dramatização aleatória Renegades of Yotsish

fangfan7 posted on Dec 03, 2013 at 04:17AM
There is a huge earthquake, and then right after everyone mysteriously blacks out. When they wake up again they don’t remember anything that just happened and they go back to their usual lives. But there was a group of people who disappeared during the global black out. These people were transported to another realm. Why? Because they’re special, they are called Pawa. In this new world everything is wild and uninhabited and the Pawa are probably confused, perhaps frightened, or maybe even excited.
Anyway….This realm is called Yotsish. The inhabitants are two tribes at war: the Unami and the Jianite. The creatures of this world: pretty much anything, most of it dangerous and wanting to kill anything it sees, anything kind is rare to find. Then there are the few unlucky souls (Pawa) drug into Yotsish from Earth. The Pawa have some kind of ability and were called into Yotsish to choose a side in the war and help end the war, instead they join up with the the renegades a mixture of Unami and Jianite. Their goal is to either avoid the war or cause trouble, whatever happens to work for them.
((If this isn’t very clear, which is totally possible, just ask me and I’ll attempt to explain better))

Be respectful of other role players
No killing other characters without permission
Romance of any kind is fine
swearing is fine, just don’t make it every other word
If your character has powers, don’t over power: No godmoding
Make sure your posts are readable (no text talk: wbu, jk, idk…you get the point)
You can have as many characters as you want
There can't be too many of each type of character, i don't want all renegades or all Pawas and so on.
Have fun!

Character Sheet:
What are you (Renegade, Unami, Jianite, Pawa-earthling, some creature that lives in Yotsish):
Weapon (if any):
Bio (it would be nice, but not mandatory):
Aisha and Suji: fangfan7
Sasha: KayKutie13
Garry and Minx: Time_Master
Flare: DragonAura15
Miki Thorn: heart-of_love
Jake: BlackSparrow

-Kind of what the main Renegade city looks like (I never said they weren't well off) -
 History There is a huge earthquake, and then right after everyone mysteriously blacks out. Whe
last edited on Dec 15, 2013 at 12:15AM

dramatização aleatória 752 replies

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over a year ago fangfan7 said…
The Unami Renegades Aisha had sent to Sasha's camp spent their first day or so there establishing themselves in areas that would make it much easier for them to get to Sasha. By their second day there they were pretty much blending in. By their third day the first one approached the area where Sasha was after they made sure no one was around. "Sasha?" he whispered down quietly. "Can you tell me your condition?" he asked. "We were sent by the Renegades." he added.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha was weeping as one of her brothers slowly popped her arm back into place again. She didn't want to look her brother in the eye. Even though they helped her and brought her food they never spoke to her, she had no idea what they thought of her and to be honest she was too scared to know.

"Get away from her" Sasha sighed as Jumba appeared down the hall, she didn't even have to see him, she knew his voice. "Jumba, Im only putting her shoulder in place" Her brother replied calmly. "Well it's down now leave." Jumba commanded. Sasha felt her blood boiling. Who was he to command her brother?! The son of a commander.

Sasha's brother sighed and stood, Leaving without looking at Sasha. Sasha couldn't believe what was happening. She felt Jumba's presence standing over her. "You look so pathetic....I wonder if this is what your father felt every time he looked at your mother. Sasha was mumbling furiously into the gag in her mouth, while Jumba just laughed. "I am in charge now Sasha...Me and the elders...oh my poor bride to be, you must be so frustrated this is taking longer than I thought." Sasha yanked her head from his hand as he was trying to pull her close to kiss her. She suffered another blow to the face, ugh she almost didn't even want to see what she looked like after this whole ordeal. She was sore and tired and she was pretty sure she looked like crap.

"Your such a little bitch, just wait. Just wait. You brought this all on your own Sasha. All on your own!" Jumba's rant was interrupted as the elders came down the stairs. "The Unami tribe has a new goal Beast rider... We are not going to defeat the Jaintie...no...we are going to take them over....then we will hit them pesky Renegades..." Sasha's breath caught in her throat...Suji was with the Renegades....

