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posted by Renegade1765
With Pokemon Sun and Moon being announced,and even showed us the trailer with the starters,the mascot legendaries,that region,the characters,etc;everyone has had their hopes of what they want in the game.Not since the announcement of Pokemon X and Y have I seen so many people hyped,and I'd be lying if I wasn't one of them.We all have our hopes and wants that we want it to happen in a Pokemon game,eventually.Sometimes there are ideas that I can get behind with,while there are ideas that I find...questionable,to say the least.
Generation 6 for instance,was the most feature-heavy generation in the series: character customization,super training,Pokemon-Amie,contests,Mega Evolutions,new type combinations,a new types,new Pokemon,better graphics,etc;and yet to me,the games felt...empty,I was left wanting more.Generation 6 as a whole might be the most innovative generation yet,but it felt soulless.They felt like a vase with lots of gorgeous artwork paint it on it,but nothing inside.There's a lack of content in Generation 6,in spite of all its endless features,and it took me a while to sort out why it feels that way.
Now that Generation 6 coming to a close, (I really wanted a Pokemon Z,though.) the flaws that pervaded X and Y and ORAS make it clear that Game Freaks design ethos has changed,as well as their target demographic.Their goals aren't to please long-time fãs of the series,but instead to cater to the younger,smartphone generation...and I understand why.Though age ranges vary from players around the world,their biggest and most loyal audience always has been the very young children in Japan,and kids today have a lot mais vying for their attention then we did.With smartphones,and the Internet,and hours of content,always just a click away,kids just don't have the same patience for long;sprawling RPG's.If you try to throw a puzzle at them that stumps them,they'll just do something else and never touch your game again.And so Game Freak has decided to design their games to meet their needs,a lot of companies have.And easier games so players won't get stumped means no trainer can have mais than 3 Pokemon,and will throw in faster leveling for good measure.Kids get lost if you don't hold their hands through the game,and if they're lost,they're gone for good.So they design the game to be as linear as possible.
Now something different doesn't mean bad necessarily.These games are not made for a player like me in mind,so of course I'll be against these changes,but that doesn't mean they're new audience won't.Maybe this philosophy is paying off,but it does have some serious drawbacks as an RPG.
Pokemon to me,has always had something to offer that no other RPG could.It invites you into this fantastic world and allows you to form bonds with your Pokemon,your in-game-friends,as well as allowing you to understand and explore this world.So por sucking out what made it so special in the first place,it just means you're just sacrificing your artistic integrities so you can appeal to the broadest audience possible and just get mais money as a result.
I think that was enough rambling.I just wanted a proper introduction before I list off what I want in Sun and Moon,especially since X and Y were such disappointments.
Some heads-up first:
1.This is all opinion based.If you disagree with me,more power to you! I'm an advocate of free speech,and having a different opinion doesn't mean I won't respect your opinion,or you as a person.
2.I had a a lot of things going on in my mind,so this artigo is going to be kind of messy.
Let's begin:

1.More interesting story and characters.
Pokemon has always been a character-heavy series,both human and Pokemon wise.Gym Leaders for instance,have a very short amount of time to develop their characters,especially since they only have 4-5 sentences of dialogue.
Generation 5 was the best one in terms story and characters because of its theme of truth vs ideals,the conflict between which is reality and what we believe is reality.
Unlike most games in the series,Black and White had a plot and characters compelling enough to make me want to know what would happen.They’re the only pokémon games where I can seriously say I loved the plot twists.
And while there’s something to be said for good old Team Rocket,Black and White’s Team Plasma is probably my favorito pokémon villain team.It has depths and shades of gray beyond any of the others,as well as some of the best characters.
But that's not all.If they're going to make a good story with great characters,the best way to do it is to focus around the themes of Sun and Moon's story,and the mythology of the region.
What I want are characters and a story to get me engaged.While I amor playing Pokemon for fun,the story is always the one I'm looking progressivo, para a frente in a game,and Pokemon is no exception.
When I play game,I play it not just to escape and have fun,but to experience a good story while also taking part in it and know the world and the characters,basically making you a part of that story.

2.Larger amounts of original Pokemon.
One of the many problems I had with X and Y is that,when it was first released it showed to have only 71 new Pokemon (74 if you count Diancie,Hoopa and Volcanion.). My reaction was "Really,that's all of them?! No,there's got to be more."
I actually started to notice a pattern:
Generation 1 had 151 Pokemon;
Generation 2 had 100 Pokemon;
Generation 3 had 135 Pokemon;
Generation 4 had 107 Pokemon;
Generation 5 had 156 Pokemon;
And generation 6 had 74 Pokemon.
The odd numbered generations are the ones with the most Pokemon and the even numbered generations are the ones with the fewest amount of Pokemon.
With this theory,we can assume because this is the seventh generation,then this will have a large amount of Pokemon,probably a similar amount to Generation 1,3,5.
Like I said,one of my numerous problems with Generation 6 is the small amount of new Pokemon introduced.While I really liked most of the new Pokemon that they introduced,it felt like instead of introducing mais Pokemon and giving it mais of an identity,they introduced a small amount because they wanted to win old fãs back with Mega Evolutions and a big amount of older Pokemon.It didn't feel like it took any chances like the anterior generations.
What I want for Sun and Moon is a large amount of Pokemon to give the games an identity.Because Alola is a tropical region,I assume there will be Pokemon who are based on things/animals in tropical areas,like;dolphins,fruit,pineapples,birds,etc.
Though I would like to see older Pokemon as well,especially Hoenn Pokemon because this new region will be tropical.
I would also like a roaster of awesome,interesting or cute Pokemon.

