor climbing.”

“I know.” Dave chuckled. “You parkour.”

“Yep. Me and Grace, well mostly me, but she’s pretty good too.”

“Well maybe.” Maybe became yes, and Dave fell many times on the rock-climbing soon after.

Outside the arcade was Ira, standing outside, observing the area. She appeared without a scratch at all on her. No injuries whatsoever. Was she ever injured at all, or was she a super-human that could heal quickly? Or maybe even something else.
posted by numnumyellow67
Stranded in open o espaço inside an escape pod, Serios is thinking. Where could Mugen be?
"I haven't seen her in six years" she said to herself.
"Where in this huge galaxy could she be? You know, considering she is still in this dimension".
Serios and Mugen only met one time when they we're little. Serios was only six, and Mugen was four. They liked each other enough, but haven't seen each other since. Because she was buried in her own thoughts, she almost had a coração attack when the alarm went off.
"Mobius? I remember that...
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posted by TakTheFox
Guardian Angel

“So much has happened. Such… terrible things. First Commander St. John… betrayed the Freedom Fighters, and helped Ixis Naugus take control, AS KING! How could everyone be so gullible? Did they forget all the terrible things that Naugus had done before? I haven’t. I just came back from seeing Commander D’coolette. He’s… very hurt. I only got a glimpse, because the nurse said that she didn’t want any mais people crashing their heads into his bed… which was kind of weird. The time-traveling hedgehog was here a little bit ago. Silver is what I think they called him....
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
Name: Nitro the Fox
Age:believed to be 12 *is immortal*
Gender: Male
Powers: Can go out of his physical body and into peoples' heads
Weakness: When out of his body, he basically goes into a coma and cannot mover his physical body at all, he can only speak
Personality: A tad sadistic, yet he is loyal to his closest friends. He may become giddy in the most terrifying of situations and oddly unhappy when he can't do something disturbing.
Eye/fur color: Nitro is a dark brown raposa with one red eye, one green eye and two snakes to serve as tails
Outfit: none, he prefers to just wear a gold chain around his...
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[Warning: Minor gore and blood.]

Mother was supposed to be bringing início a new dress for me.
She said it was supposed to be white and beautiful and I would look absolutely lovely.
That isn't how it happened though.
I still looked lovely, but in a different way.

I sat in my play room, surrounded por my many dolls. My dress was a deep purple velvet. The was a ribbon to match in my hair. All my bonecas were expensive dresses, like me. My older brother was in the room down the wall. He hasn't come out for days. The maids had to bring him his food, but he hasn't eaten it. I worry for him. The whole house...
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Take it from me, I'm just a Magilancer who almost destroyed the whole world. When monsters colide with the real world, you can't rest until everyone and everything is safe. Yes, I have to admit that I didn't exactly keep everyone and everything safe, but atleast I kept everything from blowing up.
Not exactly the normalest dia for me, or any other wizard. It was gloomy and quiet, the way I liked it. A lot of buildings were broken and qracked. One just happened to have an unbroken mirror and some tape. I walked in through the corridor and broke the mirror. I use the tape and shard of glass to...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
The blow was about to come. I knew that just por looking at his face, twisted in anger, that the hand was going to come down on me. It did, as predicted and left behind a black and blue mark on my cheek. “Don’t lie to me, Gyro. What were you doing with Rex?” I clung to my aching cheek, cradling it with one hand. “It was nothing. All I did was talk to him.” Pain shattered into my other cheek, leaving behind a red mark. “Didn’t I say not to lie to me? Now tell me what really happened.” His words were clipped and low, and his red eyes were darker then usual as extremely light blue...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    As we followed Earthquake, we noticed some things in the trees that we had never seen before. “I think these are called Chaos Spears,” said Alymere.
    “Well, how would we know that?” asked Blaster.
    Please just shut up! I thought. I walked faster trying to see what was ahead of us. Then, a Chaos Spear past my head, just missing my ear. “What the...”
    In the distance, we heard yelling.
    “What is going on over there?” I asked.
    “You’re about...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
“Where did Silver go?” asked Blaster.
    “I’m right in front of you.”
    “No, you’re not.”
    Then we say his form come out of nowhere. “Now do you believe me?”
    “Well, yes, but I didn’t think you could turn invisible.”
    He laughed. “He can’t. But I can.” His form changed from a hedgehog to a chameleon. His tail was long, he had a single horn in the middle of his face, his scales were green, and his eyes were a sapphire blue.
    “And you...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    “What the hell?!” I whispered. por the looks on Earthquake and Blasters’ face, they were thinking the same this.
    “Hey, we at least know it isn’t us, right?” Blaster asked.
    “He’s right, you know.”
    “I know, I know. I just don’t like when he’s right, Earthquake.”
    Then, the one that Blight called Gun washed his pele, peles off as well. It instantly became a vibrant purple, a scare over his right eye, and sharp teeth.
    “That looks really scary,”...
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posted by SaraTheDog

Song:Get On The Floor
Color:Hot pink


People who tell her what to do.
The smell of failure on herself

Fav sayings:
Treat others the way you DON'T want to be treated.

Picking locks.
Escapeing from jail without anyone knowing for months.

What to do for free time:
-.- Get drunk.
Insult books.
Insult people.
Hangout with friends...Or aleatório people she dosn't know.