What ever the elders said next she didn't hear, whoever kicked her, she didn't notice, She don't remember when the left. She could barely hear Elgor calling her name. No longer...No longer could she ignore the calling inside her. Suji...her tribe...the animals she loved...they wouldn't be safe...they would never be safe as long as these corrupted elders walked the earth. "Follow my heart..." Was all Sasha said.

"Sasha! Sasha! Listen to me Sasha, you are stirring up the animals, you must stop!" Elgor knew Sasha was strong, most likely stronger than her mother but to be able to stir up the animals of the camp with out being able to see them, feel them, or talk to them. No... This..This was unheard of.

Outside of the holding cell animals from all over the camp were beginning to become restless. The Unami tried their best to tame the beasts but it seemed every couple hours they were acting up. The elders believed it to be that they could feel the Jainti tribe because they had never heard of a Best Rider who could control animals without physically being with them.

They had also received word that there were Enemy troops on the move, the Unami began preparing for another attack.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Of the Unami spies in the camp, two returned quickly to the Renegade city to tell Aisha what they had learned. Three more stayed back at the camp to try and get Sasha out. For the time being Aisha was not concerned. No one knew where her city was located, or how to get to it save her most loyal soldiers. And even if someone did find it, the Beast Riders that lived there had control over sea monsters in the large lake surrounding the city, that would help for a little bit at least. She prepared her soldiers for defense, and for when the Unami prepared to attack Jianite.
The men that stayed behind found the outburst of activity from the animals to be a perfect distraction. They went down into the are where Sasha and Elgor were being held. They found them tied up with gags in their mouths. By now they had two more men for reinforcements. Three watched the entrances, the most powerful ones, and the other two quickly went to Elgo and Aisha. "Please do not be alarmed, we are going to get you out of here." the one closest to Sasha said. "You are lucky this Suji loves you so much, or our leader may not have sent us to you." he added kindly, it was not meant to be mean.

((one of 4 types of sea monsters they have....it's a big lake))
 Of the Unami spies in the camp, two returned quickly to the Renegade city to tell Aisha what they had
KayKutie13 commented…
((that is awesome!!!)) over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha was coughing after the gag was removed from her mouth, when the cloth covering her eyes was removed the sight was shocking. Her eyes looked like that of a beast and there was strain in her voice. Upon the cloth covering her eyes being removed they could hear the up roar of the animals grow louder and more fierce.

"Get him to safety..." She said as she stood against the chains yanking on them, Her voice was strained and sounded almost like a wounded animal. "No Sasha you cannot stay! At this rate you won't be able to come back to your human mind if you continue on!" Elgor shouted at her.

"If those Bochies and Darogenons meet.....there will be little to no Unami or Jainit left!!" Sasha cried. True the Janite were still her enemy but she couldn't let them be obliterated.

With the next few words the entire room fell silent "You most go....you must see this Jantie boy you love..." Sasha froze, Elgor hadn't had said anything since he found out about Suji. Sasha was at a loss for words . He sighed heavily "Sasha..there are some things about your mother...only I can tell you...If you leave...I will tell you..." Sasha sighed and looked at the Renegades the were in front of her.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha's eyes went from their beautiful green to this
 Sasha's eyes went from their beautiful green to this
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
Name: leonard
Age: 12
Gender: male
What are you: pawa-earthling
Power/ability: fire!
Weapon (if any): runed sword(he will get it later),guns(he will get it after the runed sword and he will throw the rune sword after he got this)
Bio (it would be nice, but not mandatory): he islittle when the earthquake started after he waked up i found myself in nowhere and fled into this place because im chased after i got into yotsish they greeted me and welcomed me and said im special i started living here
Appearance: PIC
 Name: leonard Age: 12 Gender: male What are you: pawa-earthling Power/ability: fire! Weapon (if
fangfan7 commented…
Are you in with the renegades or one of the other tribes? over a year ago
tigerfinn commented…
lol renegades? what was that mean? rebels? over a year ago
fangfan7 commented…
Yeah, they're like a rebellion over a year ago
tigerfinn commented…
RENEGADES over a year ago
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((That would be so creepy! Oh, and Welcome!))