3.An interesting region.
While the Hoenn region was a tropical region,it felt mais like a tropical island in Japão than a tropical island like Hawaii.
Since this new region,the "Alola" region will obviously be based on Hawaii,I'd expect it the region to feel like the Hawaii of the Pokemon World.
Regions like Unova and Kalos are obviously based on New York and France.
The references to New York in Unova are anything but subtle,to having large cities and bridges,to the Pokemon representing the culture of America,to the characters reflecting the American style and living conditions,to the Pokedex being based on an iPad,to the underground train stations,to the Sports stadiums and the theme park in Nimbasa City,it's in your face.
The same can be said for the French references in Kalos,from Lumiose City,to Parfum Palace,to the Pokemon League being a giant,detailed palace,to Professor Sycamore having a suave and french attitude,to the region's champion being a supermodel and actress,to the region being shaped like a star,to the Pokemon representing french and European culture.Much like with Unova,it's hard to miss.
So much like these two regions,I want the Alola region to be engrossed in the Hawaiian feel,but also make an interesting and fun region.
And from the looks of the most recent trailer,the Alola region will be composed of 4 islands,much like the Hawaii it is based off of.While I'm not entirely sure that they're taking from Hawaii's geography directly,my guess is,at the very least,these 4 giant islands are inspired by:The Big Island,Maui,O'ahu and Kaua'i.
The trailer footage,as well as the small clips uploaded por Game Freak,show a lot of ares for dynamic camera angles,and I'm really excited for that.Hawaii's islands are all about different spectacular views and that looks like a major theme that they're really trying to push here.
Basically,I just want a fun region to be engrossed in and explore.

4.New mechanics.
With every Pokemon game,there are new mechanics introduced that are meant to make the games mais interesting,fun and easy.Sometimes they help change,or add to the battle rules to give each opponent a chance to fight fair and square,while other times they mess it up.
While I amor the concept Mega Evolutions,because they allow old or lesser loved Pokemon to shine through and show what they got.On the other hand,they rendered the games unfair because some of these Mega Evolutions like Mega Kanghaskan,Mega Charizard X and Y,Mega Mewtwo X and Y, and of course,Mega Rayquaza are broken beyond belief.Yeah,I know because they're holding a Mega Stone then they can't use Held Items,but even without Held Items they're broken.
But there are new mechanics that don't have much to do with battling.Pokemon Amie for instance is a cute feature that allows us to pet our Pokemon companions,even helping them raise their happiness.I just amor how big and powerful creatures like Arceus,Rayquaza,Mewtwo can be petted like they're house animals.
And I'm sorry if I cause controversy with this,but I have an idea for Sun and Moon that you may or may not agree with: Pokemon Fusion.
If generation 6 could introduce the concept of fully-evolved Pokemon,evolving even further,then why not add the concept of Pokemon fusing together.
In Black 2 and White 2 introduced the DNA Splicers,along with Kyurem fusing together with Reshiram and Zekrom,why not implement a similar concept of Pokemon fusion in Sun and Moon?
There have been TONS of arte dos fãs about Pokemon Fusions and they all look very creative and awesome,so the creativity and possibility is there.
Speaking of mechanics,the new Pokedex design has been revealed,and it's an actual Pokemon! A specially combined Rotom and Pokedex make up this generations new Pokedex.And from the looks of,it looks like it can talk as well.

5.The return of characters from anterior games.
As you know,the main Pokemon games are connected and are taking place in the same world,and seeing characters reappear in Johto and Sinnoh is a fine example of that connected world.So it would be great of older characters would return in Sun and Moon,so they can continue their story arcs and grow as characters.
Black 2 and White 2 are a good example,as it brought back characters from not just the first Black and White,but also characters from older Pokemon games.It showed how Cheren and Bianca have grown from your rivals,to Brycen returning as an actor,to Iris becoming the Pokemon League Campion,to N becoming the link between Pokemon and humans,etc.
Yeah,I'm weary weather or not they will bring back older characters if they don't want to confuse the new,younger audience,but there are ways of bringing these characters into the story and not needing to know anything about where they come from.

6.Good side activities.
Now,sometimes as a trainer you need a brake from just battling all the time,and having good side activities is a good way to get that brake.
Having the Pokemon contests from Hoenn and Sinnoh was a great feature,and if that could return in Sun and Moon,that would be great.And with Pokemon contests,the value of berries will increase as well,because berries will have mais uses than just a simple healing item,and collecting and planting berries in end of itself is a good side activity while you explore the region.
Now if Pokemon Contests will return,I want it to be like in the anime,where Pokemon moves have these different but colorful animations,so the Pokemon contests could be a great addition to Pokemon Sun and Moon.

