ranma 1/2 Club
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posted by Mp4girl
WARNING: This fanfiction contains my fan-fic character in it. It also features the characters of Ranma 1/2 :D Oh, this also contains some RyogaxRanma[girl version].


"Ranma! RANMA!" Mina's voice rang from downstairs. "Where the heck did you put my jacket?"
"Well, how am I supposed to know?" Ranma yelled back. "I do believe I'm your brother, NOT your mother."
Ranma looked up thoughtfully. "Hey, that rhymes!"

Mina scowled. "Ranma. Help me find it," she pleaded.
"Hey, where are you off to, anyway?" Ranma asked her absently.
She blushed and looked down. "Never mind."
Ranma laughed. "Ryoga?"
"It's Ryoga, then," Ranma said lightly.
Mina tilted her head. "What. You're not going to say anything else?"
"Should I? Just kidding! You're going out with RYOGA?! What is your problem?"
Mina didn't say anything.

Ranma paused.

Awkward silence.
Crickets chirping.

"Well, okay." Mina really didn't have control over what she was saying anymore. "Just think of it this way. Ryoga's a gummy bear, and your a piece of chocolate. And-"
"Is the gummy urso sour?"
"Whatever, idiot. If you want it to be."
"YAY! I amor azedar, azedo GUMMY BEARS!!!" Ranma jumped up and down.
Mina looked at him. "You have problems, don't you?" she asked before continuing. "And then when you put the piece of chocolate on top of the gummy bear, you get.."

Ranma scrunched up his face. "EWW! Sick, Mina!"
Mina blushed. "And then you get..."
"DON'T SAY IT!" Ranma squeaked.
"Omigod," Mina giggled. "I just thought of something. If you like gummy bears-"
"Sour gummy bears. Un-sour gummy bears are for faggots."
"Whatever. And Ryoga's a gummy bear.."
"Sour gummy bear."
"Then it makes perfect sense!"
Mina laughed.

Ranma rolled his eyes. "Sick, Mina," he said again. "You're like, the most perved person in the world. And Akane thinks I'M perverted."
"You are," Mina said sweetly.
"Thanks," Ranma snapped.
Mina paused. "I'll be back, Ranma."
"FOR WHAT?" Ranma yelled back.
"To teach you how perverted you are."

And she did what anyone would have done, got a bucket and some cold water. She filled another bucket with hot water. Then she dumped some cold water on Ranma.
"What the heck?" Ranma's mais "feminine" voice chirped. "MINA."
Instead of answering, Mina poured the hot water on him. "Yeah, Ranma?"
"How would this show me how..."
Mina rolled her eyes. "You squeeze yourself all night when you're a girl."
"I DO NOT!!"
"You do, too."
Mina smiled. "Suuuuree."

"Anyway." She checked her watch. "I've gotta get to the park. You coming?"
Mina sighed. "Yeah, you are." She picked up his colarinho, colar and dragged him out the front door.
"Ow ow ow ow ow! MINA! What are you doing to me?!"

--At the park--

Ranma: Okay. What the heck did you drag me here for?
Mina: You'll see. *devil-ish grin*
Ranma: ? o.O

Ryoga: Hey, Mina.
Mina: Uh, hey.
Ranma: EW. RYOGA THE azedar, azedo GUMMY BEAR.
*Ranma points a finger at Mina, and Mina waves sweetly back*
Ryoga: ...Oh.

Mina: *pours hot water onto Ranma* YAY for the PIGTAILED GIRL!!
Ranma: What the..
Ryoga: This isn't going as planned.
Mina: *pushes Ranma into Ryoga*

Ranma and Ryoga: o.O
Ryoga: *holding Ranma* Why can't I let go?
Mina: Because, my dear, you amor eachother...
Ranma: What the heck?! LET GO OF ME!
Mina: Now Ranma, I want you to kiss Ryoga. (this will so impress the fans!)
Ranma: NO! LET ME GO!!
Ryoga: o.O
Ranma: Why would I do that?!
Mina: *holds up candy* Me gives yuh gummy bear.
Ranma: Is it sour?
Mina: Yes!
Ryoga: TT.TT

Mina: DO IT!! Just think, Ryoga's a azedar, azedo gummy bear!
Ryoga: I... am...?
Mina: Long story. RANMA!

(Ranma hesitates, and Mina pushes Ranma into Ryoga)
Ryoga and Ranma: TT.OO

Ranma: I'm a guy.
Mina: Whatever. It doesn't sound quite right if I say, ATTAGUY.

Ryoga: *faints* >>"
Ranma: Somehow, freakishly, azedar, azedo gummy bears don't seem that appealing anymore...

LOL RANDOM. I know it's RyogaxRanma, but WHATEV! I was composição literária whatever I was thinking XD
added by soulfire524
Source: yodareusa
added by soulfire524
added by abby1129
added by soulfire524
added by soulfire524
added by soulfire524