"Please, come with us." one of the men pleaded.
"Sir!? We need to leave soon!" one of the men at the entrance called to them, the man who had spoken to her first looked at her pleadingly.
"Please, ma'am, please come with us." he said again, standing and holding out a hand to help her up as well. He could hear the noises getting louder, the sound of chaos, he thought. Something everyone in this room had probably heard one too many times. he waited for her answer.
last edited over a year ago
tigerfinn commented…
thx for the welcom! over a year ago
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
(here i go!)
"hello?" leo yelled a he is in the entrance an water monster attacked leo with suprise he was eaten by the beast and inside the belly he got the runed sword "eating anyone with out permission SUCK" he stabbed one side as the water goes in the belly he gasped he held his breath and swam upward as he go up he gasped "huff huff where am i and what i that thing?" leo asked as the monster goes deeper it is out of sight leo was welcomed as he entered he entered paradise
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Before entering the city there is a large amount of space (roughly 2-3 miles) between the first gate, and the gate allowing entrance into the city. Guards are posted to either relay any messages that there are people entering, or to fight as a first line if there are intruders. Greeting this unknown guest were three soldiers, appearing harmless, but weapons at the ready just in case. "Who are you? Where do you come from?" the one at the lead asks.
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
"i cant remember" leo replied while holding the runed sword from the monster
tigerfinn commented…
lol forgot to add "im leo i mean leonardo just call me leo" over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha sighed and nodded her head, She took the mans held and stumbled getting up. She could here the commotion outside. Elgor sighed and looked at Sasha and the renegades. "We need a better distraction, with them running wild up there they will see us....I'll stay behind...I can catch up later..."

"No!" Sasha commanded, her leader role was kicking in once more. She sighed and looked at the Renegade who was in front of her. "I can make a bigger distraction..But I won't have enough strength to walk out of here afterwards..."
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
"looks like you will force me to fight you guys huh?" as the guard`s wepons were ponting at him "one... two...three.. three of you" leo said bowing his head
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
The renegades that greeted Leo shared a look, then the head of the group said. "Blindfold him, we'll let the advisers decide what to do with him until Aisha is...less preoccupied." he turned his attention to the boy. "Kid we have to blind fold you for this next part, please come here and then do as we say, if you want into the city that is." the man said.

"If it won't bother you, we'll carry you out." He says to Sasha. "But we need to make a decision, and fairly quick too." he adds.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
"ummm... blindfolding" leo said scared "o-o-ok" leo said
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
leo gets close to the guards with the sword in his hand
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"We won't hurt you kid, it's just a precaution." the head of the group reassures him. Once they have the blindfold on Leo the man says "now just do as we say, and this journey should be easy."
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
"ok" leo said with a smile while making the sword on his back ((its like sword sheath but ya now it in leos back))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Miki sighs "Jake your so slow...why do you want to be a soldier if you can't even fight?" She teases
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
leo is walking with the guards "are there yet?" leo asked "no" said the guards a couple more minits "are we there yet?" leo asked again "no" said the guards leo asked allover and over again and the guards are getting tired for saying no "are we there yet?" leo asked again "like i said for the hundreth time NO" he hit`s leo in the back making leo stumble and fall
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Miki saw a guard hit someone with a blindfold. "Hey don't do that!" she shouts running over and grabbing his arm as he fell. She looks at the guard '' i think you can remove the blindfold." she says
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Jake was about to make a snide remark, and then stopped when Miki ran over to the guards. He stood behind her as she spoke to the guard that pushed the boy over.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha nodded at them and took a couple steps back, going father back into her cell. "Stand back until shes done..."Elgor warned, when a beast rider lost control they believe they really are an animal and will attack humans, family, friends, lovers.