7.A good rival.
When it comes to the Pokemon games,you always have 1-2 rivals who are meant to test your skill.Either por choosing the starter that has the advantage,or por helping you throughout the story.
In my opinion,the best rivals introduced in the Pokemon games are Blue,Silver,Branden,Cheren and Bianca.
What I want in a good rival is someone who could challenge you but also have a character and story of their own to make them stand out and grow as people.
From the most recent trailers,I can assume that your rival is going to be the boy Hau or the girl Lillie.They seem like interesting characters,but we'll have to wait for Sun and Moon to find out their secrets.

8.A rich lore and mythology.
The Pokemon world is an amazing place,but it's the mythologies and legends that make so fascinating.
From the trailers,the fact that the region is based on Hawaii and the legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala,I'd suspect there's going to be a theme of cosmology,but also nature.
One other possibility could be the origin of Pokemon filmes and how come Pokemon are able to do them.On the official Pokemon Sun and Moon website,it is stated that Professor Kukui is passionate about his research into pokémon moves and has sometimes taken direct hits from pokémon when there was something to be learned from it.
Since all of the anterior generations' professors have reflected the themes of their regions and the games they belong to,we can assume that,because Kukui's profession are Pokemon moves,maybe the games' theme is going to be the origin of Pokemon moves.
My best friend said it's weird that the legendary to represent the sun is a lion.But I think it makes perfect sense.
I believe they chose the lion because lions are described as the king of beasts,and their mane could be considered a crown.In ancient times,people believed the sun to be a God that ruled over them,so to represent the might of the sun,they chose a lion,the mightiest creature of them all.
I was honestly surprise that a Pokemon based on the sun is a Steel/Psychic-Type and is weak to fogo (Ironic,isn't it?),but I think this criticism is ludicrous.
The sun is actually made of iron.The elements that make up the sun bond together to make iron,releasing massive amounts of heat and energy as it does so.The sun will eventually be completely made out of iron and then die one of several ways depending on how big it is.
And as for Lunala,again,I think it makes sense.
They chose Lunala to be a bat because bats are creatures of the night,and because of their affiliation with vampirism and striking fear in the hearts of others.Also,its design kind of looks like a pendulum or a dream catcher,which are items used to be placed upon a cama to give sweet dreams and eliminate the bad ones.
It's elegant design could also represent of just how beautiful the night can be.
Other fãs have pointed out that the Pokemon based on the moon is 4x weak to Dark-Types.(Again,very ironic.)
I believe Lunala's Ghost/Psychic-Typing makes sense because of its ghostly,creepy but also elegant design.
Perhaps both legendary Pokemon sharing the Psychic-Typing will be some parts of the game's story,or (In my opinion at least.) it could be a proof of the game's theorized cosmic themes.(Also,I think these weaknesses are made out of a sense of irony.)
Having your world have its own lore and legends is one of the biggest steps if you want your world want to feel mais real,be all the mais believable.

I made this list because X and Y were such disappointments to me,that I don't want Sun and Moon to end up as bland and one-note as X and Y was.
Pokemon to me,has always had something that no other,similar game has,because it introduces you to these characters and this world and invites you to be a part of it.It want you to form bonds with your Pokemon,and feel connected to them as your friends.Of the many,many different types of Pokemon,each one has its unique skill sets that presents you with its own way to solve problems.Weather it's to catch and train new team members,how to beat tough trainers or how to solve puzzles that block your progress.
Pokemon is just as much about the story you create yourself with your Pokemon,as it is the story that envelops the world.And with so many changes made in the name of wider appeal,generation 6 lost sight of that.Without challenges to overcome with your Pokemon,you can't make memories with them as individuals.And you can't find unique ways to use your Pokemon's special skills to solve a problem if the game's afraid of giving you any obstacles.You lose your story as a trainer if the game trains your Pokemon for you and becomes increasingly linear and limited.
Bottom line,what I want for generation 7 is to improve the flaws of generation 6,to show that Pokemon hasn't lost it's soul.Because if they lose what made Pokemon games so special,then what is the point of playing these games to begin with? (Besides bragging rights.)
As always,smell ya' later!
 Seems like an awesome region.
Seems like an awesome region.
 I amor their designs!
I love their designs!
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
added by Portia0623
(I wrote this a long time atrás and decided to put it here. Okay? Okay.)

Pokemon is a game that is considered violent por many parents. There are many Pokemon battles throughout the the game, including Gym Battles, Elite Four battles, Champion battles, Trainer battles on routes where you can’t escape them (Of course there are some that you can escape, but many people enjoy battling them anyway), and, of course, wild Pokemon battles. But Pokemon doesn’t always have to be looked at as violent. Yes, Pokemon battles can be violent at times, but there’s a low chance that will actually affect...
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This is not PlayStation. Maylene has seen without her adhesive bandages at 24th second. Maylene's nose hit sharp line and she will go to pokémon Center. At the end of the video, Maylene has seen with her adhesive bandages.
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Source: Don't Know
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Source: Not made por me
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Source: artists of deviantart
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Source: http://pokemon-xy-news.tumblr.com/
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Source: not mine... 0_0