Other:She is just about always drunk.Also you can never really stop getting in trouble.
posted by Scorch-Werehog
It was a cool dia in October when a hedgehog por the name of Scorch was born. He has the power of fire, and some strength. But once a echidna por the name of Lycantic found out about Scorch, he wanted to kill him. So, when Scorch was about a mês old, Lycantic went to go and kill him. But his brother Frost wasn't too happy about what he was about to do. So when Lycantic went to go kill Scorch, Frost followed him. Frost knew that Lycantic would use a death spell on Scorch so he put a spell on Lycantic so he would do a completely different spell on him. The spell that he did instead made Scorch...
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posted by -Wednesday-
Character Chart
Character's full name: Hamano Suiyoubi Nevermore
Reason or meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: God or Nevermore.
Reason for nickname: She is a god and Nevermore is her adoptive mother’s last name.
Birth date: October 16th
Gender: Female
Theme: Don’t Stop - InnerPartySystem

Physical appearance
Age: Unknown
How old does he/she appear: 20
Weight: 28 lbs.
Height: 4”8
Body build: Slim, but large thighs and large breasts.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Brown.
Glasses or contacts: Amber colored contacts.
Skin tone: Pale.
Distinguishing marks: Horns, Arqueiro pointed cruz tattoo, cat like...
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Date this chart was completed: 4/6/2012

Profile for segundo Rin (After the Conflicts Arcane)

Character's Full Name: *deep breath* Iron-Nicole Rin Chaos Identity Virus Seven Server Spelunking
Reason or meaning of name: Rin was the name randomly given to her por Nick Falon. Iron-Nicole was who she was originally. Identity is the name of her self-appointed species. Virus is the name of what she was in her segundo form. Chaos as in Chaos Energy, which she is composed of. Seven Server because she a Zonac Soul. Spelunking because she felt like naming herself that for no reason at all.
Nickname: Rin, Freak...
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posted by ShadowChaos
"Great. This is just great. I'm stuck with two people that I'm not impressed with." I said. Silver and Twilight looked over at me as if I were a nuclear bomb. "You know, Shadow, that isn't nice to say about people." Silver explained to me. Do I care? I asked myself. "Why don't we find out who took my memories now?" Twilight asked me. "Twilight, it's not that simple. We have to go on a journey to learn about you first. Plus, the person who took your memories had a reason to take them." I told him. "But my friends told me someone took your memories once. So you kind of know how I feel..." Twilight...
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Classical piano música flew por Ellowyn's ears. She turned around, and saw another girl walking her way, cantar some sort of tune to herself. Ellowyn tugged at her big daddy's hand and pointed at her.

"Look, Mister Bubbles! Look at her!"

Bouncer refused and nudged Ellowyn progressivo, para a frente slightly towards a corpse on the ground.

"Not now, Mister B! Look!"

'Song of songs.. amor is calling, daughter wake up from your sleep..~' The other girl began singing.


Ellowyn jumped into the air, her eyes went wide as her underwater wonderland became what she dreaded most once again.

Old signs hung por a thread. Blood...
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posted by Ciara-the-Gecko
Chapter 2: queen of my Heart


Lyssa woke up, her body ached all over and she felt cold. She pulled the blanket over her properly and looked around, the walls were a bland cream colour, the carpet…the carpet was an ugly grey and it looked terribly worn. There was a faint smell of burnt torrada, brinde in the air, too.
"Where am I?" she asked to the silence
"You're in my house, Lyssa," Aria replied, leaning on the door "it's good to see you're awake, do you feel ok?" Lyssa nodded; surprised that Aria had been living in such conditions. She looked at Aria who had changed into...
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She giggled incoherently and swerved serpentine on the road in her black porsche. She really should have gotten a designated driver, but no one was available, so she drove. When she was drunk, she:
A.) thinks everything is a fun game.
B.) SEEKS OUT trouble.
and C.) Is easy prey.

 Right now, both A and B were applied. She intentionally went over the speed por 20 MPH. 
 When she heard the sirens, there were three things she could have thought.
1.) I can do this. SO LONG, SUCKAS.
2.) Mm... Trick #1.
or 3.) Trick #2.
 She thought the third one, and slowly and safely pulled over. There's a reason...
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SPIKE AWOKE. He then realized he was alone, and he heard the Tornado2 start up.
"WAIT FOR ME!" Spike yelled.
Spike threw the covers off of him and ran outside. He looked past the door to see that Tails was just testing the Tornado2. Windy could be seen, tapping her foot in impacience. Spike let out a sigh of releif.
Windy saw Spike looking out the doorway.
"YO SPIKE WAZZUP?" She yelled speaking over the racket the Tornado2 made.
Tails put on his gogles.
Spike and Windy shrugged as they walked up to the machine.
Windy climbed in. That's when spike noticed the...
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In what just seems like seconds: Slick makes it to his position; por the mural of the vault, outside of the security's lines. "*through the walkie-talkie, secretly unsecured por Yogi so the enemy could not listen in on their conversations, stats that he is in position* Ready"
At the same time as Slick, Dash reaches his destination. He should've gotton there sooner but he had to evade some security. But soon he made it to the walls of the secondary vault; just in case they mover it to this vault. "Made it"
"Get out here and die like a man!" the General yelled in direction to Rioul.
"this is bad. Way...
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A RED ONE TAILED raposa made his way through the brush. He had a horn-like spike on his forehed, one in each ear, one on his chest pelt, one on each elbow, and one on the back of each hand. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, which wasn't very fast.
"Stupid legs! If I had mais than a 9th grade education I would make you go faster!" he said.
"Spike get back here!" he heard his parents shout behind him.
Spike hid behind a tree. Above him, he heard rustling, then a hedgehog with green supersonic hair and black tips on her quills. It wore a purple dress and and appeared to be a female. She...
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