Sasha took a deep breath and began mumbling to herself, the cried from outside were growing louder. Sasha's eyes began glowing a sickly animalistic color. A low growl escaped her lips and suddenly they heard a crashing above them. One of the animals had broke free of their cage. Sasha's eyes ceased glowing but remained yellow. She was able to walk to the renegade but then collapsed onto him "Sorry..." was all she managed to mumble before blacking out entirely.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Miki quickly and quietly removed the blindfold "you shouldn't hit someone who did nothing to you." she remarks to the guard.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
"Miki the guards well still have to take him, there is nothing we can do for him yet.". Jake says to her. He wasn't sure, but he guessed if she could, Miki would take the kid in. Maybe if they werent currently living in Aisha's house she could.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
The head of the small group turned his gaze to Miki. "Sorry about that ma'am, I'll be sure to keep my men in better check. You're welcome to come with us, we have to bring him to the advisers until Aisha can decide what to do with him." the head of the group said.

The Unami spies who had gone to retrieve Sasha got ready to leave. The closest one gently picked Sasha up and started to head out. He and two others started out with Sasha, the last two stayed behind. "Sir," one said to Elgor. "are you coming with us? Is there anything we can do to help you?" he asks gently.

The three Unami spies with Sasha managed to get her outside the camp that was now overrun with chaos and got her a few miles into the forest before splitting up. One staying as a look out for the other spies, and one staying back enough to watch the back of the last one, the one carrying Sasha. He would have her to the city by early morning
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"no its ok we still have to practice." Miki says to the lead Guard. "be good or i will drown you." she warns
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
"cough cough that hurt" leosaid while trying to stand "who are you people!"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"i'm Miki and this is Jake." she says
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
The guard nods at Miki's threat and then gently helps Leo to his feet. "Come boy, we need to figure out what to do with you." he said, though they didn't leave just yet as Miki started talking to him.

A scout ran ahead to inform Aisha that they got the Unami girl and that she was being brought to the infirmary.

When Suji awoke he didn't believe what he was seeing at first. Sasha was being brought in, unconscious. She didn't look good. He got up as fast as his injured body would alow and he stumbled to her. "Sasha?". He used a nearby table for support. "Sasha?!" one of the healers tried to get him to sit, instead he stumbled towards where Sasha was. He gabbed onto a table as he grew weaker and fainter, black spots covering his vision as he fell to the ground and blacked out.....Again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
((This poor guy...ahaha always blacking out :< ))
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha laid unconscious while Elgor kept watch of her, He had explained to the healers that her right shoulder had been dislocated about 5 times, she had suffered heavy blows to the head, hence the bruised cheek and black eye but she didn't appear to suffer any brain injuries, her ribs were bruised badly and she had grip marks around her wrists and shoulders where Jumba would grab, pull and hold her.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((He has blacked out a lot hasn't he....oops, Anyway....))

The next time Suji had waken up, he learned his lessen. Slow movements and to accept help. Apparently the gash in his arm and the one on his abdomen and his broken ribs were what he kept damaging from healing. So this time a healer helped him to where Sasha was as soon as he was able and he took a place beside Elgor, hoping she would wake up soon.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor looked over at Suji "So you're him huh?" He chuckled to himself and stuck his hand out so Suji could shake it. "I am Elgor...I raised Sasha when her father was not around and showed her how to use her beast rider abilities."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Suji looked over to Elgor and shifted so he could reach out and shake the man's hand. Then he slowly shifted back so he was leaning in his seat, his hand over Sasha's "The leader here, she would tell me about the reports from her spies in the Unami camp. I don't know exactly what happened to her, but I understood enough that it sounded as though all of her people turned against her.". He looked over at Elgor. "Why didn't you?" he asked the older man, keeping his hand over Sasha's. "Not that I don't appreciate it." he added quietly.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I should probably let Sasha tell you...but I know she will keep the details from you for fear of hurting you....." He took a sip of a nearby glass of water "It started long ago...I was good friends with Sasha's mother, She was like a little sister to me. After her mothers death I took good care of Sasha at some point she even called me dad instead of uncle..." He chuckled "Sasha learned fast that the war was devastating...with her fathers coldness, her brothers too busy, her mother dead...Sasha became closed off to a lot of people...except Jumba, A childhood neighbor who became a friend. Jumba often trained with Sasha...he almost matches her in strength and ability except he is not a beast rider and could never actually beat Sasha, so evidently Sasha was always put in charge and not him."

Elgor cleared his throat "When the war got really bad...I left...I lived in the northern forests on my own, Sasha was the only one who could find me..I couldn't leave to find the renegades because I couldn't abandon Sasha... and many beast riders feared even the Renegades would abuse their powers like their tribes did. One day Sasha brought Jumba with her to meet me, an ultimate symbol of their friendship. Jumba took it as something else."

Elgor paused as Sasha stirred but when she didn't wake he continued "Jumba found me weeks ago...I knew something was off but I was worried about Sasha...I was captured...They forced me to use my power to capture Darogenons... I learned..one of the Elders daughter Aisha...they are like high priestesses to our tribe, was raped, murdered and beheaded ... After Sasha had orderd for one of the daughters or sons to go console the family of the man who was murdered in the fire Aisha was the one that volunteered.... Her father and Elder was so enraged...it was already bad for Sasha because she wasn't bringing them the beasts they wanted..this...this was too much."

He took another sip of water "We didn't know...but Jumba had caught you and Sasha...He thought she was originally messing with you...but when she never killed you or brought you in....he knew...He knew the woman he thought he would marry never loved him like he did her....he became insane...He wanted everything, Sasha and the power that came with being with her.. He told on her.....Sasha was brought to the meeting room with the elders...she had no idea what was coming...She was hit with everything they had...but she refused to fight back...When she realized it was more than just about Aisha it was too late...there was nothing she could do... The tribe doesn't know...Only the elders...her father...brothers...Jumba..and me."

"They wanted to break her...told her they was going to kill you, she would be forcefully wed to Jumba...They would force her to become leader since the tribe still respected her...but she would be forced to live under the elder and Jumbas command.... That ring on her finger....its Jumba's he forced her to wear and if she was caught it out it or denied him in anyway she was beat....They kept her blind folded, gagged and chained...it was the only way to stop her beast rider abilities...but what Sasha did...I have never seen.....She denied Jumba in every way possible...He would still steal kisses from her...but she would draw blood from him whenever he let his guard down...The angrier she got...when her father hit her...she was able to connect with close animals without being able to feel...see..or talk to them..I have never seen that before....She is stronger than her mother...much stronger.....If we had been there any longer...They would have just tried to kill her...she refused to cooperate... I would never turn on her though.....I knew the war had corrupted our elders...the people...it has corrupted both tribes...I only wish I could have saved Sasha earlier...but she believed...She believed things would change.."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Suji clenched his jaw, angry. Angry with all the people from her tribe that had hurt her....and at himself for not being able to help her. "Well thank you...for staying by her.". He said to Elgor. He paused. "I think it can get better. I don't know if the Renagades are going to be the ones who make it so, but right now they're the best chance. Their leader, Aisha, she really believes they can make a difference and considering she's one person who's done pretty well....I don't know. I just hope her hope for better lives comes around before her time to...well...pass on." he said. Not like she was going to die any time soon, but with how the war was progressing, it wasn't going to be happy.
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
as leo tries to reach his sword "AAHH" as fire started to take over his body
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor looked ad Suji and gently put his hand on Suji's shoulder "No Suji...Thank you....You freed Sasha..."

A small almost inaudible laugh came from Sasha "Hes.,right...Suji....I wouldn't be here without you...I'd be a slave to my own tribe.." Sasha didn't want to open her eyes..she was worried Suji would see her yellow eyes and be afraid of her.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Sasha" Suji said, relieved. He leaned over, gently pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. The movement hurt, but he could hide it well enough. "How do you feel?" he asks her, still keeping his hand on the side of her face, subconsciously stroking her hair or gently rubbing some of the dirt off her cheek and forehead. He was over joyed to have her with him again.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha laughed but ended up coughing instead "Ugh...not 100%..but I could still kick some ass..." Elgor chuckled and shook his head. Than her sided "Sasha..I need to see your eyes." Sasha turned her head in the opposite direction keeping them closed "Sasha..it's important"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Suji looked at her worried, and then to Elgor. "What exactly happened?" he asked. "Why do you need to see her eyes?" he asked
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor spoke while Sasha remained quite "The connections a beast rider makes with an animal unlocks part of their own animalistic nature...sometimes...It takes them over...completely they forget what it's like to be human....."

Sasha sighed in frustration and sat up, wincing in pain "Alright Alright...Suji....Im so sorry...." Sasha sighed and opened her eyes to show they sickly color they have become. She wanted to cry...wanted to cry and run far away.. She looked only at Elgor she couldn't bare to see Suji's face.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Was he supposed at first? Yes. But he was able to hide it and then get over it. He had seen strange before, and. Orbit she could have done or could do would scare him off. "Sasha look at me." he says quietly. "Please look at me." he begs.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Sasha sighed and turned her head to him. She sighed unsure of that to say. She knew she shouldn't have pushed herself so far but she needed the animals to reach Suji and she couldn't control the anger she felt for her tribe.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Jake looked at the boy worriedly and then turned to Miki. "Can you do something?" he asks her. He didn't understand how the boy, Leo, suddenly burst into flames.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Suji placed his hands on either side of her face, and then he moved so he could pull her into a hug. "I'm so sorry." was all he could say. Sorry she didn't feel like she could show him at first, sorry he wasn't there for her, sorry she had to go through what she did.

Aisha walked into the infirmary, trying, and for the most part succeeding, in keeping her anger and frustration in check. When she saw Suji and Sasha she went over to them. "I am sorry to interrupt but I thought you might like to know what is going on." She paused a moment and then continued. "The Unami attacked Jianite, but the Jianite were ready for them. When they clashed, the first day, over a thousand soldiers and warriors were lost. They're still fighting. When the two of you are well enough, we well have things to discuss." she says and then she leaves again, going back to her home where Miki and Jake were.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor was wearing a small smirk on his face "You're not normal....are you Suji...You're different too...aren't you?" Sasha was a little shocked and angry and Elgor's accusation, but Sasha couldn't help but look and Suji curiously. She never let go of him though.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Suji could only smile sadly. "Why accuse someone, or be afraid of them for something they cannot control when it would simply make you a hypocrite." he answered. "I may be different...." he paused, not sure how to say it " But I just...understand that having someone fear you for no reason than that they don't understand it is an uncomfortable and lonely place to be." he answered. Elgor seemed wise, and in someways that made Suji wary of him, and only because he was not used to people seeing through to him so easily.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Miki nods at jake and quickly holds out her hand. water appears over leo and douses the flames.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Elgor sighed and looked at both of them "I want both of you to know....never...never think of your abilities as punishment...or that life would be better if you didn't have them. You were both bestowed gifts because you were deemed worthy of the ability to control them and make a difference."

Sasha smiled sadly at Suji. She had no idea Suji was different like she was.

Elgor chuckled then "I think I will leave you too alone now..." He walked to the door and then stopped "You're so much like your mother Sasha, you don't even know" Sasha could sense there was something he was not telling her "Keep him close Sasha...He is good for you in more than one way...." Elgor was half way out the door and Suji had to hold Sasha down from jumping up to go after him because of what he said next. "More like her than you know Sasha...your mother...Hiyasha...She fell in love with the enemy too" and Elgor was gone.

"Elgor!" Sasha yelled after him but she sighed knowing it would do nothing She looked at Suji and felt tears running down her face "I missed you...so much..."